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19x11 - The Top Ten Pyramid Sites

Posted: 02/17/24 18:39
by bunniefuu
Massive megalithic structures

built thousands of years ago.

Advanced engineering knowledge

that defies

conventional explanation.

And a nearly identical

architectural style

found all over the world.

For more than a decade,

Ancient Aliens

has traveled the globe

to explore the most incredible

pyramids ever discovered.

Now, we're going to visit

the top ten pyramid sites

that just may hold the proof

that Earth has been visited

by extraterrestrials.

Pyramids are some

of the most mysterious

ancient structures

on the planet.

And while they are most often

associated with Egypt,

they can actually be found

all around the world.

But are they merely incredible

feats of engineering

or could they be direct evidence

of our extraterrestrial


When I think of all

the amazing pyramid sites

we've investigated

on Ancient Aliens,

one of the most compelling

is a structure in modern-day

Mexico that was actually

designed to commemorate

an otherworldly visitation.

At number ten on our list

of the top ten pyramid sites:

El Castillo.

The Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.

Hidden in the dense jungle

lies the ancient Mayan city

of Chichén Itzá.

And standing at its center

is a massive step pyramid

believed to have been built

sometime between

the 9th and 12th centuries AD,

known today as El Castillo.

Made of limestone blocks

and standing

almost 100 feet tall,

the pyramid is thought

to represent a calendar,

with each of its 18 terraces

commemorating a month

in the Mayan year.

But its most interesting

feature can be found

on the massive

central staircase.

Castillo is a stepped pyramid,

um, with some

outward radiating staircases

on each of the sides

of the building,

and these staircases have

big high balustrades on them,

and at the base

of the balustrade

are these big carved

snakeheads, carved in stone.

El Castillo was built

to venerate the Mayan god

known as Kukulkan,

or the "Feathered Serpent."

There were traditions

in ancient Mexico

of a great teacher

arriving on the Gulf Coast.

He was said to be Kukulkan,

which translates as "the plumed

or feathered serpent,"

and when he arrived,

he brought with him

the arts of civilization.

He taught astronomy,

he created the first calendar,

he also taught agriculture,

and eventually, he left,

promising to return.

And he was often depicted

as a human being as well.

Kukulkan is depicted

in serpent form

on either side of the central

staircase of El Castillo.

Twice a year,

during sunset and sunrise,

an optical illusion

appears on these stairs.

Every year,

on the 23rd of March,

you see, when the sun

is going up,

some lights and shadows,

like triangles

climbing down the stairway,

exactly the stairway

where his head is on.

And on the 21st of September,

you see the opposite.

Kukulkan disappears.

What we have here

is a visual rendition

of the descent of Kukulkan,

the descent of extraterrestrials

visiting this pyramid structure

known as El Castillo.

You wonder,

perhaps a craft landed here,

and this light shadow effect

of a serpent making its way

descending down the staircase,

and then emerging

through a serpent head

is a recollection

of that original event.

If you leave Chichén Itzá

and travel 900 miles due west

through the jungles of Mexico,

you'll find another

incredible site

known as Teotihuacan.

Three massive pyramids

stand at the center

of this temple complex

that have a direct connection

to the stars.

At number nine:

the pyramids of Teotihuacan.

Just 35 miles northeast

of Mexico City

lies an ancient complex

dating back

to at least

the first century AD.

The site covers an area

of seven square miles

and was once the largest city

in Mesoamerica

with a population

of over 150,000.

The city of Teotihuacan

was the largest

and most powerful city

that Mesoamerica ever saw.

At the city core,

which is the Avenue of the Dead,

the first big long

straight road,

they build the Pyramid of the

Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon.

Both of those

are gigantic pyramids.

And also on

the Avenue of the Dead

is the temple of Quetzalcoatl.

While the origins of the site

have left

archaeologists baffled,

the Aztecs, who occupied

the area around 1400 AD,

are credited with giving it

the name Teotihuacan.

