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01x05 - The B-Team

Posted: 02/17/24 19:46
by bunniefuu

GRANNY: Oh, let's see what
the emergency is today.

- You guys have been here before?
- Oh, yeah.

Lucy, you are about to
experience Gravatti the Hottie.

- She's a regular.
- Yeah, a regular pain in the ass.


WOMAN: I need help in here!


Afternoon, Mrs. Gravatti.
Dispatch says you fell.

I did. Last week.

Now I need somebody
to carry me to my bed.

I'm looking at you, my
little Hawaiian lion.

- Oh, well, Mrs. Gravatti,

you're actually gonna be
tended to by the rookie,

Firefighter McConky, today.

No nookie for the rookie.

I want the Polynesian Wookiee.

Uh, Cap, can you tell her
that it's Lucy's job now?

Yeah, that would be
the fair thing to do,

except it's a lot funnier if you do it.

- Funnier?
- Yeah.

- It's go time.
- Yeah.

Come on, my little pu pu platter.

- You've had enough of that.


Mama's hungry for some poke.

Oh, well, that much fish isn't
good for you. [CHUCKLES]

Do you like it when I do it right there?

No. When you do it, no. Oops. Oh...

[GIGGLES] Tickles, doesn't it?


- I know.
- Okay.

Maybe the rookie should come, too,

for some on-the-job training.

Hard pass. Thanks.


ANDY: Okay, Mrs. Gravatti. Sleep it off.

Hey, let's give them
their privacy, shall we?


LUCY: Mahalo, little buddy!


ANDY: Guys, this is a fire hazard!

Guys, don't leave without me!

Guys! Guys!

Aah! Unh. All right. Keep the shirt!

A moment of silence for our
naked first responder.

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

- Lunchtime.
- Uh, rezie for

four at Charlie's Steakers?

- Make it three.
- Damn.



♪ Well, I'm hot blooded ♪

♪ Check it and see ♪

♪ I'm hot blooded ♪



Damn, Cap. That smells good.

Thank you, Granny.
Eggs Penisi and sausage

is the only way to start the day.

- Yeah.
- Wow. Spin!

- Ooh!
- Wow!

You see how he's making
everything look super-difficult?

- Yeah.
- That, my friends,

is a sign of a good chef.

- No, it's the opposite.
- Oh, great. Look at this.

No more Himalayan sea salt.

It's that Frenchie from the
B-shift. He uses it all up.

Eh, B-shift guys.
"Uhh, I'm on B-shift."

Oh, man. That O'Sullivan
guy freaks me out.

You know, the really weird
thing about O'Sullivan,

is those freaky Bible versus
that he has tattooed all over him.

No, those aren't Bible versus.

That's from "The Fault in Our Stars."

Ah, man. He's gonna regret that.

- What a dipshit.
- There we go.

Another perfect sausage.

- Ooh.
- Ohh!

- Andy's! [LAUGHS]
- Andy's! [LAUGHS]

No, no. Floor patties go to the rookie.

- What?!
- Yeah.

No, because that would be hazing,

- and we don't do that anymore.
- Right.

Stopped with you, actually,

Guess what. I'm not
gonna eat that patty.

- Sorry, Cap.
- What's the big deal?

Any hair picked up off the
floor is probably yours.


For the last time,
I'm not losing my hair.

- I'm thinning, tops.
- Dude, the top of your head

looks like the nipple on a gorilla tit.

- Hey!

- Good morning.
- Hola!

Hey. Mind your manners. The
lovely Vicki McConky is here.

- There she is!
- Hey, Ma.

- What's up, sis?
- What's this now?

Is this trash, or is this Andy's?

- How does this work?
- That's still under discush.

- No, it's not. That's trash, Chief.
- It's Andy's.

I also have something food-related.

We are hosting the pancake
breakfast benefit for the hospital.

And Vicki's running it, so
she's got something to say.

- Go!
- All right.

So, we are having the
breakfast on Sunday the 15th,

and we need some of you

- to supply the entertainment.
- Not it.

- Not it.
- No.

