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02x03 - Whodunnit

Posted: 02/17/24 14:07
by bunniefuu
- What the hell?
- How does this even happen?

Single puncture wound
to the abdomen.

We need to stop
this bleeding ASAP.

- Don't help me.
Help the dummy.

Make sure he's okay.

I'm-I'm just gonna grab it.

Never move an injured person.

He's right.

Ike, it's not alive.

Does the blonde know
mouth to mouth.

Watch it, dummy!

Both of you,
stop talking to the dummy.

Sir, what happened here?

It was an accident.

Isn't it obvious.

He stabbed himself and now
he's trying to blame me.

Why are you holding
the knife then?

Ike, stop talking to the dummy.

His pulse is dropping.

Lucy, get
the heart monitor ready.

- Help my dummy.
- Don't get agitated, sir.

- Give him CPR!
He needs CPR!

Ike, I need this guy
to calm down, okay?

- Give the dummy CPR.
- What?

Tell him it's gonna be okay.

Hey, it's... it's gonna...
It's gonna be okay.

- Ike, give the dummy CPR.
Andy, talk to the dummy.

I don't wanna talk to a dummy.

Lucy, had me the lead
so I can hook this guy up.

Hey, dummy, everything
is gonna be okay.

Ike is my friend.
He's gonna give you CPR.

- We're performing CPR.
It's gonna be fine.

- Yeah, it'll be okay.
Go, go, go, go.



Oh, I'm much better now.

- Oh, the mouth hole.
The mouth hole.

- Shh, relax.
Stay relaxed.

He's gonna do it again.

I need both of you.

What in the horrifying f*ck?

I don't know.

Oh, my God, we're losing him.

- Lucy, prepare the paddles.
- Oh, shit.

- Pinch his d*ck.
- Oh.

Yeah, give it a pinch.

- It'll wake him up.
- What the hell?

Oops, sorry, you guys.

A malfunction.
He's still alive.

No shit.

You almost pinched his d*ck.

I was not gonna pinch his d*ck.

No, you were close.

I'm just gonna take the knife.

- Touch it and die!
- Whoo.

♪ Well I'm hot blooded

♪ Check and see

♪ I got a fever of 103

♪ I'm hot blooded

Wow, big storm.

- Supposed to go all day.
- Yeah?

Hey, you guys wanna play a game?

Hey, let's start a new show.

Bet you we could binge our way
through a few episodes.

Let's watch "q*eer Beer."

It's about those fabulous guys
that own a brewery.

- I watched the first season.
It's pretty good.

How 'bout "Fresno Fire"?

Nah, sitcoms about
firemen are lame.

There's maybe
one fire per season,

and there's a black guy,
an Asian guy,

a woman, one dude who
you don't realize is Latin,

a bunch of white people,
you know what I mean?

Hmm, hey, we could jump
back into "Montana Bush."

No, I don't love nature shows.

Thought that show
was about something else.

- What?
- Teenage pop star

who was a landscaper.

- That's impossible.
- Ooh, you guys!

How about "Mrs. Winchester?"

- Never heard of it.
What's that?

Oh, that's a British show.

- No!
No foreign language stuff.

Hold on, hold on, just listen.

"As Britain enters World w*r II,

"one woman makes a difference,
Mrs. Winchester.

"This small-town nurse
is determined to tend

to Briarfield Township
while also solving crimes!"

Mrs. Lamechester.

What's with you and these
British shows anyway?

They're critically acclaimed
and strongly acted.

Really quite bully.

That show sounds like

- Ah, God, sassafras air.
So colorful.

- ♪ Oh yeah
- Oh.

We need to talk.

Hey, do you like country music?

- Not particularly.
- I've been getting

- into it lately.
- Uh, listen...

Lyrics tell such great stories,

about memories and days gone by,

especially this band
Leigh Weigh.

- Have you heard of them?
- No. But Chief...

- They're my new favorite band.
- Awesome.

You should write about it
in your yearbook.

We have a problem.
There's a firefighter blog

coming from this station
that's sharing

a lot of dirty laundry
on the Internet.

- A blog?
From my station?

Tacoma Station 24.

Look for yourself.

Search for
"Fired up in Tacoma."

- Really?
- I'm sure you're aware

we have a zero-tolerance
policy on social media

by municipal employees.


- Station 24, "A" shift.
- Mm-hmm.

