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13x12 - They Came from the Sky

Posted: 02/17/24 15:32
by bunniefuu
Mysterious objects arriving from space.

Not only was it interstellar, but it was exotic.

It's a riddle wrapped in an enigma.

The meteorite weighs 15 tons, and there was no crater.

Where did it come from?
Sacred stones, sent by the gods.

Was this Black Stone supposed to interact with humans on Earth?
Perhaps it's through these meteorites that we're gonna learn of our cosmic origins, and more about these extraterrestrial beings.

Are meteorites simply falling rocks, or could they be examples of alien technology?
And if so, why were they sent here?
This is the kind of meteorite that has everything in it to start life.

Winslow, Arizona, located in the northern Arizona desert of the United States.

Here, at an elevation of 5,700 feet above sea level, is located the largest crater in North America.

Formed by an enormous meteor that fell to Earth an estimated 50,000 years ago, the Barringer Crater measures some 3,900 feet in diameter and is approximately 560 feet deep.

Each year, literally thousands of asteroids make their way to our planet through the vast regions of space.

Most are burned up while entering our atmosphere, while those that make it through are known as meteors.

And while most of these are tiny, or fall largely unnoticed into the oceans, there are a handful that succeed in ending their journey on dry land.

And when they do, they are capable of having an impact more environmentally devastating then any b*mb devised by man.

Everybody is kind of aware of the general effects of a meteorite impact.

It creates a hole in the ground, it might throw up some dust in the air, and if it's big enough, it could cause some weather changes.

But what else might it do?
If it had certain chemicals in it, or certain biological agents in there, it could actually change the environment.

It could be used, in a way, to terraform an environment.

The process of artificially making an otherwise uninhabitable planet capable of supporting human life?
Could such an audacious notion be possible?
April 7, 2016.

NASA announces funding for a bold new initiative, one that will define the future of interstellar transportation.

Called "RAMA," the program will focus on repurposing asteroids for space exploration.

NASA is currently working on this project called RAMA: "reconstituting asteroids for mechanical automata.

" The idea is to take an asteroid, and turn it into a probe that we would then send to another star system.

If the RAMA program is successful, it is NASA's belief that asteroids will not only become useful tools in the exploration of space, but also in the terraforming of other planets.

But why would an advanced society choose to explore and colonize the cosmos by using asteroids?
A rocket is very expensive to launch from the Earth, and what you really want to do is take something very small and light, like a few key robots-- not a heavy payload-- get it out into space, and then use the raw materials in space to, from scratch, build a rocket.

And once it's out there, it's got all the raw materials it needs to actually build another spaceship that's viable for space travel.

While the idea of using asteroids as a method of space travel does seem far-fetched, it is far less so when taking into consideration what many asteroids are made of: minerals.

There is a bodacious amount of resources.

In fact, meteors and our meteor samples show us that the asteroid belt contains organics, it has metals, it has refractories everything we could possibly want to build a space program.

Meteors are made of a very strong material, like iron and nickel and cobalt.

Things like that.

These are alien objects, and we really don't understand everything about them.

Ancient astronaut theorists are convinced that the notion of using asteroids as a form of spacecraft is not only possible, but that it has been happening and affecting the history of our planet for thousands of years.

West Linn, Oregon, 1902.

Walking home after a day's work, pioneer Ellis Hughes spots an enormous and unusually shaped boulder hidden in the woods.

Curious, he pulls out his hammer and strikes the rock.

He jumps, startled, as it rings loudly, like a bell.

Over the next several days, Hughes digs tirelessly to uncover a historic treasure: the largest meteorite ever found in North America, the Willamette Meteorite.

The Willamette meteor is enormous.

The actual shape of the meteor has changed over time.

It now looks something like a piece of modern art.

It is fascinating and enormous; the thing's the size of a car.

If we look at the makeup of the Willamette Meteorite, it's got iridium, germanium, gallium and nickel.

It weighs about 15 tons.

A very large object.

The nickel actually helps it from not corroding.

And it, of course, shows evidence of having gone through the atmosphere.

You know, it's pitted.

And what's interesting, it landed intact and didn't break into a billion pieces.

So it's a quite remarkable meteorite.