- Come on.
- Come on, you guys.

Granny, can I count on you

to serenade the good townsfolk
of Tacoma with that ukulele?

I'm sorry, Vicki. It's just
not the right crowd for my uke.

IKE: Uh, I'll tell you what, Vick.

I may be able to shake my moneymaker

in a family-friendly fashion
for this little shindig.

Uh, is that even remotely possible?

- No.
- [SIGHS] Come on.

My ass is up against a
wall here. I need some help.

Who wants to be a hero?

Oh, well, I've been
working on something.

- Great.
- It incorporates fire-safety education

with modern-day urban youth culture.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

I love that. Let's hear it!

Uh, I'd rather show you.

♪ Hot, hot, hot! ♪

♪ Uh, ha, uh, hoo ♪

♪ Hot, uh, oh! ♪

♪ My name is Flame-o,
and I don't play 'em ♪

♪ People think I'm cool,
but this ain't no game-o ♪

♪ Matches and lighters,
they might seem like fun ♪

♪ But without parental supervision ♪

♪ It can hurt a ton ♪

♪ Hot like the sun, burn everyone ♪

♪ Wiki, wiki, wiki ♪

♪ Fire can be tricky! ♪

♪ Ba-ba-ba-ba! ♪

♪ Word is burn-ah! ♪


- Um...
- Shh.

Andy, do you... [CLEARS THROAT]

Honey, do you have anything else?

- No, I don't.
- Dude, dude,

I'm gonna say this as your friend.

Never do that again.

Well, it's not for you, Granny,
okay? It's for the kids.

You know, it's a educational,
endearing character. Flame-o.

Uh, was Flame-o the absolute first name

that came to your mind?


I'd like to see you try!

I'd like to see any of you guys try!

Any of you guys!



Someone open the door!


You wanted to see me, Chief?

Yeah, come on. Sit down.


What's the matter? Why
you getting so emotional?

I mean, it's just the razzing, Chief.

I thought since I'm no longer
the rookie, that, you know,

they'd stop dumping on me
and it'd be Lucy's turn.

So you want them to
give my daughter shit?

No, it's not that... No, I don't want...

No, you guys aren't
listening to me. I...

Okay. I'm just kidding. I'm
just giving you the business.

That's what we do here.

Captain Penisi gives me guff all
the time, and I saved his life.

But we care about each other.

They razz you 'cause they love you.

I'm just tired of that kind of love.

Hmm. Bothers you that much, huh?

Yeah, it kind of does.

You know what? I got
a solution. Come on.

- I'm gonna go change first.
- No, no, no. Keep it.

- I like it. Come on.
- Huh? You like it?

- Yeah.
- Heh. I like it.


If you're not from
China, then no "peeking"!


- "No peeking."
- Hey, listen up, listen up!

I got a scheduling issue.
One of the guys on the B team

has to switch his hours.

Oh, no. Is one of those
mutants coming over here?

Just for a few weeks. But...

But that means someone from
here has to go over there.

- Not it.
- Not it.

- Not me.
- I've already decided,

- it's gonna be Andy.
- Oh...

- What?
- Sucks for you, dude.

- Oh, no.
- You're okay with this, right?

- No. Chief, come on.
- It solves some problems.

Go home, rest up, come back
at 8:00 a.m. for the B-shift.

- Carry on.
- Have fun over there, Flame-o.

They're gonna love your Superman suit.

Say hi to Rudolph for us.

Man, those B-shift guys
are gonna chew you up

and eat you like a...

Like a... Aw, man, like a sh...

- You got it.
- You can do it.

It's over now. He's not even here.

Just do it anyway.

Do it for us.

- Like a shit sandwich.
- Okay.

Once you add the olive oil, rub it down.

I'm gonna cook the shit
out of these things.

- Mmm, man!
- Then I'm gonna eat 'em

and then I'm gonna sleep my ass off!

f*ck you, rain!






MAN: Captain! [LAUGHS]



Hi, guys.

The famous Andy Myawani.

- Aloha!
- Ha ha! Hey!

I am so excited I finally
get to work with you!

