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07x01 - The Promise

Posted: 02/17/24 15:19
by bunniefuu
the safe house on Magnolia.

Officer down.

GSW, no pulse.

I need immediate backup.

Suspect may still be inside.

Throat slashed, no pulse. I repeat.

Rita Martinez was k*lled.

No sign of her daughter.

Pia, are you in there?

Help me!

Listen to me.
I need you to open the door.

I got to get you out of here.

Pia, get on the ground!

Help me!



It's okay. It's okay.

Hey, I got you. Come here.

I got you.

But my mom.

Verdugo k*lled my mom.

He's gonna k*ll me, too.

No. No, that's not gonna happen.

We'll get him, Pia.

I promise you I will catch him.

I won't sleep until I do.

Okay, Commander, sounds good.

I'll see you then.

Oh, hey, I'm sorry, Nichelle.

Baby's finally sleeping
through the night

for the first time in weeks

and your knucklehead husband's
waking you up at 4:00 a.m.

- My bad.
- It's okay.

What did Commander Hicks want
at this hour?

Do you remember that fugitive
I told you about

who was picked up in Mexico
a few weeks back?

The one who k*lled that young
mother all those years ago?

Gaz Verdugo.

Mexican officials
just agreed to extradite him

back to L.A. to get him
tried for her m*rder.

So Hicks is flying a couple of us

out to Mexico City to
escort him back to the States.

Have you reached her daughter yet?

No. No, not yet.

I've been leaving her messages

ever since Verdugo got picked up.

When's the last time you two spoke?

It's been a few years.

Last I heard, Pia moved out to Miami.

I've been trying
to keep in touch, but...

Don't be so hard on yourself, babe.

You've had a lot going on
the past couple of years.

A baby.

- Now a wife.
- Mm.

So how soon did Hicks say
this extradition's happening?

He booked us all on a flight
out of LAX later this morning.

Do you even have time to pack?


I got time for more than that.

All right.


Judging by the way our
driver just laughed at me,

I either tipped him way
too little or way too much.

Well, we're here 24 hours,

so you may as well
burn through that stipend.

There's no point in being stingy.

Don't get too comfortable, Powell.

We'll be gone before we know it.

Who does Hondo keep trying to call?

Pia Martinez.

Victim's daughter.

Hondo's been attempting
to get in touch with her

ever since the Federales
put Verdugo in custody.

I read the case file on the plane.

The whole thing is horrible.

- Yeah.
- An informant under LAPD protection

getting slaughtered like that?

I can understand why it's stuck
with Hondo the past ten years.

What you may not know is that

Hondo is the one who helped
convince Pia's mom

to turn state's witness
against her boyfriend.

Verdugo was a power player

in the Salvadoran mob
in L.A. at the time.

We tried to keep
Hondo's name from getting out,

but that's over now.

Verdugo's finally in custody.

That should give Hondo
some peace of mind.

Yeah. It should.


You must be Officer Bautista.

Call me Gabriel.

I want to thank you

for handling everything
on such short notice, Gabriel.

My pleasure.

Actually, no, I lie.

Dealing with VIPs is part of my job.

VIPs, huh?

I've never considered myself a VIP.

How about you, Commander?

I always knew I was important, but

nice to finally get the recognition.

Well, I know you won't be in Mexico City

for too long, but I wanted to ask

if you three had dinner plans
for tonight.

Well, we were hoping to get some

shut-eye before the big day tomorrow.

What if I said my colleagues
and I have reservations

at the finest restaurant in town?

Our treat.

Never knew a cop
to give up a free dinner.

- I'll take that as a yes.
- It's a yes.

After the anonymous tip came in,

my officers acted immediately.

We were able to pick up Verdugo in...

How do you say "burdel"?

- Uh, a brothel.
- Oh.

Yes. A brothel across town.

Apparently, Verdugo came here
from El Salvador with some regularity.

You said you're from nearby?

Just outside the city.

My family, we owned a bakery there.

Three generations working together.

But it was destroyed
in the earthquake in '85.

- Do you still live there?
- Yes. With my abuela.

She still makes
the best bunuelos.

It's like a doughnut.

