02x12 - Season of the Hexenbiest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grimm". Aired: October 2011 to March 2017.*
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"Grimm" follows a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as "Grimms", who fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
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02x12 - Season of the Hexenbiest

Post by bunniefuu »



[Clears throat]

Oh, boy.


Uh... Hey, Juliette!

Juliette. Hey, Juliette, wait.

What's the matter? Hey! Come...

[indistinct chatter]

It's your preference.

Schedule the deposition next week.

Hey, Captain.

Hey, Nick.

Just the Captain I was looking for.

You have a minute, sir? Not right now, no.

Okay, then.

Wonder what's eating him?

[Phone rings]

Hey, Juliette.

Hey, are you going to be home tonight?

I... Don't know. Are you okay?

You sound upset. Yeah, we kinda need to talk.

I'm sort of having a bad day.

You want to talk now?

Uh, no, can we just talk when you get home?

Okay. Is there anything you want me to do?

No, no, no. I will... I will see you when you get home. Bye.

[Phone rings]


Nick, I got you.

That's good. What's up?

Well, uh... We need to talk.

Okay, what do you want to talk about?

Having given this a great deal of thought, I think we should probably meet face-to-face.

Is there a problem?

Maybe. Um, what are you doing for dinner?

I'm going home to see Juliette.

Okay. Well, maybe you should stop by my place before or after, whatever.

All right.

I'll call you when I know what I'm doing.

Good. Great. Terrific.

Excellent. No rush.


So tell me everything we know about the Captain and his new love.

[Tense music]


So how was your day?

Do you really want to know?

Yes, in that it will postpone me telling you what I have to tell you.

And no, in that we might as well just get it over with.

How are things going with Juliette?

[Exhales sharply]

Well, they're kind of in a holding pattern.

Except that nobody's holding anyone.

Monroe, just tell me what you need to say.


I saw... A guy...

In the spice shop.


Uh, as I was coming out of the back room to help this couple who had come in for some guidance, and this guy had his arms around this person, and they were kissing, and then they stopped, and she turned, and she looked right at me, and, uh...[Sighs]

She kind of looked remarkably like...



Who's the guy? That's a good question.

Because I don't know his name, and I don't know, you know, what the circumstances are or what the relationship is, if there even is a relationship.

They were kissing, Monroe.

I know.

That looks like resuscitation, I guess, at best.

But I gotta tell you, I don't know the whole story, okay?

I don't know anything more than what I haven't told you.


Well, I wonder who she remembered instead of me.

I'm sorry, man. I shouldn't have done this.

No, it's better to deal with the truth.

Wait, Nick, hold on. I think that there's a possibility this has to do with the spell Adalind put on her.

She may have no idea what she's doing.

She recognized you?


Then she knows this is coming.

[Sighs] Oh, man.

[Line ringing] Hi.

We have to deal with this.

You don't understand.

No, I do.

We just can't keep running away from it.

No, I know him.



The guy in the spice shop. I know him.

He's friends with Nick. He knows who I am.

I didn't know what to say or how to explain, so that's why I left.

Look, I have feelings for you, and I don't know why, and I wish that I could stop them and go back to the way that my life was before.

I just don't even remember what that...


[Car approaching]

I have to go, Nick is here.

What are you gonna tell him?

[Car door closes] I don't know.

Hey. Hey.

I'm glad you could come home.

So what did you want to talk to me about?

Look, um...

There's, uh, there's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna...

I am having feelings for another man, and I don't know why, and I gotta admit, it's kind of starting to drive me a little bit crazy, and...

I know this isn't fair to you.

And I wish I knew what to do, but I don't.

Who is it?

Please understand that nothing has happened yet.

Who is it?


You know what?


I don't want to know.

It is none of my business anymore.

[Door closes] [Knock at door]

Hey, um, I thought that we should...

I thought that I should come talk to you and try to explain.

Hey, hey, it's okay.

This is gonna be okay.

[Cries] No, it's not.

Well, there's that. Come on in.


[Dramatic music]


Now what?

Oh, the good life.

[Knock at door]


Hi, Hank.

I wasn't sure you'd be home, I just took a chance.

Yeah, you did.

I didn't expect to see you again.

The truth is, I just wanted to apologize for the way I treated you.

It wasn't right.

You bring some more cookies?

No, my baking days are over.

I am just really sorry for the way things turned out.

I guess you know my mother was k*lled.


