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26x07 - Hearts of Darkness - Part 1

Posted: 02/16/24 17:35
by bunniefuu
For years, visitors to Elmwood Hall

have been able to ride

on this historic heritage train line.

Now, thanks to the vision

of the Stratton family,

the whole region will benefit

from the creation in its place

of a new high-speed rail link.

Today will be

the old train's final journey.

This high-speed link

will connect our community,

my community, with London

and the rest of the country.

This is what levelling up looks like.

Go on, Bob.

I wasn't born rich. Um

I came to this house

through my wife, Charlotte,

who was born and sadly died here.

My son, daughter and I

will be saying goodbye

to a part of their heritage, but,

through our mayor, the force

of nature that is Hannah Coles,

I have come to see that this is

the future, and not just for us,

but for the whole community.

I've done my best to be

a custodian of this land.

- It's up to you now.

- Thank you.

Well done, Bob. Where is she, then?

- Who?

- Your daughter.

Frankie agreed to stay away.

I'd have thought her and her protest

mob wouldn't have missed this.

I cannot leave without thanking

my husband, Malcolm.

Malcolm has had his own trials of late,

long Covid, and being married to me

would be a challenge for anyone,

but, uh, I would like to thank him

for the years of support he's given me.

We have with us business leaders

and investors excited

to be part of the new

Elmwood Estate Enterprise Zone.

And, of course, Sid Henderson,

our own MP, who has helped me

steer through all that

lovely government red tape.

How did she persuade you to sell, Bob?

There's no story here.

You suddenly selling up the family

pile to our unstoppable mayor,

that's not a story?

To those who believe

you are serving the environment

by opposing this line,

remember that people here need jobs,

especially now,

and that trains are the most

carbon-efficient form of transport.

Just ignore them.

Let's get on the train, now.

No new line! No new line!

To think Frankie arranged all this.

You must be very proud.


Just ignore them.

Not surprised you want

to sell this place, Bob,

must hold some pretty

bad memories for you.

What's she talking about?

He said it himself.

His wife died in that house.

Look, Bob is a good man

doing the right thing.

Why don't you print that?

Did you know our mayor here

stands to gain personally?

Her husband, Malcolm,

is a shareholder in

the enterprise development company.

That's rubbish.


Can we find somewhere quiet

to sit down and talk about this?

Please, Bob.

It would mean a lot to me.

No new line! No new line!

No new line! No new line!

No! Ugh! Get off me!






Testator silens

Costestes e spiritu


Testator silens ♪

I thought you were at the

inquest for the Kent lorry deaths.

Postponed. Again.

How are you getting on?

Most of the injured have been

taken to hospitals in the area.

We're waiting for first responders

to give us the all clear,

and then hopefully we can go in.

How many fatalities?

They're saying two so far,

over 13 wounded, some critical.

I only spoke briefly with the SIO.

Do they know what happened?

Seems a section

of the tunnel roof collapsed.

Do you need me to come up?

We'll be fine.

- I'll call you later.

- OK.


I suppose this is one of your lot

to sabotage the deal?

You think I had something

to do with this?

Part of the roof collapsed,

it was an accident.

You said you wouldn't come here today.

You said you'd respect my decision.

- You all right?

- Yeah.

Cara's mum, Aoife,

we had some catching up to do,

and she doesn't like to drink alone.

Rule number one -

never drink whisky after midnight.


How are you doing?

Cara said you'd seen your family.

Oh, I saw Rivka.

And there was a moment I thought

it would be different.


But then she refused to speak to me.

Ah. Well, give it time.

I don't think time will help with this.

Look, it's difficult

for outsiders to understand,

- but this is this is it now.

- Mm-hm.

He looks how I feel.

And he didn't see what I just saw.

These are my colleagues,

Jack Hodgson and Velvy Schur.

Yeah, I've got previous with this one.

- It's good to see you again, Jill.

- You too, Mr Hodgson.

Gentlemen, I think

we're just about ready for you.

Who are they?

Oh, it's our local Swampy tribute act.

They've been protesting for months,

camped in the fields over there.

They haven't caused

too much trouble, to be fair.

You mean until now?

Excuse me.

I have respect for them.

Really? Why?

Giving up their lives for their beliefs.

- Could you do that?

- I did do that.

That's why I'm here.

I just seem them as spoilt,

middle-class kids. Sorry.

