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07x11 - Heating Up

Posted: 02/16/24 20:10
by bunniefuu
[Jazz] Previously on I Am Jazz...

[all] We are in Washington DC!

Look! Girlhood [It's Complicated]!

[Jazz] It's gonna be pretty surreal to see myself in the Smithsonian.

There it is! It looks so cool.

-It just makes me really emotional. -[Jazz] Aw.

-I'm so proud of you. -Mom.

It just seems like this is a whole double dating thing that's going on.

Oh, aren't we all just... we're just all hanging out right now.

Oh, my God.

I'm not sure if Sander and Hope has something going on,

but there definitely seems to be a little chemistry.

-I saw some chemistry. -Yeah.

Up until now, Sander and I have been navigating as friends

who have some sort of interest,

but I really want some clarity.

I just wanna be on that level that

I think we both are kinda on, and just, like, have fun.

But I don't want to, like, lead anyone on.

I value our friendship so much.

"You are approved to return. Welcome to Harvard, again!"

Ahhh! [laughs]

Yes! I am readmitted to Harvard.

-Knuckle touch. Knuckle touch. -Touch.

I really am conflicted about Jazz.

Like, I want her to go to Harvard,

but I am nervous because I don't know how prepared she is.

I could do without some of the stuff of having to take care of her,

but she is not quite there herself.

[techno music playing]

♪ Ooh♪

♪ I like your humor♪

♪ Ooh♪

♪ I watch your bloopers♪

-[in sing-song voice] Knock, Knock, knock. -Hello.

-Thirsty? -What's that?

-[mimicking splashing] -[gasps]

-[laughs] -What is that? That scared me.

It's wax.

It's time to rid you of your beastly hair.

I'm gonna microwave it and I'm gonna stir it up,

and I'm gonna [mimics ripping]

-But my legs are sexy. -[Jeanette snorts]

-This is a lot of hair. -[Jazz] It's been two years since I've shaved my legs.

Look at it. This is very, very long.

Jazz is heading off to college in just one week,

and the whole course of her life is about to change.

Let's give you a new look.

One day I just decided, I was like,

"You know what? I'm not gonna shave my legs anymore

'cause it takes me way too long,

and not enough people notice if your legs are hairy or not."

I understand, it's a personal choice,

and now it's your personal choice to get rid of it.

Jazz is more of a hippie.

When people were burning bras, she'd be first in line.

She hates bras, she hates to shave.

Do you even know what you're doing?

-Have you ever waxed anyone before? -I've waxed mustaches.

[chuckles] Come on, you know you want it. [laughs]

Do you trust me?

Not really.

-I wouldn't if I were you either. -[both laugh]

-All right, let's do this. Let's go do this. -[Jeanette] I'll do my best.

Jazz doesn't really care.

I think she's doing it to please everybody who's been like,

"Come on, Jazz. Shave."

But with COVID, I don't want to go to a beauty shop.

Look at you! Getting all set. What do you think this is, a spa?

You didn't want to take me to a professional.

What-- where do you want me to start? Lay flat.

-Okay. -I'm excited for the warm wax to hit in my leg.

-Ooh! -Does that feel good?

-[Jazz] Feels good. -[Jeanette] I don't know how to rip it off.

I gotta go look at the directions.

All right, I'm just gonna do this one area here.

[Jazz] I don't think this is gonna end well at all.

You've got nothing to lose, but hair.

[scoffs] [mockingly speaks gibberish]

-Ow! -It didn't work. [chuckles]

-[Jazz] No hair came out? -No, you know why? It's the oil.

-I didn't stamp the oil enough. -You didn't blot the oil.

-No hair? -Okay, give me the-- [laughs]

There's-- wait, we'll try this again.

So, are you excited about Raymond coming?

I'm very excited to see Raymond.

I haven't seen him in like two, three years.

Raymond is a family friend who's been like a brother to me,

and I just love him.

Hello there, this is a nice surprise.

Look... I look so bad in that camera.

-[Raymond] Hi! -[Jazz squeals]

-It's the rainbow. -Pride!

I brought the rainbow for you, you look so good!

-Hi, Jazz. Surprise! -[Jeanette] Oh, my goodness!

-How are you? Can I give you a hug? -It's rainbow Raymond.

-Hey. -Hi.

[Jazz] He's always been there for me, and he's coming to Florida

before I go off to college,

because even though I've gotten a lot of advice from my siblings,

my parents, about going to school,

Raymond offers something extra because he went to Stanford.

And he understands the pressure at being at such a highly competitive school.

[Jeanette] You guys, uh, go way back.

He's been through some serious stuff with you.

Or he had to help pull you through.

I worry a lot about Jazz going off to college

because she's been through so much and at any point in time,

you know, her mental health could go in the opposite direction.

And as much as she's been screaming for years how she wants to move out,

she wants her independence, she wants her freedom,

I think part of her is a little nervous.

[Jazz] I'm very, very excited to see Raymond.

I know he'll be able to help me a lot.

[Jeanette] Jazz respects Raymond's opinion on everything.

And I also value his opinion so much,

because he can see through Jazz.

[Jazz] Oh, no. This is gonna hurt.

Ow! Oh, no more of this.

Oh, God, no. [gasps] Ow!

-Okay, get it off. -[Jeanette chuckles]

[gasps] Ow. Okay. We're done, we're done. We are going to shave.

-With a razor. -No, no, we'll do this--

-It's fun. We'll redo this one again, please? -Razor. No. No, Mom!

I've gotten a tattoo and it didn't hurt at all.

I've gotten surgery and I barely felt pain.

