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23x06 - Seven Times - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 17:20
by bunniefuu
NIKKI: We have an eight-minute window when Jenny Shaw's body Missing person.

They circulated the description and a photo, and it ended up with me.

Is there anything that ties Robbie Shaw to his wife's m*rder? If you are capable of hurting your wife like this, you are capable of k*lling her.

DONNA: You pass it on like a disease.

You made Jenny think it was normal.

Mummy's not perfect.

55% of m*rder*d women are k*lled by their husband or partner, current or ex.

You know what this place is? A women's refuge.

The women who come here are not OK.

We are broken.

I'm sorry I hurt you.

It's because I love you.

That's all it is.

Rather than making your daughters fearful, you need to explain to them that there is nothing to be afraid of.

You're not going to take my girls, Tina.

Are you the one who's been telling them I k*lled my wife? I didn't k*ll her.

JACK: Have your officers search for an assailant and then lea We're in a crime scene.



ID? Yeah.

No worries.

Thank you.

How long has he been dead? Body's at room temperature, hypostasis has developed, rigor mortis fully completed, so I'd say .


roughly ten hours ago, give or take two or three hours.

Not exact.

He died yesterday evening.


Where's his daughter? Mrs Collyer? Is your granddaughter here? Cat? What's happened? Is that the m*rder w*apon? Likely.

He was hit from behind? Yes.

More than once.

How many puncture wounds? Three in the abdomen that I've found.

Are forensics here?/f CONSTABLE: Yes, sir.


Dr Chamberlain.

Detective Superintendent.

Got everything you need? Yes, thanks.

So .


I understand he was a suspect you'd come to arrest in a domestic homicide.

That's correct.

Forced entry? No.

No? Were the windows and d I'm sorry? That's your next question.

And? Were they? Yes.

So he knew his attacker or let them in.


Friend, work colleague? Possible.

He worked at Kano Storage Solutions.

Any enemies there? Or a friend he might have let in? His attacker could have had a key, let themselves in.

This sort of thing terrifies everyone.

Let's escalate this, Thomas.

Put your best people on it, close it down quickly.

Ri Detective Inspector, can I speak to you, please? No.

Just you.


"Best" people? Where do you keep them? In a cupboard somewhere? Bring them out for high days and holidays, do you? Do you really need that woman to help you do your job? She doesn't help me do my job.

She helps me so that I can do my job.

Are we splitting hairs here? What we got? I've got several good prints from the wrench and the screwdriver, good impressions.



5% of the population.

I'm also picking up a chemical residue on both tools.

What kind of chemical? Benzenesulfonic acid and C-10-13 alkyl derivatives.

OK Should I know what that is? It's a degreaser.

A professional degreaser.


As opposed to an amateur degreaser.

What's sad is you think you're funny.



If you don't mind, I thought I'd join you.

The attacker is likely to be left-handed.

I didn't k*ll her.

I think that she was beaten .


and then suffocated.

WOMAN: I'm so sorry Nikki? Are we doing the postmortem? That's Robbie Shaw's body.

Yes, I know.

Well, you need to get your "best" people onto it.

Oh, come on Nikki? Nikki? Right, Robbie, let's get started.

Catherine was here that night? "Cat".


Why? She often stays here.

I like it.

How often? A few times a mon But, you know, since her mum I, er, didn't want to be alone last night, so I asked her.

Your husband was out? Yes.

Was he working late at the garage? No.

Where? Detective Inspector font color="#00ff00" Where? I don't know.

Drinking? I don't know where he went.

He didn't say.

What time did he go out? I don't know exactly.

Cat, can you recall? No.

I After dinner.

We eat early, usually.

6:30, 7:00.

So sometime after that.

Brian Collyer? Yeah.

Detective Superintendent Hart.

I understand that you are the father-in-law of Robbie Shaw.

That's right.

I'm afraid I have to inform you that he was found dead in his house this morning.

We believe that he was m*rder*d.

We need to take some fingerprints and some DNA, if that's OK.

Yeah, no problem.

Jack? We'll find hundreds of fingerprints as we work through the crime scene.

