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27x06 - Invisible - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 17:42
by bunniefuu
- How long do you think?

- Six month, a year.

- Maybe longer.

- Nobody missed them.

Nobody missed them enough.

Is there an obvious wound?

- Mummification can disguise the injury.

- Have we got a name?

Paula Jackson was registered as

a missing person by a Leo Jackson.

Was my aunt m*rder*d?

We haven't

established cause of death yet.

Has she been dead a long time?

Her boyfriend, Roy,

was a drug dealer. I blame him.

That's the likely cause of death:

Blunt-force trauma leading

to a subdural haematoma.

Now it's a m*rder investigation.

I lifted a partial boot print

from the scene

indicative of a size nine.

They'd stepped in wet blood.

So Paula was att*cked

and then her body was moved?

I think you need to see this.

Our body isn't Paula Jackson.

- Where is she?

- We don't know.

- Hey, Kevin. My superhero!

- I'm here, you know.

- Hey! Who's whitey?

- Kevin. He's my aunt's friend.

All right, Leo.

How do you know my name?

DNA matches a young woman

with a criminal record

for financial crimes.

She's called Casey Lennox.

I'm guessing she stole Paula

Jackson's identity and her money.

Took out a loan for £15,000

and three credit cards.

Martin Piler? There's been a death

in one of your flats.

No-one checked on her.

Her body just laid there.

She didn't stop paying her rent.

Now I know where you live.

He's the past.

You're the future.

If he tries to harm you,

I'll k*ll him!

- I need to talk to you.

- Piss off!

- Thank you!

- You're welcome!


Have you guys heard about the dead body?


Is it weird that

I kind of want to see it?


- I despair for humanity.

- No, you don't, Torres.

Er, I do. And please don't tell me

what I despair about.

Humanity? All of it?

I'd say you're spreading

your despair a bit thin there.

I despair for this broken dead man.

And I despair for all these people

looking at him

that have no concept of how much pain

this little carnival might represent.

You narrowed it down well there.

- Do we know who he is?

- We have a name.

Roy Lock.

No fixed address.

He has convictions for class A

dr*gs, possession and trafficking,

fraud, GBH, theft by menace.

He's 41 years old and has spent

nine of them in prison.

I can't tell you if he's done

a single positive thing

with his time on this earth,

but even he didn't deserve this circus.

I'll ask them to get the tent up.


Thanks, Ali. I'm done.

- Roy Lock?

- Yeah.

Paula Jackson's ex-boyfriend?

What do you think, Doc?

Is there such a thing as coincidence,

or is it all design?

- Yo're not really asking.

- No.

JACK: Did he fall

or was he pushed?

- Have you checked his pockets?

- Yeah.

Were there car keys?

Divide into teams of two,

go door to door.

We need to speak to anyone

who saw anything or heard anything,

- however trivial they might think it is.

- BOTH: Yes, boss.

- Car keys.

- Thank you!

Let's go in, Mum.

Excuse me?

Can I have a word?

Sorry. Didn't see nothing.

Can't help.


Jack, I've found the car.

I was walking to the flat,

and I saw Roy.

He was standing there like

Like he was waiting for me.

Then he started talking to me.

- What did he say?

- He was just talking shit.

What shit? What shit did he talk?

He's the one that scares you.

He's not going to scare you any more.

Mum, he was never going to hurt you.

It's never going to happen.

Did you and him



What did he say to you?

Nothing. It's just nonsense.


And what would he do

if he got a flat tyre?


How much pain and suffering

do you think that represents?


Are you feeling OK?

Yeah. Erm

Just can't seem to warm up.

I'll be fine.

Are you ready?

Yes, ready.

Solved it?

Knocked on every door.

No-one will talk to the police.

Didn't expect they would.

No-one round here trusts the police.

No-one wants to be involved.

- No-one wats to be called a snitch.

- Funny, that.

Don't look now, but our friend's back.

- The guy you couldn't catch?

