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06x06 - Tell No Tales 2

Posted: 02/17/24 21:01
by bunniefuu
[music playing]

Body's that of an
adult. Probably male.

Facial features,
completely obliterated.

My boyfriend went
missing seven years ago.

His name is Marcus Saul.

There was a break-in at
the toxicology lab last night.

Anything missing?

Recreational dr*gs apparently.

I was given it by Marcus.

The police need
to deal with this.

Go, go, go, go, go!

We found Karl's
prints all over the g*n.

Marcus was my best mate,
so why would I want to k*ll him?

I'm working on the investigation
about that body that was found.

I've heard people
saying it's a m*rder.

I think he was
looking for his parents

around the time he went missing.


You ought to watch
where you put that thing.

Harry, by the way.


Dennis' daughter.


[club music]

Get off.

It could be a student.

We've had dr*gs on the
campus before, so it's possible.

[music playing]

[theme music playing]

We'd get along a lot
faster and a lot better

if you'd stand
back out of the way.

Nathalie Morgan,

Third year student.

I want a full-length
frontal shot

and a close-up of the face.

I expect you'll be
taking some swabs.

Well, not only will
I be taking swabs,

I'll also be taking samples
of her head hair, her pubic,

and her body fluids.

At the appropriate time and in
accordance with established practice.

Let's do the facial swabs.

You take the head hair.

We'll take the clothes.

Someone keeping a list for me?

I am.

And I made a list of
everyone else who's here,

just in case you forget.

Perish the thought.

OK, let's turn the body over.

After we photograph the
back, we'll remove the clothing

and do the remaining swabs.

Her dad's on his way in.

I want to see my daughter.

I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan.

That's not possible.

Am I not making myself clear?

I want to see my daughter.

What are you doing to her?


If you just want to take
a seat for a few minutes,

and I'll get somebody
to speak to you, OK?

The dean's on
his way, Professor.

He's running a little late.

Thanks, Rosemary.

And Mr. Morgan's arrived.


I've managed to keep
him out of the mortuary.

It isn't easy.

Have you informed the police?


They're dealing with him.

How's Leo doing?

Starting on the autopsy.

Rectal temperature,

She's cooled quite a lot.

That's right.

Where was she last seen alive?

Haven't spoken
to many witnesses.

Still waiting for
them to sober up.

All right.

Let's get on with this.

I want to see my daughter.

Will somebody please
tell me what is going on?

Professor Ryan.

Mr. Morgan, I only just heard.

They won't let me
see my daughter.

What are they trying to hide?

They'll be taking care of her.

Please, I have to see her.


What's happened to my baby?

Come over here.

There's an old brown bruise
on the outside of the right thigh.

Usual photo.

Surface of the skin.

I suspect this is
where her head came

into contact with the ground.

There are no visible
signs of external injury.



Your apprentice
didn't stay long.


Any reason why not?

It's rather crowded in
here, don't you think?

Let's keep things under control.

I'll step up security
around the campus.

It's a bit late for that, no?

Better late than never, Sam.

Is everything all right, Harry?

That body Leo's working on.

Yeah, Nathalie Morgan.

She was found dead
in the early hours.


She was one of the students.

Did you know her?


Yeah, sort of vaguely.

In which case, I
want you to stay out

of the mortuary for now.

I don't want to give
anyone the opportunity

to criticize us, say
we're not being objective.

Yeah, all right.

Were you in the bar last night?


Yeah, I was.

You know if there's
anything I can do.

Yes, well, get a decent
pathologist on the job.

That novice is
mutilating my daughter.

Dr. Dalton is highly qualified
and very experienced.

I can assure you,
he will do all he

can to find out what happened.

I don't like him.

He's too flippant.

I want someone I can trust.

I don't care what it costs.

Dennis, I understand
what you're...

How can you understand?

You don't know what
I'm going through.

Nathalie was everything to me.

She had everything to live for.

Brilliant future.

If you ran this
university properly

and had decent security, none
of this would have happened.

We will do everything
we can to find out

what happened to Nathalie.

Not good enough, Patrick.

