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19x08 - The Mysteries of Alaska

Posted: 02/17/24 18:13
by bunniefuu
A remote land known for bizarre

and shocking events.

Alaska is a place where

anomalous events

clearly are happening.

A vast wilderness

where people disappear

without a trace.

Up in Alaska,

anywhere from

500 to 2,000 people

still go missing every year.

And a mysterious home

to UFO activity.

In the 37 years

I've been flying,

I've seen a lot of things,

and what I saw was just not

anything ordinary at all.

Could Alaska's rugged landscape

conceal secrets

that are not of this world?

You have huge areas

that are uninhabited.

And it's such

a huge frontier region.

All kinds of things

can be happening there.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is

the promise of truth.

It demands

we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is

right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

The largest of all U.S. states,

it's home to the nation's

highest peak,

its biggest national park,

and more coastline than

all other states combined.

With dense,

uninhabited wilderness

and countless mountains,

Alaska presents a landscape

that can be beautiful,


and often treacherous.

The entirety

of the Alaska wilderness

is over 600,000 square miles.

People don't realize this,

but it's actually

two and a half times

the size of Texas.

It's absolutely massive.

It's an area of the world

that's extremely desolate,

very cold, very remote,

in which there are no roads

that go to many of these places.

Having worked extensively

in Alaska,

one cannot overstate

the immensity

and vastness of the region.

There are some

17 mountain ranges,

66,000 miles of coastland,

and an estimated 3,000 rivers,

and over 3,000,000 lakes.

So, it is really one of

the last frontiers in the world

and one of the most challenging,

brutal habitats

that I've ever investigated.

We're talking

about harsh winters,

craggy peaks, dangerous animals.

It really encompasses

all of that.

For centuries, Alaska's

vast and rugged landscape

has been known as a place

where people disappear

with great frequency

and are often never found.

Anywhere from 500 to 2,000

people still go missing

every year up in Alaska.

Now, they're not all

in airplanes,

but still, gives you an idea

of how dangerous

and unpredictable the area is.

If you can get lost

on the ground,

how much worse would it be

if you're in an aircraft?

Most of these disappearances

I think, personally,

can be explained.

And, yet, there are some

occurrences that I know about

that even I, as a professional

ex-fighter pilot, can't explain.

On October 16, 1972,

one of the most famous


in American history

took place over Alaska.

Louisiana Congressman

and House Majority Leader

Hale Boggs

boarded a twin-engine Cessna

in Anchorage

headed for Juneau,

the state capital.

With him was local

Alaskan congressman Nick Begich.

After the congressmen's

plane departed Anchorage

for Juneau,

attempts to reach

the pilot by radio

were met with an eerie silence.

He made one

mandatory radio reporting,

I think,

nine minutes after takeoff,

and then they were never seen

or heard from again.

The disappearance

of two U.S. congressmen

made headlines around the world

and prompted an unprecedented

search and rescue operation.

At the time, Nixon actually

turned it into the most

expensive rescue operation

ever in the history

of the United States.

They still

did not find anything.

There were, uh,

40-something aircraft

involved and they covered

an area maybe 360,000

square kilometers.

The fact is, nothing has ever

been found or discovered

from that aircraft,

not a scrap of metal,

nothing concrete,

and that again only deepens

the mystery in that area.

Literally hundreds of planes

have disappeared while in flight

over Alaska

never to be recovered,

and while many have blamed

the state's extreme weather

and terrain,

Alaska has long been known

as a hot spot

for all kinds

of strange phenomena.

As recently

as February 10, 2023,

a U.S. F-22 fighter jet

shot down

an unidentified flying object

hovering ten miles

off the north coast of Alaska,

making headlines

around the world.

The anomalous activity

in Alaska's been noted

for well over 100 years,

like the Bermuda Triangle,

and the Devil's Triangle

out in Japan.

Within this area,

incredible amount

of weird things take place.

We have paranormal activity,

the appearance of strange


and other monsters

of time and space,

as well as the manifestation

of UFOs and mysterious lights.

