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01x02 - We're Grieving

Posted: 02/17/24 10:05
by bunniefuu
[indistinct chatter]

[pensive music]

[cheers and applause]

- Beth.
- Hi.

- Hi. Dr. B.
- Hi.

I see you have been having
some abdominal pains.

Yeah, it's weirdly
not hurting right now,

but it was... It's
been right here.

- DR. B: Hmm.
- Pretty bad.

DR. B: I'd like to ask you
some basic lifestyle questions.

What would a typical
breakfast be for you?


I don't usually have breakfast.

I just have... you
know, I'll have, like,

a bite of pasta on
the way out the door

'cause I'm always in a
rush, but then at noon

I'll have, like, a
bagel or, you know,

a pizza bagel like
some... or pasta.

And then at... at, uh,
6:00 is... is, you know,

I would typically have,
you know, leftovers,

pasta or something.

That's dinner?

Uh, no, that's pre-dinner.

At 10:00 p.m., around 10:00,
I'll have, like, you know,

salmon and a vegetable
and then some pasta.

- Drinks?
- No, thank you. [Chuckles]

- That's funny.
- Yeah, no.

I have to plan a
whole funeral today.

Um. Uh.

How many drinks I have a day?

- Yeah.
- Four. Probably four at night.

DR. B: Mm-hmm.

And then a glass or two
with lunch for work.

So how long have
you drank like that?

Four to six drinks a day?


20... 20... 25 years.

DR. B: Sneaks up on you.

Yeah. DR. B: Do you chew?

BETH: What do you mean?

Oh, how... how long
do you chew your food?

Yeah, can we get to my stomach

because I really think

there must be some
blockage or something.

You mentioned something
about funeral arrangements.

My mom just died.

DR. B: Oh, I'm
sorry for your loss.

You know, sometimes our mental
pain manifests in our bodies.

Right. Yeah.

That doesn't make any
sense in this case, though,

'cause I'm actually not in
any sort of mental pain.

- Ow.
- Oh, sorry. Tender?

Yes. No, it's fine.

I-I-I have a bad
back. That's not new.

- DR. B: Okay.
- Yeah.

So Beth, I'd recommend you
chew more and drink less.

- I chew.
- Bless you.

[train horn blowing]

[Frank Sinatra's "It
Was a Very Good Year"]

[soft jazz music]

♪ ♪

FRANK: ♪ When I was 17 ♪

♪ It was a very good year ♪

YOUNG LEONARD: You know the people
that you work for are assholes.

♪ It was a very good year ♪

♪ For small town girls ♪

♪ And soft summer nights ♪

- Go take it.
- Go ahead and take it.

Proud of yourself? It's
a piece of shit anyway.

Good luck in life.
You have no skillset.

f*cking g*ons. Jake,
what's the problem?

Go to work, Jake.

Oh, right, you don't have a job.

m*therf*cking losers.

[no audible dialogue]

♪ ♪

- Tickets, please. All tickets.
- Hey, what's up? Beth?


It's Grubb. BETH: No, I know.

Uh, this is my par...
My boyfriend, Matt.

Grubb, we went to
high school together

and... and middle
school, I think.

- Glory days, right?
- What's up, man?

Round trip from the city.

I always knew you'd
do something big.


Yeah, well, we work at the...

One of the top wine
companies in the country, so.

In the county.

I bet you get
loads of free wine.

- [phone rings]
- Excuse me. I gotta take this.

Conference calls.
You get it, right?

No. No, I don't.

Good to see you.

GRUBB: Well, when I tell
my wife, she is gonna shit.

You remember Maggie
O'Dannihan, right?

Yeah, Maggie O'Dannihan.

She hung with Denise Flarrety,

Erin Finnegan, and
the McGuinness girls.

Right. Yeah. Yeah.

- Maggie and I had five.
- We had sets of twins.

Then we had Irish twins.

Then we had a little...
Little tender moment show up.

- It was nice.
- Oh.

I tell you, all those girls,

Maggie and... They
all looked up to you.