When was the last time you visited your daughter's house? Sometime last week, I think.

We build up a database of people who have recently been or would normally be in the house, people we can eliminate.

Does my granddaughter know? Yes.

She's lucky.

Is she? Well, yeah, she stayed at ours last night.

That was lucky, wasn't it? What time did you get back last night? What do you mean?/fon Were you out last night? No.

Stayed in, had an early night.

You can ask the girls.

They'll tell you.

That's prints done.

I've got a wipe, if you want to clean the ink from your hands.

I've got something over there.

It's magic.

I swear by it.

Degreaser? Yeah.

I've never found one that works that well.

Always say they will, never in reality.

It's the best I've ever found.

Yeah? You know, it's bizarre, innit? What's that? My daughter and son-in-law are both dead .


and here we are talking about a hand cleanser.

Sometimes, it's the small things, the familiar things, that see you through.



If I could just take a couple of quick DNA swabs.

Same principle.

Helps us eliminate what we find.


So, who told you that I was out? No-one.

I just presumed.

If you could open your mouth for me, I'll wipe the inside of your cheeks.

Thank you.

All done.

No worries.

That's amazing.

What's the name of that stuff? I'll write it down for you if you want.

It's all right, I'll just take a photo.

All right.

Is that all? For now.

Thank you.

No worries.

"Active ingredients: benzenesulfonic acid "and C-10-13 alkyl derivatives.

" And look at this.

We have some evidence.

This is the w*apon that m*rder*d Robbie Shaw? Yes.


Blood and tissue from the deceased were found on this wrench, and the teeth of the wrench here match the impression made in the scalp here.

We also have a screwdriver Found at the scene.



which has blood from the deceased on the shaft and which matches the openings found in the puncture wounds on the body.

Both weapons had traces of a professional degreaser which matched the degreaser we found at Brian Collyer's garage.

We were able to lift four very distinct impressions from the two weapons.

And the fingerprints we took from Brian Collyer? 16-point match on all four.

So Brian Collyer used weapons from his garage to m*rder his son-in-law.

The motive was retribution for the abuse and k*lling of his daughter by her husband, Robbie Shaw.

If they ARE his tools, that's a legitimate reason for his prints to be on them.

No other prints on the tools? No.

Then we have a reasonable chance of conviction.

Thank you.

Well done.

Write it up.

I'll speak to the CPS.

Thank you, Thomas.

He put his best people on it.

Can we? Yes, of course.

Follow me.

What's your problem? Brian Collyer left the m*rder w*apon at the scene.

And that's it? That's it.

And the fingerprints aren't in blood.

Anything else? He left the m*rder w*apon behind, which looks like it's almost certainly from his garage.

He tagged himself.

But he's not behaving like a man who wants the rest of the world to know, who's proud of it.

He doesn't run, he willingly gives up information.

It's just not consistent.

I don't know, it just seems irrational to me.

k*lling someone isn't a particularly rational act.

You gave him a very strong motive, a revenge motive.

We have good forensic evidence, and motive.

There's no alibi.

He can't prove where he was.

What if the wrench and screwdriver are props, Clarissa? I'd better get going.

I don't want to miss the celebrations back at the office.

You are under arrest on suspicion of the m*rder of Robbie Shaw.

You're joking! I never touched the little mug.

What's with the handcuffs? You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.

I ain't going to Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

D! Tell them!/ Don't push me.

I told you, I ain't going to struggle.

This is a mistake.

Donna! Just ask Donna! Ask Cat! I was here all night.


I never left the house! Don't push me! Do you hear? I never went anywhere.

Don't push me, mate! Get your hands off me! Did you see her arms? We start here and then go to his garage.

Mrs Collyer? Mrs Collyer, we need to search your house.

Oh, look, yummy mummies! Which one of them do you fancy? Listen, if you had to pick, which one would you go for? I don't fancy any of them.

Don't lie! You have to pick one.

Come on.

It's just a laugh.


I'll let you guess which one I font color="#fff The one on the left, pink dress.

