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18x05 - Recovering the Ark of the Covenant

Posted: 02/17/24 18:05
by bunniefuu
It is the most highly coveted lost relic in the world.

The Ark of the Covenant is without question the most significant and powerful artifact in human history.

It was a w*apon of extraordinary power.

It was said to smite the enemies of Israel.

It was said to bring about disease.

It was said to bring down the walls of Jericho.

And it provided direct communication with the heavens.

It was the only physical manifestation of God on Earth.

But what happened to the Ark of the Covenant? There's all sorts of stories.

Is it buried somewhere? Was it looted? Was it stolen? There are those who believe that if the Ark is ever found, it will provide undeniable proof of extraterrestrial visitation.

The Ark of the Covenant is the ultimate alien artifact.

There is a doorway in the universe.

Beyond it is the promise of truth.

It demands we question everything we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.


January 28, 2011.

It is a quiet winter night inside the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, which sits on the Temple Mount, a site considered hallowed ground by Muslims, Christians and Jews.

But at roughly 1:00 a.


, in the sky above the Dome of the Rock, an extraordinary scene unfolds that is captured on video.

This pulsating light, which was witnessed from multiple different sources, descends down right on top of the Temple Mount, and all of the sudden, a flash.

And it disappears up into heaven.

If this is genuine, - it's of extreme significance.

- Whoa! It's a site of immense significance to all three of the world's main religions.

They have all, for thousands of years, worshiped there.

It is a site where they believe there are things of great power, maybe still hidden.

What happened? What was that? There are those who interpret and understand this to have been something technological possibly turning on.

Activating something buried beneath.

There are many who believe that this pulsating light was connecting with the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant? The golden chest built to house the Ten Commandments? Could this incredible UFO event have been connected to one of the most revered and most mysterious religious artifacts of all time? Is it possible that the Ark of the Covenant is still with us to this day? It's possible.

We don't know.

According to the stories of the Hebrew Bible, the Ark of the Covenant did, at one time, reside in this very spot, and there are those who believe it is still hidden somewhere on the site.

But this holy relic went missing more than 2,500 years ago, and people have been searching for it ever since.

Considered the most sacred and mysterious artifact in ancient Israel, the Ark of the Covenant was revered by the Hebrew people as the embodiment of God's presence on Earth.

What was so special about the Ark was that it housed the history of the Israelites once they left Egypt.

It reminded a people who had been slaves in Egypt for millennia that they were not alone.

That this god was constantly with them.

The story of the Ark begins in the 15th century BC.

According to the Bible's Book of Exodus, after the Israelites were released from Egypt, God summoned Moses to the peak of Mount Sinai and gave him two stone tablets carved with the Ten Commandments.

He also gave him specific instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant.

Moses was given very specific measurements.

It was to be two and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, one and a half cubits deep.

So, we're looking at a container that was a little over four feet long and about two feet wide and two feet deep.

The container must be made of acacia wood, that it must be covered with gold.

The top of the Ark was to be surmounted by angels, two cherubim with large wings that would face each other, and their wings would cover the top of the Ark.

The Ark was designed to be carried by poles, inserted into four gold rings, two on each side of the container.

It was very important that no one touch the Ark.

It was too powerful, too holy, and a person would die if they touched it.

It was also covered in a very elaborate way so that passersby wouldn't look at it.

Such was the power of the Ark of the Covenant, that it would be dangerous even to look at it.

The lid of the Ark was called the "mercy seat.

" And there was said to be two cherubims on top with their wings pointing to each other with a gap between them.

This is actually the gap where Yahweh, or God, was supposed to have spoken.

In Exodus 25:22, God tells Moses, "When you build this, "I will meet you between the cherubim, and I will give you commands.

" Ancient accounts of the Ark portray it as possessing mysterious powers that aided the Israelites during their journey to the Promised Land, parting rivers, leveling mountains and destroying armies.

But it was also incredibly dangerous to handle.

Whatever the Ark of the Covenant was, the object was definitely very, very dangerous.

In the second, uh, Book of the King, you can read that several accidents happened.

A priest with the name of Uzzah touched the Ark and like an electrical shock, he just fell on the ground, and he was dead.

In the Bible, we have multiple stories of people not only dying when they came in contact with the Ark, but some didn't die, but only died a week or two later.

