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20x06 - The Top Ten Alien Disasters

Posted: 02/18/24 06:50
by bunniefuu
An ancient battle
fought with nuclear weapons.

A deadly virus
of otherworldly origins.

And biblical plagues
that some believe

were caused by
extraterrestrial technology.

Throughout history,
devastating disasters

have been associated
with celestial beings

and mysterious objects
in the sky.

Now, Ancient Aliens
is taking a look back

at ten of the biggest disasters
we've investigated.

Disasters that add
to the growing body of evidence

that Earth has been visited...

by extraterrestrials.

Disasters and devastating events

are unavoidable facts
of life on planet Earth.

But what's interesting

to ancient astronaut theorists
like me

is that every once in a while,

we find evidence
that a catastrophe

might be linked to
an extraterrestrial presence.

Like when
mysterious flying craft

were reported hovering
over the site

of a recent deadly incident.

Number ten on our countdown

of the top ten alien disasters:
The Fukushima Nuclear Accident.

March 11, 2011. Tohoku, Japan.

At 2:46 p.m.,
a massive earthquake

shakes the region
for nearly six minutes.

The energy released registers

making it the most
powerful earthquake

ever recorded in Japan.

The violent tremors
destroy buildings,

set fires, and k*ll
thousands of people.

It also triggers
a catastrophic tsunami.

In a matter of minutes,

slam into the coast and travel
more than six miles inland.

But the greatest impact

would be to a nearby
nuclear power plant.

One wave in particular
struck the Fukushima-Daiichi

power-generating plant,

and overwhelmed
the safety systems,

which caused the plant
to enter a critical phase

and release radioactive material

into the atmosphere
and into the water.

In a matter of hours,

rescue teams arrive

to prevent the plant's reactors
from melting down.

As the situation worsens,

authorities evacuate the region.

The only people who remain

are employees
who struggle for days

to prevent a larger catastrophe
from occurring.

But according to
eyewitnesses on the scene,

these workers were not alone.

There were UFO sightings

reported in some
significant numbers

in that area in the weeks
and the days

leading up to
the earthquake and tsunami.

And there were a number
of UFO sightings

reported in the immediate area,
uh, directly afterward.

At that time, it seemed
that there was going to be

this huge nuclear disaster

that would devastate
all of Japan

and the western hemisphere.

Is it possible
that extraterrestrials

did something to lessen
the impact of this disaster?

It would seem
that this nuclear meltdown

could have been
much, much worse.

This suggests the possibility

that extraterrestrials
were involved

in stabilizing that situation.

Because had that Fukushima
plant melted down,

it would have made a large swath
of Asia uninhabitable

for a very long time.

If extraterrestrials
really were there

at the Fukushima disaster,

they must have been there
on a rescue mission.

They were there to avert
a larger catastrophe.

The notion that UFOs
had a hand in protecting us

from the Fukushima disaster
is a truly wild idea.

But what makes it even more
incredible is the fact

that UFOs were also seen

during another nuclear meltdown.

And this time,
they were observed

alongside a mysterious
winged creature

who had glowing red eyes.

Number nine on our countdown:
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.

Pripyat, Ukraine. 1986.

This small city
is the home of Chernobyl,

one of the world's most
advanced nuclear power plants.

But on April 26, just after

During a routine safety test,

reactor number 4 suffers
a catastrophic meltdown.

Literally tons
of radioactive material

was released in the atmosphere

after a series
of thermal explosions

and a devastating fire.

More than 30 people
were k*lled very quickly

as a direct result
of the disaster.

Thousands more
have died or will die

due to
radiation-related cancers.

The absolute catastrophe at the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant

was the worst nuclear disaster
in the history of humanity.

According to official reports,

the nuclear meltdown
was caused by a combination

of human error
and mechanical failures.

But some former
residents of Pripyat

believe the disaster
had an otherworldly connection.

A number of witnesses reported

that there were UFOs hovering
around the power station.

And that even beams
of light were coming down

from these UFOs
and doing something

to the nuclear power plants.

But UFOs were not
the only strange phenomenon

seen in the area.

Residents also reported
a large, black creature

flying near the nuclear reactor.

It has become known as
the Blackbird of Chernobyl.

Some of the workers
at Chernobyl in the days

immediately preceding
the expl*si*n and following

reported seeing this mysterious,

bat-like, winged creature

with blazing red eyes.

It was regarded as this
otherworldly, monstrous figure

that struck them with terror.