They thought you were
the freaking coolest.

Wow. GRUBB: They did.

Okay. Sorry, bud.

People liked you in high school?

More like middle
school, but yeah.

Then she got a little
quiet in high school,

and then she kind of
did her own thing.

You still play volleyball
with your girls?

- Volleyball.
- I don't play volleyball

with my high school
team anymore.

You were so good even after
that thing that happened

on the water or something.

Yeah, my accident. Yeah.

You were in an accident?

Yeah, you know the
scar on my leg.

I-I definitely told you.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, maybe.

You talk to anybody from home?

- My girls when, you know...
- It's hard, though.

Everybody's like a family so...

Yeah, tell me about it.

Well, they're gonna be so pissed

that you didn't
reach out to them.

- Okay.
- Listen, maybe if you just

talk to some of them,
you might feel something.

It might help, you know?
She hasn't cried yet.

- My mom died.
- That's what he's talking about.

Ah, I'm so sorry.

I just punched your ticket,

otherwise I would have
given you a free ride.

- It's really fine.
- I'm really... I'm fine, so.

GRUBB: I can give him
a free ride, though.

- MATT: Very cool, man.
- Thank you.

Yeah, it's been...
it's been really hard.

It doesn't even
really feel real.

Dude, take this. Come on.

It's serious. MATT: Yeah?

Take... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, suck that down.
It's a good one.

- It's actually cold.
- Thanks, man. Thank you.

Well, it's good to see you, huh?

Sorry your mom's dead. Sucks.

[sentimental music]

Thanks. GRUBB: All right.

MATT: Thanks, Grubb.

Not bad.

Not bad. It's the same thing.
I mean, there's, uh, flowers.

You like flowers,
right, sweetheart?

It's not bad.

YOUNG JANE: Oh, my God.

You know, this is a good thing.

Only losers live in big houses.


YOUNG BETH: Now, come
on. Let's get inside.


YOUNG BETH: Thank you.

You okay?

[phone chimes]

[phone chimes]

[pensive music]

♪ ♪

YOUNG LIZ: Don't read it, okay?

YOUNG BETH: Uh, okay.

YOUNG LIZ: Promise?


[sentimental music]

♪ ♪

YOUNG JANE: You wanna try some?


All right, come here.
Open your mouth like this.

Ah. Yeah, a little
more. Good job.

Okay, a little more. Ah.

Okay, now look. No,
I just fixed it.

I'm so proud of you.

Find anything?


Just... just this.

Funeral plans. That's great.


It's just a Post-it that
says "Kiss From A Rose."

Is that the Seal song?

BETH: I don't know.

Does it feel weird
splitting a sandwich

with my deceased mom?

[sentimental music]

♪ ♪

Liz, um, as my
best friend, uh...

I think he would've
wanted you to speak first.

You were one of the greats,
and we'll all miss you.

Goodbye. Goodbye, Gonzo.

YOUNG LIZ: Bye, Gonzo.

[phone buzzing]

BETH: Hey.

ANN: Hey. Are you at Mom's?

Yeah. Um.

Does the name Gonzo
ring a bell for you?

Um, the Muppet?

BETH: The gerbil.

Liz and I had a funeral for him.

I wrote him, like,
a full eulogy.

ANN: Uh, no. Uh-uh.

You ever see Liz around?

Uh, just once.

We both committed
hard to pretending

we didn't see each other.

Sorry I didn't tell you.

No, it's fine. Um.

Any chance you can come to
the funeral home with me?

Dude, that's why I'm calling.

I, uh, I... so...

Uh, can't.

Ye... that's fine.

It's... it's okay 'cause
Matt's coming with me, so.

Um... [phone beeps]


- Looks like King Tut.
- [toilet flushes]

I'm sorry about that.

I'm sure you must
be going through

just unimaginable grief.

All that we ask is
that you allow us

to carry you through this,
uh... It's a very sacred time.

Um, and how much does it cost

to be carried through
the sacred time?

