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20x01 - The Top Ten Alien Influencers

Posted: 02/17/24 18:45
by bunniefuu
A mysterious Egyptian pharaoh

who altered the religion

of an entire empire.

Extraordinary engineers

who lived in the sea.

And a cosmic visitor

who worked for

the United States military.

Throughout history, humankind

has received guidance

from otherworldly beings.

Now, Ancient Aliens examines

ten of the most

intriguing influencers

in history.

Teachers that just

might have been

visitors from another world.

There is a major misconception

that the ancient astronaut


credits all the accomplishments

of our ancestors

entirely to extraterrestrials.

But this is not the case.

What it suggests is that

our ancestors had teachers.

We can find countless

examples throughout history

of beings who came from the sky

and imparted knowledge

that led to the building

of incredible structures,

or changed the course

of history.

And one of the most

compelling accounts

describes no less than

200 otherworldly teachers

who had an impact

of biblical proportions.

At number ten on

our countdown of

the top ten alien influencers:

the Watchers.

Qumran, Israel, 1949.

A team of archaeologists

unearth hundreds of ancient

scrolls that are more than

2,000 years old.

Known as the Dead Sea Scrolls,

these documents contain

the oldest versions of

the Bible ever discovered,

as well as a controversial

text called The Book of Enoch,

which tells the tale

of a group of otherworldly

influencers known as

the Watchers.

The Watchers are

a group of these 200 angels.

The Book of Enoch says

they came from God's throne.

They're the highest order of

angels who were sent to Earth,

to give humanity knowledge.

The Watchers are a group

of angels who are dispatched

to watch humans

and to help humans.

Now, the Watchers are

very interesting because

they are angels

who interact with humans.

The Book of Enoch is

a firsthand account of

the biblical patriarch's

encounter with the Watchers.

Enoch was taken into the heavens

aboard a fiery chariot,

where he is given

powerful universal knowledge

by angelic beings.

They taught advanced knowledge

of metalworking, of astronomy.

But the most amazing thing is

that the Watchers taught Enoch

the secrets of heaven.

When Enoch returned to Earth,

he shared this knowledge

with his fellow humans.

And as far as ancient astronaut

theorists are concerned,

the account of Enoch

and the Watchers

is a compelling example

of an otherworldly influence

on human development.

The Book of Enoch is very clear

that the Watchers

are celestial beings.

We call them extraterrestrials.

There's no question they didn't

come from this planet.

However they got here,

the stories are clear.

It's that they were here

to assist humanity

in scaling

the evolutionary ladder.

Our next alien influencers

are celestial beings

who number not in the hundreds,

but in the thousands.

And they are believed

to visit Japan to this very day.

At number nine: the kami.

Ise, Japan.

In the center of this remote

coastal city is a massive

complex of 125

individual Shinto shrines.

They are dedicated

to the worship of

otherworldly beings

known as the kami.

The kami are these

celestial beings that are

able to inhabit basically

anything, from a human being,

to an animal,

and even inanimate objects.

So on the one hand, they're

these multidimensional beings,

but then,

they also describe them

as having come down

from their celestial

palace in the sky,

which is called Takamagahara.

There are over eight million

kamis, according to

the Shinto tradition, and each

one of them respond to certain

offerings that they like,

in particular.

They also will

respond more negatively

if they are disregarded

or forgotten.

So, all of them have

distinct individualities,

and certain likes

and dislikes as well.

According to ancient astronaut


the kami are not only

otherworldly beings,

but have had a major influence

on Japanese civilization.

Evidence of which can be

found at the Ise Grand Shrine,

which according

to Japanese tradition,

is the home of the supreme

kami, the goddess Amaterasu.

Amaterasu is the principal


and principal god of Shinto.

All emperors

in the history of Japan

have claimed descent

from Amaterasu as well.

All of them trace their lineage

back to the kami,

all the way down to

Emperor Jimmu,

the first emperor

to unify Japan.

