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19x13 - The Top Ten Mysterious Islands

Posted: 02/17/24 18:41
by bunniefuu
A tropical paradise

believed to be

a gateway to the stars.

A remote landmass

home to enormous stone statues.

And a mysterious man-made island

that defies explanation.

For more than a decade,

Ancient Aliens has traveled

the globe to explore

some of the most isolated

and enigmatic islands

in the world.

Now, we're going

to take a look back

at the top ten

mysterious islands

we've investigated.

Islands that just may hold

the proof

that Earth has been visited

by extraterrestrials.

Some of the most

mysterious places

on the planet

happen to be remote islands.

And that is because

many of them are home

to stories and legends

that extraterrestrials

may have visited Earth

in the distant past.

Like the first location

on our list,

where the native people say

that their ancestors

came from the stars.

Number ten on our countdown

of the top ten

mysterious islands:

the Big Island of Hawaii.

Hawaii's Big Island.

This landmass is the largest

island in the United States,

covering an area

of 4,000 square miles.

To tourists,

it is a paradise on Earth.

But to the people

that have inhabited this island

for centuries,

and who carry with them

the traditions

of their ancestors,

Hawaii is something

very different.

For many, like tribal leader

Kimokeo Kapahulehua,

it is the place

where so-called "star people"

came to Earth centuries ago

and created humans.

Each autumn, when

the Pleiades star system appears

on the horizon, practitioners

of the old native Hawaiian faith

gather to celebrate the harvest

and honor Lono,

the god of rain and peace

who descended to the island

in a canoe.

The Hawaiians believed

that their people

originated in the Pleiades.

During the festival,

the kahunas would chant

the epic of creation,

the Kumulipo chant,

in which they would tell

the story of the descent of Lono

on a rainbow.

And it's thought

that Lono descended

from the Pleiades,

it also makes sense

that he could've returned

to the Pleiades as well.

Did extraterrestrials visit

Hawaii in the distant past?

And if so, for what purpose?

I've always said that Earth

is a planet of experimentation.

I keep thinking of

the Island of Doctor Moreau,

where you're sequestered

in a certain area,

and you can conduct your work

in quiet and in privacy.

What if the planet itself

has been an experimental lab?


would use islands

for one experiment,

tops of mountains

for another experiment.

But they would control

what they were doing

by keeping

their different experiments

separated from each other.

If I were an extraterrestrial

looking for

the perfect laboratory,

I would look no further

than the Hawaiian Islands.

Before the arrival of Europeans,

there were no reptiles,

no mosquitoes, no rats.

It was as pure a place

as any on our planet.

And in many ways, it was the

perfect spot for a laboratory.

Hawaii isn't the only island

where there are stories

of visitors who descended

from the sky.

Off the coast of Great Britain

is a tiny landmass

that the locals say

was once populated by beings

who arrived in what

they described as "cloud ships."

At number nine on our countdown

of mysterious islands:

the Isle of Man.

The Irish Sea.

Located just off

the eastern shore

of Ireland lies the Isle of Man.

Home to approximately

80,000 people,

this small island nation

is roughly half the size

of Los Angeles,

stretching 32 miles long

and just 14 miles across.

But according to folklore,

the Isle of Man

was once home to

a god-like race of beings

called the Tuatha Dé Danann.

The Tuatha Dé Danann

are probably the most important

tribe or figures

that show up in Irish mythology.

"Tuatha" means tribe.

"Dé" means gods or divine,

so "divine tribes."

"Gods of the divine."

There is a description

in the mythological material

in the early Irish literature

of the Tuatha Dé Danann arriving

in, uh, cloud ships

and landing on a mountain.

According to the

ancient stories,

after the arrival of

the Tuatha Dé Danann in Ireland,

the Isle of Man became ruled

by a king named Manannán mac Lir

and served as a home to many

of these visitors from the sky.

Manannán mac Lir was one

of the Tuatha Dé Danann,

and he was a god

for the Celtic peoples.

He also had many magical powers.

For example, he was known

to be a sorcerer

and to be able

to change his shape

into that of anything

that he wished.

The Tuatha Dé Danann

had an arsenal

of very

technological-sounding weaponry

and circles of light they used

to travel around Ireland upon.

