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01x01 - Three Women

Posted: 02/17/24 09:50
by bunniefuu




Mr. Talese? It's Gia Lombardi.


I'm in the vermillion parlour.

Take your shoes off and close the door.

You're letting all the AC out,
for f*ck's sake.


[TALESE] Your editor said
you were hanging by a thread.

Come on in.

Let me see that desperation up close.



[TALESE] This is the kind of
gift you give when you earn out,

- not before you start.

[TALESE] Have a seat.

Female writers generally don't do

the same sort of work I do.

So I found myself quite perplexed

with this request.

But then, of course,

I figured out how I could help you.

Great, I'm in...

The only thing I could have done

additionally to fortify
Thy Neighbour's Wife

would have been to f*ck the men, too.

- Uh-huh. [CHUCKLES]
- I could have.

But I didn't want to.


So, uh, you're not participating
in the research?

Mm. Mm-mmm.

Not really.
I'm, I mean, I'm a journalist.

And I'm not?


"Uh," what? You keep using this word.

What, are you afraid
what your parents will think?

No. No, my parents are dead.

So, write about it.

Real writers don't give a f*ck about

anything but the work.

The work supersedes all.

Are you working hard enough?


My publisher just threw 200,000
words into the trash,

so I think I am. [CHUCKLES]

Horseshit. Call me when you're the one

throwing 200,000 words into the trash.

How young were you when they died?

Early 20s.

Oh, you were an adult.

I was expecting you to say
something tragic, like nine.

So, you have grief,
you have trauma. That's good.

I can't write about my parents.
It has to be about sex.

And specifically... sex in America.

Exactly, and that's why we're here.


So, I'll tell you
what you're going to do.

You're gonna go out there
and f*ck married men.

You'll keep a log.

Why did they cheat?
At what point did they cheat?

Does it matter if their wives
are ugly or old

or they just refuse to f*ck?

Where have you been in America?

Um, San Francisco,

- Los Angeles...
- Please. New York?

The west coast? That's not America.

You need to get out of the city.

You need to get out
in the country and meet people.

Real people. Not New Yorkers.

You need to f*ck people.
A lot of people.

Married people. Married people
hold the key to sex in America.



♪ "Iko Iko" by The Belle Stars ♪


Can you believe that actually happened?

My idol told me to f*ck married men.


Well, I managed to finish the book

without f*cking anyone married.

But as wrong as Gay was
about who holds the key

to sex in America,
he was right about one thing.

That I was looking in the wrong places.

♪ Iko iko an nay... ♪

So I started thinking
about my dead parents.

♪ Jockomo feena nay... ♪

My dad being flung from
his Chevy at 65 miles an hour.

My mother being sucked dry from cancer.

And like anyone who's alone
because of cars and cancer

and doesn't know what they're doing,

I drove across the country and back.

And then back again.

And in driving I found

what I didn't know I was looking for.

♪ Jockomo feena... ♪

Lina, a housewife in rural Indiana

whose husband no longer
wanted to kiss her on the mouth.

He refused, in fact,
to touch her at all.

Sloane, the most beautiful woman

I'd ever seen up close,

who lived on an island and had a secret

it would take me many months to learn.

And Maggie,

a girl whose first
real experience of love

was with her married English teacher.

♪ Jockomo feena nay... ♪

So, it was simple for me
to answer the question

when people wanted to know why.

Why this person and not that one?

Why her and not me?

Why these three women?

Because these three were unheard
in all the lonely ways.

And more than I wanted
to tell their stories,

I wanted to hear them myself.

Because unlike so many others I spoke to

over the course of eight years,

Lina, Sloane and Maggie

were not people
who wanted to be watched.

They were women who needed to be seen.

♪ See that guy all dressed in green ♪

♪ Iko iko an nay ♪

♪ He's not a man,
he's a loving machine ♪

♪ Jockomo feena nay ♪

- ♪ Talkin' bout hey now ♪
- ♪ Hey now ♪

- ♪ Hey, now ♪
- ♪ Hey, now ♪

♪ Jockomo feena nay ♪

[MAN] Come on!

[GIA] Some parts of the country

still don't want to see women at all.

Which is why Lina
became so important to me.

Her outsized desire

and how she had to hide it away
from the rest of the world.

Which was hard for her, because Lina

still moves like a teenager.

Nervous, guarded,


She spends hours crafting each movement

in approaching her own husband.