According to Japan's

oldest text, the "Kojiki,"

Emperor Jimmu united

the islands of Japan

in the sixth century BC.

It is written that his victory

was ensured

not only by Amaterasu,

but also by a kami that took

the form of a large

three-legged crow.

This so-called "crow"

guided him on his journey

and advised him in military

matters to ensure his success.

And when you look at ancient

depictions of this crow,

it is often depicted inside some

kind of an orb,

this circular disc.

So if you look at that,

you have to ask,

what, exactly, were the ancient

Japanese talking about here?

Because this, to me, sounds

more like he was being guided

by some kind of a flying craft

than an actual crow.

Could Japan's

first Emperor, Jimmu,

and the imperial family today,

be direct descendants

of extraterrestrial beings

known as the kami?

And might the three-legged crow

really have been an alien craft?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes,

and as far as followers

of Shinto are concerned,

the kami still influence

earthly events to this very day.

Many Japanese actually have

Shinto shrines

in their homes,

so there's a daily

interaction with the kami.

And they will do

daily prayers or daily rituals

devoted to the kami,

and this benefits them

directly through long life

and health and prosperity.

The Japanese archipelago

is dotted with over

81,000 shrines that are devoted

to the kami gods.

The Japanese people will

visit the shrines

of the kami with the belief

that they are actually praying

to an extraterrestrial being

who can fulfill their blessings.

On the opposite side

of the world,

in the American Southwest,

you will find similar legends

of mysterious teachers

who descended from the heavens.

The native Hopi people

depict them as strange

humanoid figures with

various animal features.

Number eight on our countdown

of alien influencers:

the kachinas.

- Black Mesa.

- Northeastern Arizona.

The Native American Hopi tribe

has considered these peaks

sacred for more than

1,000 years.

According to their mythology,

this is where they were

visited by sky beings

known as the kachina.

The kachinas, in Hopi tradition,

are related to the star people.

All Native American tribes

have these traditional

oral histories that people came

from the stars to visit them.

It's universal, all across

the United States,

that these gods, as we call

them today, came to Earth

and visited to provide


The translation for

the word kachina is very simple.

It means "teacher."

The Hopi refer to the kachinas

arriving in these

flying shields.

Orange, glowing shields, as

they're sometimes referred to.

They would touch down on Earth,

spend time with human beings,

teach them, give them knowledge,

and then they would use the same

quote-unquote shields

to fly back into the sky.

And that's interesting that

the Hopi are very clear in

relaying that the kachinas were

not part of the ethereal realm,

but that they happened to

be part of our physical world.

According to Hopi mythology,

the kachina arrived to share

knowledge about agriculture,

astronomy and medicine.

To this day, the Hopi celebrate

the influence of the kachina

with rituals to connect them

with the sky beings.

Central to these are

sacred objects

that are believed to be

a likeness of the kachina.

The kachina is a representation

of the actual gods

that used to come

into the villages eons ago.

Some of them are warriors.

Most of them are

priesthood-type kachinas,

and they come from different

parts of the universe.

The Hopi are very clear

in suggesting

that the kachinas were

celestial beings

that imparted knowledge.

And if you compare that to

the ancient astronaut theory,

that's exactly what it talks

about, that the knowledge was

imparted by beings

who visited us.

on our list er

descended from the heavens.


they emerged from the sea.

Like a group

of mysterious beings

who taught

the ancient Greeks metallurgy,

and were described

as humanoid entities

with fish-like features.

At number seven on our countdown

of the top ten

alien influencers:

the Telchines.

The Aegean Sea.

On the eastern edge

of the Greek archipelago

lies the picturesque island

of Rhodes.

Today, it is home

to more than 115,000 people.

But according

to Greek mythology,

it was once inhabited

by a mysterious group

of advanced beings

known as the Telchines.

The Telchines

are an interesting aspect

of this early Greek mythology.