Sorry. Thank you.

You know, in my defense, I thought Nick was gonna hurt me.

He blames me for a lot of things, and I don't know how you're gonna take this, but I think he may have had something to do with my mother's death.

I don't think so, Adalind.

Well, I don't know if he'd tell you if he did.

He's told me a lot.

Anyway, I just hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Thanks for listening, Hank.

You look good. Maybe I'll see you around.


[Struggling, grunting]

Sean. So good to see you.

You said that almost as though you meant it.

I really am very sorry to hear about your current condition.

It must be just awful to want something so badly and not be able to have it.

So you've seen my brother, Eric.

All of him.

Not much of an achievement, really.

And what does he want?

Just this... you have 48 hours to get the key from Nick.

Really? And why am in not refusing?

Because if you don't, the Grimm will be told of your real identity, royal and otherwise.

Not to mention the fact that you tried to have his aunt m*rder*d.

He really should have cut your throat when he had the chance.

Oh, I wouldn't waste time worrying about what might have been.

Just get us the key.

[Door closes]

[Train horn honks, bell clangs]

[Phone rings]


Nick, hey.

Listen, sorry I gotta tell you this, but, uh, Hank got the hell beat out of him last night.


He's going to the hospital.

We're at his house.

It's completely trashed. We're securing the scene now.

What do we know?

All we know is what he was able to tell us.

Two guys, maybe more.

Could have been a home invasion.

I'm going to the hospital.

You know why I came here last night?

Because of what happened in the spice shop.

Well, yes, that is correct, but also, I know this is the last place I was before I went into a coma.

Hey! You remember that?

I mean, vaguely I remember that something was supposed to happen, like...

You were gonna tell me something or something?

So you remember that too. Uh... you want to tell me now?

Uh Nick says I wouldn't understand.

Not everything is entirely understandable in the, like, normal scheme of things.

Yeah, so you won't tell me either.

No, it's not that.

Then what is it?

Nick thought someone might be trying to poison you.

[Scoffs] Why would anybody want to poison me?

To get at Nick.

Because he's a cop?

Yeah. Exactly.

He's a really good cop, and he's got a lot of enemies.

And, you know, he really tries to protect you from all that stuff.

Yeah, well, you know, I think he's maybe trying to protect me a little too much.

And, Monroe, honestly, that's one of the problems.

I'm really getting sick of being left in the dark all the time.

The dark does have its bright side.

Listen, thank you for everything.

I know that you're Nick's friend.

I don't want to put you in the middle of any of this, so...

I'm just gonna take off. But thank you.

I'm sorry.



How long you been there?

Long enough to get really pissed.

Who did this to you?

Didn't get much of a look.

Happened so fast.

I could have been k*lled.

I kind of let my guard down.

What were you doing?

Calling you.

About what?

You're not gonna believe who stopped by last night to see me.


Adalind? She's here?

Oh, yeah.

She thinks you had something to do with her mother's death.

You didn't, did you?

It wasn't me, Hank.

But you know who did it.


And you're not gonna tell me.

I'll tell you what I think.

I think Adalind had something to do with you getting beat up.


I have something that she wants.

And this... this gets you out of the way.

I'm gonna find her.

[Both speaking french]


[Knock at door] Yeah?

I just saw Hank.

Yeah, I read the report. How's he doing?

Not great. They beat the crap out of him.

Any leads?

Yeah, one. Just before the attack, Adalind Schade was at his house.

They used to be involved, right?

It didn't end well.

Did we ever tie her to her mother's death?

We didn't know where she was until now.

I think it's about time we did.

Do whatever it takes to find her.

[Indistinct chatter]

Hey! You see Hank?

Yeah. And I know who's responsible.

Hope you got a name.

Adalind Schade.

She's somewhere in Portland. Check all hotels, train, airline, bus schedules over the last week.

And there's a picture of her on file.

[Phone rings]

This has priority.

Yeah, I'll get everyone up to speed.


Hey, man, listen.

Uh, so, Juliette spent the night here on the couch.

She just fell asleep, but that's not important.

The thing is, she started to ask about the night you brought her over.

And she remembered I was gonna tell her something, and she wanted me to tell her what I didn't tell her.

What did you tell her?


What could I tell her?

Adalind's back.

Excuse me?

She went to Hank's last night, and now he's in the hospital.

Oh, my God.

What, did he sleep with her again?

