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14x01 - Loyalty

Posted: 02/17/24 08:06
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

Get out.

Come on.

How you doing?

Handpicked by our people in Atlanta.

Fresh off the boat.

Let's take a look.





This is exactly
what we were looking for.


Nice work. You got it, boss.

Fence, Dolan. Get 'em into the van.

Move it.

Go, go.

Please. Let me go.

You're gonna be okay. I promise.

Trust me. Come on.


- What do we got?
- Vic is Nia Fox.

BAEZ: Looks like her
husband tuned her up.

Neighbor called it in.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

Mind if we have a word?

Nia, I'm Detective Reagan,

this is my partner Detective Baez.

How you doing?

This isn't necessary.

I'm-I'm... I'm okay.

You don't look okay.

Your husband do this to you?

We had an argument.

Looks more like a fight.

A loud enough fight
that your neighbors called 911.

James lost his temper.

Okay? He's-he's really a good guy.

He ever done this to you before?

He's... T-There's just
a lot of pressure at work.

Where's your husband now?

NIA: He's at work.

But I'm not gonna press charges.

Well, we still need to speak to him.


DANNY: James Fox.

- Yes?
- Detectives Reagan and Baez.

You got a second to talk?

What's this about?

We went by your house.

Somebody did a number
on your wife's face.

Did Nia send you down here?

DANNY: No, in fact, she made us promise

we wouldn't arrest you.

It's the only way she'd tell us
where you are.

Look, I love my wife.

Then start acting like it.

BAEZ: We get another call
about you hitting Nia,

you're going to jail, understand?

Can I get back to work now?

Do you understand?

I understand.

♪ ♪


Girls are squared away, boss.

- Nice work.
- Yeah.

We are gonna make a fortune
on this shipment.

- Where they headed next?
- Our partners

have high-end buyers lined up
from Boston to Miami.

Which is none of your damn business.

Well, I wasn't talking to you, Hader.

You are the low man, Dolan.

That means you shut up,
and you do what you're told.

I work for him, though, not for you.


That's enough. Come on.

- Yeah.
- Keep talking.

Girls are saying that they're hungry.

I'll make a food run.

James to the game center.

James to PC games.


Excuse me? Um...

That kid's stealing everything in sight.

Happens a lot.

Well, are you gonna do something?

Can't. Store policy.

We're not supposed to stop shoplifters.


♪ ♪

You got a pretty good haul there, huh?

What's it to you?

Well, stealing is against the law.

So call a cop.



CHASE: Sorry to keep you.

I'm used to it.

This is for you.

Gee, thanks.

It's not from me.

It's from the Mexico City PC.

Ah. Something about settling a wager.

World Baseball Classic.

Is that thing because you lost?

No, we won. U.S. beat
Mexico out for second place.


How was your trip?

Great food, great people,

great big zero getting
any cooperation from them

about stemming the tide
of illegal immigrants.

Well, no surprise there.

Meaning you think the trip
was a waste of time.

No, not at all.

They say 90% of success
in life is just showing up.

Any idiot can just show up.

It's the other ten percent
decides you won or lost.

You either have it or you don't.

And in this case?

In this case...

four countries in five days.

I was like one of these piñatas.

But they hit me with smiles
instead of sticks.

And I hate to lose.

I think I know that.

And we are losing.

And now it's "we"?

The buses keep on coming.

We don't have the resources
to house them.

So I've decided to go another way.

Suspend the Right to Shelter law.

Right to Shelter's
for our homeless and EDPs.

Not lately. Now it's a catchall.

This thing's costing the city
five billion, with a "B,"

this year alone.

And this is coming from the guy
who, a minute ago,

was greeting those buses
with hot coffee and handshakes.

I need you there
in front of the city council

when I ask for the suspension.

[SIGHS] Why?

- Support.
- Your support will come

from your comptroller and budget office.

They're not you.

And I'm not them.

And this is not a cop thing.

You can talk about the crime wave.

The crime wave isn't caused
by this influx.

All these people,
there's got to be something.

