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04x08 - Chicken Fight

Posted: 02/17/24 20:13
by bunniefuu
[vacuum cleaner whirring]

- This thing sucks.

- What?

- Because it doesn't suck.

- Well, you're doing
it wrong, probie.

You want me to show you?

- No, I got it.
- All right.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[vacuum cleaner whirring]

- I think it's broken.

- [laughs]

- Try blowing into it.
Sometimes that clears it out.

♪ ♪

Harder than that.

There you go.

Come on, that's it.

All right.

♪ ♪

[vacuum cleaner whirring]
- [alarmed murmuring]


♪ ♪

- Oh, my god!
- Hell yeah.

- Oh, my god.


- Ha, ha, ha,
another great prank

Pulled on the probie.

- Aw, don't worry, mickleberry.

One day, you'll be
a probie no longer.

- Until then,
your life's gonna suck.


- I think it yanked a filling.

[foreigner's "hot blooded"]

♪ ♪

- ♪ well, I'm hot-blooded ♪

♪ check it and see ♪

♪ I got a fever of 103 ♪

♪ I'm hot-blooded ♪

- All right,
final piece of business.

None of you have responded

To the mcconky family barbecue
this weekend.

I went to a lot of trouble
sending out an e-vitation.

- It's e-vite, chief.

- That's what I said,

- Oh, so close.

Just drop the "-ation."

- [sighs] okay.

Nobody has responded
except the probie.

- Proud to be
your first responder.

- Oh, my god.
- Oh, god, shut up.

- Chief, of course
we're coming to the party.

We come every year.

- Wouldn't miss
it for the world.

- Well, then respond
to the I-vite, and no maybes.

Vicky needs
an accurate head count,

And I need to know
how much chicken to buy.

Probie, you like chicken?

- I sure do.
- You're in luck.

At this party, I make
terry's world-famous chicken

On the grill. [laughs]

Everyone, tell him
how good it is.

- This man can grill chicken.

- It's probably
the best part of the party.

- It is so popular
that this year,

I'm gonna double the order.

Note to self.

All right, have
a good day, everyone.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm looking
forward to it, chiefy.

- Are you guys
going to the party?

- Of course we're going.
It's a great party.

- Yeah, you got to see chief

Once he gets a couple of beers
in him.

He really lets his hair down.
It's awesome.

- And if you compliment
his chicken enough,

He starts to pda with vicky.

- Yeah, that part's
weird for me.

- That's great.

I'm excited
for a station social event,

Away from all the hazing.

- Oh, you're gonna love it.

The only thing that sucks
about the party

Is terry's world-famous chicken.

- But you just said
it was great.

- We lied.
It's terrible.

- Yeah, it's drier
than a mummy's dong.

- It's drier than
a popcorn fart.

- It's dry.

It's, like, drier than,
like, a beach towel.

- Yeah.
Other than that,

It's a fantastic party.

- Why don't you just tell him
the truth

About the chicken
instead of leading him on?

- Goodness gracious,
where's your heart, man?

- Yeah?
Why don't we give him

A paper cut across the face

And imprison
his firstborn child?

- You haven't seen terry
in action at the grill,

The preening, the cocksuredness,

The sense of fulfillment.

If we were to tell him
that his chicken was drier

Than a camel's crotch
in a sandstorm,

It would devastate him.

So we endure the chicken
and we compliment him,

And so will you.

- Well, it can't be that bad.

And if the rest of the party
is great, who cares?

I just might have seconds.

- Ha, ha, there you go, probie.

And because you're
gonna be off the clock,

We promise to take it
easy on you.

No hazing.
How does that sound?

- Like a dream come true.

This is gonna be
the best barbecue of my life.

[light rock music]

♪ ♪

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Honey, what are you doing?

- Putting out towels
for the guests.

- No, no.
That's the indoor linen.

The blue towels,
that's the indoor linen.

- Yeah, these are nice towels.

- Yeah, too nice.

The beach towels
are for the pool party.

The soft, plush, indoor towels

Are for my bathroom.

- Towels are towels.

- Wrong, wrong.

The outdoor towels
are for the outdoors.

The indoor towels
are for the indoors.

- What if the pool towels
run out?

- Well, that'll teach people
to bring their own towel

To a pool party.
- Oh, a teachable moment

At a party.
That's just brilliant.

- Good.
Girls, bring that over here.