All Lina has ever wanted is

to be fully in love
and forever partnered.

Like a penguin.



Lina, enough.



You can't be a little gentler?



[GIA] There are two kinds
of 15-year-old girls.

And Lina always knew she
belonged to the type that did

more sticker collecting
than French kissing.

But kissing a boy,

someone who wanted to kiss her back,

was the only thing she ever wanted.

And it's still the thing she wants most

in the whole world.



- [ED] Leen!


[ED] Leen, kids are up.


[HINES] There are duties.

The things that we must fulfil
as husband and wife.

Lina, you want Ed to kiss you.

Uh, to be more affectionate, as such.

Exactly, and I just don't think
that that's too much to ask.

You know, we talk about, things that are

you know, annoying about marriage.

- There's also plenty that's...
- Now just hang on a moment,

darling. Ed, I understand

this is difficult for you.

I just don't like the way it feels.

How is that?

I don't know. Um...

something. I j... I...

Something. I don't know.

Well, I don't like
the feeling of wet wool.

Feels yucky.
Gives me the heebie jeebies.


Yeah, like that, yeah.

And so, likewise, Lina doesn't
like your itchy Colts blanket.

Apparently not.

[HINES] Now, can you commit to...

fold it up, save it for game day?


[HINES] See now, Lina?

The yucky way you feel

when you rub up against
that itchy old Colts blanket,

you need to understand that
kissing you on the mouth

makes Ed feel just like that.

Now, he's willing to let go
of the blanket for you, see?

You need to let go of the kissing.

For him.



Did you know that some people
just buy stuff?

They don't have
to look at their accounts

or plan every single thing.


Oh, look, the Easter Bunny.

It's not for six freakin' months.

This is from last year.


Just buy it when they need it,
some people, or want something.

Their husbands don't
yell at them for it.



Fetch me that pitcher.

As you wish.

[GIA] Lina once asked me,

"Do you know how some men,

they're men even when they're boys?

Like, they're men.

They hold doors open
and they don't hurt you.

And they smell so good.

Their hair and their eyes.

And they look at you
like you're beautiful."

And Aidan...

oh, he had this special nickname for her

that just lit her whole world up.

Hey, kid.

Hey, yourself.



[MAN] Can I help you, ma'am?


Hmm, what? What? No.

No thank you. [LAUGHING]

[DIANA] Lina Parrish.

Hi. Oh, my goodness!

Di! How the heck are you?

Well, four f*cking kids.

- Wow.
- What the heck with the gloves?

- It's not that cold out here.
- Well, I got pain in my joints

and the docs can't say what's
causing it. Well, that's...

One of them said that
it might all be in my head.

So, maybe it is. [LAUGHS]

Anyway, it hurts less
when I keep them warm.

You got to go see Doc Henry.

White Rabbit Body Works.

Down on Hendricks.

Doc Henry is a gosh dang miracle worker.

Does he take insurance?

Oh, he'll work with you
if things are tight.

Tell him I sent you.

He'll give me some coupon. [LAUGHS]

The only...

- weird thing is...
- Yeah?

He's Indian.

Like, from India.

- Yeah? [LAUGHS]
- Yeah. No.

Not saying it's a big deal, just...

never had an Indian touching my body.

- Takes some getting used to.
- Right.


I better go before he gets
to the end of that bag.

All right, sweetheart.

- Bye.
- Bye.




[HENRY] All right, sweetheart.

[LINA] So, there's two waves
that I deal with, which is,

like, sort of, uh, a pulsing
hum, and then there's a surge

that feels kind of like a cat
scratching from the inside.

I do have to say,
in the last couple days, um,

it's sort of been...

So, it's actually happening, uh...

this is an example of the, um...

Ooh, boy, it's, uh, it's totally...

- this is, this is what hap...
- Okay, okay.

- Come here, it's okay.
- Okay.

[GIA LAUGHS] It's so funny, this...



Tell me where the pain is.

Well, it's, um...

So, it's down below. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, plus my, uh...

joints just hurt so bad all the time.


There you go.

- Okay.
- Okay.

You got "endo-me-tri-osis."

You got "fi-bro-my-algia."

Now, most doctors around here tell you

that disease don't exist,
but I'm educated in Chicago,

see, and it's real, Linda.

- It's...
- And a good number of diseases,

they derive some...

from the brain.

From decades

of heartache.