And how did they die? Because they had boils on their skin and their hair started to fall out.

Well, that is a sign of radioactive poisoning or radioactive fallout.

The most important thing about trying to understand how the Ark of the Covenant functioned is the fact that specific instructions were given by God to Moses about how it was to be manufactured.

The exact size, how it is to be raised off the ground, how it is to be carried.

So there was specifics here that had to be carried out, and this tells us, almost certainly, that we are dealing with technology.

A technology that was given either by God or by some kind of entity or being of non-terrestrial origin.

Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, that the baffling powers ascribed to the Ark provide evidence that it contained highly advanced and perhaps extraterrestrial technology? In 957 BC, construction was completed on King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, built on the same site where the Dome of the Rock stands today, and designed with the primary purpose of housing the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark would remain here for 350 years and then disappear from the historical record forever.

In 586 BC, the Babylonians, under King Nebuchadnezzar, sacked and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon.

It was said that they carried away, to Babylon, all of the treasures of the Israelites, the treasures of the temple.

However, there is no mention in any account that they took away the Ark of the Covenant.

So, what happened to the Ark of the Covenant? The first theory is that Jeremiah or King Josiah took the Ark and hid it away in a cave.

There's another, uh, piece of speculation is that the Babylonians just took it and they desecrated it.

But if they had done that, people would've known about it.

The voice of God was heard though the Ark.

And for those people that believe the voice of God was extraterrestrial, well, the Ark of the Covenant is the ultimate alien artifact.

Ancient astronaut theorists believe that finding the Ark will result in incredible revelations about humanity's extraterrestrial past and could also facilitate direct communication with otherworldly entities still watching over Earth today.

But does the Ark still lie hidden at Temple Mount? Many claim the most compelling evidence points to the Ark leaving Jerusalem centuries ago, spirited away by a band of warrior monks.

July 1099 AD.

Muslim-controlled Jerusalem is captured by medieval Christian forces.

The bloody siege leaves the city ransacked by the victorious crusaders.

But spared from destruction are two mosques that have stood on Temple Mount for 400 years.

These holy sites were saved to serve another purpose.

The Dome of the Rock is converted into a Catholic church.

And the al-Aqsa Mosque is given to a newly-formed monastic fighting force, the Order of Solomon's Temple, also known as the Knights Templar.

This was a holy order of knights who were interested in the safety of travelers going from Europe to Jerusalem, to the temple.

And they would guard them and they would protect their wealth.

They essentially invented banking as a way to protect travelers from highwaymen.

But protecting pilgrims was not the Templars' only directive while stationed at Temple Mount.

They were also charged with searching for treasure and religious artifacts.

The Knights Templars got a commission from the pope to actually do excavations at Solomon's Temple.

And the Templars, uh, that is largely what they did while they were in Jerusalem.

The story there goes that the Templars actually discovered a secret chamber beneath the temple.

They claimed to have found all sorts of holy relics.

And we know they found certain things because they became very rich very quickly.

But legend said that amongst all these things they found was the Ark of the Covenant.

On July 4, 1187, the Knights Templar were forced to leave Jerusalem when Muslim armies retook the holy city.

The Templars set sail for Europe, and it was rumored that they carried with them the holy relics they had recovered at Temple Mount, including the Ark of the Covenant.

By the end of the 13th century, the Knights Templar had established a new base of operations in France.

I do believe that the Templars did find the Ark and successfully transported it to Paris, where they were hailed as heroes for some reason overnight.

Nobles were trying to join the order.

The king of France was promoting them.

I believe the reason for that is because they succeeded in their mission to find the Ark, which is why they were there in the first place.

The Templars used their vast wealth to finance the construction of Chartres Cathedral, one of the finest examples of Gothic-style architecture in the world.

And it was rumored that the Cathedral had a direct connection to the Ark of the Covenant.

In 1966, in a book called The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral, Louis Charpentier claimed that the Templars had indeed found this holy object and had brought it back to France.

And that this had, some way, inspired the design of Chartres Cathedral, which embodied many principles of sacred geometry, mathematical ideas that had been brought over from the Sufi, and Islamic peoples of the holy land.

Sufism included a lot of ideas relating to sacred architecture.

This was how to design the perfect house of God.

Some believe that the Knights Templar actually built this breathtaking cathedral to house the Ark of the Covenant.

