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04x05 - A Good Body 1

Posted: 02/17/24 20:53
by bunniefuu

MAN 1: What time is it?

MAN 2: Two-thirty.

MAN 1: I'll have to step on it if
you're going to catch that train.

Calloway, can't you do
something about Anna?

I'll do what I can,
if she'll let me.



PASSENGER: Anyway help me out.

there's not much time.

One can't just, leave.


Be sensible Martins.

MARTINS: Haven't got a
sensible name, Calloway.















Help us, please!


[expl*si*n/ALARM BLARING]

Silencium by John Harle

REPORTER: Police are
anxious to hear from anyone

who thinks friends or relatives
may have been at the screening.

They've set up an
emergency help line...

Professor Ryan, Pathologist.

Grounds control,
Professor Ryan has arrived.

OFFICER: Okay let her through.

Right, if you park over
by the police vehicles,

and then report to
the mobile control.

SAM: Okay.

Well we have your husband's
description Mrs. Whittle,

- it's early days now.
- But he's not in the list

of people in the hospital.

Not on the current list
no, but that's not complete.

Have you got someone
you can stay with tonight?

Yes, my daughter, but...

Right, we'll arrange transport.

And if you could look
up a recent photo,

I'll drop by later.




Good to see.


I know it's a long haul
from London, but...

- You wanted the best?
- Uh huh.

Sam Ryan, sorry,
Professor Ryan it is now.

This is fire officer Winch,

- How do you do.
- And there's Fisher.

- Coroner's Office.
- How do you do.

This is Andy Wright,
my technician.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hi.

So what have we got?

Fire broke out
in the auditorium.

Damage and casualties
restricted to that location.

What are the numbers?

Uh, last count 20 casualties,
nine of which are dead.

The auditorium seats

We know 16 got out uninjured.

Could be more bodies inside.

You didn't bring the bodies out?

Due to the fire at the moment

conditions in there
are very difficult.

Are your people
recording the exact details

of the locations in which
the bodies were found?

Yeah, where possible.

Well, it could be an
enormous aid to identification.

Who's next to whom.

I'd like to take a
look at the location

just before any
more evidence is lost.

There's not much light
and it's filthy in there,

the place is running with water.

I'll tread carefully.

Survivor said the
emergency exit was jammed.

The ones we've spoken to,

got out by the main entrance
and back into the foyer.


something over here!

Can you leave it please?


It's a mess, isn't it?

Body 10.

Possibly male, in
a pugilistic attitude.

Andy can you get the
photographs now please?

ANDY: Yeah sure.

SAM: Located between
the second and third.

They were sitting.

Severe burns over
the entire body.

[camera clacking]

Face, hands especially damaged.


Paul Howard?


I'm Detective Inspector Connor.

You're the projectionist?

That's right.

I got a message you
wanted to talk about the fire.

Go ahead Paul.

As soon as I realized,
I did what I could.

Our information Paul,

is that the fire started
in the projection booth.

Why didn't you
realize straightaway?

Uh, I wasn't in there.

Well everything was running
okay, I slipped out for a ciggy.

The machinery
was left unattended.

It shouldn't have
mattered, but...


Go on.

I was cleaning bits
of an engine in there.

Industrial solvent, it,
must have gone up.


First I knew was I heard
the smoke alarm going off.

I went straight back in.

I got the extinguisher...

We'll have to take a formal
statement from you Paul,

when you're up to it.

Get some rest now.

What'll happen to me?

That's not for me to say.

You've done the right
thing, talking to us.



SAM: Right, let's
go to work here.

Body One.

Confirming Body One.


Appears to be, a
well-nourished female.

Probably age between

Extensive charring to the head,


the face, and the neck.

Confirming Body Three.

Is that of a female


Is probably in her 20s.


Extensively charred.

SAM: Body 10.

Complete hair loss.

Get a torch there, Andy.

Thank you.

Appears as though the airways
are blocked with soot and mucus.

Mavis let me.


MAVIS: It's the most recent.

Our anniversary.

MICHAEL: Looks like
you both had a good time.

MAVIS: Jim was cold sober.

Dad had hepatitis
a few years back.

It put him right off the drink.

He's never fancied
it much since.



Hmm, Body 10's lungs show
indications of degenerative disease,

as consistent of emphysema.

Listen, you're gonna need to get

X-rays to show the
deformity of this nose okay?

Oh yeah, sure.

Oh do you want those samples
for toxicology and histology?


Right the dental team
can go to work here on 10.

Let's take a break.

That's the body you found.

- Yeah.
- No personal effects at all.

Even his mother wouldn't
recognize him now.

