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01x08 - Where's the Beefcake

Posted: 02/17/24 19:49
by bunniefuu


♪ Satisfaction ♪

♪ Whoo, hoo, hoo ♪

♪ Came in a chain reaction ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I couldn't get enough ♪

♪ Till I had to self-destruct ♪

♪ Whoo, hoo, hoo ♪

♪ The heat was on ♪

♪ Risin' to the top ♪

♪ Everybody's goin' strong ♪

♪ Whoo, hoo, hoo ♪

♪ That is when my spark got hot ♪

♪ I heard somebody say ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Disco inferno ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Burn that mother down, now ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Disco inferno ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Yeah, burn the mother down ♪

♪ Burn it down ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

- ♪ Disco inferno ♪
- Mmm-blblblblbblb!

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ The mother down ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Aaaaaaah, ha! ♪

♪ Burn, baby, burn ♪

♪ Burn that mother down ♪


Good job, guys.

- Best day ever!
- Ahh.

Whoa! Granny, how did I not
notice your humongo muff?

[LAUGHS] Yeah.



♪ Well, I'm hot-blooded ♪

♪ Check it and see ♪

♪ I'm hot-blooded ♪


Oh, oh, oh, oh! Hey!

Put down that spanakopita.

Friday's the big day.
I need you looking fit.

- What's Friday?
- "What's Friday?"

Come on, Granny. You kidding me?

Friday is the photo sh**t for
the Fireman Beefcake Calendar.

Like, hello? It's only the
biggest day of the year.


I need you to get beefy, Granny, okay?

Station 48 sold 1,000 copies of
their calendar last month alone.

You think I'm gonna let us get outsold

by these hideous gargoyles?

No. No. Look at this guy.
Joe Manganiello wannabe.

When are we gonna
stop these competitions

with other fire stations, huh?

My butthole is still burning

from the ghost-pepper challenge video.

Oh, yeah. How many ghost
peppers did you put in your butt?

- Like 12?
- And yet only 11 came out.

- Strange, Granny.
- I don't know about you guys,

but I am ready for the big sh**t.

I haven't had a carb in three weeks.

Good for you, but I got to tell ya,

the key really is to
be as oily as possible.

Now, a little trade secret...

in my other life, I'm a
professional male dancer.

Not sure if you know that.

And looking bad is not an option.

That's why I trust generic
brand Canyon Breeze Baby Oil.

BOTH: Canyon Breeze?

Canyon Breeze...
America's number-one choice

for high-performance stage oil.

- ♪ Canyon Breeze ♪
- [DING!]

No, no. You remember what happened
last year when we got too oily.

Nice technique. Good.




- Ohh!



Last year was last year.

Last year, my mom didn't
even put up the calendar.

She said it was borderline pornographic.

Yeah, but your mom thinks
"Dancing with the Stars"

is borderline pornographic.

Well, anything on ABC.

But look. This is the annual
beefcake calendar, okay?

It's not about pleasing our families.

It's about vanity, ego, competition,

you know, and charity, I suppose.

- What charity?
- Primates for Pets.

They provide helper monkeys
for retired service animals.

ALL: Aww!

The world has changed.

Issues of workplace
sexuality are delicate.

All right, well, you
can't take the beefiness

out of the beefcake calendar.

It's a point of pride for my guys.

This is coming from up high, Terry.

You know it's not me.

I'm the dirtiest gal
in all of City Hall.

Last year's Secret
Santa, I gave Polly Purdue

a mug that said "Men are like coffee.

The good ones keep
you up all night long."


Oh, my gosh!

All right, but, honestly,
what does this mean?

- What are the parameters?
- Nothing hard and fast.

[GASPS, SNORTS] You see?!

I'm like Sarah Silverman over
here with the raunchiness!

- Funny.
- It's common sense, really.

- No more bare butt.
- Adorable.

No more using live animals
to cover private parts.

[CHUCKLES] Sharp claws.

And no more using fire hoses to suggest

the functions of the male genitalia.

Oh, yeah. I didn't see that before.