They are, in some cases,

described as having dog heads

and fish-web hands.

The Telchines were known

for that reason

as "fish people."

They had their special

semidivine powers,

technologically advanced beings

who are greater than humans.

They were bigger, they're

stronger, they're smarter.

It's very interesting

that the Greeks

were very, very clear

in describing

what they looked like.

The Telchines are amphibious.

During the day,

they would walk on land,

but at night,

they would go into the water

and then reemerge

the following day.

According to legend,

the Telchines were

highly skilled metallurgists.

They were said to have created

Poseidon's magical trident,

and to have cast

the first bronze statues

of the gods of Olympus.

The Telchines were known

for their, uh, ability

in metalsmithing,

in various magical

or highly technological


And they came up with

new stuff all the time.

So, they were represented

as a somewhat advanced race,

if you will.

According to mythology,

the Telchines shared the secrets

of their advanced smithcraft

with the ancient Greeks.

The Telchines are the ones

who taught the local population

about metallurgy,

how to make swords

and how to forge them in fire,

and things like that.

You have to remember that,

at some point,

these things were not invented,

so all of a sudden,

these new things are there,

and when you look

at the ancient accounts

how or why our ancestors

came up with this

our ancestors are telling us,

"And then we were taught by,"

in this case,

"the Telchines how to make iron,

how to make metal."

The reason why this ties into

the ancient astronaut theory

is because the entire

Greek pantheon of gods

is based on

an extraterrestrial idea

that the ancient gods

of Greece were

visiting extraterrestrials.

While the idea that the Greeks

could have been influenced

by amphibious metalsmiths

may sound like science fiction,

there is historical evidence

that a group called

the Telchines truly did exist.

We do actually have

evidence of these beings.

They were actual ancient Greeks

who had specific tasks

and trades like,

uh, metallurgy,

like smithing, and so on.

And so, the Telchines

could, in fact, not just be

these mythological beings

but actual people.

And if that is the case,

then that opens up the question

of whether or not


lived in the sea.

This is a-a common theme

that we find around the world,

of great civilizer gods

that emerged from the sea,

and from time to time,

they will come to the surface

as influencers of humankind,

or as instruments

of advancement for humanity.

Curiously, in West Africa,

there are also accounts

of mysterious teachers

who had a fish-like appearance.

And according

to the Dogon tribe,

these alien influencers

didn't come out of the sea

but traveled to Earth

from an invisible star.

At number six on our countdown:

the Nommo.

Mali, Africa, 1931.

French anthropologist

Marcel Griaule

treks through

the forbidden desert

in search of the mysterious

Dogon tribe.

When he finds them,

he becomes fascinated

by their culture and traditions,

including the tale of mysterious

teachers called the Nommo.

According to Dogon mythology,

the Nommo came from the sky,

had a fish-like appearance

and aided

in the development of humankind.

They described

these Nommos as being

very, like, mermaid

or merman-like,

but bequeathing lots

of knowledge of astronomy,

math and science

to this ancient race.

The Dogon actually said, "Well",

"this was our creator god Nommo,

"who descended from the sky

in a loud whirlwind

of a storm of thunder,

smoke and lightning."

And their knowledge

of everything

was given to them by that being.

According to the Dogon,

the Nommo not only taught them

about agriculture,

math and medicine, but shared

advanced astronomical


The Dogon priests said

that the Nommo

were coming from

the star system of Sirius,

but they said that their star

was a different,

smaller star in Sirius,

and the Nommo planet went around

this secondary star.

Well, the French anthropologists

were amazed at that,

and were confused as well.

Because that companion star

to Sirius

had not really been officially

discovered at that time.

How is it possible

that they have this knowledge

unless that knowledge

was given to them

by beings who came

from that star system?

But you have to ask,

did the Nomo

come from the stars?

Were they extraterrestrial

beings that came to Earth

as great teachers,

as influencers of human culture?


to ancient astronaut theorists,

is the country of Australia,

because for thousands of years,

the Aboriginal people

have been passing down stories

of their celestial ancestors.