The ancient astronaut theory

tries to look at ancient stories

in which magic happens

from a modern perspective

and determine

if that so-called magic really

was some type of technology.

Then one has to wonder, where

did that technology come from?

Well, there's

only one answer to this,

and that is extraterrestrials.

Could the legends of the

Tuatha Dé Danann be describing

otherworldly beings that once

inhabited the Isle of Man?

Perhaps further clues can be

found by examining UFO sightings

that have been reported

on the island for centuries.

There have been reports

of UFOs on the Isle of Man

for a very long time.

The peoples there, uh,

still believe in them today.

They still see them

on a regular basis.

And the common type of report

is that strange lights

move about for a period of time

and then disappear.

So you have to think really

that Isle of Man

was some kind of island that was

chosen by the extraterrestrials.

They would land

their UFOs there.

And, in fact, legends about UFOs

and extraterrestrials continue

on the island even to this day.

If you travel just 450 miles

west of the Isle of Man,

you will come upon the site

of another mysterious island,

but this one can't be visited

because it reportedly vanished

beneath the ocean.

Number eight on our list:

The North Atlantic Ocean.

200 miles off

the western coast of Ireland

lie open waters as far

as the eye can see.

But according to 14th century

maps of the area,

this is the location

of a so-called phantom island

disappeared behind the mists.

It could never

definitively be found.

Although, the

its putative location

is marked on some

of these early maps.

by the Italian-Majorcan


Angelino de Dalorto in 1325,

who described the island as

being "a strikingly round form."

Then in 1497,

Italian explorer John Cabot

Other explorers of the time

returned from the island

with accounts of meeting

beautiful, glowing people.

Like a lot of other mythologies,

such as Atlantis,

the source of, uh, civilization.

And these people originated

from the stars.

They are the people that, uh,

the human race descended from.

have been a place

where otherworldly beings

landed on planet Earth

and jump-started civilization?

And if so, what could explain

its mysterious disappearance

and reappearance over the years?

Ancient astronaut theorists

believe a clue can be found

within tales of vanishing

islands from Greek mythology.

In Ancient Greece,

there are these stories of

a type of moveable island

that the ancient Greeks

referred to as Asteria.

Asteria means

"stars falling from the sky."

And in certain instances,

these stars landed in the water,

and then they were able to move

around under its own propulsion.

was nothing else

but a glorified

extraterrestrial craft.

In the Mediterranean Sea,

there's an island rich

with history and culture

that spans thousands of years.

But perhaps

what's most intriguing

are the mysterious megalithic

structures found there,

structures that are believed

to have been built by giants.

Number seven on our countdown

of the top ten

mysterious islands: Sardinia.

Sardinia, Italy.

Located 116 miles west

of the Italian peninsula,

this picturesque island

in the Mediterranean

boasts rugged mountains,

arid grasslands,

and white-sand beaches.

It is also home

to many mysterious

ancient stone structures

built by the

Nuragic civilization,

that was believed to have

inhabited the island

nearly 4,000 years ago.

Sardinia is probably

best known for its abundance

of structures called "nuraghe."

And these are conical towers,

usually truncated at the top,

so that there's a flat base.

There are approximately

7,000 nuraghe that scholars

have uncovered on Sardinia,

though that number could be

as high as 20,000 or more.

These nuraghe are made

out of huge basalt boulders.

They're stacked up

into towers and walls

and beehive chambers.

Archaeologists do not know

how they were all built.

They assume that huge ramps

were built to move

all of this material.

Throughout Sardinia,

there are stories of-of giants,

and you have to wonder

if whoever was building

these structures were giants.

Is it possible that Sardinia

was once home

to a population of giants?

Ancient astronaut

theorists say yes

and point to several

stone statues

found on the island known

as the "Giants of Mont'e Prama."

So, the Giants of Mont'e Prama

are very tall stone giants that

were found on the, uh, western

coast of Sardinia back in 1974.

Since then, there's been

numerous excavations,

and over 40

of these stone giants

over eight feet tall

have now been reconstructed

from pieces

that were found there.

For all intents and purposes,

the face looks like a replica

of C-3PO, the robot.

And the fact

that archaeologists suggest

that these are the replicas

of the local population,

and they even call them

the Giants of Mont'e Prama,

you have to wonder

is it possible that Sardinia,

at some point, was visited

by extraterrestrials?