Commercial pilot Theo Chesley

has been flying in Alaska

for nearly four decades

and had heard countless stories

of bizarre aerial encounters.

But Chelsey

remained a skeptic until 2019,

when he had his own

astonishing experience

flying by Mount Shishaldin,

an active volcano on

Unimak Island in the Aleutians.

The morning in

late October, uh, 2019,

we had a normal charter flight

from Sand Point

direct to Dutch Harbor

with three passengers aboard.

About halfway

through the flight,

we're approaching

the volcano from the north.

The weather that day was

fairly good, good visibility.

And we saw something

in the sky about 15 miles

south of the volcano.

A horizontal disk-shaped object

that was very symmetrical,

just almost perfect symmetry.

As we continued

on our flight path,

the disk, uh,

became more prevalent

and turned

into a vertical fashion.

We knew something

extraordinary was happening

in front of us,

just not quite certain what.

As Chesley

and his three passengers

observed the strange

disk-shaped object,

they were shocked to see

a second anomaly,

one that appeared to come out

of the mouth of the volcano.

We noticed something fly out

of the crater of the mountain,

inside of a shrouded wisp

of white smoke.

Almost around that same time,

a green sphere

exhibited itself on the side

of the mountain.

And as all this

was taking place,

this object flew

into the vertical sphere

and pulled it out of shape

in a teardrop fashion.

At that point, we decided we

did not want to stay and loiter,

and maybe have to deal

with some different consequences

that we weren't

gonna be prepared for.

Could sightings like

Theo Chesley's shed light

on Alaska's strange history

of unexplained phenomena,

disappearances, and even

seemingly impossible creatures?

Perhaps further clues

can be found

by examining the pictures

Chesley took of what he

and his passengers witnessed

and his report

of a second

mysterious encounter.

Pilot Theo Chesley has reported

one of the most significant

and credible UFO sightings

in recent Alaskan history.

The incident

caught the attention

of author and researcher

David Childress,

who traveled to Anchorage

to meet with Chesley

and examine the evidence

of his harrowing encounter.

Hi, Theo.

- Hi, David. Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

I understand you have a very

interesting story to tell.

Well, I do, and it happened

right here in this aircraft.

And you've been flying here

for quite a few years, right?

Yeah, about 35 years.

So, when was

this first occurrence?

Well, uh, we had a flight

back in October 2019.

We were northeast

of the mountain.

Uh, we were probably

30 miles from the mountain,

we spotted something in the sky.

And this is what we saw.

Did it seem to have

a-a cloud around it, or no?

It had, like, a tail on it,

little bit of a wisp

coming out of the back.

So, I'm looking at it,

going, okay, what is that?

As we started to come towards

the mountain and fly by it,

this horizontal disk

turned vertical

and came over and sort of parked

by the mountain

and held its shape.

So, it had been moving,

and then it stopped?

It stopped by the volcano.

So I'm, like, looking at it,

going, okay,

if this is a smoke ring,

it's not gonna hold its shape,

it's not gonna stop.

It's gonna dissipate.

It held its shape

the whole time.

And had you ever seen

anything like this before?

Uh, I've been flying,

well, 35 years

and 15,000 hours of flight time,

uh, most of them in Alaska,

and I had never seen

anything like this.

Then we had something

fly out of the mountain.

- Uh, now, the mountain

- A second object?

A second object.

So, this object

flies out of the mountain.

And at the same time,

we're still watching the v

the sphere

that's vertically parked.

- And it's, like, up here?

- It's right over here.

Matter of fact, I'll

show you another picture here

that kind of just

puts it all together.

- Okay.

- So, then this appeared

on the side of the mountain.

This green orb shows up

on the side

of the mountain in a lower spot.

The next picture we take,

this is what happened to

the vertical sphere in the sky.

Something flew inside of it

and pulled it out of shape.

You see these two little,

I don't know,

there's, like,

two little wings out there.

And we, like, looked at that,

and I said, no, we're done here.

We're, we are

leaving the scene here.

And to be honest, uh, you know,

my concern level was going about

through the roof at that point.