I think they turn people off.

To heal the world, it's not

enough just to do your duty,

you have to persuade

the rest of your society.



I think it's Harry Styles.


She can't be!

I was just with her, it's not possible.


His wife's one of the dead.

Hannah Coles.

She was the one who pushed

through the whole development.

We can't rule out this being deliberate.

We're waiting on CTU.

I'll check with Gold Command.

Hard hats.

You got hats?

You're hurt. There are medics.

No, it's nothing.

I was helping people off the train.

Ah. Fell off the carriage.

Trevor? Trevor, are you OK?

You need to go to hospital

to be assessed.

That woman in the train, was she dead?

She's the one who started

this whole thing.

Save your tears.

Did you both make police statements?

Don't tell him anything.

They're just cops

in different clothes. Come on.

We've got the all clear.


I'm fine, I told you.

Just let me do my job.

This is the one you found

hiding in the toilets?


That's incredibly dangerous.

This whole scheme was dodgy

from day one,

goes against all planning policy.

I'm a journalist,

I've a right to be here.

I'm the police. It's my job

to make this place safe

and see you get treated.

Can you get her seen, please?


Hannah Coles is dead, isn't she?

Is she the target for this thing?

- What thing?

- She had enemies.

I'm not gonna tell you again.

What's that?

Cruciform card - time found,

location, who certified death.

What's all this broken glass?

Bottles. The Elmwood heritage line

was more of a booze cruise.

Stratton got

an alcohol license somehow.

He was doing anything he could to

raise cash to keep the estate going.

What caused those, do you think?

You could swap pointless speculation

or wait for the evidence.

He loves your questions, really.

He's just playing hard to get.

Injuries to the right heel.

A few more photos,

then we'll get her to the Lyell.

The development will still go ahead.

Is that what you want?

- Really?

- Nothing's changed.

This place is crippling us.

But it's not just about us, Dad.

This line will destroy the land

and k*ll all the animals

just to line some fat cats' pockets.

We were the last piece

standing in their way.

- Now

- Your mother would

Mum would've been right here

..with me, protesting.

It's Philip.

Get him here.

You're going to the hospital.

We can meet him there.

I want him to take me,

at least he listens.

This is what you wanted, right?


What are you talking about?

Not quite the headlines

we were looking for.

We want people to see the damage

they're doing to this planet.

What, you think this was his fault?

What, you think he did this?

"Make them feel the pain."

That's what you preach.

Oh, poor little rich girl.

Bravely protesting,

from the safety of her stately home.

You don't know anything

about me or where I've come from.

Growing up, we had nothing,

we were penniless.

Then we inherited this place.



Stuart Raynott.

Looks like the tunnel collapsed

on this side.

He wouldn't have seen it

until the last minute.

It's only this section. That's lucky.

If it had gone at the top of

the arch, where the keystone is,

the whole thing would've come down.


- Jack!

- What?

I think there's a body down there.


Detective Inspector,

you need to see this!

The body of Hannah Coles

has been found on the train.

The unstoppable Hannah Coles.

She was a big deal, right?

Put that place on the map.


Says here she was in the running

to be the next metro mayor.

Her husband survived?

He has minor injuries,

same as the MP on the train.

That's not why I called.

Can you do her postmortem?

Shouldn't you do it

as the attending pathologist?

Given who she is,

I think there'll be significant

pressure to know how she died

sooner rather than later.

Most train crash deaths are the

result of trauma due to impact.

Unless you're telling me

you instinctively feel

she died of other causes?

I'm not feeling anything,

instinctively or otherwise.

Experience tells me this requires

deeper investigation.

I've got to go.


She's staying?

Sliced in half.

Poor man.

A shoe.

The bottom half of the body

appears to have tumbled forward

with the momentum of the train,

leaving the torso behind.

- I'll get you some more lights.

- Thanks.

Can I go under the train

and get a closer look?


I've never met anyone

quite so eager to do the things

most people would run a mile from.

Excuse me!

What happened to her, Hannah Coles?

I heard the police say

it looked suspicious.

- Did they?

- If it's true, it's huge.

What could have happened to her?

I refuse to speculate

with my colleagues,

what makes you think I'm going

to do it for your phone?



Is that a phone?

If it is, bag it.

- Velvy?

- I've nearly got it.

Stay exactly where you are.