I can't see my guys doing this.

Oh, look at this,
"Our chief is an authoritarian,

overweight blowhard."

Well, there you go, it couldn't
possibly be my station.

Yep, well, we don't need
this stuff out in the open.

It's already racking up
a lot of views.

Put a stop to it.

Okay, well, I'll tell you what.

I don't think it's us,
but I will sniff around.


Mrs. Winchester,
whatever is the bother?

Lord Hastings, we both know
the bloom on the rose

is oft not wet.

What does that mean?

Things aren't always
what they seem.

And then she and
Lord Hastings are related?


No, I just don't understand
the relationships, man.

- Just watch then.
- I'm just lost.

Here, let me rewind it then.

No, you can't rewind streaming.

Just watch, man.
No, no, no, that's too far!

- Okay, I'll fast-forward.
- No, no!

That's the end of the episode!

And that is how Tilda Fowlington

k*lled the boot-binder.


How'd you get us
to watch this snoozefest

- in the first place?
- What's a boot-binder?

Hey, can you guys
pause that, please?


Okay, it has come
to my attention

that there is a blog
coming from this station.

A blog?

That's so five years ago.

I just want to know
if any of y'all

are blogging
about station business.


Is anyone here doing a blog
or building or blog

or writing a blog or whatever
it is you do with a blog?

Yeah, I blog right after
I record my makeup tutorials.

My unboxing videos
have a huge following.

Yeah, and I'm more of a vlogger.

Yeah, I got a blog about a...

That's so stupid.

- Great, anybody else?
Anybody else got one?

Funny, funny stuff,
but listen to me.

If I find out that anyone
from this station is blogging,

I will cancel
the Hulu subscription.

No, no, no, we watch
so much on Hulu!

- Take it back!
- Carry on.

Can I see you
in my office, please?

- Am I in trouble?
- Come on, let's go.

- What is going on?
A blog?

By the way,
do not start watching

- a new TV show without me.
- Yeah, whatever.

You're just gonna
go to sleep anyway.

Not if we find a show
better than "Mrs. Winchester."

You got that?

I'm the captain.

- Okay, what did I do?
What did I do?

What the hell
are you listening to?

Leigh Weigh.

Why are you listening
to Leigh Weigh?

'Cause they're an awesome band.

Okay, Leigh Weigh is not a
band. It's a guy.

That's his name.
Lee. Way.

- Oh, that makes sense.

Leigh Weigh's a guy.

Like Jethro Tull
or Lynyrd Skynyrd.

How is that I know more
about Leigh Weigh than you do?

- I'm just getting into it.
- You know, if I had a dime

for every one of my
midlife crisis friends

who found country music,
I'd have a lot of dimes, Terry.

Hey, this guy sings
about things that speak to me.

All right, like, being the boss

and driving on the open road

- and windburn.
- Yeah.

- Chili cook-offs.
- So cool.

- Smell of wheat fields.
- You like wheat fields?

- Gossamer spider webs.
- Yeah, cool, all right.

Check this out.

♪ Well it's tough to be

♪ The lone big dog

- ♪ I can picture...
- Okay, look.

I like country music too,

but this dude sucks.

Agree to disagree.

All right, listen,
this blog thing.

- Is this you?
- You really think it could be?

It's the kinda shit
you do for laughs.

Remember when you sent me
the John Travolta picture

with the personalized
signature on it?

I do. I do.

"Dear Terry, keep staying alive.

Best, Johnny."

You denied that for three years.

Yeah, that was the perfect
amount of time,

but this is not me, and you
really think it's one of us?

Come here, look at this.

Huh? This is right on the nose.

Tacoma FD.

Station 24.
"A" shift.

"Our captain thinks
he's got a good dye job.

"He's not fooling anyone.

"His hair is as white
as a polar bear's muff.

"He also has textbook
Peter Pan Syndrome.

He's so immature,
no one takes him seriously."

This is on the g*dd*mn Internet.

Who the hell do these people
think they are?

I'm gonna go straighten
somebody out.

Okay, hold on, hold on.

Don't go out there half-cocked.

I'm going out there full-cocked.

Why does this guy
have an accident?

It's Dave Bautista.

In 18th century Canada.

And then what's with that piano?

- Just stop.
He's also teaching music

to the other fur trappers
on the frontier.