Man, you're so tall!
And look at that hair.

We got a regular Fabio rock star here!

I wouldn't say it's Fabio,
'cause I don't speak Italian.


Oh, that's a good one!

Hey, listen. I live by this.

"There is no shortage of fault
to be found amid our stars."

That's beautiful, man. Thank you.

Boys, welcome Andy. Welcome.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Hey, thank you. Welcome, Andy.

- Come on!
- We're so glad you're here.

- Welcome!
- You're the best, man!

You're so awesome!


- What is that smell?
- Ohh. Cocoa butter.

Not that. That.

It's breakfast. You guys should try it.

Frenchie's a culinary genius.

Oh, thank you, Grandy man.

Saving lives is my job,
but delighting palates...

ooh, that's my passion.

- Ooh!
- Lucy.

- All right?
- Thank you.

You're welcome. d*ck tap.

- Oh.
- [LAUGHS] No, you didn't!

I definitely did.

What?! Chief, you never
told us this guy could cook.

Look at this!

Supervising multiple shifts
is a delicate dance, Ike.

Plus, I gotta protect
the ego of your captain.

Yeah, well, don't worry a hair on
that pretty little stomach of yours.

Chef Penisi welcomes the competish.

Oh, good. Here you go, Cap.

Thank you.

- Enjoy.
- I will.

Come on! Frenchie, this is awesome!

Look at the presentation. That
little drippy stuff over here.

- You're the master.
- Damn right, I am.


It's good, right?

I've had better. [SCOFFS]

IKE: I didn't even have to
put lots of salt on my egg.

I didn't put any salt on
these at all. It's perfect.

- Right.
- They're perfect!

This is the best omelet I've ever had.

You should give Captain some tips.

Anybody care for some créme brûlée?

- For breakfast?!
- Way!

- Yeah. Why not?
- Yeah, I want one.

I take mine crunchy.

- You're the nicest guy ever.
- Aw, don't sweat it.

I love doing this stuff,
and I'm really good at it.



Pirate walks into a bar with
a ship's wheel on his d*ck.

The bartender says,

"You know you have a
ship's wheel on his d*ck?"

The pirate says, "Arrrgh,
it drives me nuts."


- Really?
- That's funny!

Ellen DeGeneres funny!

I can dance like her!

♪ Hm, hm, hm, hm ♪

Ooh, that gives me a great idea.

♪ It's fun to work at Ta ♪

♪ C, O, M, A F, D ♪

♪ It's fun to work at Ta ♪

♪ C, O, M, A F, D ♪

♪ We are putting out
fires Every single day ♪

♪ The B-shift is on the way ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey! ♪

♪ It's fun to work at Ta... ♪

ANDY: Gravatti the Hottie again, huh?

Sorry, Andy. New guy
gets the nuisance calls.

I get it. Some things never change.



New guy! Thank God you're finally here.

Well, uh, you're not the
Gravatti I was expecting.

Oh, you mean my mom?

Yeah, we barely even cross paths.

Our work schedules are
completely different.

Well, that's not the only
thing that's diff... erent.

The battery in my smoke detector's dead.

Would it be okay if I
got on your shoulders

so I could change it?

Uh, yeah.

- Hey!
- Hey!

You're on a roller coaster
that only goes up, my friend!



- I can't reach it.
- Aw, nuts.

But I think if I turn around
and face the other way...

- Wait. Really?
- Yeah.

- Okay. Wow. Okay. Now?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, wow. Okay.

- And then, where do I go?
- Yeah, this is good.

♪ It's fun to work at Ta ♪

♪ C, O, M, A ♪

[LAUGHS] What?! This is so stupid!

I can't believe this thing went
viral, right, guys? I mean...

I'm so embarrassed for those guys, man.

How many times have you watched that?

Stop torturing yourself.

I'm not... Easy. I'm
not torturing myself.

It's just like... Aah!

Why is he pretending to have fun?

It's like an inside joke that
we had, and he's doing this

to bug me like he
thinks it's gonna bug me.