You know, that depends
on the level of quality

that you feel your
mother deserves.

It's a final ceremony of
love and gratitude, so.

Yeah, so I-I think, uh,

that the second cheapest option

is the best way to honor
her with love and gratitude.

That's entirely up to you.

Do you ever serve
champagne at these things?

I... I'm not Jewish,
so I don't know.

Is the body here?

Oh, sorry. I didn't
know you had people.

Yeah, they were early.

Lewis, would you please
relieve Monica downstairs?

She's with the recently
deceased beloved soup

in the basement.

I just said... Did
I just say soup?

- I'm so so...
- Yeah.

So I'm trying this
intermittent fasting thing,

and I'm a little schmitzed.

- What are you doing?
- Like a 16/8 split, or...?

That is what it's
supposed to be.

Do you know what your
body fat percentage is?

- FUNERAL DIRECTOR: I have no...
- Is he the embalmer, or...?

Oh, uh, Jew bodies
aren't embalmed.

Okay. Thank you, Lewis.

That's all we need
for now. Thank you.

LEWIS: Okay. Okay.

I want to assure you that
your muffins remain...

Oh my God, I did it again.

I'm so sorry. I'm very hungry.

Your mother will never be alone.

She'll be handled with the
utmost care in accordance

with Jewish tradition.


Yeah, if I need a tissue,
I'll just take one.

Can I get one?

Of course, you can.

[phone timer rings]

Oh, thank God.
Oh, finally. Okay.

Excuse me.

- Mmm.
- [chuckles]

[phone dings]

[somber jazz music]

♪ ♪

[news report playing

Well, this is a little weird.

This is very weird.

I wanted to go back to the city.

I don't want to spend 50 minutes

each way out and back

plus subways and
everything else.

We're here. That's better.

Do you wanna have sex?




No, I just...

I didn't think you
were gonna say yes.

Do you want to?

I don't know.

Do you still have your period?


I'm not... no.

For your day tomorrow,
here's how it goes.

You'll start off dry.

You'll stay dry
throughout the day.

61 is the morning temperature...

[solemn woodwind music]

♪ ♪

[Matt sobbing]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

YOUNG BETH: ♪ Baruch Atah
Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha'olam ♪

♪ Asher ba-char banu
mi-kol ha'amim ♪

♪ V'natan lanu et Torah-to ♪

- Uh...
- ♪ Baruch ♪

♪ Baruch Atah Adonai ♪

♪ Notain ha-Torah ♪


I hope that made you feel

a little less heavy in the heart

'cause I know it did me.

Please follow me on Snapchat.

I know right now I'm kind of

on thin ice over there,
but I think I'm...

They're gonna activate me
again by the end of the week.

So happiness, health,
and go in peace.

Well, it's not the coffee
company, it's wine.

I don't know what else you
want me to say, Lillian.

I loved that. Are you psyched?


This is all such a mistake.


Hey, um, do you think
Dad's gonna show?

BETH: Uh, his phone was
disconnected when I tried him, so...

Where's Maya and everyone?

I didn't call them.

ANN: Your only friends?

- I have other friends.
- Brie, Davis.

Matt's friends who
don't like you?

- [Matt laughs]
- That's fair.

[speaking indistinctly]

[phone dings]

[somber jazz music]

If we hustle, we can catch
the 120 Express to Penn.

I feel like a drink.

We have some IPAs in the fridge

or maybe I drank them.


- I feel like a drink in a bar.
- This bar.

I definitely don't want that.

No, the whole point is
to get in and get out

and not see anybody.

Come on. You won't.

No way.

I don't know about
you, but I'm grieving,

and I refuse to do
that sober anymore.

So just one drink. We
can catch the next train.

It's no big deal. Please?

Okay, one drink,

but if anyone I know is
in there, we're leaving.

You got it.

Should we just leave our shit?

MATT: I'll be right back.

What's going on?

Why is everyone I know here?

What's happening? Maya.

Maya, what the f*ck is going on?

It's a flash mob. I'm sorry.

