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16x05 - The Forbidden Bible

Posted: 02/17/24 18:00
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: An extraordinary story of an otherworldly encounter.


TSOUKALOS: It is an eyewitness account.

He was taken up and sees planet Earth underneath him.

WILLIAM HENRY: He is given powerful universal knowledge by angelic beings.

RABBI ARIEL BAR TZADOK: These angels were not spiritual beings.

They were physical beings, whose role it is to direct the affairs of humanity.

NARRATOR: It is an account that was strictly forbidden.

TSOUKALOS: These texts were deemed too dangerous.

NARRATOR: And now, new technology may reveal even more shocking revelations.

We are recovering burned texts, which, there it is.

TSOUKALOS: Look at this.

This is sensational.

NARRATOR: Could the Book of Enoch contain profound truths about our extraterrestrial past? And might it even hold the key to humanity's future? ERICH VON DANIKEN: Enoch knew that all these writings would be found in the far future.

And Enoch said, "I will return to this planet.

" NARRATOR: There is a doorway in the universe.

Beyond it is the promise of truth.

It demands we question everything we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

NARRATOR: The Tigray highlands, Ethiopia.

Here, 7,000 feet above sea level and clinging to the side of a mountain stands the Abba Garima Monastery.

This church is home to one of Christianity's most ancient and spectacular treasures: the Garima Gospels.

Consisting of two beautifully illustrated volumes, it has been dated to the 6th century AD making it one of the oldest and most complete Bibles on Earth.

JONATHAN YOUNG: There is the very earliest Christian churches in Ethiopia.

So there is this strong connection to the ancient roots of Western civilization, Western religion in Ethiopia.

NARRATOR: Ethiopia's biblical connections date back nearly 3,000 years.

In the 10th century BC, King Solomon, the builder of the First Temple in Jerusalem and the keeper of the Ark of the Covenant, was visited by Queen Makeda of Ethiopia, also known as the Queen of Sheba.

YOUNG: The Queen of Sheba, it is said, had a relationship with Solomon and had a son.

When he came of age, he wanted to meet his father.

And his mother blessed this journey up to Israel to meet Solomon.

And he stayed for some time.

And then some, uh, leaders of the Jewish nation went back with him to Ethiopia.

Because of this connection between the Queen of Sheba and Solomon, there's a large Jewish population in Ethiopia.

There are many returnees to the Holy Land, to Israel from Ethiopia and other nearby areas in Africa.

Ethiopia is an unusually holy place.

NARRATOR: Curiously, the Bible used by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church differs from that of other Christian denominations.

Its version of the Old Testament includes a controversial text known as the Book of Enoch.

The Book of Enoch, a very, very interesting, very ancient document, which, uh, is only found in the language of Ge'ez, which is sort of Ethiopian early language and has over a hundred chapters in the full form.

So in the Ethiopian church, Enoch is considered a, uh, canonical text.

In other Christian traditions it is not.

NARRATOR: The author of the book, according to the text, is the Jewish patriarch Enoch the great-grandfather of Noah.

Enoch is a biblical figure mentioned in the Book of Genesis, chapter 5.

What's interesting about Enoch is a tradition arose that he never died.

And this is because in Genesis 5:24, the text says that Enoch walked with God, and then was no more because God took him.

NARRATOR: But where the Hebrew Bible only mentions Enoch briefly, the Book of Enoch, which consists of more than 100 chapters, greatly expands on his story.

In it is a curious passage that details Enoch's assent to heaven.

VON DANIKEN: According to the Book of Enoch, he says he was 12 years old.

The whole community of his village wanted to sleep.

But then they hear the noise in the sky.


Two angels came down from the sky.

One of the two beings said to Enoch, "Don't be afraid, human.

" Then they went up to the so-called heaven.

HENRY: And in the Book of Enoch, we learn Enoch himself is taken into the heavens in a fiery chariot.

VON DANIKEN: Enoch goes up to the so-called sky and there Enoch sees something over the Earth, which he cannot describe.