- Steady.

- You think he's stalking us?

- I think it might just be you.

Why is he here?

He heard the ice cream van?

- Seriously?

- I think we should find out.

- Are you going to make me run?

- That what you call it?

- How far away is he?

- About 100 feet.

- Just past the police car.

- On three?

- OK.

- Do you want to count, or should I?

- Are we actually talking about this?

- I'm trying to be nice!

You count.

You like feeling in charge.


One two

- What?

- Are you winding me up?

- He was there!

- Of course he was.

He was!


Couldn't wait for three.

When the body was found, his head

was facing towards the building

and his legs were facing away.

Tell me what you can see.

Start with the head.

Crushed on impact.

There's a lot of blood

in the hair at the back of the head.

A skull fracture.


And, er

And the neck is broken.


All consistent with the fall, I'd say.

Can you tell me anything about

what took place before the fall?

Well, there's a lot of impact injuries,

a protruding humerus.

Before the fall.

There are no obvious defence wounds.


What's that?

I'm not sure.

A grey, flaky substance.



Some records for Paula's mobile.

I'd like you to break them

into three categories for me -

one, frequency called,

two, last calls received,

three, last calls made.

Got it.

Thank you.

As well as the cervical spine fracture,

there's a comminuted fracture

of the occipital bone.

All the injuries are consistent

with him landing on his back.

How we found him.

So is it accidental or intentional?

- Can we tell?

- Erm

No, we can't.

- Do we need more information?

- Yes, we do.

- What?

- Toxicology.

Toxicology reports will tell us

if there were any dr*gs

or alcohol in his system.

Mental health?

Hard to opine, unless there are

obvious indicators of self-harm.

But the, er, coroner would consider

mental health history.

Yes, and narrative reports

from doctors, family,

friends and colleagues.

Look at this.

Some kind of linear bruising

is appearing.

It's a fresh bruise,

no colour change from pigment breakdown.

Did he land on something?


Nothing linear near the body.


There's a handrail.

JACK: Had to be the third floor,

didn't it?

Too many steps for the cage fighter?

That's funny.


You going to check for fingerprints?

You telling me how to do this?

Just thought you'd want to be

as thorough as you always are.

And do you think looking

for fingerprints on a handrail

- might be a fool's errand?

- Why?

Handrails tend to attract hands,

and hands have fingers. There'll be

lots and lots of fingerprints.

We can collect fingerprints and DNA

from all the residents

and work through the rest.

- And if there are hundreds?

- You're here.

Shouldn't you just do it?


What are you thinking?

If he climbed on the rail, he might

have left a partial shoe print.

- Did he?

- Not that I've found so far.

Might he just climbed over and jumped?

- Height of the rail?

- Excuse me.


- 1,250.

- Same height.

If Roy was pushed hard,

slammed against it,

it could have caused

that linear pattern of bruising.

There might be DNA from

his assailant on his clothing.

How good am I?

I'm not worthy.

This button was on the walkway

above where Roy's body was found.



- Are you looking for fingerprints?

- Looking for trace DNA.

Skin cells get left when someone

makes contact with a surface.

We can get a DNA profile

from a tiny amount of material.

You might want to check

the underside of the collar -

it's a relatively untouched area

unless in a struggle.

Good shout.

This highlights the blood on the jacket.


Superficial mark.

It's not blood.

- Transfer from the perpetrator?

- Possibly.

You OK?

Yeah. Erm, I I just

No. I'm good.

Yes. I'm fine.


The deceased, Roy Lock,

had a historic relationship

with Paula Jackson,

and he fell from the walkway

outside of Natasha Jackson's flat,

- the sister of the dead woman.

- That's a flashing red light.

For now, we should presume

the three deaths -

Jackson, Casey Lennox

and Roy Lock - are connected

unless proven otherwise.

There was some sort of struggle

on the walkway -

linear bruising on Roy Lock's back,

torn clothing.

It still could have been accidental.