Life is hard, darling.

Hits some of us harder than others.

- Does that sound right?
- Yeah.


So, tell me...

you on birth control?

Am I on birth control? Uh, no.

- Okay.

So, we're gonna do a regular exam.

And by the way, I do warm my speculum.

Most docs won't do that.

But we're gonna do the regular.

I'm gonna give you Loestrin.

- Um...
- I'm gonna give you Voltaren.

Sounds like Superman's bad guys, I know,

only they are not bad guys,

they are good guys.

My girl outside...

she's gonna give you
some breathing exercises.

- You're gonna do those at home.

See how all that goes, you
come back here in two weeks.

How's that sound?

It's good, good.

Um... yeah.

Just the, uh, the...
just the birth control.

Won't that make me gain weight?

Tell you what, sweetheart.

Why don't we get this all under control,

reduce the inflammation,

then we can start
thinking about beach bodies

and drinking piña coladas in the rain.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

[GIA] Back in New York, people ask,

"What is it about
this housewife in Indiana?"

I tried to explain it.

I had never met anyone so connected
to their desire.

But for someone

who wanted to be loved so badly,

there was no worse body
to be in than hers.

Not because it wasn't lovely,

but because it was always in pain.

And it seemed nobody in the world

wanted to go near it. Her husband

had not touched her in 45 days.

She kept a calendar and marked the days

with a fat, red marker.

[HENRY] Straighten your legs
out, relax a little bit for me.

- [LINA] Okay.
- Okay.

Now, I want you to show me,

while I add pressure to your diaphragm,

the ones you've been doing.


- Like that?
- Are you asking me?

Uh, no, I was doing them
like that. Is that okay?

There's no wrong way to do it.
It's a practice, just like

anything else
we put our time into, okay?

- Okay.
- You know why they

call a doctor's office a practice?

I've never really thought about it.

'Cause we're supposed
to be getting better at this

- every day.
- Aw.

- How am I doing?

- Good, I guess.
- Good.

- All right, you can sit up.
- Okay.

I'm just...

I'm sorry, Lori.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm sorry.

I just can't imagine a man in the world

who wouldn't want to kiss you.

I can't.

[QUIETLY] Thank you.

- Oh.

- Oh, sweetheart.
- I just... Yeah.


I'm sorry, he just makes me...

he just makes me feel really ugly.

Here, there you go.

All right.


You know, with women,

there comes a day

when you realise
you're never gonna be a model.

When was that day for you, Lina?

- I was 14.
- Mm.


Tell me, sweetheart.

What do you want?

What do I...?

I mean, I want, what?

I want...

I want to drive down a dirt road


- Mm-hmm.
- But, like, with a...


Like, the wind's blowing in my hair.

And my arms are wrapped
around his waist.

And I just want to be with someone
who makes me feel...


As you should, darling.


All right.

Now that we got the pain under control,

I'm gonna tell you about my program.



it's for weight loss, sure.


it's a whole lot more than that.

- It's an overhaul

of the mind, body and soul.

Exercise, hormones, therapy, the lot.

And you get one hour with me bimonthly.

That's twice in a month.

Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you

it's gonna change your life,
but, sweetheart,

this is gonna change your f*cking life.

And I swear to Jesus, darling,

feeling good... here...

and here...

and there...

mmm... heals pain better
than medicine in some cases.

You can trust me on that.

And as such what I know,

in my soul, is there ain't nothing

in this whole world that heals

some of those ills

like a good...




♪ "Human Touch" by Bruce Springsteen ♪


Mm-hmm. Yeah, you can send her in.

- All right.

♪ You and me ♪

- ♪ We were the pretenders ♪
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, I'll tell her. All right.

- ♪ We let it all slip away ♪
- Hey.

Everything's gonna be okay, Linda.

- All right.
- ♪ In the end ♪

♪ What you don't surrender ♪

- Gia!
- ♪ Well, the world ♪

- ♪ Just strips away ♪
- You out there, baby?

♪ Girl, ain't no kindness
in the face of strangers ♪

Come in here, baby girl.

♪ Ain't gonna find no miracles here ♪

♪ Well, you can wait
on your blessings, my darlin' ♪

♪ I got a deal for you right here ♪

♪ I ain't looking for praise or pity ♪

♪ I ain't comin' round
searching for a crutch ♪

♪ I just want someone to talk to ♪

♪ And a little of that human touch ♪

♪ Just a little of that human touch ♪

♪ Yeah ♪



[GIA] Sloane's problem

was that her light was too bright,

so she'd learned how to turn it down

and how to come off
as a hard and pretty shell.