Is it possible that
the Blackbird of Chernobyl

was an extraterrestrial being?

And if so,

what was it doing at the site
of this disaster?

Some suggest that this entity

was not attempting
to create devastation,

but, rather, to prevent it.

Now, the explosions
at Chernobyl,

those were thermal explosions.

They weren't nuclear explosions.

The thermal explosions
were devastating.

However, had it been
a nuclear expl*si*n,

what we now look at as,
uh, former Soviet Union

a-and much of Europe
wouldn't be on a map anymore.

And some have speculated
that the UFOs

that were seen
during the crisis,

after the crisis, may have
been, perhaps, protecting us.

Trying to stave off
a horrifying nuclear expl*si*n.

The Blackbird of Chernobyl
provides compelling evidence

that extraterrestrials
may be observing us

during devastating events.

And an even more
extraordinary example

occurred on the opposite side
of the globe

where witnesses
reported the presence

of a mysterious flying creature

during a disaster
in West Virginia.

Number eight on our countdown:
The Silver Bridge Collapse.

Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

December 15, 1967.

At 5:00 p.m.,

during bumper-to-bumper
rush hour traffic,

the historic Silver Bridge
suddenly collapses

into the freezing-cold
Ohio River.

It was the worst bridge disaster
in U.S. history.

Uh, 46 people died.

Everybody here in Point Pleasant

knew somebody on the bridge
or had a relative,

you know,
that was on the bridge,

and it changed the town
of Point Pleasant forever.

Investigators from the National
Transportation Safety Board

concluded that the bridge failed
due to a structural flaw

that had been present
since it was built in 1928.

But some witnesses believe

there was
an otherworldly connection.

There were people
that claimed to have seen

a large, winged creature,
six to seven foot tall,

gray in color
and two large red eyes

flying back and forth, you know,

across the river
before the bridge fell.

For residents of Point Pleasant,

the description
is instantly recognizable.

The creature had been terrifying
residents for months.

It's known as the Mothman.

From late 1966 to December 1967,

were what was called
the Mothman encounters.

And the Mothman was
a strange flying humanoid

that had these
red, burning eyes.

Some people felt that, you
know, since the bridge fell

right when the Mothman sightings
were taking place

that there may have been
some kind of a connection,

a harbinger of doom or whatever.

So, what is the connection
here between Mothman,

UFOs and the Silver Bridge?

The strange thing is
that after the collapse,

Mothman disappeared.

There were no further sightings.

Fortunately for us

the most devastating disasters
to hit this planet

happened long before
the time of humans.

For example, every grade school
student is taught

about the asteroid
that wiped out the dinosaurs.

However, for
ancient astronaut theorists,

it's possible that this
was not a natural disaster,

but one orchestrated
by extraterrestrials.

Number seven on our countdown

of the top ten alien disasters:
The Dinosaur Extinction.

The Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.

Here, just off the north coast
of this tropical paradise,

lies the enormous
Chicxulub crater.

It is a remnant
of a cataclysmic event

that forever changed our planet.

The Chicxulub crater is the
largest impact crater on Earth.

This crater is

It's absolutely ginormous.

And it represents
an event that occurred

at the end
of the Cretaceous period

that took out the dinosaurs

We think that the dinosaurs
were wiped out

perhaps within
a period of one year.

With all the debris
being shot into the space,

it blanketed the sunlight.

Temperatures plunged
as a consequence.

Therefore, vegetation died.

With the dying of vegetation,
the plant eaters died.

And when the plant eaters died,

then the meat eaters would
also die as a consequence.

And so the whole food chain

as a consequence
of just one year's worth

of cataclysmic weather change.

According to
mainstream scientists,

the meteor impact
didn't just draw

the age of the dinosaurs
to a close,

but it marked a new dawn
for life on Earth.

The blast that k*lled
the dinosaurs

allowed mammals to thrive.

If the dinosaurs had been left

and remained on this earth,

we wouldn't be here now.

So, our very existence

has come about
through impact events.

The chance of Earth
being hit by an asteroid

like the one
that k*lled the dinosaurs

is extremely remote.

And for
ancient astronaut theorists,

this raises
an interesting possibility.

Was the meteor
that wiped out the dinosaurs

simply the result of chance,

an intergalactic accident,

or might it have been
a planned event?

In September 2022,
we shot up a probe

towards an asteroid,
crashed it into it,

in order to move
the trajectory of the asteroid.

in order to move
the trajectory of the asteroid.

