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06x03 - Kith and k*ll 1

Posted: 02/17/24 20:59
by bunniefuu
[glass breaking]




[theme music]

This way, Miss.


That's enough.

Those are the only details
I can give you at this stage.

Thank you very much.

That was the senior
investigations officer,


Professor Ryan.

Detective Superintendent
Tony Ashton.


You've met Dr. Dalton?


I'm the senior
investigating officer.

The actions inside.

How many dead?


Two more in the hospital.

One conscious, just.

What about the other survivor?

She is in a bad way.

Lisa Irons, if we're right.

What do we know?

Parents, children,
all the same family.

[machines beeping]

[beeping speeds up]

She was unconscious on
admitting after a recent head injury.

We've opened an ITU.

Pupils equal on arrival.

Watch your back!

Jamie Irons' jacket, Guv.

He left it here when the
paramedics wrapped him in a blanket.

This is Roy Pereira, my DI.

Who's at the hospital with them?

Family liaison would
have sent someone.

Fine. Good.

Make sure they don't
let him out of their sight.

I want to know
everything he says.

Your, um, flip-flops.

Is Jamie Irons a suspect?

I'll put it this way,
he's not dead.

- He's in bed two.
- PC Garwood?

- Oh, OK. Thanks.
- Uh, hello. I'm Nigel Sands.

He's back from
seeing the doctor.



I'm Constable Jean
Garwood, family liaison.

I'm here to keep you up to date.

My sister.


Lisa is still having
an operation.

What about the others?

The rest are gone,
Jamie. They're dead.

I'm sorry.

All of them?

I thought you knew.

I thought maybe this
lot could do something.

I'm sorry. It was too late.

Can you remember anything?

Who did this?

There was someone upstairs.

Did you get a
look at this person?

He shot me, didn't me? Took
a dive and knocked me head.

It was a he?

He, she, I don't
know. It was dark.

- No idea at all.
- But my dad gets a lot of grief.

- In what way?
- Oh, business grief. Other trucking firms.

I tell you what, talking to you,
there's not a thing in my head.

Lisa was found there.

That was under her head.

A pillow?

Any idea where it came from?

There's one like it upstairs.

I don't suppose her
position was photographed?


The paramedic skiffed
her off right away.

What are her injuries?

Obvious ones to the head.

Back of head?

Side. here.

OK, let's move on.

Old money, no taste.




These are where
the b*llet exited.

Seem to have
three points of entry.

And only two points of exit.

Got the g*n?

Um, we're looking.

I think this is g*nsh*t two.

That's the mum.

There's an entry wound here.

She's been shot
through the neck,

and the b*ll*ts exited
through the skull.

Close range?

I can see no sign of
burning or powder residue.

Either she uses a
very strong mouthwash

or she's been drinking.

You can forget the Listerine.

Dr. Dalton.

Do we have a name?


You seen her hand?

She was going
to light a cigarette.

This should keep toxicology
busy for a year or two.

She'd been lying on the bed.

Sleeping off a daytime
drinking session?

Pillows match the
one from downstairs.

Someone must have grabbed
it and put it under the girl's head.

Strange thing to do when
you've just att*cked them.

Is this the father?

Derek Irons.

Road hauler.

Where is his shoe?

We're looking for it.

Looks like a burglary.


Or it was made to look like one.

There's a broken pane over here.

Perhaps the k*ller
trashes the room,

gets disturbed,
pulls a g*n and bang.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

This one's been stabbed.

His clothes are torn, there's
evidence of dirt on the elbows.

Perhaps it was a fight?


He could have been
manhandled after his death.

OK, so if we're saying
he's been moved,

can we say where from?

Has anyone checked the garden?

He may not have
died in this room.


You OK?

Let me see that.

It's fine. It's fine.

Could you tape up his
clothes for samples, please?

Sam, we ought to do
something with this hand.

You're going to end
up becoming a suspect.

We've got a kit in the car, Guv.


Will do.

So somebody took the time to
put a pillow under Lisa's head.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

[cellphone ringing]

There's some blood here.

Someone must
have bumped into it.

Can we take a sample of that?



No, no. I'm not at the office.

I'm at a crime scene.

Yeah, could I call you back?

Everything OK?

All right.

I'll call you back.

Teresa, I don't know when.

Yeah, as soon as I can.



Wife and daughter
is still up north.