Huh. You're tying our hands here.

Just think of it as a challenge.

Come up with a nice, wholesome calendar

that has some redeeming value.

Redeeming values? I don't
even know what that means.

Okay, I'm not happy about it,
either, but maybe she's got a point.

- Nah. Come on, Chief.
- What point? What?

- What do you mean?
- No way!

Well, maybe we pushed this
thing into the territory

unbecoming of a professional operation.

But you can't do that! I
mean, I was gonna do this bit

where I covered my unmentionables
in extinguisher foam.

It was gonna be so hot!

You were gonna do this?

Why wouldn't I? I'm a firefighter.

Well, you know, I-I just figured
it was a beefcake calendar,

so it'd be limited to the beefs.

That is sexist.

Chief, like it or not,
part of being a firefighter

is the inalienable right to
pose seductively for a calendar

that people give to their
spinster aunt as a gag gift.

- Yeah!
- g*dd*mn right!

g*dd*mn right! Come on!

- Hallelujah!
- Okay. Great point.

In the meantime, I would
love for everyone to come up

with a wholesome concept
for this calendar sh**t.

- Ugh.
- No!

- Why?!
- Carry on.

MOTHER: This is four Sundays
in a row you've missed church.

[SOFTLY] I know, Mom, but they
have me working on Sundays now.

[DEEP VOICE] Ha, ha, ha.
That girl is hot A.F., huh?

Pfft. sh**t! Huh!

Who are you talking to?

Who's hot A.F.? Are you dating a girl?

How come you won't call any of
the nice girls I set you up with?

[SOFTLY] Mom, I... It was
just something on the TV, okay?

What are they making
you watch over there?

"Dancing with the Stars"?

Okay, Mom, uh, I got to
go. Okay? But I lov...

[DEEP VOICE] Ha, ha, ha!
Yeah! No, you shut up!

Ah, totally!


My dudes are crazy!

How's your mom?

[GROANS] You know, sh...

She's just so disapproving
of everything, you know?

Well, maybe next year, we'll
do a Fun Run for charity.

Yeah, she thinks
jogging is erotic, so...

It's calendar time!

- Chiefy.
- Awesome!

All right. Who's kicking
off the brainstorm?

Okay, yeah, yeah. Let me start, okay?

Because this is a slam dunk, all right?

Let's do the photo spread
covered in raw meat and pastry.

Nobody? Guys, come on.

Raw meat... beef. Pastry... cake.

Beefcake. [LAUGHS] Right? Perfect.

We'll get local businesses
to donate the food,

then we auction it off after we're done.

- That's gross.
- No. Boo.

- What?
- Auction used meat?

- Whatever.
- All right, next. Come on. Let's go.

Okay, so, we are looking
for unsexy, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

What's more un-sexy than
puppet versions of ourselves?

- What does that mean?
- Okay, you know what?

Maybe you'll be more
receptive to this idea

if it's presented by...

[HIGH-PITCHED VOICE]... Fireman Bob!

- Oh, boy.

So, uh, you all making
a calendar of sorts?

Ha, ha. Is that it?

- Boo, boo.
- Boo!

How does that even work?

You dummies wouldn't know a good idea

if it bit you on the behind!


Okay. Enough with your
puppet. Next! Come on, next.

What if we all pose
in respectful portraits

with our respective mothers?

And, uh, we're wearing costumes
that celebrate our heritage,

so I'd do Hawaii, obviously.

- And you would do... white?
- Okay, no...

No, no, no, no, no.

- Boo!
- No. Boo, boo, boo.

Okay, when's the last time
any of you saw firefighters

posing with gigantic
fruits and vegetables?

That's not hot, Cap.
That's just bizarre.

Mm. Believe me, Ike, nudity is passé.

Bizarre is the new nudity.

That sounds like a perfume commercial.

Yeah, it sounds like
a perfume commercial.

Chief, I can tell you're intrigued.

Well, we're supposed to do something

with redeeming value, right?

Fruits, vegetables, food groups...

something for the kids.