Chop, chop.

You got it, you got it.

My girls are strong.

[laughs] yeah.

Okay, let's see if you guys
know how to pack a cooler.

Yeah, baby.

Aw, boy.


[heavy gulping]

- Uh, ter?

The guests
haven't even arrived yet.

- I'm just checking
to make sure it's cold.

- You already have bar tan.
- Ha, ha, that's sunburn.

- We just don't want you
to peak too soon.

Girls, let's move this cooler
a little further away

From the grill, okay?
- No, no, no, no.

No, no, no.
Nuh-uh, uh-uh. Ha, ha.

Perhaps you are not familiar
with the "fung shoo-ey"

Of a backyard barbecue party.

- It's feng shui, but go ahead.

- The grill man puts
the cooler by the grill

So that people come
to him for a drink.

That way,
he can visit with everyone

While he does his job.

- Oh, and then the grill man

Drinks too many beers.

- What's with all the beer talk?

- Your girls here
have expressed some concern

Over every year
you embarrassing them

By drinking too much
at the party.

- Honey, a man can enjoy
a few beers

In the comfort of his own home.

- Last year, you woke up
in the hedges

When the sprinklers turned on.

- What a loser.

- Settle down.

- We took the liberty
of drawing up a contract.

- What contract?
What are you talking about?

- "I, terry mcconky, agree

"not to get sloppy drunk today.

"if I do, I will sleep
in the garden shed

For a week as punishment."

- Please sign
on the dotted line.

- I'm not signing anything.

Both: Sign it!

- [angrily groans]
- come on.

It doesn't say you can't drink.
It just says

You have
to control yourself, okay?

- Okay, fine.

Here, hold this.

Don't drink it.

Yeah, okay, whatever.

- Thank you.
- Congratulations.

- We'll be keeping
an eye on you.

- I'm gonna finish
this one, though.

- Hey, terry,
here comes the party.

- Hey, dad.

- Hey, perfect timing.

I'm about to throw
these beauties on the grill.

- Wow, those are huge.

- Yeah, I know, right?

These might take
a couple extra minutes

On the grill.

I'm gonna cook them
low and slow, bro.

- Cool.
Cool, cool.

- Uh, we're gonna go
put these down.

- Hope you're hungry.
- Yep.

- [laughs]

- Oh, man, he's gonna cook
the shit out

Of that 'roided-out chicken.

It's gonna be even drier
than last time.

How do we dodge this b*llet
without breaking his heart?

- We've got to stop him
from overcooking that chicken.

- Maybe if we distract him,
we could do

A little course correction
on his grilling.

- Keep him from drying it out
without him knowing?

- Did we just hatch a plan
to save the chicken?

Both: Operation fowl play!

[both laugh]

- Ah, I'm gonna go over here.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I hope I'm not cramping
our style here.

- Come on, mom, I want you
to meet everyone.

These guys are totally chill.

- Well, just don't stray
too far.

I don't know anyone here.

- Mom, my only job today

Is making sure
you have a good time.

- Aw.
Thank you, baby.

- Chief!

This is my mother, maria.

- Oh!

Maria, what
a pleasure to meet you.

- Oh, I've heard wonderful
things about you, chief.

- Call me terry.
- Terry.

- [laughs] your son has been

A great addition to our station.

- I'm so proud of that.

Oh, my baby!

- Yeah, so cute.


Is that bottled beer?
- Yes, sir.

- Everyone knows
you don't bring glass

To a pool party, probie.

That's a big no-no-never.

Maria, it's so nice to meet you.

If you need anything,
you let me know.

- Uh-huh.
- You like chicken?

- Oh, I love chicken.
- Ah? All right, good.

I'm gonna make you eat
five pieces.

- Okay.
- That's this much.

- [laughs] okay, great.

- Mickleberry!

- What up, man?
Mick, what's up?

- Oh, granny, hey, um,
this is my mom, maria.

- Maria, it's a pleasure.
- Oh, sh**t. Hey, hi.

How's it going?
Nice to meet you.

Hey, here, take these fireworks,

Stash them
while we hit the pool,

And do not let chief see them
until he's drunk.

Until he's drunk, okay?

"I won't let him see it
until he's drunk."

- Oh, you got it.
- Hey, hey, hey!

Where'd you get those towels?

- Huh?
- What?

- Where'd you get those towels?

