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03x08 - Twelve Days of Krampus

Posted: 12/15/13 13:12
by bunniefuu
[Indistinct chatter]


[Hand bell ringing]

Merry Christmas!

Donations, please!

Hey, you guys have a merry Christmas now.

Same to you too.

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, dude.

Let's go.

Merry Christmas!

Ah, ha, ha!



Merry Christmas, dude.



My little princess mp3 player.

Santa must've found your list, Quinn.

I'll take it.

I can get 50 bucks for it on eBay.

[Labored breathing]

What was that?

I didn't hear anything.

Aw, dude.

This is gonna be awesome.

A snow globe.

Aw, yeah.

[Gear winds]

[Up on the rooftop playing]

Who says Santa can't fly?

Ho, ho, ho.


You've been naughty.

What'd you do? Bust out of that snow globe?

[Growls softly]


Run! Run!




Ow! Ow!







Aah! What are you doing?


[Groaning and screaming]




[Groans] No!

[Crying] [Groaning]





Ow! Help me!

Somebody get me out of here!


What's going on? No, no!

No, help me!





English should suit everyone.


Where's Breslau?

Breslau is dead. He betrayed us.

We almost missed meeting Sean Renard because of it.

So you are the royal bastard.

Well, I am royal, and I can be a bastard.

I can be too.

We have been here longer than we should be.

Let's get this meeting going.

Good to meet someone who hates your family as much as I do.

It's good to meet someone who's not afraid to say that to my face.

I must get back before your cousin misses me.

Be careful.

I'll try.

Let's get started.

You gonna come by the shop today?

Don't think so.

I hope you don't need me or anything.

I mean, not that I don't want to be needed.

It's just, you know, I got a lot goin' on today.

Gotta get those jobs out before Christmas 'cause, you know, clock repairs need to be timely.

Is that a clock joke?

Just a very tiny one.

Sorry. I heard it secondhand.


I'm leaving before you can think of anymore.



[Knocks at door]

[Front door opens and closes]

Hurry, come in.

She didn't see you, did she?


Okay, good.

Where did you park?

Down the street, like you told me.

Okay, hurry up. We don't have a lot of time.

He cannot be trusted.

The king is his father.

Yes, and his mother is a hexenbiest.

It is more important than ever that we coordinate our efforts, and that includes Sean Renard.

His brother's assassination has put pressure on all of us.

That is not a bad thing.

We were not doing enough.

He should have been eliminated a long time ago.

Sometimes, when you cut off the head of the snake, two grow back.

Then you cut off both heads and gut the body.

Eric's death was necessary.

We would not be much of a resistance if we did not resist.

No. His reasons are personal.

He hated his brother.

If his brother had been allowed to succeed, the families would've seen us weak.

I do not trust him.

And I don't trust you.

Then we are nowhere, and we will be crushed.

This might be a good time for you to say something.

I can understand the reluctance that some of you feel.

However, my blood gives me access to people that we need.

I understand wesen in a way that many of you can't.

And I have a Grimm.

No one else brings all this to the table.

Now, there is no guarantee that that will be enough, but we must trust each other or there will be no stopping the royal families.

They will dominate the world again, and those of us who are still alive will be kneeling before them and begging for whatever crumbs they throw at our feet.

Well, we're no longer safe here.

The police just found three bodies of Verrat enforcers 50 Miles away at the scene of an accident.

I think it's time to go.

I'm not interested in kneeling before anyone or begging for crumbs.

Nor am I.

I believe you are who we need.

We cannot waste this opportunity.

There might not be another.

If any of you still disagree, let's deal with it now.

Then we are decided.

You and I are in this together.

The M.E. is on the way.

We've got one vic.

We matched these presents to a b-and-e on thurman about 9:30 last night.

So somebody steals a bunch of presents, brings them here to see what they got.

Maybe there was more than one of them?

They got into a fight?

Over this?

It's Christmas.

Brings out the worst in people.

Hey, Wu.

What's this?

I think it's coal.

Lump of coal and stolen presents in the same place?

Maybe it's not part of the crime scene.

I'll bag it just in case.

I found the body up here inside the car.

Appears to be a teenage boy.

You know who it is?

Not yet.

That jacket looks like it hasn't been here long.

Somebody wrote "QB" on the tag.

And no I.D.

Looks like blood on this.

Let's take a look at the body.

I'll go in.

He's got some marks on his face.

Might have a wallet in his back pocket.


Not so dead.

Victim's alive!

Get the paramedics down here fast.


Rosalee hasn't seen all this stuff?


She was away last year taking care of her aunt.

Kinda feel like you guys should be doing this together.