Like, "Oh, I'm gonna be so
mad that he's having fun."

Like, go have fun, man.
Do whatever you want.

Live your own life.
You know what I mean?

You see this part? Look.

These are my favorite people
in the whole wide world!

- That part.
- That's not Andy.

- That's not Andy.
- That's somebody else.

How come Frenchie isn't helping us?

Yeah, where's he at? [SNIFFLES]

Oh, he's out there rooting for truffles.

Everyone knows there's no
truffles in Washington, idiot.

Shouldn't he be, like,
you know, doing his job?

- Yeah.
- I'm kind of glad he's not in here.

- Doesn't shower much.
- Is that what that smell is?

Dude smells like the
tropical zone at the zoo.

- I always assumed it was Lucy.
- What?!

- Why would you think it's me?

Because you're new, so
whenever I smell a new odor,

I always just assume it's you.

Stop doing that. That's disturbing.

Okay. [SCOFFS]

Found a shit-ton of truffles out there.

Of course you did. There's
truffles everywhere in Washington.

- What's up, guys?
- What's up?

- d*ck tap!
- Ohh!


- Yes!
- "Ha ha!"



Can we please make him stop?

I have ear plugs in,
and I can still hear him.



You know, Andy never snored like that.

He always had that cute,
little koala-bear snore.

It was just all... Mmm-mmm!

Sure, he grinded his teeth. So what?

Who cares if he's
toothless when he's older?

- "Hey, I hate Granny."
- "Hey, Granny."

All right. I can't take this anymore.

- Hey!

[YAWNING] Aw, man. I just woke up.

- Oh, you're up?
- What's up, guys?

Are you good? We're just making
sure you got blankets and...

- Oh, yeah, dude.
- Stretching.

- All set. [LAUGHS]
- All right.

I do got to go make the
bladder gladder, though.

- Ohh.
- Whoops.

- Ohh.
- d*ck...

- Wh...
- ... tap!

- Ooh!

- Rrrr! [LAUGHS]
- Whoo!

Hey, Frenchie. You know what, man?

IKE: I think the d*ck tap's kind
of reached its saturation point,

- you know, so...
- [LAUGHS] Yeah, right!

This guy officially sucks.


MAN: Say, Billy, how do
you get down from a ladder?

get down from a ladder.

You get down from a goose!

Oh, ho, ho!

I applaud the originality, fellas.

I'm just concerned it's too cerebral.

What are you guys up to?

We're trying to come up with
an act for the pancake breakfast,

but so far, we got nothin'.

The hospital's counting on us!

I might have something.

♪ Burn everyone, wiki, wiki, wiki ♪

♪ Fire can be tricky ♪

Check the extinguishers every six mumfs!


- Bravo!
- Yeah!

[NORMAL VOICE] It's educational,
fun. It hits on every level.

That's exactly what I was going for!

And the name... Flame-o. It's
like "flame" but more fun!

- Exactly!
- Andy, look at this.

"You were so busy being
you, you have no idea

how utterly unprecedented you are."

You're gonna make me cry, man.


- Yeah, dude!
- Ohh! Hot, hot!

Don't touch me! Don't touch me!

LUCY: Ooh! What's for breakfast?

A little cheese quiche
with whole-grain crust.


Pretty heavy-handed pour
with that Himalayan sea salt.

I guess that's why you
go through it so fast.

With all due respect, Captain,

nobody's exactly begging you
to take back the cooking duties.

Oh, really? We'll see about that.

Hey, guys. Whose cooking
do you like better?

- ALL: Frenchie's.
- Their opinion means nothing.

They're probably all delirious
from salt poisoning.

You got something to say to me, Captain?

Yeah. Stop tappin' everybody's dicks.

I'm not tappin' everybody's dicks.

I'm just tappin' my friends' dicks.

So I guess you won't be
tappin' my d*ck any time soon.

I would never dream of
tappin' your d*ck, sir.

Good. 'Cause I don't like
getting my d*ck tapped.

I wouldn't know how to tap it,

because I wouldn't know how to find it.

You should ask your mother.
She knows exactly where it is.