Did it seem like

a very large object, then?

This is a big mountain,

and this was something

that caught our eye

40 to 50 miles away.

- Okay, that's, yeah, it's, like

- Yeah, so

40, 50 miles away

from this thing.

So, this had to be almost,

I want to guess,

a half a mile wide.

- Wow, that's fascinating.

- And, you know

When it comes to

UFO-type objects

around volcanoes,

that's a common thing.

One of the first

modern UFO sightings on record

involved an entire squadron

of vehicles

that appeared to enter

a volcano.

On June 24, 1947,

Kenneth Arnold was flying

his private plane

near Mount Rainier in Washington

when he witnessed

nine disk-shaped objects

move at an impossible speed

across the horizon,

then disappear into a nearby

volcano called Mount Adams.

There have been a lot of

UFO sightings around volcanoes.

And we've seen this in

the Canary Islands in Mexico,

in South America.

You have other places like, say,

Mount Shasta,

and we're seeing it

in Hawaii, too,

where UFOs are seen,

and there's a lot of activity.

I mean, it-it definitely

makes you wonder,

okay, what's in this volcano?

What is the attraction here?

And the crazy thing is-is, uh,

this was just

the first occurrence.

- We had a second occurrence six months later.

- Okay.

I'm by myself

in a different aircraft

And, uh, I looked out of my left

window, and all of a sudden,

there is a huge cloud formation

that came out of nowhere.

And that's right,

kind of above the volcano.

Above and east of the mountain.

I've never seen anything

like this in my life.

It was a clear sky

without anything,

-and suddenly you saw this?

-Well, you saw the picture. The-the

- Yeah.

- That picture that I took,

clear sky was

a minute before

this decided to show up.

So, the crazy part is,

this cloud morphed

into several different shapes.

There looks like

something black inside there,

an object underneath this thing.


During the occurrence,

uh, I had the aircraft

on autopilot,

and the aircraft

was flying straight and true.

My route of flight took me back

by the mountain again.

As I'm coming back, I have

the aircraft on autopilot.

And I look down, and I notice

I'm 35 degrees off course

heading towards the mountain.

I shut the autopilot off,

reset the heading,

set the airplane

back up on course.

And, okay, yeah, we're fine.

I'm looking around again, trying

to see if there's anything.

I look down, we're heading back

towards the mountain.

It happened two times.

So, at that point, I go,

oh, no, this something's not

right here.

I'm gonna hand-fly the aircraft.

And worked fine, um,

hand-flying the airplane.

But I've never

had that happen to me

on an autopilot,

just pull the aircraft,

you know,

start pulling the aircraft

somewhere where

it's not supposed to be.

So, th-the autopilot then

was somehow sensing

some weird magnetic thing

and pulling you then.


Something internally

in the aircraft

was feeling a magnetic pull.

This sounds a lot like other

things that have happened, like,

say, in the Bermuda Triangle

or something.

Like, where their instruments

do go haywire,

or they're being taken off,

you know, course

without even knowing it,

and suddenly,

they vanish, right?

Very much so.

To me, this is

a very important story.

I'm so glad that

you've been able

to get these good photographs,

you've got other witnesses, and

for 70 years, there

have been planes vanishing,

even military planes.

This all fits so squarely

into the mystery

which is Alaska.

As an experienced pilot,

Theo Chesley cannot explain

what he saw on those

two separate occasions,

nor explain the magnetic anomaly

that interfered with his

autopilot instrumentation.

And to ancient astronaut

theorist David Childress,

the photographic evidence

is astounding.

Theo's a great observer.

You know that

you're really getting

good information

and reliable information.

This is all compelling evidence

that something's happening

here in Alaska.

In the 37 years

I've been flying,

I've seen a lot of things.

I've been through

a lot of storms,

some great flights,

some not-so-great flights.

I'll be the first to tell you,

when you're saying

you're seeing something,

you're seeing something.

I'm one of those kind of guys

that have to see something

that's extraordinary

to believe it.

And what I saw was just

not anything ordinary

at all.