I don't trust you.

I don't trust anyone here.

You just cover your backsides.

I know your style.

Isn't that how you became dean?


Well, get your kit off, then.

Follow me.

Now there's an offer.

How'd you get on?

Looks to me like an accident.

Body smelled strongly of booze.

I suspect she tripped
and banged her head.

The oesophagus
was full of vomit.

And she'd inhaled some.

Well, let's hope it
only was alcohol.

Her father might just wear that.

Add dr*gs, and I
think you'll have a fit.

Well, from what I hear,
he'll have a barman charged.

Well, there is a
precedent in case law.

Just my luck to walk
into a case like this.

Where's Harry?

Scuttled out of the cutting
room like a frightened rabbit.

He was in the
students' bar last night

with Nathalie Morgan.

This gets better and better.

See you in a minute.

You know what I want?

Details of every
student on campus,

especially those
with convictions for

or connections with dr*gs.

The questionnaire, so
we can start interviewing

these drunken freeloaders.

Consider it done, boss.


Hello, Selena.

Long time no see.

He's not here, Tosh.

Actually, I prefer Mr. Ridely.

Hello, son.

Look, I've already told
you, Karl's not here.

Yeah, I know.

So what do you want?

I heard all about
that body being found.

I heard all about
your Karl going inside.

Something to do with
a handgun turning up.

That's got nothing to
do with you, or has it?

Bit confident, aren't we?

Here you are, son.

Want to take these
up to your bedroom?

Don't take them, Mark.

He doesn't eat sweets.

Oi, you leave him alone.

I hate lippy women.

And I hate surprises.

If you've got
anything else you're

going to spring on me and
my people, you tell me now.

Do you hear me?

Get your hands off me.

Mark, get upstairs now.

Let go of him!

What else you got here?

What else you going
to grass us up with?

That's none of your business.

Now, get out.

Get out, I said.

I underestimated you, Selena.

Learn a lesson from this.

Next time, just keep
your mouth shut.

Who did this to you?

I don't know.

Did you see what they look like?

Not really.

It all happened so quick.

You upset anyone
recently, Selena?



How's your little boy?

Did they hurt him?

I'd k*ll him if he hit Mark.


Whoever he was.

Selena, look at
the state of you.

If you know who's done this
to you, I might be able to help.

What, and risk getting
mashed up for the second time?

I don't think so.

You don't know who's
done this, don't you?

Is it something to do with Karl?

Mates of his maybe?

You look after yourself.

If you need me, give me a call.

Nurse, you can do me a favor.

I need you to
phone a friend, just

let her know what's happened.

Her name's Sam... Sam Ryan.

Want to get out
of the car, Tosh?


A serious incident
took place earlier today.

What incident?

What's it got to do with me?

A woman was severely beaten.

And I think you were
one of her attackers.

I must caution you...

Now, hold on, hold on.

That is total bollocks.

Who's been saying this?

Where were you earlier
today, around about 11:00?

- At work.
- Yeah?

Yeah. And now I'm
going to get a solicitor.

You can have a solicitor as
soon as we get to the station,

as I now intend to
arrest you on suspicion

of committing an offense
of grievous bodily harm.

All right, all right.

I ain't gonna do a runner.

And I want the name of this
time waster when we're done,

so I can press charges too.

You can prove he
did this, can't you?

I know you can.

It's not as simple as that.

You can get the
fingerprints from me.

Look, he held me
around the neck.

You can still see the marks.

Please, Professor,
don't tell me he's

going to get away with this.

It won't work.

Sweat and secretions
make it impossible.

But he almost k*lled me.

I mean, poor Mark.

He was petrified.

I don't want him to
go through that again.

He's already lost his dad.

He'll have us k*lled next time.

And I don't have
anywhere to go till then.

What exactly did he do to you?

He was, like, this close
to me, shouting at me.

I was so angry, I butted him.

And then he went for Mark.

He was so scared when
he got that blood on his shirt.

It was a nightmare.

Just give me a minute.

Would you take that off, please?

I told you, I wasn't there.

And I'm telling you,
and the law backs me up,

you don't have to
have been there.

