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03x09 - Wedding Crashers

Posted: 02/17/24 15:16
by bunniefuu

Hey there.

I got a call
about a female Caucasian

looking to go bootscootin'
on a Saturday night.

Guilty as charged.
Hop in.

My dad would k*ll me

if he knew I was going
on a date with a cop.

My dad's the police captain.

He'd k*ll me if he knew I was
going out with a firefighter,

and then I'd have
to arrest him.

You know the best part
about going out with a cop is?

No red lights.

You like that?


♪ Well, I'm hot-blooded

♪ Check it and see

♪ I got a fever of 103

♪ I'm hot-blooded

Holy Spicoli.
Look at the time.

I got a big day planned
with my Mini Firefighter Buddy.

You signed up to be
a Big Firefighter Buddy?

That's right.
I'm officially a BFB.

Oh yeah,
I heard of that program.

That's where they get
a firefighter to mentor some,

like, "troubled youth"
or whatever, right?

I've wanted to do this
for a long time

to make a difference

in the life of a kid
from a broken home.

Yeah, and it's a great way
to meet single moms,

you know what I--what?

And help a troubled kid.
Come on, two birds, one stone.

Well, what happens
if the kid is a bad seed?

Do you get to do that whole
"Scared Straight" situation?

Oh, baby,
I would love to see that.

Drill Sergeant Granfield Smith

laying down some tough love
on some punk!

Drop and give me 20, boy, now!

Is that a doughnut
in your foot locker, soldier?

Chop 'em, Andy.



No, troubled kids need
someone who can relate to them,

offer up some
supportive encouragement.


Give me a heads up
if you're gonna

give him the old hose-down.
I'll make some popcorn.

Now you're talking.
There you go.


Hey, Delilah.

Hey, Delilah.
Hey, Delilah.

Lucy's not here yet?

Whoa, you look like
a pink puffer fish.

Yeah, how much cotton candy
died to make that thing?

I know I look terrible.

My sister's getting married,
and I'm maid of honor

if Lucy ever gets here
to relieve me.

Delilah, I'm sure Lucy's
stuck in traffic.

She'll be here any second.
Let's hope so.

But in the meantime,
I do need to ask you to change

back into your blues
in case we get a call.

No problem.

And there's also a pumpkin
that needs to be turned...

Ha, ha, ha, ha!
God, Andy.

Into a carriage.
She wouldn't let you

finish it.




Damn it.



I still can't believe
you broke the window.

What else
was I supposed to do?

Our legs are pinned in.

We still
don't have any service.

Someone has to find us
soon though, right?

There's a reason this is
my number one make out spot.

It's because
no one comes up here.

Yeah, wow,
that makes me feel special.

I'm so hungry!

Oh, God, you don't have
anything in your purse, like,

even, like, a power drink
like Brute Force Fuel.

No, I don't carry
Brute Force Fuel.

It doesn't have
to be Brute Force Fuel.

It could be Mega Force Fuel.

I don't have any kind
of force fuels in my purse.

Oh, I do have these.

Way to bury the lede!

Oh, no, no, no.
My favorite.

Are you kidding me?

Those are pot brownies.
For reals?

They were left over
from a concert I went to.

Yeah, no judgment here.

I don't care.
I'm just hungry.

No, I just don't think
it's a good idea.

We're, like, stuck in a car
in a ditch with no way out.

I just--

Uh, I've had
edibles before, okay?

I wasn't born a cop.

Ooh, I do have mints.
You want a--

I'm a big boy, okay?

I'm gonna be all right.
These are good.

Hey, Shorty.
It's Delilah.

Um, I was wondering if you
could come in and cover for me.

Yeah, Lucy didn't show up,
and it's sort of screwing me

'cause--you don't care.
Don't yell at me.

Okay, I get it.

Lucy's k*lling me.

Even if she gets here
in the next half hour,

I still gotta redo my makeup,
put the dress back on,

and practice "Uptown Funk"
with the bridesmaids.

That's gonna take,
like, two hours.

She wouldn't do this
on purpose.

I'm starting to get worried.

Oh, that gag fire extinguisher
we built.

No way.

I wonder if it still works.

Make that three hours.
Sorry about that.

Oh, man,
my Mini Firefighter Buddy

should be here any second,

and I can't wait
to help a kid in need.

Oh, Granny,
you know what we should do?

Get the kid to do
the inventory for us, right?

We'll whip his ass into shape.
Come on, Ike.

It's not about
whipping him into shape.

It's about connecting
to his heart, man.

There's no such thing
as a bad kid.

Just a bad role model.
Ah, good point, Granny.

Okay, well, oh, here you go.

Oh, shit.

It's Hunter,
the kid from the well.

The kid
who hosed Linda Price.

The kid from the toy drive.