Could an extraterrestrial

presence be responsible

for the strange sightings

and aircraft malfunction

that Theo Chesley experienced,

as well as other anomalous

events and disappearances

that plague the area?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes

and suggest

that recently declassified

CIA documents could hold clues

to an alien presence

under the mountains of Alaska.

Alaska's Aleutian Islands,

where pilot Theo Chesley

encountered no less than four

unidentified flying objects,

is an area that has been known

for strange sightings

dating back to 1945,

when a U.S. Army transport

reported seeing a large UFO

emerge from the waters

near the island of Adak.

Historically, there have been

a lot of UFO sightings

around the Aleutian Islands.

And there are 57 volcanoes

throughout the Aleutian Islands.

And it seems that

some of these volcanoes

have some very peculiar

activity around them.

But east of the Aleutian Islands

is a large area

that has become even more

notorious for strange phenomena.

It is called

the Alaska Triangle.

The Alaska Triangle is an area

roughly between Anchorage,

Juneau, and Barrow, Alaska,

more or less

running along the border

of the Canadian territories

and the State of Alaska.

The Alaska Triangle can be

likened to the Bermuda Triangle,

where really strange

things happen,

seemingly without explanation.

Within this region

of anomalous activity

stands Mount Hayes,

one of Alaska's tallest peaks

and a place where UFO sightings

are reported

with great frequency.

Many people have seen, uh, UFOs,

flying saucers, strange lights,

flying in and around

Mount Hayes.

Now, there's no road

that can go up there.

The only way

to get to Mount Hayes

is to actually fly there,

which most people don't do.

So, what are these craft that

are flying around Mount Hayes?

For decades,

eyewitness testimony

was the only evidence

to support the notion

that Mount Hayes

was a UFO hot spot.

But in 1995,

declassified documents

revealed that Mount Hayes

featured prominently

in a top secret government

project called "Stargate."

Researchers were looking

through CIA documents,

and they found evidence of a

project underneath Mount Hayes.

And they say they saw

written in these records

that it was actually an alien

underground base in this area.

Researchers were astounded

to find a reference

to an extraterrestrial base

in official CIA documents.

And just as intriguing is how

this information was obtained.

According to the

declassified documents,

the existence of an alien base

beneath Mount Hayes was gleaned

from a top secret experimental

investigation technique

used by Project Stargate,

a technique called

"remote viewing."

Remote viewing

was used by the CIA

all during the Cold w*r.

And this is really

a psychic projection technique,

where, from one location,

the remote viewer can look

into a different place

on the Earth's surface,

and he's able to project

his vision there and able

to see what is going on.

Project Stargate

had a specific purpose

of using remote viewers, um,

quite literally psychic spies,

to find information on what

the Soviets were up to.

The most famous

remote viewer to come out

of the Stargate project

was a man named Pat Price.

Price was the first

to report what he believed

to be an alien base

under Mount Hayes.

He would sit down

and draw what he sees,

and he was deadly accurate

on his predictions.

One time, Pat Price, uh,

remote viewed Mount Hayes

and saw that there was,

uh, structures

that were under the mountain

tubes, tunnels

and he was intrigued by that,

so he went deeper.

Pat Price saw within Mount Hayes

what he described as

geographical instrumentation.

He saw computers.

He also described

these strange humanoid creatures

that were within the mountain,

and they were working

alongside human personnel,

which he believed

were military personnel.

Price began to fear

that he had seen something

he wasn't supposed to see

and told friends

that his remote viewing

of the secret base

under Mount Hayes

had put him in grave danger.

In Las Vegas, just as

he checked in to the Stardust,

somebody deliberately

bumped into him,

and he felt a sharp pain

in his leg.

And that evening,

he started to feel unwell.

And the following morning,

he had convulsions and died.

What's really strange

about Pat Price's death

is that the hospital

didn't even notify the wife,

and they had him cremated.

I think it is fair

and reasonable

to ask the question

if Pat Price's mysterious death

does not enter

into a long lineage

of similar tragic deaths

of people

that are whistleblowers

or are stepping out of line and

saying things they shouldn't say

about things they have witnessed

or know about.