The Willamette Meteorite is an example not only of a strange meteorite arriving intact, but also that it had a profound effect on the local people.

It became kind of a shrine to them, a message from the gods.

Long before Ellis Hughes discovered the meteorite in 1902, a Native American tribe called the Clackamas, who've inhabited western Oregon for centuries, were aware of this extraterrestrial object.

They also believed it had special powers.

The Clackamas tribe, they had a long, long history of interaction with this rock.

They would look at this rock as a gift, a conduit which united heaven, Earth, and with water.

Within the stone itself, there are holes in there from erosion and the like, which gathered pools of water.

Now, this water was used for healing purposes, for blessing.

In other words, there was something in the water which was gathered from this meteor that had energetic power.

They would dip their arrowheads and their spear tips into the water, thinking that this ritual would sharpen the blades and help them in their hunt.

The Clackamas named the meteorite Tomanowos, and believed that it was in fact a messenger of their sky god.

This is hugely significant because it tells us that, in fact, that rock is not just a rock, it's an actual link to an extraterrestrial being.

We're talking about a 15-ton meteorite that crash-landed, but yet there's no evidence of an impact.

I think we have to go back to the original Clackamas connection that says that, perhaps, there's extraterrestrial intervention involved in the positioning of this meteorite.

They firmly believed it was brought here by someone intentionally.

They actually thought that it came from the gods, not by chance that it fell from the sky.

But how did the Clackamas people believe the Willamette Meteorite came from the sky, considering that it is believed to have fallen to Earth thousands of years ago?
Is it possible that it once possessed powers, not of a spiritual, but of a technological kind?
Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest that the strange holes found in this giant metal object may once have held technological apparatus that burned up in the atmosphere as it fell to Earth, the same kind of apparatus that NASA is planning to install on asteroids being harnessed for space travel.

So now you have to look at NASA's RAMA initiative and how they are planning to take asteroids, hollow them out, make them into self-powered spacecraft, pack them with DNA and technology and send them to other planets.

And so you have to wonder, are we just perpetuating this cycle where, eons ago, extraterrestrials sent meteorites here and the Clackamas discovered the remains of a highly technical little spaceship that has been sent as a space probe to other planets?
Meteorites do have a lot of unanswered questions about their origins, their composition, and why is it exactly that they arrive here on Earth.

Is there some type of intelligent design?
Are these meteorites being harnessed, infused with information and then sent to Earth?
Is it possible that some of the asteroids that reach our planet are essentially "Trojan horses," used to hide extraterrestrial cargo that has profound ramifications for humankind?
And, if so, could they have even been used to bring alien life to Earth?
May 2018.

A group of 33 researchers and scientists publish a groundbreaking article in the scientific journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology.

They claim that octopuses are, in fact, alien beings.

The octopus has no evolutionary bridge to anything.

It defies all theories of how the genome grew to form, from simple creatures, more complex creatures.

Suddenly you get an incredibly gifted predator.

Big brain, excellent eyes strategies.

It likes to collect bright shiny things.

It will be fascinated by its own reflection, almost as if it is conscious.

And it learns very quickly.

By the conclusion of that article, all I could think about was: well, how come those scientists cannot apply the same theory to our own origins?
Because that is what the ancient astronaut theory suggests: that at some point, our genetic makeup was changed due to an extraterrestrial event.

So I say that it won't be long until a similar type article will be published, but the main focus will be the origin of human beings.

But if octopuses are not a product of Earth evolution, how did they get here?
And could the answer reveal the truth about mankind's own extraterrestrial origins?
Could extraterrestrials have sent asteroids to our planet in order to speed up-- or even initiate-- Earth's biological evolution?
In 2011, former NASA astrobiologist Richard Hoover published an article in the Journal of Cosmology revealing nine separate meteorites that contain microfossils of bacteria.

So you have to ask the question of where did life start?
And one idea you could imagine is the actual chemical basis of life first started somewhere else, not on Earth.

And then you have to ask: well, how did those chemicals get here?
And the obvious candidate for that is a meteorite.

An asteroid of some type broke off, maybe from a planet that had life, it traveled through space, and it entered the Earth's atmosphere as a meteorite.

