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26x10 - Southbay - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 17:37
by bunniefuu
Enjoy your retirement, Bill.

No-one alive or dead could say you

haven't earned it.

- To Bill.

- To Bill!

It might be a late one. I need to

run Bill back to Southbay.

Be safe.

The deceased is a Carol Laing.

That angry man outside is her ex,

Sergeant Michael Laing.

Chief Superintendent Bridget Laing

is his mother.

Is there anything you want to tell me?

When Mike was 11 or 12, Bridget fostered

both Andrew and his little sister, Lisa.

You att*cked her in her own bed whilst

her son slept just across the hall.

And when she fought back,

you stabbed her through the heart.

It's very obvious

why my client's in custody.

Because Southbay CID bears a grudge.

Six months ago my police partner,

PC Fred Woods, just disappeared.

His car was found at Southbay Bridge.

You know how many people go

over the side there every year?

Fred received a threat to life

from Detective Super Intendent

Ray Palmer.

Why did you tell us

you'd never been upstairs?

Why did you lie to us?

Something happened in this room.

He said, "If you or your brother

try to leave this room, I'll know."

Are you sure it was a man?

Kate Freeman, you're charged

that on the 14th of August

at Markland Avenue, Southbay,

you did m*rder Carol Laing,

contrary to common law.

Tell me, Ryan

..the man in the mask.

Can you remember the colour of his eyes?

But you said you thought

you recognised him?

I said I thought I'd heard

his voice before.

- If I recognised him, I'd tell you.

- Of course.

And he made no attempt to

restrain you or bind your hands,

nothing like that?

No. Why?

- Thank you, Ryan.

- Can I have a word?

Is there a reason you asked him

if his hands were tied?

The k*ller tied his mother's hands.


Just a very specific

question, that's all.

You're reading too much

Yesterday, you were saying you didn't

want anyone jumping to conclusions.

- What did you mean by that?

- Nothing.

What conclusions are you

afraid we'll jump to? The truth?

Kate Freeman is facing life in prison.

Not because she might be guilty,

but because Southbay CID

want to shut her up.

- That's ridiculous.

- Is it?

Her partner questioned the lack of patrols

in Harbour Fields and vanished without trace.

How about you do your job

and let me do mine?

- Are you testing Ryan's pyjamas?

- For fibres and DNA, as we speak.

Everything all right?

Ryan would like to get

some things from his room.

Hi. Meena.


- Is Andrew in?

- No.

He's not at work and I couldn't

reach him on his mobile.

He should be back by six,

cos we're going to the cinema.


Can I come in and wait for him?

Thank you.

Is that Mike?

On the left, yeah.

Corsica, 2001.

Good memory.

Remember the good, forget the bad,

that's my philosophy!

We barely see Mike these days.

Why's that, if you don't mind me asking?

Andrew wasn't impressed

he walked out on Carol.

Mike being Mike, he didn't

think it was anyone's business.


Poor Andrew.

He's taken Carol's death hard.

Very hard.

I didn't know him and Carol were close.

They dated when they were kids.

I was so jealous.

Up until then, I always had

his undivided attention.

Carol had her 18th at the sailing club.

Andrew organised it.

He was good at organising things.

What did I do?

Threw the biggest meltdown

I could muster.

Andrew blew out the party

to stay with me,

and by midnight

Mike and Carol were an item.

I was so happy when they got

together again recently.

Andrew and Carol?


What are you doing here?

You blank me at work, ignore

my calls, what am I supposed to do?

What is it, Meena?

I took a statement

from Ryan Laing which,

if corroborated, kills our case.

In what way?

In every way.

As in Kate Freeman didn't do this.

Ryan's testimony is compelling,

but not a knockout blow.

The CPS are too invested to drop

the charges unless they have to.

I say we focus on the timeline.

It's central to showing the Crown's

case is fundamentally flawed.

OK, well, we know that the boys went

to bed earlier than usual, 9:00pm,

because they were going fishing

with their dad at the crack of dawn.

Dom Laing says that when he heard

his mother arguing with Kate,

his brother was watching the Spurs

game on his phone with headphones.

- What time did that game finish?

- 9:30pm.

A 9:00pm to 9:30pm window does

fit with the pathology evidence.

It's when Carol sustained the blow

to the head downstairs.