-Well, sometimes-- -You like-- your vag*na fell off and you were okay,

-and I go wax your legs and you're like... [laughs] -[screams mockingly]

[Jazz] I know. It's true.

[Jeanette] All right, put your leg down, though.

Let's try something for a second just so I can...

I never use this stuff.

-[Jazz gasps] -Oh! [laughing]

Girl, I'm not gonna even look.


-[Jazz] Oh, no. -[Jeanette laughing]

-[snorts] -I can't.

It-- It just went flying!

That's not gonna ruin my chair, is it?

Mom, you're fired. I'm done, I'm out with this.

I'm done.

-What, so you're not gonna-- -[Jazz] No.

You've got one shaven leg and one-- [laughs]

[Jazz] I'm gonna have to do it, I'm gonna finish it on my own.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh♪

-Ahhh! -Let's take a dip.

-The sun! Ah. Yeah! -It's already so hot.

-Dude, I'm gonna get tanned today. -Are you?

Noah and I have a very evolving friendship,

and I think it's because he opened up to me on such a deep level.

It's not an easy choice to leave your family.

It's not an easy choice to give up on everything,

and you don't know where you're gonna end up.

He is open to listening to me on such a deep level,

that we had already built that trust... really quickly.

And that's what's so special about our friendship.

-I'm applying sunscreen. -Sunscreen?

Yeah, gotta take care of the scar.

-Do you put it everywhere or just on the scar? -[Noah] Just on the scar.

Just trying to make sure, so then, like, the sun doesn't make it super dark.

-So how have you been? -Things have been good.

We just got back from Washington DC...

-[Noah] No way. -...and it was actually hotter in DC than it is here.

How? You took the heat with you.

-[laughs] -Oh, we took the heat with us to Washington DC,

and I actually hung out with Hope.

-No way, you saw Hope? How did that go? -[Sander] Yeah, so...

So Hope, she's working on herself

and I'm working on myself, and...

and we're just... it's more like, right now, it's at a friendship level.

When you want to start dating, is Hope gonna be like first in line?

-So I definitely don't have a line. -[chuckles]

But I'm always gonna remain open-minded and I do think Hope is attractive.

I just value her friendship so much.

When I think back to the man I once was and the man I am today,

back in the day, I wasn't sure if I could take the next step,

moving into something physical with a trans woman,

who has not had the bottom surgery.

And today, if that woman

was the woman that I think could be my partner forever,

I'd be able to figure out a way to still have, like, a physical connection

without really... being into that... their genitalia.

And when I date a trans woman, I'm gonna be proud of it.

Recently some of my... closer friends have made some...

maybe, I-- I would say ignorant,

but more like they're not doing it intentionally,

like, it's uneducated things, and they've asked some... questions,

especially into dating trans women.

For example, one of my friends used the word "tr*nsv*stite"

-recently in front of me, and I-- -Ugh.

I immediately had to sh**t him down in front of a group of ten people,

and I explained to that whole room

-why "tr*nsv*stite" is not the correct word. -Yeah.

Sometimes it's not like people mean to be ignorant,

it's just, you know, there are terms that have been around for,

you know, so long and it's-- it's a...

like ignorance.

And it's not like ignorance in a bad way,

it's just ignorance, as in, they genuinely don't know any better,

they don't know that that's not a joke

because they haven't really been told, you know?

[Sander] Noah has become a really close friend of mine.

And a part of that is making sure that

I introduce him to all my friends.

I'm bringing Noah in.

But most of my friends have never met a trans man.

Honestly, I don't know...

if anything that my friends say

might offend Noah when they meet him.

How are things going with your mom?

She's having a hard time giving me my freedom and independence.

[Raymond] I am worried.

I don't know that she realizes the gravity of how much things are going to change

and how different it is to live on her own.

I wanna have biological kids with somebody.

If the trans woman didn't tell you that she was trans,

and then you dated for, like, six years

and then she was like "Hey, I'm trans, I can't have kids,"

-that would be easier for you than if she was just open-- -That would be worse

because then they're a liar for six years.

Do you ask everybody about their criminal record when you get with them?

[Sander] Woah, woah, everyone, let's take a step back in this conversation.

[upbeat music playing]

[Jazz] So how often do you play tennis?

Let's say I play once a month.

-Once a month? Okay. -Yeah.

The last time I played, it's been like five months.

-Really? -Yes.

I was lighter, so I didn't weigh as much as I weigh now,

-so it might be even harder for me to do it. -[Raymond] Okay.

Jazz is like my little sister

and I know she calls me her mentor sometimes.

And so, I've been trying to come out here for a couple of years now,

and... and now feels like the perfect time

with Jazz about to go off to Harvard.

Oh, my God! I'm gonna miss.

Just... let's just start in these two boxes. That way, less pressure.

I know Jazz has been through a lot in the past couple of years.

She had the surgeries,

and all of the stress and trauma associated with that.

She has struggled with eating,

and it's tied to a lot of mental health challenges for her,

and so to see her size, just let me know that there was a lot more going on.

Watch me like not... hit it over the net after. Okay, there we go.

-Oh! I said i was gonna do that on my first try! -[Raymond laughing] It's okay.

-[Jazz] I literally called it. -That's okay.

-You got it out of your system-- -Okay.

[Raymond] ...and now you're gonna get the next one.

Jazz has been under so much pressure and stress her whole life.

People who expect her to be this perfectly articulate activist.

People around the world who look up to her as a role model,

and then she has her family's expectations.

She has her own personal ambition.

And so with Jazz going off to school,

I just wanna make sure that she's getting the support that she needs.