With the dark hair? Are you daft? Is there something wrong with you? No, I like the one with the blonde ends LOUDLY: .


and the small, little titties! Hey, Hey, look, look, she's looking at me, she's looking at me.

Your go.

The one on the right, with the short reddish hair.

On the right? Yeah! Are you joking me? Get off.

PHONE RINGS Cheryl? Cheryl, what is it? He found me.

PHONE STILL RINGING Is it Owen? How did he find me? You've got your locator on, in settings.

He could track you, track your phone.

I didn't put that on.

font color="# Social media - you need to get off it, all of it.

I'll call No! He said he'd k*ll me if I called the police.

I'm calling the police.

And the council.

I'll get you moved to a safe place.

There's new laws No, no, no! He'll find me.

He always finds me.

And he'll k*ll me.

He'll k*ll me, he'll k*ll me It's OK.

He'll k*ll me! It's OK DOOR BUZZER How can I help you? I need to speak to Cheryl.

I know she's in there.

No-one lives here called Cheryl.

I know she's there.

Don't lie to me! I've called the police.

I don't care! Just-just tell her that I love her.

All right? I love her so much.

She has to forgive me for She has to forgive me, yeah? Just tell her that I love her, please.

Please, just tell her that I love her.

Hello? Are you there? All good? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This is a frightening time to be a man.

MURMURS OF AGREEMEN Everything we've worked for is slipping away just because of how we were born, what we look like.

Sadly, we live in an age of identity politics, and, as we all know, the "gender w*r" is as threatening as it is irrational! Tradition used to be something to be respected.

Now it is something to be torn down.

We are targets.

There's no respect for the Church or any of our institutions.

The tenets of society are crumbling.


Yeah, fine.

These are all people that can open doors, a kind of unseen hand.

They can help you.

It's good to know them.

Yeah I'm not sure we have that much in common.

The upside of a men's club is that you can say and think whatever you want, and it never leaves the building.

We are, all of us, trying to do the right thing.

Who'd have thought we'd find ourselves living in a time when being middle-aged and white put a target on our backs? I've seen some astonishingly talented men destroyed by unsustainable accusations.

Nobody is safe.

The truth has to be found.

THAT is the one thing we all have in common, isn't it, a commitment to look past accusations to the truth? DOOR BUZZER Hello? Social Services.


How are you? Hi.

Hello, Mrs Harcourt.

Hi, Poppy.

Hi, Daisy.

I'm sorry, what are you doing here? We're here to collect your daughters, to take them to see their father.

I don't want to go! Why don't we speak about this away from the girls? Don't le Why don't we see how it goes? No! Please! I don't think this is going to work today.

We have an instru the court.

I have an instruction, font color="#00fff I need to speak to you.

Stay with them.

Stay here.

You realise we'll have to report this to the court.

My girls are traumatised.

You need to help us help them adjus Adjust to what? A punch masquerading as affection? The visit was supervised.

There was no punch.

Why do you think I'm living here? Do you think I'm making this up? The family court has made a decision.

The judge could punish you.

He could put you in prison.

And what would that do to your daughters? You'd be abandoning them.

Daisy and Poppy don't want to go with you.

They don't know what's best for them.

No, they don't, but and they're not going with you.

It's OK.

It's OK.

FRONT DOOR OPENS Eat your sandwich.

DOOR CLOSES I didn't! I promise you I didn't! Please! I never did! Please believe me! Please! I'm so sorry! Please just listen to me! Nikki! No! It's OK.

It's OK.

It's OK.

Euw! Nikki? Nikki? Can I speak to you? Isn't that what you're doing? Cute.

We have strong forensic evidence that points to Brian Collyer being the m*rder*r of Robbie Shaw.

This is where you say you agree.

I agree.

Brian has no alibi.

He says he was at home.

His wife says he was out.

It's likely we'll get a conviction.

I agree.

It doesn't look good for him.

We are over-worrying this.

This is where you're meant to make me feel better, feel confident we've got the right person.

The facts are the facts.

Chances are we do.

Have we found all the facts? Well, that's a different question, isn't it? Well, whoever came into the house had to be known to Robbie.