He has no word like "spaceship" or something.

He says it looked like houses of crystal.

TSOUKALOS: It is described that he sees planet Earth underneath him.

He actually describes his arrival.

How he has to walk through these different rooms, where he sees jewels and he see shiny surfaces and blinking lights.

It is an eyewitness account.

It's "I, Enoch" did this, "I, Enoch" saw that.

The Book of Enoch is one of the first abduction accounts written down by a fellow human being.

NARRATOR: Does the Book of Enoch really describe an actual abduction event, one that took place thousands of years ago? And if so, might this incredible close encounter be documenting communication with otherworldly beings? ROBERT CARGILL: Enoch was said to be at the right hand of God.

In fact, Enoch was said to be God's scribe in later tradition.

So, God would decree things and Enoch was the one who recorded everything that went on.

So, Enoch was the keeper of all knowledge of heaven.

HENRY: This is one the reasons why the Book of Enoch is so controversial.

He's taken up into the heavenly realms, to the throne of God, where he is given powerful universal knowledge by angelic beings, or extraterrestrial beings.

NARRATOR: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, the Book of Enoch is one of the most compelling texts ever written documenting extraterrestrial visitation.

But it is far from unique.

They say that similar encounters were documented by many other ancient cultures, lending support to the notion that Enoch's experiences were genuine.

We can find ancient texts that speak of people ascending to heaven and then coming back down.

For example, in ancient Greece, you have the story of Ganymede that was taken up by Zeus's eagle.

Also in ancient China, and in ancient Sumeria, and also in ancient Egypt, are there stories of people having been visited or having gone up to the sky to visit with the so-called gods, lowercase G.

NARRATOR: While these other accounts tell a similar story, none contain the incredible detail found within the Book of Enoch.

And some researchers believe that it was because of this controversial content that the text was omitted from most versions of the Bible.

Not only do-do these texts infer quite strongly, uh, the possibility of extraterrestrial life, but they also show a very different side of God.

This type of information, these type of texts, this could not be put into the Bible.

TZADOK: The sages of the time considered the teachings of the Book of Enoch, if you will, too hot to handle.

And therefore, it fell along by the wayside, concealed and hidden.

NARRATOR: Is it possible the teachings of Enoch reveal that not all angelic encounters were of a divine nature? Is this the secret that has been kept alive in the Ethiopian version of the Bible? For ancient astronaut theorists, the Book of Enoch lies at the heart of an extraterrestrial agenda that has been shaping human history for thousands of years.

And they suggest that nowhere is this more evident than in the book's descriptions of beings called "the Watchers.

" [thunder crashes.]

KEN BOYDSTON: What we're doing is just To end a dispute in the Anglican church, King James the First orders the creation of a standardized English Bible.

Today, more than four centuries after its creation, the King James Version remains the most famous Bible in history and one of the most published books of all time.

Interestingly, while it contains 66 books, the Catholic Bible has 73, and the Ethiopian Orthodox version is comprised of 81.

But why were so many texts, including the Book of Enoch, edited out? There has always been accepted literature, which becomes the foundation of orthodoxy, and then there's other literature that the accepted orthodoxy rejects.

Books that don't make it into the collection of the Bible both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament are the Apocrypha.

JULYE BIDMEAD: The word Apocrypha means hidden things, and that's probably from the ancients hiding these texts away from the general public, because they could be dangerous.

NARRATOR: "Dangerous"? Is it possible that the Book of Enoch was omitted because it exposed truths about human history that were considered too risky for the public to know? Ancient astronaut theorists suggest insight can be found by examining a passage in the Old Testament.

We know from the Book of Daniel in chapter 4 that there is a group of angelic entities, whose job, whose role it is as ordained by God to direct the affairs of humanity.

These angelic forces look over our world and control the direction of civilization.

NARRATOR: While this passage is brief, these beings serve as the primary focus of the Book of Enoch, where they are described as divine overseers known as "the Watchers.