And one of the most

compelling tales

involves a mysterious teacher

who descended from the heavens

in a flying canoe.

Number five on our countdown

of the top ten

alien influencers:

a visitor known as Baiame.

The Aboriginal people

have lived here

for more than 60,000 years,

making them the most ancient

continuous culture in the world.

For tens of thousands of years,

they have preserved

the sacred knowledge

of their earliest ancestors,

passed down through art

and detailed oral histories.

And there is one figure

who is said

to have had a greater influence

on Aboriginal traditions

than any other:

a mysterious teacher

named Baiame.

Baiame is our god creator,

who came from the Morning Star.

And Baiame arrived here

to Mother Earth a long time ago.

We say our ways of life

that are passed down

from generation after generation

have been given to us by Baiame.

Baiame is a deity

that helped

the local population,

gave knowledge

and showed people,

in various

scientific disciplines.

Essentially, it was a teacher.

Oh, wow.

In 2016,

ancient astronaut theorist

Giorgio Tsoukalos

traveled to the Brisbane Water

National Park in Australia.

There he met with Aboriginal

Elder Kevin Gavi Duncan,

and was eager to learn more

about Baiame

and the story

of his otherworldly origins.

So, what are we looking at here?

So, this image

is an actual image of Baiame.

- That's what our people believe.

- Okay.

This site is considered around

8,000 to 10,000 years old.


Baiame came from what a place

that we call the Morning Star,

within the Mirrabooka,

- Mm-hmm.

- "Mirra" means "stars" and "booka" means river.

It is the Milky Way

that flows across the,

- the night sky.

- No kidding. Okay.

And so, he is one

of those sky heroes

that has descended

from the Milky Way?

Yes, he's a sky hero.

And this is the canoe.

This was his vessel

that he sailed through

the Milky Way.

When he landed,

they said the fire

came from his feet and it burnt

the top of the mountain

and all around it

every time he landed.

- This is incredible.

- People interpret that

as a spaceship of some kind,

as coming and going.

This is the way we simply

interpret Baiame's spaceship.

- Right, but it's because the vocabulary

- Right, yeah.

didn't exist at the time.


According to

the oral traditions,

when Baiame arrived, he created

the Earth for humans

and then showed them

how to survive.

Teachings that continue

to influence Aboriginal society.

We believe,

as Aboriginal people,

that Baiame walked

across the Earth

and basically, the land

was prepared for us

before life was started here.

We say, "Baiame,

teach us how we should"

"equally have this

balance of life

between us

as human beings and the Earth."

The Aboriginals have

all kinds of ancient stories

of sky gods who manipulated

the continent

and created the rivers

and mountains

and then they left.

These are probably

some of the oldest stories

of extraterrestrial intervention

that we have on planet Earth.

Our people had much

ancient knowledge

of the star system,

and the constellation

of the stars.

The wisdom and knowledge that

have been given to us by Baiame.

It's said that Baiame

taught the ancient

Aboriginal people

astronomy, medicine

and various skills

to survive off the land,

including how to

make Australia's

most iconic hunting tool.

Baiame had given us

the spirit of technology.

We invented the boomerang,

which is aerodynamics.

It's something that's, you know,

influenced the technology

of today like airplanes and

helicopters, and other things.

And, we say that knowledge

of how to create these

things was given by Baiame.

Was Baiame

an otherworldly visitor

who bequeathed knowledge

that continues to influence

Aboriginal people to this day?

For elders like

Gary Simon Jagamarra

and many who share

the traditional beliefs

of their ancestors,

the answer

is a resounding "yes."

We all have stories

of people in crafts

coming from the stars,

going to the stars, and so on.

In order to keep them,

pass them down

to next generation,

we carved them,

we painted them, we sang them.

We danced them in stories

to guarantee

that they passed down.