Still it means someone
must have missed him.

It's gonna be a long night.

Any progress on
the cause of the fire?

Yeah, I've spoken
to the projectionist.

Accident, maybe negligence,
it's no great mystery.

Have we got a final body count?

We are besieged
by anxious relatives.

It'd be nice to put some
of them out of their misery

one way or another.

Well it would, but
we can't, it's too early.

Well, there's a James Whittle,

whose wife was actually
in the auditorium with him.

He hasn't turned up in hospital,

he hasn't called home,

I mean it's got to be a racing
certainty he's one of our bodies.

What's the description?

Uh, 52, five-foot
five, medium build,

brown hair turning gray.

Body 10!

Well he's short and medium
build, you reckon at least 50?

You got a picture of him?

There you go.

[SIGHS] Body 10
had a broken nose,

that doesn't show up here.

Yeah it's hard to
tell from this angle.

Whittle's got one of those noses

you can't say whether it's
been punched out or not.

Did his wife mention
chest problems?


Body 10 had emphysema.

She did mention hepatitis.

No, Body 10 looked to
me to have a healthy liver.

Well it was years ago.

Ugh, Michael we've got to have
proper dental, medical records

before we go public
on these identifications.

Yeah well we can't get into
those til tomorrow at the earliest.

Look I know it's
hard on the relatives

but delay causes less
grief than misidentification.

Last one.

Okay, Body 12.

Confirming Body 12.


Appears to be an adult,

well-nourished male.

REPORTER: Removing bodies from
the debris at Nebbicourt Art Center.

Fire fighters had struggled
to control the blaze

in which at least

Survivors spoke
of a ball of flames

engulfing the theater
during last night's

screening of The Third Man.

Most of the injured
were taken to hospitals

in Huntingdon and Cambridge.

While the main structure of the
art center remains undamaged,

the auditorium was
completely destroyed...

audience as they
tried to escape.

Investigators are now
trying to establish its cause.

The auditorium here was
able to seat up to 60 people

but early reports suggest
it was only 2/3s full.

Police are anxious to speak
to anyone who thinks a friend

or relative might have
been at the screening.

They set up an
emergency help line.

The number to call is
oh one double two three,

eight four six...

MICHAEL: I've got you a
room at the back, it's quieter.

That's very considerate of you.

I'll take that up for you.

I can manage thanks.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

How's Helen?

Oh she's fine, fine.

And David?

Fine great, he seems
to get bigger every day.

So you're all together?

Well, physically.

Identification commission
convenes in a couple of hours.

Just about time
for a shower I think.

Where to?

Just leave them there
while I check us in.

I'm going back to the scene,

to see if any ass needs kicking.

- Well I'll see you later.
- Yeah, fine.




The blaze is believed

to have started in
the projection box...

Sorry if I've held you up.

Take a seat Mr. Connor.

I think we can begin.

My name is Penelope Arnold,

I'm the Coroner for this area.

As you all know it's
my duty to investigate

sudden, violent or
unnatural deaths.

I must determine who has
died, when, how and where.

In advance of the
formal inquests

I'm convening this
identification commission

to assist me in discharging
this responsibility.

I need hardly remind you

that anxious relatives and
friends await our decisions.

And the attention of
the media is upon us.

There are legitimate
pressures on us to act swiftly,

but above all, we need
to act with certainty.

Professor Ryan, would you
summarize the post-mortem evidence

for us as it stands
at this point?

Thank you.

We have a total of 12 bodies,

there are five adult females
and seven adult males.


PENELOPE: In the case
of five of the male bodies

and three of the female,
documentation was found

which gives some
initial evidence of identity.

That's being followed up.

Leaving us with bodies
one, three, 10 and 12.

Body One is an
adolescent female,

with no documentation,
clothing largely burned away.

The body and face
heavily charred.

The remains of black
nylon on the legs, hair gone.

A white metal chain
necklace with cross.

Noticeable overbite, signs
of orthodontic treatment,

rather poorly ex*cuted.

Wear on upper
pre-molars looks like

the abrasion of
wires on a brace.

The mother of a Hazel Donahue

reported that she hadn't
come home last night.

The girl had a brace,

but avoided wearing
it on social occasions.

It's consistent with
the chart for Body One.

Miss Gibbon?

Hi, be all right if I speak
with Professor Ryan?

Body 10, is a well-nourished
male of at least 50 years of age.

Five-foot five, medium build.

He was found between
rows two and three.

The body is heavily charred,
with complete hair loss.

I have a candidate.

James Whittle, he's
consistent age and build.

He was present in the cinema

but he's not been
identified among the injured.