And they point to one very credible source that claims the Ark was deposited here: the cathedral itself.

Carvings on the north portico depict the Templars recovering the Ark of the Covenant, then carrying it off, led by an angel with God hidden overhead in a cloud.

Inscribed in Latin text are the words: "Here is hidden the Ark of the Covenant.

" There are many legends in France about where the Ark was kept during the time period the Templars were the guardians.

Some say it was in the crypt of Chartres Cathedral.

It's likely that the Ark of the Covenant was moved around to different locations in France to protect it and to keep it from being discovered.

All who have attempted to find the Ark of the Covenant at Chartres Cathedral have come up empty-handed.

But if the Templars truly were in possession of the Ark, there is good reason to believe they would have moved it at least once more, to keep its otherworldly powers from the hands of a dangerous enemy: the king of France, Philip IV.

The Templars were incredibly rich, and King Philip was engaged in a series of wars that were depleting his coffers.

He tried to become their Grand Master and they said no.

They refused him.

So, he decided to take what they had by force instead.

But they did know he was coming.

It was obviously time to get the Ark out of Paris.

On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip of France, with the backing of Pope Clement V, ordered the arrest of every Templar in France.

King Philip accused the Templars of heresy, immorality, and worship of a demonic idol.

But ancient astronaut theorists suggest that, based on accounts of the idol, this may be a case of misunderstood technology.

There were rumors that the Templars were in possession of this horrible-looking idol with one glowing red eye and another eye that's barely blinking.

Of course, a-a technologically primitive person would not recognize that that is a type of a machine, but I think this was an extraterrestrial device.

It was said they spoke to this demon.

That this demon would speak back to them and give them instructions.

We know from scripture, we know from the Bible itself that the Ark was built as a communication device.

For some researchers, the description of a demonic idol with glowing red eyes that gave instructions to the Knights Templar brings to mind the biblical accounts of how the Israelite priests communicated with God through the Ark of the Covenant.

The high priest was required by biblical law to wear a special type of a breastplate, which had special types of gemstones on it.

The high priest could oscillate his voice to create specific types of sounds.

It would cause these stones to come alive.

The stones on the breastplate would light up.

They would begin to emit rainbow colors.

So, you have light flashing off of this high priest as he's firing up the Ark of the Covenant.

And then the Ark had rainbow light coming off of it.

To this day, many researchers believe that the idol the Templars were accused of worshipping was the Ark of the Covenant.

But if so, what became of it? Some suggest the world's most sacred religious relic ultimately ended up hidden in a mysterious chapel in Scotland.

Paris, France.

March 18, 1314.

Jacques de Molay, the 23rd and final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is ex*cuted by order of King Philip IV.

But according to historical accounts, he already had a plan in place for the surviving Templars to make their escape in the event of his capture.

Jacques de Molay had an enormous responsibility to protect the legacy of who the Templars were and what they stood for.

And part of this legacy was their guardianship of these holy relics and, specifically, the Ark of the Covenant.

King Philip set out to capture a fleet of 18 Templar ships that were said to be docked at the port of La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast of France.

But when the king's forces arrived, there was not a ship in sight.

The Knights Templar disappeared, as well as many of the holy relics that they unquestionably held in their possession.

Vatican records suggest the fleet of ships carried the escaping Templars and their mysterious treasure to Scotland, where they were welcomed by King Robert the Bruce.

Like the Knights Templar, Robert the Bruce had been excommunicated by the Pope.

He was also embroiled in a bitter w*r of independence against Edward II of England, and according to the story, the Templars joined his forces on the b*ttlefield.

There is a wonderful legend of knights in white at the Battle of Bannockburn defeating, decimating the English army.

The Templar Knights had to have been at that battle.

The Templars were revered as great warriors, but some question whether they were aided by a powerful w*apon they may have been carrying with them, the Ark of the Covenant.

People have asked, could this actually be used as a w*apon? Of course it could be.

I mean, can you imagine having that kind of technology? There's no question that the Ark of the Covenant radiated a power that could be used for military advantage.

When the Israelites carried it into battle, it assisted them in assuring their victory.

If the Ark was carried before an army, that army would become invincible.

There are stories of the Ark k*lling scorpions and serpents.

The Ark, in many ways, was protective, it was protective of the Israelites on their journey.