You know how Americans love doughnuts.

It's a shame you're leaving so soon.

Let me ask you, Captain.

Any idea what Verdugo was doing
in Mexico City in the first place?

No. He hasn't said much
since he's been in custody.

Maybe you'll have more luck
with him in America.


Frankly, I don't give a damn
what Verdugo has to say.

- I'm just relieved he's behind bars.
- Mm.

Thanks to you guys.


To all of you.

Yeah, hear, hear.

Cheers to that.


Thank you.

Verdugo's extradition's
bigger news than I thought.

Well, he's run a Mafia operation
from an underground lair

in El Salvador for decades.

People want eyes on him.

That's Pia.

What's she doing here?

I figured she never got my messages.

The victim's daughter?

Are you sure it's her?

We're a long way from Miami.

Sir, I'm positive.
That girl's face has been

burned into my brain for ten years.

- I'll meet you inside.
- All right.

What are you doing here?

LAPD needed an escort team
for the extradition.

And the higher-ups knew
about my history with Verdugo.

Which is why I figured
they'd send someone else.

You still studying in Miami?

I was, yeah.

Mira, I am not here
to make small talk.

I just want to look
the bastard in the eye.

You and me both, Pia.

Look, I know today is not the day,

but the next time you're in Los Angeles,
give me a call, okay?

I don't think so.

That's everything?

Now we go to airport.
Once your plane is wheels up,

Verdugo is officially in U.S. custody.

Feel like justice is finally served?

Once he's sentenced to life, maybe.

You two in the follow vehicle.

You're with me.

Hey, somebody ought to check that bag!

g*n! Cover!

Stay down, Powell.

What the hell just happened?

Verdugo's gone.

He got away again.

Hey, hey, open your eyes, look at me.

Look at me, open your eyes.

You're gonna be okay. You're all right.

Powell, that's him.
Blue hoodie, 12 o'clock.

Go! I got him.

Keep him stable.

Medic! I need a medic!




Hey! Get down.

No, no, no. Don't do it.

Where'd he go?

And I also want
checkpoints at every bridge,

road and highway.

If Verdugo plans on hiding in the area

and slipping out under cover of night,

he's in for a surprise.


Are Hondo and Gabriel still talking

- to detectives outside?
- Yes.

It appears our rooftop jumper
was indeed who set the b*mb.

Semtex residue was found on his hands.

The investigators want a full debrief.

Look, Captain, we know
you got your hands full,

so any assistance we can provide today,

know that the LAPD is ready
and willing to provide it.

Since you are permitted to
carry firearms on Mexican soil...

...I hereby deputize you
to work in tandem

with the Mexican authorities

for the sole purposes
of Verdugo's recapture.

The "B" on that man's hand.

Verdugo has the same one.

Is that a Mafia tat?

"B" for Bestia. Beast.

It's their Mafia's
most cutthroat branch.

They work with some of the
region's most violent actors...

human traffickers,
t*rrorists, you name it.

Bestias are interested
in only one thing. Money.

They didn't just help Verdugo
escape out of loyalty.

Look at that motorcycle there.

See a pattern on the side?

It seems like some sort of
sticker was peeled off, like a...

- checkerboard pattern.
- That's the new emblem

for their local football club. Soccer.

Which means he bought
the motorcycle in the area,

not too long ago either.

But why peel off the sticker?
Wouldn't you want to blend in?

Not if he was regularly

leaving the area,
traveling east of here.

They support a rival team.

A sticker like that
could get you into trouble.

Let's find out where he got
that motorcycle.

Let the manhunt begin.

Hey. Go ahead inside.

I want to check on someone.


I can't believe you let
Verdugo get away again.

After all the work I put
into tracking him down.

The work you put in? What do you mean?

Wait a minute, Pia.

Are you the one who made
the anonymous call

that tipped off the local police to him?


How dumb am I?

Trusting cops after
everything I've been through.

I-I don't get it. How'd you find him?

I heard the rumors that Verdugo
fled to Central America,

so I started traveling.

You dropped out of school in Miami?

Sitting in class just
seemed so ridiculous,

knowing the man who k*lled
my mom was still out there.