[Jazz] I'm finally ready to go to school and be on my own and thrive.

But it's Harvard,

straight As is, kind of, really, really difficult to get there.

And I have such high expectations for myself.

-[Jazz] Ahhh! -[laughs]

-Home run! -[Jazz] Oh, my God, home run!

-It's just good to stay active. -[Raymond] Absolutely.

Here, I got it.

-And you can-- -[Raymond] What kinds of stuff have you been doing?

To stay active? I go on walks with my Dad every night.

-That's awesome. -I play pickleball.

[Raymond] You'll have to teach me pickleball.

Ooh! Does Harvard have kinda, like, a tennis league, or...

They have intramural sports. They have tennis, pickleball, soccer.

I like working out through sports, more than anything,

but I do wanna hit the gym.

Are you working on the emotional side of it?

-Because I think... -[Jazz] Yeah! So, emotionally, I've improved a lot.

Like, I've come a long way the past few years.

But on a fitness level, I haven't really made much change.

I've been hovering around the same number for a couple months now.

When I go to college, I don't want to pig out like a lot of kids do.

-[Raymond] Yeah. -I wanna try to be like mostly vegan and vegetarian.

I wanna be able to beat my addiction.

So that I could show other people that they can do it too, you know?


Did you... in high school, did you study a lot or not really?

-I studied a lot. -[Jazz] You did? Okay.

So transitioning to college, you knew how to study, and...

-[Raymond] Yeah. -you knew your methods and everything?

-Yeah. -Because in high school, I didn't study that much.

-[Raymond] You didn't? -Like, I kind of was able to get straight As

without, like, challenging myself too much?

So I'm worried I'm gonna get to Harvard

and the caliber of students, and just like...

assignments are gonna be very difficult,

and I'm gonna have a challenge.

So, oh, no, I'm gonna need to study a lot.

[Raymond] I'm just noticing, like, there's a lot that you're talking about.

New fitness and working out, changing your studying habits,

that's like changing so many

-parts of your life all at once. -[Jazz] I know!

[Raymond] There are curveballs that'll be thrown in college,

and feelings and experiences that you can't plan for,

and to just change everything about your life at once

could be overwhelming, especially 'cause when we're stressed,

like, we typically go back to...

what gives us comfort.

-Just be kind to yourself, too. -Okay.

[Raymond] No, I'm serious, Jazz.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself

to make it all work, like, the first month, for example.

[Jazz] Yeah.

[Raymond] I can tell that there's a lot on Jazz's mind.

Which is completely understandable.

She's about to start this huge life chapter.

But there's a heaviness of some of her mental health challenges,

and I just want her to know that there doesn't have to necessarily be a lesson

in everything that she does,

where it's just making her feel more stressed,

have more shame, feel bad about herself,

and then that can trigger some of these issues.

-Oh, my God. -[Jazz] Holy [bleep]

[Raymond grunts]

[Jazz] I definitely feel like Raymond gets me.

I feel like we're similar in a lot of ways,

in that we're both very cerebral people.

I've always set the bar high,

and I have an obsession with excellence.

But I know that if I don't let myself breathe a little bit,

and put too much pressure on myself, then that just causes me to break.

♪ Stay focused right now ♪

♪ Don't you allow them To bring you down ♪

So tell me about your new kitten.

Yeah, he's so cute. He's called Sugar Baby.

-Sugar Baby? -Yeah.

-Oh, I love that. -And it's Sugar Baby only, never just Sugar.

-It's Sugar Baby. Yeah. -Sugar Baby, I love it.

We have him about three weeks, now.

Around the four or five month mark,

they start just growing rapidly, and then they're big before you know it.

[Dr. Gallagher] Hi, Jazz.

-Hey. Hello, how are you? -How's it going? Good.

-I'm doing good, how about you? -Good, good, good.

Uh, my first patient here?

-Yeah. -Okay.

-He's in the room. -Yeah. You wanna come be chaperone?

-Yeah, of course. -Yeah.

-Let's go meet him. -[Dr. Gallagher] Yeah. Awesome. All right.

[Jazz] I literally start college in two weeks.

And it feels good to be wrapping up things with Dr. Gallagher.

I feel like I learned a lot in her office.

She's super kind.

And without her internship,

I wouldn't have been able to go to Harvard.

-[Dr. Gallagher] Hello? Hi. -[Aaron] Hi.

-[Dr. Gallagher] How're you guys doing? -[Laura] Hi.

-[Jazz] Hello. Hi, I'm Jazz. -[Laura] Hi.

-This is Jazz. -Hi, Jazz.

-Hi, nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. Hi.

-[Jazz] Nice to meet you. -This is Aaron.

-Nice to meet you, too. -Oops.

And Jazz is interning, but also

learning a little bit about the different surgeries

and that sort of thing.

Aaron is a -year-old transgender man,

um, who is finally ready for the next step,

and for him, that's gonna be top surgery.

All right, well, good. Well, so excited for surgery?

-Oh, absolutely. Like... -Awesome. Good.

-The biggest moment of my life right now. -[all] Yeah.

-[Laura] It's been a long time coming. -[Jazz] It's amazing.

[Laura] It certainly has.

My extended family wasn't really okay with me being trans at first.

My grandma, she was a Sicilian Catholic woman.

-[Jazz] Okay. -And so she was...

-[Laura] My father's wife. -She wasn't really prepared.

-[Laura] Yeah. -Um, she was a nurse, though.

And so she did go out of her way to try to understand.

And it was actually your book that she found,

-and it was you who taught her. -[all] Yes.