No. Why? Why? No.

MATT: ♪ You made it
through your 30s ♪

[upbeat dance music playing]

♪ That time, it really flew ♪


♪ Not my fault we met
when you were 32 ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Now you're mine
and that's fine ♪

♪ We'll make love ♪
BETH: Oh, God.

♪ Till the end of time
'cause I make you feel ♪

- Someone make it stop.
- Annie, make it stop.

Annie, I can still see
you with your eyes closed.

MATT: ♪ Sexy and cool ♪

♪ We're getting married ♪

ALL: Whoo!

♪ Married, married,
married, married, married ♪

ALL: Whoo!

♪ We're getting married ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel so good inside ♪

♪ ♪

Beth, we're finally
getting married.

Ring TBD.

What do you say?
Are you with me?


That felt like a yes!

[all cheering]

Drink up. Champagne's
on me and my wife.

Yeah, hey, my mom's
funeral was today.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Our mom's funeral.

All right, I'm just
a little confused

about the timing of today.


- Yeah, well, that's...
- That's why I did it, you know?

So you'd remember
this as a good day.

It's kind of like how I take
us to Medieval Times on 9/11.

Yeah, Matt always
plans the best 9/11s.


- Yeah, I just... I'm...
- I was... I'm... I'm confused.

Well, we've been working
on it a couple of weeks,

and I knew we were
gonna be out here,

so I just, like,
rallied everybody here.

MERI: Oh, my God! We did it.

We did it. That was
just incredible.

MATT: Thank you.

Beth, you must be,
like, so thrilled.

I am so thrilled. MERI: Yeah.

Can I play you a song on the
jukebox, like, real quick?

You can show me how to use it.

Sure. Yeah. Yeah.

Boop, boop, boop,
boop, boop, bapa.

Yeah, I heard on the
internet that they do this

at Jewish funerals instead of
leaving flowers on the grave.

- That's right.
- That's really considerate.

Thanks, Clark.

Actually, I've grown
kind of attached to it.

I think I'll just hold onto it.

Yeah. Yeah.

But that rabbi did tell me

that you didn't cry at the
funeral, which is weird.

- MAYA: Oh, God.
- Oh, really?

Okay, like, why has
he been saying that?

Isn't there, like, rabbi
confidentiality or something?

- No, they're very chatty.
- MAYA: No.

Okay, well, he was, like,
promoting his OnlyFan sites.

What is it? 'Cause he fine.

- JEN: The rabbi?
- Not really.

MAYA: Yes, really!

- Something's wrong with you.
- Does anyone have any Advil?

No, what's wrong? What hurts?

Just my vag*na 'cause
your dad was, like,

- pounding it so hard last night.
- Come on.

You walked right into that.

- Every time I walk into that.
- I know.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I just love f*cking
your dad. No, I am...

Fine, I'll take it as a
compliment, I don't care.

No, my back, my head,
my stomach, everything.

- MAYA: Oh.
- I'm... it's not good.

- You sound achy.
- Yeah.

I got some weed that I
got from Charles's room.

Yeah, it's in my car.
You want me to go get it?

Isn't Charles, like, ten?

- No, he's 13.
- I'm sorry.

'Cause you're his
godmother, right?

BETH: I'm s... I'm sorry.

Did we smoke pot
when we were 13?

Isn't that, like,
young? MAYA: Yes.

You know, we should
have Liz check

backpacks during gym.


Um, Liz, Liz or Liz?

- I'm sorry.
- I shouldn't have said that.

- No, it's fine. No, it's fine.
- You can talk about Liz.

I'm not... I-I didn't know
she was teaching again.

Yeah, the boys had her
last year, I'm sorry.

MATT: Hey. Hey-hey.

ALL: Hi.

BETH: Hey.

I think you should say
something about your mother

and our engagement.


MATT: Just thank
people for coming.

Yeah, I need... I need, like,
some Advil or something.

Do you wanna... would
you go grab some for me?

- Oh, real quick?
- Yeah.