I've been to El Salvador,
Guatemala, here...

Started using dating apps,

going on dates with low-level
guys in Salvadoran gangs.

Pia, that can be very dangerous.

I had to do something, Hondo.

Nobody else was putting the work in.

- You guys certainly weren't.
- Okay, look.

I know you have your reasons for feeling

the way you do about police and me.

And I don't blame you.

Okay? The tragedy
you experienced as a child...

It wasn't a tragedy.

A tragedy is something
that just happens.

A car accident, a hurricane.

Verdugo k*lled my mom
because you talked her

into informing on him.

My mother's dead because of you.

There's more to it than that, Pia.

Night of the m*rder,

you promised me you'd find Verdugo.

But you didn't.

I'm the one who found him.

You lost him.

Twice now.

I understand how you feel.

But know this...

I am determined to not
let this happen again.

But, look, if you know anything else

about where Verdugo might be...

I don't.

But even if I did,

why would I ever tell you?

The man who fell to his death
was ID'd as Mario Gutierrez.

This is from the neighboring
building's surveillance cam,

across the street from the apartment.

Any clue who his buddies are?

The man in the middle is thought to be

one of Verdugo's closest associates.

Then there's a good chance
that's where Verdugo is holed up.

That bike with the peeled-off sticker?

You were right, Capitan.

It was purchased just last week

from a salvage yard east of town.

The owner is rumored to have
g*ng affiliations.

Las Bestias.

Get there. See what you can find.

We may have a location on one
of Verdugo's top deputies.

I'll round up the rest of the team.

I'd like to go with him, Commander.

Not mi casa. Not my call.

Come on. Time to bring Verdugo in.

So everything you know about America,

- you learned in Sacramento.
- What better place to learn?

It is the most beautiful city.

I mean, it has its charms,

but I'm not sure that's how
I would describe it.

You sound like a woman who's
never taken a sunset cruise

down the Sacramento River.

Guilty as charged.

So, when exactly did you participate

in this police exchange program?

Three years ago.

My wife and I had just gotten divorced,

I saw the sign-up sheet,
and decided I had to get away.

Sacramento was a good place to heal.

- How long were you two married?
- 11 years.

We were childhood sweethearts.

My first love.

Never thought I'd get over it.

Trust me. I know the feeling.

My ex-husband and I were
high school sweethearts.

Same story.

Listen, before we go in,
you should know that people

in this town aren't known
for being... talkative.

When we get inside,
I'll speak to the owner.

You take a look around
for anything of interest.







What up, Hondo?

Our search for the jumper's
apartment turned up empty.

No sign of Verdugo or his crew.

How's it going over there?

Gabriel's talking to the owner now.

Can't tell if he's getting anywhere.

I'm taking a look out back now.

All right. Keep me posted.

You got it.


you speak English?

- Maybe.
- You live around here?

Do you have any idea who lives
in Apartment 2B in that building?

I don't know where you're from,

but here, if you want
something, you pay.

Oh, this better be real good, my man.

Girl who came last week paid
five times this much...

What girl?

I don't know.

She was hot, though.

Looked like Ariana Grande.

She also asked about the men in 2B.

Her name Pia by any chance?

I asked. Said I was too young.

Wouldn't give me her number.

Said I could find her at Cafe Terraza

if I thought of anything more.

Yeah, well, better luck
next time, playboy.


Keep the change.

Stop right there.

Turn around, put your hands up.

Get your ass down.

Where's Verdugo hiding, huh?

Looks like I missed the fun part.


Get the next one.

Get up.

The streets are flooded
with police, Fernando.

Your only hope at a reduced sentence is

to tell us where Verdugo's
hiding before we find him.



You know exactly why
the Americans are here.

Where's Verdugo?

Fernando's phone. Check it out.


Want to tell us who she is?

- I barely know her.
- Hmm.

There's two dozen photos
in here that say otherwise.

Capitan says she's
the 16-year-old daughter

of a man called Carnicero.

What does Carnicero mean?

- Butcher.
- Huh.

His little girlfriend's dad
is "the Butcher of Delgado."