- What?
- Shush!

I will trade me furs
for an ivory piano,

and we will sing
and dance with the beavers.

You're not gonna sing
with beavers.

- Quiet, please!
- It doesn't make sense!

I'm not watching this
any longer than you have.

No, no, no, Captain,
don't... don't-what?

I wanna know right now who's
writing this g*dd*mn blog.

- Whoa.
- Again with the blog?

Yeah, and who's the
Peter Pan Syndrome expert?

- Wait, the what?
- Someone accused me

- of having Peter Pan Syndrome.
- Like you wanna fly?

It means he doesn't want
to grow up.

- Seems like he already has.
I mean, how old are you, Cap?

None of your f*cking business.

And to whoever wrote this,
I do not dye my hair.

Your hair looks great.

- Calm down, Cap.
- Yeah, calm down.

Hey, you should watch
the new show with us.

It's called "Pelts."
Dave Bautista's an 18 century

fur trapper in
the Canadian frontier,

and he also runs a music school
for the other trappers.

- Andy loves it.
- Not into it yet.

I don't wanna watch a new show.

I wanna get
to the bottom of this.

You guys should
check out this blog.

It's pretty incriminating.

- I have a feeling it's Granny.
I mean, he likes to write.

Dude, you're the one
who likes to gossip.

- What? I do not.
- Okay, well, I set my phone

to alert me anytime
a new blog drops.

All right, you've been warned.

Cap, no one here is blogging.

Aw, man!

- Great, that's...
- Aw, come on!

- Hey, nobody go anywhere.
- Somebody hit the genny.

The one that always sticks.

Yeah, great.

- Oh, there we go.
- Good.

- Bingo.
New blog just dropped.

Someone sent a blog in the dark?

- That's crazy.
- It says here

that captain just found out
about the blogging,

and he's pissed.
Stay tuned.

Someone in this room
is blogging.

And we're gonna find out who.

- Got a new blog post?
- No, I'm sleuthing.

"To Catch a Blogger," huh?

So you're reading a blog
about how to catch a blogger.

Yeah, well, who better
to help with a blog hunt

than a blogger?

Says here misspelled words

and unique phrasing
are red flags.

Our blogger happens to misspell
the word "exhilarating"

- quite a bit.
- Huh.

How do you spell exhilarating?


- Wrong.
Maybe you're the blogger.

- Maybe you're the blogger.
- What are you doing?

I'm taking Leigh Weigh's
words to heart.

I'm setting up
a face-to-face here.

I'm gonna look a man
dead in the eye

'cause then they can never lie.

Like a frog on a frozen pond

or a wizard with a magic wand.

You're gonna zap the blogger
with a magic wand?

No, I'm gonna do
what Leigh Weigh says

and I'm gonna have
a face-to-face.

You are neck-deep in the school

of Leigh Weigh, aren't you?

Well, 'cause he's cool
and he's tough,

like all men should be.

You know what
this guy looks like?

Come here. You don't know what
this guy looks like, do you?

This is your guy right here.


I didn't know he spelled
his name that way.

Leigh Weigh.

That's your takeaway
when I show you this photo?

This dude's a poser.

Yeah, well, I don't judge
a book by its cover.

So what if he wants to
enjoy the latest trends

in hair and fashion?

Doesn't make his music
any less poignant.

- Yes, it does.
- You guys.

I think I have a handle
on finding this blogger.

I'm gonna do some deep dive

Well, I appreciate that, Granny,

but at this point
everyone's a suspect.

Chief, a wise woman once said,

the bloom on the rose
is oft not wet.

What does that mean?

Things aren't always
as they seem,

and that's where
we have to start.

Tell you what,
how 'bout the three of us

start right here?
Pull up a chair, partner.

- Partner?
- It has to be Granny.

- The guy loves to write.
You've seen his reports, right?

Yeah, he's in Chief's office
right now

probably trying
to throw him off the scent.

Yes, exactly.

Hey, who's up
for some more "Pelts"?

- I am hooked.
- Now's not the time, Ike.

Really? Bautista
is about to play a concerto

for the Iroquois chieftain
and his daughter.

- I think we're cool.
- Pretty big moment, right?

- Nah.
- I'm not kidding.

- I'm gonna start it right now.
- Okay.

- "Pelts!"

Cool, cool, cool,
cool, cool, cool, cool.