Because when your light is too bright,

people f*cking hate you.

They also love to talk about you.

And they all said to me,

"Oh, you have to meet Sloane.

She's unbelievably gorgeous."

She and her husband
are enviously successful.

And she's his ultimate fantasy.

- But it's not all perfect.

There's a secret
not too many people knew,

but those who did
brought it around like a jewel.

The secret was that she and her husband

brought other people into the bedroom.

Other women hated her because of it,

like she was there
to remind their husbands

that some wives still liked to f*ck.



- Shit. f*ck.

[GIA] People thought
it was her husband's desire

she was feeding,

but it was really Sloane's.

Her mother had embraced her
a number of times

she could count on her hands.

So who was anyone to judge her

if she experienced tenderness and love

with another man? Or woman?

That she felt warmth, even,

watching her husband inside
of someone else.

They had rules that they did not break.

But there were other rules.
Unspoken ones.

She knew, for example,
that the other men could not be

in any way better than him.


[RICHARD] Sophie.

Been three days in a row.

I got three horses three days in a row.
Where's my cat?

Guess what I'm drawing today.

What are you drawing today?

[SOPHIE] Just a plain white horse.


I didn't think you were serious
when you said you hated pools.

I mean, who hates pools?

- Chipmunk.
- Uh, f*cking Lestat hates pools.

Marquis de Sade.

In the pool, I feel like
I'm swimming in my own spit.

And I just saw you using
our $75,000 spittoon

to clean seaweed.

You just keep dicing those Persian
cucumbers and mind your business.

[RICHARD] Mm-hmm.

Sophie, I'll be right back, baby.


Drink your juice.






[GIA] One moment, Sloane believed

she deserves the world.

Her beautiful husband who wants her more

than any husband
has ever wanted his wife.

One moment, the only person
Sloane aspires to be

is her best self.

- And the very next,

she believes she should eat shit
and die alone.




Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. All right.

Like to do it just a little higher.

Go easy with it.

Yeah, yeah, perfect.

- Oysters are up, chef.
- All right, thanks, Jay.

Equal amounts of roe on each,
please, Lydia.

Like, exactly?

People crave parity.


Even in their devilled eggs.

An amuse-bouche of socialism
goes a long way...



Hey, you.

The oysters. Not great.

How not great?



- Mm-hmm.
- Lisette.

Please tell Brandon
to take down the raw bar now.

But i-it's already set up.


- Okay. Luke, right?
- Yeah.

I need you to grab her champagne.

It's all right.
We just need a new oyster man.

[SLOANE] Or woman.


We are gonna get the best oysters

on the f*cking coast.

Ooh, baby.

- [CHUCKLES] Okay.

[LUKE] Here you go.

[RICHARD] My man.

Thank you.

What a weird fetish you have
for hot young guys.

You ever think maybe it's just waiters?

- I'm gonna get to work.

♪ "Cosita Buena" by Gitanos Del Barrio ♪


What do you think? Guy on the right.

[SLOANE] Not boring?

[RICHARD] I thought that's what
you liked about white dudes.

[GIA] Sometimes Sloane finds
the exact right person.

Someone who excites her

and is fine by her husband.

Sometimes it satisfies her.

But sometimes she forgets what
she likes about other people.

What she wants in them

is the very same thing
her husband craves about her.

The danger

and the cruelty.


I'm sorry, would you serve
the gentleman first?

Uh, yeah.

This looks delicious.

But I am going to have
a Glenlivet, please.

- Okay.
- Neat.

Is it a neat night?



[MAN] Got a nice pool.

That'll boost your Zestimate.

- [RICHARD] Yeah, right?

Alexa, play "Sloane's Saturday Night."

[ALEXA] Playing "Sloane's
Saturday Night" playlist.

♪ Ooh ♪

Oh, f*ck, yeah.


Have a seat.


- ♪ Ooh ♪
- ♪ Ooh... ♪

f*ck yeah.

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

Sloane only listens to music
written, composed

or performed by Black women.

[SLOANE] It's just that...

we do it so much better.


Do what?