There's no sign of struggle.

I mean, it was an unexpected blow to the head.

And Brian's fingerprints are all over the weapons.

Who else could have done it? Who could have planted them? Maybe she saw the v*olence.

Maybe she saw what he was doing to her mother.

"She"? Cat.

Her daughter.

Her mother's dead, she's distraught.

You think she's capable of it? I'm always surprised by what children are capable of.

Have we got a DNA sample from their daughter? Um yeah.

No matches? No.


A few things for you to go through.

Can we look at Donna Collyer's medical records and any police reports she might have made? Why? I saw bruising on her arms.

Self-defence bruises.

The type you get when you're protecting your face.

She also had heavy make-up under her right eye.

To cover a bruise? OK, yeah, I'll pull her records.

Have you met Cat, their daughter? Cat? Yes.

Can I go with you when you take a DNA sample from her? I've But I'm worried they might have been contaminated, so I should probably take them again? We're sorry to have to bother you, Mrs Collyer.

I'm afraid the DNA samples we took have been contaminated.



Did you see what your dad did to your mum? TV ON IN NEXT ROOM When I was a young girl, I saw it.

Sometimes, I pretended I didn't.

Sometimes, I did my best to forget.

It doesn't matter now.

They're both gone.

Do you know how your dad died? Were you there? Do you know what happened? No.

I'm happy it did.

Do it.

SHE CRIES OU Hi there.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Dr Thomas Chamberlain.

Ben Malhotra.

From the Home Office.

Ah! After you.

So, how can I help? I thought I should come and speak to you directly about the complaint made against you.

The complaint? I'm unaware of any complaint against the centre.

It's not against the centre.

It's against you.

Me? And what's the nature of the complaint? Sexual harassment.

THOMAS LAUGHS That's ridiculous.

It's not true.

Well Look, I'm telling you, it's just not true! Who's made the complaint? A taste of what it feels like to be innocent and accused.

What? Ohhh! You bastard! I'm sorry.

You should be sorry! I am, honestly.

Look, Ben is a great friend and an excellent young barrister.

Are you OK? Fine.

You You completely fooled me.

I know.

You begin to doubt yourself.

The terrible pit in your stomach opens, the heat that's overwhelming as you think about what you might have done, what you said, that casual squeeze of her arm.

But then you consider what the allegations mean and how they will destroy your life.

You know they're not true, but you think no-one will believe you.

Women we have worked with all of our careers, suddenly turn on us.

Hey, women are innocent.

Men are guilty.

That's the way of the world.

Look, we are all under siege.

It's almost sport now.

And it has to stop.

Help us stop it.

Ben has a client with a problem, an accusation that we need your scientific expertise to dismantle.

It's a bit sensitive, so the names have been redacted.

I wondered if you could have a look at it, see what you think, give us some advice? I'll look.

Thank you, Thomas.

Much appreciated.

And never forgotten.

Oof Did have you there, didn't we? You had me.

LANDLINE RINGS MOBILE RINGS SHE SIGHS Hello? Where are you? Lucie! It was my fault.

It must have been my fault.

Have you told the police? I can't.

They'll send Jade back to prison.

It wasn't her.

It wasn't her.

It was my fault.

Let's get you home.

You don't understand.

She loves me, and then she just I don't know what I did, but I must have done something.

I'm so sorry.

I'm OK.

She said that I belonged to her.

Oh, Lucie! She wanted me to steal, so she could get dr*gs.

Bu .


I don't like stealing.

It's OK.

She said that she would k*ll me if I didn't.

And I think I think she would do it.

I think she would.

Keep it open to the air, it will heal faster.

Do you want to go back and get your things? I can't.

I can't, I'm staying at a B&B with Jade.

I'll go get them.

Got your keys? We'll get you sorted.

You're safe here.

Thank you.

Be seated.

Mrs Harcourt or her representative are not here? No, sir.

Mrs Lasher? Mrs Harcourt refused to allow parental visits as ordered by this court? She allowed the first visit, but she refused to let She refused the second visit? Yes, sir.

Were her daughters in good health? Apparently.