Do you have like 47 bucks?

You want $47? MATT: Yeah.


You thought I was being real
shady on my phone, right?

Like I was cheating
on you or something.

- Oh, my God.
- I did notice the groupie.

No. He wouldn't do that.


Uh, I'm gonna real
quick get some Advil.

[somber jazz music]

♪ ♪

LAVAR: What's your
date of birth?

Mr. DOUYON: Ninth
month, day 640.

You mean September 6, 1940?

No, son. The name's Douyon.

Richard Douyon.

Okay, give me ten
minutes, Mr. Douyon.

Why you gotta say the
date of birth backwards?

- Damn.
- Just this.


Beth? Oh, shit.

BETH: Oh, my God. I thought
you were in Atlanta.

Yeah, well, I was
there, but you know,

back here now, but
what's new with you?

Oh, I think I might've
actually just gotten engaged.

- Wow.
- Who is marrying Bethany Jones?

- BETH: Oh.
- Let me guess.

A civil rights
attorney? Pediatrician?

No, he's none of those things.

He's nothing.

He... no, I mean, he's...
you know, he's a good guy.

He's... everybody likes him.
It's... he's... it's good.

Wow, that sounds good, man.

- BETH: Yeah.
- Amazing.

BETH: How's your family?

MR. DOUYON: Tenth month forty.

Mr. Douyon, please have a seat.

It's been 30 minutes.

LAVAR: It's been two.

It's been two.

LAVAR: It's just two
minutes, okay? Just please.


My mom died.

Shit, man.

I'm... I'm sorry
to hear that, Beth.

I just wanted to tell you
that, um, it's so good

to see an old friend.

I probably don't
seem that upset.

I don't seem upset enough.

Everybody really seems to be
really disappointed about that.

- Well, you know what?
- f*ck everybody.

You know, they should mind
their own damn business.

Yeah, all right.

Douyon, please have a seat.

Brother, I'm gonna
take care of you.

- All right.
- Good to see you, Lavar.

Uh, Beth?


You need to pay for the Advil.

Shit. I'm sorry.

[somber woodwind music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Where the hell have you been?

I was getting Advil.

You ready to say something?


People need to hear from you.

You're gonna regret
this. It's your mother.

Okay, let's just go. The
rabbi is gonna call you up.

No. No.


RABBI: In honor, of
course, of the deceased,

I've decided to stream
this on Facebook Live,

and you can download it

for the next 24 hours,
so please check it out.

And, um, now I think, uh,

Beth would like to
say a few words.

So how about a hand
for Beth, please?

[cheers and applause] Beth.


RABBI: Uh... here we go.

Sorry, uh, Beth...

Can't begin to describe
what a loss this is

and how happy she is
about our engagement.

You know, Jane, um,

once thanked me for
being with Beth.

She said, "Thank you
for being with Beth."

I'm leaving Matt.

She knew that I
would be with her

and watch over her forever.

I know.

MATT: As her husband,

as her best friend...

ANN: It's... we're
grieving. Our mom died.

BETH: We're under duress.

[Alabama Shakes'
"Always Alright"]

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

So waiting over there?

SINGER: ♪ Well, you come
upstairs but not to talk ♪

♪ You stay a little while
then you do a little walk ♪

♪ On home ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I hear you downstairs
smoking cigarettes ♪

♪ I hear you talking shit ♪

♪ 'Cause you ain't got
nothing to talk about at all ♪

♪ ♪

♪ So you took me to the party
and you got me to notice ♪

♪ That you wanna feel
good and you feel like ♪

♪ You're gonna explode ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Well, I don't care,
can't pay attention ♪

♪ And I don't give a damn
about your intentions at all ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Well, pass me the
whiskey, pass me the gin ♪

♪ Pass me whatever
there's drink left in ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Well, I don't care if
it's 7:00 in the morning ♪

♪ For all I care it could
be the second coming ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Well, you say you
can't take it anymore ♪

♪ You can't live like this ♪

♪ It's a really big deal ♪

It's so easy!