I mean, I understand the surprise and everything, but she's missing out on all the fun.

But this is our first official Christmas as a couple, you know?

There will be plenty of christmases for us to do this together, but you only get one chance to see it all for the first time, you know, to get the full impact before she sees it in the boxes 'cause if she just sees it like this, it's... it's kinda daunting, actually.

I mean, there's 42 boxes.

Kinda wish you hadn't told me that.

The only way I can explain his reaction is that he saw something that scared the hell out of him.

What about the scratches on his face?

Could've gotten those crawling into the car.

Well, could he have been hit by a stick?

I suppose so.

Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish my rounds.

You the cops that found my son?

Yes, Detective Griffin and Burkhardt.

You know what happened?

Yeah, we're still trying to piece that together.

Did he say anything to you?

If I tell you, you gonna arrest him?

'Cause I think you should.

Arrest him for what?

He stole those presents.

Look, Derek is no stranger to trouble, but this time, I...

He really got himself into it.

How old is Derek?


We'll turn this over to juvenile.

We think that he was att*cked.

Yeah, and we found a leather jacket at the scene, had a "QB" written on the inside.

Would that be Derek's?


No, he must've stole that too.

Or maybe it's Quinn's.

Kid Derek hung around with?

Another loser.

Do you know his last name?

Or where he lives?

Sorry, I don't.

We need to talk to your son.

All right, be my guest.

[EKG beeps steadily]

You remember us?

How you doin', Derek?

I'm okay, I guess.

Can you tell us what happened last night?

Somebody att*cked you, right?

You get into a fight with somebody?

Maybe with your friend Quinn?


But Quinn was there.

Where is he now?

I don't know.

Where did he go?

Did he just run off?



He took him.

He took him.

Can you describe who that was?


I can't.

Derek, if somebody took your friend Quinn, we need to know who.

What's Quinn's last name?

[Sighs nervously]

Please don't let him get me.

[EKG beeps faster]

Don't let him take me!

No, you're not taking me!

Please don't let him take me!

Don't let him take me. No, he's comin' in here to get... we're gonna need to see some I.D.

Well, what did I do?

Where were you last night?

Right here on this floor.

This is something I do this time of year.

I-I'm a plumber.

You know, Al's plumbing on fourth?

I'm Al.

Since when was spreading Christmas cheer a crime?

Maybe Derek stole from the wrong Santa.


All right, thanks.

Derek's dad was right. His son had some problems.

He's 17, already has a rap sheet.

Any luck finding Quinn?

I did.

Name is Quinn Baxter.

The "QB" in the jacket.

I could make that leap.

He's got the same juvie officer as Derek.

You got an address for Quinn?

Yes, I do.

Thank you, Santa.

Oh, you're welcome, sweetie.

Be good. There we go!

Hi, Santa.

Ho ho ho! Well, my my.

[Skateboard rolls]

Hey! Hey!

He... he stole my bag! Stop him!

Stop him! He stole my bag!

[Siren in distance]

[Approaching footsteps]

Oh hoo hoo!


Oh, you've been naughty.


No. No!





Stop! No, no!

He... help! Come on.


No! Unh!

No, no!

Stop! No, no!

[Screams] Hey!

What are you doin' over there?

Help! Help!

Do I need to call the cops?


No! No!

[Muffled shouts]

[Device beeps]


[Snorts, growls]

[Knocks at door]



Hank? That was fast.

They said we had to wait 24 hours.

What are you doing here?

Uh, well, Jerry is a good friend of mine.

Here, come in, come in.

He and his wife... well... well, she died.

Anyway, when he told me about Quinn, I-I came right over, and we called the police.

You gotta talk to him. He's worried sick.

Jerry! Jerry.

Nick and Hank are here. I mean, the... the police.

They're... they're here.

We've called everyone.

We've looked everywhere. Is Quinn here?

Quinn? Why would you look for Quinn at home?

If he was home, he wouldn't be missing, which is why we called.

Isn't that why you're here?

I just called. Thanks.

Jerry, Jerry, this is Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin.

They're detectives. I know them both really well.

Did you find my son?

No, sir.

We were hoping he was here.

I haven't seen him since yesterday.

He said he was gonna do some Christmas shopping.

That's the last I saw him.

That's why I called the police.

Isn't that why they're here?

Do you know a Derek Bryce?

Yeah, that's Quinn's friend.

I wish he wasn't. He's not a good kid.

I mean, he's pulled Quinn into some pretty bad situations.

What does this Derek kid have to do with Quinn missing?

We found Derek with some stolen goods, and we believe he was att*cked.

He's pretty scared. He's in the hospital now.