And she actually reached out to me and was like, "Have you heard of Jazz?"

-She introduced us to you. -So.

Oh. Yeah.

-Who helped her accept him. -Yeah.

-[Jazz] Wow. -[Dr. Gallagher] That's amazing.

-[Jazz] Yeah. -So that actually means a lot to me.

And it means a lot that I get to meet you.

-[Laura] Yeah. -Let me give you a hug.

-[Aaron] Thank you. -[all] Aww.

-Thanks for being you. -That's so cute.


-That makes me so happy to hear. -Yeah.

That's why we do everything that we do.

-[Dr. Gallagher] Yeah. -[Jazz] You know?

When I first found out I was trans,

I was years old,

and at was like, oh,

this procedure will help me be comfortable as I am.

And how I want to look at myself.

[Laura] I've seen the pain he's gone through.

But he pushed through all of this,

and he's becoming the person outside

as he is on the inside,

and it's just exciting.

-And... -[Jazz] Gotta turn away.

-[Laura] I have to. -Mom's looking away.

-Yeah, she's not allowed. -Yeah.

-[Laura] Yeah. I'm not allowed to... -[Jazz] That's so exciting.

Okay, so I'm just gonna check for any lumps or bumps, okay?

And if I'm hurting you at all, please let me know.

As Dr. Gallagher examines Aaron's breasts,

I could tell that he's uncomfortable, you know?

This is just not what he wants for himself and for his body.

I definitely understand. I felt the same way when I had a penis.

Ugh. I... yeah,

I didn't want my mom to see it, either.

All right. So I'm gonna let you get dressed.

-Okay. -All right. Awesome.

-I didn't look. -[Aaron] Yeah, you better not.

[all laughing]

Having Jazz here on staff,

um, as a transgender identifying person

has been wonderful for patients.

I feel like it makes them so much more comfortable.

So coming up to, like, this is your last few days with us.

-Yes? -Yeah, I know.

Yeah. You've been so good at, like,

-paying attention to all this medical stuff. -Mmm-hmm.

So I was wondering if you would like

to come and actually see a surgery?


-That's a big step up. -And he's totally agreeable to having you observe.

-[Jazz] That's awesome. -So, yeah.

Yes. I would love to be a part of that.

I feel so lucky that I have this opportunity to go into surgery,

because I've always been on the other side of it,

the one undergoing the surgery,

but being able to witness someone else's journey, it's like, wow,

they're going through the same euphoria that I went through with my surgery.

So it's really exciting, and I can't wait to watch it all.

We ready?

-Yeah. -[Dr. Gallagher] I love it.

See, that's the attitude we love around here.

-[laughing] -[Jazz] Uh-huh. We love it.

-You're, like, game for everything, so. -Of course.

-Yeah. -It's gonna be awesome.

[Dr. Gallagher] In Jazz, I see a lot of potential

for a medical or surgical career, if that's what she chooses.

But it can be overwhelming,

and it's certainly not for everyone.

So we... we'll see how it goes.

-All right. Thank you so much. -All right. Absolutely.

Thank you.

[Griffen over Zoom] I guarantee you've never

really dressed that nice for Zoom, have you?

Griffen, this is a really big deal.

We're speaking to the Secretary of Education.

Mr. Cardona sets the policies for education in the United States.

So having his ear is a very, very important step

towards passing the federal Be Kind Bill.

Oh, hello.

[upbeat music playing]

[Jazz] So Griffen and I are actually meeting with the Secretary of Education

on his... something called the Be Kind Bill.

Which combats bullying in schools.

[Raymond] I like the sound of that.

That's amazing, Jazz.

So what are we doing here at a park? You said you--

We are going to sprint.

-Sprint around the track. Lap... I'm just kidding. -Oh, my God.

I have a little surprise for you.

[Jazz] Did I dress okay?

-[Raymond] You look great. -Okay.

And I like that we're unintentionally a little bit coordinated here, too.

I know. I didn't wear a tie-dye top, but I have my tie-dye leggings on.

You know I love a tie-dye moment. It's very cute.

My mom bought these for me, which is great.

How are things going with your mom?

Um, things are okay.

She's having a hard time

giving me my freedom and independence heading into school.


But I think as I transition to school, it's gonna be hard for her to let go completely.


She bought a one-way ticket. Like, she doesn't--

I heard about this, Jazz. I picture her, like, hiding behind a tree in Harvard Yard.

-[Jazz] Yes. -[laughing] Being like, "Jazz, how's it going?"

-[Jazz] I know. -"Did you eat your breakfast?"

-And I understand where it's coming from. -Yeah.

It's coming from a place of love. She just wants to see me excel.

I've never really had that chance to be fully independent.

And I don't want my mom to be there every single week of school.

Like, I want her to fly back home.

And I want her to fly back home and that knowing

and the trust that I'm gonna be okay.

I think that this transition is just as monumental

for Jeanette as it is for Jazz,

because so much of Jeanette's identity, as long as I've known her,

has been around being Jazz's mom.

But as a parent, you can't protect your kid their whole lives.

What's important to you?

What's important to me?

Like, as you think about your whole college experience?

What's important to you?

I mean, one of the aspects that I'm most excited about, actually,

is, like, exploring my sexuality.

-Ooh. -Yeah, I know. I mean,

-it is a big thing for a lot of college students. -Yes.

You enter this environment where you're surrounded by people your age

and everyone's kind of dating and hooking up.

So I don't know. I think I'm looking for that.

I don't know if I'm looking for-- to settle into a relationship,

-but I do wanna stay more open. -[Raymond] Yeah.

And just explore, um...

