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15x04 - The Real Men in Black

Posted: 02/17/24 17:53
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Wherever there are strange encounters they appear.

NICK POPE: These people see a UFO, and suddenly these sinister counterintelligence officers turn up.

NARRATOR: They question witnesses and demand silence.

STEVE EDMISTON: A man shows up dressed in a black suit and white shirt.

Gives a warning: If you tell anybody about whatever it is that you saw, bad things could happen to you or to your family.

NARRATOR: Who are the men in black? NICK REDFERN: Men in black are without doubt the most feared beings in ufology.

NARRATOR: Who do they work for? KNUTE BERGER: Some people believe the men in black weren't guys from the government.

NARRATOR: And what do they want? POPE: Perhaps the men in black are the gatekeepers of the UFO secret.

NARRATOR: There is a doorway in the universe.

Beyond it is the promise of truth.

It demands we question everything we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

NARRATOR: Blackhawk helicopters descend upon a government facility secluded on a mountaintop: The U.


National Solar Observatory.

Men dressed in black swarm in, seize material, evacuate employees, and shut the site down.

The National Solar Observatory is a U.


Government science project.

It has some sensors.

They're pointed up in space; It's looking at the sun, at other phenomenon, heavens.

RICHARD DOLAN: This is one of the most powerful and, uh, professional solar observatories on the planet.

And it was shut off for the day.

There wasn't really a good explanation ever given as to why this happened.

Did we discover a signal from outer space? Did we see a spacecraft? Were we contacted? DAVID CHILDRESS: Government investigators questioned all the witnesses, gathered evidence, and they told people strongly not to speak about this event.

So it would seem that these government investigators were in fact the men in black.

But who are they, who do they work for? NARRATOR: The men in black? Government agents assigned to monitor extraterrestrial activity? Is it possible that this top secret police force actually exists? There's been a lot of speculation as to who the men in black are.

It's altogether likely that they're part of some shadowy government agency who doesn't want reports out there.

The government was involved in a lot of efforts to discredit and debunk the phenomena, and to suppress the reporting of UFO incidents.

The men in black are without doubt the most feared and sinister beings in ufology.

GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: The men in black have always been described by eyewitnesses wearing these black suits with the black, dark shades and black hats.

POPE: They call on the house of the witness; They introduce themselves, usually as a G-man.

The whole experience ends with the men in black saying, "It is in your best interests to stay silent.

" NARRATOR: While the idea of a real ET police force may seem far-fetched, encounters with the men in black have been reported for more than seven decades.

And recently, new evidence has come to light that may prove the agency's existence.

Author and ufologist Mike Bara arrives at the island to investigate a UFO encounter that occurred in 1947.

Known as the Maury Island incident, it is the first case on record involving the men in black.

Mike is meeting near the site of the incident with investigative filmmakers Scott Schaefer and Steve Edmiston, who have secured recently declassified government documents about the event.

The Maury Island incident was first reported by local Harold Dahl, who worked as part of an informal harbor patrol retrieving logs that had floated free from nearby lumber mills.

When you talk about the Maury Island incident, what exactly happened? What did Harold Dahl exactly claim to have seen that day? So June 21, 1947, Dahl was right off the island here on a boat scavenging logs, that's what he did.

- And around 2:00 - (barking) six donut-shaped discs came down.

If we go over here, we can show you where it happened.

BARA: So this is where this event actually took place right through here.

SCHAEFER: Yes, out on the water, just up the shoreline here.

All right, so Mike, imagine you're out in your boat.

You got a crew of two people and your son and a dog.

- Right.

- And all of a sudden, you see six flying disks come over your boat.

One of them appears to be in trouble.

It's wobbling.

And all of a sudden, some chaff falls out of it, and then seconds later, hot molten slag.

And it hits your boat, kills your dog, injures your son.

EDMISTON: And they decide they've got to get off the water, and there ain't no place to go except this beach, where we're standing right now.