So, when the visitors left,

we didn't forget about them

and we never forget

about the things

that they passed down to us and

the knowledge they passed down.


to investigate is Egypt.

Its mythology is

a treasure trove of evidence

for the ancient

astronaut theory,

including accounts of UFOs,

advanced technology

and the story

of a mysterious man

who received his knowledge

from the stars.

Number four on our list of the

top ten alien influencers:


Saqqara, Egypt.

Located just 15 miles

south of the Giza Plateau

stands what mainstream

archaeologists suggest

is the oldest pyramid in Egypt:

the Step Pyramid of King Djoser.

Constructed in

the 27th century BC,

this monument was designed

by a mysterious figure

named Imhotep.

Imhotep was a commoner,

but he became the high

engineer, the main architect.

And he came out of nowhere.

We don't know his history,

we know that he

came into power,

ascended the ranks,

and became the closest man

to the king.

And he came up with

the idea of a pyramid.

- It was a step pyramid.

- And if you look at it,

it's sometimes described

as "stairway to the gods,"

these enormous steps

up into the sky.

And it was the first time

a stone ceiling was suspended.

It is an amazing breakthrough

pioneer architectural moment,

and the beginning of

the making of pyramids in Egypt.

Imhotep designed

the Djoser Pyramid

to be the most impressive

monument in Egypt.

The six-tier,

four-sided structure

originally stood 205 feet tall,

with a base measuring 358 feet

by 397 feet.

It was an engineering

achievement so extraordinary

that it enshrined Imhotep in

the annals of Egyptian history.

Remarkably, the iconic

structure was not

Imhotep's sole accomplishment.

Imhotep was a high priest.

He also was a high physician

and the most ancient

medical document

ever found in the world

was a papyrus written by Imhotep

that explains

how to treat trauma.

But of greater interest to

ancient astronaut theorists

is what influenced Imhotep's

incredible accomplishments.

You go to look back at Imhotep

and how he gained

that knowledge.

And what's written is puzzling

because it says Imhotep received

the book that fell from the sky.

Did Imhotep really

gain his knowledge

from an otherworldly source?

Or, is it possible, as ancient

astronaut theorists suggest,

that there is a more

profound explanation?

There are great mysteries

about who Imhotep was,

where he came from.

This is interesting because

later on, Imhotep is deified.

And what's fascinating

is the depictions of him.

He looks like he's

got this oversize head.

He's got strange-looking hands.

He almost looks nonhuman.

what we appear to be

dealing with here

is possibly

an extraterrestrial being

who took on a human existence.

The story of Imhotep

is fascinating,

but he wasn't the only alien

influencer in ancient Egypt.

One of the most intriguing

was a controversial pharaoh

who worshipped a mysterious

disc-shaped deity

and was depicted

with an elongated skull.

At number three: Akhenaten.

Of the many pharaohs

of ancient Egypt,

none are more mysterious

and controversial

than Akhenaten.

He ruled from 1353 BC

until his death 17 years later.

His reign was

dominated by controversy

when he abandoned the pantheon

of old Egyptian gods

and instead demanded

that his subjects

worship a single deity:

the sun god Aten.

Akhenaten was

the most unique king

in all of ancient Egypt.

At a time where Egypt

was most prosperous,

he decided to change everything.

To change Egypt's

most strongest beliefs.

To change religion.

Akhenaten announces

there will be one god,

they will be

a monotheistic people.

Aten, the sun god,

would be the one divinity

they all worshipped.

The image is the sun disc.

It shook the empire

in really terrible ways.

Unlike the pantheon

of anthropomorphic gods

that had been

worshipped for centuries,

the god Aten

was simply represented

by a disc-shaped object.

The Egyptian aristocracy

was so confused and angered

by Akhenaten's installation

of this abstract deity,

that after his death,

they went to extreme lengths

to obliterate his legacy.

The ancient Egyptians

did not want us to know

anything about Akhenaten.