- Oh! Oh, yeah. Uh, inside.

Vicky said it was cool.

- Vicky said it was cool?

Both: Yeah.
- Right. Hey, vic.

- Chief, it's okay.

- Don't worry about it.
- Vicky! Vic!

- Hey!
- Vicky!

- [shouting] what?

- Did you tell these guys

They could use the indoor towels

At the outdoor party?

- No, I did not!

And you know what, terry?

I don't care!
- Those are indoor towels!

- Move along.
Get back to your chicken.

- You want some chicken?

- Ay-yi-yi.
- There you go.

- Yeah, see? She doesn't care.
She doesn't care.

- And they are so soft, chief.
- Super soft.

- Okay, here's what
you're gonna do.

You're gonna take
the inside towels

And bring them inside,

And get some outside towels
and bring them outside.

- Okay, no problem.
- That's my shower towel.

- Okay, okay.
- I shower with those.

- I'm sorry, I said.

- Listen, these two clowns

Are gonna try to sneak
out here with my good towels.

Your job is to stop them.

- Uh, but I thought
today was my day...

- Mickleberry!

- Guys, this is my mom, maria.
- Hi.

- Oh, hi.
Nice to meet you.

- Mickleberry's mom?
I thought this was your sister.

- Aw.

- It's a pleasure
to meet you, maria.

- Nice meeting you too.
- Captain eddie penisi.

- Probie, we have
a scheme to keep chief

From overcooking the chicken,

So we got a job for you.
- Yeah.

Step one, we're gonna get
him drunk

So he doesn't know
what we're doing.

The problem is,
chief made a deal

With his wife and daughters

That he would lay off
the beers, so...

- You're gonna feed him
this hard lemonade.

He doesn't know it's alcoholic,
so just keep pushing it.

- But... but I thought
today, I was not...

- We'll get back to you soon.

- Probie, probie, hey,

Me and granny
are gonna hit the pool, okay?

So grab us a couple cold ones,
will ya?

And, oh, yeah, find
somewhere to put that.

- [laughing]

- Today should be fun.

- Ay, yes.

[loud expl*si*n]
- [quavers]

- You guys like these, right?

Want this one?
These look good?

Now, the trick is
to cook it low and slow.

I'm searing it right now,

So you might not understand
what I'm doing.

If this is not the best chicken
you've ever tasted,

I'll eat a bug.
[laughs] right on.


[intense music]

[nervous laughter]

- You're sleeping in the shed.

- That shed.

- Did I just see you throw out
an unfinished beer?

- It was warm.

- That's 'cause you're not
drinking them fast enough.

Can I get you another?

- I'm gonna hold off for a sec.

- Hey, what the hell
are you doing?

- First, I put out
ike and granny's cherry b*mb.

Then, I hid their fireworks.

Then, I helped
vicky carry in ice

And blow up the pool floats.

Finally, I'm getting
a beer for my mom.

- You're supposed to be getting
the chief

Drunk on hard lemonade.

- Can I just give
this beer to my mom?

- In a minute.
Every second we don't act,

That chicken gets drier

Than a cotton ball
under a heat lamp.

- Give him
this hard lemonade, bro,

And just engage him
in conversation.

- Get in there.

- Mickleberry, I thought
I told you to keep

An eye on ike and granny.
- I'm headed over now.

I just thought you might like
something to drink.

- Ah, well, I'm pacing
myself on the beer right now.

- That's why I brought
you some lemonade.

I'm sure it's thirsty work
grilling that famous chicken.

- Yeah, well, grilling artistry
does make a man thirsty.

[chuckles] what do you got?
Let's see.

Lemonade, huh?
- Yeah.

- [chuckles] okay.

Mmm. Mmm.

That's refreshing.

- Might as well give you

- Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.

Hey, let me show
you something here.

This is my sauce table, okay?

Now, chicken's like a child.

You gotta tend to it,
nurture it.

And if you look at this here,

I got barbecue sauce.

I got buffalo sauce.

- Which way should we spin it?
- Turn it to the right.

- No, the ping's
in the other direction.

Give me it.
[timer dings]

- [gasps]

[dramatic gong]

[timer ringing]

- Huh.

I thought I put
way more time on this.

And this flame's
kind of low too.

Here we go.

Probie, you don't wanna mess up
the famous chicken, huh?

Let's turn this up here.