NARRATOR: Harold Dahl escaped the rain of metal unharmed, but he claimed that the most frightening aspect of the incident occurred the next day when he was paid an unexpected visit by a strange man.

A man shows up at Harold Dahl's house and invites Harold Dahl to go to a diner because he would like to talk to Harold about what Harold saw on the water.

So he goes there, and basically intimidates Dahl, right? He absolutely gives what we now believe is that classic Man in Black warning.

- BARA: Right.

- If you tell anybody about whatever it is that, you know, you saw on the water yesterday, bad things could happen to your or to your family.

We think it's the first man in black associated with a UFO case - Wow.

- In modern history.

NARRATOR: While Harold Dahl was frightened by the visit from the man in black, it didn't stop him from recounting his UFO sighting to Chicago-based Fate magazine publisher Ray Palmer, who in turn hired a pilot named Kenneth Arnold to investigate.

Arnold had become famous for his own reported UFO sighting, when he claimed to have seen nine strange objects flying above Mt.


He enlisted the help of two U.


Army Air Force officers to investigate Dahl's claims: Captain Lee Davidson and First Lieutenant Frank Brown.

EDMISTON: They had actually come out, conducted interviews at the Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma of the witnesses, and they were provided samples of this slag-like material.

They left just after midnight on August 1, 1947.

They get on their B25 bomber, made it about 45 minutes into the flight; When the plane spontaneously caught fire, inexplicably.

The two pilots, the Army intel officers, Captain Davidson and Lieutenant Brown, perished in the crash, along with the slag materials.

NARRATOR: A spontaneous fire? Is it possible that the plane crash that k*lled both investigators and destroyed the evidence they had obtained was not an accident? After this incident, Harold Dahl refused to talk about his UFO encounter, and even went so far as to insist it was a hoax.

EDMISTON: You go online, it's a hoax.

But as we started to investigate, and we stuck exclusively to actual government documents, they began to tell a different story.

A story, not of a hoax, but of a man who faced so much danger, that he decided to invent a fabrication, that he'd made it up.

NARRATOR: Under the Freedom of Information Act, Schaefer and Edmiston obtained formerly classified documents that confirm an FBI investigation into the Maury Island incident took place; One that reached all the way to the top of the Bureau.

So here we are on August 14 of 1947, and this is a teletype that was written by - J.

Edgar Hoover himself.

- BARA: Wow.

And he is confirming what he has been told by his deputy.

What he's been told is that it's a hoax, because that theory had been injected into the media; And three hours later, there is another teletype from the field agent, Jack Wilcox.

He writes this teletype directly to Hoover.

Your conclusions are wrong.

Dahl was only going to say his story was a hoax, only if questioned by authorities would he say that.

He did not want any further trouble.

So isn't that almost confirmation that he's been receiving pressure from these men in black? NARRATOR: Despite the efforts of FBI Field Agent Jack Wilcox, shortly after the exchange of these teletypes, the FBI closed the Maury Island case.

But while producing their movie, Schaefer and Edmiston were approached by a man who claimed he could prove Dahl's sighting was not a hoax.

Elmer Frombach Jr.

, who grew up on Maury Island, had come down to these beaches, was aware of the story in the mid-1960s and actually found a sample of the slag in the trees.


You're kidding me.


So we were so excited when he came to us, 'cause we'd never met him, and we weren't soliciting that.

We can take you to the tree.

We can talk about it right there.


All right, great.

Let's do that.

- Let's go.

- Do it.

SCHAEFER: Elmer told us that he found the piece of slag embedded right in this nook right here.

In 1966, he was up here looking for firewood, and he took out his Boy Scout knife and pried it right out.

Where is this piece of slag right now? - Where is it? - I just happen to have it in my pocket.

- (laughter) - Right here.

So let's see if it fits.

- It kind of does.

- Oh, my.

Yeah, that's just wedged right in there.

It fits perfectly.

So this is it? - SCHAEFER: That's it.

- Wow.

