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04x08 - Nothing Is Set in Stone

Posted: 02/16/24 19:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "I am jazz"...

Wait, so is that like a real tattoo or is --?

Yeah, it's a fibonacci spiral.

What about you? Do you want a tattoo?

Oh, hell-to-the-yes.

Have you ever dated someone who's transgender?


Is that weird for you?

Being pansexual like, literally, nothing matters.

Okay, good.

This date, honestly, went better anything I could've hoped for.

Bowers: you want to be on the lower end of the b.m.i. Scale.

If it's really not right, the date doesn't get set.

Jazz: hold on, I'm too tired.

We've been playing for minutes.

Well, whatever! Look at you and look at me!

I'm a fat-ass!

I need to lose pounds.

The reason why it's so difficult is 'cause I'm a binge eater.

She has to have two letters from two different therapists

Saying that she is mentally sound to have the surgery.

Woman: I could like to have you come back.

It's not just about weight, it's about behind it.

Jazz: getting my letters will be harder

Than I originally thought.

We're going to revisit a past life that's going to

Evaluate and offer healing to your binge eating.

I'm open to open to past life regression,

Because in order to get the surgery,

I need to not only lose the pounds,

But I need to maintain my weight.

How do you feel coming out of that,

As far as the analogy of being hungry for food,

But also hungry for something else?

It was just acceptance.

I was definitely able to connect a few dots.

I binge eat to make myself feel happier

And I feel like I finally understand why that is.

Years ago, I was assigned male at birth,

But inside, I always knew I was a girl.

I have a girl brain and a boy body.

Being transgender hasn't been easy.

We really are walking a tightrope.

-I'm a tough case. -You're a tough case.

Come on, jazz!whoo!

Go for it, girl!

But it's made me who I am.

I am jazz.

--Captions by vitac--

Captions paid for by discovery communications


Ready for the big tennis match?

Oh, yeah.

Little wimbledon championship.

We'll just rally back and forth, you know?

I'm really happy my parents allow me to do virtual school,

However, I must follow certain conditions.

I need to get my exercise and continue my path

Of healthy eating and losing weight.

I'm ready for ya. I don't know if I can move

With all these tennis balls, but...

Oh, crap. Slow start, slow start, slow start.

Even though I'm not the best,

I prefer tennis over other forms of exercise,

Just because you're not really focused on, you know,

Working out rather than just playing.

You know, I haven't played tennis in a long time.

And being with my dad is also great,

'Cause any time I could spend time with him, you know,

I value those moments.


Oh, that's nice.

Ah, good try.

That was good.

Let's take a break.

Greg: playing tennis with jazz is part of the plan

To keep jazz active and healthy.

It's also some good daddy/daughter time.

Jazz is getting older.

It's not always so easy getting together

With your teenage daughter and any time sports

Can be involved in it, it makes it that much more fun.


That was fun.

So, we need to talk more about this vow renewal.

The kids and I have been talking about celebrating

Jeanette and my th anniversary,

And I think it's a really great idea

To have a wedding vow renewal and surprise jeanette.

'Cause I've always known she wanted to do it,

But that's really hard to surprise.

Woman: are you a romantic guy?

[ Laughter ]

Sometimes my dad needs a little bit of help

In the romance department.

I'm just trying to come up with a good cover,

'Cause we have to hide it from mom.

I'm thinking that we say that it's going to be

My birthday and we're going to go to club med.

'Cause you remember when I was really young,

Like two, three years old, we used to go for my birthday?

Yeah, no, it makes sense. I just don't know with mom.

She's such a...

I don't -- I don't think she'll catch on to it.

This is a great idea.

Jazz's th birthday is the same weekend.

And it's actually perfect,

Because we used to go to club med

All the time for jazz's birthday.

It's nice on jazz's part to think more about us

Than her own occasion.

It's the perfect place,

'Cause it has a lot of sentimental value for her

And the entire family.

Okay, let's try and coordinate it.

I don't know if it's going to be easy,

Because she's always in tune with everything that's going on.

Yeah, but --

But if we can surprise her, that would be --

That'd be a big win.

What would make her think that we're going to

Club med to do a wedding vow renewal?

Jazz is the most likely to blow the secret.

She just has a history of -- I don't know.

I don't know why she always [ chuckling ] ruins secrets.

This would actually be a really beautiful idea

And I could surprise mom and give her a gift

That she's always wanted.

Now, we just got to make sure the kids are going to be free

From school, but, yeah, we'll focus on your birthday.

Let's start talking up your birthday.

I really think mom's going to be ecstatic,

So when she finds out, she's going to be like, "ooh!"

And she'll start crying for about years.

[ Both laugh ]


Hey, it's going to get loud in here.

[ Blender whirring ]



And it's made with so much spinach,

You get your leafy greens in for the day, just with that.

-I like it. -Really good, right?