The name Teotihuacan means

"birthplace of the gods."

And the Aztecs believed

that the gods themselves

were born there at Teotihuacan.

And the Aztecs talk about

the many gods coming down

to Earth and creating humans.

If you have stories of people

descending from the sky,

and our ancestors

also called them the gods,

you have to wonder, well,

who or what did they mean

when they said

the so-called gods?

Were our ancestors visited

by flesh-and-blood


whom our ancestors thought

were divine in origin

when they never were?

Do the pyramids

of Teotihuacan hold secrets

of extraterrestrial visitation?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes,

and they believe that the

pyramids standing at the center

of the city point directly

to the origins

of these visitors,

the constellation of Orion.

The Temple of the Sun,

the Temple of the Moon,

and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl

are in the same layout

as Orion's Belt.

And this is not coincidental.

The Mayans are very specific

about Orion's Belt.

They say it is

a point of creation.

It is said that, in 3114 BC,

the gods came

from Orion's Belt to Earth,

and this occurred

in Teotihuacan.

Teotihuacan, despite its size,

has no hieroglyphs whatsoever.

There are other cultures

in Mesoamerica

that were using writing systems.

There's nothing like that

at Teotihuacan,

so we don't really have

a-a clear history

of what happened at Teotihuacan.

In many ways,

Teotihuacan is an enigma.

The next site on our list

was home to a prolific culture

that constructed

over 250 pyramids

more than 600 years ago.

But what's most amazing to me

is that the ancient people

who built

these incredible structures

claimed that they received help

from otherworldly beings.

Number eight:

the Sicán pyramids of Peru.

- The Lambayeque Valley.

- Northern Peru.

Explorer Thor Heyerdahl

investigates what appears to be

an area of large, earthen hills,

but soon discovers that

these hills are, in fact,

massive adobe brick pyramids,

severely eroded

over the centuries.

This was the site of a culture

called the Sicán,

and these people,

who rose around 750 AD,

seemed to be absolutely obsessed

with the creation of pyramids.

In fact,

they created as many as 250

within this valley alone.

And in one particular town,

they created 26.

According to

mainstream historians,

the Sicán people mysteriously

disappeared in 1375.

And although there were

no written records left behind

to explain why they were

obsessed with building pyramids,

ancient astronaut theorists say

clues may be found by examining

the multiple images

of birdmen that archeologists

have discovered

inside one of the structures.

The birdman image

is something that's iconic

of depicting someone

who can come from the sky.

So, these glyphs

that are seen on the walls

of these structures

are particularly interesting.

Gods depicted

as half-bird and half-man

were worshipped by many

pyramid-building civilizations

in the ancient world,

including the Egyptians,

the Mayans, the Aztecs,

and even the Sumerians,

who built pyramid-like

structures called ziggurats

as much as 6,000 years ago.

You have to wonder

if these birdmen

aren't extraterrestrials

coming to Peru

and instructing the people

on building these pyramids.

Many of the pyramids

we've investigated

on Ancient Aliens were

constructed so long ago,

no written records exist to

explain who built them or why.

But the pyramid builders

at one location

in Guatemala actually carved

a story of an otherworldly

visitation in stone.

Number seven on our countdown

of the top ten pyramid sites:

El Mirador.

Northern Guatemala. 1979.

Western archaeologists

begin excavation of a site

that was mysteriously abandoned

in 150 BC.

Known as El Mirador,

it is not only

the oldest Mayan city,

but the largest, covering

more than 14 square miles.

The central part of El Mirador

has two gigantic pyramids

that are connected by

a big causeway in between them.

One's called El Tigre.

The other one's called La Danta.

La Danta is 70 meters tall.

That's one of the tallest

in the entire world.

And it's so massive that,

when you get to the top

of its first basal platform,

there's enough space where

they put three more pyramids

in a triad form on top of it.