So you're telling me I could be holding - a piece of metal from a UFO? - It's possible.

(chuckles) Okay, has this thing ever been tested by anybody? EDMISTON: Elmer Fromback.

He actually put it on loan to this northwest Museum of the Mysteries, and they're the custodians.

They have loaned it to us, and we're actually working with the folks to see if we can get permission to do that.

Which would obviously - be very exciting.

- Yeah.

BARA: I learned a lot from Steve and Scott today.

The fact that there's so much documentation about the FBI interest in the case I think is really over the top.

And the whole "men in black" phenomenon actually started here with this case, and that makes it of historic importance.

NARRATOR: Curiously, the man in black that allegedly visited Harold Dahl is not mentioned in any of the FBI documentation that Schaefer and Edmiston were able to obtain.

Could it be that the man in black, like the others in his organization, answers to another, even more secretive authority? NARRATOR: In 2017, the Washington State Senate passed a resolution acknowledging the 70th anniversary of the Maury Island incident.

We take a moment to recognize the impact of the UFO phenomenon that swept our country in the summer of 1947, from Maury Island to Roswell, New Mexico.

I urge adoption of this resolution.

I also rise in support of this resolution.

In 1947, there were six UFOs sighted.


It is not that it ended in 1947, Mr.


The incidents continue.

They continue.

The question before the senate is adoption of this resolution.

- As many is in favor, please say aye.


- As many is opposed, please say no.


Resolution is adopted.

NARRATOR: While the Maury Island incident involved the first reference to a figure resembling the notorious men in black, some researchers believe they became an official government organization five years later.

In 1952, The U.


Air Force organized a highly specialized and highly confidential unit called the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron, or AISS.

An internal Air Force intelligence letter, dated November 13, 1961 The so-called "Betz Memo" Outlined the 4602nd's responsibilities to locate, recover and deliver descended foreign space vehicles.

NYE: So these were top secret units that all had a top secret mission.

And for a short period during the Cold w*r, something existed called an Air Intelligence Service Squadron.

And these were units custom-built to go and recover Soviet technology.

Yes, they may well have got their hands on the odd Soviet satellite and m*ssile, but the real mission was UFOs.

Their job was to go collect intelligence from crashed plane or saucer sightings.

So they had a rapid response unit, and they were all tasked with being able to get to a site within a maximum of six hours that was in their territory.

DOLAN: The 4602nd were very, very capable men.

And over time, it is true, they connected up with Project Blue Book, and were involved in writing some UFO reports as well.

The 4602nd may literally be the real life men in black.

NARRATOR: In the exact same month that the 4602nd was formed, the U.


Air Force launched a new program to investigate UFO reports: "Project Blue Book.

" And it was the 4602nd that was assigned to conduct Project Blue Book's investigations.

Astronomer J.

Allen Hynek was the scientific advisor and driving force behind Project Blue Book.

But according to his son, Paul Hynek, it quickly became clear to his father that what the Air Force really expected of him was less investigating and more debunking.

The Air Force, their job was to find answers, not the truth.

So he was always at odds with his Air Force partners.

But over time he realized there was a phenomena here that merited serious scientific study.

Project Blue Book was the third of the Air Force's projects, after Project Sign and Project Grudge.

And Project Blue Book, especially after 1953 and the formation of the 4602nd Air Squadron, was really more of a PR exercise to tamp down public hysteria.

NYE: Project Blue Book studied over 12,000 reported UFO sightings, and they were able to identify the aircraft in all but 700 of these incidents.

NARRATOR: The CIA formed a scientific committee called the Robertson Panel to review the unsolved UFO cases.

The panel then issued a top secret recommendation suggesting that the government systematically debunk UFO sightings, claiming that reporting on UFOs might cause "hysterical mass behavior.

" Many researchers believe that the debunking campaign was led by the same outfit that was heading up Project Blue Book's investigations: The 4602nd.

The 4602nd had around 20 detachments throughout the U.