And I think the answer is yes.

The ancient statues

of giants on Sardinia

are truly extraordinary.

But there is another island

near Australia

that has stories of giant beings

that are said to actually be

living there today.

Number six on our countdown

of the top ten

mysterious islands: Guadalcanal.

Almost 2,000 miles

northeast of Australia

lie the Solomon Islands.

While this chain

contains more than 900 islands,

the most well-known

is Guadalcanal,

which served as a strategic

military base

during World w*r II.

Today, a series

of mysterious events

have convinced locals

the island is home

to enormous otherworldly beings.

There are mysterious legends

all over the Solomons, actually.

A lot of the stories

from Guadalcanal

tend to talk about giants.

The relationship

between people and giants.

Giants are often portrayed

in different ways.

Sometimes, they are benevolent

giants. They help people.

They look after people.

But there are stories

about giants

k*lling people

and taking over things.

There are legends and stories

that go way back that suggest

that giants actually still live

on the Solomon Islands.

Some say they're kind of

hairy beast kind of beings.

Others say

they're more humanoid.

And some say they even relate

and kind of mate

with the human population.

People talk about it that giants

actually do exist.

They existed in the past.

Today, with all kinds

of developments taking place,

they shifted

further into the mountains.

They really do exist.

It's not just a mythology

to scare children.

According to one report,

in 1998,

workers in

a gold-mining operation

witnessed what they believed

might be evidence of some type

of giant humanoid when one

of their bulldozers broke down.

The workers claimed

they removed the ten-ton blade

from the machine to make

overnight repairs,

but when they returned to

the dig site the next morning,

they were shocked

by what they found.

The blade itself had

been moved quite a distance

and they found footprints

of giants in the mud.

So they could

only assume that these

famous giants

of the Solomon Islands

had been there and moved

the bulldozer blade.

Is Guadalcanal

really home to giants?

And if so,

where did they come from?

Some researchers believe

the answer can be found

in eyewitness accounts of

mysterious objects in the sky.

The Australian author, Boirayon,

believed that incidents of

the giants that he'd been told

about by the natives

were related to UFO activity.

And from what

he could put together,

there was some kind of UFO base

deep in the mountains

of Central Guadalcanal,

and it involved these giants.

The Solomon Islands

has been a hotbed

of UFO activity for centuries.

There are numerous accounts

of abductions.

People who disappear

after coming into contact,

uh, with these UFOs.

Never to be seen again.

You have to wonder

if these famous giants

of Guadalcanal were,

in fact, extraterrestrials.

We're coming up

on the halfway point

in our countdown of

the top ten mysterious islands.

The South Pacific is home

to some of the most remote

islands on Earth, and

the history of this region

is filled with stories

of otherworldly visitors.

Like the next entry on our list,

number five: Nuku Hiva.

The South Pacific.

3,000 miles west of Mexico

lies a rocky volcanic island

known as Nuku Hiva.

Nuka Hiva is the largest

of the Polynesian islands,

and it's in the northerly part

of the group. It is the capital.

According to local legend,

Nuku Hiva was built by the god

of creation, Ono, for his wife.

Once it was complete,

their offspring

populated the area.

In 2018,

ancient astronaut theorists

Giorgio Tsoukalos

and David Childress

traveled to Nuku Hiva

and met with local guide,

Aniata Kimitete, to investigate

the stories about the arrival

of the gods, as well as

the statuary depicting them.

Oh, wow. Okay.

Is this considered a tiki?

Yes, this tikis represent

the population.

So w-what is a tiki?

A tiki, at first,

was the representation

of our god of magic and sorcery.

He was one of the only god

in French Polynesia

that has the face of a man.

To the people of Nuku Hiva,

the word "tiki" refers to both

an ancestral figure that came

to the islands in ancient times,

as well as the statues

that represent him.

They are variously carved

in both wood and stone,

and often depict a being

with large, goggle-like eyes.

The lore has it that Tiki

was the primary ancestor

and was created

in the image of the sky god.

The local people

made statues in honor

of their creator god, Tiki,

and used them in worship.

And this is what Tiki

looks like, uh, as god?