Messing around with the daughter

of a guy called "the Butcher."

I wonder what a notorious Mafia
butcher would do if he saw

a picture like this.

Verdugo had a high-stakes deal lined up.

Supposed to make him a fortune.

But he got arrested before
the big deal went down.

What was Verdugo selling?

- dr*gs?
- No se.

All I know is that a man called
El Barbon set up the deal.

He has beard, long hair.

Does El Barbon have a real name?

Emil something.

Portillo, Polito, something with "P."

Emil is brokering the deal
between Verdugo and the buyer.

You find Emil, Verdugo won't be far.

He won't leave town
until he gets that money.


- Can we talk for a second?
- About what?

I got a feeling that you know more

about Verdugo's whereabouts
than you're letting on.

Pia, we raided an apartment across town.

A neighborhood boy said that you

had already been there taking pictures.

Little punk.

Come on, talk to me.

Are you finding any good leads
from the sources you're working?


I'm booking a flight back home
to Miami tomorrow morning.

Maybe I can get a job,
reenroll in school.

What happened this
morning was all too much.

And I'm running out of money.

I can't spend another ten years

consumed with such dark thoughts.

It's not what my mother
would have wanted for me.

You're definitely right about that.

Listen, you came closer
than anyone has in a decade

to finding Verdugo.

Then why do I feel like such a failure?

Because you're tired, Pia.

Go back to Florida,
go back to your life.

I will do everything I can to make
sure he doesn't get away again.

No promises.


No promises, but I will try.

Your mother would be really
proud of you, you know.

You take care of yourself.

Hey, listen to this.

The expl*sive found outside
the station this morning?

Forensics lab found a serial
number on the mortar shell.

"Shell." So, what, the b*mb
that was detonated

was a military armament?

Apparently an a*tillery truck
was h*jacked

last month near the Guatemalan border.

The thieves got away with RPGs, mortars,

and a thermobaric vacuum b*mb.

Altogether worth $2 million.

A thermobaric vacuum b*mb
detonated in a populated area would...

It could k*ll thousands, yes.

We think Verdugo
was behind the hijacking?

No, we know it.
The hijacker k*lled during the robbery

is named Leo Verdugo.

It's one of Verdugo's cousins.

And the reason why Verdugo
was so hot to make the deal,

it's the stolen weapons.

- Did you hear the latest?
- I was just filling her in.

Sounds like weapons you don't
want falling into the wrong hands.

Verdugo must have been about
to sell them when he got arrested.

Now that he's free, we think
he's going to plan to make the deal

within the next 24 hours.

- How can you be so sure?
- Because this man here?

He flew in from Guatemala yesterday.

Emil Peralta.

Our biker ID'd him as El Barbon.

The one brokering the deal between
Verdugo and whoever's buying.

He's based in Guatemala but travels
to Mexico City every few months.

Sells black market liquor to local
bars and restaurants in the area.

Keeps a very low profile.

These are the spots he's
rumored to sell his products.

And most likely frequents.

Let's split up into pairs
and do stakeouts.

All right.

- Tell the troops.
- Yes, ma'am.

No sign of Emil here.

No luck on this side of town either.

Coming up empty so far.


I know it's breakfast food,
but it's the best I can do in the park.

Thanks. I'm starving.

It's not as good as my abuela's,

but at least you get to try them.

Oh, my, it's like a funnel cake,

only a thousand times better.

I'm glad you like it.

There's a lot of things
I like about this place.

You know, maybe it wouldn't be
the worst thing

if this manhunt took a few more days.

That's him. That's Emil.

Come on, this way.

I spot him headed west,
Republica de Guatemala.

He spotted us.

Move, move.

We lost him.

You speak to Captain Olvera?

Just hung up.

There were no overnight leads on Emil.

He's probably already back in
Guatemala City, for all we know.

Now that we spooked Verdugo's middleman,

you think he still plans on
carrying out this weapons deal?

There's one meeting standing
between Verdugo and a huge payday.

And if his buyers are paying,

nothing's stopping Verdugo now.

We need to find out where
the hell this deal's going down.