I'm pursuing dental

[KNOCKING] and medical records.

Excuse me.

That's okay.

Should we, put Whittle
down as a possible?

No I don't think
Body 10 is Whittle.

I think we should bear
in mind that Body 12

is also consistent with
Whittle's description

in terms of height,
age and build.

I've managed to get a
lab report done fast here

which, says that Body 12
tests positive for hepatitis,

which again is consistent with
ante-mortem evidence on Whittle.

That's right.

Any other candidates
for Body 10?

Not as yet.



Were you waiting long?

No, I've been making
most of the break.

We're making progress.

I've got IDs for
bodies one and 12.

Donahue and Whittle
like we thought.

Oh well done.

It's like playing
happy family, isn't it?

Well, unhappy families.

Let's talk about
something else, Professor.

Knock it off.

No I'm really chuff for 'ya.

I mean it.

I thought you'd have
to do a turn in public

when you started,
what do they call it?

- Inaugural lecture?
- Yeah.

I kept looking in the paper.

Well it hasn't happened yet.

Oh, so when is it?

Next month.

Ah ha. [CLAPS]

I'll be there.

So, do you like the job?

Yes, I really needed
to do something new,

and it's great being
back in London.

Yeah, I'm coming back
to the smoke myself.



As soon as this
inquiries put to bed.

I got a promotion to DCI.

Well congratulations.

And then a chance came up
for transferring back to the Met.

And Helen's a
city girl, isn't she?


She likes the bright lights.

It suits her.

Happy families.

We seem to be
filling in the gaps.

Oh we don't even have
candidates for these two.

Well, you think they'd
have been missed by now.

Unless they were a couple.

No one to miss them.

They were found
in the same area.

There's a disparity
in their ages,

I'd put the woman in her
mid-twenties, he's about 50.

PENELOPE: That's still possible.

SAM: Also she's born a child.

It can't be old enough to
be living independently.

So they should have
been missed by now.

- Hmm.
- Unless the child died,

or, was adopted, or, lives
with a previous partner.

I hope these two aren't gonna
turn out to be the awkward squad.

I don't like loose ends.

Me neither.



Okay hit the button.

Then download
'em and print the lot.


Now the girl.

What do you think?

Well, I think we can get partial
prints from two of her fingers.

Well that's good,
it'll be worth a try.


Body 10's a different
proposition altogether.

No possibility of prints.

Well let's hope the two
of them were an item.


have a positive ident.

A year ago, I came home from work
and she was gone, and her things with her.

Not that they amounted to much.

It all fitted into
a shoulder bag.

How long had she lived here?

The longer she'd lived
anywhere since she was little.

We'd had an argument,

I didn't realize she'd
taken it that seriously.

Did Sandra have any children?

She'd had a baby
when she was 16.

Reckon she was r*ped

when she was doped up
to the eyeballs at a party.

It was adopted.

Can you tell me any more
about her medical history?

Oh just, what you'd
expect from a druggie.

Do you think it's her?

Well the prints
are only partial,

but together with
the medical evidence,

I'm afraid it looks as if our
unidentified body is your friend.


I'm sorry.

You might be able
to help us a bit more.

We're still trying to identify
the body of a middle-age man,

he was found quite
close to Sandra.

Did she have any male
friends, maybe 50 years old?

No, you can forget about that.

Not in the time you knew her?

Not in the time I knew
her and not after either.

Sandra didn't have male friends.

PENELOPE: I'd like to thank
you for all the work you've put in.

We've identified 11 of the 12
victims discovered after the fire.

Where we could not allay grief,

we have at least
brought certainty.

It is a matter of regret that
one body remains unidentified.

Inquiries will of
course continue,

but this commission
is adjourned, sine die,

until such time
as fresh evidence

allows us to complete our work.

Thank you again.

Um, I'm led to believe
that certain officers

involved in the inquiry will be
engaged in an informal debriefing

in the lounge bar at
the Ashley Hall Hotel.

And they would welcome
the input of the other agencies.

Thank you.

SAM: Only one loose end.

One too many.

That's how I feel.

Someone out there knows him.

Yes, but there's a limit to the
value of appealing to the public

when you can't show them a face.


Well if we don't identify him,

he won't be the only
unknown body that gets buried.

How often does that happen?

Can be it happens at 200 a year.

Could be a vagrant,
alcoholic, mental case.

Or all three. [CHUCKLING]

Sam, what are you drinking?

No it's time I was
off, thanks Michael.

Well, I'll catch up
with you in London.

We can do lunch or dinner, or...

Yeah lunch would be great.

Mr. Fisher?

- Professor.
- Thank you, bye.