- Oh, cool, cool, cool.
Okay, great.

Don't come crying
to me later, okay?

- There's no chance it's him.
- No way.

- Need anything to drink?
- Nope.

- You sure?
Soda, coffee, water?

I'm good.

I gotta give it to you, man.

The writing on that stuff's
really good.

- Where do you come up with it?
- With what?

- The blog stuff.
- Oh, it's not me.

Come on, it's got
your fingerprints all over it.

The writing reads just like
your incidence reports.

- I don't think it does.
- Oh, no?

Spell "exhilarating."



Where does Granny
keep his laptop?

He's constantly on his phone.

That's what we need
to pry away from him.

Under the bed is just
candy wrappers and puppets.

Wait a minute.

Since when does Granny
care about technology

- and the Internet?
- And look at the main article!

"To blog or not to blog."

Oh, shit, we got him!

Hey, what the hell
are you all doing?

- Oh, cleaning.
We're cleaning up your...

- Your bed is made.
- You know what? Enough!

Granny, we know it's you.

Look what we found
under your bed.

- That's not mine.
- It was under your bed.

Look at the name.

Yeah, right, like
I'm supposed to believe

that Ike gets "Blog AF."

The bloom on the rose,
it's oft not wet.

Ugh, stop it with
the "Mrs. Winchester" crap.

- Andy, you're up.
Chief's office now.

Up for what?


- Was this always here?
- Don't worry about that.

Hey, man, I just wanna shake
the hand of the blogger.

Hey... whoa, no.

How many blog posts
have you already done now, huh?

- I just like shaking hands.
You extend your hand,

- I'm gonna take it.
- Come on, Andy!

Admit it,
you're a tech-savvy guy.

- What, because I'm Asian?
- 'Cause you're a wiseass.

Cool it, Chief.

Hey, did you do a blog
called "Andy and D."

My "Dungeons & Dragons"
blog in high school.

You know, it sounds like
you're super familiar

- with blogging.
- Uh.

Spell "exhilarating."

- X...
- Wrong.

Granny tells me you got
yourself a burner phone.

- No, I-I don't.
- You calling him a liar?

Okay, well, my phone broke,
and I got a temporary one,

but it's not a "burner phone."

This temporary phone of yours,

does it have
Internet capability?

- Yes.
- So hypothetically,

you could be writing
all this stuff,

and none of it
would be traceable to you.

What are you guys gonna do,
trace my IP address?

What's an IP address?

Spell "exhilarating."

Uh... can I use my phone?

- Don't touch your phone.
- No, no, no, no, no.


You're the only person
who got that right.

Yeah, um...

You seem kinda fidgety, huh?

- Nervous.
- No, I'm not...

Just 'cause, um...

I... it's my time with the TV,
and they... I'm...

I really want to get back
to watching "Pelts."

The British have banned
the playing of all music

on the frontier, and now
Bautista is being driven

deeper into the wilderness
just to play music.

- Who's Bautista?
- Dave Bautista.

- The actor.
- Wrestler.

He was a wrestler.

He's a critically
acclaimed actor now.

He's the lead actor in "Pelts."

He plays Jeremiah Pelt.

Here's the thing,
Andy messes with stuff,

and I think he's gonna
fast-forward it,

and then when I get there,
it's, like, the next episode

and I've missed
a bunch of stuff.

I watch my television seriously.

I take Dave Bautista seriously.

I take the show "Pelts"
very seriously.

I know it seems like I'm...

Tell you what, man.

Confess and this will
all be over.

You'll be out there
watching "Pelts"

with your buddies in no time.

Wait, is that true?

- Yeah, just say the word.

- Sending a new blog post?
- Oh!

- Oh, you're a little jumpy.
- Oh, yeah?

Gonna write about that
in your new blog?

That's exactly what
I would expect a blogger to say

who didn't want anyone
to know he was blogging.

- Guys, they found the blogger.
- Who?

- It was Ike.
- Really? No way.

He confessed.

- Come on.
- What? That is impossible.

- Yes, okay?
I did it.


- It's the writing.
It doesn't sound like you.

What's that supposed
to mean, Granny?

I write good.

And you're not really
a tech guy.

I read "Blog AF" magazine, Andy.

Ever heard of it?

Yeah, where did you get that?

Came as a bonus mag
in my "Chiseled AF."