Governor's got the same
problem, only she's in Ireland.

You're going to need
a couple of stitches.

I'm the doctor.


Detective Superintendent.


I've just come out of the
RUC, me and 100 others.

I nearly didn't recognize you.

I recognized you.

You hold this, please.

Seems like a very long time.

It is.

It's 16 years.

Long enough for it to be OK?

Of course.

Why shouldn't it be?

Oh, what happened to you?

I'm just carry on as normal.

You want to get
that window fixed?

Did you come past her house?


I don't mind the bat.

Probably a release.

But the kids?

Have you seen the casualty?

I'm busy.

I can see.

Thank you, ma'am.

So give me the bad news.

When can we expect some answers?

Do you mean the post-mortems?

I don't know, Tony.

Make it fast, please?


Do you want a lift
back to the mortuary?

You know him then?


Well, that was a waste of time.

Someone who couldn't
tell the difference

between a skeleton and a sheep.

Is that the triple m*rder?

That's it.

When are we going to start?

That's a very confident we.

Is that all right?

I need experience
on g*n children.

There's five victims,
two of them are still alive,

for the time being.

One of the dead is
an 11-year-old girl.

How do you feel about that?


Leo, the police have just
recovered three b*ll*ts

at the scene, and I suspect
there's at least another one

still in the girl's body, which
we're going to want to find.

I'm going to need some help.

Oh, I forgot.


For me?

My goodness.

They're beautiful.

Somebody's very keen.

Actually, they
arrived in a police car.

I don't think we've
got a vase big enough.

You could always
use a mortuary bucket.

They found fresh tracks of what

looks like a couple of bikes up
to the hedge and trainer prints

coming across to the window.

So there was more
than one person?

It looks that way.

Although, if you're
going to commit m*rder,

I'd hardly think you'd do it
on your bike, Guv, do ya?

Quick getaway.

Don't take anything for granted.

What else can
these marks tell us?

Look like kids bikes.


A hospital spokesman said
that the two survivors had

suffered severe head injuries.

emergency surgery earlier today.

Her condition is
said to be critical.

The condition of her brother,

Our crime correspondence
reports that the brutal k*lling

of a family in the
prosperous London side

is sure to put great pressure on the
Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

What's the problem?

You are my problem.

Just be reasonable.

I am being...

Medical dispute.

Please get back in bed.

I'm all right.

You've had a nasty
head injury, Mr. Irons.

He needs to stay here.

Where are you
going anyway, Jamie?

It's my sister.

Lisa is in a coma. She
won't know you're there.

She will.

[machines beeping]


Come on, Lis.


Lis, come on.

Lisa, come on, wake up.

You can't do that.

Lisa, wake up.

Lisa, can't you see
I need you, please.

Why isn't she waking up?

She's a very sick girl.


Thank you.


Missing shoe?

Came off when he was dragged?

There's a strong
smell off this jacket.

What is that?

I know it.


I'm a smoker.

I'm still a smoker.

Or cheese?


Could it have gone off?

It's worth looking into.

Did Jamie say anything?

That's a problem.

We can't question
him, not formally.

Doctor says he's not fit.

Any evidence we got
would be thrown out of court.


Isn't that rather a good shot?

Dead centre like that.

Either he was lucky
or he was good.

Or shot from someone who
knew his way around g*ns.

[cellphone ringing]

Who is that?

It's him.

Who did the body search?

That should not still be there.


Who's calling?

Her best friend, Tonya.

There's a text
message too yesterday.

It's not very nice.

We're watching you.

- I'll find out who sent that.
- Now.

They made a fuss of Ilene.

She was the baby.

I was the only one
who looked out for Lisa.

Big brother, little sister,
that's natural I suppose.

He just put her down.

Shouldn't put a child down.

They need building up.

She didn't get any

My dad wouldn't
know how to spell it.

He called me Noddy.

I don't mind. I'm a
bloke. I can take it.

But he called Lisa
fish face on and on.

Fish face this, fish face that.

Undermines your
confidence, that.

You think you're nothing.

It's just there,
above the shops.

I want to see them.

Can you sort that?

Is Lisa in there?

Who wants to know?

Josh Palmer, from school.

Can I see her?

She's asleep, son.


I can't go back to my mates
without having seen her.

We're all really worried.

Come back tomorrow.

She might be better then.

Go on, son.

They stay on your
hard disc, you know?