It could have been. Does accidental

pass the smell test, though?

Tried to lift DNA from Roy's clothing.

We've got Natasha's DNA on record.

We need to collect it from everyone

on that level.

- Did we find Roy's phone?

- Not on his body.

Can we search his car again?

Do we know how Casey Lennox

and Paula Jackson knew each other?

Yeah. They were both

in Bronzefield prison together.

- Guess what Casey was in for?

- Identity theft?

In one.

She's had a long record,

including drug possession

and prostitution.

We're sure Paula's dead?

The amount of blood loss suggests she is.

I've put a call-out for unidentified

bodies in case there's a match.

We're sure Casey's dead?

That's not in doubt.

So who put the cash through

her landlord's door every month?

She'd been dead for a year.


- Hello, Mr Piler.

- Good to see you again.

Yeah. What do you want now?

We were wondering what day the rent

was due at the York Road flat

Casey Lennox and Paula Jackson lived in.

Erm, third of the month.

- Is that it?

- Video doorbell.

We'd like to have the video files

for the last six months.

I wouldn't know how to do that.

Don't worry, I would.

I can show you, if you want.

I hate these video doorbells.

They make every delivery driver

look like

..Jack the Ripper.

Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.



Third of the month.

- It's not?

- It is!

Can you grab me a screenshot?

We're collecting DNA from

all the residents of the building.

So we can eliminate them

from our enquiries.

You have my DNA already.

I do, yes, so I just need to take Leo's.

With your permission.

- Why?

- Well, I've explained.

Well, I don't think that's a good idea.

Does it stay on, erm,

some sort of database?

No. It's voluntary,

so for elimination purposes only.

Is that a bad thing?

Well, they keep it on some sort of computer

so that the Government can track you.

No-one uses DNA to track people.

So why do they keep it on record, then?

Natasha, the police know there's history

between Paula and Roy and you.

- You have my DNA!

- It's simply for elimination purposes.

No-one trusts the police.

I didn't do anything wrong.

He hasn't done anything wrong,

so why does he have to give his DNA?

He doesn't have to now.

But later, if questioned

under caution, he may have to.

A young black boy like my Leo,

you know how they look at him.

He's guilty for just breathing.

Now, I can't be sure they won't just

use his DNA and use it to hurt him.

Who are "they"?


I didn't do anything wrong.

It'll be OK.

Let's do this.

VELVY: Gabriel?


Sorry, erm, have you got a moment?

What can I do for you?

I just wanted to ask

It's a bit difficult, really.

- What is it?

- How

can I apply for an advance

of my wages?

It's just that

..I have a cash flow problem.

Velvy, whilst I sympathise,

this isn't something

that I can help you with.

Of course.

I'm sorry.

Asking for an advance

is, er, rarely a good idea.

Next month, you'll be short,

the month after that, even shorter.

It's best to keep things

simple. Perhaps you could ask

a friend or a relative

- for a small loan.

- Yes.

You're right. I'll do that.

Thank you.

JACK: Paula's phone records!

- Yep.

- Good work.

Thank you.

A phone without the phone.

Pull records from the provider?


- Torres.

- ON PHONE: Boss. Heard back.

What did the coroner say?

I'm emailing over the details now.

OK, thanks.

Coroner's called. We've located an

unidentified body found last year.

It's a possible match for Paula Jackson.

Can they send a DNA report?

They say they took DNA at the time,

- but there's a problem with the sample.

- Of course there is.

The body's been in a freezer

for the past year.

A year?

They're sending her here tomorrow.

Anonymous and invisible.

No-one deserves that.

Paula Jackson's phone records

from May last year.

She either called or received a call

from one particular number 27 times.

- Who from?

- I don't know.

I've also got a number she called

three times

the last night she used her phone.

Could be relevant.

We'll reverse-search the numbers,

see if we can get some names.

This is a SIM card we found

in Roy Lock's car.

Check the number, see if Paula called it.

Will do.