♪ When they come around ♪

♪ They just two-faced ♪

♪ Better check your attitude ♪

♪ You need to stay away ♪

- ♪ From me ♪

♪ Show me some gratitude ♪

♪ You saw me and it's plain to ♪


♪ See ♪

f*ck. [CHUCKLES]

♪ Why you do me like that? ♪

♪ Why? ♪

♪ Show me love, then you take it back ♪

- ♪ Why? ♪
- ♪ Why you do me like that? ♪

♪ Why? ♪

♪ Show me love, then you take it back ♪

- ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ungrateful one ♪

Sit on my face.

[RICHARD] No, no, no, no, no, no.

- ♪ Ooh ♪
- ♪ Better watch how... ♪

She prefers it...

♪ 'Cause you gone too far ♪

lying back.

♪ Some, some people
ain't gonna roll with you ♪

♪ But they want to reap the benefits ♪

♪ Be the first one you see
when things are looking good ♪

♪ There they go, saying,
"I'm your best friend" ♪

- ♪ Better check your attitude ♪

♪ You need to stay away from me ♪

♪ Oh, yes, you do ♪

♪ Show me some gratitude ♪

♪ But you keep on acting so shady ♪

♪ Tell me ♪

- ♪ Why you do me like that? ♪
- [MAN] Oh, f*ck.

- ♪ Oh ♪

♪ Show me love, then you take it back ♪

♪ Oh, you're so mean ♪

♪ Why you do me like that? ♪

Whoa, slow down there, partner.

♪ Show me love, then you take it back ♪

♪ Won't you tell me now ♪

♪ Why you do me like that? ♪

♪ What have I done to you? ♪

♪ Show me love, then you take it back ♪

♪ Oh, you take it back ♪

- ♪ Why you do me like that? ♪

♪ Show me love, then you take it back ♪


♪ You know who you are ♪

♪ Better watch how you handle me ♪

♪ 'Cause you've gone too far ♪


♪ Why you do me like that? ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪


Babe. Babe!


- [RICHARD] Here we go.


[MAN] Oh, God, you are
going to f*cking hell, man.

f*cking oyster!

Oh, I'm coming.


♪ You take it back,
why you do me like that? ♪




Sloane Ford.

We almost took out a party
of farm-to-table influencers

with spoiled virginicas,

so I am looking for a saviour here.



You mean assholes?


You're nasty.

Actually, the name's Will.

Nice to meet you, Will.

It's a fresh one.


[GIA] This, for example,

was not the kind of man you
brought home to your husband.

[WILL] Okay.

Thank you.


How do you like it?

I'll take a million.

As you wish.

All right. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, I'm gonna go grow a million oysters.

And I am gonna go and order
aforementioned oysters.




- ♪

- Bus that glass, please.
- [BARTENDER] Yes, ma'am.

There's a lipstick stain.
You don't see that?

It's there.


She's tasty.

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Sloane, it is magical.

Thank you, Helly.

Ooh. Yes, dress. You look beautiful.

Tell the f*cking check-splitter that.

What's his name again?

Barry the check-splitter.

[LAUGHS] Where is he?

Oh, thank you.

He probably found out it's an open bar.

- Mm. Cheers.
- Thank you.

Sit with me and have a drink, girl.

I am working, and I shouldn't be

talking to the guests.

Oh, shut up, you're
richer than the guests.

- Shh.
- Come on.

[HELLY] Mmm, the raw bar is open.

Forget Barry, I want to shuck that.

All right, okay, shoo.

Go away, I'm working. I'm serious.

You're a terrible influence.

- Terrible.


Can you take this back
and have it re-plated, please?

- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.


What's up?


What do you think?

- [WILL] You're welcome.

Traditionally, this is how we do it.

Babe, I'm in the middle of my day.


♪ 'Cause, boy, you got
the best of me... ♪




Oh, uh, hi.

So, I knocked at the other door,
but no one answered.

- Makes sense.

Thought you were, um,
stopping by tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, I, uh...

It's my fault, I just
got off the boat from Chappy,

and you were right
down the street, so...

I wasn't even thinking, though.
I can come back later.

That would make me an assh*le.

- An influencer, you mean.
- Exactly.

Let me get you a check.

That's a nice pool.

I don't really like pools.

Especially when the ocean's so close.

Yeah, I hear you,
but you can enjoy both.

I have it here, I just...

It's all right.
You know, you take your time.

It's not like I need to be
out there making money

or have other shit to do today.



This is too much.