Even when you deleted them.

You don't seem to put out, Mike.

Derek's dead.

Don't you presume
to tell me how I feel.

I wasn't paid this month.

Last I heard, Derek
wanted you off the payroll.

Oh, we had an argument.

You know what he's like.

If that's what he
did, he didn't mean it.

You were history.

That's what I heard.

No, no, he came
around the other night.

We made up.

I'm just the manager.

I need that money.

I can't remember
what it is you did for us.

Don't do this to me, Mike.

I've got to get Josh
through school and college.

Talk to Jamie.

I don't think he's
got a girlfriend.


I've got the trajectory of
the b*llet going downwards.


Mine goes up.

Want to look?

You know, she was probably
shot from the top of the stairs,

while Vanessa was
shot from below.

Yes, looking that way.

Our gunman changed his position.

There were two gunmen?

Nothing strange about
your entry wounds?


I've got three, all 9
millimeter, nothing strange.

Have you got a segment of
skin sticking out into the hole?

Let's see.

In there.

What does that tell us?

I've got the same thing.

So it's the same w*apon?

Could be.

Could also be an illegally
recommissioned w*apon.

A g*n that's been disabled
and brought back into use?


If a barrel's been
rebored carelessly,

you can get a
groove on the b*llet,

and that may show in the wound.

I thought you weren't
a g*nsh*t expert.

Done my homework.

So we're looking for a
recommissioned w*apon.

That's great.

Well done.

Guv, we've got something.

No, wait.

This is just conjecture.


Just a minute.

There's abrasions on his back.

He probably acquired
them after death

because there's
no sign of bruising.

These tiny pieces
of browny-grey grit

probably came from the
surface he's been hauled over.

My guess is it's
something like gravel.

What's on their front drive?

Dark asphalt.

Here, I'll give you a hand.


That's very kind of you.


So all that fat
shouldn't be there?

Not if you're healthy, no.

Fatty degeneration of the liver.

It goes with alcoholism.

The old man's a bastard,
she's a drunk, and that happens.

- 11, 7, 5.
- Right up.

[cellphone ringing]



Leo, think I've got something.

What is it?

b*llet number three.

We can now tell Morris
exactly what happened to Derek.

Go on.

The fatal injury
was a knife wound

about 10 to 15 centimeters
long directly through the heart.

There are two other knife
wounds on the back here.

It's possible that he was
stabbed twice and then

turned around and
received the fatal blow

from the front causing
massive internal bleeding.

So most of the
blood is still inside.

That's right.

I don't see any defense wounds,
but there are two scratches

about 20 millimeters apart
on the inside of his right arm.

What's that about?

I don't know yet.

Could be something the
assailant was carrying or wearing.

But these do tell us a story.

If you're dragged
by your feet, then you

expect abrasions
on the shoulders

where they touch the ground.

Similarly, if you're
dragged by your shoulders,

you expect abrasions on
buttocks and on the heels.

He has abrasions in
the small of his back.

Implying that there
were two people.

One at each end.

I want a reconstruction of
the house as soon as possible.

I could tidy up a bit for you.

I like it like this.

Don't get above myself.

Your mum kept a nice house.

The last time I saw it, it
was a mess, thanks to me.

Don't be too hard
on yourself, Jamie.

What could you
have done differently?

I could have gone in first.

I let Arlene run in.

Oh, I see.

You and Arlene were together.

My mum rang up in a panic.

She had to pick Arlene up
from a music lesson after school

and she'd...

She'd been asleep.

I had to get her instead.

We get to the house a bit late,
Arlene shouting, Mum, I'm back.

I'm all right.

She runs in happy as anything.

I hear one, maybe two cracks,
but I don't think that's a g*n.

As I go for the
door, there's another.

I just thought Arlene
had fallen over.

That's all you saw?

Just her falling on the landing.

I ran towards her.

She ain't getting up.

There's another bang right
in my ear, right then I knew.

sh**ting at you?

And you didn't see anyone?

I fell down, didn't I?

I smashed my head.

When I come around, there
were two kids in the hallway.

Did you see them?


Like shadows,
then they were gone.

I was in Belfast up until
a couple of weeks ago.

I'm still living
out of a suitcase.

You remember sneaking
away to Nol's place?

Oh, all those bloody stars.

Do you ever wish
you could go back?

How do you mean?

Ah, you know.