Is there anything in particular that you wanna try

that you haven't or that you're thinking about?

What do you mean "Haven't tried?"

[laughing] Well, you said you're gonna... you wanna explore your sexuality.

-So like... I mean... -[both laughing]

-Sorry. I... -Yeah. I was like...

-You... you identify as pansexual, right? -Yes. I do.

-So you're looking for... you're open to all options? -There's a lot of things

I wanna explore. Yeah.

There's a lot of different...

Yeah. There's a lot to explore.

-Yeah. -It's a whole thing.

I'm just sexually fluid in many ways.

I don't know, I could see myself, you know,

with a woman, with a man, with someone who's non-binary.

Yeah, I'm not gonna be a ho.

[both laughing]

-Maybe I will be. -[Raymond] I would never...

I'm joking. I was joking, I was like,

-"I'm gonna be ho number one. -[laughing]

-Ho number one." -[laughing]

I have a lot to explore when it comes to my sexuality,

and I feel like I don't want mom in the picture when I'm doing that.

So, I need her to skedaddle.

Okay. I think that our surprise is here, Jazz.

-[Jazz] Wait, I know him. It's Rolly! -Hi.

[Raymond] Yeah, so we're gonna have some fun. Hi.

-Rolly! -Wait, you know him?

-[Rolly] We know each other. -Yes.

-[Raymond] Oh, perfect. Hi, Rolly. -Of course.

-Hello. How are you? Hey, boo-boo. -Hello, good to see you.

-Hi, Rolly. How have you been? -How are you? Nice to meet you.

[Raymond] Nice to meet you.

Rolly actually helped us when I took Grandpa and Sander

to learn their dance moves for the drag show.

Work it, girl, work it!

We hit one. We hit two.

I think I made a mistake.

Turn around. Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy.

-Thanks for meeting us today. -So Raymond here

said you were a little stressed out and you wanna...

Mmm-hmm, about to go to college.

-[Raymond] Do some movement. -[Rolly] I heard.

So we're giving you a little...

-[Jazz] Oh. Oh, my God. -[Raymond laughing] Yes.

-Twirling action. -[Raymond] Twirl it, yes.

[Rolly] We brought one for each of us.

Jazz and I really relate on taking ourselves too seriously sometimes,

and I think especially at Harvard,

she's gonna need to be able to just release some of that pressure.

She's . She's a freshman in college.

She's allowed to make mistakes, she's allowed to have fun.

So it's hard to take yourself too seriously

when you are twirling a rainbow ribbon around,

and I figured this would just get Jazz out of her head a little bit.

We are going to go one way,

the other way, one, two.

[Jazz] When you said that we were gonna do something fun,

I didn't expect ribbon dancing.

-I'm full of surprises, Jazz. -[Jazz] Yes, you are.

It's a little bit of drag, a little bit of gymnastics,

-dance. -[Rolly] A little of everything.

[Raymond] This is how you walk into your dorm.


-[Jazz] Hello. -[Rolly] Hey.

-Hey, b*tches! -[Rolly] I'm here, b*tches!

[Jazz] School is fast approaching,

and I'm getting ready to begin the next chapter of my life.

And Raymond just being here is just kind of, like,

a way for me to not focus on all that

and just enjoy the present moment and keep my mind off of,

you know, this huge, life-changing event.

Yes, Mama. Yes.

A little passe up.


Work it, work it, work it out.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Jazz going off to school,

but I am worried.

I don't know that she realizes the gravity

of how much things are going to change,

and how different it is to live on her own,

and that so many things that maybe she took for granted,

that her family helped out with,

um, are not gonna be there anymore.

And, so, I just hope that she'll reach out, too, if she needs help.

Because she has gone to dark places before.

I wanna have biological kids with somebody,

and I don't know how to get past that psychologically.

[Noah] So you wouldn't have a problem dating

someone like me who could get pregnant?

'Cause I can still have children.

I'm gonna be honest, that honestly makes it easier.

[Jazz] You look nice.

I dressed a little nice, too.

I'm wearing this new top that I just got.

I guarantee you've never really dressed that nice for a Zoom, have you?

Griffen, this is a really big deal.

We're speaking to the Secretary of Education.

This is our only shot to speak to someone at this high a level.

[Griffen] While in DC, I made a lot of calls

in hopes of setting up a meeting with someone influential,

and who can help get the ball rolling on this Be Kind Bill.

We have a Zoom set up with the Secretary of Education.

-[Greg] Wow. -[Griffen] Yeah. Mr. Cardona.

[all] That's amazing.

Mr. Cardona sets the policies for education in the United States.

So having his... his ear is a very, very important step

towards passing a federal Be Kind bill.

Oh, hello.

[Dr. Cardona] Hello.

How are you?

I'm doing well, how are you?

I'm doing really well. My name is Jazz.

-This is Griffen. -Nice to meet you both.

-Nice to meet you, too. -Pleasure to meet you, as well.

Thank you for taking the time today to meet with us.

We really appreciate it.

Happy to be with you, really.

[Griffen] I just started law school,

so I'm definitely a bit nervous

to be having a conversation with someone

this high up in the President's cabinet.

So, uh, Secretary Cardona,

in the elementary school, I, um,

I was bullied a lot, and it wasn't just students, it was teachers, as well.

Uh, I wasn't allowed to use the girls' restroom.

I was designated to use the nurse's bathroom.

I didn't wanna use the nurse's bathroom,

because it was gross, it was out of the way.

And one time, I actually snuck into the girls' bathroom and I got caught.

I got in trouble

and was told that I'm not allowed to use that restroom for whatever reason. Um...