A sample of the substance Roy had

under his fingernails.


- Sample from the handrail?

- Yeah.

A match?

Visual match, yeah.

I'll run chemical analysis to confirm.

I think he tried to grab the rail

to save himself from falling.

I created this from logging

the points of impact on Roy's body.

It shows the trajectory of the fall

and how far he was from the building.

He went backwards, but he didn't

fall like a dead weight.

He landed away from the balcony,

so he must have gone over

with some force.

He had this linear mark on his back.

Could be he was pushed into

and then over the rail.

He was m*rder*d.

That's what we think.


Come on.

Do you think it's Paula?

There are superficial similarities -

female, mixed race, single incised wound.

- Found on Southend beach.

- Apparently.

This is the registered address

for the last number Paula called.

Kevin Barker.

She called him three times

in quick succession.


Fan club?

I need all the help I can get!


- I think I've found something important.

- Mm-hm?

Over the past three months,

Paula's phone records show

..she called Roy Lock.

Paula's calls were often

frequently followed

by return calls from an unknown number.

- Lock calling back.

- Could be.

Roy Lock was a drug dealer

and a pimp, yeah?


Chances are Paula was either using

or working or both.

- Kevin Barker?

- Let's go.

Really good work, Cara.


Come in.

Are you Kevin Barker?

Do you think I'm Kevin Barker?


Good. I do, too.

We have something in common.

It's hard to find things in common

with people,

so it's good to try.

It helps to break the ice.

Sit down.

I'm in the middle of preparing

me mum's medicine.

It's almost time for her medicine.

She has to have it on time,

every day, at the same time.

On time.

Can we ask you questions

while you prepare the medicine?

I can answer now.

I'm just stirring.

Do you know Paula Jackson?

Yes. She was my friend.

I like her a lot.

She was my special friend.

Why was she special?

Because she liked me, too.

That's why.

I bet you have special friends

you do special things with.

- Yeah. Yeah, I do.

- I do, too.

So you know what I mean.

Do you know what I mean?


You see? That's good.

Another thing we have in common.

I think we've broke the ice now.

- Do you?

- I think so, too.

I have to take Mum's medicine.

I'll be right back.

Make yourselves at home.

OK. What do we do with this?

We'll ask some questions,

you get a shoe size, we go.

- How are we going to get DNA?

- That's your job.


I need to sit with me mum.

Can we just ask you

a couple of questions?


The last call your friend

Paula Jackson made was to you

- on the 18th of May last year.

- OK.

- Why did she call you?

- I don't remember.

- Why not?

- I don't know why not.

Do you remember who called you

on the 18th of May last year?

Me? No.

More things in common.

Do you work, Kevin?

I fix things, look after Mum.

What kind of things do you fix?

I can fix cars.

If you've got a dent or if you've

got a scratch, I can fix that.

We saw you at Paula's flat.

Why were you there?

Because she is my friend.

Why did you run away?

I was scared.

You're not scared now, though, are you?

No. I'm home.

Do you know someone called Martin Piler?

Yes. I have to pay money to him

every month, the 3rd.

Doesn't matter what day.

Always the 3rd.

Sometimes the 3rd is on a Friday,

sometimes it's on a Tuesday.

It changes.

- Why?

- I don't know why exactly,

but I think some months are longer

than other months.

But I don't know why that is.

Why do you pay him?

Paula asked me to cos she didn't

have time to do it herself.

I said I'd help her

cos she's my special friend.

Where is Paula?

I don't know.

Do you know?

- MUM: Kevin?

- Mum needs me.

Oh, hey, I like your boots.

Thank you. They are just boots.

Do you know what size those are?

- We need to go, Jack.

- Hmm?

We need to go now.

- We've got to go, Kevin.

- OK.

I hope you come back again sometime.

We will.

Good. I would like that.



Why did Paula like you?

I'm a superhero guy.

What happened there?

I don't know who or what

I'm dealing with.