Too many dead
bodies, for both of us.

I never go back.

We should have a drink
some time, catch up.

Yeah, I'd like that.

Did you know you're the only
woman who ever dumped me?

I'd forgotten how much
I was in love with you.

I think your memory is
playing tricks with you.

In his toilet.

He's got stacks of
magazines like "Living Wild."

Survival stuff?

I think so.

Lots for ads for
g*ns and knives.

And he's asked
to see the bodies.

Well, that's good.

We'll see how he reacts.

Bring him over here in
say a couple of hours.


Who were you
talking to in there?

My governor.

What for?

You want to view
your family, don't you?


Yeah, I do.

Well, I was fixing it up.

What'd they say?

They say OK.


This afternoon. I told
you. I'm on your side.

Harry can go.

Harry can't.

Harry can go. I'm busy.

Something going
on with his wife.

She's rung three times today.

There's an old lady
been found dead.

Nothing suspicious, but
they want someone to go.

Are you drunk?

Not yet.

The school rang.

You weren't there this morning.

I went to see Lisa.

I only missed one lesson.

Stay away from that girl, Josh.

She's trouble.

She's my friend.

She needs me.

She'll let you down,
just like your dad did me.

No, she won't.

She's not like him.

Could no one tell
you to leave the body?

Her GPs been and
confirmed her dead.

Sorry. Are you...

Allison Vanessa, a care worker.

I was the one who found her.

I think she fell, but I
called the police just

to be on the safe side.

Fell where?

She was at the
foot of the stairs.

Doctors confirm that.

She's my mother-in-law.

You poor old thing.

I think the undertakers are
ready to remove the body.

Where are you taking her?

University Mortuary.

You worked with your
old man, didn't ya?

I did once.

How was that?

It was all right.

When was the last
time you saw him?

Spoke to him, a couple weeks.

What do you do now?

Jamie's Garden Supplies.


Jamie's Garden Supplies.

I'm the boss.

Doing well?

My business is blooming.

Very good.


Hello, I'm Professor
Ryan, the pathologist.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm just going to
check that we're ready.

Before you leave
today, I'd like a colleague

to take a look at
your head injury, OK?

My wife's going
to be devastated.

I'm sorry, Arlie.

What she got this thing in for?

She has an injury there.

Why's he get that fancy
one, and they don't?

Aren't they good enough?

I'm sorry, I don't know
how that happened.

It doesn't mean anything.

We'll be outside.


You all right?



Good trip?


The usual.

What is it, Andy?

There's something wrong.

It's your Mum.

Someone asked to
view Derek Irons' body.

Where's Harry?

He's working downstairs.

I could get Leo.


No, don't bother.

I've parked her in your office.

Thank you, Rosemary.

And I think she's been drinking.


Does she have a family?

The usual detailed history.

The body is that of
a thin, elderly lady.

There is a silver,
metal chain necklace,

from which hangs a silver cross.

Rigor is pronounced.

You stupid, stupid man.

What did you go
and leave me for?

What am I going to
do with my life now?

Obvious signs of osteoarthritis
with the crossing of the legs.

God knows why they didn't
give her a hip replacement.

You never see one this bad.

Found at the bottom of
the stairs lying on her back.

Fits with the hyperstasis.

There are a few small
bruises of varying ages.

Since she fell down the
stairs, I'd have expected more.

Or even some obvious fractures.

You think they got
the notes wrong?

Don't think so.

Hang on.


A slight mark on the neck here.

I'm not the sort of
doctor who treats people.

I don't need one either way.

I just want to look
at your injuries

to see how you got them.

Doesn't take an astrophysicist
to work that out, does it?

No... I only look.


Harry. Will you come
and look at something?

Not right now, no.

- I think you'd better.
- I'm busy.

I'm sorry.

I know you're busy, but
it's the Sara Borden case.

He's gathering evidence
on who did this to your family,

and if you don't let him,
quite honestly, Jamie,

the police are going
to take it the wrong way.

Probably got it
when they moved her.

Hm, I was just wondering how
she got up the stairs to fall down.

I think I will dissect the neck
in case there's something more.

- Open her up now?
- Yeah, please.

OK, Leo?



Scar on your arm there.

That's an old one.

I got in a fight
with the old man.

He did this to you?

I put my arm through a
pane of glass, didn't I?

It was out of the
window for him.

Martin, over here!