Work up some numbers.

I can't do that.

Oh, come on, Frank.

I've seen you cook the books
for your cops

like you had four Michelin Stars.

Well, in that case, I got to say... no.


I need a yes.

Mr. Mayor, exactly what favor
are you calling in here?

I'll think of one.

In the meantime,

I've called the special session
for Monday, 11:00 a.m.

You'll be there.

♪ ♪

Your mom's on her way down.

Is that supposed to scare me?

That's between you and her. Take a seat.


Are you serious?

You act like a criminal,

you're gonna get treated like one.

Hey, Janko.

- Make yourself comfortable.
- What do we got?

Brendan Todd.

He's 12 years old, caught stealing

a bunch of merchandise
from a store near me.

- That's it?
- That is-is all it needs to be, right?

- No, cut him loose.
- Wh... I know

we don't usually collar perps
for stuff like this, but...

That's because the stores
rarely press charges,

and the Corporation Counsel
rarely prosecutes.

We let him go, what kind of
message does that send?

Well, we're not in
the message business, Janko.

That's why God made parents.

All due respect, I didn't
get into this business

- so that I could just look the other...
- We're done.

[SOFTLY]: Okay.

Are you Officer Janko?

Yes, ma'am.

Holly Todd. I am so sorry.

I have talked to Brendan about stealing.

Well, I don't think
he's quite getting the message.

Well, it's a little difficult
when there are no repercussions.

Afraid there are not going to be
any this time, either.

[SIGHS] You...

are free to go.

Nice meeting you, Officer.

Turn around. You are in trouble.

You're in very big trouble.

- Morning.
- Morning, boss.


Who's your friend?

I won a bet with the, uh,
chief of Mexico City.

What was second prize?


I think it's adorable.

In a most respectful way.

Who gets first swing?


I am not sure I want to find out
what's inside it.

Ooh. Fair enough.

You review the talking points
city hall sent over?

- I did.
- And?

Well, this reviewer gives them...

half a star.


Well, the city council
is full of a bunch

of term-limited politicians
running for their next gig.

I'm raw meat in that room as it is.

I'll do my best to avoid having
you take a political position.

Not possible.

And... here's the thing,

I don't disagree
with the mayor's position.

Not to leave this room.

Look, the Right to Shelter

is supposed to be a safety net.

You overload the safety net,

it becomes a liability, a hazard,

and it defeats the whole purpose.

So why the pushback?

'Cause it's politics,
and the boss don't do politics.

Well, I'm afraid those days
are long gone, Sid.

Everything's politics.

A fill-up at the gas station

is now a political act from one side

and a windmill's a political act
from the other.

So, again, why the pushback?

BAKER: A full third
of the ranks he commands

are either immigrants themselves
or come from a Hispanic heritage.

With a takeaway that, while unintended,

is fully justified.

Then that's their problem.

Well, their problem is my problem

as long as I'm sitting in this chair.

And if

Himself over there appeared
to be hinting

that the Irish should stay home
and just make do,

my tribe would have a whole
hell of a lot to say about that,

and most of it unprintable.


That one can't be more than 18.

You ever think about what we're doing?

Got to make a living.

Yeah, but she's just a kid.

Hader. What are you doing?

Oh, I'm, uh, checking out
the merchandise.

Come on, man. Shut your mouth!

Hey. Come on, man.

Just let her go, all right?

Why would I do that?

Because no one touches the girls

- till after we move 'em.
- Oh, my...

I've had just about enough of you.

Just get out of my face, Hader.

Yeah, I c... I could do that, or...

I could cut your face.

Hader, put the knife down, man, come on!

Hey, didn't I tell you to shut your m...

QUINN: Hey, break it up!

Now we got an even fight. Come on!

Hey. Hey, hey! Break it up!

Break it.

Hey! What happened?

He was messing with the girls.

You know the rules.

Take a walk.

This mochaccino sucks.

That's why I stick to black coffee.

Can't screw it up.

DISPATCH: 5-4 George.

We have a 10-10, sh*ts fired.