Fire that baby back up.

There you go.

[music playing]

- Hey, hey, listen,
listen, listen.

Hey, man, you having fun?

- I just gotta give this
to my mom.

- Oh, yeah.
Look, do us a favor.

Terry's watching us like a hawk.

I need you to go inside
and grab some

Of those fat, juicy,
soft towels.

- Chief said use
the outside towels.

- No, no.
- No, no, man!

Outside towels?

- We're not gonna use
those thin-ass,

Stupid outside towels, okay?

They're embarrassing.

We want the nice, soft,
plush inside towels.

- Is it really
that big of a deal?

- Yes, it is, man.

Listen, I grew poor
in little belgium, okay?

All I had was thin towels
my entire life.

I go to my rich friends' houses,

See their stacks and stacks

Of beautiful, plush towels.

I try them on
when no one's looking,

Wrap it around my head,

Pretend I was a fancy lady.

It felt great.

I'm not using thin towels again.

It's plush towels, okay?

- In the military,
they made us use thin towels.

Thin towels!

And I swore, when I got out,

I'd never use
a thin towel again.

Thin towels remind me
of being in the shit, man.

So come on, help us out.

- He's gonna do it.
He's gonna do it.

Yeah, you're gonna do it, right?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

- There he is. Attaboy.
- Thank you.

Hey, man, was that stuff true?

- Absolutely, every word.

Wait, you?
- 100%.

Man, I really want
those soft, fat juicy towels.

- All right, man,
we're gonna get 'em.

We're gonna get 'em, buddy.

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- Look at that.
Now that's a fat breast.

You gotta be careful.

[fuse burning]
- huh?


Hey, who did that?

- Live grenade!

- Ah!

- Hey, come here.
- Come here, come here.

- Bring us those towels.

Hey, mickleberry!
Bring us the towels!

- Bring us those towels!

- Come on, bring
those towels over here!

- Come over here!
- Mickleberry!

Are you lighting firecrackers
off in my backyard?

- No, no, no!
- These are my inside towels.

What are you doing
with my inside towels?

- I figured the best way to keep

Ike and granny
from getting your towels

Would be if I had them.

- That's a smart idea. [laughs]

[slurring] hey, see
that garden shed over there?

I want you to go over there
and lock the towels in.

Lock them in.
- Okay.

- All right.
And then you know what?

Go have some fun.
Are you hungry?

- Starving.

- World's famous chicken's
almost up.

You like world-famous chicken?

Wo' famous chicken, baby.
All right.

- Mickleberry!
- [yelps]

Get the chief to drink
these hard seltzers

So lucy and I can turn down
the flame on the grill.


- [sighs]

♪ ♪

- Mickleberry!
- Don't lock it.

- Don't lock it, man.
What are you doing?

- What are you doing?
Just leave it.

- What are you doing? Stop.
- Leave it.

- Why did you lock...
- Mickleberry!


Get over here!

- Yes, chief?
- Mickleberry,

My flame's levels
keeps going down.

- How is that happening, sir?

- I don't know,
but you're gonna help me.

All right, see these dials
right here?

You're gonna watch these dials.

- You want me to stand here

And watch the dials
on the grill?

- Yes, I want you to watch
the dials on the grill.

I got to turn it up here, okay?
Here we go.

Hey, oh, oh, oh!

Look here, right here.
See this?

We gotta keep our eyes
on the prize here, all right?

We've got about 20 more minutes.

It's still too moist.
God, so much pressure,

Cooking this chicken
for all these people.

You know what?
I'ma get a beer.

You want a beer? You like beer?
- Yeah.

- You 18?
- Yeah, yes.

- 'cause you can have some
if you want.

I don't care.
I'll look the other way.

[laughs] I'm a fireman,

Not a cop, you know?

All right. [pops can]


[gulping quickly]

[intense music]

- You're so gross.

- So gross.

Both: The shed.

- [growls]

At least I got one sip, right?
Hey, what's that?

- Uh, flavored seltzer.

- Seltzer, huh?

Well, no booze for me,
so why not, right?


Lemon lime?

That looks
pretty refreshing, right?

Does it go well with chicken?

- yeah.

- Oh, god, it's bubbly!

It's got bubbles in it.

- Hey, terry, drink much?

- Hey!

Schmaltzy, watch it.

Eat your potato salad.
- Nice snarf!