Well, the drivers on
this firm are experiencing

a fair bit of trouble.

Oh, yeah?

Why's that?

That was down in
Derek's business methods.

Go on.

He would target
other haulers, find out

who their clients were,
aggressively undercut them

and put them out of business.

Unfortunately, they tend
to take it out on our drivers.

I'd like a list of all employees,
please, names and addresses.

We need to interview them.


Frank, I want you to get
me a list of all the names

and addresses of the
drivers for Mr. Pereira.

Thanks very much.

Anything else?

Derek's obviously a bad
business man than his son, eh?

Not necessarily.

I've seen the son's
garden business.

It's a joke.

Derek opened a bigger
one down the road.

Highly competitive man, you see.

Here you go, sir.

Looking at this a second time,

I think there's a small
hairline fracture in the larynx.

Could be a post-mortem artifact.

What do you think?

You're the boss.

That's the bloody trouble.

There is a small fracture in
the larynx, consistent with...

Trouble is she's got all
this pathology on board.

Congestive cardiac failure,
chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease, shrunken
hypertensive type kidneys.

I'd look like a
pedantic idiot if I start...

Do you want me to
get Dr. Dalton back?


It's all right. Leo's right.

Cause of death is consistent
with a fall down stairs.

Oh, good.

Any luck?

Yep, I'm got him for you.

Tony, hi.

Thought I'd let you
know, a Nina Palmer

came to view Derek
Iron's body today,

claiming to be his lover
of 20 years standing.

You sure you're all right, Leo?

For dinner?

All right.

I'm still waiting for that
reconstruction of the Iron's house.

Well, what about
tomorrow morning?

It's a deal.

OK. See ya.

Leo, if you want to come around
to my flat tomorrow morning,

I'll give you a lift out there.



Apparently, this is what
you eat over here, isn't it?

- Sushi?
- Sometimes.

Happy birthday.

- You remembered?
- Of course.

It was yesterday.


Cheers anyway.


Old times.

Thanks for the
flowers, by the way.

I didn't expect to get thrown
into the middle of a triple,

maybe quadruple m*rder inquiry,

and I just wanted to
say thank you for the help

that you've given me.

I bet you didn't expect that I'd
end up in the place force, did you?

Not exactly.

You were very happy doing
odd jobs and having a good time,

and I was a serious med student.


Well, I don't blame
you for thinking

I wouldn't amount to anything.

I never thought that.

I enjoyed living with you.

Never done it before.

I was very grown up.

I wasn't.

Well, you are now.

I'm a bit of a
loner at the minute.


Am I going to get my
reconstruction tomorrow?

Sorry, Guv.

What is it?

We've traced the bikes back
to two kids at Arlene's school.

- Brothers.
- Has anybody spoken to them yet?

Not yet.

Any news on the
mobile that sent a text?

It belonged to the
father of Charlie Eaton.

Well, we're going to
need to talk to them.

But no one in the house...

But, we'll keep trying.


This isn't going
to work here, is it?

All right, I'll tell you what.

Let's move it somewhere else.

Yours or mine?


Ciao, Guv.


So Derek Irons, the
father, was fatally

stabbed three times, but
probably not in this house.


I came around this morning,
but you weren't there.

A lift, remember?

Leo, I'm really sorry.

OK, so let's assume
that Derek was k*lled

and brought here after death.

We know Vanessa
had left her bed.

What if she heard
something from up there

and then shouted downstairs.

Well, Jamie is telling us that
he gave Arlene a lift home.

She had a music
lesson after school.

So it might have been
quite dark by then?

If you believe him.

Perhaps, perhaps Vanessa,
and whoever's in the study

hears the car at the same time?



Derek, is that you, babe?



That fits with her
being shot from below.

Who the hell are you?

So that's our second victim.

Now what does the gunman do?

Runs up the stairs
to look for her.


Because it's dark.

He doesn't know what he's done.

He may need to fire again.


We sure we're looking
for one gunman, not two?

We're not sure about anything.

That's why we're here.

But we have recovered a
recommissioned 9 millimeter p*stol,

which we're pretty sure
was the g*n used to sh**t

both Arlene and Vanessa.

We know from the
trajectories of the b*ll*ts

through Arlene's body that
she was shot from slightly above.

It makes sense that
she was the third victim,

and that she was
shot from around here.



That just leaves Jaime and Lisa.