That's James and Nia Fox.

Damn it.


What happened?

Wife said she was upstairs with
her kid when she heard g*nshots.

- Where is she now?
- In the kitchen.

Nia, you okay?

I can't believe he's gone...

Do you keep a g*n in the house?

In the living room cabinet.

I-I tried looking for it
after I called 911,

but it's not there.

Not there, huh?

Anything else you want to tell us?

[STAMMERS] Like I told the officer,

I was upstairs when I heard the sh*ts.

You're gonna need to find someone

to look after Jordan for a while.

- Why?
- Because it'd be best

if we continue this conversation

down at the squad room.

♪ ♪

Come on in. Have a seat.

Am I under arrest?

Just have a seat, Nia, please.

You know, we can't help you

unless you tell us what really happened.

Like I said, I was upstairs
when I heard the sh*ts.

And when I got downstairs,

James was lying on the floor.

And you called 911 right away?


You want to tell us
what happened with the g*n?

I don't know.




I'll be right back.

The great Darryl Reid.
Happy to see you, partner.

You, too, Danny.

Look, I've got to, uh,
finish this interrogation.

Can you wait for me?

- That interrogation is why I'm here.
- What do you mean?

My son-in-law was m*rder*d this morning.

James Fox.

Nia Fox is your daughter?


I never knew you had a kid.

That's because I never really acted

like a father.

Wasn't until she had Jordan

that we got back in touch.

How's she holding up?

She claims she has
nothing to do with it.

But motive and opportunity
say different.

Thing is...

I was at the apartment this morning.

Okay, well... she didn't mention that.

She was upstairs. She never saw me.

James started talking smack.

I told him if he didn't
keep his hands off her,

- he's gonna have to answer to me.
- Okay, look, look.

If this is going where I think it is,

please don't say anything else
till you call a lawyer.

I-I don't want one.

He went into the closet
where he kept the piece.

We fought.

He lost.

You're telling me you k*lled this guy?

Consider it a public service homicide.

My back pocket.

What is it?

It's the m*rder w*apon.

♪ ♪

This is on me.

QUINN: Okay.

We're all set.

Tomorrow we'll take a little road trip

and drop the girls off
with their new owners.

- And get paid?
- Oh, yeah.

I like the sound of that.

- Hader.
- Hmm?

Let's talk logistics.

Mm, my favorite.

Do you want to play?

Yeah, why don't you see
if the girls need anything else,

then we'll play.

All right.

OPERATOR [OVER PHONE]: Intel Division.

How do I help you?

...but most cops, like your boss,

know that cases like
petty larceny aren't charged.

And why is that?

[SIGHS] Because the policy
for cases like that

is a slap on the wrist
or a lowball offer, so...

So, the whole system is responsible?

The whole system is overwhelmed, Eddie.

Prosecuting shoplifting is
just not a priority.

Yeah, well, you know what?
I'm gonna go back to that store

and I'm gonna convince them
to press charges.

That is your call, but in this case,

I'm not sure they have to.

Why? What do you mean?

Well, you witnessed the crime, right?

Yeah. So?

So if you really want
to teach this kid a lesson,

contact the Corporation Counsel.

Tell them you witnessed a crime.

File a first-party complaint yourself.

♪ ♪

I have Officer Badillo for you, sir.


Officer Badillo.
Officer Janko's partner.

You two have five minutes tops,

the commissioner's already behind today.

I am?

Yes, you are.

Oh, have a seat, please.

Thank you, sir.


So, what can I do for you, Officer?

I was told you wanted to see me, sir.

You were?

Yes, sir.

By Detective Baker, sir.


Sir? Did she have the wrong Badillo?

No, no. [CHUCKLES] No.

Did, uh, Detective Baker
tell you what this was about?

No, sir.

Only that it was
in the utmost confidence.

Oh. [CHUCKLES] It is, believe me.

Yes, sir.

Yes. So, um...

This meeting never happened.


But I would like to ask you a question.

Tell me about your family,
where they came from,

how they emigrated to New York...