Got himself
a soccer mom haircut.

'Sup, douche buckets?

you're my Mini Firefighter?

Yeah, because
my stupid mom made me.

Well, call me Granny.
I'm your BFB.

If by BFB, you mean,
"bzoring f*cking bzitch,"

then I guess you are.

There it goes.

No such thing
as a bad kid, huh?

Eat a d*ck, nerd.

This is gonna be fun.

Where the hell is she?

I think Lucy
probably slept over

at a friend's house
and forgot to set the alarm.

Like, a girlfriend's house?

Or a boyfriend's.
She's not with a guy.

Okay, do I need to explain
the birds and the bees to you?

She's a good girl.

Have you checked
her social media pages?

You think
we can find something

on her Oingo Boingo page?
On her "Boioioing," yes.

Lucy can't go ten minutes
without posting.

Well, I don't know
how to do that.

I got you.

What do you got?

I got something.

"Coppin' a lobster
at Il Lobsterino."

Pretty fancy.
Sounds like a date to me.

Don't push it.
I'm just trying to help.

you want someone else to help,
call the cops.

I'm not gonna call the cops.

Captain Polonsky.

Chief McConky here.

What do you want?

Well, I want to see if you
got wind of any incidents

that might be relevant
to us over here.

What are you talking about?

I was hoping
you could shed some light

on the whereabouts
of a firefighter.

Can you just
spit it out, McConky?

Okay, Lucy didn't
come to work today,

and we know she was
at Il Lobsterino last night.

Other than that,
there's no sign.

That's interesting.

Jerry Jr.
didn't show up either.

You mean your son?
He's from my first marriage.

I'm trying to reconnect,

so I put him
on the force a few weeks ago

and, you know, it's going okay.

Save it for your barber.
What's that got to do with me?

Well, he told me yesterday
that he had a "hot date"

at Il Lobsterino,
and he was "fired up" about it.

No, there is no way
my daughter went on a date

with a Tacoma cop,
especially your son.

Okay, it does seem like
a strange coincidence

that they're both
at Il Lobsterino

and they're both late for work.

You know, if I put
my police detective hat on--

No way.

I know I said
she was with a guy,

but she's definitely
not with Polonsky, Jr.

I would bet my entire pension

she wasn't out
with Polonsky, Jr.

And I wouldn't take that bet
because I'd lose.

Right? No way!
She's not with him.

There's no way.

There's no way.
No, there's no way.

Oh, God.
I forgot how to breathe.

My heart's gonna explode.
Oh, God.

Okay, all right, calm down.
Relax, just count to 10.

Can you have too much pot?
Can you OD from pot brownies?

You're fine.
Are you sure?

'Cause I don't feel fine.
I don't feel fine at all.

Hey, hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me.

Tell me something
about yourself.

When my mom left my dad,
she made me dye my hair black

so that I wouldn't
remind her of him.

Let's focus on something
a little more upbeat.

Okay, uh...

I always wanted
to express myself through art.


Yeah, I have sketches
if you want to see.

Hell yeah,
I wanna see your sketches.

You do?

They're in the pocket
behind my chair.

Here, let me get it.

I can't reach.
I can't reach.

I got it.

I've been teaching myself.

Picassi's always been
a hero of mine.

You mean Picasso?

Greg Picassi,
he's the sketch artist

at the station.

I've always dreamed of
drawing the face of a bad guy

from the memory
of an unreliable witness.

Check it out.

Oh, these are--
they're unbelievable.

You don't mean that.
No, I really do.

I think these show
a lot of potential.

You're just saying that.
I think that they're great.

Oh, I'm freaking
losing it, man.

I'm losing it.
Dude, keep it together.

Oh, God,
whatever happens to me,

don't let me
jump off this building.

We're in a car
stuck in a ditch.

I'm having--

I'm giving birth.
I'm giving birth.

I'm crowning.

Do you see the head?
Please get me out of here.

All right, pull and roll,
There you go.

Pull, roll, pull,
roll, pull, roll.

Yep, and you roll.

You pull, and you roll.
That's great.

It's even.
That's awesome.

You're really getting
the hang of this, man.

Is this what you do all day?

Hey, come here.
Stand up.

Hunter, being a firefighter
is a way of life.

We live by a code.

Yeah, like when your relief
doesn't show up

for her shift,
and you have to f*cking stay.

Lady firefighter said f*ck.

How many are in there?

All right, look, Hunter,
when I got out

of the military,
I had no direction, no purpose.

Firefighting gave that to me.

Dude, I didn't come in
to do your job for you.

Just tell me how
to burn down a building.

Oily rags and accelerant--
arsonist's best friend.

He wants to learn.

I'm trying to tell him.
He doesn't want to learn.

All right, Hunter,
all I'm saying is

you remind me of me
when I was a kid.