Jaime says he
followed Arlene in.

If you can believe him.

He's saying that he ran
up the stairs towards Arlene,

somebody shot at him from
here, he dived out of the way

and hit his head as he fell.

Can you walk up the
stairs for me, please?




Turn around now.

Well, whatever it is, he's either
a great shot or a lousy one.

I don't think he fell at all.
I think it was self-inflicted.

Are you ready?



Wasn't she wearing a cross?

We'll go for Christian then.

This can't have been
entirely unexpected.

To be honest, she'd
been ill for so long,

I began to think she
was indestructible.

Was she never offered
a hip replacement?

She was a Christian
Scientist, didn't believe

in medical intervention.

God would provide
or her daughter.

I kept telling her God helps
those that help themselves.

There's no point in restricting
your horizons to two rooms.

It's a waste of a life.

Two rooms? Could
she not get upstairs?

No. She lived in two rooms, and
one of those was a downstairs loo.

Was there any reason for
her to try to get upstairs?

Short of someone setting
fire to her carpet, no.


I'm just curious.

Do you want me
to go in with you?

No, I'd rather be alone.

Do you remember
anything at all, Lisa?

Don't worry.

Has Jamie been to see you?

He's making a good recovery.

He's starting to
remember things.

Do you remember
seeing him there?

How do you feel about Lisa?


We need to figure out how
you got that bump on your head,

so I'm going to send someone
nice to see you, all right?

Thank you.


I want armed protection put
on Lisa, now within the hour.

- Day and night, got it?
- Right you are, sir.

It's no use, I suppose
one of us has to do it.

I've remembered something.


The one who shot on me.

He kind of ran
back before he did it.

I couldn't see his face.


He had trainers.

Well, that's not going
to get us very far.

They stood out in the dark.


No. Are you listening?

Like silverish.

Well, that's good,
Jamie, anything else?


Because it was
dark, they stood out.

Silver trainers?

Do you know what?

Go and see if there's
any washing up

liquid in that bag in the hall.

No. there's nothing.

Well, I'm gonna nip
out and get some

or these plates
will start walking.

I won't be long, all right?

- Hi.
- Hi.

So what have you got?

obstructive airway disease,

congestive cardiac
failure, lousy kidneys,

horrendous osteoarthritis.

Ready to drop
dead at any moment.

Yeah. So let's say
she fell down stairs,

but not much evidence of that on
the body, and a bruise on the neck.


I thought she must have damaged it
in the fall, and Leo said it was nothing.

And was it?

When we went in, there was a
small hairline fracture of the larynx.

I missed it the first time.

I wasn't even sure
we hadn't done it.

So I told the police I didn't think
there was anything suspicious,

and now I have
spoken to the daughter.

I know I should have waited.


I know, but it just
seemed so likely

that she'd fallen downstairs,

but I didn't want
to contradict Leo.

I don't know why Leo
said it was nothing.

How could Leo say
what was nothing?

The daughter says there's no way

she could have got upstairs
in the first place to fall down.

So you're now saying
it is a suspicious death?

Why didn't you say
that in the first place?

I didn't want to
look like a prat.

It's your job to
look like a prat.

Your job to be the awkward one
who asks the unpopular questions.

How could you say a
neck injury bad enough

to cause a fracture
wasn't suspicious?

To be honest, my mind
was on other things,

but Harry has to learn.

Your mind shouldn't
be on other things.

Teresa's pregnant.

Well, congratulations,
but if this turns out

to be a m*rder inquiry, the only
thing he's going to learn about

is some clever d*ck
barrister tearing a strip off him

because you
weren't concentrating.

And exactly how much
have you been concentrating

on this m*rder case as
opposed to Tony Ashton?

Not that there's any
of your business, Leo,

Tony and I are old friends.

We go back a long way.

Longer than his wife?

Jaime, um...

Jamie Irons, in my
possession I have a warrant

to search these premises now.

I'm arresting you
on suspicion of...

Calm down, mate.

Derek, Vanessa,
and Arlene Irons.

And the attempted
m*rder of Lisa Irons.

Also for the...

You betrayed me.

Possession of
amm*nit*on for a...

Before you understood.

I must caution that you
don't have to say anything,

but it may harm your
defense if do not...

I'm the victim here.

To rely on a court.

Anything you do say
may be used in evidence.

[theme music playing]