And now we hit the two-hour

gap before the k*ller

inflicts the fatal chest wound.

And apart from a partial clean-up

and moving Carol to the bedroom,

here's where we're drawing the blank.

Did they go away and come back?

Or are we looking at two timeframes

..and two offenders?

I'm stuck on him carrying her upstairs.

Why? What purpose did it serve?

And after having done it,

what possessed him

to go into the boys' room and be seen?

And he didn't just go into the room.

He made physical contact with Ryan

and he let him hear his voice.

Again, all seriously odd.

OK, 'seriously odd' sounds like

we're doubting Ryan's account.

We're establishing a factual

sequence of events.

How you then frame it is up to you.

- I'm sorry, that's disingenuous.

- Meaning?

Meaning you're an expert witness for

the defence.

- You know the drill.

- I thought I did.

We refract all the evidence through

the prism of Kate's innocence.

We can't assume Kate's innocence

without a grasp

on the totality of that evidence.

Take PC Woods' disappearance,

it may or may not pertain

to the Crown's case.

We don't know.

'Don't know' means 'no'.

I get your impulse to find out

what's happened to Woods,

but it's pulling focus

and threatening my ability

to offer a clear, exculpatory narrative.

OK. Let's start with the narrative,

if only to move the conversation on.

Ryan Laing saw and heard

a male intruder.

Not a woman, not Kate.

So his brother was mistaken

about hearing Kate?

'Mistaken' being a charitable


And why did Southbay CID miss this?

Because their myopic focus

on Kate Freeman

demonstrably blinded them

to the key elements of the scene.


The two hours gap

the k*ller spent on site

and the initial attack

with the dumbbell downstairs.



Oh. Yeah, come on up.

How can we help?

Meena just brought me

up to speed about Ryan.

And there's something we need to

share as a matter of urgency.

Sorry, do I infer you haven't shared

his testimony with your superiors?

- No, we have.

- And?

I'll get to that in a minute.

About four months ago, West

Yorkshire CID got in contact in

..unusual circumstances.

They'd had this spate of robberies

targeting these cash in transit vans,

carried out by a man

in a black ski mask.

He bound the driver with cable ties.

Then he threatened them

with a hunting knife.

They had a strong suspect

named Wes Carter,

who they pulled in a few times

but didn't have enough for a charge.

Why did West Yorkshire get in touch?

Because Wes Carter had

moved down to Southbay,

no doubt hoping for police

interest in him to cool.

Yorkshire must have been

pretty sure he was their man.

They were warning us to keep an eye

and expect the worst.

Now, clearly this man, Wes Carter

according to Yorkshire CID,

looks and sounds a lot

like the man Ryan described.

Don't take this the wrong way, but

..why are you coming to us?

I, er

We have been sidelined by

Detective Super Ray Palmer.

I took Ryan's statement

and formally entered it in the file.

We're here to ensure that this

new avenue is fully explored.

Sounds like you don't trust

your colleagues in CID

to do their job

and we're the safety net.

Insurance policy.

Would you be kind enough

to step out for a moment?


We'll go wait in the lobby.

We need to give the CPS

pause for thought,

make them aware how flawed

their case really is.

I don't want to play my best cards

and leave nothing for the trial.

I think it's worth the risk.

I know someone in the CPS who can help,

if I'm still on her Christmas card list.

You told me Freeman's brief tapped

Lyell for a second PM

and a look at the forensics


You neglected to add their findings

differ significantly from yours.

That worries me.

It shouldn't.

It makes me think

"ambush down the line in court".

Now I'm hearing about a witness

statement from Ryan Laing

that essentially

contradicts his brother's.

It's led me to look deeper

into the background of the case,

specifically Kate Freeman.

- I hear that after

- I don't believe this.

I hear that after her

partner disappeared,

Kate was making trouble.

Bandying stories about.

Stories like Woods didn't take his

own life and had enemies in CID.

Key word there being "stories".

Still, putting her on suspension

might play like you're

muzzling her to a jury.

Christ, Bridget,

it might play like that to me.

Who's pouring poison in your ear, Alan?

And Kate luring your son

from the marital bed

doesn't exactly simplify matters.

Someone's put the frighteners

on you, haven't they, eh?

All right.