Everybody at the party couldn't
stop talking about your oysters, so...

All right, then.

Well, you have my number,

if we want to work together again.

Is that not of interest?


Well, yeah. But, you know,

there's more to life than work.

[CHUCKLES] Is there, though?

When is the last time
you went into that perfect pool?


I'll see you later.

I'd be in that pool every night
if I were you.



[GIA] It's really easy to hate
a beautiful woman with money

and a pretty family.

I saw the way people looked at her,

like they wanted to f*ck her
or k*ll her or eat her.

The judgment of others can drive
an innocent person to the brink.

Maggie, who is also beautiful,

at least did not come
from a place of money.

She didn't have a way to defend herself.

But what she did have was the audacity.

What they all had was
the audacity to believe

that they deserved more.

♪ "Sally MacLennane" by The Pogues ♪

♪ Well, Jimmy played harmonica ♪

♪ In the pub where I was born ♪

♪ He played it from the nighttime ♪

♪ To the peaceful early morn ♪

♪ He soothed the souls of psychos ♪

♪ And the men who had the horn ♪

♪ And they all looked
very happy in the morning ♪

♪ We walked him to the station
in the rain ♪

♪ We kissed him as we
put him on the train ♪

♪ And we sang him a song
of times long gone ♪

♪ Though we knew that we'd
be seeing him again ♪



I want to go home. I need to go home.

These discos are the shit.

Only dicks get the disco fries.

[CHUCKLES] Hey, I got another one.


Uh, Brad Pitt on the beach,

or Leo on a boat?

Brad is, like, my dad's age.


- So, I guess Brad.
- Why?

'Cause he played a vampire?


[GIA] Like any young girl
with a crush on an older man,

she wanted to be seen.

To be picked out of a crowd
like the glowing thing she was.

She didn't exactly know
what that meant six years ago.

She didn't know if she wanted sex
or no sex, or to undress in her room

while he watched from the sidewalk.


She was 16 then.

Look at her now at 23 on this day

that will upend her life
and many others' forever.

[MANAGER] Mags, table 66.

- Take their order, please.
- No.


- When you get done, please.
- Yeah, sure.

Will you come back because
I need your help with the Micros again.




You guys ready?

Hey, Mags.


We went to high school together.

- Hi.
- Hey.

What are you gonna get?

[GIRL 2] Oh, I feel so fat.

- [GIRL 1] Shut up.
- [GIRL 3] Can we get an order

of, uh, cheese fries? Uh, disco.

Sure. Disco. Yeah, sure.

I'm hungover. f*ck yourselves.

[GIRL 1] Can we drop that
for, like, ten minutes?

In-in life, ever?

[GIRL 2] Yeah, just like you last night.

- Shut up.

[GIRL 1] Okay.

- I'll have a Greek salad.
- Sure.

Doesn't Greek mean butt sex?



[GIRL 2] She'll have the Greek.

[GIRL 3] She'll have the Greek
tossed salad.

[GIRL 1] Leave me alone.


[WOMAN] Hey, puppy.



[ARLENE] Remember when we used to think

rich people had better lives?


What's going on?

- Hey, stop.
- What?

Go back out there and do it again.

- No.
- Maggie...

- Mom.
- Mags.

Go out there and do it again.

Fine, fine.


Don't keep me waiting.

Put 'em up.

Put 'em up!

No, higher. Higher.

Oh, there she is.

Oh, yeah, that's it. That's the girl.

She's got him against the ropes.

She's going for the one-two-one.

Let's see the jab. Let's see it.

Oh, he goes down! The crowd cheers.



be able to spit nails, kid.

You're gonna eat lightning
and you're gonna crap thunder.

You're gonna become
a very dangerous person.

- That's my girl.

After the break, in chillier local news,

North Dakota's latest
Teacher of the Year...

Look, isn't that...
Wasn't he your teacher?

Homeroom, right?




[GIA] I was in a diner
in Medora, North Dakota,

when I read about this young girl
who had spent hours on the phone

with her teacher after midnight.

My mother once told me
nothing good happens after midnight.

I couldn't believe it,

that an entire jury thought
she was lying

about something going on.

Talking on their phones for four hours,

and nothing is going on.

A married father
and his high school student.

And I could also tell
that the teacher himself,

he'd been in love.

Perverse or not, there was
something deep to this story,

and I would never be able to
get her name out of my head.

Teacher of the freaking year?!