-It is good. -Mmm.

Greg: hey, jazz, have you given any thought about

What you want for your birthday?

I just want to do something with the family,

Something fun where we're all together.

We could just drive up to club med for a day.

I don't care what we do.

You're !

One year from beginning my th year,

Which means I'm going to be an adult.

Jazz: I'm excited about turning next weekend,

Because it makes me that much closer to being an adult.

I love being independent.

I wanted to ask you guys, for my birthday or for whatever,

There's something I've been wanting for a while.

I know you might not like this.

I'm just guessing what she's going to ask for.

Do you think I could get a tattoo?


I don't know.

Like, a really, like, no bigger than this.

It depends.

Jeanette: jazz is an individual.

She likes to express herself,

And tattoos are artistry on the body.

So, I'm supportive of it. I'm not against it.

My initial reaction is, can you just get, like,

A paint-on tattoo, one that washes off

And just see if you like it first?

There are the ones that come in the gumball machines.

And you get that little ball and you break it in half,

It's like a little pirate tattoo.

So, you were the kid, "mom, give me cents."


-Kept getting it. -I was that kid.

I was not.

Where were you contemplating?

Shoulder? That could be good.

Maybe like kind of like collarbone, neck,

But that's more visible.

-Okay, no, no. -No, no, not too --

I was thinking, it could say,

"Daddy's girl."[ Laughter ]

Jeanette: I was just about to say get it on your upper butt,

But when you said, "daddy's girl," I'm like, no!

Oh, my god.

Jazz: when it comes to me getting a tattoo,

I know my dad might have some concerns, however,

I think at the end of the day, he'll come around,

And if he doesn't then I'll be really upset.

Anyway, don't we have to call marci bowers?

Or is she calling us?

I think we're facetimeing her, right?

We have to call her. Yeah.

Jazz: since the last time I spoke to dr. Bowers,

I've been in this constant yo-yo battle of losing weight

And gaining weight, so she just wants to see that I am on track

And we could potentially set a date to get

The gender confirmation surgery.

-Hey. -Hi.

-Hello. -How are you?

-It's my favorite family. -Aww!

Bowers: we haven't talked for a while. How's it going?


In terms of like, my diet and weight loss,

I'm back on track now, so that's good.

Within the past few weeks, I've lost pounds,

So I'm one-third of the way there.

Okay, can you give me that number?

Of what I weigh?

-Yes. -Uhh...

You have to realize, I'm not being mean,

I'm saying that if you're running a higher b.m.i.

Than we want, it's going to be a problem.

I cannot do surgery if you are not perfect.

Dr. Bowers is very firm with the fact

That I have to lose pounds

Or else I'm not getting the surgery.

It's very intimidating and puts a lot of pressure on me

When she's so stern with how she wants me to do this.

Uhh. This is my weight right now.

Again, if we're not at that perfect number,

We're going to have to push it off to the next summer,

Which would make you .


And I will do it. I have to -- I have no choice.

I know. Of course.

So, how far in advance does she need to reach the target

For you to say,

"I could put you on the calendar"

For the procedure itself?

Really, we should be thinking three months before surgery,

Because I have to get approvals.

We have to be planning.

We have to set the o.r. Up.

There's a lot to do,

So, I mean, this is really serious now.


You know, because time will just slip by.

Jazz does have a tendency to procrastinate.

I think the deadline for the weight loss

Will give jazz an incentive.

I think it will motivate jazz to want to lose weight more.

Are you working on the letters?

Well, we've been getting our ducks in a row there.

But she has to go to dr. Volker again.

Okay, that is good.

We're seeing dr. Volker for the second time

To try and get the letter,

Because the first time,

Dr. Volker was not ready to give jazz a letter

And she can't have the surgery without it.

Okay, everybody. Have a great day.

-Bye. -You, too.


All right, I'm hopping on the bike now.

I definitely have made progress, but I need to make even more

To prove to her that I am taking this seriously.

Getting the surgery this summer is a must

And I'm going to lose this weight.

Let's grind it.




-Hey. -Hi, sweetheart.

Tonight, my dad and I are going to my grandparents' house

To tell them about the surprise wedding vow renewal

And to figure out some of the details.

Jazz, why don't you tell grandma and grandpa about this idea?

Yeah, what?

Um, we came here to discuss a surprise that we have for mom.

Right now, she thinks we're going to club med

To celebrate my birthday,

But really, we're having a second wedding,

Renewing mom's vows.

Oh, you're going to make me cry.

I think planning vow renewal for jeanette and greg is terrific.

I have to be honest. We've never considered a vow renewal,

But the best we can say,

We've never considered a divorce.

[ Laughs ]

What a great idea. Whose idea was this?

Was this your idea, greg?

Sort of?

Greg: even though I've always been hesitant to do it,

This is really something that's important to jeanette.