But perhaps even more

intriguing than the size

and scope of the pyramids

at El Mirador

is an ancient stucco facade

that was found between them,

which, according to

ancient astronaut theorists,

provides an important clue about

the origins of these structures.

The archeologists at

El Mirador were investigating

the causeways and the aqueducts

between the two big pyramids.

They came upon a stucco façade

that showed figures

floating in the air.

The archeologists interpret them

as the Hero Twins

from the Popol Vuh.

Now, The Popol Vuh

is foundational

to Maya civilization and life,

as foundational as the Bible

is to Christianity.

The story of the Popol Vuh

really centers around

two boys, a pair of twins.

They're called the Hero Twins,

Hunahpu and Xbalanque.

And they battle

with the Lords of Death,

and they make the world

safe for creation, us, to occur.

According to the Popol Vuh,

this battle didn't

take place on Earth,

but in a mysterious

realm called Xibalba.

In Maya the word Xibalba

means the Underworld.

But some have suggested

that the word Xibalba

doesn't necessarily mean

Underworld, but the Milky Way.

If you look at that carving, the

guy is clearly wearing a helmet,

and he has this backpack,

and he's actually

floating in space,

or he's descending from the sky.

You have, uh, what seem to be

like some kind of helmet.

Could these stone carvings

be depictions

of ancient astronauts?

And you have to wonder

if this pyramid

isn't some kind of landing site

for extraterrestrial craft.

You might be surprised to learn

that one of the oldest

pyramidal structures

on Earth is in a place

that has never been associated

with pyramids,

my own ancestral

homeland of Greece.

Number six on our countdown:

the pyramid of Hellinikon.

Argos, Greece.

Just outside this ancient city

stands a mysterious

stone structure

known as the pyramid

of Hellinikon.

It is the only pyramid in Europe

recognized by mainstream


The pyramid of Hellinikon

is quite small.

It's maybe only 23 feet by

30 feet by maybe 12 feet tall,

but it's incredibly interesting.

Some people suggest that

it was maybe a watch tower,

or a guard tower,

or a small garrison.

We don't really know what it

was for, what its purpose was,

and even more controversial

is the dating of it.

The pyramid of Hellinikon

is one of the most

enigmatic ancient structures

on planet Earth. Why?

Because, according to some

archaeological research,

it dates to before

the Great Pyramid at Giza.

In 1995,

scientists working

at the Academy of Athens

dated samples from the site

using a new

and experimental method called

optical thermoluminescence.

The results suggest

that the pyramid

was built around 2730 BC,

roughly 2,000 years before

the rise of the Greek Empire.

This was a structure

that is very mysterious.

It was constructed by

a completely unknown culture.

We know almost nothing about it,

and what we do know, though,

is that there were several

of these structures around.

So, who built them?

And what happened to them?

There were 15 other pyramids

like this

found in the area.

Most of these are now

completely destroyed.

So, we have to question

who really built this.

When you think of pyramids,

you think of Egypt.

You think of Central America.

You think of India.

But pyramids in Greece?

We have to ask the question,

why has that shape

been with us

for such a long time?

And I think that the knowledge

for building

these megalithic structures

was imparted

by the so-called gods who were

misinterpreted flesh-and-blood


who visited Earth

a long time ago.

We're nearly halfway through

our countdown

of the top ten pyramid sites

featured on Ancient Aliens.

In 2018, I traveled to Egypt

and visited the next location

on our list,

which was designed

by a remarkable individual

who was said to have a profound

connection to the stars.

At number five:

the Step Pyramid of Djoser.

Saqqara, Egypt.

Located just 15 miles south

of the Giza Plateau

is an ancient burial ground

of Egyptian royalty.

Among the many tombs stands

what mainstream

archaeologists suggest

is the oldest pyramid in Egypt:

the Step Pyramid of King Djoser.

The step pyramid at Saqqara

is known as

"The Stairway to Heaven."

The complex is vast.

It's about 40 acres,

entirely walled in.

There's a 30-foot wall

with 13 false doors.