Run with it, Penisi. Good meeting.

This is the most ridiculous
idea I've ever heard!

Fruits and vegetables? Are
you having an aneurysm, Cap?

Yeah, having an aneurysm like a fox.

We can be naked behind the food.

Natural, delicious foods

presented by au naturel firefighters.

It's the perfect Trojan
horse. Think about it.

Who's gonna call you out for being naked

as long as the food pyramid's involved?

- Nobody.
- Nobody.

- Nobody.
- Cap! I could kiss you.

Well, you better do it now,
'cause in a couple days,

I'm gonna be naked and oily

with a gigantic stalk
of nutritious asparagus

right in front of my wang!



Oh, that's what I like to see...

some hard, buff bodies for our wholesome

and healthy beefcake calendar.

We're gonna out-sell
every station in town.

- You got that right.
- Ooh! Ho, ho, ho! Okay.

Which one of you has been doing one
of those stanky-ass cleanse diets?

Sauerkraut butt blast.

- The paprika mega-purge.
- The cayenne clinch. Ahh.

- I've just been doing Weight Watchers.
- Sensible.

Hey, guys, let me get
your opinion on something.

I'm thinking about
growing my nip hairs out.

I think they're making a comeback,

and I do want to be on trend, so...

Lucky for you, the unibrow
is making a comeback.


And you need a once-over
with those ear and nose hairs,

- old timer.
- Hey, watch it, whippersnapper.

Hey, Andy, doesn't your mom run a salon?

Maybe she can give us all, like,
a friends and family discount.

Yeah, I don't know.

I think there's something
weirdly sexual about my mom

pouring hot wax on your bodies.

Hey, hey.

Uh, then we're definitely
doing it, like 100%.

- Settled.
- Maybe she can take a look

- at Granny's humongous muff.
- Dude.

Yeah, maybe she's got a weed
whacker in the back of her salon.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Time-out.

Nobody's touching my briar patch, okay?

Remember Samson in the Bible? All right?

You cut off the bird's
nest, I lose my manhood.

- Not happening.
- Ugh!

It smells like a Dumpster behind
a Hungarian restaurant in here.

- We're all fartin'.
- We're all doing

- different master cleanses.
- I'm doing Weight Watchers.

Probie, go to my bathroom
and get the pot-pourri spray.

Oh, great, now it'll smell
like shit and pot-pourri.

Huh. Master cleanses
and vanity workouts, huh?

Seems unnecessary for
a food-group calendar.

We're just trying to
stay healthy, Chief.

- Is that what it is?
- Yeah.

- You sure?
- Poz.

- You should try it sometime.
- What'd you say?

- Hmm?
- You say something?

Uh, I said we're just trying
to stay healthy, Chief.

Okay. It stinks in here.

- Mm-hmm.

Okay, so, we'll meet up

at Andy's mom's place after work, right?

On one condition, though.

Nobody say anything about the calendar.

She'd go nuts.

[FART] I gotta go.

- Oh, oh, oh.
- Unh!



Ooh, cool!

Alo-Air... Alao... Alo-hay-ir.

Ala... Hair-ah...

Bah! I give up! How do you say it?

Hey! Ka'ponko!

- Hey, Mom. Hi.
- Hi, honey.

Ka'ponko? What's... What's Ka'ponko?

Oh, my Hawaiian name is Ka'ponko.

- Oh.
- Oh.

What are we doing today? A butt wax?

Or are we just touching
up around the ding-a-ling?

- Ooh. Uh...

- I'll do the usual.
- Oh, okay, all three. All right.

Hey, let's get smooth, huh?

- Hey, get smooth!
- Smooth.


That's a new feeling.

You should have seem my son
after his first butt wax.

- He cried for days!
- Mom!


Aw, but, Andy's Mom, I
think that's just Ka'ponko

being Ka'ponko, though, right?

- That's our Ka'ponko!
- Classic Ka'ponko.

Total Ka'ponko.



Ooh. That is a lot of hair.

Let me see here. Yikes!