Well, what about Quinn?

We found a jacket at the scene with the initials "QB" inside.

Oh, my God. That's Quinn's.

Excuse me. Griffin.

Do you have a photo of your son?

Yeah, sure.


Here you go.

On our way.

Mind if we take this with us?

No, no, take it.

Nick, we got a call. We need to go.

Well, now, wait a minute. What about my son?

Sir, this may be related.

We'll let you know as soon as we get something.

It's gonna be okay. They'll find him.

What did we get?

Didn't want to say it in front of the dad.

Just got a report of an abduction.

Got an eyewitness.

What did they see?

Santa stuffing a kid into a bag.

[Car pulls up]

Show time.

[Silent night starts playing]

Hey! Merry Christmas.

Ha, ha! Well?

What do you think?

[Train whistle blows]

It's really...



Well, yeah.


Have you ever seen a 1935 Prewar Marklin set in this kind of mint condition?


And how about that sangerknaben?

I mean, can they sing or what?

It's nice.

And check this out.

Here, we have an original Frederick Fuchtner Nutcracker.

I mean, he created the first nutcracker in like 1870 or something.

And here is a 1928

German putz reindeer, sleigh, and Santa set.

Uh... oh, here's a little something you might be slightly more familiar with.

You like it.


You really like it.

I do.

I do.



Really? There's a "but?"


I, um...

I-I-I've never been much for the holiday stuff.


'Cause normally, people go kind of...

I mean, especially the kids.

I'm sorry, it's... it's really very...


Sad? What is going on?

It's nothing.

Rosalee, talk to me. What...

Christmas was a really big deal in my house growing up.

Maybe not this big a deal, but... anyway, my, um...


My Uncle Henry and my aunt Jeanette, they were my favorites.

They were loving, and funny, and full of life, and they always brought the best presents.

And the Christmas when I was seven, they were k*lled in a car accident.

They were coming to our house for Christmas Eve.

You never told me.

I should have.



I hate that I'm ruining your celebration.

It's really, really fantastic.

[Chatter on police radio]

Another lump of coal.

Nice calling card.

Apparently, a kid on a skateboard grabbed a woman's shopping bag at O'Bryant Square.

A guy ran after him, lost him at the corner.

But... Another guy came out of that stairwell heading for his car and saw a Santa...

Holding a kid by his leg and stuffing him into a sack.

This witness yelled at the Santa, who turned and looked at him.

According to him, it wasn't like any Santa he'd ever seen before.

You get a description?

Well, besides the red suit and the black boots, he looked like something out of, and I quote, "my worst drug-crazed, acid-induced flashback nightmare."



If you ask me, we're dealing with one sick Santa.

Victim was robbed here, kid skated down these steps, disappeared.

Ho, ho, ho.

And what about these Santas?

Anybody check them out yet?

Waiting for you.

Let's start with the cart.

Keep your eyes on the other kringles.


You vant a brat?


How about on the house?

How long have you been here?

All day.

Vendor's license.

Come on, guys, it's Christmas.


Take off the beard.

So where'd you do your time?

Guys, this isn't right.

I haven't done anything.

You sure about that?




[Grunts] Whoa!

Where are the kids?

I didn't do anything!

What did you do with the kids?

Oh! I told you.

I didn't do anything!


Why are they hurting Santa, mommy?

[Breathes deeply]


Cameras in room, watching you.

We must talk. Seitenstrafe Cafe.

Do not leave this note in your room.

Stay five minutes, change your clothes.

Smile, as if I wrote something charming.


Nick, get in here! You're gonna wanna see this.


This was the scene at O'Bryant Square last night.

Caught on video by some bystanders who got a little more holiday excitement than they bargained for.

Some are calling for an investigation of the police officers who roughed up this local Santa.

You arrested Santa?

We have two missing kids. Why aren't they mentioning them?

[Knocking on door]

They should be decking the halls, not Santa.

Hi! Hi, Juliette.


Uh, I mean, good morning.

Merry Christmas!

Uh, Nick!

Nick, did you find Quinn?

I heard you made an arrest.

You know, the Santa that you were beating up on TV?

That's the guy, right?

We don't know yet, bud.

Well, didn't you find anything?

All we found were two lumps of coal.

I gotta get to work. Yeah.

Soon as we know anything... I'll call you.

[Door closes]

Two lumps of coal.

Did he say "two lumps of coal"?

I think so. Why?


No, it... can't be.

Couldn't be!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! I gotta go.

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna give you crap about arresting Santa Claus in front of a bunch of children.

But I wouldn't expect anything under the tree this year.

Which leads me to the results I just got back on the lumps of coal we had analyzed.