And when you've got four kids,

It's a little harder to be romantic on a regular basis,

So I think this vow renewal is a nice way to rekindle.

And I -- I think we need some kind of master of ceremonies.


Jack, is that something you would want to do?

Yeah, I have something I would want to say.

So, you're in?

You -- uh, you couldn't hold me back.

Who should reaffirm for this thing, other than...

Father jack.

Than me, who've known -- who've known the kids

Since they were kids.

Your -- your mother-in-law and I

Are going to try our best not to have too many tears.

Jacky: but we'll have a bunch of tissues ready for our daughter.

Yes. It's going to be like a breaking of a dam.

[ Laughs ]

I'm even welling up thinking about it.

So, we know what we want to do generally?

I mean, we have to have her get dressed and everything, right?

Yeah, that's a very crucial thing.

How are you going to dress?

How would you even get a dress for her?

-Done. -Done?


Okay, once mom would see a dress,

She would know this cannot be your birthday party, right?


The cat's out of the bag.

Should we, you know...?

You want to tip her off, right?

And the dress is the tip off.

How long do you want her thinking that we're up there

For just jazz's birthday?

I like this idea of the dress surprising her.

All right, so if you're coming with mom,

The boys are getting there how?

The kids are going to drive down.

-They'll meet us there. -From school?

-Yeah. -Okay.

All right.

All right, so we've got the venue,

We've got the general idea.

Yeah. So, now, we've got to figure out

What's going to actually happen.


How has it been since I've seen you last?

Jazz: my potential gender confirmation surgery,

It's like all falling to pieces unless I get this letter.

Where is everyone?

I'm getting a little anxious, 'cause mom is very nosy.

I don't go to the front desk, like...?

No, we got you.



Jeanette: so, you ready to visit marilyn?

I don't know. I'm kind of not looking forward to this.

Jazz: today, I am visiting dr. Volker

To make a second attempt of getting my therapy letter.

My last session with dr. Volker didn't go too well.

She told me that she would not provide the first therapy letter

Until I show progress in losing weight.

I feel like, yeah, I'm on the right track again,

I'm losing weight, but like, I really haven't made

Any significant progress.

I have a feeling, like, she's not going to sign it off

And I'm not ready, I'm not mentally ready

For that disappointment once again.

I'm trying to be a little bit hopeful,

Because I know I've been eating healthier

And I feel like I have made progress,

In terms of preventing myself from binge eating.

So, tell me more about the outing with victoria.

We had a really fun time. But, um, I don't know.

I don't know if she likes me or not, though, that way,

Because I -- I definitely think she's really pretty

And I'd totally be open to having a relationship

With her, but -- really?

Yeah, definitely.

Like, you have -- did you have the urge like,

To kiss her goodbye?


Not necessarily, just 'cause like, I'm not --

You know me, I take slow steps and I don't know where --

I just don't know where her head is at.

So, do you think you guys will hang out again?

Hopefully, we'll hangout soon, you know?

Jeanette: jazz wants to be in love more than anything

And we all know that heartbreak

Is just, like, the worst feeling.

And her already being, like,

Over-the-top, where is this going?

Are they going to be friends or more than friends?

If it doesn't work out, jazz will be miserable.



There's so much pulp in there!

The taste is fine, it's the pulse.

-The pulp? -Pulp.

[ Both laugh ]

Can I take your pulp?

[ Laughs ]


Come on.

Don't you understand, I'm a slow person?

-Hello. -Hi, sweetie pie.

I'm so happy to see you. Thank you for being here.

Of course.

This therapy letter is required for me to get this operation.

I'll close the door.

My potential gender confirmation surgery,

It's like all falling to pieces unless I get this letter.

How has it been since I've seen you last?

Volker: the last time when I talked with jazz,

Awe were just at the beginning of identifying

The eating behavior pattern

And I think that she was not excited

About working on that weight loss,

And I was concerned.

I mean, I've lost pounds, so that's good.

I only have more to go. I'm one-third of the way done.

I'm impressed.

I mean, it doesn't look like it.

I -- I feel like it doesn't look like it, but...

What did you do that was different?

It has to be a behavior, but it has to be a mindset, too.

I mean, I've just kind of been resisting the temptations

As much as I can.

Have you ever said, "I'd like to eat bad,

But you know what, I'm going for this more pounds,

So I'm going to eat what I want, but less"?

That happens. I mean, obviously, in my heart,

I'm like, "I want more, blah!", But like in my mind,

I was like, "no, honey, don't eat more."

What did you do about the night eating so far,

Like when you really want to snack?

I go to sleep.

Without eating?

Yeah. I did last night.

Whoa. Was it difficult to do?


But you're seeing, at that time,

At that place, that works.

Yay, you.

When jazz tells me that she stops herself from overeating,

I feel very hopeful, because she's able to identify,

"When I am in this situation, I need to really be mindful."

Last time, she didn't stop herself.

