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18x19 - Secrets of Inner Earth

Posted: 02/17/24 18:08
by bunniefuu
A mystical Jewish tradition

that speaks

of underground realms

inhabited by strange creatures.

It is believed and taught

that we are not alone

as intelligent beings

upon our own Earth.

A Buddhist legend

that tells

of a lost civilization

surviving in vast

underground canyons.

Shambhala is

a secret city underground.

It's ruled by kings

who live for hundreds of years.

Modern accounts

of humanlike entities

beneath the earth.

Local residents described seeing

reptilian-type humanoid beings

deep inside this cave.

Could it be that other

intelligent beings exist

right here on our own planet?

Someone may be here

underneath the surface

of the Earth.

And what if these entities

have been here

for thousands of years?

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is

the promise of truth.

It demands

we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is

right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

This historic mountain village

in Upper Galilee is home

to a sacred cave that is the

second most visited Jewish site

in the world

after the Western Wall,

with as many

as two million annual visitors.

According to Hebrew tradition,

this cave served as the home

of the famous rabbi

Shimon Bar Yochai

in the second century AD

when Jerusalem was under

the rule of the Roman empire.

Rabbi Shimon Yochai

lived during a very difficult

time for the Jewish people

living in the kingdom

of-of Israel.

The Emperor Hadrian had been

violently persecuting the Jews.

They forbade them

from studying the Torah.

They forbade them, under penalty

of death, from even

initiating new students

in the Torah.

Shimon Bar Yochai was one

who spoke out

against the empire.

This caused the Romans

to brand him a criminal

and to hunt him to death.

Rabbi Yochai fled

to Northern Israel

into the Galilee where he hid

in a cave

for as long as 13 years.

When he was concealed

in the cave,

he received a tremendous amount

of profound, sacred wisdom,

secrets that were revealed

to him in the cave

by none less than the immortal

prophet himself, Elijah.

If Rabbi Bar Yochai

truly encountered

the prophet Elijah as he

claimed, it would be a miracle,

because Elijah lived in Judea

almost a thousand years earlier.


to Jewish tradition, Elijah

never died.

So he appears

and he enlightens people,

he helps people

who are in trouble.

So, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

communed with Elijah.

He received secrets

of the universe.

Rabbi Bar Yochai

understood the teachings

he received

from this immortal messenger

to be of great importance

but also felt

that they should only be shared

with a trusted few and not

yet revealed to the public.

After he

came out of the cave,

after the Romans

forgot about him,

he gathered together

his students

and taught them the secrets

that were revealed to him

in the cave.

This knowledge was then

written down

or transmitted orally

for centuries

for a thousand years

until a Spanish rabbi

acquired this knowledge that

he then shared with humankind.

In the late 13th century,

the secret writings

of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

were finally published

as the Zohar

a text

that is still held as sacred

by millions of people

around the world.

It is considered fundamental

to the Jewish tradition

of kabbalah.

People often confuse kabbalah

and Zohar.

There's no book

called the Kabbalah.

The Zohar is the major text

of the kabbalah.

So if someone says

they're studying kabbalah,

they probably mean that

they're studying the Zohar.

According to practitioners

of kabbalah,

the teachings

include ancient knowledge

that was far ahead of its time,

such as information related

to modern atomic theory,

the spherical shape

of the Earth,

and the existence

of other solar systems.

But of all the teachings

of kabbalah,

many believe the most profound

comes from a passage found

in the Zohar one that says

there are seven earths.

Kabbalistic texts teach

that there are

multiple worlds out there.

In fact, there are seven earths.

And they give the name

of each of them,

and when I hear that

then I wonder,

well, could it be possible

that what we have here

is a reference that there are

six other inhabited planets

in the rest of our galaxy?

When you look at these

kabbalistic texts,

and they're talking

about there being

six other earths

besides the one that we're on,

and they're not just

some allegory, uh,

or talking about, you know,

seven continents

or something like that,

well, you have to ask yourself,

is it possible that

these are actual other planets

and they're inhabited?

While seven earths may sound

like a reference

to seven planets,

according to those

who study kabbalah,

this concept has another,

even more profound meaning.

Many people have this idea

that the concept of seven earths

has something to do

with some other place.

It's not some other place,

and in fact,

according to Zoharic literature,

it's inside the earth.

There are seven lands,

one above the other.

One of the lands is

actually the Outer Earth,

which is the one

that we're walking on right now.

According to Zohar as well as

Jewish religious interpretation,

the six other earths

are physical locations

that are subterranean

to our present reality.