Could the story of Pat Price

and Project Stargate

indicate that there may be

a more profound connection

between UFO sightings and

Alaska's forbidding terrain?

Perhaps further clues

can be found by examining

reports of an incredible

structure believed to be hidden

deep beneath North America's

highest mountain range,

a formation known

as the Dark Pyramid.

In its race to become

a major military power,

China sets off the largest

underground nuclear b*mb test

in the history of the nation.

The one-megaton blast

70 times the expl*sive power

of the atomic b*mb

dropped on Hiroshima

sends shockwaves

across the planet.

Thousands of miles away,

scientists in the United States

begin to study

how these shockwaves travel

through the Earth's crust,

hoping to learn

about underground faults

and other hidden

geological structures.

As the shockwaves reach Alaska,

scientists notice

highly unusual readings

around Mount Denali,

North America's tallest peak.

When these ripples

of the shockwaves crossed over

into Alaska,

there was this pyramidal shape

that came across

their instrumentation

indicating this massive

pyramidal structure

located under Mount Denali

within the area

of the Alaska Triangle.

This is really when

the Dark Pyramid

was first discovered.

Seismic instruments revealed

that the top of the

550-foot-tall pyramid shape

lies 150 feet below ground

and just 130 miles southwest

of Mount Hayes,

where remote viewer Pat Price

claimed to have detected

an underground alien base.

Intrigued by the

mysterious discovery,

investigative journalist

Linda Moulton Howe

began researching

the curious findings

and what might have

compelled scientists

to be prepared

to record activity

underneath Mount Denali.

"Why would geophysicists

be interested

"in monitoring to see whether

or not there was something

underground in Alaska?"

has always been

a question in my mind.

Was there already

some information

that our government had, and

this was a perfect opportunity

to take advantage of what

the Chinese were going to do?

In 2012, after discussing

the so-called "Dark Pyramid"

on the Coast to Coast

radio show,

Linda was contacted

by Bruce Pearson,

who said he had

a story to tell her

that might be connected to the

alleged underground structure.

I ended up talking

with Bruce Pearson,

and his father

had been in the Navy

and ended up describing that,

on a trip in Alaska,

he met an old Navy pilot,

and they talked

for a few minutes,

and the pilot said, "We're just

gonna go out and do a drop-off.

Why don't you come along,

and we'll talk old days?"

My dad was a very friendly guy,

and I guess in Alaska

people do things

a little differently

because there's a companionship

that grows out

of a survival mentality.

In any event, he told me that

he was talking to the pilot,

and the pilot said that

they had to take

a flight out to a secure,

secret installation.

They had a couple of these,

what he described

as silver containers,

that had to be delivered

out there.

On the way out,

he and the co-pilot

advised my dad,

he said, "Listen",

"we were told there's gonna be

a lot of magnetic interference

"and that our instruments

are gonna go crazy.

"Don't worry about it, you know.

We were told to expect it.

You know, we're flying VFR

anyway, visual flight rules."

Bruce said, while his father

was telling him the story,

he began to shake.

That, when they got

to this location,

that the helicopter

began to shake

and roll like, he felt,

that it should crash.

But the helicopter pilot

just kept reassuring him

that-that he knew

what was happening,

and that there was

a magnetic field anomaly

under the ground,

and that that was what

was causing this.

When they landed,

these guys came out with

black uniforms on, no insignias.

Didn't say anything.

Men came, they grabbed

all this heavy stuff in there.

They put some stuff

back in the helicopter.

It all happened very fast.

Bang, and they're out of there.

My father said the odd thing

was they didn't even get out

of the helicopter. Fueled it up,

and they took off again.

They never even

shut the chopper down.

That's not standard procedure.

This is not wartime

conditions where you

refuel with

the aircraft running.

So, it was very bizarre.

He didn't call me until a couple

days later and told me about it.

And I said, "Wow." I said,

"What do you think it was?"

He goes, "I don't know."

That Bruce Pearson story

was in the area of Mount Denali.

The same area having to do

with a Dark Pyramid

possibly underground.