Your solicitor, I
am sure, will fully

explain to you the ingredients
of the offense of conspiracy.


Benefits of the tape,

has entered the room
and handed me a note.

DC Carter is now
leaving the interview room.

I suppose that's more
good news for you.

Actually, I think it is.

At this time, it's my
intention to end this interview

whilst further inquiries
are being made.

And in particular
whilst awaiting

the forensic
examination of a blood

stained T-shirt of
Mark Thompson.

And I believe the
blood on that boy's shirt

is yours, Mr. Ridely.

Unless you care to
tell me any different.

You don't like me, do you?

I don't like anyone
who att*cks women.

And I will tell you
this for nothing.

Whilst you're out on bail,
you stay away from that family,

or you'll be back in here so fast
your feet won't touch the ground.

The police give me
family liaison officers.

They're not
forthcoming with details.

They say they can't confirm
whether or not she was r*ped.

Police officers.

I believe the
pathologist in question

may be hiding
details which impact

on the university's reputation.

Now, I don't care
about the university.

I'd happily dismantle
it piece by piece.

But for now, just
get me the truth.

The findings show
that as well as

three samples of saliva, three
semen samples were present.

She didn't hang about.

Two inside the body,
one on the dress.

A g*ng?

Two traces of semen
were effectively dead

by the time the body was found.

The third trace still had tails.

Recent sexual activity.

If she had sex with three
different men over a period of,

what, 48 hours,
that means that...

that she was a
very popular girl.


Unless these men in
question come forward,

I'm going to see it in
the screening program.

But I'd like a word
with your boy.

Harry Cunningham, you don't
know where I could find him do you?

Thanks for agreeing to see me.

No problem.

You were in the student bar the night
Nathalie Morgan died, weren't you?


Did she invite you?


Well... it wasn't
the real invitation.

It was more of an
open sort of thing.

I didn't really know her.

Knew of her.

Do you have a girlfriend?

Not at the moment, no.

Tell me about that night.

Uh, I had gone down to
the bar, arrived about 9:30.

Just for one drink, to unwind.

Nathalie and her friends
were already there, having uh...

I think a ball.

The bar was pretty busy.

Who else was there?

I've prepared a list for you.

Did you speak to Nathalie?


She was surrounded
by her usual g*ng,

and she was already quite merry.



She was a
gregarious, flirty girl.

Very popular.

I wouldn't say she was a
pushover or out of control or...

Could have had
any man she wanted.


Lots of admirers.

She'll be sadly missed.

Do you think she could have
been force-fed the dr*gs?

Surely it's your
job to prove that.

Some of the dr*gs
in question could

have gone missing from
your tox lab, couldn't they?

It's possible.

It's not just our lab.

We share it with
other departments.

Where'd you go
after you left the bar?

Back to the mortuary.

I'm on a case.

It's colon cancer, and I was
working on my case notes

most of the night.

Next thing I see the
post-mortem in progress,

so obviously I had to leave.

You got here on your own?

I arrived just as Dr. Dalton and
Professor Ryan were leaving.

I had a mortuary
technician assisting me.

I believe they can vouch for me.

Next, please.

Please tell me your name.

- How's it going?
- Samuel Harvey.

One suspect in custody.

Listen, can I have a
quick word with you?

Your age?

What's it about?

Do you know if they've
been taking samples from staff

as well as students?

Yes, they were.


Because this concerns
my career and my marriage.

What are you telling me, Peter?

That I loved her.

Preferably when she was
sober, but she was so full of life.

She was special.

Do you know what
could happen to you?

Do you know who her father is?


She called him
the control freak.

Get serious, Peter.

Can you put this
through quietly?

Mark me off your register.

You know I can't do that.


You're going to have to
give a sample of saliva.

If you refuse, I have
to let the police know.

That's just the way it is.


Warren Reid?

Who's asking?

Dennis Morgan.

Nathalie's father.

I understand the police
have interviewed you

about my daughter's death.

They're interviewing everyone.

I don't know exactly
what you've told them.

But if I find out
you were involved...