Yes, because they-they say

in the legend that,

when Tiki left the Earth,

they made the sculpture

of how he looked like

just to have something

to remember from Tiki.

There are multiple

other versions of the exact

same motif worldwide

with people with

elongated skulls

and giant goggle eyes,

like, uh, what comes to mind

immediately is in-in Peru.

- Yeah, at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku.

- Yes.

You have the same

goggle-headed eye people.

You have it in Mexico, too,

with the Olmec statues.

Yes. These may be depictions

of actual extraterrestrials

who visited

the Earth

thousands of years ago.

I still get goose bumps

thinking about my trip

to Nuku Hiva and seeing

the carvings of the Tiki.

But another mysterious island

in the South Pacific

has something

even more astounding,

hundreds of massive

stone statues.

The number four site

on our countdown: Easter Island.

More than 2,000 miles

southeast of Nuku Hiva

is one of the most isolated

places on the planet,

Easter Island.

Today, some 5,000 people

make their home there,

most of whom are the descendants

of Easter Island's original

inhabitants, the Rapa Nui.

But the island's

most famous residents

are the hundreds of massive,

ancient stone statues

known as moai that are scattered

across its grassy cliffs.

Most are between

15 to 20 feet tall,

but the tallest

stands over 70 feet,

and the heaviest weighs

approximately 165 tons.

The statues on Easter Island,

which we call moai,

are one of the great

archeological wonders

of the world. They are unique.

And we believe that,

overall, they carved

something like a thousand

of these moai

over some centuries, maybe

even over a thousand years.

For the Rapa Nui,

the moai are statues

of once living ancestors,

that they passed away,

that they moved

to the other world,

but that they can

still communicate

with their living descendants

through the statues

that are the images of them.

The thing about these moai

is that they have these

very strange faces,

very elongated.

They don't look quite human.

They're humanoid,

but they're somehow different

than ordinary humans.

They look almost alien

in appearance.

And you have to wonder, what

do they ultimately represent?

The moai were carved

from volcanic rock

quarried at the center

of the island.

But just how the ancient

Rapa Nui were able to transport

these giant statues

remains a mystery.

According to the legends

of the Rapa Nui,

their ancestors used

a type of energy, known as

"mana," to levitate

the giant sculptures into place.

The king was given

the gift of mana

from the great

creator god, Makemake.

Mana is a magical energy,

and it seemed to be capable

of extraordinary feats.

The king used the power of mana

to command that the great

stone statues walk.

One has to wonder,

well, either they all

were off their rockers, uh,

describing these things,

or they witnessed something.

And I'm leaning more

in the direction

that they witnessed something

because there had to have been

a spark of inspiration.

And so, in my opinion,

mana was some type

of extraterrestrial technology

that allowed

these stones

to be levitated into place.

Some of the most

compelling evidence

for the ancient astronaut theory

can be found

on a chain of islands

just off the coast of France.

Thousands of years ago,

the people there were compelled

to build hundreds

of mysterious stone structures

that confound researchers

to this very day.

Number three on our countdown:

the British Isles.

The North Atlantic.

Consisting of more than

6,000 islands,

including Great Britain

and Ireland,

the British Isles are home

to more than 72 million people.

But these islands are also home

to some of the most

mysterious megaliths on Earth:

the stone circles.

The British Isles

is the only ancient culture

to have built stone circles

on a large scale.

And it all began

around 5,100 years ago

off the north coast of Scotland.

And then, over a period

of about another hundred years,

the stone circle building

tradition spread pretty rapidly

throughout the rest

of the British Isles,

through England,

Scotland, Wales, Ireland.

Stonehenge is the most

magnificent stone circle

in the British Isles.

It's unique,

it's unlike any stone circle

anywhere on the planet.

It's perfectly circular.

It has astronomical alignments.

According to

mainstream archaeology,

stone circles like Stonehenge

were constructed

as elaborate calendars.

But ancient astronaut theorists

believe they served

a more profound purpose.

It is true that-that

Stonehenge can be used,

or was used as a calendar.

There is no doubt about it.


in order to create a calendar,

there was absolutely

zero need to build

a megalithic structure

as gigantic as Stonehenge

'cause you could've recreated

the entire same thing

by essentially placing

ordinary sticks in the ground.

And that was not the case.

So, what was it?