Even more compelling is

that it also teaches

that each of the six

other earths are inhabited

by intelligent creatures.

There could be

this multiplicity of beings.

They exist in other realms

but are always kept hidden

in the Inner Earth.

One of the profound teachings

of the oral Torah tradition

is that we human beings

are not the only

intelligent species

indigenous to our Earth.

And within this Earth live

other types of entities.

Of course, the notion

of a hollow Earth is absurd.

The Earth is not hollow.

However, if you change

the word "hollow" to "inner,"

then I even have to say

there could be an argument made

that someone may be here

underneath the surface

of the Earth.

Because it is a geological fact

that there are gigantic chambers

underneath the Earth's crust,

some of which even contain water

that are larger

than the world's oceans.

So, you know, you have to wonder

if it's at all possible

that somebody is down there.

And what if these entities

have been here

for thousands of years?

Is it possible

that Earth is home

to other intelligent beings that

exist deep beneath the surface?

And if so, how long have

they been on this planet?

According to the teachings

of kabbalah,

some of the beings of Inner

Earth once lived on the surface

long before the time of humans.

In the Hebrew Bible's

Book of Ecclesiastes

is the well-known saying,

"There's nothing new

under the sun."

But according

to practitioners of kabbalah,

this seemingly

philosophical verse,

which continues with the phrase

"No one remembers

the former generations,"

also has a very literal meaning.

The kabbalah teaches that

there were pre-Adamic races.

In the Book of Genesis,

Adam is the first man.

So, what the kabbalah

is saying is that,

before Adam, there were

other races of beings

and previous civilizations.

It is believed and taught

that we have had civilization

upon our Earth

for tens of thousands of years,

possibly much longer,

prior to Adam spoken of

in the Bible.


to the kabbalah teachings,

some of the beings

that inhabit Inner Earth lived

on the surface

long before the time of humans.

And kabbalah is not

the only ancient tradition

that speaks

of prehuman civilizations.

All across the planet,

there are stories

of a highly technical,

highly sophisticated,

brilliant civilization

that's no longer here.

The story of Lemuria

is the story

of an ancient civilization,

a brilliant civilization

that reached high points,

but dreadful climate

wiped it out.

The story of Atlantis

is the same thing.

It's in the Bible,

as well as Gilgamesh.

This corresponds

with Greek thought

that there were five ages.

The Hindus teach about the yugas

and the rise and fall

of civilization,

where civilization advances

to a very high place

and then descends

and then reascends.

In Hinduism, there are cycles

of destruction and rebirth,

and we're in the fourth now.

Three entire stages

have come before now.

In the Hopi Native American

Indigenous teaching,

there are a number of worlds,

and we are

on the fourth reality.

If Earth was inhabited

by prehuman civilizations,

could there be physical evidence

of their existence?

Incredibly, scientists have

recently identified anomalies

in Earth's geological record

that could be markers

of an advanced civilization

that existed millions

of years ago.

Today, modern science is looking

into our ancient geological past

in a concept

they call techno signatures.

They're looking

at our civilization and saying

that one day

everything that we see around us

on the Earth

will be reduced to rock.

It'll be a thin layer of rock

in our geological record.

And some future species

will be able to look back

and see that we were

a technological civilization

because we have left residue.

We have left


And what they're doing now

is looking back

into the geological record.

They have actually found a seam

or a line of rock

that's 56 million years old

that reveals that at that time

there was more carbon

in the sediment

than is supposed to be there,

and suddenly

there is an ecological collapse.

How do you explain this,

other than

there must have been some kind

of a nonhuman civilization

that caused this?

The evidence is there.

Some archaeologists

and geologists also point

to the discovery

of extremely ancient artifacts

as further evidence

that civilizations

existed on Earth

long before humans.

One such artifact is an object

called the London Hammer

that was discovered

in Texas in 1936.

It was a prehistoric hammer,

if you will,

with part of the handle

still in place,

inside some very old rock.

The hammer itself was found

in the Travis formation.

It's a concretion of sandstone.

And it usually takes

about 140 million years

for this to form.

That would put the hammer

at 140 million years old.

Where did it come from?

Who was here

140 million years ago?

There's been many fossils

and artifacts

that have been found

that defies our timeline.

Some of them have been found

in Antelope Valley, in Utah,

which was a shoe print,

which was 200 million years old.

We're constantly finding

new relics, new pieces,

new evidence that suggests

there's probably civilizations

that were here

long before we have been here.