No, we'd split up.

I don't care.

If you were involved
and let my daughter die,

I guarantee while there's
a breath left in my body,

you won't have a
career, let alone a life.

She must have been
great fun to know.


Were you in a
relationship with her?

We were told you
were very close.

Well, she was just a friend.

No one took her that seriously,
except for that prat, Warren.

Did you have sex with Nathalie
Morgan the day she died?

What's difficult here?

Did you or did you not have sex
with Nathalie Morgan on the day

she died, Mr. O'Leary?

It was nothing.

What do you mean it was nothing?

Did you have sex with her?



Well, did she consent,
or did you force her?

Hey, before you answer,
I intend to caution you...

I'm telling you, you've
got the wrong man.

Nathalie Morgan had a
very high blood alcohol level.

Preliminary toxicology
results suggest

she consumed a
cocktail of dr*gs.

If that's right, that's
what tipped the balance.

She'd have taken anything.

She lived for a buzz.

How long have you known that?

It was in the grapevine.

Any idea what she took?

It'd help the toxicologists.

Not really.

She'd have taken a
pharmacy, given half a chance.

What's your involvement
in this, Harry?

They talk to me because
I look like a student.

But I'm not, and...

Well, their trust
in me is limited.

You may need to
betray that trust.

The police need to know.


You feeling better?

Yeah, I'm cool.

Is this a social visit?

Yeah, and no.

You know Marcus was in
this care home all his life.

I hope to see the care worker,
you know, find out anything

else I could about
his last few days.

I mean, if they'd seen him.

You should leave
it to the police.

But they haven't even
contacted the care home.

They won't tell me anything.

I'm not next of kin.

So I was wondering
if you'd mind.

No way.

Oh, please, Professor.

I need you to.

You'd know all the
right questions to ask.

Do you realize what
you're asking me to do?

On one condition.

Anything I get goes
straight to the police.

Do you know anything
about Marcus's parents?

Minimal information.

Well, anything helps.

It's only a name
on a birth certificate.

Kids in care have
access to their datas

whenever they want them.

Marcus was never interested.

Then one day he came
knocking and asked to see his file.

Did he see it?

He was 19 by then,
so I had to refer him on.

But I do know his father
said his mother didn't

want to be contacted.

He'd have got
counseling about that.

And then it'd have
made his decision

from there, whatever it was.

How did he handle the rejection?

Like any other human being.

But he got it all his life.

He was a nice kid.

But for some reason,
nobody took him.

Come in.

Thank you.

So you mean to say there are
hundreds of other Mary Janeses

running around out there.

I hope you don't mind
me coming around like this.

I realize it's a
sensitive matter.

I'm just trying
to help a friend.

Yeah, well, if I
can help you, I will.

Actually, I do remember him.

He looked totally lost.

He was holding a piece
of paper in his hand

and turning around in
circles on the street corner.

And then he made
his way to my door

and said he was
looking for his mum.

You don't forget that...

Someone asking you
if you're their mother.

I should have said yes.

It was years ago now.

Did you find her?

I bought her wine,
but she gave it away.

She didn't want
me around that night

since we'd been
together earlier in the day.

What did you do?

You know.

Tell me.

We had sex.

Of a kind.

Not full sex.

A bit hurried.

No... penetration?

It was mutual masturbation.

[clearing throat]

So, you were together
earlier in the day.

I think she was
avoiding you in the bar,

refusing a drink like that.

She liked to call the sh*ts
when we could and couldn't

see each other.

I watched her make
a show of dancing

with every other man in the room
till I couldn't take any more. I left.

- Where'd you go?
- Walking.

Couldn't drive.

Drunk too much.

I know how this sounds, but
we had something special that...

We knew there were rules,
but we're consenting adults.


One of you is dead.

Clogs your arteries.


So go on.

Well, the saliva on
Nathalie's face and neck

came from three
different people.

It's not unusual at a party.

What, a kiss is just a kiss?

You said she had a bruise?

That's right.

It's consistent with the
fall the police discovered

through their investigations.

Nothing indicating
physical abuse either.