You can only wonder,

was it in fact to protect

an even darker secret?

What secret could have

inspired Akhenaten

to make such drastic changes

during a time

of tremendous prosperity?

Ancient astronaut

theorists suggest

there may have been

an otherworldly influence,

and as evidence,

point not only to the

disc-shaped god he worshipped,

but also to the way

he and his wife, Nefertiti,

were depicted

by artists of the time.

He, and Nefertiti

and their children

all had elongated heads

as we see all around the world

and is often associated

with extraterrestrials.

Akhenaten has been

suggested as possibly

being an extraterrestrial

or part extraterrestrial.

One has to wonder

if Akhenaten may have been

some type of

an extraterrestrial hybrid.

And perhaps that sun-disc Aten

that Akhenaten prayed to

wasn't a sun in the sky at all,

but it could have been

an extraterrestrial

that instructed Akhenaten.

of otherworldly guidance unt

occurred in the distant past.

In fact, one alien influencer

allegedly crash-landed

on Earth in the 1950s

and then shared the secrets

of his technology

with members

of the U.S. military.

Number two on our countdown

of the top ten

alien influencers: J-Rod.

Groom Lake, Nevada.

Hidden within

a ring of mountains,

this dry lakebed is

the location of Area 51,

the nation's most infamous

military installation.

For decades

rumors have swirled that this

top secret facility is hiding

not only

extraterrestrial technology,

but a living alien being

known as "J-Rod."

J-Rod is an alien

who allegedly worked at Area 51

over a period of years

to help reverse engineer

extraterrestrial technology.

A number of

government whistleblowers

have come forward with

the story that J-Rod

was first discovered

inside the cockpit

of a downed alien craft.

According to their accounts,

on May 21, 1953,

government officials secretly

gathered a team of scientists

to investigate the crash

of an unidentified flying object

on the outskirts of

Kingman, Arizona.

There were 40 engineers

that boarded a bus,

and they took a long

three and a half hour ride

from Phoenix to Kingman.

When they got there,

it was nighttime.

There were MPs on

all corners of the craft.

It's about a 40-foot diameter

disc-shaped craft

that was perfectly intact,

there wasn't a scratch on it.

There were four beings

associated with this craft.

And they shipped it

to Groom Lake.

Groom Lake is

the Area 51 region in Nevada.

When Area 51

was just bare bones,

they took the craft

and the aliens

out to that location in

the middle of the Nevada desert,

because it was so remote,

and around that,

they built Area 51.

This is where the story

of J-Rod originates.

J-Rod survived

and worked directly

with our own government.

What's very interesting here

is here we have

an extraterrestrial

in government custody,

and he could certainly have

all kinds of

information to reveal,

and what they are apparently

talking about is technology

and the reverse engineering

of extraterrestrial technology.

One man who claimed to

have worked with J-Rod

is Captain Bill Uhouse,

a former Air Force test pilot,

who was assigned to Area 51

in the mid-1960s.

We had a long period

of introduction

into meeting,

you know, an alien.

And I called him J-Rod.

That's the name

that the linguists gave him.

And he talked, he would talk,

but he'd sound just like,

if you spoke,

he'd sound like you.

You know, he's like

one of these, uh,

a parrot.

But he'd try and answer

your question, you know?

Basically, it was only

engineering advice

or science advice.

Bill Uhouse said

he met this being

at least ten times

over a period of years,

and he learned

it was J-Rod's mission

to help reverse engineer

technology that was

apparently from

the 1953 Kingman UFO crash.

While the sensational account

of Captain Bill Uhouse

strikes many as outlandish,

shortly after he came forward,

a microbiologist

named Dan Burisch

confirmed the claim.

There's another whistleblower

by the name of Dan Burisch.

And Dan Burisch

said that he was hired

as a microbiologist to,

basically, care for J-Rod,

ensuring that he

remained healthy.

And, uh, this went on

for years and years and years.