Over the years,

Linda has interviewed

a number of other people

claiming to have information

about a mysterious underground

structure near Mount Denali.

One account came from a man

who claimed his father

has actually been inside

the Dark Pyramid.

He said that his, uh, father was

working for Western Electric

and ended up as a very skilled

electronic engineer

being asked to go to a location

west of what was Mount Denali.

His father told him that

there was a big freight elevator

that was sticking up

out of the ground.

And when you got to the bottom,

opened up into full-bore

room, work, offices.

The father

is introduced to the fact

that they are at

the bottom of a pyramid.

And that, at each

of the three corners,

they had these offices that were

actually monitoring energy.

And the father tells the son

who got in touch with me,

"We are measuring energy

"coming out of this pyramid

"that is enough

to power the entire country

of Canada."

Could a secret energy source

be hidden

under the Mount Denali

mountain range?

Perhaps clues can be found

by examining

electromagnetic anomalies

that have, in fact,

been detected throughout a vast

region surrounding the area

where the Dark Pyramid

is said to exist.

This very strange

localized magnetic anomaly

seems to occur randomly,


and at different locations

throughout this vast wilderness.

So much so that the north will

be off as much as 30 degrees.

So, what's causing

these magnetic anomalies?

There are a lot of people who

believe that there could be

unusual phenomenon originating

from technology

inside this so-called

Dark Pyramid.

Is it possible that there

is an ancient pyramid

hidden deep under

Mount Denali that is


massive amounts of energy?

And if so, could this structure,

along with a secret base alleged

to exist beneath the ground

at nearby Mount Hayes,

point to an alien presence

in Alaska that dates back

thousands of years?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes

and suggest that clues to who

or what this presence might be

can be found in the Inuit

stories of contact with sky gods

and otherworldly beings.

Alaska is home to dozens

of indigenous

Native American cultures

who have inhabited the area

for hundreds and, in some cases,

thousands of years.

There are, of course,

a number of different

Native American cultures

in Alaska.

You have the Inuit people

of the northern coastal regions.

You have the Athabaskans

of the central Alaskan region,

the Yupik people,

and then in southeast

Alaska you have

the Tlingit

and the Haida tribes.

Each of the native

Alaskan tribes

has its own unique traditions,

but these separate cultures all

tell stories of the sky people

encountered by their

earliest ancestors.

So, I was stationed in Alaska

from 1992 to 1995 as part of

the United States Air Force

at Elmendorf Air Force Base.

And I heard

the local legends and lore

from the Natives up there.

And local legends

dating back centuries

talk about strange lights

in the sky

and strange beings

visiting the people.

These cultures had rich

stories about contact

with beings

from beyond this planet,

the so-called star people.

Along with stories

of star people,

many native Alaskan tribes

also have ancient traditions

of giant winged beasts

descending from the sky.

Alaska has a bounty

of strange legends

and modern reports

of giant winged creatures,

like thunderbirds,

that are said to swoop down

and snatch people off of peaks.

The thunderbird goes back

into deep, deep history

of Native American

original cultures,

and the thunderbird was

not only gigantic in size,

but oftentimes was also

described as making this

incredible thunderous noise.

And sometimes out of the eyes,

these beams of light

would sh**t out.

Is it possible

that our ancestors witnessed

a technological device

and misinterpreted it

as a biological entity?

And the answer

is a resounding yes.

Mind you,

pilots today are referring

to their airplanes as birds.

Ancient Alaskan stories

of strange entities in the sky

and visitors from the stars

are perfectly aligned

with the kind of phenomena

that have been reported

in modern times,

as are accounts of bizarre,

otherworldly creatures.

There is a common thread that

runs through the Alaska story,

and it has to do with these

supernatural creatures.

They have eyewitness accounts

of these bizarre,

terrifying creatures that appear

in all their tribal stories.

By far, the most

frightening creature

is the Inuit story

of the Kushtaka.

This is a being

that shapeshifts,

and people have been seeing

them for thousands of years.