- Get in the pool
while you're at it.

I don't care about your eczema.

Who invited schmaltzy anyway?

What happened?
- Uh, I don't know.

- You're supposed to watch it.
- I was watching you.

- Darn thing must be broken.
God, dials.

I'll take care of it.
There we go.

This chicken's gonna take
a while, okay,

So why don't you go
have a little fun?

I'll let you know
when it's done.

Okay, go ahead.
Get out of here.

Hey, watch out

For that glass on my pool deck.

- Yes, sir.

- Mickleberry!

[thuds and grunts]

- Hey, hey, hey, man.

- I need you to get a crowbar

So we can get inside of here
and get those towels!

- In the garage, right now.
Go right now.

- Just give me one second.
- No, right now!

- Mom, mom.

- Oh, honey.
I'm gonna go.

- Hang on, mom.
Things will get fun.

- Just stay with your friends.
I called an uber.

- No, mom.

[chime ringing]
- hey-yo, everybody!

Hey, hey!

Ladies and gentlemen.

May I have your attention,
please, ladies and gentlemen?

Terry's world-famous chicken
is ready!

- Yay, chief.
[scattered applause]

- And a very special thanks
goes out to mickleberry,

The probie over there.

He pointed out that my grill
was malfunctioning,

So I cranked it way up!

[both growling]

- Thanks to him, the chicken
won't be too moist.

Raise your hand, mickleberry.
Raise your hand.

Yeah, that's him.

That guy right there, he did it.

[laughs] step right up.

Terry's world-famous chicken.

It's a rare delicacy.

Get one piece, get two piece,

Get three pieces right now, huh?

And it goes great with beer.

[laughs] mmm.

Come on, you guys.

I can have a beer
with a meal, right?

Hey, lucy, get
some more chicken.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, have
another piece, luce.

- Hey, mickleberry, come on.

Get a couple more pieces
on there.

What you talking about?

Get the garlic bread
off your plate

And put another piece
of chicken on there.

- At least
the chief's drunk now.

He'll be getting
frisky any minute.

- Hey, vicky!

Vick, I'm at the table!

- Um, I'm right here, honey.

- Oh, hey, vicky.

Hey, where's your chicken?
- No, you know what?

- Where's your chicken?
- I wanna get my plate first.

- Give me a kiss.
- No, no, no, honey, honey.

- Can I kiss your cheek?
- No, I don't want any kisses.

- Beer and barbecue is

An aphrodisiac for my dad.

- Mickleberry,
two pieces at least.

Come on, let's go.

- Okay, here you go,

All right.
- I can't eat all this.

- Well, you should have thought
about that

Before you let the chief
torch the chicken.

- That's not what you...
- Eat it, probie.

That's an order.

- Can't we just throw it
in the trash?

- You heard him.
He wants to see bones.

- Wait, here.
Eat this.

- Yo, tricky mick.

There you go, buddy.

Hey, after you're done
eating that,

Go grab those fireworks, okay?

We're gonna blow some shit up.

- Ha, ha, blow this bitch up.


- Hey, whoa, whoa.

You guys have something
you want to tell me?

- Oh!
- Ah.

- The chicken was so good.

- Perhaps something
about the towels?

- What about the towels?

Yeah, we got the outdoor towels.

- You said,
get the outdoor towels.

We got the outdoor towels.

- Oh, really?

[laughs] yeah, right.

How about this?
- Wait, wait.

Whoa! Oh!

- Look at that!
- Oh!

- Huh?
- Oh!

- Those are the indoor towels!

Probie, you were supposed
to keep an eye out.

- How is this my fault?

They're the ones
who stole the towels.

- I gave you one job.

- This is my day off.

And my mom left
'cause I couldn't spend

Any time with her.

- I know how to make you

Feel better, buddy.


One more piece
of chicken for you.

Just put it on the old
big pile there, my friend.

- I'm not eating
any more chicken!

It sucks!

And it's drier
than a rattlesnake's assh*le!

[all gasp]

- Hey!
- Whoa, mickleberry...

- Who brought glass
to a pool party?

- That's it.
This party is over!

Everyone out of the pool!

- Really?
- Thanks a lot, bro.

[gentle music]

- What loser brought
glass to a pool party?

- Ah, mickleberry.

- Right there, mom.
- Where?

- Mom, right there.
- Where?