If we are essentially due

to a cataclysm,

whether this is the tilting

of the Earth's axis,

or if it's through a solar flare

or something like this,

or-or even a w*r or something

that there's

virtually nobody left,

after three or four generations,

nobody will remember what

was here a hundred years ago.

It's quite possible

that something like us

already existed

and there's nothing left.

So, history,

archaeology themselves point

to life-forms on this planet

long before human beings.

The question is,

where are they from?

I believe we've been visited

by lots

of extraterrestrial races.

Some took, some didn't.

Some stayed, some left.

Some are on land,

some are underwater.

We're a colony.

Could it be

that long before the time

of modern humans,

other intelligent species

possibly even from other

planets populated the Earth?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes

and point to the teachings

of kabbalah

for evidence

that some of these species

that predated humans

also coexisted with them.

One example can be found

in the Bible's Book of Genesis

and the creature described

in the Garden of Eden

as the serpent.

The serpent not only spoke

but stood erect,

had arms and legs

and, clearly, intelligence.

We're describing

a pre-Adamic,

Earth-based reptilian.

And this we find echoed

in legends

and teachings from cultures

around the world.

So, one of the great

pre-Adamic civilizations

clearly was

a reptilian humanoid.

And these are referred to

as seraphim.

If a prehuman race

is represented

in the Garden of Eden,

does that mean that it continued

to inhabit the Earth

after the time

of the first humans?

It could well be

that there was a whole

evolving race of reptilians

call them seraphim, call them

anything you want to

that basically were,

in their own way,

civilizing this planet,

organizing life on this planet.

And then human beings came

to this planet,

and they realized

we couldn't live together

and they went underground.

Could ancient stories

of other intelligent species

sharing the planet with humans

and then migrating

to subterranean realms be true?

As far as ancient astronaut

theorists are concerned,

the evidence can be found

in numerous ancient traditions

that describe

not only underground worlds

but also the many strange beings

that reside within them.

For centuries,

the Jewish mystical text

called the Zohar

has been a source of sacred

teachings and esoteric wisdom.

But the idea

that there are inhabited realms

within the earth is not

exclusive to the Zohar alone.

This concept can also be found

in ancient texts

from numerous cultures

around the world,

like the Vishnu Purana of India.

Written roughly 2,000 years ago,

the Vishnu Purana describes

multiple domains

that exist deep underground.

In India, we learn

of a place called Patala,

which is beneath

the surface of the Earth.

And Patala has many subterranean

realms that are believed

to be inhabited

by intelligent creatures.

In fact,

myth and folklore are filled

with stories

of Inner Earth civilizations,

the same as the Zohar.

The Greeks believed

the same thing.

This is very similar

to the story

of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

And ancient Irish texts talk

about the Tuatha Dé Danann as

arriving in shadowy airships,

coming from the sky,

they're enveloped in mist.

They had all kinds

of tremendous technology.

And they were the rulers,

allegedly, of Ireland

for quite a long time until

modern Irish came to Ireland,

and they made a pact

with the Tuatha Dé Danann.

The Tuatha Dé Danann,

according to the legend,

go underground in Ireland,

and now are living

in the underground world.

You've got, you know,

the similar kind of story

with the Sumerian texts.

The Anunnaki literally

are the sky gods.

But then, as you get into

later versions of the stories,

one of them, Inanna,

goes into the netherworld.

And so, you have these gods

that start up in the sky

but then come down not just

to Earth but into the earth.

And you see this

across different cultures.

Many ancient cultures taught

that beings living

inside the earth are not

of the same physical nature

as humans

but have the ability

to effortlessly travel

between our realm and theirs.

In Islamic culture,

there is the idea of the djinn,

from which we get

our word "genie,"

and this was not

an angelic presence.

It had a category of its own.

It wasn't human,

it wasn't exactly godlike.

It was in between.

It could travel from this world

to another and back.

And sometimes

they cause trouble.

Sometimes they help people.

It is known

that they are indigenous

to the domains of Inner Earth.

And these djinn are said

to have bodies

only of fire and air.

And we might think,

"Well, they're all spiritual,"

but our traditions teach

that's not so.

Like human beings, it is said

they eat and they drink,

they sexually procreate,

and they die.

And yet they can be invisible.

While many traditions talk

of humanlike beings inhabiting

Earth's inner realms,

the Zohar teaches

that all kinds of entities

reside below the surface.

And some are even hybrids

of different creatures.

The Zohar tells us

that there are hybrid beings

who live there.

Some of whom are half human,

half animal.