" VON DANIKEN: Enoch calls them, in the English version, "guardians of the sky or watchers of the sky.

" In the German version, they are called "angels.

" No, it was simply another time.

Now we have a new time.

Now we must translate it with new words.

Change the word of "angel.

" Scratch it out and write "extraterrestrial.

" TZADOK: These angels were not spiritual beings.

They were physical beings.

That is something very clear about the identity of biblical angels.

They're not of this world, and, therefore, they are not terrestrial.

And, therefore, they are extraterrestrial.

NARRATOR: According to the Book of Enoch, a total of 200 Watchers descended to Earth.

Enoch gives us some of the names, but we know they were ruled by Samyaza and Aza Azazel.

Azazel was later known as Lucifer.

HUGH NEWMAN: The Watchers had a very bright appearance and one of their names was "the Shining Ones.

" And even Enoch, when he wrote about them, he even said he could barely look at them because they were so bright.

NARRATOR: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, the idea that the Watchers were alien visitors is most strongly corroborated by the stories of the prophet Elijah.

TZADOK: Aside from Enoch, there was one other we know from the Bible, who did ascend to heaven in chariots of fire, whatever that is meaning.

And this, of course, is the famous prophet, Elijah.

Elijah was a powerful, powerful prophet who had abilities apparently far beyond those of other prophets.

Elijah possessed a power cloak or a garment that gave him the-the ability to heal the sick and even to raise the dead.

And then one day he used that power cloak or garment to ascend upon a fiery chariot.

A chariot of the gods.

And when Elijah ascended, there were 50 prophets that witnessed his ascension.

TZADOK: The Bible calls it "chariot of fire.

" Now, what is this chariot? Was it some type of a technological transportation device, which in ancient times would not have been understood as anything else but a chariot of fire? NARRATOR: Curiously, while the idea of the soul ascending to heaven is a key component of Judeo-Christian traditions, there are a number of instances in the Bible where it is said that a person ascends bodily.

In addition to Enoch and Elijah, this is also the case with both Jesus and his mother Mary.

But why? If heaven is a spiritual realm, why is it written that certain individuals ascended bodily? Neither Enoch nor Elijah ever claimed that they were prophets.

It was the biblical writers later who claimed that they're prophets.

The reason why Enoch ended up being called a prophet is because of the experiences he had.

He was taken up into space by extraterrestrials, and we have a similar story with Elijah.

Enoch, Elijah It-It's all part of the big concept of misunderstood technology.

NARRATOR: If the Watchers were, in fact, extraterrestrials as ancient astronaut theorists suggest did they have an agenda for humankind? Perhaps further clues can be found by examining another ancient text attributed to Enoch that was almost entirely destroyed The Book of Giants.

What if there are references 20 miles east of Jerusalem, at this ancient site in the Judean Desert Bedouin shepherds stumble upon an extraordinary discovery.

BIDMEAD: The Dead Sea is surrounded by caves.

And as young teenage boys would do, they threw a rock into the cave, heard the sound of breaking pots.

Came back the next day, climbed into the cave, and what did they find? They found huge clay jars.

COLLINS: Inside these storage jars were ancient texts, which very quickly they came to realize that these were incredibly important.

CARGILL: In these scrolls, we find biblical manuscripts copies of the Bible that are a thousand years older than any previously known copy of the Bible.

As well as a treasure trove of documents that we had never seen before.

NARRATOR: Archaeologists were surprised to find that whoever collected the Dead Sea Scrolls considered The Book of Enoch to be of vital importance, preserving 11 different manuscripts, including versions never seen in modern times.

Also found were fragments of another work attributed to Enoch The Book of Giants.

Some parts of this text included in the Dead Sea Scrolls had been lost for centuries, and many scholars believe the stories contained within The Book of Giants were written before even the Book of Genesis.

It expounds on Genesis 6:1-4, when the story is-is begun that the Watchers descended upon Earth and took wives from Earth women from human women and their offspring were giants.