Look, I understand your wariness.

As you say, Kate Freeman is not

a straightforward suspect.

How do we move things forward?

We get it all out in the open.

- We do that in court, right?

- I mean now.

We hear both sides' evidence early doors

so no-one can say the CPS rushed to

judgment in charging Kate Freeman.

Well, that's

pretty unorthodox, isn't it?

But not unprecedented.

Thank you all for coming

up to London today.

Dr Burnett, can you clarify

your interpretation of the pathology

evidence with regard to

sequence and timeframe?


We're looking at two distinct att*cks.

First the blow to the head and

then, after a short delay,

the fatal s*ab wound.

How short a delay?

5 to 15 minutes.

How do you account

for the accumulation of blood

between the brain and the skull?

Very easily.

The s*ab wound was fatal,

but not immediately so.

I find that unlikely.

For one, hilt bruising on the

skin shows that the impact

was exceptionally forceful and the

wound is in a position where the

internal haemorrhage was torrential.

It would induce death swiftly?

Mm. For two, grooving on the base

of the brain suggests that Carol was

alive for a longer period of time,

possibly a couple of hours,

between the initial head

injury and the stabbing.

Not the shorter time

Dr Burnett's suggesting?


Can you really exclude other

causation for the grooving?

Cardiac arrest, for example?

You can't and you know you can't.

In your report, you class the head wound

as a "contrecoup injury",

ie, one caused by the

victim falling onto an object.

Let me guess -

you think it was a coup injury.

I think Carol was struck by

a moving object, yes,

not the other way round.

Based on what evidence?

If this was a contrecoup, can you

specify the object she fell onto

that caused these distinctive marks?

She sustained the injury

in a struggle in the bedroom.

There were any number of objects and

corners she could have fallen on.

Then you'd expect to find blood

transfer, surely.

Not if the k*ller wiped

that object down.

Dr Burnett The absence of

evidence is not evidence.

For the avoidance of doubt,

are you saying that you failed to

identify the object that

caused this injury?

Look, I didn't process the scene.

Jack did.


Sadly, he didn't swab or photograph

all of the potential edges

and corners she could've fallen on,

or close to all of them.

I didn't finish processing

because I was removed from the scene

by Chief Superintendent Laing.

That was later, you broke away

from the scene of your own volition.

What are you talking about, Bill?

You were distracted and

less than stringent

in observing scene etiquette.

Are you having a laugh?

I did you a bloody favour.

Perhaps it was the effect of

meeting Kate Freeman outside.

She made quite an impression on you.

And you'd had so much to drink, I'm

surprised you remember anything!


..we'd like to present an

alternative reading of the evidence,

if that's all right.

It's why we're all here.

We believe we've found

a second crime scene

in the downstairs sitting room.

Not only have we found Carol's

blood on the floor,

we matched the tiered pattern of her

head wound to one of her dumbbells.

Significantly, the other dumbbell

is missing from the house,

and, yes, they're sold as a pair.

Expirated blood on the halfway

landing and transfer of paint

under Carol's toenails further

proved that the attack unfolded

in two locations and two timeframes -

circa 9pm and circa 11pm.

The Crown's investigation completely

failed to unearth these basic

elements of the scene.

We've effectively had to

do their job for them.

And when we factor in Ryan's

testimony that he saw

a male intruder

and Dr Burnett's inebriation,

it adds up to one thing -

you need to release Kate Freeman


Why do you think Bill said all that?


I enlisted my botanist friend.

Foliage in PC Woods's car is

predominantly leaves

from a black poplar.

OK, rare, but not as rare as I'd like.

Well, the good news is there's

an arboretum of black poplars

near one of the two roads

that comes off Southbay Bridge.

Now, as you know, speculation is

something that I try to avoid.

What do you think happened, Velvy?

I think that Woods was k*lled and

possibly buried at the arboretum.

The k*ller then drove Woods's

car to Southbay Bridge

in the knowledge that - A,

people jump off it, and - B,

bodies that go in the water are

often swept out to sea.

Speculation suits you, Velvy.

..29. Looks like we've got

an indication here.

What is it? What've they found?

Andrew, just give us a minute, yeah?

Body is partly skeletal,

partly adiopocere.

Hair has fallen away,

face is decomposed.