If we can now
direct an asteroid,

then it's certainly possible

that highly advanced

could have had the technology

to direct an asteroid
towards Earth.

Were the dinosaurs k*lled off
by a cosmic "natural event,"

as mainstream scientists

Or might the dinosaurs have been
the target of extermination?

And if so, for what purpose?

Some ancient astronaut theorists

that extraterrestrials
may have wanted to clear a path

for the development of humanity.

Maybe it was made on purpose
by extraterrestrials,

simply because if the dinosaurs
would have survived,

they would have overtaken
the planet Earth.

According to mythology,
which is worldwide,

the gods created man
according to their image.

It was in
the extraterrestrials' plan

to create something
like themselves,

human-like being.

So, the dinosaurs
were not helpful in this game.

The possibility that aliens
sent an asteroid to Earth

millions of years ago
is truly mind-blowing.

But even more incredible
is that in Siberia,

the locals claim there is
otherworldly technology

embedded in the Earth,

which actually protects us

from the kind of impact events

that wiped out the dinosaurs.

And they say there is evidence

that it destroyed
an enormous meteor

hurtling towards our planet
as recently as the 20th century.

Number six on our list:
The Tunguska expl*si*n.

The taiga forest, Siberia,

On June 30,
a fireball was seen streaking

across the sky
over the Tunguska river.

Moments later,
there was a massive expl*si*n.

The blast flattened
more than 80 million trees

across 800 square miles
of forest.

Whatever happened
over the taiga that day,

it had the power of the most
powerful nuclear bombs.

It was one
of the greatest disasters

of the 20th century.

But it was in such
a faraway part of the world

that nobody really knew
what was going on.

Soviet scientists

took several years to actually
reach the crash site,

and look for what they thought
was a meteorite

that had come down
and exploded in Siberia.

But they could not find
a crater for this asteroid.

If the devastating
Tunguska expl*si*n

wasn't created by a meteorite
impact, what caused it?

Researcher Ivan Mackerle

has spent decades
studying the mythology

of the region's
native Yakut people.

Their legends describe
mysterious metallic cauldrons

that are hidden
in the taiga forest.

These pictures
illustrate what people claimed

the cauldrons had looked like.

The first picture shows
a cauldron upside down

with an open entrance

where even a man on his reindeer
can enter it.

The second one
shows another cauldron

with some side supports.

According to Yakut mythology,

the mysterious cauldrons
were placed in the forest

by celestial beings
in the distant past.

The cauldrons were said
to be a type of w*apon

that would send fireballs
into the sky.

The local people there say
it is some kind of alien

underground installation
that becomes active,

and comets or meteors

that had been entering
the Earth's atmosphere,

they are being shot down
by unknown technology.

And, in fact,
this may have been what caused

the Tunguska expl*si*n.

Might the mysterious
metallic cauldrons

and the legends
of the Yakut people

explain the expl*si*n
over Siberia in 1908?

Explorers continue
to search the taiga forest

for the so-called cauldrons
that the locals claim

to have seen
with their own eyes.

And ancient astronaut
theorists suspect

their discovery will present
undeniable proof

of extraterrestrial technology.

But they say that an even
more powerful technology

can be found in
the biblical account of Moses

and a powerful staff
that brought destruction

upon ancient Egypt.

When it comes to devastating disasters,

one of the most famous examples
can be found

in the pages of the Holy Bible.

But for ancient astronaut
theorists like me,

the descriptions sound
very much like

misunderstood technology.

At number five on our countdown

of the top ten alien disasters,
The Ten Plagues of Egypt.

Qantir, Egypt,

Many historians believe
that beneath these fields

lie the ancient ruins
of the lost city of Pi-Ramesses.

In the 13th century BC,
this was the capital of Egypt

and home to Pharaoh Ramesses II.

According to some theologians,
it was also the location

of a miraculous series of events
described in the Book of Exodus

known as the Ten Plagues
of Egypt.

We have the story of the Exodus,

which is the story of
the Hebrew people leaving Egypt.

And so Moses is going to
be the liberator.

He's chosen by God,

i.e. Yahweh, to go to pharaoh

and say "Let my people go."

According to
the biblical account,

the pharaoh refuses to
release the Hebrew slaves.

So God instructs Moses
to unleash a series of

ten increasingly devastating
plagues on the people of Egypt.