- I'm getting the

- Don't move!

Everybody clear the tunnel

and the train!

Get right back! Call the b*mb squad!

What are you talking about?

Just stay still.

Stay very still.

You're lying on a b*mb.

- Who's in charge?

- DI Raymond.

- DI Raymond?

- Yes.

Detective Superintendent Gibbs,

Counter Terrorism.

You've got a cat A situation.

We've got forensics in the tunnel.

They called it in?

Suspected b*mb.

There are two good men down there.

Do me a favour

and get them out, will you?

You should get out of here, Anthony.

No, I'm coming with you.

You need a CT scan.

This place is crawling with cops.

It's only a matter of time before

they point their fingers at you.

Come on. I've got you. This way, sir.

Is this something to do

with you and your lot?

What? The b*mb they found in the tunnel?


Seriously. My friends are down there.

Your friends are down there?

That man you were helping earlier

My dad.

He thinks I'm involved, too.

He was on the train, wasn't he?

You think I'd risk his life?

That's the thing about believers.

They don't always care

who dies for their beliefs.


I saw it on the news.

I can't believe it.

What happened?

Dad got hurt. He's in the tent now.



I think Jack just saved my life.

I did think about leaving

you down there down there.

You've been cut. Huh?

Come on.

Let's get that seen to.

We were the first into the tunnel.

Are there many dead?

I-I don't know.

Christ, if anything

had happened to you

Hannah is.

I saw her body, Philip.

Does Dad know?

He blames me.

It's written all over him.

I should feel worse, I know,

but Hannah manipulated him.

- There's no way he'd have sold if she

- Stop torturing yourself.

Frankie Stratton.

I understand you have information

about what happened.

- Can you just give her a minute?

- I'll need you to make a statement.

Of course.

What is it?

This isn't how it was meant to be.

Bruising and grazes to the forehead,

consistent with impact.

Petechial haemorrhages

around the eyes and ears.

Further bruising to the neck,

shoulders and chest.

There are a number of bruises

to the right upper arm

and scratches to the forearm.

We initially thought it

was structural failure

in that section of the tunnel.

It was an expl*sive device.

Only partly detonated.

Some of the charge didn't go off.

What about the fertiliser?

We'll know more

when we test what's left.

And the body in the tunnel,

possible perpetrator?

Male, 50s maybe?

Old army fatigues.

He was cut in half by the train.

He was wearing this pin.

An Operation Banner commemoration pin.

- He served in Northern Ireland.

- Mm.

Maybe he was targeting

someone on the train,

maybe he was working

with the protestors?

What do you need from down there?

Everything and anything

that can be used as a detonator.

Velvy thought he saw

a phone under the train.

With some older phones,

you can hack into it to get

access to the battery

and link that to the device.

When the robot's checked it's safe,

we'll see what we can find.


We'll start checking

any local farms or estates

that could have stored

that amount of fertiliser.

- Who do you think's done this?

- Well

..with an MP on board,

government officials,

high-profile businesspeople

So you think

they could have been the targets?

Hannah Coles had apparently received

a number of death threats

over the development.

There's easier ways of

k*lling someone than using

half a tonne of fertiliser.

I think they were going

for the tunnel not the people.

Or both.


Jack, what's going on?

I'm with Cara. Are you all OK?

Yeah, we're all good.

Blood pressure might be up a bit.

He's OK. They're all OK.

Cara sends you her love.

Jack, is Gabriel with you?


Nikki wants a word.


Is this to do with the Hannah Coles PM?

Yeah, I'm not finished, but, um,

there's some fingertip-type bruising

on her right arm and petechial

haemorrhages around her eyes.

And there's some faint bruising

to the neck,

overlaying the sternocleidomastoid

muscles bilaterally.

I'll send you photos of the scene

to correlate the position of the body

with the dynamics of the collision.

But you get what I'm saying?

That Hannah Coles wasn't k*lled

as a result of the train crash.

Trust your instincts, Gabriel.

You should have them more often.

All right, we're ready for you now.

Thank you.

OK. Thank you.

They m*rder*d Hannah, didn't they?

Frankie and her friends.

Does my daughter

really hate me that much?

Come on, Dad.

She loves you. We both do.


Hey, hey, hey.



You and Hannah

What was she to you, Dad?

You think I've been an idiot, don't you?