In 2019,

authors Andrew Collins

and Graham Phillips

set out to investigate

some of the most mysterious

stone circles

of the British Isles, on

the Orkney Islands of Scotland.

This small island chain

is home to Skara Brae,

an ancient settlement

that is over 5,000 years old.

Now known

as the Scottish Pompeii,

it was discovered in 1850

after a storm

revealed the ancient ruins.

- Just look at this place.

- I mean, it's just extraordinary.

- It's pretty sophisticated.

- I mean, these walls here

are really quite advanced

for 5,000 years ago,

when everybody else

in the country

was living in, well,

mud huts, basically.

I know. And-and the

incredible thing about this

is that the descendants

of these people end up creating

all of the stone circles

around Britain.

Experts believe that

the descendants of Skara Brae

began building stone circles

throughout Great Britain,

including Stonehenge.

But what compelled them

to do so?

Andrew believes the answer can

be found at a stone circle near

Skara Brae called

the Ring of Brodgar

and its connection

to mysterious lights in the sky.

We're here

at the Ring of Brodgar.

It is a henge circle,

so all around the outside

of it is a ditch, an embankment.

One of the things

that's been repeatedly found

in connection

with stone circles is that

virtually every location

is also somewhere associated

with the appearance

of mysterious lights,

what we'd call UFOs.

We're talking about Stonehenge,


the Isle of Anglesey in Wales.

All of these locations,

mysterious lights appear

and then disappear.

Is it possible that

the mysterious stone circles

found on the British Isles

were once used to signal

otherworldly beings?

Ancient astronaut

theorists say yes,

and point to the fact

that the stones used

to build the ancient circles


large amounts of quartz.

Quartz crystal can hold

frequency or vibration.

It can store energy,

in other words.

That opens the possibility

that it has

a technological application.

We use crystals in computers

and in radios and lasers,

digital watches.

All kinds of technology

is based on quartz crystal.

It's been documented

in the U.K. that

a lot of these stone circles

are associated

with-with strange lights

and UFO activities.

Then we have to wonder

about the energy there.

So, it may well be that,

in some cases, there's some kind

of electronic, magnetic

signature that they put out

that are beacons for UFOs.

Could it be that

extraterrestrial beings

have been visiting

the British Isles

for thousands of years?

Ancient astronaut

theorists say yes

and suggest further evidence

that ancient islanders

were influenced

by otherworldly beings

can be found

on a mysterious isle

off the coast of Italy,

where archaeologists

have uncovered

very curious human-like remains.

The next location on our list

has more than two dozen

incredible prehistoric temples

that defy

conventional explanation.

But perhaps the most mysterious

and intriguing place

on the island

can be found underground.

Number two

on our countdown: Malta.

In the center of

the Mediterranean Sea,

between Italy and Africa,

lies a three-island archipelago

that makes up

the Republic of Malta.

Malta is this

really small island nation

just south of Sicily,

and it's so small,

it's only 122 square miles

in its entirety.

But because it's dead center

of the Mediterranean Sea,

Malta really

packs a punch historically.

What Malta

is most well-known for,


is the incredible series

of megalithic complexes there

created around 3000-4000 BC.

They involve places

like Tarxien,

Hagar Qim,

and a quite fantastic

megalithic structure

known as Ggantija.

Now, this essentially means

"the place of the giantess."

And the fascinating thing

is beliefs on Malta

that all of these structures

are made by giants.

For centuries,

visitors to Malta marveled

at the island nation's

ancient megalithic structures,

but what no one knew

until the 20th century

was that Malta's

most extraordinary construction

lied hidden beneath the ground.

In 1902, construction workers

uncovered a massive

underground complex

carved out of the bedrock.

Now known as the

Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni,

it is considered

the greatest engineering feat

of the Neolithic age.

The jewel

in the archeological crown

of Malta has to be

the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni.

This is a remarkable structure,

particularly when

you bear in mind

they didn't have metal tools.

It's just mind-boggling.

Archaeologists realized

that this was

a huge underground network

of chambers and corridors.

You enter down into it,

and there are a series

of three different levels.

All of them are interconnected

with corridors

and flow into chambers.

Soon after the discovery

of the Hypogeum,

archaeologists excavating

the subterranean chambers

found more than 7,000 skeletons.