I want to make sure his answers

to my questions

will be admissible in court.


- Torres?

- ON PHONE: Nikki.

The DNA results for Leo came back.

We found something.

I know what you found.

- Leo isn't your biological son.

- He's my son.

He shares less than 50% of the

biological components of your DNA.

Well, he's my son.

A mother is someone who looks

after you and inspires you,

takes care of you, puts you on a path.

Giving birth is just one step

on a long road,

a long, winding road.

Is Paula Leo's biological mother?


Why, er?

Why was she allowed?

I couldn't have kids of my own.

I couldn't let her hurt him.

She would have hurt him.


She was weak.

She was lost.

He was the most beautiful baby.

PAULA: Get out!

Get out

I took Leo.

Paula said she didn't care.

For years, she didn't,

but as time went on, that changed.

She loved him.

I could see she loved him.

Does Leo know?

No. I did all the hard work -

the first day at school,

the teenage angst, the homework.

Paula got to play the fun auntie,

just swanned in whenever she felt like it

and made me out to be the bad guy.

But I, at the very least,

earned the right to be called Mum.

How did Paula feel about that?

I loved my sister, but

she was selfish.

The relationship only went

one way and then

when she finally did turn up, I thought

she was going to tell him. I

I thought I was going to lose Leo.

But, no, you know what she wanted?

I need money.

I didn't have it to give her.

She said she needed £15,000.

How could she get into so much debt?

You have to go, Paula.

He will k*ll me.

Don't let him k*ll me.

Save me.

TORRES: Who did she think would k*ll


Her ex. Roy Lock.

But you couldn't believe

anything she said. She wanted pity.

She made threats.

I gave you my baby.

You have to go, Paula.

I'm going to tell Leo.

I'm going to tell him,

and I'm going to take him from you.

Get out!

She was weak.

Life made her weak.

Roy made her ugly.

Addiction made her selfish.

She just took from people.

She used people. She used me.

Does Leo know who his father is?

I don't know who he is,

so how would he know?

Roy Lock is Leo's father.

I thought it was him.

I just wished it wasn't.

You'd do anything for your son,

wouldn't you?


Was Roy coming to see his son?

Did you k*ll him?


Maybe you didn't mean to.

Maybe it was an accident.

Maybe you pushed him.


Did you k*ll your sister?


No, I didn't k*ll her!

I loved her.

I just I didn't save her.

Can we believe anything you've said?

Do you really think

she could have m*rder*d Roy?

I don't know.

I think she's capable of it.

Every mother is.

Have you seen Velvy? We need to get

on with the Jane Doe postmortem.



Have you seen Velvy?


Jane Doe is an adult female.

About the right age.


Thank you.

Height is consistent with what we've

been told Paula's height was.

She has a nulliparous cervix

and no Pfannenstiel scar.

Whoever this is, she never gave birth.

This isn't Paula Jackson.

I'll inform Torres.


What are you doing here?

Yeah. Fine.

No. Don't.

I'm fine.

I have blankets. See?

I have


homes to maintain

a family to provide for.


There's no more money.

Couldn't we help him

with bare essentials?

Food and warmth?

You think we should get involved in

his private life?

- I don't know, Nikki.

- Will he accept our help?

- What about a council flat?

- Single man? He'll never get one.

Well, can we organise university


The accommodation is for students.

Well, you don't think we should try

to help?

He must have family.

JACK: Superficial mark

on Roy's jacket. Found more.

I can see fibreglass.

I think it's a fibreglass-based

auto body filler.

"I can fix cars. If you have

a dent or a scratch

I can fix that."

The underlining metal from the rust

and the composite paint mixture

on Roy's jacket

hasn't been used

in car manufacturing in years.

We looked at Kevin's bank account.

He stopped claiming Carer's Allowance

towards the end of last year.

What are the reasons Carer's

Allowance is normally stopped?

If you're not caring

for someone any more?

Three reasons:

They get better, they move into

a care home, they die.