Just listen. I need you to keep Juliette at your house, just until I find Adalind.

She kind of left a little while ago as I was awkwardly evading her questions.

I gotta find Juliette.

You don't think Adalind would come after her again, do you?

I do. I'll call you back.
[Phone rings]

Oh, uh, Juliette.

Hi. I was just about to knock.

I'm so glad I caught you at home.



[Floor creaks]

[Floor creaking]

Don't move!

Oh, my God! Dude!


Are we too late?

I don't know. She's not here.

Well, nothing seems broken.

What are you doing here?

You told me about Adalind.

I figured I'd better just get over here, you know, to be safe.

Did you try calling her? She didn't answer.

Well, try her again.

[Phone rings]

It's Nick.

Don't you want to take it?

We've been having some issues. I'll just call him later.

How long has that been going on?

Well, oddly enough, since your cat scratched me.

What? My cat?

Yeah, it's kind of a long story.

I sort of went into a coma that night.

I had no idea.

It didn't have anything to do with the cat scratch, did it?

The doctors don't know why I went into a coma, and they don't know why I came out of it.

Well, I'm really glad you did.

You know, I tried finding you, but nobody knew where you were.

Eh, I was having some issues of my own.

My relationship with Hank didn't work out very well.

I just needed a change, so I went to Europe.

Really? Where?

Paris first.

And then Berlin.

And then I found a job doing some legal work for this really nice family in vienna.

That's where I was when I found out my mother had been m*rder*d.

Oh, my God. I didn't know that.

Did they ever find out who k*lled her?

Not that they've told me.

I'm so sorry.

Hmm. It helps to have someone to talk to.

I'm glad we're getting this chance to catch up.

[Scoffs] I wish we had better things to talk about.

You know, this may be a little too personal, but your troubles with Nick, is there someone else?

Kind of, but our problems go way beyond that.

Yeah, I've been there too.

Hey, got some pertinent for you.

Adalind Schade arrived yesterday at 2:30 P.M.

On lufthansa flight 6331 from vienna, via Frankfurt and Seattle.

She did not rent a car, so someone either picked her up, or she took a cab.

We checked all the hotels in the Portland area, and we have no one registered under that name.

So she's either staying with someone, or... she's staying in someone else's hotel room.

She flew under her own name, but I wouldn't rule out other false documentation.

All right, look, I need you to triangulate Juliette's phone.

Juliette? Is she okay?

I don't know.

I haven't been able to get ahold of her, and she knows Adalind, so... enough said.

Give me her number.

Hey, Nick, can I see you in my office?

I think we should talk.

Okay, about what?

What's going on with you and Juliette?

I mean, I can just see that it's starting to affect you.

Uh, well, things aren't going too well right now.

Is it more than just the problem with her memory?

Seems to be a whole lot more.

Anything you want to talk about?

No, not really.


I think she's seeing someone else.

You know who?

I don't think I want to know.

Listen, Nick...

Don't let it get to you, you know?

Sometimes these things have a way of working themselves out.

Well, I'm just trying to stay focused on Adalind.

Well, good. We should all be doing that.

[Knock at door] Yeah?

Got a location on the phone.

Portland java. Probably just out for coffee.

Who we tracking?


Adalind knows her, and if she went after Hank... well, I can remember when we met, and we all went out to dinner, you, me, and Hank.

And Nick.

No, I don't remember anything about Nick being there.

That is so weird.

I know.

What about, uh, Nick's aunt? Marie, I think her name was?

Yeah, I remember her coming to the house, and she was really, really sick.

But I don't remember whose aunt she was.

She was Nick's.

Yes, that would make sense.

Did she stay with you?

[Phone ringing]

She was supposed to, but she was traveling.

She had this trailer with her.

But then she got hurt and had to go to the hospital.

A trailer? What happened to that?

I am sorry, it's Nick. I gotta take it.


Oh, there you are.

I'm sorry, I was worried.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just having tea.

Are you alone?

No, I'm with a friend.


Does it really matter?

Is it Adalind?

Nick, what's wrong with you?

I don't have to tell you who I'm having tea with.

No, I know.

I was just trying to get ahold of her.

I thought maybe she contacted you.

I heard she was in Portland?

Hold on.

Nick is looking for you. Do you want to talk to him?


Okay, hold on.

Hey, stranger. How have you been?

Fine, Adalind. You?

Mm, it was good seeing Hank again.

Have you made any progress on my mother's m*rder?