Don't you dare bring my mama into this.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey. Let 'em go, Chief.

Not under my roof. Come on. Come on.

We'll settle this like men.
At the pancake breakfast.

Cook-off. You and me.
We'll cook pancakes.

It doesn't matter what we cook.

You're gonna be eating my shit, sir.

Well, that's funny, 'cause your
food tastes like shit. Right, fellas?

Ehh... Nah, he makes
some pretty good stuff.

Well, it tastes like that to me.

Yeah, we'll see ya on the flap, Jack.

Here's a whole nother one, guys.

- Ahh!
- Dig in.

- Nice.
- You're amazing, dude.

Pancake cook-off, huh? That
qualifies as entertainment.

Good job, Cap. Boop!

- Hey...
- We are friends.

You nailed him, Chief. [LAUGHS]

GRANNY: Uh-oh!

Oh-ho! Cock-a-doodle-doo,
look at you.

Hey, guys.

How are the g*ons on
B-shift treatin' ya?

Uh, not bad. Uh, it's
actually a pretty good fit.

Well, don't get used to it.
You'll be back next week.

Actually that's what I was
here to talk to Chief about.

See if I can make it permanent.


- You're just kidding, right?
- Of course he's kidding.

Mya-wahhh-ni. Mya-wahhh-ni.


"I love the B team.
I'm Mya-wahhh-ni."

"Er, er, er. Mya-wahhh-ni."

♪ Make fun of Andy ♪

"Oh, my God, Andy. Andy.
Andy. Andy, you're the worst!"

No, I'm not kidding. I
feel like I belong there.

They're nice to me.

Wait. Little buddy! Little buddy!

- Hey. Hey.
- What's he talking about?

Wait. Does that mean we're
gonna be stuck with Frenchie?


Ladies, thanks for joining
me in judging the contest.

Hope it's not too awkward,
you know, with my home boss

and my work boss.

What are you talking about, "home boss"?

You don't listen to
me when you're at home.

And your work boss is
the fire commissioner.

Huh. You guys are
starting to sound alike.

Same disapproving
tone. "Bah-bah-bah-bah."

Who are you... Rodney Dangerfield?

What, are you gonna make
a mother-in-law joke next?

Hm. Great pancakes.

I used to do a ganache on this,

but then I found the hazelnut
is a better marriage of flavors.

Look at him... just
like a stupid Frenchman

to bring a crepe to a pancake fight.

You need a little dusting.

'Cause if you don't have
it, you're not gonna get

that sweetness that it really requires.

Oh yeah, hey. Good luck, Cap.

Thanks. I don't need it, though.
I got talent and connections.

I mean, look at the judge's table.

We got my sister, my
best friend/brother-in-law

who I set up with my sister...

- As a joke.
- Yeah, but it still worked.

And you're here because of
it, all right? Pipe down.

And we got Linda Price,
who definitely wants

to climb Mount St. Eddie.

- What makes you think that?
- Have you never seen the way

she flips her hair whenever I'm around?

- Nope.
- Well, if you do, let me know.

'Cause then I'll know it's game on.

- Hey-oh!

Hey, guys.

- Oh.
- Hey, Andy.

What's up, Andy?

What's up, Andy?


Uh... Nope, that's it.

Just uh, wanted to say hi
and, uh, good luck, Cap.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

- Appreciate it.
- Cool, cool, cool.

- Cool, cool, cool.
- Yeah, cool, cool.

- Cool, cool.
- Cool, cool.

- Yeah, cool.
- Thanks for stopping by.

- ANDY: Yeah, cool.

Okay, there we go. A
Burmese slow leopard.

That's a fantastic paint job, Blocky.

Thanks, O'Sullivan.

ANDY: Maybe you can use
some of those paints

to cover up your bald spot. [LAUGHS]

Wow. That came out of nowhere.

That's not really our style, Andy.

No, no. I'm just razzing.

I mean, I can make that joke
because I'm thinning, you know?

Like, ha! Look at
this gorilla tit, guys.

Ha ha!

I see nothing but luxurious hair.