And then upon impact, chemicals would survive and interact with the chemistry of the Earth.

And perhaps that was the starting point for life as we know it here.

So, when people talk about meteorites that could bring life to Earth, or could change life here on Earth, this is the kind of meteorite that can do that.

It first fell in Murchison, Australia in 1969.

And inside it is just a plethora of organic compounds.

There's all the building blocks for DNA, RNA.

This has everything in it to start life.

This whole concept of meteorites that could be filled with DNA is a theory that's very sound.

So you have to ask yourself: would extraterrestrials actually use meteorites as projectiles in order to seed life on other planets?
Now the question is: if some extraterrestrial culture sent out probes filled with DNA and the building blocks for life throughout the entire universe, are they our forefathers?
Is it possible that extraterrestrials used meteors in the distant past as a means of sending the building blocks of life to Earth?
Although ancient astronaut theorists agree that such a profound notion does seem farfetched, they point to the fact that some of today's scientists are planning to implement this very same idea with regard to other planets.

In 2016, German physicist Dr.

Claudius Gros proposed "The Genesis Project," which would use probes to seed life on distant stars within our galaxy.


Gros and other scientists have suggested that after jump-starting life, humans would follow these probes, conveyed by larger asteroids, and further alter life for their own purposes.

And according to ancient astronaut theorists, this is exactly what happened on Earth thousands of years ago.

We find in the Aztec tradition a very interesting story about how the Mother God and Father God bonded together and gave birth to what's called a flint stone, a knife of some kind, which terrified them to such a point that they actually cast it down to the Earth, from which came forth many gods.

And these many gods sought to create man and woman.

What we also find are similar stories from halfway around the world-- from the biblical tradition, the Babylonian tradition, and the early Sumerian traditions.

Is this really an analogy of some huge rock meteorite in the sky that extraterrestrials-- gods from outer space-- sent here to the Earth and created humans, the humans that we are today?
Are meteorites more than simply space debris that randomly arrives on Earth?
Ancient astronaut theorists insist that the answer is a profound yes, and believe that not only could asteroids have been the method used to bring life to our planet, they could also have been instrumental in providing a direct means of extraterrestrial communication, a communication that continues to this day.

Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Each year, millions of Muslims travel from all over the world to take part in a holy pilgrimage known as the hajj.

It is meant to demonstrate both solidarity and submission to the will of Allah.

The climax of the pilgrimage is the Tawaf, whereby each Muslim must walk counterclockwise seven times around a large square structure called the Kaaba, known to Muslims as the "House of God.

" And it is here, embedded in the wall of the eastern corner of the this 4,000-year-old cube-shaped granite structure, that a sacred relic, simply known as "the Black Rock," is set within a pure silver frame.

It is believed to date back to the time of Adam and Eve.

It is also believed by many to have come to Earth from outer space.

Academics believe there is no question that it's a meteorite.

According to Islamic legend, this was a meteorite that was actually brought to Earth by the archangel Gabriel, and given to Abraham during the building of the Kaaba.

Muslims circumnavigate the Kaaba, making a seven-circuit circle to ultimately connect themselves to Allah, to create a moment of divine unity.

And, in the process, they go into a sort of a trancelike state that takes them into this transcendental realm.

In Islamic tradition, it is believed that the Kaaba was originally built by Abraham.

And it was built on this site by a higher spiritual direction.

An angel of God is by every definition extraterrestrial.

So even within the Islamic culture, we must recognize that the source of the Kaaba stone is extraterrestrial, and as such, has a significance far beyond that of just its cultural or historic origins.

When Muslims pray, they're not just praying in the direction of Mecca.

They are specifically praying in connection with the Kaaba.

Presently, there are over 1.

5 billion Muslims in the world.

That's today, but since 600 AD, when Muhammad founded Islam, there have been billions more.

What we're witnessing here is an extraordinary story of an otherworldly or extraterrestrial being, Gabriel, bringing this stone to Earth, and it having a tremendous-- in fact, incalculable influence on human affairs.

In the hadith, a collection of traditions that supplement the Qur'an, there is a passage which describes the Black Stone speaking directly to the Prophet Muhammad.