You only get in if you know

where the right door is.

Mainstream archaeologists

suggest the pyramid was built

as a tomb for King Djoser,

but like all other

Egyptian pyramids,

there is no credible evidence

that a body was

ever entombed there.

In April 2018,

ancient astronaut theorist

Giorgio Tsoukalos

traveled to the Djoser Pyramid

with Egyptologist Ramy Romany

to get an up-close look

at the mysterious site.

Now, this pyramid

is 5,000 years old.

That's amazing.

Did they ever find

a mummy in there?

No, they never found

an actual mummy in there,

but they found statues.

And there is a statue next to

it's still there

of King Djoser.

It's a human life-size statue.

Okay, and how many chambers

are inside this pyramid?

There are a couple of chambers,

but the pyramid is such a maze

to go in and out from

that they have not discovered

everything inside yet

because it's not

the safest place to be now.

While the Djoser Pyramid

has been weathered by time,


archaeologists believe,

when it was built

in the 27th century BC,

it was the most impressive

structure in Egypt.

The six-tier, four-sided

structure originally stood

205 feet tall,

with a base measuring

358 feet by 397 feet.

And unlike other

buildings of the time

that were constructed

entirely from mud bricks,

the Djoser Pyramid was built

using 11.6 million

cubic feet of stone and clay,

and it was covered

in polished limestone,

most of which is gone today.

In the text

that we can read about Djoser,

does he mention at all, uh,

how he was inspired

to build this?

It was one brilliant man.

That man was called Imhotep.

- Okay.

- Who, in history, came out of nowhere.

He was the designer

and engineer of that pyramid.

What does Imhotep actually mean?

It means

I know you're gonna like this

but it means, "I come in peace."

- Oh, really? That's very interesting.

- Yes.

So, the extraterrestrial

greeting, so to speak.


He showed up

into the life of the king

out of nowhere,

and then ascended

into position so quickly,

which is very uncommon

in ancient Egypt.

What does that mean? What

do you mean "out of nowhere"?

Did he drop from the sky, or

did he come from another land?

In Egyptian history,

you can normally trace

every position back

to their parents.

But Imhotep, nothing.

Imhotep rose

to the incredible status

as the vizier, or wizard,

to the pharaoh.

This is where we get

that word wizard from, vizier.

There are great mysteries

about who Imhotep was,

where he came from.

He had an incredible

knowledge of medicine.

He had an understanding

of blood circulation.

He did the first dentistry.

Uh, may even have

performed operations.

He was also an astronomer,

had an incredible knowledge

of the stars.

But most incredible of all

is the fact that it's said

that the knowledge of how

to create the earliest pyramids

actually came from a text

that fell from the sky

out of nowhere and came

into the hands of Imhotep.

What's fascinating

is the depictions of him.

He looks like he's got

this oversize head.

He's got strange looking hands.

He almost looks nonhuman.

Do we know how long he lived?

That is also a mystery.

We don't know how he died,

but he was buried in a tomb.

And that tomb

was around here in Saqqara.

The tomb of Imhotep

has never been found.

- So far, right? Yeah.

- So far.

But look around you,

the desert is massive.

When the tomb of Imhotep

is discovered,

it will be the discovery

of the century.

Ancient astronaut theorists

are hopeful that,

if the tomb of Imhotep

is ever discovered,

it might be found to contain

the remains

of an otherworldly visitor.

But perhaps even more

compelling evidence

of an extraterrestrial

connection to ancient pyramids

can be found with a series

of hidden structures in China

can be found with a series

of hidden structures in China

that, according

to some researchers,

may hold remnants

of alien technology.

China is a treasure trove for

the ancient astronaut theory.

Its mythology is rich in stories

of otherworldly beings

and is home to some

truly incredible relics.

But what many people don't know

is that China is also home

to dozens of pyramids,

all of which were completely

unknown to the outside world

until the 1940s.

At number four on our countdown:

the hidden pyramids of China.