The freaking governor was there.

Yeah, well, he's a c**t, too. Who cares?

You know, it's been five years, Mags.

Time to move on, yeah?

[WOMAN] f*ck you, Billie!


f*ck you!


♪ Mary, Mark, Luke and John ♪

♪ All the prophets so good and gone... ♪

You want me to move on, then?


♪ Keep your hands on that plow ♪

♪ Hold on ♪



Dude, I did not mean,
like, another dirtbag.

I meant dating somebody
you actually like.

- Mags!

God, you look nice.


I heard you left school.


You at Buffalo Wild Wings or...


Perkins?! Mm.

So your sister got married?

- Oh, yeah. The old dude.
- Yeah.

[LAUGHS] A tale as old as time.

Trying to piss off her preacher daddy.

It's whatever, though.
The guy's got money.

Bought her a nice apartment
in the Cities.

Got a walk-in closet.

So now I got her room above the garage.

You want to see?





I tell you I've been practicing
for the step test?

Your mom and I started doing
all the stairs at the ice arena.

Gonna do 'em every single
morning until I retest.

Get my job back.

Isn't it cold in the arena?

Not when you're working up a sweat.


I remember watching you in that arena.

You were, you were, what, eight, nine?

You were so good.

That pirouette in the air and whatnot?

- Lutz.
- You were fantastic.

Coach Linda used to call you what?

- Your toe loop was like...
- [BOTH] A hummingbird.

Didn't even make sense.
She was nuts, Dad.

Made sense to me.

All she meant was that
you were beautiful in the air.

Why'd you stop taking lessons again?


♪ somber music ♪

[GIA] The worst thing is when
you get frozen in place,

and that last person, when it seems like

there could never in the world

be a better person than them.


Oh, no, shit.

Oh, shit. Shit.

f*ck me. f*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck.

f*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck, f*ck.




- All right, ladies.
- No, give me a beer.


- My God, it's bright.
- We need some service.

- Hey, Jackson.
- Jackson!


- Jordo.




[MAGGIE] What's the matter, Jordo?

You think it's stupid?

I'm just trying
to get a fresh start here.

No, I like the tattoo.

I mean, it's silly
as f*ck, but whatever.

- What then?
- Jordan, you're being

a real sassy twat, then.

What does that mean?

- [JORDAN] Nothing.


It's supposed to be a happy
thing. Don't do this now.

[MAGGIE] What? What?

What the, what the f*ck are
you guys talking about?


We were just talking bullshit.

- But...
- But what?

- [JORDAN] Mags.
- What?

If something happened with you and him,

I don't know, maybe
it could happen again

with another girl.

♪ Well, it's no, nay, never ♪

♪ No, nay, never no more
will I play... ♪


What do you want me to do?

It's... say I'm a freaking idiot?

[BILLIE] No! She doesn't mean it.

No, I mean, I think you should
probably do something about it.

What, then? Tell me.

- What?
- I-I don't know.


♪ I go home to me parents ♪

♪ Confess what I've done ♪

- ♪ And I asked them to pardon ♪

♪ Their prodigal son ♪

♪ And when they've caressed me ♪

♪ As ofttimes before ♪

♪ Well, I never will play
the wild rover no more ♪

♪ Well, it's no, nay, never,
no, nay, never no ♪

♪ "Don't Cry For Me, Babe"
by Marti Shannon ♪

♪ We had been friends
for a long, long time ♪


♪ When you decided ♪

♪ You loved me ♪

♪ You had just lost another ♪

♪ You did not need another ♪

♪ But I told you to lean on ♪

♪ Me ♪

♪ Don't cry for me, babe, when I'm ♪

♪ Gone ♪

♪ Don't cry for me... ♪

[MAGGIE] "Dear Aaron,

I have questions I want answered."

- Ooh!


♪ It is not me you need ♪

♪ Don't cry for me, babe ♪

- ♪ When I'm ♪

♪ Gone ♪


"I've grown up and gained

a new perspective on what happened."

♪ We shared our days
and your smile returned ♪


♪ I saw your pain begin to ease ♪

"Call me when you get a chance."

♪ And then you walked away ♪

♪ You turned your back on me ♪



♪ It is not me you wanted ♪

♪ It is not me you need ♪

♪ Don't cry for me, babe, when I'm ♪

♪ Gone... ♪


"It would be in your best
interest to prove me wrong."