Throughout history, there have been countless numbers of people who have been influenced by the-the Black Stone at the Kaaba.

And so was there some intent by extraterrestrials that this Black Stone was to interact with humans on Earth?
It would seem to be the case.

At Judgment Day, all who have touched the Black Stone with a sincere heart will be given speech and expanded sight.

Perhaps the hope and promise for all of us is that, through communication with extraterrestrials through these meteorites and otherworldly rocks, that we, too, will receive cosmic wisdom.

But other than the Black Stone of Islam and the Willamette Meteorite of the Clackamas Indians, are there other ancient meteorites that are believed to have mystical powers?
According to ancient astronaut theorists, there are hundreds of them, and together they form a network of so-called sacred stones, which are often used by humans to facilitate a direct communication with otherworldly beings.

Camp Verde, Arizona.


A large meteorite is found, wrapped in a feather blanket, and buried inside an ancient ruin.

A fellow named George Dawson found something that looked like a possible grave, and sure enough, something was buried there.

It turns out to be a fragment of a meteorite, 135 pounds of nickel and iron, wrapped as if it were a human burial, as if the people doing the ceremony were in some kind of relationship with this object.

In Ancient Greece, the Temple of Apollo is constructed to honor the site where a meteorite fell to Earth-- a meteorite that is believed to contain the power of the gods.

Zeus, the great god of the Olympians, took a stone and threw it down there to mark the place of origin for all humans and the center of things.

This was a particularly sacred spot.

The stone itself, the omphalos, came from the heavens to Earth.

It was a transmission, it was from Zeus to the people.

For them, that meteorite, that stone, was a power that radiated to all points of the Earth from Delphi, from this meteorite.

And this omphalos stone was also supposed to be a vehicle for communicating with the gods.

So you have to wonder, was this rock sent by Zeus, one of the gods?
Was it really, uh, some special stone that could help people communicate with extraterrestrials?
Are ancient accounts of meteorites that communicate with humans simply mythological tales?
Ancient astronaut theorists insist the answer is a profound no and believe that proof that many have been sent here deliberately can be found by re-examining what Muslims believe to be the origins of the sacred meteorite they call the Black Stone.

Tradition with the Black Stone says that it was to be an altar used by Adam, the first man, and that, later, the angel Gabriel gave it to Abraham and that Abraham and Ishmael then placed the Black Stone in the Kaaba at Mecca where it is today.

So you have to wonder, were extraterrestrials purposely giving this stone to Abraham in order to move mankind forward on Planet Earth?
Is the connection between the Black Stone of the Kaaba and the biblical story of Adam and Eve further evidence that meteors may have been used by extraterrestrials to seed life here on planet Earth?
And if meteorites can contain energy capable of influencing the human mind, is it possible that they may have other metaphysical capabilities?
Capabilities that we are only just beginning to comprehend?
As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, the answers to these questions must be looked for at the place where these meteorites first originate.

A region in our solar system that may exist very near our planet or in a solar system very distant from our own.

According to lore, According to mainstream scientists and astronomers, virtually all of the asteroids that enter the Earth's atmosphere have come from a circular region of space, located between the planets Mars and Jupiter, known as the asteroid belt.

First discovered by astronomers in 1801, the asteroid belt contains an estimated two million asteroids.

Although most are tiny, irregular-shaped fragments of mineral-infused rock, some are much larger, giving them the status of what are called, "dwarf planets.

" But while the origins of the asteroid belt remain unknown, there are many who believe that it was formed after the destruction of a small planet, and that the asteroids are simply the debris from that planet that has remained in orbit around the sun.

There's a curious history behind attempts to understand the distribution of planets in our solar system 'cause it does seem that planets are spaced out in a rather regular way, and then there's this big gap between Mars and Jupiter and Almost as if there should be a planet there and isn't.

Then, of course, it was discovered there's this asteroid belt with a lot of debris and so some early speculation was that maybe there was a planet there and it got destroyed by some sort of collision and that what we're seeing is all the fragments of that planet.

If the asteroid belt contains the remnants of a planet, what lead to its destruction?
Was it due to a natural catastrophic event or is there, perhaps, an even more incredible explanation?
According to ancient astronaut theorists, the answers can be found in some of the earliest recorded stories from the ancient world.