- Come on down, kiddo.
Everything will be all right.

- Yeah. [clicks tongue]

Hey, buddy. [whistles]

Mickleberry, hey, look at this.

Ah, vicky brought cupcakes.

Put it on the ground?
Put it on the ground?

- Why are you talking to him
like he's a dog?

He's not a dog.

- I'm not talking to him
like a dog.

- Yes, you are.
- We're sorry, probie.

I know the party didn't turn out

Like you'd hoped for.

- This was my day off.

We were all supposed
to have fun together.

My mom left because
she wasn't having

Any fun.

[door clicks]

[playful music]

- She didn't leave.

- She didn't?

♪ ♪

Are you sure?

I'm pretty sure I saw her leave.

- No, she's still here.

Uh, uncle eddie and my mom

Are giving her a tour
of the house.

- That's awesome.

Cap is so cool.

He's like a father figure to me.

- More than you know.

- But I still embarrassed myself

In front of my mom.

I wasn't supposed to be
the probie today.

- Come on, kid.

You're always gonna be
the probie,

Everywhere you go.

That's what being
a probie is about.

And, look, if it's
any consolation to you,

You lasted longer than I did
at my first barbecue.

Okay? Like, look,

They gave me 14 pieces
of chicken to eat,

And I threw up in that bush
right over there.

- We've all been through it,
we all got through it,

And you will, too, so why
don't you just come on down?

We still have time to have
a couple beers.

- Really?
- Yeah!

There's still cold beers,

- Yeah.

- Okay, let's do it.

- Hey, there he is.

Good job, buddy.
- Thanks, guys.

I just don't know how
the chief can forgive me.

I ruined the party,
dissed his chicken.

- Hey-oh. What's up?

- Oh, incoming.
- What's up?

Are you guys playing
hacky sack over here?

Mickleberry, have you had
the chicken yet?

You like chicken?
- Yeah.

- You like chicken?
- Yeah.

- Mickleberry, you like chicken?

- Yeah.
- Okay, here you go.

You're gonna love this. Here.

- Oh.

- Oh! Oh!
- Oh.

Hey, here's it, good.
That's good.

Hey, you see my owl box?

Do you see it?
- No.

- You know who lives
in an owl box?

- Who?
- What?

- Who?
- What?

- Who?
- Ah, mickleberry's an owl!

[laughs] he's an owl!

- Great party, dad.

- Holy shit.

- Luckily, he won't remember
any of this tomorrow.

- I see ms. Mcconky.

Where's my mom?

- She's around.
- Yeah!

- Hello.
- Hey, vic.

How you doing?
- Yeah.

What's going on here?

- Uh, just, uh, hanging out,

Looking for the party.
- Hey, mom!

Oh, I'm so sorry
for neglecting you.

- Oh, no problem, hon.

I was just getting to know
your new friends.

I've had the best time.

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, cool, cool!

Are you having fun?

- [laughs] the best fun.

[all laugh]
- looks fun.

- All right, let's ramp
this party back up.

[upbeat music playing]

[all cheer]

- ♪ do the funky every night ♪

♪ do the funky every day ♪

♪ and the funky
every night ♪

♪ do the funky every day ♪


- Wait a minute.
So you mean to tell me

That chief's mouth is so wet,

That's what makes
his dry chicken

So good to him?

- Yup, that sounds about right.


- Is his mouth always wet,
or is it just when he eats?

- We don't discuss it, okay?

- That means he must like

All his foods dry.

- No, he just doesn't mind it.

That's all.
- Oh.

- Oh, girls, yeah, just throw
that in the shed there.

He'll figure it out.

- He ended up
in the right spot, huh?

- Called it.


- Loser.

- [snores]

- Well, we can't leave
him there overnight.

The raccoons will swoop in
and eat him alive.

We should at least clean it up.

- Be careful, mickleberry.

Don't wake a sleeping bear.

- Don't worry, I won't.

There we go.

Ah, sleep.

- Hello, mickleberry!

- [gasping]

- [laughs]

- [yelps]
- mickleberry!

- [gasps]
- I've had about enough of you!


[screaming and yelling]

- [laughing]

- Mickleberry, get over here!

- No, chief!


Go, mickleberry, go!

Go, mickleberry, go!


- Don't worry, mickleberry!

He won't remember this either!

- Go, mick, go!

- [yelling]
- get him, chief!