Since the last time I saw you, you are really honing,

"How I can shape healthy emotions for healthy behavior."

I have been visiting a -- a hypnotherapist,

So she's been helping me out with this process,

And I guess it's been working,

'Cause I'm losing weight, and now I'm, like, back on track.

I want to -- I want to tell you,

I'm very proud of you.


I really am.

We're going to call mom in.

Hey, mom?! Come on back!mom?!

I think I'm very close to what dr. Volker would like to see.

However, I don't know if that means she's going to give me

The letter or not, so who knows?

I am really thrilled.

I -- I can see that your determination

And also your work with the hypnotherapist

Is really helping.

I want to call dr. Bowers.

I want to work together on the team.

I want them to know that I have seen this progress.

And when I see enough of that, then I write that letter.

Jeanette: when dr. Volker asked to speak to dr. Bowers,

I think it's a sign of progress.

It means that we're headed in the right direction,

However, jazz still has to honor her commitments

Before she's going to write the letter.

Aww. Give me your hugs. Yay, yay, yay.

Jazz: I understand why dr. Volker didn't give me the letter,

However, I am very disappointed.

-Thank you. -Bye-bye, sweetie.




Greg: how did everything go with dr. Volker?

I wasn't in the room.

I was just there in the beginning and at the end.

And cut to the chase, we still don't have a letter.

Jazz is on the right track,

But marilyn wants to talk to dr. Bowers.

And she still wants to see jazz make more progress

With the b.m.i. Situation.

I'm glad that the doctors are recognizing

That jazz is making progress.

I just need to know that the medical professionals

Are all in agreement.

If there's not a unanimous consensus,

Then the surgery's going to have to wait.

It's really up to jazz.

She needs to get her ass in gear

And do what she needs to do.

I think she'll do it.

She's been eating well, doing more activities.

I think she's trying.

I was talking to jazz about club med.

Such good times up there.

When jeanette says that she had been talking to jazz

About club med, I'm a little bit worried,

Because sometimes jazz spills the beans.

What are we going to do?

What do you mean?

I told her, on her birthday,

If she wants to cheat, that's okay,

But don't go overboard.

Don't have four slices of cake. Have one slice.


I'm so relieved that it seems like

Jeanette doesn't know why exactly we're going to club med.

One of the things about club med is...

Food.'s always been a big, big food place.

All-you-can-eat buffet with chocolate bread.

So, does she think she's getting a tattoo for her birthday?


I don't have a problem with it

If you don't have a problem with it.

As long as it's subtle and it's, like, not like

Here or on her face.

I notice that victoria had a little tattoo.

Trying to think.

She had a -- a ring.

Did she have one on her arm, down here?

I didn't stare. She might've.

Remember when you were younger,

Would you have been allowed to get a tattoo?

Heck, no! My dad?

There's definitely a fine line between letting somebody

Just do whatever they want and having some kind

Of parental controls.

You know, it started with the blue hair.

Teal. Sorry. Whatever.

Teal hair.

Now, jazz wants a tattoo.

The fact of the matter is, ultimately,

I know if jazz wants a tattoo,

She's going to get one, probably when I'm not looking.

Yeah, we can control it.

But the fact that we're at least talking about it,

At least she'll hear me out as to what size

The tattoo should be, where she should have

That tattoo, you know, hopefully,

She'll be smart with her decision.

Later in life, she could do what she wants,

I guess, but right now, if I get to exert some kind of control,

I'd like her to do it in a place where it gets covered up.

Like where?and it's not too big.

See, I would think like here is a nice --

Oh, no, you don't like --

I think this way, let her go through it,

If that's what she really wants to do.

It has to be not visible.

Yeah, we won't sign until we know what it is

And where it's going.

Okay, let's give her the green light,

But we need to approve --

No, let's not give a green light.

Let's find out exactly what it is --

Why'd you just cut me off?

I said, green light, but we need to approve it.

It's more like, we need to approve it,

Then we give the green light.

Whatever. A yellow and then a green.

Jazz usually doesn't celebrate her birthday doing much,

So I do not think jazz has any idea

What's about to happen today.

Wait. Why are you turning? Where are we going?






Where are we going?

You want to go like see a movie or go get ice cream?

Wait, no. The diet, I forgot.

Yeah, diet. I mean, we could go to like a cafe, maybe?

Get coffee?

Get tea, coffee, yeah.

-Yeah, sounds like a good idea. -I'm down for that.

Jazz: ever since I've been enrolled in virtual school,

I've been trapped in my house,

So any opportunity that I can get out

And hang out with friends is just important to me.

What are you doing for your birthday?

I don't really have anything planned for my birthday,

Except that we're surprising my mom.

We're setting up a whole vow renewal ceremony.

Oh, my gosh. That's going to be so cute.

I know. She doesn't even know it's happening at all.