- Bye bye.
- Bye Michael.


Win some lose some.

- Eh?
- Body 10 I mean.

Maybe we'll never know.

Oh him.

Well I'm off to pasture's new,

Body 10's not my
problem anymore.

- Same again?
- Hmm.





Come in!


Prints request you wanted.

Oh brilliant, just shove them on
the desk where you can find a space.

Okay well, I'll be
going off if that's okay?

Sure, wish I could.


Uh, you're writing
your inaugural?


[SIGHS] Rather you than me.

My sentiments exactly.

- G'night then.
- See 'ya, goodnight.



SAM: Penelope?

Sam Ryan.

- Sam!
- I'm sorry to call you at home.

That's all right.

Body 10's been
playing on my mind.

It's been a couple of weeks now

and none of our missing person
cases have led us anywhere.

I'd like to take
things a step further.

But, it's an expensive step.

It sounds intriguing.

What are you thinking of?

- Good.
- Okay.


MAN: I've cleaned it up.

I've taken casts of the tissue.

Nice complete skull.

SAM: So what now?

MAN: I'll give him a face.

Of course, what I mean is, the
muscle, fat and skin of a face.

Beyond that we'll be
back to guesswork.

It's a start.


Medical artist.

That's a long-shot, isn't it?

It's got results before.

Come and have a look
for yourself, how it turns out.

I look forward to it.

I once consulted a
psychic in a case like this.

Well I think I'll exhaust
forensic science

before trying voodoo
things Michael.

the rationalist, Sam.

Hmm, my reason is appropriate.

Well sometimes you have
to follow your instincts.

Not when you know damn
well they're leading you astray.


Body 10 really matters
to you, doesn't he?

People have to bury their dead.

Someone's missing Body 10,

the uncertainty's nagging
at them, I can feel it.

It doesn't sound
very scientific.

Empathy doesn't mean
irrationality, Michael.

They're different things.


SAM: Well I think it's been
worth it, I hope you two agree.

PENELOPE: I hope so too.

I authorized the expenditure.

MICHAEL: It could be
worth plenty as a work of art,

it doesn't mean it's
valuable evidence.

SAM: Well that
remains to be seen.


This is Penelope
Arnold, Coroner.

DCI Michael Connor.

This is Dorian Cross,
he did the reconstruction.

Pleased to meet you.

Hello Dorian, shouldn't
there be glasses of wine

and little things on
toast? [CHUCKLING]

Michael was involved in the
investigation in Cambridgeshire.

And he we got
nowhere on this one.

Body 10.

That's extraordinary.

I have to congratulate you.

Thank you.

Well if you don't mind me saying

I don't think I'd like it on
the sideboard at home.

Of course unless he
was actually hairless in life

it doesn't mean we're
gonna get recognition.

Well you can use computer
graphics to give him

various hair styles,
patterns of baldness,

adjust the eye color,
give him glasses.

Whatever they do with him I don't
think he's gonna turn into my perfect man.

MICHAEL: So there's
hope for the rest of us.

a different question.

I've had no response to
the versions we published.

- Hmm.
- What is it?

I thought this reminded
me of someone.

I must be losing it.

Well who does it remind you of?

Oh God knows.

Well, is it a picture in
the missing person's file?

No I'd know if it
came from there.

Is it an image
or from real life?

Uh, I probably
don't know it at all.

Well rack your brains Michael,

you're the first ray
of hope we've had.


Terry Fulton, that's
who it reminded me of.

When I found the old
cuttings file the penny dropped.

SAM: But it's got to
be a definite maybe.

MICHAEL: Except it
can't be Terry Fulton.

SAM: Why? Is he still alive?

No, he's dead all right.

Problem is he
died five years ago.

- You know this?
- Oh it was a major trial.

Terry Fulton was a
small-time criminal and a snout.

He was offering up information
on a serious player, Chris Caldwell.

Caldwell found
out and k*lled him.

He's doing life for it.

What was Fulton's description?

It's a bit irrelevant isn't it?

Humor me.


Born in 1947, five-foot
five, medium build.

That's all consistent
with Body 10.

Yeah but so what?

When Body 10 died in the fire

Terry Fulton had already
been dead for five years.

Okay, I'm speculating now,

what if the body thought to
be Fulton's was misidentified?

- No.
- What do you mean, no?

Chris Caldwell found out
Fulton was informing on him.

He threatened to k*ll him in
front of a room full of witnesses,

started battering him
and dragged him outside.

Fulton disappeared
from that moment.

That doesn't answer my question.

What about misidentification?

What state was Fulton's body in?

Well that wasn't an issue.