Okay, I haven't got around
to reading it quite yet,

because I misplaced it.
Is that a crime?

- What did Chief say?
- Nothing.

Oh, he said that I can
start watching "Pelts" again

if I clean up the bathrooms

and hoses
and the turnouts and stuff.

So you made a deal to confess

just so that you could
watch "Pelts" again?

- Oh, my God!
I did it, okay?

I'm the blogger.
I admit it, I'm sorry.

Eh, it was me!
What do you want?

Leave me alone.

What was that?

You don't know what thunder is?

No, I didn't say... what?

No, councilwoman,
not a blog post since.

The blog is shut down.

You can call me the sheriff.

I cleaned up this town,
put the bad guys down.

That's Leigh Weigh.

By the way, it's a guy,
not a band.

Oh, yeah, I gotta go too.

Bye now.

- Yeah.
- ♪ Oh yeah

Is there really such
a thing as a sex addict?

Shh, Cap, Cap, come on.

That seems like a stretch.

Like that's really a problem?

Hey, Granny,
just started this new show.

Just a couple episodes in
if you wanna join in.

Oh, thanks for the invite
at the beginning.

- You can catch up anytime.
It's pretty straightforward.

- What is it?
- It's about this guy

struggling with sex addictions

so he cries when he masturbates.

It's called "Tearjerker."

- Oh.
- It's the best show on TV.

Yeah, except all these
limited interruptions suck.

This episode of "Tearjerker"
is brought to you by

Sniff-X Tissues.

Ooh, that one has lotion in it.

Guys, I've been
going over this blog,

and something isn't adding up.

I get no sense that it was Ike.

- No, he confessed.
I was there.

It bothers me too.

I just don't think Ike
could have done it.

It's like in
"Meet the Fockers"...

- No, no, no, no, no.
Please, please, please.

- I haven't seen it yet, so...
- It came out 15 years ago.

It doesn't matter
when it came out.

I just haven't seen it
and I don't want any spoilers.

- You gotta watch it.
That movie's dope.

- What are you guys watching?
- It's a show about a guy

who cries when he masturbates,
called "Tearjerker."

- Huh.
- I get where he's coming from.

- Is it porn?
- Not yet.

Hey, Chief, I don't think
Ike is the blogger.

No, he's the guy,
since he confessed

there have been
no more blog posts.

There may be an innocent
man in there cleaning toilets.

- Sounds like guilt.
- Say what?

If it's not him,
then it has to be you.

Shh, guys, guys, guys,
it's coming back on.

- Yeah.
- All right, hold on.

You know what?
Give me that.

- Oh, come on.
- Pause it, pause it, okay?

He's about to cry!

Now come on.

We're gonna talk this Ike thing
through as a crew.

- What is this?
- Oh, really?

Yeah, it's just a little
Americana background music

so we can figure this thing out.

"Fresh Cut Grass
and a Piece o' Ass."

That's what we're listening to
right now, Chief?

- Come on, man.
- This Leigh Weigh clown

isn't even American.
He's French.

- She's right, Chief.
- What?

He's part of the French
country new wave.

I thought he was American.

That makes this whole thing
even better.

Look at him, sacre bleu!

Well, you know, that's
all right, we like the French.

- You hate the French.
- No, I-I love the French.

It's a beautiful language.

What the...

- New blog post just dropped.
- Ike, get in here right now!

No, no, no, I took away
all of Ike's electronics.

We watching "Pelts" now?

Toilets are clean.
Try 'em out, boys.

"Paramedic is so lazy he's
either always on his phone

- or napping."
- "Cap thinks he's sexy,

but he actually smells funny."
Funny how?

"The lady probie
has a higher salary

than the next senior officer."
Is that true?

- I don't know.
- "The dumb guy reads

tech magazines to make
himself seem smarter."

"The Chief is a Leigh Weigh fan,

"and doesn't even know he's
playing Tacoma next week.

Hope he doesn't
ask me to go."

Huh. Is Leigh Weigh really
playing Tacoma next week?

Better bone up on your French.

- Who's doing this?
- Granny's been on his phone.

- So has Andy.
- I was writing a review

for "Tearjerker"
on Au Gratin Tomatoes.

Check the site.

Maybe these things
are on a time release.

Shit, Linda Price.

Station 24, extrication.

Man stuck in appliance.