A little. I think maybe we should talk.

We're just at Portland java. I know you're a busy guy, but if you've got some time, why don't you come on by?

On my way.

Now where were we?

Oh, um, aunt Marie's trailer. Was it nice?

It was weird.

How so?

There were all these weird books and drawings and bottles.

I mean, it didn't feel like a camping trailer.

Huh. So what did you do with it?

Well, it got moved, thank God.


Um, I'm not sure.

I just saw it being driven away.

Do you know where it is now?

It's in a storage yard.

[Sirens approaching]

[Sirens wailing, tires screeching]

Adalind Schade.


Everyone, remain calm. Stay in your seats.

Ms. Schade, we are placing you under arrest.

I have to inform you of your rights.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Do you understand your rights?


Let's go.

Why is she being arrested?

She's a suspect in her mother's death.

You think she k*lled her own mother?

I think she needs to answer some questions.

Nick, she was in Europe when her mother was k*lled.

And you used me. I didn't use you.

Juliette, I was worried about you.

Well, why don't you stop?

Just need a minute.

You're playing a dangerous game. I know.

That's why I wanted to be in police custody.

It wouldn't look very good if I were hurt or k*lled inside your jail.

I wouldn't count on my protection.

Don't think you can do to me what you did to Kimura.

Now be a good, little prince, and shut the door.



Can you account for your whereabouts the day your mother was m*rder*d?

Can you?

You didn't answer the question.

I was out of the country.

Eh, you need to be a little more specific.


I only have my passport stamp, my airplane ticket, and my credit card receipts to prove where I was.

So if I didn't do it, who do you think did?

What was your relationship like with your mother?

You know, good and bad, like most.

Which reminds me, I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles with Juliette.

Monogamy must be challenging for a pretty young woman like Juliette.

There must be a lot of men who would be interested in a woman who can't remember them.

How did you find out about your mother's death?

I got an email from her lawyers.

You saw Hank last night.

I did. I miss him.

Well, you know, he's in the hospital.

What happened?

He got beat up about the same time you were there.

You don't think I had anything to do with it, do you?

Nick, Hank's a big man. What chance would I have to... where'd you go after you saw Hank?

Back to the hotel. I ordered room service and stayed in the rest of the night.

And what hotel?

The deluxe, room 212.

Ask for Xander.

He was the nice, young waiter who brought me my food.

I'm sure he'd remember me.

And the hotel room is registered under your name?


It's registered with the company I work for.

GQR Industries.

Based in Rotterdam.

And what is it you do for them?

A little bit of everything.

You know, I've only been with them for a couple of months, but I'm here to tell you, they have their hands in a lot of pies.

Do you know what the key to their success is?

No, I'm not interested.

You should be.

That's what this all comes down to, Nick.

The key.

You know where it is.

Why don't you just give it up and be done with it?

I'm done with you.

Oh, one more thing.

You don't know what happened to my cat, do you?

That didn't go so well.

Well, sounds like she can prove where she was when her mother was k*lled.

Well, that doesn't mean she wasn't involved.

She could have hired it done, just like with Hank.

What about this key that she mentioned?

Mean anything to you?


Nick, if you're involved in anything... she's a lawyer, I don't know what the hell she's talking about.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Phone rings]

What's up?

Hey, so I went and I visited Hank in the hospital, and just from looking at him, I had a gut feeling it was wesen, so I went to his place. That's where I am now.

And what do you got?

From the lingering stink, Hundjager, more than one.

Well, that would mean Verrat.

If these guys are back in Portland, it must be.

Then Adalind is working for the royals.

She said she was working for GQR Industries, same company that owns the ship that brought us the Mauvais Dentes.

I think we gotta track these Hundjager down.

Okay, start at the deluxe hotel, room 212.

That's where Adalind said she's staying.

But be careful.

I think the time for being careful is over, Nick.

So you just expected him to come out and admit he's got the key, huh?

It can't hurt to ask, Sean.

You know, Nick is really proving himself to the family... Mmhmm.

What with k*lling the Mauvais Dentes and the Nuckelavee.

He's turning quite a few heads.

Well, then maybe you should stop testing him.

Aw, do you feel your little Grimm slipping away?

I know, you should have k*lled me when you had the chance.

Oh, I blame myself, really.

I should have known you'd go to my brother.

Oh, just in case you're interested, Nick's dear aunt Marie came to town towing a trailer full of all kinds of fun things.