According to the analysis, it comes from a mine south of Longyearbyen.

Capital city of the Svalbard Islands.

Where the hell is that?

Northernmost tip of the arctic.

Sometimes referred to as the north pole.

Merry Christmas.


Now what?

Now we talk to somebody who believes in Santa.

I feel horrible.

It's our first official Christmas as a couple, and I've ruined it.

You didn't ruin it.

I ruined it.

You should've seen his face.

Out of all the people Monroe could be with, he picks the one person who hates Christmas.

Everything out there is...

Red and green and...

I just... I just feel so blue.

I just want it all to be over.

Monroe loves this holiday.

He's so cute.

I don't know what to do.

I'm sorry, I didn't really wanna drag you into this, but I didn't know who else I could drag into it.

It's okay, I'm already dragged in.

I kinda helped him set it all up.

He called you for help?

That is a big job, let me just say.

[Laughing] Wow.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

This is really between you and Monroe, and I don't wanna get in the middle, but maybe you guys need to find a tradition that means something to both of you.

You mean I should bury the past?

No! No, I'm just thinking of what Nick and I did.

He didn't have much of a Christmas tradition, because he was always moving from place to place, so... He got stuck with mine, and we kinda figured out a way to make it ours.

I don't know.

Just... it's been so long since I celebrated.

The only thing I really...

Remember is beer and cigars.

Beer and cigars?

My aunt used to leave Santa a cigar and a beer, instead of milk and cookies.

But I'm afraid that's not much of a tradition.

[Knocking on door] Hey, guys.

What happened?

Juliette said you decorated the entire place.

Yeah. We did.


I really don't wanna talk about it.

Well, we got kind of an unusual...

I guess Christmas just means different things to different people.

Rosalee didn't like it?

It's not that she didn't like it, per se.

It's just Christmas is not a very happy time for her.

In fact, it's a dark, black hole of depression involving the death of her favorite aunt and Uncle.

Oh. Sorry.

What can I do?

Can't force her to like Christmas.

Anyway, what do you guys need?

Well, remember a couple of years ago, I came over here.

You said you liked to dress up as Santa, and I said, "a Blutbad as Santa?"

And you said you were no...

Gefrieren Geber. Yeah, why?

We've got two missing kids.

And one witness describes the kidnapper as dressing up as Santa with a terrifying mask.

Witness saw Santa stuff a kid in his bag and take off.

Could that be the gefrieren... Whatever?

Oh, God, no.

We've got nothing.

Sorry to bother you.

Oh, wait a minute.

There wasn't any coal left behind, was there?

In both places.

Does the gefrieren Geber do that?

Forget the gefrieren Geber, 'cause...

This could be...


I hope I'm wrong.

But if I'm not, you guys could be dealing with something really awful.

These kids that were taken, were they doing anything that could be described or discerned as "naughty"?

Well... Yeah.

Stole a bunch of presents, and we think one kid was att*cked by him.



Did he have any kind of lash marks on his face or body?

Yeah. How'd you know?

Oh, boy.

That's gotta be Krampus.

He carries a switch and he beats the kids mercilessly with it.


Actually, I'm not really sure.

Krampus is like Santa's evil twin.

He shows up before Christmas to punish the bad kids.

Here we go.

The word Krampus derives from German for "claw."

And on the days leading up to Christmas, Krampus grabs naughty kids, beats them with his switch, throws them in his sack, takes them deep into the woods and hangs them from the tallest tree.

Hangs them?

Yeah. Not to k*ll them.

He just hangs 'em till he's ready to eat them.

He eats the kids?

Yeah, pretty much.

But not until the Eve of the winter solstice, the 21st.

Which is today.

Which means tonight is the night he feasts.

And according to the stories, Krampus always disappears just after midnight on the winter solstice...

After all the children have been...


So if he eats these kids before midnight, we don't have a lot of time to stop him.

Finding a tree in Portland is like finding a needle in a thousand haystacks.

Didn't you say it was the tallest tree?

Not just the tallest tree, but the tallest tree in the tallest spot.


No! Let me go! Let me go!


Please, I'm hungry.

I'm really cold.

Why are you doing this? What do you want?

I know you're there, please!

I'm cold. I wanna go home, please!

I'm sorry.

Let me out!

I'm so cold!

The trees are taller in Forest Park.

Forest Park is 5,000 acres.

But that's not the tallest spot.

That's council crest. I think.

That's 45 acres, give or take.

What about Washington park?

It's right next to council crest, and it's got big trees too.

We don't have a lotta time.

We're just gonna have to pick one.


[Knocking on door]

Look, Bud...