And then you grew up
to be an old bald dude

with a feminine nickname.

We got a car in ditch
up at Oak Point.

Could be Lucy.

Let's go.
Let's go.

Oh, my God!

It's so crazy
'cause you're, like, so hot,

but then
when I smush your face,

you're like--
you're like a baby.

You're like a hot baby.
That's a weird thing to say.

Dude, I told you
stop squeezing my face.

Oh, right.
Yeah, okay.

Yeah, hey, cool, yeah.

Good morning.
How's everyone doing in here?

Oh, my God, Cap,
you are a sight for sore eyes.

No pain?
You can wiggle your toes?

Yeah, we're okay.

Good 'cause we
want to make fun of you.

Yeah, totally.
Just get me out of here.

Hey, Luce, there's someone
who wants to talk to you.

You lied to everyone.

You went out with a cop,

and you did the weed
in his car.

I didn't do the weed.
Excuse me, Chief.

Can I go--
Not now, Delilah.

What I don't understand
is why you violated

an unwritten firefighter rule
of never dating a cop.

So you're telling me

that if a super hot,
dumb, female cop

asked you on a date
and offered to buy you

a lobster dinner, you'd say no?

She makes a very valid point.
Thank you for opening my eyes.

It was Polonsky's son!
Also a valid point!

All I did was go out
on a date with a dude

who drove his car into a ditch.

No, you let your shift down.

Delilah had
a wedding to go to.

It's totally fine.
No harm, no foul.

If I leave right now,
I can still--

I'm sorry, but it's clear
Lucy is still high on the weed

and unable
to perform her station duties.

I'm not high!
I can work, Dad!

Please, my sister's
my best friend,

and I made a promise to my dad
on his deathbed...

Thank you, Delilah.
That I would be there...

Get back to work.
For her to walk her down--

Dad, what is wrong with you?
Delilah, I am so sorry.

Hark, what yonder
window light breaks?

'Tis Lucy,
and she doth complete me.

Hi, Terry.

No, no, no, Terry, no, no.
I'll k*ll this guy!

No, no, no.

You don't seem
to be connecting with him.

I'm telling you,
time for Plan B--tough love.

You guys,
any kid who's that much

of a d*ck has problems.

Look at that hairdo.
That's not his fault.

We need a breakthrough,

and I know
just the way to do it.

Hey, buddy, what's happening?
What do you want, grandma?

All right, buddy,
look, I get it, okay?

When I was young, I thought
I was a tough guy too.

I didn't know
how to talk about my feelings

until I met these guys.

Whoo-hoo-hoo, I'm Fireman Bob,

and I can say
whatever's on my mind.

You started
playing with dollies?

I'm not a dolly.

I'm part of an ancient art form
that takes great skill to use.

You should try it.

It's Bucko, the dog.

Come on.
You got anything to say, Bucko?

You can't tell me what to do
'cause you're not my dad.

And what's your dad like?

He left when I was six,
and he never calls.

I wish I was talking to him.

You, see?
Puppets are cool, right?

Yeah, I guess.

Hey, Granny,
I'm sorry to take you away

from your dollies,
but you got to come with us.

I got a thing happening.

Can I stay here
with the puppets?

Yes, yes you can.

you're gonna love it.

Come on.
You'll love it.

They're really good friends.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

You drove
my daughter into a ditch.

Chief, have you
ever seen "Avatar"?


In "Avatar"
when the blue people mate,

they make love
using their tails.

You better choose your next
words very carefully, mister.

I thought long and hard
about these next words.


Lucy McConky...

will you marry me?

Oh, um.
Are you kidding me?

What does this
have to do with "Avatar"?

Do you see what you've done?

How do you date this guy?
It's none of your business.

He's waiting for an answer.
Go ahead, marry him.

Oh, well, since you own me,
don't I need your blessing?

Oh, you got it.
Let's do right now.

I'm a justice of the peace.
I would be happy to officiate.

Lucy McConky...

will you marry me?

You already asked me that.
I did?

And what did you say?

I will marry you.

Boom, yippee!

we're family!

I promise
I won't miss it, okay?

Look, I'm trying
to get out of here.

Delilah, go put
your dress back on.

I can go?

No, Lucy's still stoned,
and she needs a maid of honor.


Man, we made a breakthrough.

This is a totally different kid
from this morning.

Oh, hell no.

You pyro-ass, affluenza,
gob of snot piece of shit!

What's wrong with you, man?

You can do
whatever you want to me,

but do not f*ck
with my puppets!

Whoa, Granny,
now don't forget

we want to figure out why
he's exhibiting this behavior.

Yeah, chill, bruh.

Oh, you want me
to chill, bruh?

How about I
chill my ass right here

and watch you do 100 pushups?
Get down, let's go.