Was there a reason that she refused? The girls were in distress.

Actually, no, any other reason is not material.

I find Mrs Tina Harcourt in contempt of court and order that the bailiff bring her before me.

I'm afraid Mrs Harcourt is going to jail.

Right, we need to make arrangements for the two girls.

I am willing to hear an argument for paternal custody.


POPPY: You can't catch me! How did you, erm? I waited till she left the B&B.

Thank you.

We're family.

Come on, you two.

Come on in.

Did you get a chance to review those documents? Yes, yes.

The accuser has intimate clothing which is torn and which has the accused's DNA on it.

It's pretty compelling.

He's in a position of power, she works to his instruction.

A power imbalance.

Prima facie, I'd say she has a pretty strong argument for her complaint against him.

How indisputable is DNA? A DNA-17 profile matching at ten loci offers a one-in-a-billion chance of a match.

So what can you do to cast doubt on it? THOMAS CHUCKLES We need a professor of your stature to step up and create enough doubt that the accusations won't stand.

Hang on.

You're not asking me to lie? No! Absolutely not.

We want you to help us make sure justice is served.


Who's been accused? I'm sure that this is a spurious complaint.

It doesn't appear to be.

Appearances can be deceptive.

This is a good man.

Ben believes the DNA was obtained illegally.

I think this woman has manipulated evidence.

You'd just be belt and braces.

DOOR BUZZER DOOR BUZZER DOOR BUZZER DOOR BUZZER Hello? We've got an arrest warrant for Tina Harcourt.

She's not here.

Can you let us in, please? No! Tina's not here.

Tina, you need to call Judge Lansing and tell him what this is doing to your girls.

I've tried.

/ He's not listening.

Not listening or doesn't care? The judge is going to take your girls and give them to their dad.

These men .


these men that can ruin my life.

He's not taking my girls.

Can't you ask for a new judge? That's not going to happen, is it? I've got it! Hey, give it back! It's mine! POPPY LAUGHS Give it back! I'll tell Mummy! Tina The court bailiffs coming here, it's threatening for the other women.

I know.

I'm sorry.

You have to show up for the court hearing You have to present yourself to the judge.

The judge isn't right.

This isn't fair.

Why can you not see that none of this is fair? Tina, listen, we will get you legal advice.

What will happen to my girls? SIREN WAILS DOG WHIMPERS AND BARKS Knife? Yeah.

Almost certainly.

Sharp instrument.

ID? Owen Gillick.

He's local.

Known drug dealer.

Phone? House keys? Not on the What is this? g*ng-related? Robbery? No theories that I've heard.


Nikki? Have a look.

We've got no CCTV in the park itself, but we have the entrances and exits and some along the high street.

The deceased entering the park at 11pm.

I didn't recover a mobile phone.

Look at that.

In the dark hoodie.

They disappear from view.

But .


two minutes later .


in a hurry to leave the park.

Hoodie and gloves, reasonable suspicion for a stop and search.


Can we follow them on to the high street? Does the hoodie come down? No.

That all we've got? So far.

I've checked with mobile providers.

No account in his name.

Pay as you go? Still looking.

Dark hoodie? Yeah.


I'll head to Owen Gillick's flat, then.


RINGING TONE Clarke? Recognise her? She was in the women's refuge.



Got it.

Your point? Owen beat up Cheryl.

Robbie Shaw beat up his wife.

Both women have recently stayed in the women's refuge and both men are dead.

But they're also two women who had to flee their homes to seek safety because of domestic abuse.

You're going to turn them into suspects? It's a connection, that's all.

We have a match on prints from the knife.

Jade Brandyce? She just got out of prison.

Police! Stay where you are.

Are you joking? Is she decent? Yeah.

font color="#ff You are under arrest on suspicion of the m*rder of Owen Gillick.

What are you on about? You do not have to say anything /f Who is Owen Gillick? .


if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.

Ohhh! Owen Gillick.

Adult male, 26 years old.

I didn't do anything, man! I didn't do anything! Get off me! This ain't right, man! Get off me! What is wrong with you? God! Hello.