Woods was last seen wearing

an anorak with Man United insignia.

Hands are bound behind his back.

Looks like they used cable ties.

The cash van guy?

- Wes Carter.

- Used cable ties, didn't he?

What about Wes Carter?

Meena! Wes Carter.

Police. Open up!

- I appreciate you doing this.

- It's our job.

After everything,

asking Bill Burnett just felt wrong.

Was there something else?

Kate would like to sit in on the PM.

It's OK with me, if it's OK with you.

Are you sure?

Have you said anything?

- What are you doing here, Andrew?

- Following a lead.

A link, anyway.

A link? Oh, let me guess, between

Ryan's testimony about a masked man

and a tip-off from West Yorks

about a bloke doing over cash vans?

We just found a body matching the

clothes Woods was last seen wearing,

about a mile from Southbay Bridge.

Hands bound with cable ties.

A rather more compelling

link than a mask,

wouldn't you say?

There's nothing here.

I'm not so sure, sir.

Let's not tip this one over the floor.


There's got to be at least two

hundred grand here.

We need to check this against

the cash from the vans.

Oh, no shit.

Is there any more?

Just this.


Same brand of tie we found on Woods.

The deceased is an adult male,

provisionally identified as Fred Woods.

We're waiting for DNA confirmation.

There's putrefaction,

consistent with the body being

deceased for a significant

period of time.

There's evidence of a broken neck.

There is grit embedded in the skull

that we'll be comparing

to the sandstone boulders in the stream.

So, what, he fell head first

into the creek,

cracked his skull on a boulder

and broke his neck?

Easy to imagine with his hands

bound behind his back.

So Fred's just lying there

in the dark with a smashed skull

and a broken neck, potentially still

conscious or semi-conscious

..and then he drowns?

We can't say for sure.

The C2 fracture could've

been rapidly fatal,

but we just don't know

when decomposition's this advanced.

We'd better catch this bastard,

Ma'am, that's all I can say.

Wes! Wes! Wes!

Don't be f*cking stupid!

Head that way, cut him off.


Ah, sh


What happened? Walsh?

I told him to stop. He wouldn't.

Tried to push me over.

We've matched the size

and waffle-style tread

of Nike trainers in your closet

to the

muddy print on PC Woods's brake pedal.

We also DNA'd

the head-rest inside Woods's car

and scored a match to you.

The forensics tie you to the

m*rder of a policeman, Neil.

So now's the time to cooperate.

Don't dig your hole any deeper.

Look, I didn't k*ll anyone, all

right? Nothing like that.


So what happened?

I was paid to hassle a few

residents in Harbour Fields.

Protestors against the

Goshawk Construction development?

Numpties fighting against the

compulsory purchase order.

What did "hassling" them entail?

A broken window here,

a late night call there.

A few slashed tyres.

Then, when Wes came to stay,

it's safe to say I was to bolster my services.

Who paid you?

Don't know.

I mean, I assume Goshawk

Construction, ultimately,

somewhere down the line.

How were you paid, then?

Money was put into my account via

a front called Standant LTD.

A shell company?

Yeah, I googled 'em.

Based in the Virgin Islands.

I only dealt with one bloke -

called himself Marcus, via a burner.

Caller unknown.

So you can't help us?

Can't help us help you?

You've got to give us something,

Neil. And the sooner the better,

or this stops looking like cooperation

and more like desperation.

Bear in mind, your phone and laptop

are being examined right now.

Marcus told me and Wes

to give Woods a scare, right,

cos he'd been asking difficult

questions at work.

I didn't start out wanting to hurt

him. He's a copper, right,

I'm not daft.

What, just roughed him up a bit?

Wes did.

He cable tied his hands

while I showed him the money.

Look, I thought he was going

to go for it,

but then he just belted it

into the trees, that was that.

Let's talk about Carol Laing.

There's eyewitness testimony that

places Wes at the scene.

It points towards him k*lling Carol

in the process of stealing her


Yeah, nice try.

- He didn't do that.

- How do you know?

Cos I was his favourite uncle.

He never kept anything from me.

That's not exactly compelling, Neil.

He 'fessed up to those cash vans

robberies as soon as I asked him.

And for that very reason,

I asked him about the Laing woman.