According to Sumerian and Babylonian lore, there was this phenomenal cosmic battle, that the gods fought amongst themselves across the cosmos.

One planet fighting another planet.

And that, in fact, one planet was completely destroyed during this cosmic battle.

And as a result of that, they destroyed their home world and had to re-establish civilization on a new planet: our planet, Earth.

Is it possible that an extraterrestrial space battle was responsible for creating the asteroid belt thousands of years ago?
And if so, could that suggest that some of the meteorites that have come to Earth are not only from the asteroid belt, but also from galaxies far, far, away and still contain evidence of alien civilizations?
Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and also suggest that such a meteoric event might not be accidental, but part of an incredible extraterrestrial agenda.

Johannesburg, South Africa.

February, 2018.

Geologists from the University of Johannesburg announce that they have discovered a meteorite that is unlike any known to man.

According to them, the meteorite, referred to as "the Hypatia stone," did not come from the asteroid belt or from anywhere inside our solar system.

It came from somewhere else in the galaxy.

The Hypatia stone has a number of interesting features because you can look at asteroids in our solar system and they have a very definitive composition.

This composition is radically different.

It's not chondritic, that's a key element of most meteorites or asteroids.

The standard composition for the meteorites we find is called chondritic.

And that matches almost exactly the composition of the Sun.

So these are part of the congealed early solar system nebula.

They're four and a half billion years old.

It's the original dust of the solar system.

Why wouldn't Hypatia fit that model from another star system?
It suggests not only was it interstellar, but it was exotic from wherever it came.

So Hypatia is just a riddle wrapped in an enigma.

Prior to the discovery of the Hypatia Stone, most scientists insisted that it would be virtually impossible for meteorites from outside our solar system to arrive naturally on Earth.

They would not be able to make the long journey through interstellar space.

There's, like, 400 billion stars in our galaxy.

Then what are the odds of it coming from one of those stars and finding our solar system?
And then it was on the right trajectory to get captured by the gravity of our planet.

Why did this stone not get captured by Jupiter or Saturn, one of the big gravity wells?
Instead it was just perfect to match with the Earth's gravity well and to crash here.

The odds of that are staggering.

They're infinitesimal.

There's always the possibility that this Hypatia stone had its trajectory manipulated, meaning it had course corrections so that it would get to the destination that it was going to.

When you think about the chances of some probably relatively small meteorite coming here from the vast reaches of space and then hitting Earth, it makes you think, was this meteorite sent here deliberately to target Earth?
And if this meteorite was sent here to Earth, you have to wonder, why would extraterrestrials do this?
Was the Hypatia stone intentionally sent to Earth by an advanced alien civilization?
Ancient astronaut theorists believe such an audacious concept is possible and also believe that evidence to support their theory can be found by examining a number of meteorites that can levitate.

San Diego, California.

March 7, 2018.

Physicists at the University of California, San Diego, examine the Mundrabilla Meteorite, a 22-ton chunk of iron unearthed in Western Australia.

After exposing fragments of the rock to extreme heat and pressure, they discover that it contains exotic materials known as superconductors, which are capable of harnessing magnetic force to levitate.

When a material becomes superconducting it wants to repel the magnetic field outside of its surface.

There's a force created as it repels the magnetic field.

And so it raises up.

And you can change the magnetic field and it will change the position of the levitated superconductor.

This is kind of what's important from a perspective of using it for propulsion.

Over the last few years, NASA has awarded millions of dollars in contracts to develop new superconductive thrust systems for spacecraft.

However, since the process to manufacture a superconductor is extremely precise and difficult, ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the Mundrabilla Meteorite may have been artificially fashioned.

This was an amazing roll of the dice that the Mundrabilla Meteorite formed in just a way that it was the right recipe to be a superconductor.

There is a possibility that it wasn't created by the randomness of nature.

Is it possible that these are fragments left over from an artificial craft and that the superconductivity in the fragments wasn't there by nature, it was put there on purpose?
Maybe it was the propulsion system.

This meteorite could be directing itself in order to target Planet Earth.