The Ark of the Covenant would march before the children of Israel as they went through the desert, clearing out anything that was a danger to them.

When you're in the wilderness, you have wild animals, you have poisonous serpents.

The Ark would prepare the way.

How it did this we still do not know.

No one had actual visual awareness or contact with what was happening.

All we have is the mystery of knowing that it did march miles before the people, preparing the way for them.

In my opinion, the Ark of the Covenant functioned as a capacitor, drawing in electrostatic energies from the environment into its interior.

But that something was then triggering it to radiate out some kind of electromagnetic field.

One that was so strong that it would strike people down who came too close.

And I would say that it contained something radioactive.

Is it possible that the Ark of the Covenant was a radioactive device that could be used as a devastating w*apon? And could knowledge of the Ark's awesome powers be a reason that the Knights Templar kept this dangerous object hidden and away from the hands of their enemies? Some researchers say that Templar allies, the powerful Sinclair family, understood the importance of protecting the Ark and built an elaborate hiding place for the dangerous object, Rosslyn Chapel.

Rosslyn Chapel is one of the most mysterious holy places in the whole of Scotland.

Many people have likened its design, its cruciform design, to the layout of King Solomon's Temple.

And this has raised the question of whether or not the Knights Templar may have brought the Ark of the Covenant to Scotland, and that Rosslyn Chapel could have been constructed as its new resting place.

That chapel contains a crypt deep beneath it, and many historians believe that the Ark of the Covenant was kept there for a while.

Rosslyn Chapel is full of Templar symbolism, including carvings of Templar Knights and a gravestone that belonged to another Templar.

The Templars are inextricable with the legends of Rosslyn Chapel.

Rosslyn Chapel is really the symbol of Templar presence in Scotland.

While millions of people are convinced that the Knights Templar recovered the Ark of the Covenant at Temple Mount and hid it somewhere along their journeys, likely in France or Scotland, there are just as many who believe that it was taken out of Jerusalem long before the Templars even existed.

And some profess to have seen the Ark and witnessed its ethereal powers with their own eyes in a most unlikely place: Ethiopia.

Aksum, Ethiopia.

November 2020.

Pro-government troops storm the ancient sacred city, searching out soldiers aligned with the region's former ruling party, the TPLF.

It is one episode in a conflict that has been raging for weeks, but this time, the soldiers target Aksum's holiest site, the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion.

Incredibly, hundreds of civilians race to the defense of the church and prevent the soldiers from gaining access.

A staggering 800 are reportedly k*lled in the process.

But more than the church itself, they were protecting the extraordinary religious artifact that is said to be held inside, the Ark of the Covenant.

There are many who believe that the Ark is in Aksum.

In fact, it's believed by millions of Orthodox Christians that the Ark of the Covenant is there.

Although many researchers believe there is strong evidence that the Knights Templar recovered the Ark of the Covenant during their excavations at Temple Mount, others say that the Ark had been removed from Jerusalem centuries before the Templars even arrived.

The main proponents of this theory are the Christians of Ethiopia, who believe the Ark was brought to Aksum nearly 3,000 years ago, where it has continued to exert its strange powers ever since.

One version of the fate of the Ark of the Covenant is contained within a Ethiopian holy book known as the Kebra Nagast.

It's a story involving King Solomon, who had the Ark, and his meeting with the Queen of Sheba.

And it was said that they had a liaison, and that a son was born to the Queen of Sheba by the name of Menelik.

And that, eventually, Menelik traveled from his homeland of Ethiopia to visit his father Solomon in Israel.

According to the story, when Menelik left Israel, he and his men secretly took the Ark with them.

The details of their journey back to Ethiopia once again illustrate the otherworldly power of the Ark of the Covenant.

They first go from Jerusalem to Gaza, and then from there they travel into Egypt with the Ark of the Covenant.

And then the Ark of the Covenant is made to fly their wagon, and they then fly across the Red Sea to the Saudi Arabian Yemen side of the Red Sea.

This is all detailed in the Kebra Nagast.

This book is thousands of years old.

It is clearly described that Solomon's son were flying with the Ark of the Covenant.

They were not on the ground, they were flying over Egypt.

Some temples were destroyed because of the noise and the trembling.

They were flying and came to Ethiopia.

The Ark of the Covenant was then put in a special church built for it in Aksum.