458 White and Preston.

Okay, we're all gonna go
on this call together,

and I'm gonna keep my eye
on everyone.

And if I see anyone
type anything,

there will be hell to pay.

Move out!

So you meant to get in there?

Yeah, I thought it'd be funny
to jump out and scare my wife.

- And was it funny?
- Well, I scared her for sure,

but now I'm stuck
and she's pissed.

All right, let's get him
outta there, come on.

I don't know,
feeling pretty lazy.

Maybe if I wasn't so dumb,

I'd figure out
how to get him out of there.

Maybe we should have Lucy do it

since she gets paid
more than me anyway.

- I do not get paid more.
- How much do you get paid?

- How much do you get paid?
- No, tell me first.

- Guys, a little help.
- All right, enough, enough.

- Okay, guys, get him up.
- All right, let's go.

- Man, you do smell.
- You smell.

- Your mama smells.
- Ow.

The sooner
we get him outta here,

the sooner we get to watch
more "Tearjerker."

- You guys watch "Tearjerker?"
That's the best show on TV.

Yeah, we think it's pretty good.

Can you believe that guy's wife

thought he was a peeping Tom
and shot him dead?

- All: No!
- What is wrong with you?

- What?
- Do you guys watch "Pelts"?


Can I at least check my texts?

I have plans tonight.

I said no electronics.

We are all gonna sit here
quietly until the shift's over.

Hey, Granny,
I said no electronics.

But Chief, I need electronics

to show you who the blogger is.

- What?
- Come on, everybody.

Now, first I must give
credit to "Mrs. Winchester."

- Ugh.
- In episode 104,

"The Tories' Wig,"
Mrs. Winchester had to look

- beyond appearances.
- Okay.

So I've studied this blog,

and I thought some things
smelled pretty odd.

- Like Cap.
- Okay.

First I noticed words
the blogger used,

such as "pop" instead of "soda,"

"frappe" instead of

Words we don't use around here.

Huh, okay, which one of you
guys grew up in the Midwest?

Next I noticed the blogger
said Leigh Weigh

was coming to Tacoma.

I searched every concert venue.

No sign of Leigh Weigh.

That's because he's not
playing in Tacoma, Washington.

He's play in Tacoma, Ohio.

Wait, there's a Tacoma in Ohio.

And a Station 24.

Well, what about the smelly guy?

- Yeah, or the dumb guy.
- And the lady probie.

Y'all ready for this?

- Whoa.
- Wow.

- Oh, shit.
- Oh, look at that.

Black guy, an Asian guy, a girl,

and a guy that looks like he's
Italian but is probably Latin.

- Yeah, I like his hairdo.
- And then a bunch of whites.

- Huh.
I did not see that coming.

You know, I guess firefighters
are the same everywhere.

Same circus, different clowns.

Same burrito, different salsa.

Same ball game,
different sport, right, guys?

Yeah, yeah, well, you know,

I think we all said some things
that we shouldn't have.

Yeah, we said some
pretty hurtful things

- that are tough to take back.
- Yeah.

Well, I didn't mean
any of it, guys.

- Me neither.
- No.

You guys know I don't
dye my hair though, right?


Hey, what are we gonna watch?

- "Mrs. Winchester!"
- No, no, no, no.

Can I pick for once?

Gail, without music,
there'd be no radio stations.

No, without radios
there'd be no radio stations.

Oh, no, they didn't.

- Hey, guys, huh?
Huh? Check this out.

- Hey!
- Whoo!

- Pretty good, huh?
You are looking

at the newest member
of the Leigh Weigh fan club.

I'm officially a Weigh Watcher.

- Hey, congrats, Chief.
You know what, losing weight

at your age is one of
the toughest things you can do.

Ike, that's not really
what I was... okay.

I thought the whole French thing

was a deal-breaker for you.

Well, I'm not
that closed-minded, Lucy.

I still like the guy's music.

I'm into the message,
not the man.

Can we just watch the show,

Yeah, what's this one?

It's about two
transgender sisters

who run a radio station.

It's called
"Trans-Sister Radio."

- Huh.
Sounds pretty good.

Mind if I watch it
with you guys?

- Please.
- Sure.

- Come on over, partner.
- All right, great.

You know, this show's
got great buzz.

It's really about how things
don't seem as they appear.

Press play,
we're watching this now.

Come on.