When considering the high number

of UFO sightings

that have been reported

in Alaska,

is it possible that

the stories of strange creatures

have an otherworldly


As further support

for this notion,

ancient astronaut theorists

point out that some native

Alaskan legends sound

suspiciously similar

to modern tales

of small gray aliens,

who sometimes abduct humans.

No creature is more frightening

to them than the little people,

which go by a number

of different native names.

The Inukins,

Ircinrraq, Jinksioc.

Perhaps what's most terrifying

is that they are said

to abduct humans,

and-and that they will take them

to another realm

where they can

actually control time.

And these little beings

are actually imbued

with other magical powers.

The common thread that runs

through those stories

is the idea of abduction.

That is a direct crossover

into the UFO phenomena,

where people are terrified

of UFOs because they've heard

that these alien beings

are abducting people.

According to some researchers,

the many accounts

of strange beings in Alaska

could also point

to the existence

of a portal or wormhole

leading to other points

in the universe

or even alternate dimensions.

There's a theory

that extraterrestrials

would use wormholes,

scientifically known

as Einstein-Rosen bridges,

a shortcut through space-time.

And UFOs would then,

apparently, arrive

out of nowhere, seemingly,

and disappear into nowhere,

which is very often what you get

in some of the sighting reports.

I would die to have some answer

to this puzzle in Alaska.

I don't,

but there's something there.

There's something

that doesn't add up,

that isn't able to be explained

in the prosaic, in my mind.

Could the legends

of the native Alaskan people

reveal that strange, and

perhaps otherworldly, phenomena

have been happening

in this part of the world

for thousands of years?

As far as ancient astronaut

theorists are concerned,

the answer is a resounding yes,

and they suggest that

Alaska's remote location

makes it a prime destination

for otherworldly visitors.

According to ancient

astronaut theorists,

the question of why more strange

phenomena is reported in Alaska

than most other places on Earth

may have a very simple answer.

They suggest Alaska's

remote location

and a dense wilderness

would make it

an ideal destination

for otherworldly visitors

who want to remain on the planet


Alaska is a very remote area.

You don't have

a lot of people around.

And so, this could absolutely

make it an attractive location

to extraterrestrials.

You have all of these volcanoes,

you have huge areas

that are uninhabited,

and it's such a huge

frontier region

that, you know, all kinds of

things can be happening there.

There's a lot of

crazy things going on

around the whole state,

and a lot of these

occurrences happen

in very remote parts

of the state.

So, that adds

even more intrigue.

And I wouldn't discount

any stories at this point.

There's just too much

out there that you can't

discount some of this.

Having worked in Alaska,

I can certainly attest

to the fact

that it is a very

dangerous place.

However, there is a real mystery

in terms of the state of Alaska.

There have been

many UFO reports.

And, of course, inferences

to possible UFO abduction.

And many of these are supported

by Native American traditions

that go back hundreds of years.

So, we could be dealing

with forces

beyond our current


In Alaska, when you bring in

evidence that's gathered, from

a nuts-and-bolts standpoint,

from a physics standpoint,

from the Dark Pyramid,

the fact of magnetic anomalies,

or any of the other factors

that may be involved here,

it is not reasonable

that an educated person

taking as objective

as possible of view

at these incidents

could dismiss the possibility

that these incidents,

in some cases,

may be UFO-related, and

that is something that should

take anyone's breath away

or make them pause

and think seriously

about the Earth that we live on.

Modern technology

has contributed

by leaps and bounds

to the search

for extraterrestrial

intelligence because

we have satellite

and radar technology,

with which we can now

look into space

with more clarity than in all

of our previous human history.

And I wish that scientists

would, at some point,

train their satellites

toward Alaska

to see what's going on

because, clearly,

something is going on.

Mysterious disappearances,

strange creatures,

a secret base,

an underground pyramid.

Could all the strange reports

coming from Alaska,

along with numerous

UFO sightings,

be connected to

an extraterrestrial presence?

Perhaps Alaska's vast

and rugged wilderness,

extreme weather,

and sparse population,

make it the ideal location

for alien life

here on Earth.