The fact you even had to ask him

contradicts your statement

that he spent the night fixing

a leak at the pub, doesn't it, Neil?

So, forgive us if we take everything

you say with a pinch of salt.

Detectives? I need to tell you

something in confidence.

According to Kate Freeman,

Palmer threatened Woods

when he asked why patrols were being

diverted from Harbour Fields.

Well, what did Palmer say to Woods?

"There are faster ways to

die than cancer."

I'll have to pass that on to

Police Conduct.

There's massive trauma to

the body and head,

consistent with a significant

fall onto a hard surface.

There's damage to the side

of the skull, consistent with him

landing on his right side.

There's a contusion to the forehead

and some particles

embedded in the wound.

Contusions in the left

upper frontotemporal region.

Unusual, given the plane of impact.

And it's inconsistent with

Jack's account of grappling

and fighting with the deceased.

You spoke to Andrew in detail,

do you think you could flesh out

the scene for us?

I'll try.

He said he saw Carter walking up

the path in a westerly direction?


Andrew ran onto the path, ahead of him.

He told him to stop,

then Wes grabbed him

and tried to shove him over.

The front of Wes's T-shirt

is bloody from his nose injury.

I found what could be

a handprint in the blood.

I asked Andrew point-blank

if he pushed Wes.

He said he didn't remember

but conceded that, yes,

he could've pushed him

in the altercation,

because he was in fear for his life.

Come in.

If I was to look at your

bank account, Ray,

would I find any unexplained payments?

Specifically from some untraceable,

bounced-around-the-world shell

company called Standant LTD?

I need an answer, I'm afraid.

Oh, Ray,

how could you be so bloody stupid?

All I did was shift patrols

away from Harbour Fields, that's it.

Why was that so important?

I don't know, to drive the crime

stats up, I suppose.

You suppose?

Look, I had nothing to do with

Fred Woods, all right? Nothing.

But you threatened him, didn't you?

I had a word.

Big deal.

"Big deal"?

I placed Kate Freeman on

f*cking suspension

because she came to me

with nothing less than the truth!

Can't believe you'd do this, Ray.

Just for a bit of cash.

They offered me a fortune to stop

police operations in Harbour Fields.

Let it go to the dogs.

So some f*cking property

developer got it for a song.

Listen, I knew Neil Carter was scaring

the protestors at Harbour Fields,

but I had no idea that his ex-para

nephew was hitting town.

I thought West Yorkshire dealt

with this when he moved down.

Yeah, well, they did.

But Andrew Walsh took the call.

- And?

- In his wisdom, he sat on it.

Only him and Puri knew until this week.

The Carol Laing inquiry

is being wound down.

We just wanted to say thank you for

your critical involvement

- and working in a pretty

- Wound down?

Obviously, the Coroner's work is ongoing

and there'll be an inquest

Because guilt is being

ascribed to Wes Carter?

I think that's premature.

Well, with respect

Why do you think it's premature?

There are things about Carol's

m*rder that chime with Carter's MO.

Lots of things - the mask,

the knife, the black clothes,

tying his victim's

hands behind their back

But there are significant

differences too.

Carter never targeted

private residences,

he used cable-ties, and his booty

of choice was cash, not jewellery.

I still go back to the "why?"

Why did he go into the boys'

room and make contact?

Why take that risk?

He wanted to be seen and heard.

Whoever grabbed Ryan Laing

couldn't shut up!

The only explanation is,

he wanted Ryan Laing to give

the testimony that he did.

If we were in court that would

definitely be deemed "conjecture".

But we're not in court.

If you're right, there's a problem.

If the k*ller was trying to

lead us to Wes, then

How did they get

hold of the information?


When West Yorkshire

got in touch about Wes,

we decided to keep the intel

on a strictly need-to-know basis.



Cos Wes's uncle, Neil Carter,

has a lot of mates in CID.

From Ray Palmer down.

It's Bridget. Need to go and update her.

Ray Palmer's been suspended

and I've replaced him.

Acting DCI.


I'm looking for my scarf.

You seen it?

What scarf?

The gingham one I got in the sale.


Doesn't matter.

Could you zoom in on the

knife, please, Velvy?

It's a double-edged blade.

Yes, it is.

The s*ab wound looks symmetrical -

both ends of the wound pointed,

sharp, V-shaped.