Strangely, a great many of them

had skulls that were

noticeably elongated.

It was found

that some of the skulls

were actually elongated.

They were almost like

the head going backwards

rather than upwards.

Does that represent

the fact that they were

doing head binding?

They were pressed into shape

when these people were babies?

Head binding has been a practice

of numerous primitive cultures

around the world.

It involves tightly wrapping

the heads of infants

before their skulls

fully harden,

resulting in an elongated shape.

In my opinion, the smoking g*n

of this whole

extraterrestrial question is

the elongated skull phenomenon.

Worldwide, in different museums,

you find these skulls

that clearly have

an elongated cranium,

and the mainstream

explanation is

that our ancestors

did this to mimic

their gods of worship.

And right there is where

it becomes interesting.

Because, if they mimic someone,

well, you have to have

seen someone.

So, is it possible that

whoever visited our ancestors

back in the day

had these elongated skulls?

And my answer to that

is a resounding yes.

We're just moments away

from the most mysterious island

on our list.

And we've definitely saved

the best for last

because this location contains,

what I believe to be

undeniable proof that it was

built with the help

of extraterrestrial technology.

In the middle

of the Pacific Ocean is a site

that absolutely blows my mind.

The locals say that

this artificial island

was built thousands of years ago

with the technology of the gods.

At number one on our countdown:

the island of Nan Madol.

Pohnpei, Micronesia.

Located roughly 2,500 miles

northeast of Australia,

this remote island is home

to some of the oldest and most

astounding ruins

of the ancient world, Nan Madol.

It is an 11-square-mile complex

consisting of more than

100 man-made islets,

standing atop

a submerged coral reef.

Archaeologists estimate that,

to construct the site,

the builders used

250 million tons of basalt,

some blocks weighing

upwards of 50 tons.

Nan Madol is this

amazing construction.

It's-it's a full-on city.

When pilots during World w*r II

would fly over that part

of the Pacific,

they would look out their

windows, and they would see

what essentially was described

as the Venice of the Pacific.

So, that became

one of its nicknames.

In 2019,

ancient astronaut theorists

Giorgio Tsoukalos

and David Childress

traveled to the remote island

to try and understand

how Nan Madol was built.

This is exciting.

They were joined by Micronesia's

National Historic Preservation

Officer, Gus Kohler.

- All right, hello. Good morning.

- Hi, Gus.

- This is our guy.

- How are you, Gus?

- Welcome.

- Nice to see you.

And to get an expert opinion

on the megalithic complex

- Follow me.

- they enlisted

UCLA Professor of Structural

Engineering, Dr. Henry Burton.

Wow. Look at this.

- Amazing, huh?

- That's amazing.

So, here is this huge wall here

full of prismatic basalt.

How would you

build that then today?

Well, you-you'd certainly

need cranes,

I can tell you that. Um

Even for some of these

smaller blocks,

you're talking about

on the order of tens of tons.

So, how would you build this

if you didn't have any cranes?

It's a mystery to me.

I can't imagine how it could

be built without cranes.

So, Gus,

what is your tradition of

how they built these walls?

Recently, a growing number

of scientists have become

convinced that the basalt

used to construct Nan Modal

came from a volcanic outcropping

25 miles northeast

of the ancient site.

But how were

the massive stones transported

over such a long distance?

To investigate, the team

traveled to another site

on the island

that is said to have belonged

to Nan Madol's

original builders.

So, Gus, what is then

the oral history

of moving this stone

on the island?

For generations,

the people of Pohnpei have told

the story that Nan Madol

was built by strange visitors

through a process of levitation.

According to the tale,

the basalt was carried

by what the natives

referred to as "a giant bird."

There's one story that says

that, at some point, there were

these giant roosters that lived

on top of that mountain.

And this rooster took

these basalt blocks

and flew them over to Nan Madol.

Now, monster roosters

do not exist.

So, my mind always goes

to misunderstood technology.

Machines that were provided

by the extraterrestrials.

Why is it that remote islands

all around the world

are home to so many

mysterious structures,

sightings, and legends

of otherworldly beings?

Well, perhaps these

secluded locations offered

the perfect outposts

for extraterrestrials

who came to Earth

thousands of years ago

and may still be visiting today.