Shaanxi province, China.

U.S. Army Air Corps pilot

James Gaussman is transporting

military supplies from India.

While flying over

a rural valley,

he spots a mysterious structure.

One of the most unusual stories

of pyramids came out of

World w*r II.

The story is of

an American pilot who was

flying the Burma Hump over

to Chongqing in central China.

And what he claimed he saw

was a huge pyramid in the valley

with a gigantic crystal

capstone on the top of it.

He was so amazed by this huge

pyramid in this remote valley

that he flew around it

once with his plane.

This pyramid has never ever

been discovered since then.

Two years later,

another U.S. aviator,

Colonel Maurice Sheahan,

spotted what appeared to be

a second pyramid in the area.

Colonel Maurice Sheahan

looks down,

and he sees a giant pyramid

that he says is larger

than the Great Pyramid of Giza.

He reports this

to The New York Times

and it causes a sensation.

Until then, no pyramids

had ever been found in China.

But in the years that followed,

more than 30 pyramidal

structures have been discovered

throughout the region,

many of which

have become covered

in vegetation.

But perhaps

the area's most mysterious

pyramidal structure can be found

in the city of Xi'an.

Standing 26 feet tall

and dating back 1,500 years,

it is made from compressed earth

and known as

the "Altar of Heaven."

From the beginning,

Chinese mythology is linked

to the universe

and to the extraterrestrials.

All the Chinese kings


with the so-called gods,

which, in reality,

were extraterrestrials on the

so-called "Altar of Heaven."

When we step aside

from the standard theory that

the pyramids were used as tombs,

this pyramid is very interesting

because of its shape.

On the outside,

there's a large ramp

that leads up to a platform.

It's very possible that

this pyramid was actually

some type of ancient

landing source or a landing pad.

The same stone structure,

with different ring

about the main altar,

we find in Peru,

over the city of Sacsayhuamán.

And the rulers of the Inca were,

of course again,

the descendants from heaven,

like in China.

So, one has to ask the question,

who was the architect?

Could it be that the architect

was none other than

an extraterrestrial giving

this knowledge to our ancestors?

Is it possible

that the mysterious

pyramidal structures

recently found in China,

were used

by ancient rulers to connect

with otherworldly beings?

Ancient astronaut

theorists say yes

and suggest further evidence can

be found at another pyramid site

roughly 500 miles west

in the province of Qinghai

on a remote mountain

called Mount Baigong.

When you go to Mount Baigong,

what you find is

a huge mountain

with what appears to be

an artificial pyramid

with three triangular entrances

going inside

this mountain pyramid.

And inside are all

of these metallic pipes.

The floor of these caves

are littered

with metallic parts.

It's like this was

some kind of base.

Could it be that

the strange metallic pipes

found within this

pyramidal structure

have served

a technological function?

Ancient astronaut theorists

believe Mount Baigong

could be connected

to ancient Chinese stories

of a magical place

called Kunlun Mountain.

In Chinese mythology,

the Kunlun Mountain

was said to be

the center of the Earth,

and it was supposedly

a huge pillar

of jade and jasper

and precious gems that

reached up into the sky.

Mount Kunlun

is a mythical mountain

that is an axis mundi,

which is a central pillar

around which

the entire universe revolves.

This is a connector between

Earth and the rest

of the universe.

It's where celestial beings can

communicate with earthly beings.

You have to wonder,

if Mount Baigong is not

this mythical

Kunlun Mountain that was

some kind

of extraterrestrial base

that spanned Earth

and the stars.

Could these pyramid sites

in China

serve a similar function

to other pyramids found

around the world

and might they

have been inspired

by extraterrestrial encounters?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes and suggest

further evidence that

the ancient pyramid builders

were influenced

by otherworldly beings

can be found at a mysterious

site in Indonesia

that's hiding

a massive prehistoric structure.

High in the mountains

of Indonesia,

a pyramid has been

discovered that is known

for certain to be

over 10,000 years old.