My family is
from the Dominican Republic.

Yeah. Dad was one of seven brothers.


Every Saturday,
all of my cousins would show up

for a family soccer game,

and a family meal.


How you holding up?

- g*n check out?
- Yeah.

It matches the slugs that we
pulled out of your son-in-law.

I'm ready to sign my confession.

Except there's only one problem.

You and I both know you didn't k*ll him.

You can check my hand.

You're gonna find gunpowder residue.

Which would prove
that you shot a w*apon.

Doesn't prove you shot
the m*rder w*apon.

What the hell are you talking about?

Surveillance footage shows you
arriving at the house

Your timeline's messed up.

No, your story's messed up, Darryl.

Come on, tell me what
the hell's going on here.

I learned from the best, Darryl.

You're not being straight with me.

That prick put his hands on my daughter.


This time she got to the g*n.

She shot him and called you?

He was already dead when I got there.

I told her to go upstairs
and get cleaned up.

Tamper with physical evidence,
a felony, but...

I took the g*n

and I ran off.

Then you called me to confess.

I already told you,
I wasn't there for her.

She was raised by her mom, who said

that I wasn't a good guy.

And she was right.

So my daughter then goes
and marries a jerk,

like her old man.

Come on.

No... Don't compare yourself

to that piece of garbage.

You never raised your hand
to a woman. Ever.

No, I wouldn't do that.

And I wasn't able
to step up for her before.

I can't change that.
But I can step up for her now.


Why didn't you just tell her
to claim self-defense?

There's a chance she could beat it.

I pulled you out of how many fires

when you were a rookie detective?

You are alive because of me.

I know that.

Then help me out.

I owe it to Nia. And my grandson.

Let me answer for James.


I mean, nerve isn't
a strong enough word for it.


I'm not gonna say "balls,"
and neither are you.

We both just did.


It was wrong, Abigail.
You were out of bounds.

Yes, I was. I admit that.

But it was for the common good.

You don't get to decide that.

Well, I did.

There was a conversation
that needed to happen,

and you would be unwilling
or unable to make it happen.

And you know this how?

As the only significant
woman in your life

who's not related to you
by blood or marriage.

Well, that still doesn't
give you the right

to pull a stunt like this.

It's not a right.

It's a very occasional privilege.

And some days it makes me feel

like the luckiest woman in the world,

and today is one of those days,

so yell at me all you want,
it's not going to change that.

I'm not yelling.

You yell really quietly.


Did he say anything
that was useful to you?


He said if cops start taking stands

on hot-button political issues,

then the criminals can just
call themselves

the opposition party,

and everything goes to hell.

So to your point.

And coming from a Latino officer.


Good talk. Back to work.


- I don't know.

Damn it.

- We have a major problem.
- What's up, boss?

I just found this tracker
in this jacket.

Unlock your cell phones
and put 'em on the table.

What the hell's going on?

The only way those trackers
get in those jackets

is if one of you planted them.

Phones, now!

Let's see what we have here.

OPERATOR: Intel Division.
How may I help you?

Ah, I-I knew it!

I knew this prick was a cop.

There's only one problem, Hader.

That's your phone.

Get his g*n.

HADER: Wait, wait, wait.

Whoa, whoa, no, wait.

This guy set me up!

He set me up.

And he's gonna put a b*llet
in your head.

Dump him somewhere no one will find him.


- Let's get out of here. Walk.
- Okay, okay. Yeah.

[SIGHS] What's going on?

You tell me.

This is the James Fox homicide.

Yeah. And?

Darryl Reid's confession
don't smell right.

He used to be your partner, right?

- Yeah. What about it?
- Just wondering

why you're gonna let him
go down for a homicide

he didn't commit.

Well, he said he did it, so...

Time stamp on the surveillance
video says different.


But, hey, you already knew that.

So you either start leveling with me

or I'm out of here.

Reid's taking the fall for his daughter.

Okay. I get it.

But this is a really big ask.

I wouldn't ask
if he hadn't saved my life

on more than one occasion;
he's a good man.