COLLINS: The Book of Giants is about the Nephilim, the sons of the Watchers.

It's about their lives, uh, their conversations and they realize that they are evil.

NARRATOR: According to The Book of Giants, the Nephilim were guilty of horrific crimes, including slaughtering humans and feasting on their flesh.

God ultimately decides the Earth must be cleansed and chooses one man to restart humanity anew Noah, the great-grandson of Enoch.

In the Bible, Noah the son of a Shepherd named Lamech and his wife Betenos was chosen by God because of his blameless piety.

But when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, religious scholars were shocked to find a much different and potentially older version of the story of Noah.

The Lamech Scroll documents that Noah became the chosen one before he was born, and his father was not Lamech.

TSOUKALOS: When Noah was born, the father, Lamech, was gone at the time.

However, the wife of Lamech knew immediately something was up with Noah because he didn't look like a normal human being.

CARTER: He is described as having skin so white it was radiant.

His hair was white like wool.

His father, Lamech, says, "He has the ways of the Watchers.

" When he blinked, his eyes lit up the whole house.

This does not sound like a human being.

The boy looked completely different than Lamech's other children.

And Lamech said to his wife Betenos, "This can't be my son because I was away too long.

" You know, it doesn't fit with the nine months.

And Lamech goes for advice to his father who was the biblical Methuselah.

Methuselah goes to his father which is Enoch.

Enoch says, "The guardians of the sky "have inseminated Betenos without touching her sexually.

"He should accept this boy as his own "and should give him the name of Noah "because the guardians of the sky have decided Noah is the father of the coming generation.

" So in that case, proven in the Dead Sea Scrolls, we know for sure there was an artificial insemination.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that the Dead Sea Scrolls contain the true story of Noah? Was he not a pious man chosen by God, but a genetically altered human, created by extraterrestrials to reboot life on Earth? While further details about Enoch and Noah may have existed in The Book of Giants, only fragments of the full text have survived.

But now, new technology may bring to light even more incredible revelations.

Santa Barbara, California.

February 18, 2020.

Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok and Giorgio Tsoukalos travel to Mega Vision to meet with imaging expert Ken Boydston.

- Ken.

Good to see you.


NARRATOR: Ken recently invented a revolutionary type of camera that takes pictures using a technology called multi spectral imaging.

Giorgio and Ariel are intrigued by the implications of this technology, and they are eager to find out just how far it can go in retrieving lost passages from the Book of Enoch.

TSOUKALOS: Ken, can you explain to me the multi spectral imaging system that you have invented? BOYDSTON: Well, multi spectral, simply put, it's taking a lot of pictures under different colors of light.

- Mm-hmm.

- And we don't want to see the light that's on the object.

We want to only see the light that the object is producing in response to that light coming in.

What we're doing is just listening with light to the object.

"What story do you have to tell us?" The camera can see what the human eye cannot see, and therein lies the magic and some of the mystery and some of the great excitement, because we are able to discover things that have been hidden for generations or ages.


NARRATOR: Incredibly, Ken's camera is able to retrieve script that has become eroded with time, script that was purposely scrubbed from parchment and written over, and even script within scrolls that cannot be opened because they are too fragile to handle.

Many of these scrolls might be thousands of years old, and as you know, we can't just open them up and read them because they will deteriorate, very similar like the Dead Sea Scrolls.


So, can you - show us how this works? - BOYDSTON: Yeah.

Let's kind of go through a little bit of stuff.

NARRATOR: To demonstrate the power of this technology, Ken is going to apply spectral imaging to a document that has been burned so badly, much of the text is completely undetectable to the naked eye.

BOYDSTON: During World w*r II, the Nazis burned vast quantities of documents Ah.

so we are recovering the partially burned texts.

- Amazing.

- And so, we're ready to do it.


BOYDSTON: Each time the light flashes, the shutter clicks, another picture is captured.

So, you're seeing a little tiny bit of light right now, but the camera is seeing lots of light because this is down into the infrared.