He's definitely caring for someone.

Said he gave them medication

while we waited.

He's buying medicine privately.

What kind of medicine?

A drug called Trialozon.

It's a leukotriene

biosynthesis inhibitor.

Used to treat asthma.

Paula's asthmatic.

Are you suggesting she survived?

Do we have a body?


No man should walk out

on his wife and children.

You cannot call yourself a father.

You are an embarrassment.

You are a sheigetz.


Step aside, Kevin.

We have a magistrate's warrant

to search your premises.

No, don't. She's sleeping!

- Don't go in there!

- Hey, stop!

You can't be in here.

It's OK, Mum.

Don't worry. It's OK.

Nothing's going to hurt you.

They're going now.

Mum It's OK, Mum. It's OK.

It's OK.

Well, that went well.

Glad I listened to you.

- Oh, it was plausible.

- It was not plausible!

It was desperate.

I looked desperate.

It's not a good look.


He's a size nine shoes.

You upset Mum.


Did you think I was hurting her?

You're buying Trialozon.

Is that how you say it?

I call it Triathlon.

The doctor said it would be good for Mum,

but it's too expensive for the NHS,

so he said I had to buy it.

So I did. I bought it at

the chemist.

You stopped your Carer's Allowance?

- Yes.

- Why?

The person at the chemist helped me.

She was nice.

I liked her. I think she liked me.

She said we'd be better off

if I took off her benefits

because I work.

I fix things.

If you have a dent or a scratch

on your car, I can fix it.

Where did you learn to fix cars?


Dad showed me.

You scared Mum.

I need to sit with her.

I need to look after her.

I look after people.

I'm a superhero guy.

That's what people call me.

We're sorry.

Sorry, Kevin.

Three million people in England

have size nine shoes.

Let's just arrest them all!

We're going to need more than that!




His dad showed him how to fix cars.

Your point?


- Jack?

- Yeah.

You were right. I found it.

His father had a body shop.

Barker Bodyshop & Automotive.

It's in an industrial estate

and I've got the address.



Can I help you?

Hi, Kevin.


Do you, er, remember me?


Is this your father's garage?

He's dead.

You work here?


I've got a scratch on my car.

You said you could fix it.

Yes, I can.

Show me the scratch.

Yeah, I can fix that.

Reverse her in.










Come on, come on, come on, come on,

come on, come on, come on!

Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Watch it.

Watch it.




Don't do it.


You all right, Kevin?

You all right?


Paula Jackson?

Kevin didn't do nothing bad.

He was protecting me.

I look after people.

I'm sorry, Kevin.

Casey and me, we was working for Roy.

Kevin was someone

who I spent time with.

A client.

Casey stole my identity, stole my money.

I had to borrow money from Roy.

I confronted her.

- Casey!

- What?

Why are you doing this to me?!


You're hurting me!

Give it back!



Stop it!

I trusted you!

You're acting crazy!

She tried to k*ll me.

He saved my life.

He's the only one who protected me.

Roy said he would k*ll me.

He would've. He would've k*lled me.

I didn't want him to know where I was.

Kevin protected me.

He's my superhero guy.

You're angry

because I didn't fix your car?

No, no, I'm not angry with you.

Did you k*ll Roy?

I pushed him. He fell.

He was a bad man.

He hurt Paula. He laughed at me.

He said he could fly.

ROY: You're a superhero

..and I can fly.

He couldn't fly.

TORRES: Paula wouldn't be alive

without him.

JACK: In his own way,

he was a superhero.

Mum? You open it.


I'm so proud of you, Leo!

Me and your mum, we both are.


I'm looking for the mother

of Casey Lennox.

Yes. That's me.

Our postmortem samples of DNA

yielded a match

with the unidentified female.

We gave her her name back.

What Rivka said

she was right.

I have to live with it.

Are you sure?

Yeah. I collect strays.

There's a spare room.

Stay for a bit till you get yourself

sorted. All right?