I knew what Hannah wanted,

and I gave into it, but

..that's what you do

for people you love.

Y-You loved her?

I never thought I'd be close

to anyone ever again.

You told me there was no-one after Mum.

You deserve to be happy. It's just

Why Hannah?

- I've let you down.

- No.

Yes, you, Frankie, your mother.

You should have left Elmwood

years ago, Philip, we all should.

We should never have come.

We don't belong there!

See, that's why I agreed to sell.

Just to get rid of it all.

Get me out of here - now.

Of course.




Ah, mortem.

- There you go, she's in here.

- Thank you.


Nice that you're learning to sign.

I didn't really get the hang of it.

When Cara was wee,

they told me not to sign,

to encourage her to lip-read.

Another thing I got wrong.

She's doing OK, yes?

Not too much bother?

I hear she's helping Professor Folukoya?

Gabriel, yes, he's working on

a new theory about time of death.

And how much is she getting paid?

I mean, I can't have

my daughter being exploited

I'm sorry


Sorry, Nikki.

Couldn't resist.

Yes, with a consultancy firm.

They've offered me an executive role.

I mean, someone has to be earning

while my daughter is enslaved

in the morgue, right?

We should invite Nikki

to Jack's for dinner.

He won't mind.

See you later.

What's going on?

Everything's fine.

- I'm on it.

- Are you all right?

I'm OK.

Where are you now?

You need to go back.

Yeah, yeah. I'm leaving now.

I'll call you.

What are you doing?

You're a hero.

You helped people off the train.

It was a b*mb, did you know?

- Get rid of it.

- No, no. I'm a journalist.

- I just want everyone to know what you did.

- Delete it. Now.

I'm glad your friends are OK.

Do you know what happened?

Who planted the b*mb?

Not something I'd be able

to talk about if I did.

Tell me something, Professor,

when you present evidence,

do people accept it as fact?


Evidence can be interpreted

in a number of ways.

Isn't the truth the truth?

Are we talking criminal evidence

here or climate change?

I try and make people see what

we've done, where we're heading for.

I'm sure it's frustrating.

And it must make you very angry.

And even those who do believe

the science - me, for instance -

are any of us really doing enough?

You think I don't understand

the real world, right?

I'm not criticising your cause.

It's people like me,

we say the right thing,

we recycle and everything.

But we won't do any of the tough stuff.

Do you think

one of your fellow protestors

took matters into their own hands

to get us all to listen?

If you know anything

Last night, there was lots of talk about

what we would do,

how we should do it.

And someone said that we should

blow the train sky-high.


..I laughed and agreed.

And then we are.

- Thank you.

- No problem.

You were there at the tunnel.

My wife, Hannah,

was k*lled in the crash.

Nobody's talking to me.

I'm sorry.

Truly, all I know

is that my colleague

is doing the postmortem.

We were about to sit down, and then

..this noise

I reached out to break my fall.

I knew at once

I'd dislocated my shoulder.

When I woke up,

there were people everywhere.

They carried me away.

But I knew

I knew Hannah was dead.

You shouldn't be on your own, sir.

Can I call someone for you?

You married?


Can you imagine life without her?

The bomber put the IED into the tunnel,

fed the wire up through here.

Careful there.

And detonated it from here.

I thought you said this area

had been sealed off?

It was, why?


Stay with the detonator.

- Any luck?

- No.

But you need to see this.


Jack, this area hasn't been checked.

The police are on their way.

It'll be fine.

Looks like the man we found

under the train, wouldn't you say?

If the train line development

had gone through,

all of this land would've been sold.

Meaning this man

would have lost his home.

Not much of a home, is it?

God, did he really live here?

So that's it.

Some old soldier blew up the tunnel?

Maybe he'd taken up with the protestors.


But, as we know, Hannah Coles

didn't die in the crash.

Likely someone strangled her.

Sergeant John Michael Pryor.

MOD sent over his service details.

Operation Banner, Northern Ireland.

Operation Agricola, Kosovo, 2007.

Court-martialled for drug offences

that same year.

You can start removing

the clothes now, Velvy.

His time in Northern Ireland

would suggest

he'd have knowledge of the type

of HME we found in the tunnel.

There are abrasions

on the back of the head.

Most likely caused by hitting

the stone chippings

on the ground as he fell.

Rendering him unconscious?