What does that mean?

The body was never found.

Caldwell was convicted on
purely circumstantial evidence...

Chris Caldwell was a
violent, professional criminal.

Police information was that
he'd already been involved

in at least one
g*ng-related k*lling.

Information isn't
evidence Michael!

Oh for God's sakes Sam!

When CID pulled Caldwell
they nicked a good body.

End of story.

If Fulton survived,
Caldwell's not guilty.

Hello, could I talk to
Sheryl Marsh please?

Hello Mrs. Marsh, my name's
Detective Chief Inspector Connor.

I understand you're a
relative of the late Terry Fulton.

Well you're the closest
relative we can trace Mrs. Marsh,

and I would like to talk
to you about your cousin.


So you think you found the body?

After all these years?

Sit down.

It's actually a question of
identifying a recently dead person.

You mean Terry
wasn't m*rder*d then?

Uh, I'm not speculating
at the moment.

When did you last
see your cousin?

Would have been,
his mum's funeral.

Do you recognize this?

This isn't how you found him?

No it's a reconstruction.

Hm, Terry had a bit more hair.

But generally,
does it look like him?

Could be him.

What we really need is
evidence of his medical history.

Illnesses he'd had,
operations, injuries.

- I wouldn't know.
- No?

Well do you know of any doctors
or dentists that Terry used?

No idea.

His old addresses
would be helpful.

Terry lived all over the place.

Oh even going years back.

You know, where his parents
lived when you were all kids.

We might be able to work through
doctors and dentists in the area.

Hackney, Harringay,
Tutnam, places like that.

Do you have any family papers
that might give us some information?

Look, I'll have a look through
me mum's stuff in the attic,

but I don't hold out much hope.

Well, if you do find anything,

or you remember
anything give me a call.

Is there anything,
by way of a reward?

No, but the correct identification
of the dead is very important.

Oh yes I'm sure.

I'll look forward to
hearing from you.



VISITOR: I'm sorry.

Oh it's not your fault.

You've been on my
side from the start.

I'm beginning to wonder if there
isn't a better way around here.

What do you mean?


Chris you know what that means.

The parole board will expect me to
put my hands up and admit the offense.

It's giving up
Chris, that's not you.

Hang on in there.

You're innocent,
and you're a fighter.

Why is Terry Fulton so
interesting all of a sudden?

- Is he?
- I've heard about the police

wanting to know all
sorts of details about him,

who are your relatives,
medical history.

- News to me.
- Jill, you're my lawyer.

I'm sorry Chris I wasn't aware
of this. I'll get on it right away.

Oh I'm sorry, I'm
having a go at you.

The last thing I want
to do is piss you off.

I'm doing my best.

I know that.

For the love of God
get me out of here.

SHERYL: That's all the
stuff I could find of my mum's

that relates to the
Fulton side of the family.

Well thank you Sheryl,
we'll take care of it.

Least said [unintelligible], eh?


I just didn't want
to get involved.

Rest assured, you're not.


I've tried talking to
his old associates,

but they're all bent!

They don't want to talk to me.

And I wouldn't be inclined to
believe them even if they did.

- Family?
- A cousin, Sheryl.

She couldn't tell me much.

We frankly everything
I hear about Fulton

says he was a sad
bastard, a loner.

I don't think there's
much to find out.

Sounds like Body 10 to me.


If Body 10 had a
family, close friends,

a regular job, someone
would be missing him.

Nobody is.

That's hardly a conclusive
argument Professor Ryan.

MICHAEL: It certainly isn't.

Look, we know that
Caldwell assaulted Fulton.

If Fulton survived that as*ault,

why didn't he come forward?

Maybe he was happy
to see the person

who threatened to k*ll
him serving a life sentence.

You seem to be.

Caldwell was convicted
in a court of law.

I haven't discovered anything

to cast doubt on
that conviction.

I'd like to talk to the cousin.

I've done that, and I did
that to the best of my ability.

There's no suggestion
that you didn't, Mr. Connor.

But if Professor Ryan feels that
there are avenues of investigation

that she's technically better
equipped to pursue than you,

then I would encourage you
to talk to the witness together.

Yes mum.



What's the problem?

No problem mum,
I've got my instructions.

- Oh come off it Michael!
- Okay so you're a hot shot professor now.

That means you can do
my job better than me?

Nobody's saying that,
but I am better qualified

to get medical evidence
out of Sheryl Marsh,

evidence that could
overturn Caldwell's conviction.

Oh and you'd think you'd
be doing the world a favor?

I think we'd be
doing justice, Michael.

Do you have a problem with
that from the police point of view?



Silencium by John Harle