Ooh, baby, I knew it was
gonna be worth the wait.

You can't do this.

Now it's 200 pushups
'cause you're

talking back, you stupid
piece of monkey vomit.

What the hell are you doing?

Well, this is my
Mini Firefighter Buddy, so...

And you think that gives you

the right to scream abusively
at him and make him do pushups?

I--it was--uh--

Granny's so mean.

Oh, honey, don't cry.

I'm reporting you

to the Big Firefighter
Brother organization.

You're lucky
I don't arrest you.

Come here, sweetie.

Let's get away
from this pendejo.

Anything you say, Officer.

My phone!

I was just kidding before.

My dad lives with me,
but he's a d*ck like you.


Huh, are you okay?

You're a bitch!
Hey, hey.

Apologize to Lucy.
Tell her you overreacted.

No, I live
for a good game of chicken.

You know why
they call me chief?

Because you love
chicken and beef.

Because I love
chicken and beef!


What do you want?
I come in peace.

Okay, all right.

Look, I just wanted to say

that I've never seen
Jerry Jr. like this.

He truly loves your daughter
to the moon and back,

and, look, I know
we've had our differences,

but maybe, just maybe
this romance could serve

as a bridge of healing
between our two stations,

especially since
we're gonna be family.

I couldn't do it!

I challenged myself
to go 60 seconds

without laughing,
but I can't because this

is the funniest thing
that I've ever seen.

I don't find the humor in it.

Look at it
from my perspective.

When Jerry Jr. told me
what he was gonna do,

I didn't care anymore
that he had wrecked my car.

I didn't care anymore
that the kid was an idiot.

I told him
"That's a great idea."

And do you know why?

Because I couldn't wait
to see the look

on your stupid face
when he did it.

But the best part is that you
are such a dumb son of a bitch

that you made her say yes,

and now
they're getting married.

That's it.
All right, all right.

Come on,
settle down, everybody.

Enough, Polonsky,
you've made your point.

Get out of here.

Oh also, may their first child
be a masculine child.

Get out of here.

Terry, call it off.
I'm not backing down.

Dearly beloved,

We are gathered here
to join my son,

Officer Gerald Polonsky Jr.,

and Terry McConky's precious,
beloved daughter Lucy.

I can't begin to convey
how much joy it brings me

to see the love

that these two young people
have found.

Vicky is gonna be so pissed.

I can't wait to see her face
when she finds out

that her daughter married
Polonsky's son on a whim

in your fire station
without her here,

and you encouraged it.
Okay, thanks.

Jerry Jr.
has prepared his own vows.

This should be good.

Thank you, father.

My heart is rock hard today

as I look into the eyes
of the woman

I plan to spend
the rest of my life with.

I can't begin to say
how much I love Lucy.

Oh, Lucy.

Holy shit.

Oh, boom.

"I Love Lucy"?

Lucy, I'm home.

This guy knows
what I'm talking about.

That's my best man.

Well, if anybody present
believes that these two people

should not be wed,
then speak now,

or forever hold your peace.

Please don't say anything.

Please don't.
Please don't.

Last call.


By the power vested in me

by the great state
of Washington,

I now pronounce you

man and--

Shit, so close!

I'm so sorry, I can't do it.

I just didn't want to be judged

for wanting a free dinner
from a hot guy.

I thought he would have
sobered up by now

and snapped out of it.

And, Dad, I thought you
would have put a stop to this.

I was just trying
to honor your choices.

But Lucy,
we were meant for each other.

You talked me off the ledge.

Dude, have some self-respect.

She's only doing this
to stick it to her dad.

Don't be a dumb ass.

Thank you.
781 family dispute.

497 West Quaker Street.

On our way.

Come on, Jerry Jr.
Let's do it.

Come on, let's go.

Firefighters suck.

I made this for you.


looks just like me.

It's my greatest work.
It's my Mona Lisy.

Thanks, Jerry.

Don't forget me.
And rest in peace.

Drive safe.

Allow me to be the first

to congratulate you
on your nope-tials.

Well, I guess
I don't need these anymore.

Oh, my God.

Son of a bitch.
I am so sorry.

May I please leave now?

Yes, you can go, Delilah.

Oh, God.

Have fun.
Hope you enjoy the wedding.



Honestly, this is

the best wedding
I've ever been to.

My therapist says that I know
that I'm worthy of love,

but I keep wasting that love

on women that are
emotionally unavailable.

And it all stems from
my relationship with my dad.

Oh, come on.

Why don't I keep
getting stuck with you

sensitive old people?

Dude, I'm laying myself
bare here.

It's a ride along.

Let's go infiltrate
a drag racing crime g*ng.

Is that the guy that gave you
an F in French class?

Yes, it's that douchebag
Monsieur Aragon.

Let's go kick some derriere.

Oui, oui.