And their job was to go and collect intelligence from crashed plane or saucer sightings.

A lot of people think that the men in black come from the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron.

And I think that's entirely likely, because if you have this rapid deployment of intelligence-educated paratrooping Air Force guys coming to get as much information from a crash, seems like part of their job duty would also be to clamp down on the dissemination of that potentially highly classified and valuable information.

SCHAEFER: Their job was to spread disinformation.

To seed amongst the public that if you saw a UFO, you might be crazy.

Don't admit you saw something strange in the sky, because your life will change from that moment on.

REDFERN: You can easily understand how people became terrified by the men in black.

You see something crash to the ground, you phone your local Air Force base.

You get a knock on the door, and there are these strange guys who thr*aten you not to talk about these events again.

HYNEK: My father heard about men in black from actual UFO witnesses who reported that after they had made their, uh, experiences known, they were then visited by what we call "men in black.

" I'm not aware of my father having actual interactions with the men in black, but he did feel their presence, and he did speak about them.

NARRATOR: Project Blue Book was officially terminated in 1969.

But many suspect the 4602nd continued to operate in the shadows for years.

We're quite sure that from the late 1950s onward, and through the 1980s and probably beyond the '80s, although under a different name, this program existed.

CHILDRESS: This was totally classified for decades.

Then, in the '80s, people began getting documents.

And some of them clearly state that their mission is to go and find UFO debris, uh, evidence of crashed UFOs.

And yet, the Air Force continued to deny they investigate UFOs.

NARRATOR: Are the men in black a secret government agency that is tasked with both investigating the UFO phenomena and covering up that it is real? But if so, what is the purpose of the coverup? According to many who have encountered them, the men in black are not only hiding the truth about alien visitation, but are protecting an even bigger secret.

World w*r II Air Force veteran Albert Bender establishes one of America's first UFO organizations: The International Flying Saucer Bureau.

The IFSB publishes a quarterly journal, Space Review, to share stories of UFO sightings with its 600 worldwide members.

But just one year after launching, Bender claims he was visited by strange men in black suits who threatened both his fledgling organization and his life.

Albert Bender started to have doubts about whether or not he should continue doing his research, putting out his journal.

And there was a very good reason for this.

He'd actually been visited and threatened by the men in black himself.

BIRNES: Albert K.

Bender coined the term "men in black" to describe the people who cautioned him not to talk about UFOs, not to talk about flying saucers, and, above all, not to talk about extraterrestrials.

CHILDRESS: He became very frightened about this encounter with these men in black and he stopped publishing his newsletter.

And for a decade, it was a mystery among UFO investigators what had happened to him.

NARRATOR: Although Bender would not speak publicly about it for years, he would share some of his frightening experiences with friend Gray Barker.

DOLAN: Gray Barker was a-a researcher in West Virginia who knew Albert Bender.

In fact, he had subscribed to Bender's journal back at the time.

REDFERN: When Bender started to talk about these strange, mysterious men in black, Barker realized, "Wow, this is a really cool, intriguing, sinister story.

" Bender reluctantly gave some of the data to Barker, and it was enough to allow Barker to write his 1956 book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers.

NARRATOR: Gray Barker's They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers introduced the men in black to a wide audience for the first time.

In the book, Barker described a visit he himself received from an FBI agent questioning him about the International Flying Saucer Bureau and wondered if the agent might also have been one of the men in black.

REDFERN: At that particular time, the FBI were watching Gray Barker.


Edgar Hoover actually ordered one of his personnel to go out and purchase a copy of Gray Barker's They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers.

SCHAEFER: Hoover was personally interested.

We have a binder full of FBI memos, memos from Hoover to his field agents discussing flying disc investigations.

And we think that he was, you know, kind of obsessed with the men in black.


Edgar Hoover wanted to actually know who these men in black were, which strongly indicates they weren't FBI.

They must've come from some other intelligence agency, some other U.


Military agency, or they came from somewhere else entirely.