What about Harry's suggestion?

What, the dr*gs thing?

The dean's been
asking questions.

On top of alcohol,
opiates, and marijuana,

a benzodiazepine was also
found in Nathalie Morgan's system.


A date r*pe drug.

Well, that's it's
unofficial use.

There are many different
types of diazepines.

They can last for
a good few hours

because all trace is gone.

It's readily available.

On campus?

It's likely.

Could she have been
deliberately drugged?

Chief Inspector, the girl
was a regular user of dr*gs.

How do you know that?

Well, that's what
the students say.

Not to me, they're not.


She has a date r*pe
drug in her system,

a drug which has been
withdrawn from the general market

in the last year.

So she was r*ped.

I found no injuries to show
that she'd been force-fed

the drug or assaulted.

Then why take it?

Well, young people take
dr*gs for fun, for recreation.

Well, it's a fact.

You have a reputation
to uphold, Dr. Dalton.

Obviously you don't want to
deal with the possibility there's

a drug problem on your campus.

[door closing]

Excuse me.

Mr. Morgan, can
you stop that, please?

What's going on, Rosemary?

Those files are confidential.

It's Mr. Morgan.

He's going through
Dr. Dalton's office.

Get security.

Mr. Morgan, what do
you think you're doing?

What have you got to hide?

I've got nothing to hide.

If you want to know
anything, we can talk.

Do you want to talk?

Where'd you get them?

Hey, Rose, a few of us
are going for a drink later.

Do you fancy it?

Not with you lot, no.

What's got into you?

Listen, Warren,
you have your uses.

Don't push your luck.


Will you excuse me?

The police should have put you in
touch with the family liaison officer.

They have.

They said they were
starting a screening program.

But they can't say why.

I wasn't born yesterday.

She was r*ped.

She looked as if
she was sleeping.

She looked perfect.

I'm not an idiot.


She was r*ped, wasn't she?

I'm afraid I'm not in a position

to discuss the investigation.

Why not?

The pathologist,
this Dalton man, yes?

Dr. Leo Dalton, yes.

I'd prefer if you took over.

I'm sure Professor Ryan
is overseeing the case.


It's not necessary for me
to oversee Dr. Dalton's work.

He's at the top of his field.

You tell me what
happened to her.

It's not my case, Mr. Morgan.

You people going to test
every man in the area?

Is this place so unsafe that
you don't know where to look?

Who is caring for Nathalie?

Ah, stupid question, really.

You k*lled her.

[door slamming]

Leo Dalton?


Mr. Morgan.

I hear what you've been
suggesting about my daughter.

That she consented
to multiple partners.

And dr*gs.

I want an explanation.

Who told you this?

Someone who's
doing their job properly.

She leaves the bar
and a busload of friends,

and 20 minutes later
she's found dead.

Are you telling me
that's not suspicious?

I'm sorry, but I can't
discuss this with you.

Sooner or later
you're going to have

to tell me what's going on.

Oh, absolutely.

You don't give a damn, do you?

And you, a dad.

How do you know that?

Sheffield, yes?

Your child's 11.

You've still got her.

I want my daughter
moved from this place.

I want her somewhere safe.

And I want a second opinion.

I'm sure that can
be arranged if we

go through the right channels.

I want her moved now.

It's mostly storage now.

The kids will
break in sometimes.

What was on this floor before?

Partly production, partly
admin, and a staff rest area.

Maybe the kid was up
here pilfering, trying to hide,

and made a bad choice.

If that's all you
need, Sergeant...

I won't be long, Mr. Kirk.

If I could take a look at the
personnel records now, please.

How many more times?

You cannot remove
your daughter's body.

The coroner hasn't
authorized the right to release...

I have a right to an
independent autopsy.

There's nothing you
can do to stop me now.

Get out of my way.

Mr. Morgan, you
know as well as I do,

there are rules
concerning autopsies

and the release of bodies.

If they're not
followed implicitly,

a prosecution may
be compromised.

Do I make myself clear?

If you tell me what
you're looking for,

I might be able to help.

Anything useful?


Actually, you can help.