Key word there being "looks".

We're actually looking at a single

edged blade wielded with such

force the skin behind

the blunt edge split.

Leaving something which looks

V-shaped but isn't quite.

One of the ends has a fishtail.

So, if someone was trying

to mimic Carter's MO,

it was likely improvised, not planned.

Otherwise you'd bring a

double-edged blade?

And cable ties.

Both easy to source.

What about the mask and the coat?

Could've used Carol's gym

leggings for the former,

and Mike says he's missing a

black coat from his closet.

The brown particles I retrieved

from the wound on Wes's forehead

it's bark from a Fraxinus

excelsior, AKA the common ash.

OK. How did it get there?

No wood or trees down on the rocks.

Suggesting contact was

made before he fell.

And with sufficient force to

penetrate his scalp.

What are you saying?

I'm sorry, Meena,

but the evidence is telling us

that Andrew was the aggressor.

What's all this?

You're not going back to work?

Not today.

I'm worried about you.


..missing work.

It's Carol, isn't it?

I don't want to talk about Carol.

Let's talk about your scarf,

where it could be.

Oh, if I knew, I wouldn't be

looking for it, would I?

No, I suppose not.

I'm not stupid.

I can tell something's up.

What is it?

All right, be like that.

I know what you did.

I found your scarf at Carol's her blood.

Carol? No


I understand.

You weren't jealous.

You were just scared of losing me.

So, you removed the competition.

It's OK.

I'm want to take care of you

and protect you and wherever we end up next.

What are you talking about?

Just tell me what happened.

I did go and see Carol

..but just for a coffee.

Everyone thinks you're married to me,

that I'm your ball and chain.

I didn't want that to spoil things

when you'd waited so long.

What happened, Lisa? She took it

the wrong way? You lost it? What?

No. No, she was fine

She said she was touched

..just a bit taken aback,

you know, by me going round.

She didn't deny there was something

going on, but she said it was

early days and Mike was still

a big part of her life.

But she said

..she said she was hopeful

for a future with YOU.

And then I left.

I went to the gym,

popped to the supermarket

..and I came home.

All our years in foster care

I'm not making excuses


It's hard-wired in me, defending her

..protecting her.

All I could think was if she comes

round and ID's Lisa, then it's over.

And then it just came into my head.

Earlier that day, I'd got

an email from West Yorks asking

if Wes was still keeping his nose clean.

I knew what to do.

Carol was dying anyway -

you didn't need to s*ab her.

You didn't need to do a thing!

You've no idea how true that is.

There was nothing stopping me

rushing her to A&E.

Nothing at all.

So why didn't you?

I saw Lisa's scarf

and I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Lisa had nothing to do with it.

She was at the gym

..and then the supermarket.

What about Wesley Carter?

He dropped like a stone.

I only hit him once.

And I was hoping Lisa would be the same.



Andrew, come here.

I'm going to k*ll you!


Where are we?


Sadly, we have no reason to doubt

Andrew's version of events,

especially in the light of him

confessing to Wes Carter.

He also directed us to a

bin bag containing these items.

Kitchen knife

Lisa's scarf

..Mike's coat.

But he says that he didn't see

a dumbbell when he arrived

at the scene and found Carol

unconscious on the floor.

As a detective,

he said he looked for a w*apon,

but couldn't find a likely candidate.

For what it's worth,

I'm inclined to believe him.

And we're sure Lisa's in the clear?

We're sure - CCTV has her

leaving the gym at 9.30,

stopping in a supermarket, then

entering her street just before ten.

At least we've solved

the mystery as to why the k*ller

waited in the house for two hours.

They didn't -

we're dealing with two offenders.

And it's important to stress that

whoever hit Carol with

the dumbbell used massive force.

And regardless of what Andrew did later,

it could have been a

fatal injury, eventually.

Attempted m*rder,

at the very least.

Something else, Ma'am.

I trawled the notes from house to

house with fresh eyes.

A witness saw someone throw

something over the sea wall

in front of Carol's

house between 9.15 pm and 9.30 pm.


Time and location fit with the

attacker discarding the dumbbell.

You want to search the shoreline?

We'll cover it

and whatever else you need.

Hey, Hey!

Let me see it!

A bus passes twice an hour,

cameras front and back.