Jazz usually doesn't celebrate her birthday doing much,

So I do not think jazz has any idea

What's about to happen today.

Have you heard from victoria lately?

We've been texting here and there, but not really.

I -- I still don't know if she's into me or not, so...

Maybe she likes you.

I think she does, but I don't know.

I really like every moment that I spend with her.

However, victoria hasn't talked about hanging out again,

So I'm not setting my hopes that high,

But I am hoping she's on the same page as me.

Wait. Why are you turning?

-Where are we going? -I don't know.

I just saw this tattoo shop and I want to like,

Look inside of it for a little. Do you mind?

I don't care. You know me.

I've wanted a tattoo for a long time

Because I really believe that your body is a canvas

And tattoos are pretty, tattoos are cool,

Especially if they mean something.

However, my parents don't love the idea of me

Getting a tattoo at the moment.

Hi, guys. Can I help you?

Well, we're just checking things out, right?

Yeah. Do you have anything we could see?

Yeah, we have portfolios over there.

If you have any questions, you can ask us.

-Hey. -What the...?

-Happy birthday. -What are you doing here?!

-Hi. -This was all planned.

This was all planned?

-Hi. -Wait.

What is going on right now?

Remember how we talked, though?

Wait, so is that like a real tattoo or is it...?

Yeah, it's real. What about you? Do you want a tattoo?

Oh, hell-to-the-yes.

Wait, so am I getting a tattoo right now?

Yep. And I have something else for you.


A consent form so you can get a tattoo today.

Oh, my god.

Your parents were in on it, too.

-Are you excited? -Oh, my god.

My mom signed that? She was in on it?

Yep. Look.

Girl. Oh, my god.

No fricking way. Thank you.

It's very thoughtful for victoria to set up

This whole tattoo thing with jay.

It shows how much she cares, and I'm hoping that maybe

Victoria is interested in a relationship.

I did not, like, mentally prepare for that.

[ Laughs ]

I know that she really wants a tattoo

And getting your first tattoo

Is one of the most special things ever.

And I thought, why not be a part of that?

Like, why not help make that happen?

What should I get? Should I get a mermaid, like --?

Yeah, that's really symbolic to you, honestly.


And it's a part of your life.

Jazz: I've always had a special connection to mermaids.

Even since I was two years old,

I always had a mermaid doll in my hand

And I feel like they really embody who I am as a person.

-Oh, that is so pretty. -Jazz, I love that.

-That is awesome. -Wow.

Well, this is it.

I love it.

Jayleen: if you have seen anything of her

When she was little, she always said that she had

A girl brain and a boy body

And that's why the mermaid is very symbolic,

Because the mermaid doesn't have anything down there.

That's so cute. I love it.

I feel amazing being a part

Of such an awesome surprise for jazz,

Because this is monumental. This is her first tattoo.

Okay, if you need anything to hold,

I'm right here.


When do you take out the scalpel?

-Hmm? -The scalpel?

Stop it. You're not nice.

Victoria, on a scale of -to-, how bad?

-How bad is it? -.

No, for real, though. How bad was it?

-You cried? -Yep.

Just take a deep breath,

And then don't let it out, ever.

[ Laughs ]

Victoria: me and jazz are reaching, like, the point

When we can joke around with each other and be sarcastic

And none of us takes it to heart, which is really fun,

Because I always joke around.

Okay. I'm going to tattoo you.

You're going to feel it.

You're good. You got this.

Jazz: I'm scared. All right, let's just go.

Ready? I'm going to go now.

[ Needle buzzing ]


What do you think?

-Keep going. -Right?

Can you feel it?

Yeah, you definitely feel it.

-Well, what does it feel like? -"You definitely feel it."

The needle is definitely not the most pleasant feeling.

It hurts a little bit, but after a while,

I just become used to it.

And we're done.

Yes! Guys, we're done!

-Whoo! -Whoo!


Hell, yeah!

You want to see it?

Yeah, I want to see it.

Oh, my god.

Moment of truth.

Eyes closed.

-Oh, my god. -Yes!

-That is crazy. -Cool.

-Do you guys like it? -It looks amazing.

Yes, we love it.

I am really happy about my new tattoo.

It is absolutely beautiful.

It's my favorite colors, it's a mermaid.

It's simple, but it's cute.

And I am just excited to show everyone in my family my tattoo.

Before you guys leave, um, do you guys want to come to a party

I'm having on saturday?

-Sure. -Yeah, why not?

-I'm down. -Cool.

I'll send you all the details.

It's going to be a lot of fun.


I think victoria is definitely trying to grow closer

By inviting me to this party,

Because it's an opportunity for us

To get to know each other even better.

While nothing is serious as of yet,

It seems to be going in that direction,

So I'm excited.

Thanks to you putting this all together,

Coordinating it with my mom

And then you surprising me with a present

And then the balloons, everything was just so amazing!