Perhaps we need to view it not as a meteorite but as a highly technical, extraterrestrial spaceship that has been sent as a probe to other planets.

Could the Mundrabilla Meteorite really be a fragment of a probe sent by alien beings, as ancient astronaut theorists claim?
And if so, might there be extraterrestrial technology in meteorites that is even more advanced than we can currently understand?
Khatyrka, Russia.

December 8, 2016.

At the northeastern tip of the Siberian tundra geologists are panning through one and a half tons of clay when they spot a miniscule grain of meteorite that defies the laws of chemistry.

The granule contains a new type of mineral called a quasicrystal, a crystalline formation that never repeats itself.

A quasicrystal is very ordered.

Looks like it might be a crystal when you first look at it, 'cause of its regular structure.

But no matter how much you shift it or what direction you shift it, it will never exactly reproduce itself.

So, that feature of a crystal is fundamentally missing, but there's a really high level of order, hence the name quasicrystal.

In 1982, scientist Dan Shechtman was the first to theorize the existence of what he called "quasicrystals.

" He also described them as having what he referred to as "forbidden symmetry" because they should not exist in nature.

There was this 20-sided quasicrystal found inside the meteorite's matrix.

And the fascinating part about this is we only thought it could be formed in labs.

I mean, the immense amount of energy and pressure to create that, it's hard to believe that such a complex structure could be created in the natural world.

So the question, then, is that is this meteorite artificial?
Are these quasicrystals inside it also artificially created?
And if so, what is their purpose?
We know that quartz crystals are used to store information.

So, each of these quasicrystals, like a computer disk, could be holding huge amounts of information.

Maybe there will be future uses of these quasicrystals that we haven't thought of yet.

If I were gonna be in an organization that was studying UFOs or crashed UFOs, trying to reverse engineer advanced technologies, I would certainly go to all of these meteor impacts and study the materials in the craters because we don't know that they are just rocks in space or could they have come from spacecraft?
Does the presence of unusual and potent materials in meteorites, such as superconductors and quasicrystals, provide further evidence that asteroids and meteors could, in fact, be sophisticated, interplanetary delivery systems sent to Earth by highly advanced extraterrestrial beings?
And if so, where are they coming from?
And how are they planning to influence the future of mankind?
In the late 1940s, Hungarian mathematician and computer scientist John von Neumann theorized that the best way to colonize space was through what he called self-replicating robots-- artificially intelligent machines that can replicate themselves using the materials they find in space.

He had this idea that if you wanted to travel the galaxy and explore the galaxy, the best way to do it would be to create small, self-replicating robots and propel them to the star system you want to go to.

And they would start building things that would be needed so that when their masters finally got there everything would be there that they wanted.

But while von Neumann imagined self-replicating robots that were mechanical in nature, ancient astronaut theorists propose that extraterrestrials may have used more organic materials as a means to achieve the same purpose centuries ago.

Von Neumann proposed that you could send a machine to another planet, and it would start making copies of itself and, in fact, perhaps evolve from just the original copy to something more complex.

And perhaps this is what DNA is: a von Neumann machine that then replicates and then evolves and finally forms something similar to the thing that created it in the first place.

So, in a sense, we ourselves are these self-replicating robots.

We are manipulated by extraterrestrial DNA.

The extraterrestrials manipulate our civilization, help us move technologically forward and now we're ready to meet our creators.

If you think about the von Neumann probe concept, if that were to be the case, then all these other things about meteorites, about them being able to store information, about them being able to send organic material that could change an ecosystem, about them being able to be, perhaps, transceivers of information and maybe even vessels that are spacecraft themselves, all of this makes perfect sense from that perspective.

Here we are on the verge of taking asteroids, turning them into self-propelled meteorites, sending them to other planets and this is perhaps really the theme of the universe, that life is seeded in special planets.

It's nurtured until we, ourselves, can do what the ancient extraterrestrials did to us and that is seed life on other planets.

By using asteroids to spread the seeds of humanity throughout the universe, are we on the verge of replicating the means of our own creation?
As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, as mankind continues to explore the galaxy, meteors may still contain important clues not only to our origins, but to destinations that are as infinite as the stars.