Hard to tell, but it might explain

why he didn't move from the track.

It doesn't explain this bruising

on his face, though.

John Pryor was well known

to the Strattons.

He and Bob Stratton served in

the Hampshire Fusiliers together.

When Pryor left jail,

he went to live in that little camp

year-round, in the grounds at Elmwood.

Is this a shotgun pellet?

Looks like it.

CT scan confirms it.

Lots of them.

The spread of the pellets suggests

that he was shot at a distance.

And this dried blood

running down his leg

Suggests he was upright at the time.

Very good.

The spread of the pellets

also discounts the possibility

of him sh**ting himself.

So someone came into the tunnel

and shot him?

Frankie, have you seen Trevor?

I saw him at the hospital.

They were also looking for him.


Police, doctors, everyone.

Maybe he's been arrested.

You heard him the other night.

"Let's blow up the train.

Everyone inside it."

He didn't mean it.

You know what he's like.

And what about you?

Did you mean it, Anthony?

Or did you just want

to wind us all up so tight

that someone went all the way?

You know he's married, right?

I know.

The curved graze on his cheek

..and the linear bruising on his chest

suggests that he was att*cked

with some form of blunt instrument.

There's a slight pattern

to the edge of it.

Butt of the g*n?

- Possibly.

- Huh.

So, he was hit after he was shot?

Well, given that he was shot

from a distance,

and we know that he was standing

from the direction of

the blood trail on his legs,

it's likely that the injuries to

his chest, face and back of the head

were the ones

that incapacitated him afterwards.

So, yes, I'd say that

he was hit after he was shot.

We need to find that shotgun.

- Ah, superglue method.

- Mm-hm.

- Found any fingerprints yet?

- Uh-uh.

Still no sign of that phone

you thought you saw.

I did see it.

This man, John Pryor, he was shot,

and then hit hard in the head,

maybe with a shotgun.

And then he was cut in two by the train?

Answered to the name of Lucky.

So, who set off the b*mb?

Could have been on a timer or remote.

Or maybe whoever came down

to sh**t him detonated it.

So, who was trying to stop who?

Indeed. Hello.

Did Cara tell you her mum paid

a surprise visit yesterday?

Yes. She came to take her shopping.

I think.



Aoife not what you expected?

I don't know what I expected.

- She's a character, that's for sure.

- Sure is.

Just when you think you have

a handle on Aoife, she shape-shifts.

She's very protective of Cara.

And of you.

- Oh, dear.

- Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?

Aoife, how's it going?

Smoke alarms.

Are they going off?

No, but if they were,

Cara wouldn't hear them.

She needs the ones with strobe lights.

I love that you're letting

her stay with you, Jack.

I just need to know that she's safe.

You're right. I'll get new ones.

I already did.

I hope that's OK.

Of course it is. Yeah.

All right. See you later.

Bye, Aoife.

A witness statement says that Mrs Coles

was standing at the time of her death.

This is where she was found.

There were abrasions to her right heel.

And her fingernail swabs

were heavily contaminated.

We're trying to isolate a pure sample.

Any DNA from her clothing hasn't

been matched to a suspect yet.

There was bruising on her right arm,

suggesting that she'd been restrained,

petechial haemorrhaging and

Traumatic compression to her neck.

Resulting in her death.

So you're suggesting Mrs Coles

was fighting someone

and trying to get away?

In a carriage full of people?

Did you manage to speak

with Frankie Stratton?

She told me some story

about someone at the campsite

talking about blowing up the train.

I wasn't sure how to take it.

She gave a statement. Funnily enough,

she didn't mention climate protestors

threatening to blow up locomotives.

I'll follow up. Detectives.

There were two other protestors

when we arrived.

They said that they were helping

people off the rear carriage.

Was one of them this man?

Oh, yes!

Yeah, Barzani's on our radar -

he's trouble.

Goes from protest to protest

trying to escalate things.

Anthony Barzani?

His DNA is on the database.

Yeah, it just come back.

DNA on the watch worn by Hannah Coles

is a match to Anthony Barzani.

Barzani's DNA was on Hannah Coles?

Is he capable of this?

Barzani's never met

a fight he didn't like.

Let's pick him up

before he can do any more damage.


Yep, mm-hm.

Yeah, we're not That's what I said.

Well, you go for it, Aoife.

Rightio. OK, then. I'll do that. Yep.