In the first plague,

Moses touches his staff
to the Nile river

and it becomes blood.

In the second plague,
Moses multiplies frogs.

In the third plague,

Moses brings about gnats
or, some think, lice.

Livestock were poisoned.

There were boils,

thunder and hail.

There was a darkness
across the land.

The land was
covered with locusts.

And, of course, the kicker is

the death of
the firstborn sons of Egypt.

So, for each of these plagues,

they begin to
increase in their severity.

And, finally, the pharaoh
needs to concede that,

you know,
this is the finger of God,

and beyond this,
we can't challenge him anymore.

According to
the biblical account,

Moses summoned the plagues
by using his staff.

Religious scholars contend
the staff held the power of God.

But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

it was a device
that came from another world.

Through this staff,
Moses was able to

perform these miracles.

Now, when I look at
something like that,

then what I am suggesting
is that perhaps

some type of
technology was used.

This is what the ancient
astronaut theory does.

We try to dispel

the misunderstandings
of our past

and suggest that what was
described in the Old Testament

was not God,

it was extraterrestrials

who had nuts-and-bolt technology

that our ancestors looked at

and thought, "Wow,

it must be something divine."

And, therefore, these plagues

were actually
technological in origin.

In 1992, archaeologists
in India uncovered

radioactive ash
that some believe

was caused by
a nuclear expl*si*n

thousands of years ago.

And according to
ancient Sanskrit texts,

it was the result of
a powerful w*apon

deployed by beings
who came from the stars.

At number four on our countdown:

The Ancient Nuclear w*r.

Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India.

Engineers working on
a housing development

discover a heavy layer of
radioactive ash under the soil.

Further examination reveals

the contamination
stretches across

a three-square-mile area
of the desert

that was once home to
an ancient civilization.

After cordoning off the area,

scientists unearthed a city

with completely
demolished buildings.

When they looked closer,

they found evidence of
an atomic blast

that happened 10,000 years ago.

Is it possible that
the radioactive ash was created

by a nuclear expl*si*n
in the distant past?

And if so,
what could have caused it?

Scientists are unable to

determine the cause of
the radiation.

But ancient astronaut
theorists believe

a clue can be found

in one of India's
oldest Sanskrit texts.

The Indian epics themselves

actually describe
what seem to be atomic wars.

The Ramayana, particularly,
is talking about

this terrific w*r that occurred.

In the Ramayana,

one of the major
ancient Sanskrit texts,

is a description of a battle
fought by the god Rama

against the Demon King.

To win the w*r,

Rama unleashes a powerful w*apon

to rain down destruction
from above.

It's called the Brahmastra.

And these Brahmastras

they devasted everything.

Everything was k*lled.

All life was destroyed
and nothing could grow

in that area for years.

It was exactly like

an atomic w*apon had been used.

Could the radioactive soil
discovered in the Thar Desert

have resulted from
an ancient nuclear expl*si*n?

And if so,
was the w*apon known as

the Brahmastra a description
of extraterrestrial technology?

For ancient astronaut theorists,

it's a distinct possibility.

Those texts are chock full
with extraterrestrials or

the so-called gods
having waged a w*r up in the sky

that our ancestors
actually witnessed.

When you combine
the physical evidence

and you combine that with
ancient written documents,

perhaps what we have here

are descriptions of
weapons of mass destruction.

In the 14th century,

humanity faced one of
the deadliest epidemics

in our history,
when a devastating disease

swept across the world.

But what might surprise you
is that these outbreaks

were often preceded by sightings

of mysterious
otherworldly beings.

Number three on our list

of the top ten alien disasters:
The Black Plague.

Messina, Sicily.

Italian sailors
returning from the Black Sea

develop dark, oozing boils,

and die soon after.

The disease spreads
rapidly throughout Europe

and is given the name
the Black Plague.

What you get with
the Black Plague

is a slow, lingering,
painful death.

And, uh, that's what...
is nasty.

And it completely
decimates populations.

In the Middle Ages,
the whole of civilization

had collapsed for a time period.

Within five years,
this previously unknown disease

had wiped out nearly
one-third of Europe,

the equivalent
in today's numbers

of more than 300 million dead.

And curiously,
outbreaks of the plague

were accompanied by sightings
of mysterious aerial phenomena.

What's interesting
about these accounts

is that they seem
to have originated

after something strange
was seen up in the sky.