Hey, did you sneak a
Portuguese Water Dog in here?

Read the sign... "No pets."

Oh, no, ma'am. With all due respect,

I will pass on the
waxing of my low 'fro.

Oh, don't be silly. Everybody in
my Bible study group's doing it.

Oh, Granny, just do it.
Then you'll be all nice

and trim for the beefcake calendar.

What? Beefcake?

- Aaaaaaah!

I don't do porn stars! Get out!

It's gonna be a nice calendar, Mom.

That's what you said last year

when you grabbed the fire hydrant

between your legs to suggest
how the male genitalia functions!

- Well, you wax buttholes!
- Out, out, out!

I will not have you taint the
dignity of the Myawani name!

The woman does know
a thing or two about taints.

- Not funny! Get out! Get out, get out!
- Hey, whoa! Hey!

Out, cowboy boots!

Thank you.


Oh, God! I can't walk!

You guys, don't break the fruit.

We have to use it for the calendar.


- This calendar is gonna be bananas.

How you holding up, Granny?

Had to shave it bald
to get all the wax off.

[CRYING] And it's gone. It's all gone.

Am I the only one freezing in here?


"Excuse me, sir, have
you, uh, had your picture

taken before with fruits and vegetables
covering your unmentionables?"

"Um, yeah, well, you
know, I've done, uh...

I've done pickle, I've done cucumber,

I've done, uh, squash, eggplant.

Never a, uh, chili
pepper, though, so..."

How great is this banana?

If only I could pull back
the peels and then use that

to cover my melons,
you know what I mean?

[LAUGHS] Awesome.

Seems like the nudity's creeping
back into this photo sh**t!

Oh, yeah! It's gonna be epic, Chief!

- No, no, no, no, no.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- No, no, no.
- No, no, no, no, no.

It's clean. It's on the up-and-up.

- You sure?
- Yeah, you said no nudity.

There's gonna be no... n-no nudity.

Yeah. Fruits and vegetables. What
can we possibly do that's dirty?

No nudity.

- You take my picture.
- Ohh!









Release it all over.

Sorry about your pants,
Cap, but that's, you know...

So, as you can see,

you got more of a general shine

- going here, right?
- Yeah, yeah.

Whereas my Canyon Breeze,
more of a shimmer, you know?

- More of a show. Boop
- Yeah, I see.

Got a nice scent, too. That's not bad.

[SNIFFS] I mean, that smells great.

- Right?
- It's like vanilla with jasmine.

Hey, hold on, you guys. Is
that what the Canyon Breeze is?

- Yeah.
- Tough day for both of us, huh?

Yeah, but your pubes will grown back,

and my issue with my mom
is gonna go on forever.

You know, I was raised
by my grandmother.

She said the same thing,
till a few years ago,

I finally had enough, and I
walked straight up to Granny.

I said, "Granny, I'm a
grown-ass man. No more."

Granny said, "Don't
talk to me like that."

I said, "Granny, hear me out."

Granny said, "You go
to your room right now."

"Granny, I'm not going to
my room anymore, Granny."

"Granny, don't talk to me like
that! I said go to your room!"

"Well, Granny's time to go
to Granny's room is over!"

And that's when I
think Granny understood.

Or should I say...
Granny understood Granny.

I'm sorry. You lost me so long ago.

Point is, is that you
got to let her know

that you can make your own decisions.

And tell her that you're
doing that beefcake calendar.

No, you're right. Yeah. I'm gonna do it.

- Thanks, Granny.
- That's what I'm talking about.

- Mm-hmm.
- Is that pressure okay?

- Mm, mm-hmm, mm.
- Mm, Mm-hmm.

- There you go.
- Yeah.

Feels like a lot, but it's
not that much. Ah, it is.

It's quite a bit. Might go
down into your pants a bit.

Oh, my God. My skin is, like,
absorbing this like a sponge.

Yeah, yeah. You know what you
got to do? You got to relax.

- Okay.
- Get my arm. Come on.

- Hey, hey, hey, guys!

Can I have your attention,
please? Listen up here, guys.