Edgar Hoover was trying to gather information on the men in black, could that indicate that they are not affiliated with either the FBI or the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron? In 1962, nine years after his first terrifying encounter, Albert Bender came out of hiding to write his own book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men, in which he made a controversial revelation about the men in black's true identities.

REDFERN: He said late one night, when he was working in his office, Bender started to suddenly feel ill and sick, he felt dizzy, and he had to lay down, and as he did so, he saw these three shadowy, fedora-wearing figures literally materialize through the walls.

They were dressed in black suits, and they had these shining eyes.

BERGER: Bender said that the men in black had communicated with him telepathically.

He felt that they were aliens.

And so it became another mystery, a mystery within a mystery is, who are the men in black? What is the secret? What is the answer, if there is a single answer? BARA: After Bender's encounter, people began to wonder if maybe the men in black were actually extraterrestrials that were trying to suppress the revelation of the alien presence on the planet Earth.

After 1962, Bender actually quit ufology.

This was not some sort of publicity stunt at all.

He just walked away from the subject, never came back.

And a lot of people believe the men in black visited him again and threatened him.

NARRATOR: Did Albert Bender's encounter reveal the truth about the men in black, that they are, in fact, extraterrestrials disguised as humans? Perhaps further clues can be found by examining a curious connection between the men in black and what some believe is an otherworldly entity, the legendary monster known as the Mothman.

NARRATOR: Throughout the 1950s and '60s, there were numerous reports of encounters with the men in black.

The most notorious was connected, not to a sighting of a UFO, but a monster.

On November 15, 1966, in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, two young couples were driving down a dark road outside of town.

As they passed by an old building, they were startled by a frightening sight.

They claimed to have-have seen a large, uh, winged creature, six to seven foot tall, gray in color, and two large red eyes.

They said this creature flew over their car and followed them back into town.

That was the beginning of the Mothman sightings.

NARRATOR: The young couples' harrowing account was picked up by the local press and incited panic across town.

The legend of the Mothman was born, and dozens of encounters with the winged monster would be reported over the next year.

There were over a hundred reported sightings to the local authorities.

You had some people who, you know, claimed to have seen it while driving in their car, you had, uh, other people seeing it in their front yard.

NARRATOR: For the people of Point Pleasant, the mystery of the Mothman persists to this day.

Where did this monster some from? Why did it suddenly appear in this small town? And perhaps most curious of all, why were the first Mothman sightings followed by a visit from the men in black? BARA: Some people think he was a being from another world.

The supporting evidence of that is the fact that multiple witnesses who saw the Mothman were actually intimidated by what can now be described as men in black.

Men in black, typically, are only associated with UFO cases.

People described them as looking like cadavers.

They looked like pale-faced zombies dressed in black suits with black fedoras.

DOLAN: I interviewed Mothman witnesses who did have men in black experiences.

This was 40 years after the fact at the time, and they were still clearly traumatized by the event.

I had no reason to disbelieve these people, none whatsoever.

NARRATOR: One resident who claimed to have been visited by the men in black was Mary Hyre, a local journalist who reported on the Mothman sightings for the Point Pleasant Register and the Athens Messenger.

REDFERN: Mary Hyre was just a normal, legitimate journalist investigating your average stories around town, and then she was suddenly plunged into this issue involving the Mothman.

NARRATOR: Mary Hyre had begun investigating the mysterious incidents in and around Point Pleasant with a New York-based UFO researcher named John Keel.

REDFERN: John Keel heard about the Mothman story and decided, "I'm gonna go up there, I'm gonna see what's going on," and when he did so, he hooked up with Mary Hyre, and the two of them sort of became like the Mulder and Scully of that era and secured a great deal of information, interviewed a lot of people.

NARRATOR: These investigations would eventually lead to the popular book, and later Hollywood film, The Mothman Prophecies.

But not everyone was pleased with the information Mary Hyre and John Keel were gleaning from the public about the Mothman.