On it. Right, speak later. OK.


I think I'm gonna ask her to move out.

Really? Why?

It's too much.

It's like we're playing

happy families or something.

- But you are family.

- Are we?

She had a kid with my brother

20 years ago.

Families are messy.


Not exactly the Waltons, are we?

I don't need the mess.

You and Aoife are

pretty much the only family

that Cara's got right now.

Yeah, I suppose so.

We can't get distracted.

Someone is trying to destroy

everything we've worked

so hard to achieve.

It doesn't change our message.

We're living through

a climate emergency.

It won't stop.

And neither can we.

They've got the bulldozers waiting

to replace woodland with concrete,

a natural carbon sink hole destroyed.

And for what?

More pollution.

More destruction to our planet.

A climate endgame.

We are trying to save

these people from themselves.

The world will survive just fine,

it's us who won't.

The planet is rejecting us.

And who can blame her?

We must stop this.

Whatever it takes.

- No new line!

- No new line.

- No new line!

- No new line.

- No new line!

- No new line.

Where have you been?

I'm worried about you.


They, uh, released me.

Frankie said you didn't stay.

Yeah, well, she doesn't know

what she's talking about.

What's going on, Trevor?


..come here, stupid.




I love you.

Was it my fault?!

Was it because of what I told you?

What are you talking about?

Hannah didn't die in the crash.

She was m*rder*d

by someone on that carriage.

The police suspect a protestor,

but, uh, you and I both know

that's not true, right?

What, you think I did it?

I told you that her and Malcolm were

going to get rich off that deal.

Now, you listen to me

Aw, now, that's the Bob Stratton

I'd like to know about.

Not the gullible weakling.

The strong man, the ex-squaddie,

the one who takes what he wants.

What have I taken?

Does Malcolm Coles know you were

having an affair with his wife?

Malcolm's my friend.

Let's talk about Charlotte, Bob.


She turned this place into

a business when she inherited it.

And you drove it into a ditch.

How did she die?

She had cancer.

Prognosis was over a year, wasn't it?

She was gone in three months.

No postmortem.

What strings did you pull for that?

A cremation that same week.

What are you saying?

Is it that confusing?

I'm saying you k*lled one woman

you weren't good enough for,

and now you've k*lled another.

- Just please stop.

- I'm saying you think you own things.

Land, lovers, people.

And you think you can do

whatever you like to them.

I tried to do the right thing!

And failed every time.


I found some photos

on Frankie Stratton's

social media pages.


She posted one on the anniversary

of her mum's death.

I've sent it to you.

It's, uh, Frankie and Philip

with Bob, and their mum, Charlotte.

The kids don't look very happy

considering it's Christmas.

Only Charlotte's smiling.

She died a week later.

I've just sent you another one.

Sergeant John Pryor.

- Pryor taught Frankie how to sh**t.

- Mm.

Send it to Gibbs and Raymond.

OK. I will.

That's good work, Velvy.

He was wearing these shorts and

he had this thing round his neck.

Must've been his dad's medallion!

Uh, uh, uh!

It wasn't a medallion!

Ballyknocken Roller Disco. You remember!

You in a pair of rugby shorts

and this medallion

as big as a dustbin lid.

Nope. No. That's not true.

You fancied the pants off that

sex God skater boy, didn't you?

Mm, yeah.

Not so much dancing,

more skating round

and round with music an old warehouse.

You children don't know what fun is.

Ancient history, eh?

Doesn't feel like it, though,

does it? Ah, no.

- Not for me, thank you.

- No?

I gotta get some sleep.

I'm up early in the morning.

House-hunting in Putney.

Hmm, nothing closer?

There's just so little around

at the minute.

Well, you can stay here

as long as you need.

It's good for her to have us both

around, I think.

It's good for me, too.

Goodnight, Uncle Jack.

Goodnight, Aoife.


Have you time for some breakfast?

Uh, no, I said I'd be there by 8.00.

Is Cara still asleep?

Teenagers, huh?


I saw Nikki the other day.

She's gorgeous.

Yeah, she is.

So confident.

Well, she wouldn't

always think that, but, yeah.

- She doesn't need you, Jack.

- Huh?

And I think you need to be needed.


I've gotta go.

Listen, Cara needs you.

We both need you.

Team, take up first positions and hold.

Hold your positions.