For example,
they saw this shield

made out of bronze
and gleaming metal

that appears to be
floating in the sky,

and then it is also described
that this black dust

came off that particular object.

People saw strange bronze ships

spreading a mist
around the entire area,

and shortly after that,

people began to become
very sick and die.

During the Black Plague,

UFOs were seen sometimes.

There would be vapor trails
or something behind these UFOs.

Certain, uh, researchers

have speculated that,

like this so-called modern
phenomenon of chemtrails,

that something like
this was happening,

where UFOs are spreading,

really, viruses and bacteria

which will infect some people,

uh, and perhaps k*ll them,
while others survive

and they develop
a stronger immune system

and are ultimately a hardier
race, uh, because of that.

Bronze ships in the sky?

A mysterious mist
that made people sick?

What natural phenomenon could
explain these strange reports?

If you ask a historian today,

they would say that
they were hallucinating

because of the illness.

But how do you get
thousands of people

hallucinating the same thing?

In addition to the sightings
of ships in the sky

were accounts of
mysterious cloaked figures

spraying mist on the ground.

It was this report
that gave rise to rumors

of a black-hooded
messenger of death,

later known as the Grim Reaper.

In one case, the chronicle
recounts a group of men

mowing down wheat,
and their scythes

were making
a loud swishing sound

but not actually
cutting down the crops.

We can imagine that maybe what
was perceived in medieval times

as scythes making
a swishing sound

were perhaps some kind of wand

sh**ting some kind of
aerosol into the air

that was a pathogen
that made so many people sick.

There are eyewitness reports

of these black-clad creatures.

Now, to me, that is
highly fascinating because

it essentially depicts
what looks like people

in hazmat suits.

Now, is it possible
that what we have here

are extraterrestrials wearing
some type of protective suits?

These beings were tall,
with hoods over their head,

and they would have
some type of device

that looked like
a curved apparatus, a sickle,

which would spray
onto the wheat.

And shortly after that,
the Black Death occurred.

And people associated those
beings with the coming of death.

Maybe the Grim Reaper
could have been


One of the most popular accounts

of a devastating disaster,
was written

by the Greek philosopher Plato

more than 2,000 years ago.

According to the story,
an entire continent

was destroyed in a single night

of smoke and fire,

bringing an end
to a highly advanced

and potentially
extraterrestrial civilization.

Number two on our list
of alien disasters:

The Disappearance of Atlantis.

For over 2,000 years,
historians and explorers

have been fascinated by
the story of a great cataclysm

that destroyed
a long-lost civilization

known as Atlantis.

The first reference
of Atlantis that we have is

in Plato's dialogues
by Timaeus and Critias.

In the very end of Timaeus,
it talks about

this mythical place
called Atlantis

from where any and all
knowledge of the world came.

And so some people
have suggested

that the first civilization
on Earth

may have been Atlantean.


as described by Plato,

was a great civilization
that was

over 12,000 years ago.

Atlantis had
had concentric circles

that were ports and canals,

and they led to a central city,

and the Atlanteans
were said to have,

uh, great technology.

They had huge fleets of ships.

Atlantis was thought
to be the great civilization

of high culture
and technological achievement.

They had robotics
at a very advanced level.

The power of levitation,
which is how they built

their glorious cities.

They achieved things
that we still

are not able to do.

According to Plato,
the remarkable accomplishments

of Atlantis came
from an otherworldly connection.

According to legend,

Atlantis was founded
by the god Poseidon.

He fell in love
with a human woman named Cleito,

and that they had
five sets of twins.

And these twins went on to be

the founders of Atlantis.

So here we see really
a story of extraterrestrials,

perhaps, coming to Earth
at a very early date.

Plato said the Atlanteans

were the children of the gods.
They were, to use our term,

"hybrid beings,"
they were part-human, part-god.

And, perhaps, also
contributed to their ability

to develop advanced technologies
as Plato described.

But then that divine aspect
that they possessed

suddenly started to diminish.

And that's
when Atlantis was destroyed.

At some point, for reasons

that are not entirely clear,

the city disappeared.

And it was either destroyed
by a natural disaster, a flood,

or if we look
at the archaeological record,

maybe even the eruption

of Mount Thera, as well,

in the seventh century BCE.

But a disaster consumes

the city of Atlantis

and all of its natural wonders.

Was Atlantis destroyed
by a natural disaster?

Or did otherworldly beings

punish the greed of Atlanteans
by destroying it

in a cataclysm,

as the writings
of Plato suggest?