So, I appreciate. Group hug.


-Wait, that's real? -It's a real tattoo.

There's some awkwardness and tension

About the fact that I have a tattoo.

Grandpa, are you okay?


Jazz: oh, it's supposed to rain all day.

Jeanette: oh, great!

Grandma's hair is going to melt.

My mom and I are driving to club med for my birthday.

However, the real reason we're going is to surprise her

With a wedding vow renewal.

I can't wait to surprise sander and griffen

And grandma, grandpa, and ari with my tattoo.

You know your grandparents are going to be horrified.

I know. They're going to be really upset.

Not going to be happy, and I'm afraid of grandpa

Like, literally having, like, chest pains.

I'm so excited that my mom has no idea the real reason

That we're going to club med.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Oh. How do I answer?

See? Pick it up.

Wait. What? It's marci?



Bowers: hey, hey. How are things going?

Everything's going good. We're celebrating my birthday.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

We're getting a healthy birthday cake.

Good. I just thought I'd say hi and check in.

How much have you lost, jazz? Can you give me any idea?

Um, I've lost more pounds, so I'm at around pounds now.

Okay, that's really encouraging,

Because I've got about eight different ways

Where I would not do the surgery,

So you have to thread the needle here.

But I got an e-mail from dr. Volker

And apparently, that's going well, also.


So, I think I'm encouraged enough

That I think we should probably put a date on the calendar.

-Yay! -Yay!

-That's awesome. -Is that exciting?

Yes! So exciting.

I thought you were going to say,

"I can't do the surgery for you."

She looked a little green. I'm like, where are you, jazz?

You're not with me.

Here's the date I have in my mind,

And that is june th.

How does that sound?

That sounds absolutely perfect.

Yes, beginning of summer.

June th. That --

Oh, yay!

I really wasn't expecting it to be in june,

But now that you said june, that makes me super-happy.

Yay. I could cry.


Tears in mom's eyes.

Jeanette: I'm so happy for jazz.

It's her birthday, and this is something wonderful

To celebrate.

She's worked hard, she's lost some weight,

And we're on the path to the vaginoplasty.

Bowers: okay, don't forget, this is just penciled in.

This isn't written in stone.

So, we're going to be checking in on your progress as we go,

Because I'm telling you,

If you're one pound off, we're not doing this.

I'm hoping to lose more than pounds

By the march/april deadline to lose that weight.

Jazz: having this date is one of the best birthday presents

I could ask for.

And it's really up to me to prove

That I'm serious about this,

I'm going to make progress,

Because I would just be absolutely devastated

If dr. Bowers said that she needs to reschedule

The surgery for a later date,

Because I haven't reached my target goal weight.

I'm super-excited for you, jazz,

And I'm super-excited for your surgery.

And I look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you, marci. You're the best.

-Thank you. -Okay. You, too.

All right, bye, everyone.

Bye! You happy?

June th, june th.

Oh, my god. This is like the best birthday ever!

I can't wait to tell the family.

-♪ Yes ♪ -oh, my god!


If I wasn't driving, I'd be crying.



-What a beautiful day. -Uh, well, both of you

Look very handsome today.

-Hey! -Hey!

It's my best young men. You guys ready?

-Yeah, yeah. -All right.

Master of ceremonies?

They may be your best young men,

But you're still put them to shame.

You're still a good-looking guy.

Greg: being romantic is a little bit out of character for me,

So I think jeanette will be pretty surprised,

And hopefully, it'll be one of the most memorable events

In her life.

Did you bring any handkerchiefs

That you can give to your mom?

I didn't bring one.

She's going to be crying all over the place.

Griffen could give up this one.

I'll give her this.

I think I'm going to need a handkerchief, too.

I might shed a few tears.

I'm very anxious for this vow renewal to start.

I'm excited to see my mom when she comes out.

I think she's going to look beautiful, as always.

I think it's going to be a very emotional, sweet,

And awesome and bonding experience for my family

For this vow renewal to take place.

It's going to be super-exciting.

[ Gasps ] look who's here!

Hi. Look at you.

-Hey. -So tall.

Jacky: jeanette is such a doer and a giver and a caretaker,

Not a receiver that much, so this should be grand.

Where is everyone?

Uh, I think they may be in the gym or out checking

The scenery and, uh, busy.

They're out and about.

What do we do now? Do we check-in or...?

Uh, the room is all set.

Jazz: I'm getting a little anxious.

I don't go to the front desk?

No, we got you.

'Cause mom is very nosy.

-Still raining. -Watch out for puddles.

But I know she's going to love this.

Jeanette: ♪ fun, fun, fun ♪

Wow. It's so pretty.

Yes, does this look familiar, jeanette?

It's so pretty.

-What's that? -What is that?

That looks like something you would wear.

-There's a little note. -Read it.

Jacky: "meet me at the soleil terrace at : p.m.