Number three on our countdown

of the top ten pyramid sites:

Gunung Padang.

Western Java, Indonesia. 2013.

The Indonesian government

sponsors an excavation

to explore what might be hidden

beneath the layers

of dirt and rubble

at a site known as

Gunung Padang,

or "Mountain of Light."

They uncover incredible evidence

revealing a 300-foot-tall

step pyramid

dating back

at least 10,000 years.

Gunung Padang

is made of millions

of tons of basalt

that has been piled up

into a huge mountain,

which is also riddled with

strange chambers and tunnels.

The people who constructed

Gunung Padang built

rectangular enclosures,

rock mounds, stairways.

And, although the outer

monument that we see today

probably only dates

to about 600 BC,

we now know that, beneath this,

is further structures

of a much earlier date.

And indeed that has given

dating evidence that suggests

that there was human activity

there as early as 25,000 BC.

According to geologists,

20,000 years ago,

this area of Java was not

an isolated island,

but the southernmost part

of a subcontinent

known as Sundaland.

This has led some researchers

to speculate that Gunung Padang,

with its high elevation,

could have been at the pinnacle

of a civilization

that disappeared

sometime around 10,000 BC,

when melting ice caps

flooded the region

and turned it into the series

of islands it is today.

But if true, just who was

this mysterious culture

capable of building

a 300-foot-tall pyramid?

In Indonesian star lore,

there's a constellation

of particular interest.

They call it Vendum Viduk.

We call Ursa Major.

It is thought that

it is the shape of a boat,

and that the original craft,

the original starship

carrying the people came from

this place to their land.

Their houses, the long houses,

the community structures

are built in the shape

of a boat,

always facing northward

in honor of the place

of their origins.

These star travelers

are said to have started

the original royal family.

The name of the people, Toraja,

means "those who come

from the stars."

Might the builders

of the massive pyramid

at Gunung Padang have been the

star travelers of local legend?

For ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer is a resounding yes.

Indonesian archeologists have no

idea who would have built this.

How they could have built it.

What its purpose was.

And, in fact, many of them

would say, "Yes",

"this was built

by the ancient gods

for some purpose

that we don't know."

While the structure

at Gunung Padang has been

overcome by nature,

just 300 miles east

on the island of Java

is an extraordinary pyramid that

remains almost perfectly intact.

The number two site

on our countdown:

the Temple of Borobudur.

Magelang, Indonesia.

Located on the island of Java

is the world's largest

Buddhist monument,

the Borobudur Temple.

Built during

the 8th and 9th centuries AD,

this religious

structure consists

of six rectangular terraces

topped by three concentric

circular terraces

creating a unique

pyramid design.

Borobudur is definitely not

an obvious pyramid, but it is.

It is a stacked pyramid

on top of which

have been built structures.

The Borobudur Temple

is known as a shrine,

but also a place

of pilgrimage where people

start at the base and

work their way up to the top,

which they theorize

is like reaching nirvana.

Many of the Buddhist temple


you know,

the steppe architecture,

they're based on all

these number formulas.

For example, Borobudur

was created based on mandala.

Mandala is a pictorial

representation of the universe,

and the mandala

is based on 72 numbers.

Borobudur's nine platforms

combine to create a perfect

Buddhist mandala when viewed

directly overhead.

Researchers question

why and how the builders

would create such an intricate

religious symbol

that can only be viewed

from the air.

But according to

ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer can be found

on top of the pyramid,

where there are 72 bell-shaped

structures known as stupas,

each housing

a seated statue of Buddha.

Buddha is depicted as sitting

inside of these small stupas.

But it looks like Buddha

is flying a flying saucer

at Borobudur.

That's the obvious thing

you think of when you see this.

And so, is this really how

the Buddhists even think

of Buddha themselves,

as someone who arrives

in a disc-shaped craft,

like an extraterrestrial?