All right.

So, out of the visible light pictures that we just took, those individual ones, the computer put them together and lo and behold, there's a perfect color picture of that object, which would be just what our eyes see.

- TSOUKALOS: Look at this.

- Which, there it is.

TSOUKALOS: There you go.

- TZADOK: Wow.

- BOYDSTON: There it is.

All of that text right there.

And we can enhance that a little bit.

We can, uh, we can push the contrast up a little bit - on that - That word says símera.


- There we go.

- It means "today.

" - BOYDSTON: So, um - Arius.

That's a little demonstration of what-what the technology can do.

Uh, just, a very quick, and, uh, compelling, really.

TSOUKALOS: This is extraordinary, really.

- Wow.

- So, just imagine, uh, if you have thousands and thousands of these pages, where, uh, no one has been able to read them since they were destroyed.

TSOUKALOS: In front of our eyes, long-lost knowledge that has been thought to have been completely and utterly destroyed has been resurrected with the power of light.

An ancient prophecy said that towards the coming of what we will call disclosure, all of these secrets, these ancient secrets, would be brought back to us.

We never understood how, but now it's actually happening in front of our eyes.

What if there are references to extraterrestrials that we've never seen before? - There definitely are.

- So it's a corroboration of what we're already doing.

I mean, this is sensational.

NARRATOR: In 2018, the Israel Antiquities Authority studying the Dead Sea Scrolls announced that multi spectral analysis had uncovered writings on a fragment that points to a previously unknown manuscript.

Once it's discovered, what will this missing manuscript reveal? As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, there could be numerous lost texts of Enoch that will come to light.

Texts that were hidden in secure locations so that they would survive a devastating global cataclysm the Great Flood.

COLLINS: The world was devastated NARRATOR: The Book of Genesis.

In chapters six through nine, it is described that God had become deeply troubled by the wickedness of the human race, and decided to bring it to an end by sending a great flood upon the Earth.

Only Noah and his family would survive, and it was God himself who gave Noah instructions for building the Ark that would save both them and two of every earthly creature.

The Book of Enoch tells the same story, but with significant differences.

KATHLEEN McGOWAN: One of the differences is that in the Book of Enoch, the flood washes away these rebellious angels.

And it washes away the Nephilim, as opposed to the traditional flood story, which washes away people who have been rebellious and sinful.

God is protecting us in the Book of Enoch.

It is a very different God than the spiteful, wrathful God that we see in the Genesis account.

NARRATOR: Another key difference in Enoch's account is that Noah is not given instructions to build the Ark by God, but by the angel Uriel.

HENRY: The archangel Uriel is the one who warned Noah about the impending flood, and who told him about humanity's future and the possibility of this cataclysm.

What we're witnessing here is an extraordinary story of an extraterrestrial being having a tremendous in fact, incalculable influence on human affairs.

NARRATOR: Does Enoch's account of the Great Flood reveal that it is not a story of God punishing humankind, but of extraterrestrials directing the course of humanity? As far as many religious scholars are concerned, both the biblical version and the Enochian version of the Great Flood are simply allegorical tales.

But an increasing number of archaeologists and historians now believe that this global cataclysm actually happened.

Uzengili, Turkey.


After years of research, American explorer David Allen Deal has become convinced that the biblical story of Noah is, in fact, historical, and is on the hunt to find the remnants of the Ark.

At an elevation of more than 7,000 feet, near Mount Ararat, where the Bible says Noah's Ark eventually landed, he stumbles upon the ruins of an ancient settlement.

DAVID CHILDRESS: What he discovered is what's known as the lost city of-of Noah, or-or Naxuan.

And this is an area that's near a strange geological formation that some people think is actually Noah's Ark.

NARRATOR: The ancient Armenian historian Moses of Chorene identified Naxuan as the place of Noah's first descent.

Could this be the first settlement in a post-flood world? A recent archaeological dig reportedly uncovered something remarkable: the region may contain millions of graves.