To renew your wedding vows."

-No?! -Yes! Yes!

-Aah! -Aah!


-What's that? -There's a little note.

Jacky: "meet me at the soleil terrace at : p.m.

To renew your wedding vows."

-No?! -Yes! Yes!

-Aah! -Aah!


Look at your dress!

When I read the note about the vow renewal, I just melt.

I'm, like -- I'm so mushy and nostalgic

And I am a romantic person, and I just felt good all over.

I'm tingling.

Say yes to the dress, jeanette?

Yes! I say yes to this dress, but I haven't tried it on yet.

I definitely think this is the best surprise

We've ever pulled off for my mom.

I'm speechless. I feel like I'm in a dream.

We have done some things in the past for mother's day

Or her birthday, however,

This is just something so big and so meaningful,

Because she's been wanting to do it for a long time.

We pulled it off. We did it.

She was so surprised. Oh, my god.

Did you see her face? She was like --

-She was like -- -she got rosy --

She acted like she was in a dream.

Jacky: it is so over-the-top exciting to do this.

This really surprised her

And I'm excited to see it all happening.

[ Rain pattering ]



-Ah! -It's so cute!

There she is, the love of my life.

Look at dad's eyes. He can't even open them,

He's like, blushing too much.

Jazz: my dad is glowing as he looks at my mom,

And you could just see the love in his eyes.

And it's just so amazing that my parents

Have such a strong connection

And that they truly are soul mates.

-May i? -Yes.



Jeanette: I think it's so cute

That my dad is officiating.

He's taking it very seriously.

He has his little notes with him.

And, um, I think this is a real treat for him.

Uh, jeanette and greg,

When you first joined hands and hearts in marriage

Years ago, you did not know where your life would take you.

Life has surely brought you both wonderful blessings

And difficult challenges over the years.

Greg, will you continue to have jeanette as your wife

And continue to live in this happy and loving marriage?

I will.

Jeanette, will you continue to have greg as your husband

And continue to live in this happy and loving marriage?

I sure will! [ Chuckles ]

Uh, now, I believe the two of you have

Something you want to say.

You remember years ago, uh,

You did have something to say?

We wrote our own vows.

I have them printed up nicely.

Where'd you get these from?

I transcribed it from the video.


So, would you like to go first like we did at the wedding?


My dearest greg, as you look upon me now,

My stomach is fluttering

[ Voice breaking ] and my heart skips a beat,

Just knowing that I will spend the rest of my life

With someone as wonderful and special as you are.

I love you more than I thought was ever possible

To love another.

I promise to nurture and protect our love

For all the days of my life and beyond.

I want to share everything with you,

I want to share your laughter when you're happy,

I want to cry your tears when you're sad,

I want to celebrate when you're triumphant,

And I want to feel your pain when you are hurt,

Because you and I are soul mates.

You are half of all I am, and I truly believe that.

The future is ours, always.

Yay! I got through it without crying.

[ Laughter ]

Jacky: it takes me back to the day they got married.

It is like yesterday.

I remember so many of the details.

Jack: if there was any two soul mates together

That was meant to be, it's greg and jeanette.

I loved every minute of it.

It was a special moment to be able to officiate it.

Jeanette, this is the happiest day of my life,

Because today, before our family,

I declare my love for you

And knowing that you will be my wife fills my heart with joy,

For I know we were meant to be together.

Jeanette, my greatest wish is to give you all the love

You could ever need,

To cherish you above all others,

To plan with you, to dream with you,

And to respect you and remind you

That you are the one I love,

For you are my world, my heart, my life.

Jeanette, I will always love you.

Jeanette: having a moment in time where we can relive

Our wedding vows to each other

And see our beautiful family

And all the love around us at the same time,

It was a wonderful day.

Uh, the bride and groom reaffirmed may kiss.

-All right! -Eww!

-No, make-out! -Make-out?

-Wait a minute! -Whoo!

-[ Laughs ] -that was very sexy.

[ Laughter ]



How you feeling? How was that?

My breath was taken away when I saw the dress.

Did you enjoy the ceremony?

I enjoyed everything.

I love you, and it was wonderful.

I got one more surprise. Don't look yet.

Griffen: we got a male stripper!

-Am I supposed to look yet? -You could look now.

-Oh, wow. Yes. -Aww!

From our honeymoon.

-That's our honeymoon shirt. -I still have the shirt.

Ooh, and he's got a six-pack still.

Greg is like superman and rips open the shirt,

And it was our honeymoon t-shirt.

The fact of the matter is, the t-shirt was jeanette's idea.

I don't know where she came up with this idea,

But she thought that if we wore...

There was no internet, so it wasn't from the internet.

...a t-shirt that had a picture of us, that said,

"Just married," that they would upgrade us

When we were on the plane. [ Laughs ]

The whole trick of getting mom here and surprising her was,

We were coming up here to celebrate jazz's th birthday.