If this were L.A.,
we'd be able to work some C.I.

who might have a lead
to someone in Verdugo's crew.

Sir, I'm gonna make a quick call.

Hang tight.


I hope I don't have to remind you

that we're here in
a professional capacity.

Gabriel was just nice enough

- to bring me a croissant this morning.
- Oh,

well, yeah. That's nice.

What? You don't believe me?

No, it's, uh...

Look, frankly, it's none of my business.

You're right.

I'm gonna catch a ride in with Gabriel.

So I'll just see you
at the station, Commander.


Pia might've been close to getting a tip

on where Verdugo's deal is happening.

She said she'd meet us
at her hostel in an hour,

before she leaves for the airport.

All right... let's go.

Sorry, sir, but what made you
feel like Powell's love life

was any of your concern?

I don't know.

No, I mean, Powell's always
reminded me of Molly.

You know, headstrong, so capable but...

a romantic at heart.

I guess I...

don't want to see her have a
fling and end up getting hurt.

Probably owe Powell an apology.

I'd say so.

Pia should've been here by now.

Can I help you?

Yes, you can.

Is this girl staying here?

- Yeah.
- Did you see her today?

I saw her leave last night,
but she never came back.

What room was she staying in?

- Do you have security cameras?
- Not all of them are working,

but I can show you what we have.

That'll be fantastic.

Could you, uh...

- cue it up to yesterday?
- Yeah.

Can you just rewind
just a little bit back?

R-Right there, stop.

That's her. That's Pia.

That's from yesterday evening.
Right after midnight.


All her stuff's still in the room.
None of it's packed.

Well, it seems like she made it
back here safely last night.

Do you have any idea who that guy is?

Yeah, actually. People call him Boki.

He's a, a desgraciado.
How you say "creep."

He lives in his van in Tepito.

He'll do anything for a dollar.

Stop the video right there for me.

Zoom in.

- Commander, look, he's got a g*n.
- Yeah.

If Pia was abducted,
we're already working on borrowed time.

Hey, thank you.

Is your name Boki?

What you want, old man?

I'm a cop. Police officer.

Slow down, slow down.

Where's Pia?

- Who?
- The American girl in the youth hostel.

We know you followed
her in there last night.

Get off me. Let me go.

Who put you up to this? Where is she?

Did somebody pay you to hurt her?

Hurt her? I did not hurt no one.

She wanted to buy a g*n,
so I sold her a p*stol.

A little .380.

Well, if Pia bought a g*n,
she knows where Verdugo is.

She went to take care of him herself.

You listen to me.
That girl is in serious danger.

Do you have any idea
where she was going?

I didn't ask. When I was leaving,

I heard her order a
taxi for this morning.

Mentioned some fabrica 521.

What is that?

How the hell am I supposed to know?

Hondo. You find this Boki guy?

Yeah, Powell, we got him.
But he did not abduct Pia.

He sold her a g*n.

Look, she's got low-level
contacts in the Mafia.

One of them must've tipped her off

to wherever Verdugo's deal
is going down.

Some place called fabrica 521.

What does fabrica 521 mean?

Factory 521.

Verdugo must be carrying out
his deal in the old industrial district.

Meet us in the industrial district.

I'll drop you a pin.





This is fabrica 521.

Defunct shipping facility.

We have reason to believe
Verdugo intends

to carry out his arms deal imminently.

Once we're there, you two take
the westernmost part of the building.

No time to waste. Go!

That sound like a .380 to you?

It's Pia.


Take cover!

Pia! Where are you?

A little birdie told me you've
been sniffing around my men,

trying to find me.

Well, here I am!

Did you hear that scream?

Came from inside.

Nowhere to run, huh?

Don't do this.

Stop right there, Verdugo!

Would not come any closer if I were you!

He's gonna hang her from the rafters,

try to buy himself time to escape.

Don't do it, man! Let her go!


We're on the main floor
of the westernmost building.

We have a hostage situation.

- Let me go.
- Shut up!

Ten years ago, you save her.

I'm afraid it won't happen again.

I can't get a clean shot off.

Yeah, neither can I.

You don't need to hurt the girl.

We can all walk out of here.

Please stop.