CHILDRESS: Because Noah's tomb is said to be here, a huge cemetery has grown up around this lost city of Noah.

And people from all over the Middle East in ancient times, uh, insisted on being buried in this area.

NARRATOR: Researchers suggest that Naxuan is just one of many points of evidence that support the notion of a historical great flood.

What we now know from incredible amount of evidence coming from every part of the world, is that around 10,800 BC, the world was devastated by some kind of impact event.

And this devastated every part of the landscape, what today we might refer to as a nuclear winter that blotted out the Sun, the Moon and the stars.

There's something called the Usselo horizon that's been found all over the world.

It's like a layer of black ash.

This suggests there was a great conflagration that took place, great fires and burning, and it left this layer all around the world.

And it dates to between 11,000 and 13,000 years ago.

So this does suggest something very serious took place at this time.

NARRATOR: Could this layer of ash, found roughly 50 feet deep in the Earth's soil, be evidence of a devastating global event? According to geologist Dr.

Robert Schoch, a worldwide cataclysm, and the resulting layer of ash, was likely created by a solar flare, a sudden flash of increased brightness on the Sun.

SCHOCH: Based on my analysis of the evidence is that there was a major, major solar outburst.

The Sun essentially erupted.

This caused, in a flash, the glaciers to melt virtually instantaneously.

It caused evaporation of water.

This not only led to the rising sea levels, flooding the coastal areas and torrential rains.

We have physical evidence of this in the geological record.

NARRATOR: Could the Book of Enoch overturn everything we know about the history of life on our planet? Did Enoch intend to make a record of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth for future generations of humans to discover? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest there are still chapters we have yet to uncover.

Chapters that may be hidden within the Great Pyramid.

TSOUKALOS: The pyramids were built Here on the Giza Plateau stands the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: the Great Pyramid.

But ancient astronaut theorists suspect this awesome structure is even older than Egyptologists have proposed.

Mainstream archaeologists date the Great Pyramid to 2500 BC and suggest it was built as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu.

However, according to a 14th century account written by Islamic historian Ibrahim al-Maqrizi, the Pyramid of Giza was built thousands of years earlier before the event described in both the Hebrew Bible and the Book of Enoch as "the Great Flood.

" VON DANIKEN: Now what is very, very astonishing, there are many other old historian books, especially Arabian historians, which nobody knows in the Western world.

They say the Great Pyramid was constructed before the Great Flood, by a pharaoh with the name of Saurid.

And they precisely say Saurid is the same figure, which the Hebrew community calls Enoch.

NARRATOR: Enoch? The builder of the Great Pyramid? Could such an incredible notion be true? The Islamic text goes on to detail the pyramid's construction, which it says was made possible by otherworldly beings.

TSOUKALOS: According to al-Maqrizi, the pyramids were built in order to preserve knowledge that was given to the Egyptians by the so-called gods, the so-called Watchers, the guardians of the sky.

These blocks were levitated and essentially walked themselves into position.

NARRATOR: Was the Great Pyramid actually built by Enoch using extraterrestrial technology? While it may sound far-fetched, the notion that the pharaoh Khufu was behind the construction of the pyramid has come under great scrutiny.

In 1837, a British colonel, who became an archaeologist named Richard Howard-Vyse used dynamite to get up into the king's chamber of the Great Pyramid.

This was something that had not been entered by other archaeologists before.

When he got into these upper chambers, he then apparently claimed that he found, uh, some hieroglyphic cartouches that mentioned the pharaoh Khufu.

Egyptologists knew when Khufu lived, he lived 2500, roughly, BC.

And because of that, by extension, that became the time line and the date of the Great Pyramid's construction, according to mainstream Egyptology.

NARRATOR: Colonel Vyse's expedition to the Great Pyramid cost $1.

3 million, a figure equal to $35 million today.

Due to the cost, Vyse was under tremendous pressure to make a major discovery like finding hard evidence of who commissioned the building of the pyramid.