And I respect that.

But rubber-stamping a false
confession, Danny, really?

I know.

Well, look, you know how difficult it is

to be a father and be on the job.

- Tell me about it.
- You have a daughter.

If you had an opportunity to erase

all the times
you couldn't be there for her

by doing one thing,

wouldn't you at least think
about doing it?

Look, I'd really like to help you out...

I'm not asking you to lie.

Just don't flag the confession.

You wanted to see me?

I told you to drop the shoplifting case

against Brendan Todd.

Well, you told me to let him go.

That's exactly what I did.

What the hell is this?

I released him because
there wasn't a complaint filed,

- and now there is.
- By you!

I witnessed the crime.

You disobeyed a direct order

to stand down on this matter.

All due respect, I disagree.

I did my job.

By violating the chain of command?

I'm paid to arrest people
who break the law,

even if they're kids.

You crossed the line on this.

Brendan's mom, she thanked me
for filing that complaint.

She's worried that her kid
doesn't know right from wrong.

Yeah. And that's on her, not us.

[EXHALES] I'm not so sure.

Corporation Counsel is gonna toss this,

and you're gonna get written up.

Well, I stand by what I did,

and I'll take the heat for it.

You know, I get that the system
is messed up right now,

but that doesn't mean I'm gonna
stop trying to do the right thing.


You really want to help this kid?

Yes, Captain.

Let's go.

It's only a matter of time
before Quinn makes you as a cop.

You know that, right?

Yeah, not before we put you
and the rest of your network

- out of business.

You got any idea what we do to cops

who get in our way?
Huh? You got any idea?

The same thing that we do
to human sex traffickers

- who buy and sell women.
- What?

- I said get on your knees.
- Hey. What...

You can't sh**t me, you're a cop!

Oh, am I?

You ruined a lot of people's lives.

Wait, wait, wait. I, uh...

I got money.
I got money. You want money?

I don't want your money.
You deserve to die

- for what you did!
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

- [p*stol CLICKS]


Get up, get up.

Good evening. I'm Lieutenant Fleming,

this is Detective Gallen.

- You guys got nothing on me.
- Actually, Mr. Hader,

you're gonna be charged
with sex trafficking.

Sounds like something to me.

Trust me, you'll be held without bail.

Screw all you guys.

Now you know what it feels like
to be one of your victims.

Let's go. Get him out of here.


Hey. Sorry I'm late.

A day late and a confession short.

How's that?

She read Darryl Reid's confession

- in the Fox homicide.
- Okay.

"Okay" is the last thing that is.

The evidence does not support

the veracity of Reid's statement.

Oh, come on, you don't know that.

Oh, I do know that,
and so do the both of you.

I told you this was a bad idea.

- What did you say to her?
- I said nothing.

Didn't have to say a thing.

There is no way Darryl Reid
k*lled James Fox.


But I can explain.

Oh, this should be good.

Because I can't
for the life of me understand

how two seasoned investigators

were dumb enough
to bless this false confession.

There were extenuating circumstances.

Reid was my first partner.
He taught me everything I know.

- He's a great guy.
- I don't care

if he is Gandhi, Mother Teresa

and Florence Nightengale
all wrapped up into one.

If Reid doesn't do this,

his daughter is gonna go down for it.

She k*lled her husband.

To be fair, the victim was
an abusive husband.

DANNY: Yeah, she was protecting herself.

And now Reid's trying
to protect his daughter.

Then he should have gotten her
a good lawyer.

We do not accept false
confessions in this office.

And you two are damn lucky
I don't bring you up on charges

for falsifying a report.

Now get out.


They just told me you were here.

Sorry to just drop in on you like this.

I thought we were meeting for dinner.

But unless you came by to pick me up

in your cool new ride,
like a friend might do,

dinner's off, and you're here
to break bad news.

How am I doing?

I can't appear with you
before the city council.

Not about suspending Right to Shelter.

Why am I not surprised?

I am, uh, truly sorry.

I'm not against you on this.