According to Dan Burisch

and Bill Uhouse,

J-Rod was housed in

a special underground chamber

at Area 51.

And J-Rod was not

the only extraterrestrial

believed to be working with

the United States government.

There's a lot of stories

that we've worked with

aliens at Area 51,

and that they worked

at the White House

uh, and the Pentagon

as advisors,

helping us to better our world,

and they have been

sharing information

for us to

enhance our technologies.

This idea that actual,

physical extraterrestrials

could potentially be influencing

the course of the world

is a possibility.

I am sure

there's envoys out there

that do the same thing,

not just on a planet,

but in entire planetary systems.

We're just moments away

from revealing the top alien

influencer on our countdown,

and we've saved

the best for last

because this one

has had an impact

across the whole world.

end n

of the top ten

alien influencers,

and this last one has led to

a seismic shift in

beliefs and attitudes

towards the possibility

that extraterrestrials

are visiting Earth.

At number one on our countdown:

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

The New York Times releases

three videos that were

recorded by U.S. fighter jets.

The footage, which appears

to show encounters between

U.S. Navy aircraft and

unidentified flying objects,

was brought to them by

government whistleblower

Luis Elizondo.

Luis Elizondo is a former

intelligence officer

in the Department of Defense.

From everything that we can see,

he had a very stellar career,

very fine career.

And, in 2007, he was selected

to run the AATIP program.

So that's the Advanced Aerospace

Threat Identification Program,

the UFO program.

The release of the videos

not only sparked

a wave of interest about

UFOs across the country,

but forced lawmakers on

Capitol Hill to take notice.

This was a real turning point

in the United States

because The New York Times

basically said that, yeah,

there are UFOs out there.

The government's

looking at them.

It's actually

an important investigation.

This really shows that

UFOs and the study of UFOs

and the investigation

has entered the mainstream.

The influence of the videos

released by Elizondo

emboldened other whistleblowers

to come forward

with evidence of UFOs.

Including Navy pilot

David Fravor

and former Area 51 engineer

Bob Lazar.

And in June, 2023,

former intelligence officer

David Grusch

testified before Congress

about a covert military program

that has craft

of non-human origin.

I was informed in the course

of my official duties

of a multi-decade

UAP crash retrieval

and reverse engineering program.

The impact of the testimony

of these whistleblowers

has brought the idea of

extraterrestrials visiting Earth

into mainstream conversation.

But, as far as ancient astronaut

theorists are concerned,

this is no accident.

They suggest that the dramatic

influence the whistleblowers

have had on the public

is part of a plan

by extraterrestrials.

What's really fascinating

is that in the 1960s,

Erich Von Däniken proposed

in Chariots of the Gods?

that aliens would show up

when Earth civilization

would reach a certain

level of technology.

And with everything

that's going on right now,

this may be the time

when we will make contact.

Some thousands of years ago,

the extraterrestrials

promised to return

in a faraway future.

And we have good reasons to

believe that now they are back.

More and more of

these proven UFO cases

appear to the public.

Before, it was never

shown to the public.

We know we are not alone.

We are under observation,

and it must be extraterrestrials

because they show a technology

which we do not have.

For the first time in history,

members of Congress, senators,

and the U.S. military

are openly talking about

the possibility of

an extraterrestrial presence

on Earth.

All of a sudden, since 2017,

these stories have become

front-page news.

And it clearly shows

that there was

a type of a paradigm shift

that's happened

over the past 25 years.

And, for someone like me,

it's-it's incredible.

The idea that extraterrestrials

are deliberately

revealing themselves to us

is truly thrilling.

But what's clear to

ancient astronaut theorists

is that we've had contact

with alien influencers

for thousands of years.

From heavenly beings

described in the Bible

to strange amphibious creatures

and even mysterious visitors

seen in our skies today.

Perhaps the next

alien influencer

will finally reveal the truth

about humankind's

extraterrestrial past.