One Ethiopian Coptic priest is allowed to live in that special church and only he is allowed to view the Ark, and he is essentially, while he lives, the custodian of the Ark of the Covenant.

The guardian of the Ark chooses who will be his successor when he dies.

The job is both highly coveted and highly dangerous.

The guardians who've been there generation after generation protecting it have gone blind.

They've had radiation poisoning.

They've got cancer.

So, it seems that the Ark may have had radioactive qualities, which actually cause harm to people if you're in the vicinity of it for too long, and this echoes the original stories saying it was some all-powerful device.

The same description you find in the book of the kings of the Ethiopians, the Kebra Nagast, there they say, the inside of the Ark is not from this planet.

Some believe that the ailments suffered by those said to guard the Ark at the church in Aksum provide compelling evidence that they are, in fact, protecting an otherworldly technology.

But there is still another, even more audacious theory regarding what happened to the Ark of the Covenant and a man who claims to have found it.

Johannesburg, South Africa.

British scholar Tudor Parfitt is giving a lecture on his academic specialty, the history of ancient Jews who settled in Africa.

During his lecture, Parfitt is intrigued by a group in the audience.

They're dressed in traditional African garments, but wearing what look like Jewish skullcaps.

They explained that they were the Lemba people, and that they were Jews.

The story that they told me was rather compelling, and they invited me to go with them to their villages, which I did.

And I was convinced by what I saw in these little villages that there was something profoundly Semitic about this group.

Although the Lemba are native to Zimbabwe, they not only observed Semitic dietary laws and cultural practices, they claimed to be descendants of Jews who fled the Holy Land thousands of years ago Jews known in history as the ten lost tribes of Israel.

And according to the Lemba, their ancestors brought a mysterious object into Africa from the great temple in Jerusalem.

In his book, The Lost Ark of the Covenant, Parfitt recounts the description of the object, called the ngoma lungundu, as a wooden drum used to store sacred objects.

They would often tell me about the ngoma lungundu, the-the drum which thunders.

It's quite similar to the Ark of the Covenant.

Like the Ark of the Covenant, there were carrying rings on each corner.

Like the Ark of the Covenant, it had the reputation of being a murderous w*apon that they carried into w*r, and it assured victory in combat.

So, in lots of ways, the, uh, ngoma seemed to be very similar to the idea of the Ark of the Covenant.

Not only is there this secret object that's lost, it's a sacred wooden object that's carved, that has rings on it that poles are put through to transport it.

Let's look at the Ark of w*r, as it's known in Deuteronomy, and let's think about this, uh, ngoma, this-this drum that thunders.

This idea that this drum speaks with the voice of God.

The Ark of the Covenant is the presence of God.

Could they in fact be one and the same object? According to the Lemba, the ngoma lungundu had been kept in a cave for centuries before mysteriously disappearing.

But could the powerful object they described have really been the lost Ark of the Covenant? And were the Lemba truly the descendants of the ancient Israelites? In 1997, thanks to advances in DNA technology, Tudor Parfitt and a group of British scientists are able to identify a specific genetic signature for descendants of ancient Israelite priests called kohanim, who were entrusted by Moses's brother Aaron with the full knowledge of the Ark of the Covenant's hidden powers.

We know that it was the descendants of Aaron who are responsible for caretaking and operating the Ark of the Covenant.

Recently, geneticists have discovered that that lineage continues up into the modern day.

Now, if the Ark of the Covenant were brought into our world today, it would make sense that we would need the descendants of Aaron to once again operate the Ark.

To Parfitt's astonishment, when members of the Lemba undergo DNA testing, they are found to have the genetic signature of the kohanim, called the Cohen Modal Haplotype.

We were looking for the Cohen Model Haplotype among the Lemba, and we found the Lemba to be relatively rich in the Cohen Model Haplotype.

Once it seemed that the priestly tribe of the Lemba was the same as the priestly tribe of the Jews, then the question of the ngoma became very much more interesting to-to me.

Parfitt spent much of the next decade traveling across Africa and the Middle East, following every lead in search of the ngoma lungundu.

In 2007, he was ready to give up the search, but decided to follow one last lead to a small museum in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe.

He goes to the museum, and he goes into one of the storerooms, and it's almost straight out of a movie.

I looked around the various places where things might have been deposited, and to my considerable surprise, I found it.