Would you put these
up around the factory?

They might jog someone's memory.


Thank you.

Is that what I think it is?

My final report on
Nathalie Morgan,

completed in record time.

Her father is calling
for a second autopsy.

Well, that's his prerogative.

Combination of
dr*gs and alcohol,

evidence of a number
of recent sexual partners,

no sign of force.

Think I should resign now?

Why, because Dennis Morgan
has a problem with the truth?

Why do we do this, Sam?


The job.

I mean, it's not like we sat in
front of the school's careers advisor

and said, please, sir, I want

to be a forensic pathologist.

Actually, I did.

No shit?


You saddo.

You serious?


My father was
k*lled by a car b*mb.

He was in the RUC.

Bloody hell.

I saw it happen.

And for a long time
I felt responsible.

Why, for God's sake?

We had argued that morning.

And he was so angry with
me when he left the house,

he forgot to do the
usual security checks.

How old were you?

Oh, I see.

Signed on at med
school the next day.

Being there when it
happened, a witness,

I think it changed me.

Later, when I had to face
the exact details of his death,

it helped me.

And I felt it helped him.

I don't know.

I can't explain.

Well, different people are
born with different talents.

Why not one for death?

Why not one for knowing
when to change the subject

and buying me a coffee?

Can I see Miss Linden, please?

I mean, DS Linden.

So why are you here, Mrs. Cooke?

I just thought it
would be easier.


Than the telephone.

Is there something you'd
like to tell me, perhaps?

That boy you
found, he was alive.

What do you mean?

He was alive the last time
I saw him, at the factory.

And when exactly was that?

I can't remember it.

It was years ago.

He came demanding money.

Why? Did you know him?

He claimed he knew me.

But I'd never seen him.

I didn't know who he was.


Betty is short for
Elizabeth, is that right?

Mary Elizabeth.

It'll be easier if you tell
me the truth, Mrs. Cooke.

Look, I'm trying.

This isn't easy.

Maybe I can help you.

Marcus Saul was
your son, wasn't he?

Only your name
was Jones back then.

Mary Elizabeth Jones.

He was alive last
time I saw him.

She k*lled him.

LINDEN: We don't know that.

Ah, come on.

It's written all over her face.

Well, she's not capable.

Tiny little thing like that.

Don't you believe it.

You're too young to be soft.

Give me fingerprints, swabs, DNA,
anything I can pin her down with.

I don't know why
you have to do this.

It's just procedure, Mrs. Cooke.

Final update report
on Tosh Ridely.

His blood matches
the blood found

on Mark Thompson's T-shirt.

Another for me to nick
when I've got the time.

Do you think he may be
responsible for Marcus's death?

I doubt it very much.

I said no.

Get away from me!

Mrs. Cooke.

- Stop!
- Mrs. Cooke!

Get away!

[bell ringing]


Don't touch me.

Don't. Please.

- We're fine.
- Sure?

We're fine.


What is this about, Betty?

What's going on?


He r*ped me.

Who, Marcus?


His father.

I didn't want it.

But I didn't want
it cut out of me.

That's why I had to
give the boy away.

It brought it all back.

I know it's not the boy's
fault, but I couldn't even

look at him without being
reminded of that night.

Poor boy.

He didn't have much of a life.

He didn't have it easy,
but he was a hard worker.

He got himself together.

And he was talking
about having a family.

You say you met Marcus.

How do you think he ended
up dead at the factory?

I don't know.

Did you get into a
struggle with him?

I didn't mean to hurt him.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

I just wanted him to go
away, leave me alone.

But he wouldn't.

So what happened?

I pushed him.

But I didn't k*ll him.

And then?

I was afraid.

I rushed out.

Did you see him
leave the factory?


How do you think he ended
up down that shaft, Betty?

I don't know.

Did you inform the police?

Did your husband know
what happened that night?

He doesn't know
about any of this.

This all happened
a lifetime ago.

Betty, you do realize
what you're saying.

Well, she's admitted
to assaulting him.

Well, that'll do.

I want her arrested
on suspicion of m*rder.