I just got of the
phone with Linda Price.

Apparently she got word
that you guys were trying

to sneak nudity into this new concept.

And I'm sorry to say this,

but Linda Price has canceled
this year's calendar sh**t.

- What?!
- What? No!

- Come on, Chief!
- It's off.

- Are you kidding me?!
- Terrible news, guys.

- Come on!
- For all of us.

- Come on!
- Come on, Chief.

- Chief!
- Man!


- You!
- I tried to stop him, Miss Price,

but... he was too slippery.

That's okay. You seem hot and bothered.

- I am.
- And oily.

- Yeah, I am.
- How can I help?

You can start by taking that
stick out of your badonkadonk!

Look. I know times are changing, okay?

But my grandfather Luigi Penisi

appeared in the 1953
Tacoma FD Beefcake Calendar

using a suggestively placed
sausage to help a woman

in a bikini climb down
from a burning building.

Now, I'm pretty sure I understand

why you couldn't get
away with that today.

But I will not leave this
office until you explain to me

why we can't have a photo sh**t

where we pose with oversize food groups.

- Ugh!
- Wow.

An impressive, dramatic monologue

and delightful display
of physical comedy.


But who said you can't
do the photo sh**t?

Uh, I was told that you were the one

who put the kibosh on the calendar.


I've even arranged to put them
up in all the public schools.

Be sure to include cabbage.

I feel like cabbage gets a bad rap.


That means that...

Miss Price, I'm sorry I
got your desk all greasy.

Mm. From now on, I'll
call you "Greasy Penisi."

Yeah, actually that's a racially
insensitive slur nowadays.

Huh. Times really have changed.

So, did you hear the
one about the two peanuts

who got... a-salted?

[CHUCKLES] Shit. No. Wait.

Two peanuts walk into a bar.

One of them gets a-salted, yeah?

I think.

Okay, look. I'm off
my A-game. All right?

I was forced to shave
off my little 'fro today,

but if I can just kind of give you...


Come on, boys. Let's get out of here.

Hey. Let's go, buddy. Oops.

IKE: Have a nice day.

Hey, Chief. Guess what. I
just spoke to Linda Price.

And she says she didn't
cancel the calendar.


In fact, she said she didn't
speak to you at all today.

All right. You know what?

I don't have to answer to
you guys about the decisions

- made in this station.
- I knew it. I knew it.

This calendar thing's a distraction.

You guys are running around like
a bunch of oiled-up peacocks.

Wait. This is about me, isn't it?

You just don't want
to see your little girl

posing provocatively for a calendar?

No, I don't mind that.

I mean, well, I don't want to
see you in a racy photo, but...

You're a grown woman. You
can make your own choices.

Yeah? So what is it then?

You want to know what it is?

Yeah, I want to know what it is.

You want to know?

- Yes, we want to know!
- I just said I want to know what it is.

- Do both of you want to know?!
- We want...

- Tell us what it is!
- What do you think we're doing here?!

It's me, okay? It's me. Look.

I used to be a fit stud.

I was a cover boy!

A virile piece of man meat!

That's June! I look like Toby Keith!

Now what, huh?

Now I'm supposed to be on
some calendar half undressed,

looking like a tired old
sack of whale blubber?!

Dad, don't be ridiculous.

You're still one of the
handsomest guys that I know.

Yes, you're larger, but you
carry it with dignity. You know?

Like Cedric the Entertainer or Meat Loaf

or, um, Steven Seagal.

Yeah, Seagal.

Look, you're still easily
one of the best-looking guys

- at the station.
- Okay, okay,

let's not spread it on too thick here.

Come on, Uncle Eddie! Tell
him how gorgeous he is.

No, I'm not gonna lie to the guy.
He knows what he looks like.

But I will say this, Chief.

The world needs to
celebrate people like you.


People of all shapes and sizes.

This is the perfect opportunity

for you to send a
body-positive message...

something validating to all
those little kids out there

who, like you, resemble a
bowling ball on toothpicks.