What? No, no, no. You don't see scalp?

- There's scalp.

"The marks humans leave
are too often scars."

- Amen.
- Uh, thanks, O'Sullivan.

Hey, buds. I guess all I got

is a chocolate crepe
with a hazelnut ice cream.

Slivered almonds in a semi-sweet
chocolate paste on top.

Thank you, man. You're the best!

You're damn right I am. [LAUGHS]

- d*ck tap.
- Ohh!

That's so fun! We keep...

- We keep doin' that.
- Right?

- It never gets old.
- No, it doesn't.

That's why I do it.

Hello. Hello, Tacomaners!

After much deliber-eating...

we have come to a unanimous decision.

We have a winner of the
pancake-cooking contest.

Will the contestants please rise?

Oh. You're already up.

Okay, now, one of these
guys is the winner.

Well, they're both winners,
'cause there are no losers here.

There are only winners.

I think when I announce the winner,

they will both be happy for each other.

And when I do announce
the winner, it'll be...

Hey, Terry. Come on. Here we go.

Great. Okay.

Uh, the winner is...

Frenchie Willikers!

- Whoo!
- What?!

Sacrebleu! That's gotta hurt, bud!

- Ha-ha! Whoo, whoo, whoo!
- No. No.

No, no, no. That's bullshit.

All right. Eddie,
this is a family event.

- You didn't vote for me?
- You're not that good.

He's a better cook than you are.

And you? My own sister.
You didn't love my pancakes?

I liked your pancakes.

In an instant-mix, chain-hotel,

"breakfast buffet on
a Tuesday" kind of way.

But you. Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.

And the crepes? Come here!

- Mwah! Mwah!
- Thank you.

Come over to our house whenever.

- Aw. Thank you, Vicki.
- Okay. Okay.

I see. I see. And you?

You and I are never hooking up.

I'm sorry. Who are you again?

- I'm Eddie Penisi.
- All right.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we filled your bellies.

Now let's fill your ears.

Everyone, stop, drop, and roll
for the stylings of Flame-O!


Who's ready to feel the b-u-u-u-urn?!


No, Andy. Don't do it.

Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay!

♪ My name is Flame-o,
and I don't play-mo ♪

♪ You might think I'm cool,
but this ain't a game-o ♪

- Um, uh...
- Boo!

♪ Matches and lighters,
they might look like fun ♪


♪ You can hurt yourself ♪

I can't watch this, man.

- Wait.
- It's embarrassing.


Now I know what it feels
like to get d*ck-tapped.

Huh. It's, uh... Come on. Watch it.




Hey, buddy.

♪ Fire ♪

♪ Oh, fire ♪

♪ Fire is deadly ♪

♪ Remember this medley ♪

♪ Don't smoke in buildings ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, oh, fire ♪

Oh. Okay.

♪ Oh, fire ♪

♪ More fire ♪

♪ Fire is deadly ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, fire ♪

Be safe, kids.

♪ Fire is deadly ♪

- Safety first.
- Yeah.

♪ Don't smoke in buildings ♪

Check your fire detectors.

♪ Fire is deadly ♪

- Every six months.
- ♪ Oh, oh, you... ♪

I miss you, little buddy.

I miss seeing your hair in
the drain in the shower, and...

I miss grabbing the stuff
on the high shelves for ya.

Ah, man. I miss your creatine farts.

What are we doin'?

We only gave you shit
'cause we love you.

I know that now. I love you guys, too.

Hey, man. Forget this jazz.

You wanna get out of here?

- Yeah.
- The only way we know how.





EDDIE: Welcome home, Andy.
The Gravatti honors are yours.

I discovered some things on the B-shift.

Sometimes Gravatti duty
isn't as bad as it seems.

- What does that mean?
- It means...

that I got this.

Take five.





Hello? Uh... where are you?


- Ohh.
- The Hawaiian lion.

- Hi?
- You first-responded to my wife.

She fell.

You first-responded to my daughter.

How's your smoke detector working?

Let's see how you respond to this.


I love having Andy back.
All is right in the world.