It's a question
that might never be answered.

But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

there could be an even
more profound explanation.

When Plato said

that Atlantis disappeared
in Timaeus and Critias,

the accepted idea
is that Atlantis,

at some point, sank.

Well, when
you read the original Plato,

Plato not once said
that Atlantis sank,

but he says
that Atlantis disappeared

in a night of fire,
smoke and trembling.

In my opinion,
Atlantis did exist,

but it was never an island

that sank or disappeared.

It was some type of a machine.

A type of movable island

that the ancient Greeks
referred to as Asteria.

Asteria means
"star that fell from the sky."

The Atlantis description
is very clear.

I mean, it's concentric
circles and it has this,

this bronze exterior.

So what if Atlantis was
a proverbial disk

that descended from the sky,
landed in the sea,

was able to float around,
and then lifted off again?

We're just moments away
from revealing

the number one alien disaster
on our list.

And it's some
of the best evidence yet

for the ancient
astronaut theory.

We've reached the
top spot on our list.

And if you're a fan
of Ancient Aliens,

I'm sure you guessed this one
right from the start.

It's a story from
the Hebrew Bible

that, as far as ancient
astronaut theorists

are concerned,
paints a clear picture

of extraterrestrial

At number one on our countdown

of alien disasters:
The Great Flood.

It is one
of the best-known stories

of the Bible, and variations

of this ancient tale
can be found in cultures

throughout the world.

It is written
that God sent a powerful storm

that rained
for 40 days and 40 nights.

The deluge created a great flood

that submerged
even the tallest mountains.

It lasted for 150 days

and destroyed all of humanity,

except for one man
and his family.

In the Bible,
God decided, because

the human race was so sinful and
wicked, to destroy everything.

And at last minute
relented enough

to inform Noah
that he has to build a boat

really fast and put

all the animals in it
and shut the doors.

Then, afterwards,
life could continue

when the waters went down.

There's a similar story
in India.

King Manu was warned by a fish

that there would be
a great flood.

The king built
a great boat and survived.

In an Aztec version,
a sacred couple

hide in a hollow tree
with a little corn

and somehow manage
to survive the deluge.

Other versions come
from Irish legend, Norse lore,

also from China.

This is
a terribly important motif.

The common denominator
in the flood myths

around the world
is that there was

an otherworldly being,

an extraterrestrial being,
who is providing knowledge

to certain humans
of what is to come.

This tells us
that there was definitely

an extraterrestrial connection.

Was the Great Flood caused
by extraterrestrial beings

as ancient astronaut theorists

And if so, why?

Perhaps clues can be found

within a set
of ancient documents

known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

These scrolls contain
the oldest versions

of the Bible ever discovered.

Among them were copies of a text
called the Book of Enoch,

which greatly expands
on the story of the Great Flood.

The Book of Enoch
is about these angels

who are described as "watchers."

And it was said
that 200 of their number

come down from heaven

and they took mortal wives

who begat offspring.

And these offspring

were of giant nature

and they were referred
to as the Nephilim.

And these Nephilim ran amok.

It was said
that they drank blood.

They caused battles and wars.

According to the Book of Enoch,

the Nephilim were guilty
of horrific crimes,

including slaughtering humans

and feasting on their flesh.

God ultimately decides

the Earth must be cleansed.

One of the differences
is that in the Book of Enoch

the flood washes away
the Nephilim,

as opposed
to the traditional flood story,

which washes away people

who have been
rebellious and sinful.

You've got to wonder,
what was really going on here?

Are extraterrestrials coming

and now breeding with humans,

which was somehow forbidden

and wrong,
but they did it anyway?

And so the other
extraterrestrials decided,

this is a big mistake.

Now we've got to destroy
all these people.

According to
the ancient astronaut theory,

the realm of the angels
was some type of a spaceship

that was, uh, orbiting the Earth

and the angels most certainly
were not angels.

The idea is
that the extraterrestrials,

in the end, are looking out
for our survival.

They're not interested
in k*lling us.

So this is why
some people were "saved."

For ancient astronaut
theorists like me,

the disasters featured
on our countdown

not only provide evidence
of an alien connection

but also suggest
extraterrestrials have played

a greater role in the history

of our planet
than ever imagined.

Perhaps as we continue to study
these devastating events,

from deadly plagues

to nuclear meltdowns

and asteroid impacts...

...the truth will
finally be revealed.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.