There are beings

that have the bodies

of human beings

with the heads of lions

or the heads of bulls.

And this sounds

very familiar to us

from ancient mythologies

and legends.

The hybrid beings

that the Zohar describes

as having descended

to Inner Earth also appear

in other ancient traditions

as creatures that once lived

on the surface.

The ancient Egyptians

recorded evidence

of-of hybrid beings,

including Thoth the birdman,

Sekhmet the lion goddess,

as well as Anubis, who's

a humanoid with a canine head.

We have the satyrs

of Greek mythology

that are part human, part goat.

In Sumeria,

we have mermen and mermaids.

We have beings that are

half human and half serpent.

In India,

the most popular God is Ganesh,

who's half human, half elephant.

In addition to hybrid beings,

Inner Earth is also said

to be home

to fantastical creatures

that are described

in myths and legends

throughout the world.


to the ancient teachings,

in Inner Earth

there do live real dragons,

spoken of in the Book of Job.

The phoenix, which burns itself

to ashes in its nest

and then resurrects itself

just as the Book of Job teaches,

also live in Inner Earth.

And it is taught

that unicorns, real ones,

are alive today in Inner Earth.

Is it possible

that these Inner Earth entities

that come up

in tradition after tradition

were actually witnessed

by our ancestors

thousands of years ago?

So, all around the world

we have these depictions

in ancient carvings,

in ancient paintings,

figurines, everything.

It doesn't matter

what ancient culture you go to.

We have the same stories


And the further

you go back in time,

the more similar

these stories become.

Ancient cultures

must have experienced

these types of beings,

or why else would humans

have been making depictions

from virtually the beginning

of recorded history?

The Zohar and other traditions

that speak of intelligent beings

and fantastical creatures

occupying Inner Earth

were written many centuries ago.

If these stories are more

than mere mythology,

are there still entities

living within the earth today?

Perhaps further clues

can be found

by examining modern-day reports

of encounters

with strange beings

emerging from caves.

Quang Binh Province, Vietnam.

Logger Ho Khanh discovers

a mysterious entrance

to a hidden mountain cave


by dense jungle overgrowth.

The cliffs leading down

to the entrance are so steep,

he cannot explore it further,

but he notes its location.

Nearly two decades later,

the British Cave

Research Association

finally explores the cave.

What the team discovers

is astounding.

It is the largest

underground chamber

on the planet.

It's not just a cave.

It's an actual world in Vietnam.

Inside this cave,

it's 40 stories high.

There's actually

an ancient forest.

It's got flowing water.

Not just a puddle or a stream

but an actual river.

Inside the cave is

an entire growing ecosystem.

And it's so deep that

it looks like it's an entrance

to a whole other reality.

This incredible

subterranean realm,

called the Son Doong Cave,

is estimated to be roughly

three million years old.

It runs through the earth

for nearly six miles,

and numerous areas where

the cave ceiling has collapsed

allow sunlight to enter,

resulting in the growth

of trees and other vegetation.

But according to area residents,

what's most notable

about Son Doong Cave

are the strange creatures that

are believed to dwell within it.

Local residents described seeing


humanoid beings emerging

from the Son Doong Cave.

And they believe

that they actually live

deep inside this cave.

What's fascinating about this is

that these reptilian-type

humanoid beings

are similar to the seraphim,

or the winged serpents

in kabbalistic tradition.

The seraphim are said

to have gone and lived

in the Inner Earth, according

to kabbalistic teaching.

Is it possible that reports

of reptilians at Son Doong Cave

are encounters with beings

from Inner Earth?

While it may sound

too incredible to be true,

there have been reports

that during the Vietnam w*r

in the 1970s,

U.S. soldiers encountered

what they described as "upright

lizards" inhabiting caves.

And accounts of reptilian beings

existing in underground caverns

can be found

all across the globe,

even on the other side

of the world in Cuzco, Peru.

Throughout Peru and

around Cuzco, particularly,

there are many, many stories

of a tunnel system

that has something to do

with serpent deities,

which they call the Amaru there.

The Peruvian authorities

themselves decided

it was too dangerous for people

to go into these tunnels.

So, they looked for all

of the entrances they could

around Cuzco,

and they sealed them up.

And this is a well-known story

within Peruvian history.

While there have been

many reports

from around the world

of humanlike reptilians,

there is another Inner Earth

entity described in the Zohar

that is even more commonly

witnessed in modern times.

According to Zoharic literature,

there are beings

inside the earth

having large black eyes

and a nose that is only

two darks holes on the face.