But new evidence has been found that some believe puts Vyse's discovery into question.

Recently it has been discovered by going through, uh, Vyse's journals that he in his journals actually says that there were no hieroglyphs within this chamber.

And so it is suspected that Vyse did in fact forge this cartouche of the pharaoh Khufu.

NARRATOR: Egyptologists have also pointed out that during the time of Khufu, cartouches were written vertically, but the cartouche Colonel Vyse claimed to have discovered was written horizontally.

And no mummy was ever found inside the Great Pyramid.

VON DANIKEN: Especially in Egyptology, many archaeologists believe that they know everything, and that their knowledge is a true base.

In reality, there are thousands of open questions, starting with the builder of the Great Pyramid.

NARRATOR: In March 2016, the Great Pyramid of Giza presented researchers with yet another mystery.

Archaeologists examining the ancient structure with a new technology known as muography, made a shocking discovery a mysterious chamber inside the structure that is as large as the Statue of Liberty.

CHILDRESS: It's always exciting when Egyptologists are making new discoveries inside of the Great Pyramid or other pyramids.

And now they're saying that there is a 30-meter void inside the pyramid.

So the whole idea that these pyramids are just simple tombs for a pharaoh, Egyptologists now realize that they're far more complicated.

This new room is only the beginning of it.

I'm sure within the next months, or at least two years, they will discover more rooms in the Great Pyramid.

I personally think that the Great Pyramid in Egypt holds some sort of time capsule.

In my opinion, we will find mummies in there.

Mummies of before the Great Flood.

And we will find writings in there.

Writings of Enoch, who tell us how it all was.

Enoch knew that all these writings would be found in the far future.

NARRATOR: A time capsule hidden within the Great Pyramid of Giza? When the Great Pyramid of Egypt is fully excavated, could it be found to hold undeniable proof that the Book of Enoch documents extraterrestrial intervention on Earth? And might it reveal even more profound truths about the history of humankind? As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, the answer is a resounding yes.

And they say further examination of the Bible may indicate exactly what information is about to be discovered.

NARRATOR: The Book of Enoch.

Chapter 91.

After journeying through the heavenly realm and returning to Earth, Enoch is preparing to be taken back up into the heavens once again.

Before he leaves, Enoch gathers together his family and shares with them a startling prophecy.

He assembles the whole family.

The oldest of his son was Methuselah, the biblical Methuselah.

Methuselah asked his father, "Enoch, will I see you again?" And Enoch said, "The guardians of the sky told me "I will return to this planet, "but thousands of years will have passed.

So we will not see each other again.

" NARRATOR: The concept of a divine figure leaving and returning to Earth is echoed across almost every major religion.

HUSSAIN: In the Jewish tradition, there's the expectation the prophet Elijah will return before the Messiah and bring in this age of peace and righteousness that ushers in the end of time.

In the Christian tradition, the return of Jesus, who for Christians is the Messiah.

In the Islamic tradition, you know, it's either the Al-Mahdi, the divinely guided one, or it's Muhammad who will return.

In a sense, this ushers in a brand-new age, a brand-new relationship with God, a brand-new way of existing in the world.

LAYNE LITTLE: There's a body of Hindu scriptures known as the Puranas and these tell about the tenth and final incarnation of the god Vishnu that comes at the end of this present cycle of time.

These prophecies speak of this Messianic figure riding upon the clouds of heaven, accompanied by the armies of heaven.

This suggests that we're talking about some kind of a vehicle or a craft.

TSOUKALOS: This whole concept of the return of the gods well, who are we waiting for? It will not be any of these ancient "saintly figures" or-or holy figures, but it will be extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that humankind's most sacred religious texts document extraterrestrial intervention on Earth? And might the teachings of Enoch have been meant to prepare humanity for the day when we will awaken to a profound new reality? Perhaps the Book of Enoch has yet to be completed.

And when the final chapter is written, we will know that it is not a story of angels but of our alien ancestors.