Mr. Cooke.

Don't you lot have
a home to go to?

We're here to inform you
that your wife, Betty Cooke,

has been arrested.


That's nonsense.

Arrested for what?

Your wife has been arrested
on suspicion of causing

the death of Marcus Saul.

You're crazy.

Betty couldn't do
anything like that.

I'm afraid the information your
wife has supplied leads us...

It was me.

Not Betty, you bloody fools.


Mr. Cooke, I must caution you...

Yeah, yeah.

That night, I saw Betty run out.


Obviously in a state,

I didn't know what
was happening. [clang]

I heard a noise upstairs
and went up to have a look.

I thought it was probably
intruders, young kids trying

to break in again.

Who are you?

The young fellow was
there, got a cut to his lip.

None of your business.


Have you touched that woman?

What's it to you?

I said, have you
touched that woman?

I thought that Betty had
probably caught him breaking in

and he'd att*cked her.

And that made me angry...

Angry that he dared
to lay a finger on her.

I asked him to
leave, but he wouldn't.

He started getting all abusive.

That bitch.

Don't you call her a bitch.

Why not?

She is a bitch.

Calling Betty a bitch.

And that's when I lost me rag.

You look here.

Don't stick your
nose in something that

doesn't concern you,
old man. All right?

I threatened him.

But he wouldn't go.

He started getting all violent,
so I picked up a piece of pipe

and I whacked him.

I had to defend myself.

He fell on the floor.

I had a look at him.

He had stopped breathing.

I tried to do something
about it, but it was hopeless.

He was dead.

Same night, I
got rid of the body.

Sent it down the shaft.

Next day, I had it bricked up.

Betty knows nothing about this.

She doesn't even know
I was around that night.

We had only just
started seeing each other.

I wanted to surprise
her that evening,

take her out for dinner.

Do something special.

Over there. Sit down.

I'll see if I can find
a custody sergeant.

Do you know where
DCI Telford is?




Please, I need to speak to him.

I'm sorry, Joe.

I didn't do it.

I know you didn't, love.

I know.

Mind if I join you?


I was...

I was in the bar the night...

Oh, right.

Is what they're saying true?

I'm sorry.

I suppose you've got
to protect this place.

No, it's... it's just better
not to make assumptions.

I keep thinking
back to that night,

trying to remember
the last thing she said.

But I was so out of it.

You mustn't beat
yourself up about it.

She just never
knew when to stop.

That was the problem with Nat.

She'd take anything on offer.

I don't just mean men.

So why Warren?

Why string him along?

He obviously cared for her.

Poor Warren.

He was always hanging
around, hoping for a shag.

She never really
cared about anyone.

I mean, you saw
what she was like.

She thought she
was your best friend.

So why do you think she
stayed with him for so long?

I don't know.


Not the kind you're thinking.

Surely he's not that stupid.

Are we talking about
the same Warren?



Oh, no.

So the third semen
sample belonged to Warren.


He must have provided
her with one drug too many.

What a prat.

I think he was the
only person who

wasn't having sex with
her and the only one

who was actually
in love with her.

All we know for sure is
that he stole the dr*gs.

We don't know he k*lled her.

I would imagine the coroner
will return an open verdict.

Well, Morgan
won't leave it there.

He'll want someone to blame.

He'll go on forever.


Come in.

Sorry, am I disturbing anything?

No. What can I do for you?

Not another favor.

Are you here for Marcus?


We want to give
him a proper funeral.


Mark and I. Well, I'd
like him to be there.

Yeah, of course.

I don't know what I'm
going to tell him, though.

Well, don't worry
about that yet.

I'm sure you'll find
the right words.

I hope so.

This is for you.

What is it?

Betty Cooke's number.

She wanted you to have it.

No, I don't know.

Just keep it.

Think about it.

I bet you'll be glad to see
the back of my head, yeah?

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

I won't bug you anymore.

I promise.

It's just a bag of
bones in the end.

You have Mark.

He's proof Marcus existed.

I suppose that's all we
can ask for in the end,

to be remembered.

And to be remembered with love.

[theme music playing]