I just can't be seen publicly
to be backing it.

So it's a little secret only we share.


Like I said, I'm sorry.


You know, some days it becomes
very clear to me

what a difficult job you have.


You, too.

That cliché, "It's lonely at the top."

You ever feel like that?


It is.

- I know.
- I know you know.

Is there anything for it?

Are you really asking me?

Seems that way.


In my experience, not really.

Some days I feel like quitting.

You ever feel like that?



Why don't you?


Over time,

I think this job...

became my definition, so...

...if I quit or you fired me...

...I don't know who I'd be.

Oh, come on.

A father, grandfather,

pillar of the community.

Well, my kids are middle-aged
and have their own life,

my grandkids are mostly elsewhere,

and "pillar of the community"

mostly translates as
"forgotten but not gone."

I had no idea
you were so hard on yourself.

Or is that something you trot
out looking for some sympathy?

I'm not looking for sympathy.

You asked, I answered.


Anyway, I'm sorry to let you down.

You have a good night. [SIGHS]

Where'd they reserve us?

Delmonico's, I think.

You make other plans?


Let's eat.

You sure?

There are only a number of guys who know

it's lonely at the top.

And you can't just go around saying it.

You sound like a pompous jerk.

Would we have to talk about
being lonely at the top?


But it's a club we're in,
and if we want to, we can.

And that ain't nothing.

I'll be waiting downstairs.

Boss, where we taking the girls?

Same place as Hader.

Come again?

We don't know how much he gave the cops.

We gotta cut our losses.

Meaning what?

Without evidence,
the cops have got no case.

That's the evidence.

They gotta go.

So we're gonna k*ll 'em?

You got a problem with that?

No, but it's throwing away
a ton of cash.

There's always more girls
where they came from.

Look, I know a nice,
quiet place to torch the van.

You and Fence follow me.

I didn't sign up for this.

Yeah, me, neither.

Quinn actually wants us
to burn these girls alive?

That's the game plan.

It's not right.

But selling them
into sex sl*very, that's okay?

I didn't say that, Dolan.

Well, when you joined up with Quinn,

that's exactly what you said.

QUINN: All right.

Let's light this candle up
and get the hell out of here.

Grab it quick, come on.


OFFICER: You folks okay?

You guys need any help?

We're actually just
checking under the hood.

Uh, you don't have a flashlight
we could borrow, do you?

No problem.


- Appreciate your time.
- Of course.


Stay right there.
Stay right there. You stay put.

Hey, don't, don't, don't do it! No!


Let's go. Let's waste him.

No, it'll bring too much heat.
He's trapped in there.

It's a cop car. He can't get out.

Cop took himself prisoner.

Light up the van.

JAMIE: No, we don't have time.

He probably called it in.
The cops'll be here any minute.

You're right.

- Let's move.
- Let's go, come on.

Now! Come on!


This is a waste of time.

You go around stealing
everything that isn't nailed down?

There will be consequences.

Yeah, since when?

- Since right now.
- This the suspect?

Yes, Captain.

Okay, you guys gonna let me go or what?

Oh, no, you're a repeat offender.

And the merchandise you
stole was worth over $1,000.

- So?
- JANKO: So...

the crime you committed is
considered a felony.

- Yeah, what does that mean?
- It means

that it goes down on
your permanent record

and you'll very likely spend
some time in a youth facility.

Wait, what?

- Let's go.
- Wait...


Wait, how long do I have
to stay in here for?

Long as it takes.

What are you in here for?

I, uh...

I stole some things.

What about you?

I k*lled a guy on the bus

for sitting too close to me.

Guy kind of looked like you.


You get out okay?

Yeah, I dropped my car,
took a train, hopped a cab.

I dry cleaned for over two hours,
I'm good.

- Quinn?
- He said to lay low for a few days.


You've earned some down time
before you go back in.

Are the girls okay?

Thanks to you.

They're getting checked out
at the hospital.

We'll take their statements, and
then reunite them with their families.

And Detective Gallen?

Not a scratch.

Smart move locking him in the car.