Now, that corresponds to things

that we've seen about,

heard about these, uh,

for lack of a better word, ETs.

There is a lot of evidence

that these beings

that we think are coming

from another planet

are not coming

from another planet.

They're coming

from inside our own Earth.

The black-eyed entities,

commonly referred to

as Greys by ufologists,

are the beings

most often reported

by alleged alien abductees,

many of whom claim

to have been taken aboard

saucer-shaped craft.

Could it be that

the so-called flying saucers

so often reported

in modern times

are not coming from outer space

but Inner Earth?

According to some

ancient astronaut theorists,

this notion is supported

by numerous accounts of UFOs

that are seen disappearing

into the landscape

and sometimes even flying

directly into mountains.

In fact, one of the first

UFO sightings on record involves

an entire squadron of vehicles

that appeared

to enter a volcano.

One of the first modern

UFO sightings was recorded

in June of 1947

by Kenneth Arnold.

He was flying his private plane

near Mount Rainier in Washington

when he catches sight

of some flashes of light.

And soon he discovers

that this is actually

a squadron of what he described

as flying saucers

skipping across the sky.

He follows them

as they disappear

into the direction

of nearby Mount Adams,

a volcano,

which is the sight

of many modern UFO sightings.

Is it possible

that Mount Rainier

and Mount Adams are perhaps

entranceways utilized

by these craft

into other realms?

If these craft did enter

into Mount Rainier

and/or Mount Adams, it would

not seem unusual to UFO experts.

Mountains around the world,

like Bugarach in Southern France

and Musinè in Northern Italy,

are often sites

where UFOs are reported actually

entering into the mountains.

Mountains are often cited

in ancient traditions

as entrances

to Inner Earth realms.

The most well-known is

the legendary land of Shambhala

that Buddhists

and Hindus identify

as the home of the gods.

Many believe that the entrance

to this subterranean realm

exists among the ruins

of the lost Kingdom of Gu-ge

on top of Mount Kailash

in Tibet.

Shambhala is said

to be underground.

It's ruled by kings

who live for hundreds of years.

They have wonderful technology.

There's electricity,

there's airships.

And also, part of the tradition

of Shambhala is

that they are guiding mankind.

Very much as we often think that

extraterrestrials are doing.

A number of people have

suggested that Shambhala,

the hidden city, is

at Mount Kailash or very nearby.

Gu-ge, right near Mount Kailash,

is a very strange fortress

built on the top

of a pyramidal mountain.

And the fortress of Gu-ge had

all kinds of tunnels

and hidden staircases

that went underground

and went inside this mountain.

So, when archaeologists went

there, they were astounded

that this city of Gu-ge

apparently led inside the earth.

What people seemed

to believe was that

if you were to follow

these tunnels far enough

into the earth,

you would eventually come

to that hidden city

of Shambhala,

an active city

full of light and-and power.

While there have been

numerous reports

of UFOs at Mount Kailash,

explorers have yet to find

the legendary subterranean

realm of Shambhala.

But according

to the secret diary

of one of the United States'

most celebrated naval officers,

a hidden entrance

to Inner Earth can be found

thousands of miles to the south

in Antarctica.

Esteemed U.S.

naval officer and explorer

Admiral Richard Byrd,

one of the first pilots

to fly over both

the North and South Poles,

organizes Operation Highjump,

the largest expedition ever

to travel to Antarctica,

with 13 ships, 23 aircraft,

and over 4,700

military personnel.

This was very important

that after the conclusion

of World w*r II,

Admiral Byrd was asked

if he would mount

a large armada

and go for four months.

It was supposed to be

that they would go in December,

January, February and March,

and there was a list

of military goals

that they were to achieve, but

by the end of February,

something happened.

One of the mission's

official goals

was investigating sites

for potential military bases

in Antarctica.

But during his explorations,

Admiral Byrd allegedly came upon

something highly unexpected.

This story

is said to come

from his diaries,

not his published account

of the trip,

but something he held back

and then later was suppressed

by government authorities

that found it frightening.

In his diary,

which was discovered

by his son after his death,

Admiral Byrd tells

an extraordinary story.

Admiral Byrd heard

there was an entrance

to the center of the Earth

through the South Pole,

and he took planes into the

South under the South Pole.

And when he did that,

he discovered

that as he flew over the Pole,

suddenly he's looking at things

that shouldn't be there.

I mean, it was temperate.

He and a squadron flew

under the earth, into the earth.