And then, on a kid level, like,

I've been told that I have cooties.

Kids would scoot away from me at lunch.

Um, they called me names.

That's tough.

It is tough. And we just want everyone to live in a world

where they can be free to be who they are.

That shouldn't even be debatable in .

-I know. -[Dr. Cardona] You know?

What would you like to see for schools across the country

or what advice would you give me

or educators across the country as we reopen schools?

I really... I mean, I think

every school should have a program in place

that teaches administrators and teachers

on how to treat kids with respect.

There needs to be better training, you know?

Yeah. And that's... that's a constant effort that we're gonna do,

to make sure that our schools are welcoming environments.

You know, at the Department of Education, I want you to know you have allies.

So how do we promote kindness in schools, though?

You know, we gotta start from scratch, right?

You... you can't wait for problems to happen

to unlearn bad behavior and then teach good behavior.

You gotta start with the foundation of acceptance,

of learning about others.

That has to be part of the DNA of the school.

Be unapologetically you.

Are there any, um, like, required resources or trainings

for, uh, teachers and administrators?

The Office for Civil Rights, um, has tremendous resources,

webinars, different series that we offer.

So I just want to know

what advice you have for people like us who just wanna create real change?

You know, continue to advocate.

Continue to have conversations with those who are policy makers.

Uh, with school leaders.

Keep doing what you're doing, and know that

I'm really proud of you and, um,

the students across the country should be proud of you, too.

Thank you.

It was an honor to have this call with you. Thank you.

The honor was mine. Take care.

-All right. Bye. -Have a good one.

[Jazz] I feel pretty good after the conversation.

I feel like we laid the foundation

for the beginning of something.

And to know that someone on the President's cabinet

is listening and who understands,

who wants to create an impact as much as we want to

is amazing.

It's just gonna take

a lot of work to make this happen.

I think the next step is to see if we can meet

with a Congressman, or some sort of legislator,

or someone that's good on policy,

and see if we can actually start drafting some concepts.

That's be amazing.

I love you. I'll see you later.

Bye, Griffen, I'll see you later.

Goodbye. [blows kiss]

[Raymond] Hey, hey.

-Oh, good, I have a... -How are you?

-I have a savior. -You're getting ready.

-I'm getting ready, but I... -[Raymond] I like your shirt.

I don't even know how to open these beers.

-I'm like, trying to use a... -Okay, well, let's see.

I don't drink enough glass beers.

Honestly, I am not the guy to do beer, but let's...

Okay. Is this even a... Let's see...

[Sander] Oh, that's it! Yeah, you got it.

I would have done really well in a frat.

You've shown me the way, I think.

[Raymond] So, who all is coming?

-[Sander] Well, Noah's coming. -[Raymond] Okay.

We connected on the fact that we love social media...

[Raymond] Are your DM's blowing up?

They definitely blow up, but I don't answer them anymore,

and honestly, like, I've been really focused on myself.

I don't buy that, though,

because you've told me that you want a girlfriend and--

But... Yeah, but he knows it.

What am I? A hopeless or a hopeful romantic?

-Hopeless. -[Sander] Wait, what?

Hopeful? I... Did you say you were hopeful?

Hopeful. We talked the other day.

-Hi. -Hi.

-This is Raymond. -Nice to meet you.

I've heard so much about you.

Wait, what, we decided the other day,

I'm a "hopeful" romantic.

[Raymond] Hopeful or hopeless?

[Sander] Having Raymond and Noah meet some of my other friends,

I just hope to accomplish

some friendship and unity.

Hi. How's it going?

-Hey. -What's up?

-I'm Jordan. -Nice to meet you.

-I'm Ryan. -Ryan, nice to meet you.

-I'm Jordan. -Jordan, Raymond, nice to meet you.

[Jordan] 'Sup?

I just wanna bridge the gap between my friends and my other friends.

Did I tell you, man?

-Hey. How are you? -What's up, guys?

What's good, bro?

[Raymond] Cheers. Nice to meet you guys.

[Sander] Yeah, cheers to new friends and old friends.

[bottles clink]

All right, take a big one.

-Mmm. -Got a little ambitious with that one.

I did the same thing. It's all over me, too.

[Noah] Yeah, I don't drink beer a lot before you got here.

[Sander] It's scorching out here, though.

Does Montreal get this hot?

-Yes. -What brought you down to Florida?

-Uh, my dad lives down here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -[Raymond] Oh, okay.

And so, after college, I didn't know where to go

and I was like, "Let's be warm for a change."

What about you, Sander?

You think you're gonna stay in Florida?

Because a lot of the stuff I do is online,

I don't know what I wanna do or where I wanna go.

I just got a few more consulting jobs,

so I have a lot of stuff going on.

And then, plus, the influencer work that I'm doing.

Actually, Noah and I created a couple of really amazing videos.

[Noah] Yeah. A lot of people know about, like,

you know, Jazz and transwomen and stuff like that.

But there's not as much light for, like,

guys like me who were born,

you know, uh, assigned female at birth

and then, you know, transitioned into male.

So he's really doing a lot to kind of bridge that gap

and, like, reach even more people

and reach a lot of people in my community

who, you know, kinda don't feel like

they have somebody to look up to.

Sam, we've talked about, like, dating a transwoman

and, I forgot exactly, do you remember

what the question you asked me once was?

I was just saying whether you thought

it was transphobic if, like, you were... didn't wanna date,

like, a transwoman or something.

'Cause I remember I was talking to one on... on, like, a dating app.

And I was, like, unsure of where I stood on the issue.

Why was there hesitation?