Check the timetable.

If the last bus was on time,

we could be in business.


Here we go.

That's not Mike Laing.

Too slight.

Kate Freeman?

Look at their right hand when the

bus passes and the lights hit.

I'll call Puri.


Let me have a crack at this.

I've got some gait analysis software

that I've been waiting to use.

Sue said I should've packed it in at 60.

The moral of that story is you

should always listen to your wife.

Who knows?

I might actually enjoy retirement.

Lisa, could you get some more onions?

Cheer up, Bill, might never happen.

Ignore him.

There's drinks over there.

There are more beers in the fridge,

if they're not cold enough.

Oh, Mum.

You want me to get rid of him?


Don't burn the chicken wings.


I just want to say,

I really appreciate you coming.

I'm happy to be here.

We're not going to fix things

overnight, but it's a start

It is.

- What did I say about the wings?!

- Sorry.

Oh, shit, it's going to blow away!

Do you need a hand, boys?

I promise we'll come back to

Granny's soon, all right?

That's it, go on, in you get.

Football practice?

Yeah. I totally forgot.

But that's Tuesdays?

Yeah, well, they changed it.

Don't ask me why.

I'll come and get you later.

No hurry, I can help clean up.


Let's, um Take it over here.

Is Dom OK?

What did you want to ask me?

When you and Kate

first came to the Lyell,

the day after the m*rder,

she had bruises on her right wrist.

She said you made them.

We'd been drinking.

I was feeling low

about being stuck in uniform.

And I said that

the only way Mum was going to let me

back in the CID was

..if I moved home to Carol.

And she lost it.

She really, really lost it.

Said that she was going to go

and stay at a mate's

but she'd had way too much to drink,


..I had to get her keys off her somehow.

What is it, Mike?

Dom's adamant

He's adamant that it was Kate's

voice he heard speaking to his mum.

And you believe him now?


Come here.


I believe you, mate.

I believe it was Kate's voice

that you heard.

Do you remember what

they were arguing about, Dom?

Do you remember any specific words?


They were arguing about uniforms.

Well done, mate. Go on.

You gave Kate a scare.

She knew how much you wanted

to get back in CID.

How much you missed the boys.

So, the next day, hungover and paranoid,

she confronts Carol.

A pre-emptive strike.

"If you went back,

it wouldn't be for love.

"It would be to get

out of that bloody uniform."

That sound plausible?

Just in time.

Come! Come!

It all went!

I normally make too much.

Do you think Mike's OK?


I mean, under the circumstances.


Just him sh**ting off like that.

I'm sure he's fine.

Is Kate still there?

You've got to keep her there!

I'm still here, Mike.

What's the matter?

- Why?

- Funny you should ask,

cos in so many ways, you were to blame.

Do you know what, Kate? I'm not

having this conversation with you.

Don't f*cking walk away from me.

You know as much as I do,

if Mike came back here, it's only

cos of Bridget. Don't be fooled!

Oh, what? You think he's that

desperate to get out of uniform?

Jesus, you don't know him at all, do ya?

Cos if you did, you'd know that if

he comes back, it's cos he wants to.

You didn't really think

you were the first, did ya?

You didn't fall for that line, eh?

You did! Wow, this is priceless!

This is f*cking hilarious!

Let me guess. What was it? Kids?

Mm? Nuptials?

- You shut it

- Do you know what?

I ALMOST feel sorry for you.


I mean, he said you were thick

..but Jesus Christ

Kate Freeman, I am arresting you

on suspicion of the m*rder

of Carol Laing in Southbay, Essex.

You do not have to say anything,

but it may harm your defence if you

do not mention, when questioned,

something which you later

rely on in court.

I can take her in.

It's years since I felt a collar.

I've missed it.

- You OK?

- Yeah.

Been a nightmare,

this whole thing, hasn't it?

- Bill?

- Bill.

- Can you salvage it?

- I don't know. It's

..hard to get back, you know?

You think you know someone.

- Southbay's kind of grown on me.

- Uh-oh!

- Bank Holiday coming up

- Mm-hm.

Fancy a long weekend back in Southbay?


Why not? Come on,

there's a beautiful beach.

- Come on.

- It's so romantic.

You and I have different

ideas of romance in that case.

Do not throw me in!