Oh, he played it just right, boss.

Without putting that tracking device

you placed on the van,
we might've had a very different result.

Good job, Reagan.

I just wish we could've
taken down Quinn.

Vics are safe.

Your position in the ring is secure.

It's just a matter of time
till we dismantle this thing.


You okay to stay inside?


'Cause an assignment like this,
you know, it can, uh,

it can get inside your head.

I'm in this until we take him down.


All right.


Banana fritters, that's what you want?

Yeah. Anything for you. What else?

- Hmm, and...
- How'd it go?


Judge let me slide
on the false confession.

Nia pled guilty to manslaughter.

I wish I could've done more.

Ah, you put yourself on the line for me.

I'll never forget that.

What's she looking at?

Six months.

- Probably be out in three.
- For manslaughter?

Yeah, well, they took
into account the former abuse.



What about this little guy?

This guy?

Nia asked me to take care
of him while she's up.

Oh. Well, you know, if he's too tough

on you, you can always call me, right?



See ya.

Appreciate you, brother.

- You, too.
- Big time, man.

- Big time.
- Always.

All right. Come on, big guy.

You want me to carry you
or you want to walk on your own?

You want to walk on your own?



Six months for manslaughter?

Sounds like you cut Nia a real break.

There's been an update

in the Domestic v*olence
Survivors Justice Act

giving judges more discretion
in sentencing.

- Oh, I see.
- Mm-hmm.

You know, you like to act tough,

but I think deep down inside

you followed your heart on this one.

- I followed the law, Danny.
- Hmm.

Desperate times call
for desperate measures...

- AIDE: Mr. Mayor?

- Rehearsing!
- I just...

I said no interruptions.

I have to.

The police commissioner is here.

In the chamber?



Thank you.

I'm on in a minute.

Why are you here?

Well, 90% of success in life

is just showing up.

You know that was Woody Allen said that?

I don't think you're allowed
to quote him anymore.

Pillars of the community

get a pass.

What is this?

All that I'm willing to speak about.

Speak about where?

In the chamber.

Up there by your side.


"desperate times call
for desperate measures"

always sounds...


kind of desperate.

Leave it out.

Why are you really here?

Because if I stayed away,

I'd just be a politician pandering

to my base.

I'd rather take the hits from my cops

than see their numbers cut.


- AIDE: They're ready for you...
- Two seconds.


That's it?

[CHUCKLES] Pretty much.


once again...

hiding behind that badge.

Well, I am more comfortable back here.

After you.


That turkey smells delicious, Erin.

Well, it should. It's your recipe, Pop.

Yeah, but what about the bread?

Spent all morning baking it.

I highly doubt that.

Delfico's Bakery spent
all morning baking it.

I just purchased it.

The guy from my wine shop says
this Barolo is excellent.

Well, then, I guess we have
almost everything we need?

Yeah, almost.

I miss him.

Been three weeks.

Feels like way longer to me.

Any chance of even
the tiniest little update?

I think you know not to ask me that.

I had to try.

Just want to know if he's okay.

Your uncle's on a very
important assignment, Sean.

And last time I heard,

he's doing just fine.


How are you holding up?

I'm not gonna lie.

It's been hard, but...

you know, I married a cop, so...

Well, you married a smart one.

And a tough one.

He's gonna be okay.

- Hear, hear.


Let's eat.

Hang on. Gravy's still on the stove.

JAMIE: No. That's okay, Pop.

- I got it.
- ERIN: Hey!


- Hey!

- ERIN: All right.

Okay, come on, break it up. Group hug.

- I'll get you a plate.
- Give me a hug.

Hey, Pop, good to see you.

- Good to see you.
- You look like a real dirtbag.


Those are some k*ller neck tats.


Don't get any ideas.

I'm not, I'm just saying.

Missed you, Jameson.

Thanks, Pop.

We all did.



I think that it is altogether fitting

that our prodigal son say grace.



Bless us, oh, Lord and these

thy gifts, which we are about
to receive from thy bounty

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

It's good to be home.