-[Sam] I don't know. -Like, if she hadn't told you that she was trans,

-would you have known? Would it have been... -[Sam] Probably not.

But I can understand why, like,

let's say I was hooking up with like a pre-op transwoman.

I don't know, I could feel, like, some hesitation,

like, trying to do anything,

you know, with stuff like that.

I think a lot of it, too, is that I think more men than we know

are actually very open to it and interested in it.

They're more worried about the stigma of what other guys are gonna say.

[Jordan] I felt the same way when you were talking...

I didn't say it, like, in the moment,

but when you're talking about the dating thing, like, uh,

like, I also feel the same way as you.

And I feel like I'm, like, transphobic because I don't wanna be...

-[Sam] Yeah., into that.

And I mean it's, I guess, like, that answers my assumptions.

-I'm learning stuff. -[Jordan] But then, you can't just have preference.

Yes, everyone has different preferences

when it comes to what they're attracted to.

But like, don't discount an entire group of people because of their identity.

The kids thing, for me, like, that's honestly a big part.

Like, I wanna have biological kids with somebody

and I don't know how to get past that, psychosocially.

[Noah] So, you wouldn't have a problem dating

someone like me who could get pregnant?

'Cause I can still have children.

I'm gonna be honest, that, honestly, makes it easier.

Having biological kids is something that I think

is kinda ingrained in my brain

in the same way that Noah always knew he was a boy.

It's hard to just change something.

Like, how far in, how many dates in are you like,

[snaps] I wanna have kids with this person.

The person you go on a date with doesn't mean you wanna have kids with,

but this is long term, is what I'm talking about.

It's not kids, it's having a future with someone.

If you're... If it's short term,

then you won't care about the kids as much.

If it's long term, then obviously that's part of the conversation.

So, you think men would situationally date transwoman

if they thought it wasn't gonna go anywhere further?

-Like, if they thought it was only gonna be a few dates? -I think some people, maybe.

So, transwomen are just, like, a stepping stone,

but not something to build a life with.

I don't think that's a general statement.

But for me, I'm not trying to date anyone short term right now.

It really upsets me because there's a big group of people

that can't have children for various reasons,

not just being transgender.

And to think that someone would miss out on me

because of something I can't bring to the table

when there is tons of options like adoption or surrogacy,

is really heartbreaking,

because I'm still a valuable person

outside of my reproductive use.

[Raymond] Noah's saying it's hurtful that you would

exclude an entire group of people

-simply for this one factor. -I know so many transwomen are great.

No, they can't have babies,

but it's not like they woke up one day and it was like,

"I don't wanna have babies." They can't help it.

It's almost like you're saying if the transwoman didn't

tell you that she was trans,

and then you dated for like, six years,

and then she was like, "Hey. I'm trans. I can't have kids,"

that would be easier for you than if she was just open on the first date.

That'd be worse, because then they're a liar for six years.

-It's just... I mean... -A liar?

[Ryan] A liar to not... not bring that to someone that close to you.

I'd understand maybe not at the first date,

but six years?

If that's a hidden part of their life.

But if you're dating for six years, that's wrong.

That's a past part of my life that you're not involved with.

Do you ask everybody about their criminal record when you get with them?

[Sander] Whoa, everyone. Let's take a step back in this conversation.

[Noah] A liar?

A liar to not bring that to someone that close to you.

If they're post-op, why would they have to disclose that to you?

[Ryan] I'd understand maybe not the first date.

-[Noah] If that's a hidden part of their life? -But six years?

If I'm post-op, no. It's my choice to tell that person.

But if you're dating for six years, that's wrong.

That's a past part of my life that you're not involved with.

Do you ask everybody about their criminal record when you get with them?

[Sander] Whoa, everyone. Let's take a step back in this conversation.

It's just difficult no matter what way... like, you spin it. You're rolling the dice here.

If I could wake up cis tomorrow, I would definitely choose that.

But it's not... You know? And I can't snap my fingers

and, unfortunately, make myself be able to reproduce.

But you can't, like, look down on me for wanting that

when I am in this situation now.

[Jordan] It's just a matter of choice.

But I don't mean that in any way.

But I... That's not where I'm coming from.

There was always respect, that's what I was trying to point out,

there was always respect, but, like, having these conversations

because I don't think it's only me that thinks these things.

So that's the only reason I'm asking you

because you, obviously, have a way different perspective on it.

No, and what I'm hoping for you is to get them a chance.

That's why I'm asking the questions,

so I can listen.

But I think that, like, what I'm saying

resonates with people.

I think what you're saying resonates with people, too, so it just...

Having the conversation,

I think, is coming from a place of respect.

[Sam] Noah was the first transman I've ever meet.

So it was a very learning experience, you know.

Like, understanding, like, Noah's frustration, like...

You know, Ryan has a choice to choose a woman

who has... can have kids, or something like that.

Noah doesn't have a choice.

And so, that frustration, I'd never, like, seen that before

or heard anyone say them out loud

or kind of, like, engage with me on that. So it was very, very powerful.

Yeah, like, I'm not offended by your questions.

I mean, like, you know, the fact that we think differently boggles mind.

But we didn't... I don't think there was ever a point where we were...

It was getting intense, but I knew you guys were fine.

But at the end of the day, like, I think we created a safe space.

We were talking about very personal and emotional things.

I, personally think that it is, like, a good thing that we had this conversation.

Because, I mean, obviously, like, I had a lot of these questions,

but there was no one for me to ask.

And even if I asked Sander,

it's not that I wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable,

it's just I don't... you know, we don't usually talk about

those things on a daily basis.