Mary Hyre was visited by men in black, eh, who told her to stop writing about the Mothman and all these strange encounters.

Stop writing about this.

You don't want to be involved in this.

This is a classic example of the men in black not just terrorizing and threatening UFO witnesses, but also journalists, as well.

NARRATOR: Was this just one more case of the men in black attempting to cover up a potential alien encounter? Or might the fact that numerous witnesses reported being visited, and threatened, by these mysterious characters indicate that they were protecting an even bigger secret? Eight miles north of Point Pleasant is the McClintic Wildlife Management Area, a 3,600-acre wilderness known to locals as "the TNT area.

" This former World w*r II military installation is believed by many to be the home of the Mothman.

The reason it's called "the TNT area" is because they manufactured expl*sives and TNT for the w*r effort.

When the w*r ended in 1945, the government basically just deserted that area there.

That's where the first Mothman sighting took place.

And then you had some people who, you know, claimed to have seen it in the TNT area, near some of the vacant buildings.

NARRATOR: Within days of the first Mothman sighting in 1966, residents of Point Pleasant were surprised by another unexpected visitor at the TNT area: The U.



According to reports from locals, they had barricaded the site and swiftly turned away anyone who approached it.

While no explanation was ever given for the military's sudden arrival, some researchers suggest that it could provide a clue as to the truth behind the men in black.

There are a lot of people who think the men in black are government agents.

There are an equal number of people in the UFO community who believe that they are actually extraterrestrials.

The fact is, we really don't know who or what the men in black are.

And in fact, some of the aliens may be impersonating government agents to intimidate witnesses.

NARRATOR: Could it be that those who believe the men in black are government agents and those who believe they are from another world are both right? But if so, are extraterrestrials impersonating the men in black, or are aliens and government agents actually working together? Perhaps further clues can be found by examining another mystery associated with these shadowy characters: Black helicopters.

NARRATOR: Seven-year-old Colby Landrum is with his grandmother and her friend driving along a desolate two-lane road when they have a life-changing experience.

Betty Cash, my grandmother, Vicky Landrum and myself headed back home towards Dayton.

It was real late at night.

Nobody else on the road.

And, uh, we encountered a bright light.

It actually looked just like a big glowing ball of flame.

It was probably about the size of a water tower.

100 foot across, 100 foot tall, but in a diamond shape.

It was, uh, surrounded by 23 Chinook double-rotor helicopters.

To me, it looked like it was being escorted by the helicopters.

In my belief, the government definitely knew about it.

There's no way that something of that size is gonna have 23 Chinook helicopters.

They were in, like, escort mode.

They were definitely transporting it.

NARRATOR: For UFO researchers, the presence of helicopters is one aspect of the Cash-Landrum incident that makes it particularly intriguing.

Since the 1970s, encounters with the men in black have often been connected to reports of unmarked black helicopters.

A black helicopter, which has now also become legend, is a helicopter that doesn't have insignia markings on it.

It's stealthy, it's simply painted black and it has come to be known as the vehicle of choice for the men in black.

One of the most baffling aspects of the men in black mystery is how quickly they seem to arrive on the doorsteps of people who've had recent UFO encounters.

Now, if the men in black are actually flying around in black helicopters, well, a helicopter would be the perfect tool, if you like, to get from town to town and thr*aten people very, very quickly.

BARA: Black helicopters can be very intimidating.

They've been seen by multiple credible witnesses at one time.

Maybe the men in black and the black helicopters are actually associated.

Maybe it's "men in black helicopters.

" NARRATOR: Could the helicopters witnessed during the Cash-Landrum incident have been piloted by the men in black on an emergency dispatch to follow and retrieve an alien spacecraft? Many people think it could possibly have been some kind of an antigravity device that our government was building, and it was being tested.

Others think it might have been a-an extraterrestrial craft that got in trouble and came into our atmosphere and into our presence and was being followed by these military helicopters.

NARRATOR: According to Colby Landrum, whatever it was that they witnessed that night seemed to be emitting dangerous levels of radiation.