Well, where is it?

And wouldn't you just think that would be a great place to hide a key?

I need you to find a trailer.

There are ten storage yards in Portland.

It might be under the name Burkhardt, unless, of course, he paid cash.

What kind of trailer am I looking for?

1963 Airstream Global Trotter, registered to Marie Kessler, Montana license plates. How much time do I have?

As little as possible. Find it.

Hi. Is Leroy here?

You have the wrong room.

Really? Leroy said he was in 212.

Yeah, 212. Gee, I wonder where he...


[Door opens, closes]

[Phone rings]


Hey, so you'll never guess who's in Adalind's hotel room. Who?

Definitely the two Hundjagers who were at Hank's place, and from the smell of it, I'm thinking one or two more.

What do you want me to do?

I'm on my way.

Gosh, I'm sorry.

I just talked to Leroy, and he said he was in 212.

I told you, you have the wrong room.

Hey, come on, guys, he owes me money, okay?

Look, Leroy, I know you're in here, man.

Quit screwing around, will you?

[Speaks french]

Wow. Okay, okay.

Hey! Take it easy, will ya? Get out of here!


Whew, okay.

Come on, come on, come on.

It's working, Nick.


How many of them?

There's definitely four.

Did they believe you?

Not a chance.

And they're coming, so what do you want to do?

You want to arrest 'em or what?

Or what.

Okay, then.

Who are you?

I'm the guy who's looking for Leroy, man.

He owes me money. You don't remember?

I knocked on your door, like, twice in the last 15... shut up!

Hey, easy there, bub.

No need to get all huffy and puffy with me.

k*ll him.

Well, isn't that just like the Verrat?

One answer for every question.

Now I have a question for you.

Which of you beat up my partner?


The Grimm.




You're working for Adalind Schade.

Who is she working for?

I'm hurt.

I'll get you an ambulance just as soon as you answer me.

We all work for...



Look out!




I'm thinking we should probably get out of here.

Get their I.D.s, cell phones, anything else they have.

Take this all back to your place.

Oh, that's great, all the evidence at my place.

And this.

And the m*rder w*apon too. Why not?

I just had a nice talk with your friends in the Verrat.

Really? How'd that go?

Well, they said as much as they're gonna say.

Well, there's plenty more where they came from.

You're working for the royals.

Girl's gotta eat.

You can't hide in here forever, you know.

I-I just can't figure out what to charge you with.

You think I tried to k*ll your aunt.

Well, I have a confession to make.

I did.

Of course, I was just one of many.

But haven't you ever wondered who put us up to it?

The royal here in Portland?


Would you like a name to go along with that?

That'd be nice.

Well, I'd like nothing better than to tell you, Nick.

I mean, really I would.

Because, under different circumstances, I think you and I could have really had some fun.

All you have to do is give me the key.

Then you'll have your answer, and I'll be out of your life forever.

I guess you don't need to be a Hexenbiest to be a witch.

You don't have to be a witch to work this kind of magic.

[Door opens]

What are you doing?

I'm not sleeping on the couch anymore.

Well, you're not sleeping in here.

I know.

[Knock at door]

I got the spare room all made up.

Oh, man.

It's definitely a little old-world, but...

It's yours, for as long as you need it.


So you all right?

Yeah, just...

Adalind's back, and I'm worried about Juliette.

Hey, look on the bright side.

Adalind's in jail, and Juliette's probably safer now that she's having nothing to do with you, so... sorry, it's not that bright a side, but, I mean, what are you gonna do?

You can't sleep in your car outside her house.

It is what it is.

Yeah, it is.

It is unless you know what I know.

What are you talking about?

I've been thinking about this for a while, man.

I've been going around and around in my head, I've been twisting myself into a knotten-brezel, but I'm just gonna come right out with it.

There's something I gotta show you.

It's something I recorded off the news a couple of weeks ago, and I wasn't sure if I should show you, you know?

But now that you've moved out, I think you have a right to know.

Know what?

Who it was who came into the spice shop with Juliette.

The kidnapping victim, Donna Reynolds, was rescued this evening at 9:47 by police officers from the third precinct after a 911 call.

She has been released from the hospital in good health and has been safely reunited with her family in seclusion.

The suspect, Adrian Zayne, has been confirmed as the kidnapper.

He was found m*rder*d in his home this evening.

You know him, don't you?

[Dramatic music]

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