Each stupa, in my opinion,

represents a type

of flying craft.

Because stupa actually means

celestial chariot,

a way with which to reach

the celestial realm.

The journey didn't happen

in their heads.

It wasn't something ethereal.

It wasn't something spiritual.

It happened.

Extraterrestrial contact

took place

in Indonesia

thousands of years ago.

in Indonesia

thousands of years ago.

We've finally reached

number one on our countdown

of the top ten pyramid sites.

And if you're a fan

of Ancient Aliens,

I'm sure you guessed this one

right from the start.

Number one on our list:

the Giza Plateau.

On the western coast

of the Nile River in Egypt

is a limestone plateau

called Giza.

Here stand the three

most mysterious

and sophisticated pyramids

ever constructed on Earth.

The massive structures are

engineered to near perfection

and are believed by many

to have been intentionally

placed to align

with the three belt stars

of the Orion constellation.

But of greatest significance

to ancient astronaut theorists

is the largest of the three:

the Great Pyramid.

This enormous structure

stands 480 feet tall

and was built

from more than 2 million

limestone blocks, each weighing

thousands of pounds.

The construction

of the Great Pyramid

was an engineering feat that

remains unmatched to this day.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

covers 13 acres.

The precision

of this building, uh,

exceeds anything that we require

of builders today.

For instance, the area

of the 13 acres was leveled

within seven-eighths of an inch.

That's about the thickness

of a thumbnail.

But that's not all.

The casing stones

are filled with some kind of

mysterious cement

that nobody's been able to

figure out what the formula is.

This is not the work

of primitive people.


we throw around the words

"awesome" or "monumental,"

and we don't really think

about these words,

but when you stand in front

of the Great Pyramid,

the word "awesome"

is in fact true.

It's the most marvelous

ancient structure in the world.

What's inside

the Great Pyramid of Giza

is absolutely mind-boggling.

You look at the beautiful,

perfect tunnel,

with perfectly smooth walls,

and a vaulted ceiling

that rises all the way up.

And there are shafts, tunnels,

and the architecture,

and the way it was built

is a mystery till today.

According to most Egyptologists,

this miracle of engineering

was constructed

during a 20-year period

by order of the pharaoh Khufu,

sometime around 2500 BC.

But many experts claim

this dating is based

on highly questionable data,

and ancient astronaut

theorists suggest

the origins of the

three pyramids at Giza

are far more profound.

Archaeologists and Egyptologists

claim that they were

tombs for the pharaohs,

and yet no Egyptian pharaoh

was ever found

in a pyramid in Egypt.

We have found the mummies

of many Egyptian pharaohs,

but they're found

in vaults deep underground

at the Valley of the Kings

in Luxor,

hundreds of miles away

from the pyramids.

The pyramids

have no real explanation

of what their purpose was.

When you look at the

Great Pyramid as a schematic,

for me, it looks like a machine.

Well, if that's the case,

what did this machine do?

I propose that the Egyptians

built the Great Pyramid

to be a power plant

and that the pyramids

were actually

geomechanical devices.

In other words,

they were attached to the Earth.

They were tuned to vibrate

with the frequencies

of the Earth,

and they converted the energies

of the Earth

into electromagnetic energy.

Was the pyramid site at Giza

designed as an

ancient powerplant?

Perhaps advances in technology

will soon shed new light

on the origins of these

mysterious structures.

Archaeology is rooted

in interpretation,

just like the

ancient astronaut theory.

I'm still

of the personal opinion

that the Great Pyramid complex

dates to a time

when the gods

walked among humans.

Something extraordinary happened

right here in ancient Egypt.

Perhaps under the tutelage

of extraterrestrials,

teachers from

another star system.

The pyramids of the Giza Plateau

will never cease

to amaze and inspire.

But at each pyramidal site

we've investigated,

we've found clues that point

to otherworldly visitations.

Could these

extraordinary structures

hold the keys

to unlocking the truth

about our

extraterrestrial origins?