So, happy birthday, jazz.

-Thank you. -And many, many more.

-Happy birthday, jazz. -Happy birthday.

You know, I actually feel a little bit older.

-Really? -In what way?

I feel like this past year I've really been learning

More about myself and who I am

And I'm making new and big changes in my life.

You know, I started virtual school,

I dyed my hair a few months ago,

And I ended up getting a tattoo.

-Wait, that's real? -It's a real tattoo.


[ Chuckling ] I don't remember signing the consent form.

I did. We both decided as parents that it would be okay.

Let her go through it, if that's what she really wants to do.

It has to be not visible.

It didn't require two signatures.

I see.

I think there was something

In the communication that I misunderstood.

-What is it? -It's a mermaid. That's so cool.

-Grandpa, what? -Oh, poor grandpa.

Grandpa, are you okay?

I think I sunk a little bit when I saw that big tattoo.

I guess it states my age, in a way.

And I'd hate to tell this to jazz.

I just didn't like her tattoo.

I didn't even recognize that it was a mermaid right away.

When did you get the tattoo?

Like, recently.

Sander: I'm going to be honest, I don't % agree with the tattoo.

I don't really know why my parents signed off

On the tattoo.

I'm not that surprised that my mom allowed jazz

To get a tattoo, but my dad, on the other hand,

I think if it was me, sander, or ari, four or five years ago,

I don't think he would've let us get a tattoo.

But jazz gets what jazz wants.

Can I ask you, how did you get a tattoo

Without parental permission?

I did. Mom -- I talked to mom and dad, they agreed.

Mom signed.

Greg, were you talked into it, or you just really agreed?

Well, I didn't know that she actually was getting it.

[ Chuckles ]

So, this is the first time I'm seeing it, as well.

If they let me, I would like to get another one.

-You're not getting any more. -Okay. Until I'm .

Not until you could sign your own consent.

Jazz: I can definitely tell that there's some awkwardness

And tension about the fact that I have a tattoo.

But then they bring out this birthday cake.

-Yay! -Yay!

Should I take these off first?

Give sander a nacho.

Jazz: my cake looks absolutely beautiful.

It is my birthday, and I'm going to allow myself to eat some.

I just can't have multiple pieces like I would in the past.

-Jazz has another announcement. -Another? Another announcement?

-Uh, are we up for all this? -Today,

While we were driving up here,

Marci called us

And we booked a date for my surgery!

-Yay! -Whoo!

June th!

-We're going to new york! -[ Laughs ]

I'm very surprised, because I wasn't part

Of that conversation, as to when the actual date

Was going to be set.

When there's big news in the family,

I certainly don't want to be the last

To hear some of these things, like tattoos and surgical dates,

They're important things that I want to be participating in.

So, what do you guys think?

Sander: I'm excited for you, jazz.

Jeanette: greg is not looking too thrilled, and I realize,

Oh, it was somewhat disrespectful

Not to talk to him about it

Before jazz announced it.

Marci made it clear that if I am pounds down,

Not , that I can't get the surgery.

It has to be pounds.

There's no -- there's nobody that could

Stop you but yourself.

And you want this so bad,

So lose the weight, and we'll be ready for that surgery.

We'll all be there pulling for you.

We want what you want.

I'm excited for your surgery and I'm happy that you're happy.

Thank you, grandpa. I really appreciate that.

Jazz has a date for surgery, and we will roll with it,

As we have rolled through

All these many things that have gone on.

But this is the part of jazz that we're dealing with now,

The health, the weight, and all of that,

To get her to the surgery,

To give her a shot at as much of the life that she wants.

Hey, jazz? It's been a long journey.

I know your family's happy for you,

And here's to the next step in life.


Since jazz is under the age of ,

It requires both parents' consent,

So before I sign off on jazz having surgery,

I want to see whether she continues to show commitment

To her education, continues to take care of herself

And do what the doctors have said.

I'll continue to support her.

But if I feel like she's backtracking,

Then we'll push it back.

Really, I'm glad to be , I'm glad to be growing up,

But I'm forever going to cherish this current age

And time in my life and this moment

Being here with all of you.

And I love you all.

-Cheers! -Cheers!

[ Laughter ]



Having the date of june th

Has really given me a new sense of motivation.

Since my birthday, I have lost pounds

And now I am pounds down, and I'm pretty proud of myself,

Because it's definitely been a constant battle

Between gaining and losing weight.



Greg: we've been down a pretty bumpy road.

Jazz, what is this?! This is all like, take-out food.

We're really proud of jazz,

With the progress that she's making with the weight loss.

But I cannot say with % certainty

That we'll be able to look back in a year and say

It's all finished.


I know that the surgery date is not set in stone,

So it's really up to me to stay on track,

Otherwise, everything I've hoped for isn't going to happen.