I need to talk to you about...

Nick! Look, Jerry's going crazy.

I've been telling him that you're doing everything you could possibly do.

But something you said bothered me.

You said two lumps of coal.

And... Well, that can only mean one thing.

Both: Krampus.

Don't say that!

He's not real!

We think we know where he's taking the kids.

Oh, my God, you do believe he's real.

Kids? What do you mean kids?

There's more than just Quinn.

And Krampus always takes the kids to the tallest tree in the tallest spot.

Council crest?

Well, at least I think it is.

Let's do it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Do what? Do what?

Uh, hey, Krampus is not real, you guys.

Come on! He's not real!

You can't go after something that doesn't exist.

I mean, yeah. Sure, maybe when I was a kid...

I thought he was real. But... but... but...

I don't... but not now!

[Owl hooting]

You picking anything up?

I got nothing.

Except the smell of fear...

On bud.

Hey, I wanna save those kids just as much as the rest of you.

I'm just not entirely comfortable with the idea that we might encounter the most hideous beast nobody's ever seen.

Hold on.


Oh, God.


Hey, guys! Guys!

Some going up, some going down.

We're running out of time, guys.

It's getting late. All right, spread out.

Hey, guys, wait, wait.

Shouldn't we be spreading out closer together?


Help! Please!

Hey, wait a minute.


Help! I hear something.

This way.

Can anyone hear me?


Is someone down there? Hello?


Did you hear that?

Guys, I heard someone!

Oh, my God! It's... it's real!

We made it. They're still alive.

Please help us! Get us down!

[Growling in distance]

Help us! Please help!

Quinn! Quinn, are you up there?

Yeah. Yeah! I'm here. Get me down.

Get us all down!

Get the ropes!

All right, you're gonna be okay.

Let me go. Where are you taking me?

I said I was sorry.



Get me out of here! Get me out of here!

Oh, my God.


It's okay. It's okay, you're almost down.

Hang on.


Okay. You all right?


Come on.


We gotta help Nick.

Bud, stay with the kids.

Good idea.

All right, kids, everybody here?

You're all gonna be okay.


What is he?

That's Krampus.

You can see him? Yeah, sure wish I couldn't.

We can't take him in looking like this.

I think you're gonna have to holster your badge on this one, Nick.

We can't just k*ll him on the ground.

He kidnapped six kids.

And if we hadn't gotten there in time, they would've been Christmas dinner.

Well, maybe you should do it.

Uh, well...

You're the Grimm.

And it's not really a Blutbad thing to... mete out justice.

[Groaning groggily]

He's waking up.

We need to handle this.

If you try to take Krampus in, you'll have a hell of a time explaining it.

Come on, Nick.

This is what your ancestors did, okay, sometimes for the good of all of us.

We can't arrest him and we can't let him go.

This is not an innocent man, Nick.

He's wesen.

If you don't wanna do this, I will.

[Phone chimes twice]

Oh, sorry.

[Whispering] Midnight.

Where am I?

What's going on?


What are you doing? How did I get here?

Oh, no. It happened again.

It happened again! No!

I sort of black out, and then I can't remember anything.

It happens every December.

I don't know when it starts, but I always wake up on the 22nd.

Sometimes there's blood!

I don't know where it came from!

I just know that I always find myself in the woods and...

Dressed like this.

Well, you're a long way from salt lake city.

You still live there?

Yeah, for three years now.

How'd you get to Portland?

Portland? I...

I can't remember.

You working?

Yeah, I'm a freelance photographer.

I do weddings and family portrait... listen, I swear I didn't do anything.

I just sh**t pictures!

I didn't do anything. I'm innocent.

I'm innocent! I swear!

What kinda wesen are you?

What kinda what?



I'm sorry, I... I don't know what that is.

At midnight, he reverted from Krampus into a 42-year-old photographer from salt lake city...

Who had no recollection of what had happened over the last three weeks.

That could be why Krampus has never been caught.

How does he not know he's wesen?

Because if he's in an altered state of mind, he wouldn't.

My guess, this guy's only woged for these three weeks out of the year, kind of in a blackout.

And once he's Krampus, he can't come out of it until the winter solstice.

I mean, maybe it's triggered by the changing sunlight or something, like an extreme case of seasonal affective disorder.

You mean like when it gets dark, he gets darker.

Yeah, it's like a Jekyll and Hyde thing.

So what are we gonna do with him?

We're not gonna get a conviction.

Nobody can identify him.

Until next year.

Why don't we turn this one over to the wesen council?

Let them deal with it.

Works for me.

I'll talk to Rosalee.

[Silent night playing]