LANDRUM: Betty stopped the car.

You could feel the heat off of it.

The heat was very intense.

There was an imprint from my grandmother's hand on the actual dash.

It was hot enough, for when she grabbed the dash when we stopped I mean, it was an indention of where her hand was sitting.

NARRATOR: Following the incident, all three witnesses were examined at a NASA-run laboratory for radiation exposure.

JoAnne Donaldson was a member of the NASA medical team that conducted the examination.

JOANN DONALDSON: Our role was to make sure all of the readings, uh, were recorded correctly and accurately, and that everything was documented accordingly to the established protocols for doing a radiation testing.

They did get radiation exposure, and I fully believe that their story was absolutely true.

There was no fabrication in that experience.

LANDRUM: I got nauseous and sick.

It probably lasted two or three days with me.

My grandmother, she had the same symptoms, but she also had blisters on her skin.

They would bust open and she'd have sores for several years after that.

Betty Cash suffered the most severe part of it.

She was out of the car the longest.

According to the doctors, she had the most exposure to it.

HARZAN: The Mutual UFO Network, also known as MUFON, investigated the Cash-Landrum case, and radiation exposure was verified by a radiologist later and put into their public record.

What was rare about this incident is it's one of the very few that resulted in court proceedings, because Cash and Landrum actually sued the Air Force for their injuries.

LANDRUM: The lawsuit was against the federal government.

Uh, it was thrown out.

They just said that it was not government-affiliated.

NARRATOR: Could the Cash-Landrum incident and the connection between the men in black and black helicopters provide evidence that the U.


Government is, in fact, working alongside extraterrestrials? Is this the secret that the men in black are so vigilantly defending? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest that their ability to hide the truth is due to a powerful and disturbing technology.

(high-pitched whirring) NARRATOR: 70 years on from the Maury Island incident and the first known men in black sighting, the mysterious figures continue to capture the public's imagination.

We're still fascinated with all the stuff that this unleashed in 1947.

And it's amazing, the kind of life it's taken on.

Especially, you know, when you trace it back to kind of a single incident, and then track it through these other experiences and the connecting of dots, that it's kind of, you know, gained a momentum.

BARA: You know the men in black have gone from these very scary, intimidating, possibly ghost-like extraterrestrial beings to this cultural phenomenon.

TSOUKALOS: I think the world of entertainment, especially Hollywood movies like Men in Black are part of disclosure, because those movies are preparing us for the fact that we are not alone in the universe.

NARRATOR: While real-world accounts paint a much different picture than what has been portrayed in the movies, both describe a technology that may explain how the men in black have been able to operate in the shadows for so long.

CHILDRESS: With the Men in Black movies, they are using this special device called the neuralyzer.

When this device is activated on you, the subject, you will not have any memory of what happened before.

And they plant new ideas in your head.

"Oh, this is what you just saw.

" And yet there seems to be some device like this.

It's mentioned in men in black books that there's a device called the RHIC EDOM device: "Radio hypnotic intracerebral control" dash EDOM, "electronic dissolution of memory.

" BARA: What if you really can wipe somebody's memory with just a little flash of a device and make them forget very, very specific things? Maybe they're around us all the time.

Maybe what we think we know about UFOs and aliens is actually a deliberately manipulated, consciousness-raising timeline that's been controlled by men in black all along.

POPE: UFO sightings haven't stopped.

Quite the opposite.

So if UFO sightings are still going on, there's no reason to suppose that men in black aren't still going around speaking to witnesses.

And if they're successful in their mission, we don't get to hear about it.

It's quite possible that the men in black are still operating, still intimidating witnesses and still being the gatekeepers of the UFO secret.

NARRATOR: Could there be an alien presence on planet Earth that is far more widespread than we have ever imagined? Are the men in black working to keep humanity in the dark? And if so, when the truth finally comes to light, will it be forever wiped from our memories? Perhaps it has already happened.