It's an old piece of wood, but he's amazed because one of the first things he notices is the scorch marks.

It's been burned exactly like the story that says, oh, at a, at a particular point in history, there was a fire that came out of this that actually k*lled the people who were standing, uh, beside this.

Critics complained that the crude wooden object did not resemble the biblical descriptions of the Ark.

But Parfitt points out that, according to Lemba tradition, the original wooden box was destroyed in a fiery expl*si*n, and this smaller object was reconstructed from a piece of the original artifact.

One could imagine that there have been a succession of Arks, which have been used, but worn out and were rebuilt, and which finally led to the Ark, which, today, is to be found in a small museum in Harare.

It's this amazing story because here's Tudor Parfitt, this great, respected academic, who's now announced that he has discovered the Ark of the Covenant.

That makes international news, and there's great debate.

If one is to think that the Ark exists anywhere, why not in Africa? Makes a lot more sense than many other places where it has been imagined to be.

The Lemba were very straightforward about their Ark.

They said, at a certain point, it was destroyed.

We made another one.

But what I do think is that this, uh, object is probably the closest thing that has ever been found to the original Ark of the Covenant.

Is it possible that an ancient wooden object on display in a museum in Zimbabwe represents the last remnants of the Ark of the Covenant? Some researchers believe the otherworldly technology that the scorched wooden vessel is alleged to have held still exists, and it will soon be found, not in Africa, but back in its rightful home on Temple Mount.

Mount Scopus, Israel.

Here, in northeastern Jerusalem, lie 9,000 tons of soil illegally excavated and removed from Temple Mount in 1999 by the Islamic religious trust.

Excavations are not permitted on the sacred space of Temple Mount, but because this soil has already been removed, both experts and volunteers have been able to sift through it, and, incredibly, it has produced hundreds of thousands of ancient artifacts.

Might clues pointing to the existence of the Ark of the Covenant and, perhaps, its location, be found in the soil from Temple Mount? In modern-day Israel, many have tried to go under Temple Mount, and it is well known that there are secret catacombs, and that there are passageways that have been blocked off, which lead to many, many secrets.

What is down there, who can say? Temple Mount is a site where many people believe there are things of great power, maybe still hidden.

It's a site of immense significance to all three of the world's main religions.

The importance of Temple Mount is really interesting.

For Jews, when Isaac is offered up for sacrifice by Abraham, this happens on the Temple Mount.

It then gets connected to the Christian tradition that comes later.

For Muslims, this spot is important because this is where the prophet Muhammad ascends up to heaven.

There very much is this idea that there's a holiness in this spot.

Observant Jews aren't even supposed to walk on the area of the Temple Mount because the space is so powerful.

The idea is that the presence of God is here.

Interestingly, this is the actual site where, in 2011, there were multiple reports of strange lights seen above Jerusalem.

If the event recorded on video over Temple Mount on January 28, 2011, was, in fact, related to the Ark of the Covenant, as some ancient astronaut theorists suspect, could it be evidence that the Ark still resides there? Many people think it was fake, but we have too many witnesses from too many sources that can prove that this actually happened.

It gives us to speculate that, indeed, the Ark was sending and receiving signals from some actual, tangible place, from which we will have contact in time to come.

As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, whether the Ark of the Covenant lies beneath Temple Mount or is hidden thousands of miles away, one thing is certain, it remains the world's most important lost relic.

I think it's very possible that the Ark of the Covenant does still exist.

And I feel that it's likely that at least some people actually know where it is.

The Ark of the Covenant is one of the greatest pieces in the ancient astronaut theory because there was an actual physical object that had a connection to the so-called celestial realm.

So, I mean, the Ark of the Covenant is one of the most enduring ancient mysteries of all time.

The Ark holds the promise that it will bring a new revelation with it.

It could completely transform our civilization.

This is the potential power with the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark might actually be the proof that we have been seeking throughout human history of our forgotten past and our greater potential of contact with the greater universe and world.

Indeed, if we could have the Ark and operate it and make contact, who would we be talking to? What would we be opening up? Could an otherworldly device of unfathomable power that our ancestors encountered thousands of years ago still exist somewhere on Earth today? Perhaps the Ark of the Covenant will soon be revealed to humanity once again, and within this sacred box, we will find the undeniable proof of our celestial origins.