But when you're put in a situation to have those conversations

and it opens up a lot of possibilities.

I'm appreciative of each and every one of you

for being here.

All of this conversation was powerful

and is gonna impact each of us in different ways.

There was some difference in opinions.

A lot of people use having biological kids as an excuse.

In Ryan's case, it sounds like he's sincere.

That doesn't mean his opinion doesn't hurt Noah.

But at the end of the day, I think we've learned from each other.

All right, everyone. Last shot of power hour.

[all] Cheers!

-[Noah] Cheers. Nice to meet you guys. -Yes.

[upbeat music playing]

[knocking on door]

-[Jeanette] Hello. -[Raymond] Hello. How are you?

-[Jeanette] My favorite rainbow. -Oh.

[Jeanette] Always great to see you.

I know. I'm on my way to the airport,

but I was like, I have to stop by

and say bye one more time.

I love that you're wearing shades indoors.

Very chic, Jeanette. [laughs]

[Jeanette] It is. So, did you have a nice trip here?

Ah! I had the best time.

To be able to be here before such a huge moment

-for your family has been amazing. -[Jeanette] I know!

I mean, we've been talking about this for so long.

I am really curious to pick Raymond's brain about Jazz.

I value his opinion,

and I think he will be brutally honest.

So, you know, you see her now, today,

and obviously, you know, uh, no one's perfect,

you know, she's got the binge eating thing going on, but, like,

in the headspace that you've seen her at, like, what do you think?

Is she ready for school? Like...

What are your thoughts? Be honest. Completely honest.

My honest answer, Jen, is I don't know.

I don't know. I'm worried.

I feel really torn on how to navigate this conversation with Jeanette.

Because, most important to me,

is that she's giving Jazz the space

and letting her be a -year-old freshman in college.

But at the same time,

I don't want to gloss over the real concerns that I have.

And so, how much do I share with Jeanette,

while also not wanting to scare her

so that she, kind of, doubles down on staying on campus.

-We've just been talking a lot the past couple of days -Yeah.

and she has so many plans.

It's like, "I'm going to exercise every day.

-And I'm going to join two sports teams." -Yeah.

"And I'm gonna... Here's my plan to get straight As. And here's my plan to date."

And it's just, it's a lot of change at once.

-Yes. -And I just... Even if you go into college

with everything, kind of, completely stabilized,

like, it's just a new environment that brings

-Yeah. -so many challenges.

And so, I'm worried.

And I'm also worried that if she is struggling, that she won't reach out,

because she doesn't want to be seen as failing.

I am worried. And I do know that if she is in trouble,

she... We'll know. That's the only thing I can say.

Because I'm gonna be all over her.

-Okay. -For... I'm going up there with her

and I'm not going home until I know that she's okay.

-'Cause I'm not-- -Mmm-hmm. How will you know?

Um, she starts classes and she's like, "This isn't too bad. I got this."

As opposed to, "Oh, my God. I don't know what I'm doing.

I have no... I don't like this class." You know...

But, on that same note, Jeanette, everyone has a difficult moment

-during their freshman year of college. -Yeah.

So it's just knowing when to kind of step in

and when to let her really be and, like, figure it out.

-She's been through so much -[Raymond] Yeah.

-that I'm worried I'm sort of scarred myself, um... -Yeah.

But, like, she hasn't been in a social situation since tenth grade.


-So what do you like... -[Raymond] Yeah.

-That's like four or five years. -[Raymond] Yes.

It's time.

Like, I want her to go,

but I want to make sure she's okay.

It think it's important for Jazz to know that

she can have this independence and that we do trust her,

and you staying on campus for a long time

might send her a signal

that you don't think she's ready for it.

-Mmm-hmm. -[Raymond] Because I think that

she needs to have that opportunity

-to be independent and to go for it. -Yeah.

You're my friend, too, Jeanette,

-and I want you to be taken care of -[Jeanette] Aw!

and I want you to be Jeanette, not Jazz's mom.

So what if, instead of the one way,

you booked a return, and then you can always

move it if you need to?

Uh, he was very serious.

You don't see him that serious all the time.

Like, you know, telling me like it is.

He wasn't sugarcoating anything.

And, if he's concerned, then I'm concerned.

And he's not with her all the time.

[Jazz] Next time on the season finale ofI Am Jazz...

[Dr. Gallagher] We're gonna go ahead and start taking our little nipple grafts.

It's quite shocking, your first time stepping into the OR.

I wanna make sure she doesn't faint.

So now we're gonna start the real surgery,

so, we're gonna go ahead...

[Jazz] Holy crap.

You are ready to leave for school?

I'm so excited to just begin the next chapter of my life.

I wanna know where you're heading with your weight.

You know it's not healthy to be where you are.

-You know that. -Yeah, I do have high hopes for myself.

I wanna get healthy. I wanna feel good in my body.

Are you more than saying that? Are you really gonna do that?

I really, really want it.

We did not have a good freshman year experience the first time around.

It... It fell apart very quickly.

I'll be a little happier, maybe a few months down the road.

How are you feeling about going?

I have to make sure she's stable.

And I can leave her, and be able to sleep at night.

She's got cardiologists, endocrinologists,

pulmonologists, and gastroenterologists.

Four doctors she's seeing.

Hi, grandma. Are you crying?

Jazz going off to Harvard, it's surreal.

But she never ceases to amaze us.

I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm about to be off at college on my own.

I'm ready for this.

I am just manifesting that this is gonna go well.

We're doing this. And this is going to turn out right this time.

It better.

Harvard, here we come! Whoo!