Let her go.

You release her,
we will let you run out of here.

We'll tell the others
that we couldn't find you.

My uncles taught me when I was young

never to trust a cop.

Look, I can't guarantee what'll
happen once you're out there,

but I am telling you,

we will let you leave
without firing a shot at you.

At least you'll get a chance.

Come on, man. What do you say?

Don't hurt her.
Just let her go nice and easy.


Commander, rope!

I got you.

- I got you, I got you.
- All right.

- Get this off.
- All right, it's all over now, Pia.

Okay? We'll get you tended to.

Anyone in Verdugo's crew survive?

Just one, unfortunately.

Not sure if he'll make it, though.

- Or if he'll be the same if he does.
- Yeah.

Appears you'll be heading
back to Los Angeles

without your prisoner.

Oh, it should make it easier for us
to catch some sleep on the plane.

Look, I know from experience
that when the action's over

the boss's job is just beginning.

I'm sure you got a lot of
paperwork to get to, Captain,

so... I'll let you get to it.

What is it? What's on your mind?


We didn't find a cell phone on him.

I'm sure he dropped it somewhere
around here in the chaos.


We haven't found it yet.

What is it?

We found a stockpile of weapons
behind the warehouse.

RPGs, mortars.

So we got here before
Verdugo's deal went down.

Not necessarily. We might have
gotten here too late.

The thermobaric vacuum b*mb it's gone,

there's no sign of it.

Verdugo may have already sold it.

If that's true, that's
the worst news possible.

A b*mb like that could cause
unimaginable destruction

in the wrong hands.

Whoever Verdugo sold that b*mb to,
we need to find him fast.

Excuse me. I need to call my bosses,

- alert the federal agencies.
- Mm-hmm.

She's got a long night ahead of her.

I imagine you probably got to get going,
too, Officer Bautista.

No, actually.
They took me off the clock.

Budget cuts.

Stopped giving us overtime.

I was wondering,
if you didn't have any plans...

I'd love to.

You saved my life.

I owe you an apology.

A few of them, actually.

I haven't been very nice to you
the last couple days.


Being a SWAT team leader
these last couple years

has taught me a lot
about responsibility.

And now I'm a parent.

I never should've made a promise
that I wasn't 100% sure I could keep.

And I have been so sorry because
I know how much I let you down.

I think it helped me, actually.

Trying to convince myself
there was someone else to blame

for what happened to my mom.

When in reality,

she died because of me.

What are you talking about?

Ten years ago, when you
dropped us off at the safe house,

you told us that we could only
bring a few changes of clothes.

No electronics, no phones.

But I lied to you that day.

I snuck my cell phone into my
bag when you weren't looking.

That's probably how
Verdugo found me and my mom.

Pia, don't do that.

Don't blame yourself.

You were just a child.

Do you have any idea why
your mother turned on Verdugo?

When she discovered the depth

of Verdugo's criminal
activity, she came to us.

She didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Your mom was determined
to take Verdugo down.

Just like you were.


God's honest truth.

All she wanted was
to keep you away from him.

Now I finally am.

You're free.

Wow. Uh...

You look amazing.

Not so bad yourself, Officer.

- Nice digs.
- Thanks.

Our reservation was pushed back an hour,

so we have some time to k*ll.


You're really
all about the baked goods, huh?

Not that I'm complaining.

Ah, it's my abuelita.
Do you mind?

Sure, go ahead.

Alo. Si, abuela?

What are you doing?

You took the b*mb.

Hey. You interested in a nightcap?

I don't think so, Commander.
I'm hitting the rack.

Give Powell a ring,
maybe she's up for it.

Yeah, I doubt I'm her favorite
person right now.

Plus, I heard her making plans
with Gabriel tonight.

Powell's in 407, right?

Yeah, I think so. Why?
Oh, let me guess.

You didn't get a chance
to apologize to her yet,

and you feel like you should.

Ah, you think you're so smart.

Hey, I'm sure
Powell would appreciate it.

She's probably still around.

I think she's got the TV on
or something.

Ah, we can talk on the plane.

All right. Good night, Commander.

Yeah. Get some rest.