It turns into this lush

and green area,

and he can't even

believe his eyes.

But that's just the beginning

of his extraordinary story.

He tells how, all of a sudden,

he starts

to see a shimmering rainbow

city that's made of crystal.

His airplane is taken control of

when he suddenly sees

these flying disk-shaped objects

around him

that lead him to the ground

whereupon he's escorted

into a cavernous type of an area

where he meets a being he refers

to as "The Master" in his diary.

The Master tells him

that they're highly disappointed

in what humans are doing

with nuclear weapons

and how they recently destroyed

Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

and they really are concerned

about what is going on

on the surface of the planet.

They tell Admiral Byrd that

they hope that humanity

will ultimately stop this.

For UFO researchers,

this account

from Admiral Byrd's diary

is particularly significant

due to the fact

that the modern UFO era began

right after World w*r II

and the detonation

of the first atomic bombs.

It has also been noted

that a high number

of UFO sightings

have been reported

in the vicinity

of nuclear m*ssile silos.

Admiral Byrd's story is

congruent with the stories

that we hear

from numerous accounts

of angelic

or extraterrestrial-type beings

that are very concerned

about what humanity is doing

with nuclear weapons.

Just ask the Air Force officers

at the U.S. m*ssile silos,

the nuclear m*ssile silos

that have seen their silos

and their nuclear arms disarmed

by what are perceived

to be extraterrestrial beings.

They are very concerned

that we are ultimately

not just going

to destroy ourselves

but could harm our planet,

which is their world as well.

If Admiral Byrd's

secret diary is authentic,

does it reveal not only

that there are highly

advanced beings

living inside the earth but also

that they are monitoring

what happens on the surface?

According to the diary,

after this incredible encounter,

Admiral Byrd was eager

to share his story

but was ordered

to remain silent.

Byrd comes back

after this experience.

He is taken

to a government compound

where he is told that he is

never to speak of this publicly

and that everything

he says is-is classified.

Could Admiral Byrd's story point

to a profound connection

between the ancient traditions

of strange beings

living inside the earth

and the modern-day

UFO phenomenon?

Ancient astronaut theorists

say yes

and believe we may be

fast approaching the time

when we will

find ourselves face-to-face

with the beings of Inner Earth.


to the teachings of kabbalah,

on this date,

which marks the beginning

of the seventh millennium

on the Judaic calendar,

humankind will be introduced

to a profound new reality.

According to the Zohar,

at the beginning

of the seventh millennium,

the gates of wisdom

will open on the Earth.

That seems like a long way off.

However, the Zohar also tells us

that there will be

preliminary stages

of the opening of this wisdom.

Those stages, the kabbalists

teach, began around 1840.

That's the beginning

of the Industrial Revolution,

when suddenly humans are

taking control of nature.

After that, we enter into

the technological revolution

of the 1950s

the invention of the computer,

the transistor, and

other technologies like that.

Now we're moving

into the nanotechnology,

the artificial intelligence era.

These are all believed

to be signs

that we are ultimately

moving into this new era

when immense wellsprings

of wisdom will open up.

At that point, there will be

an age of enlightenment

that will come upon the planet

and come upon all the life

on this planet.

Now, isn't this fascinating,

that the three Adamic religions

all talk about the same thing?

In Christianity, it is the

Second Coming and the Rapture.

- Allahu Akbar

- In Islam, it is the Twelfth Imam.

In Judaism,

it is the Messiah who will come,

and there will be

a whole new life on this planet.

When it comes time

for the Messiah to come,

the Messiah will not come

from the skies,

but rather the Messiah

and his army

will come from Inner Earth.

And there is Midrashic legend

that states in the

"world to come,"

we will have first contact

with those races in Inner Earth.

Do the prophecies

of kabbalah confirm

that even to this day,

humankind continues

to share the planet

with other intelligent beings

that occupy hidden realms?

There are many different

species, races of beings.

Some of them came

from earlier times,

and some of them come from now

but in just a different place.

There's not only one or two.

There are many,

many different races.

And coming in contact

with other races or beings

is coming in the next epoch.

The purpose of the teachings

of the mystical traditions

is to provide light

and redirection back

to communion

with the higher domains.

We are not alone

as intelligent beings

upon our own Earth.

Is humanity

rapidly approaching the day

when the secrets

of Inner Earth will be revealed?

Have we been sharing the planet

with other

intelligent life-forms

for thousands of years?

Perhaps it will be below

rather than above

where we will

ultimately discover

the truth about our past,

our future,

and our alien ancestors.