Kids with butts

that couldn't possibly
hold up a pair of pants.

Just looking at ass
crack all day long, 24/7.

Hey, thanks, Uncle Eddie.
I'll stop you there.

You know what else? I
know this photo editor,

and she has these apps on her phone,

and she can literally turn
you into the love child

of Russell Wilson and The
Rock in, like, three minutes.

- Really?
- Yeah, you're gonna look amazing!

- Let's do that.
- Yeah, I think that's a better idea.

♪ Mm-mm, mm, mm,
mm-mm, mm, mm ♪

Come on, Andy!

Buddy! Come on, man.

Get into it. It's gonna be a blast.

They've got everything
you want here. Look.

Professional-quality hair in a can.

- Hey! God, man!
- You love this stuff!


I wanted to come here
to make sure you're not

participating in
this... disgusting orgy.

Oh. We're having an
orgy after the sh**t?

Not sure I like the ratio.

You didn't have to come here.

- Tell her.
- You know what?

I'm not a child anymore. I
can make my own decisions.

And I'm here to support my friends,

show off my ripped glutes,
and promote healthy eating.

I love you, but I'm
gonna do this calendar.

Am I still your little Ka'ponko?

I have no Ka'ponko.

What? Ugh. Did you hear that?

Hey. Hey. It's gonna be okay.

- You're our little Ka'ponko.

- Come on. It's gonna be awesome.
- Hey, wait, hey.

Come on.

Okay, who's gonna be the
first one to forever change

the way people look
at beefcake calendars?

Watch and learn, you hairless lap dogs.

- Yeah!
- Yeah, Chief!

- Ohh!
- Perfect!

Ooh, that ain't dolphin-safe, Chief.


LUCY: Go, Chief. Go, Chief.

- I like mine with cheese!
- Work those buns!

- Flame-broiled muscle.
- Make it ripe! Make it ripe!

Peel it. Peel it.

- Yeah, Lucy!
- Oh, oh!

- Yeah, Cap!
- Ohh!

Yeah, cabbage!

- Hey!
- Hey!

- IKE: Yeah, Andy!
- GRANNY: Go ahead!

Have some milk with that cupcake.

- Mmm!
- Yeah!

He's feelin' it!

I told you! I told you!



GRANNY: Look at that Hawaiian flyin'.

- Yeah!
- Put some cream in that thing!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Get a glass of milk!
- Myawani!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!


Oh, uh, Ka'ponko. Hey, don't worry.

It's okay. All right?

Standing back there,
watching you look so...

cute and tiny behind that
gigantic cupcake with sprinkles,

it just made me realize that
I was the one being small...

small for not accepting
what made you happy.


- Ka'ponko. Ohh.

Ugh. You know what?

And if dancing around naked
with food makes you happy...

- Yeah.
- ... it makes me happy.

ALL: Aww!

Oh, and I had to make it up to you, too.

So I made you this.

- My new low 'fro!
- Uh-huh.

- It's made from sweepings.

It's like a hodgepodge.

- Smells great!
- Ah.

- Oh, right now?
- Oh!

- I got my muff back!
- Ah!

I guess I was thinking
we would be normal-sized

and the food would be huge.

GRANNY: Well, maybe there was a
miscommunication in the printer.

Oh, no, no. No miscommunication.

This is exactly what I told him to do.

[LAUGHS] Aw, you look adorable.

Did you see me on May? May.

- Hey. 2,000 copies.
- Wow. Really?

Yep, we printed 2,000 of
these idiotic calendars,

and we only sold 17.

And thanks to Lucy, we
couldn't even tap into

our historically reliable
gay-dude demographic.

- Right. Thanks, Lucy.
- Man.

Even the Tacoma public
schools didn't want it.

- So, what now?
- Well, now you guys find a place

to stash this huge cache
of useless calendars,

and we never speak of it again.

Wait, Chief. H-Hey, fellas!


Fools. Bureaucratic fools!

Hey, hey.

They don't know what they've got there.

Let me buy you a protein shake.

You know. Protein?