Blood and DNA from Jade Brandyce's hoodie came from Owen Gillick.

We have CCTV of a figure wearing a dark hoodie entering and exiting the park.

Why was Owen meeting Jade? Known drug dealer.

I found dr*gs of a similar type and packaging in the hoodie.

Clarke, organise a liaison officer to tell Cheryl Wilkes her partner is dead.


Well done, everyone.

Are we meant to high-five each other? What happened to Cassandra? Surplus to requirements.

Who decided that? Only you get to decide that.

If you need her, then get her back.

Look, you're in charge of you.

No-one else.

No-one else knows what you need.

Do you hear me? Were there, erm, bloody fingerprints on the knife? Good fingerprints.

None in blood.

I'm confident it was the m*rder w*apon.

I'm going to go tell Cheryl Wilkes personally.

What are you up to? Let's go.

It's good that we've been able to identify suspects so quickly.

Good for us both.

Well, we do our best.

Judge Lansing has found a safe seat in the Home Counties that would be perfect for you.

He knows the constituency party chair.

It's looking quite hopeful.

Wow! Thanks very much.

I don't know what to say.

Say you'll do the deposition we need.

Yeah, "we" I mean, who's the we? Who's been accused? Well, I'm sure you'll find someone else.

Judge Lansing.

Chris Lansing? You're joking.

Oh, he's been set up.

Well, you've known him since school.

It's a malicious accusation.

He's a judge.

He has to make difficult decisions, and the people on the wrong end of them want to see him destroyed.

Let him explain.

Er, no.

No, I I don't think so.

What, you won't give him a chance to tell his side of the story? Let's meet at the club, have a drink, and he can tell you himself that he is innocent and explain the situation.

SHARON: I'll buzz you in.

Thank you.

BUZZER Jack? Yeah? Can you give us a Ready? Yep.

Cheers, pal.

We, er We may need you to come and formally identify the body.

I'm sorry to bring you such distressing news.

SHE SCOFFS We'll be in touch soon.

Can we come in? Hey.

You OK? I'm so sorry.

I am so sorry, but we are always going to be here.

OK? When you want to talk.

IF you want to talk.

Lucie Hudson is the abused partner of Jade Brandyce.

Four women who met in a women's refuge have a reunion, their husbands Or partners.



their partners are either dead or they've been arrested for m*rder.

Except for one.

Tina Harcourt.

And what do we know about her? In a custody dispute with her husband, who she's accused of domestic abuse.


You wouldn't want to be him right now, would you? Judge Lansing, in the family court, has issued a bench warrant for her arrest.

We don't know where she is.

Do the women in the refuge all have alibis? Well, they all provide the alibis for each other.

Do they have CCTV at the refuge? Covering the front door.

Can we get it? We need a court order.

I'll need the windows on each of the times of death.


/ Bloody Nora! Cheryl Wilkes says she was in the refuge all night, never left.

So we expected to see Cheryl leave on the night that Owen Gillick was m*rder*d.

We didn't.

We saw Tina Harcourt leave.

So, Tina leaves approximately one hour and forty minutes before the person that we thought was Jade Brandyce, wearing the dark hoodie, enters the park.

About four hours after she left, Tina returns.

Carrying Lucie Hudson's belongings.

I thought I should look at the night Robbie Shaw was m*rder*d.

Two-and-a-half hours before the time of death for Robbie Shaw, Tina Harcourt leaves the refuge.

And once she starts her journey, we can see her get on a bus, and she gets off at the closest bus stop to Robbie Shaw's house.

Do we know who she's speaking to? Stop it there.

She is talking to Donna Collyer.

What does she give her? Go forward.

You can't see what Donna gives her.

That's what you've got? This doesn't prove anything.

Not about the murders, not about Tina Harcourt.

Tina Harcourt wasn't in the refuge for either of the murders.

She doesn't have an alibi.

I'm sure there's millions of people in London that don't.

A waste of time, I'm afraid.

It wasn't a waste of time.

Well, don't we have good forensic evidence? Fingerprints, DNA evidence? We should base our case on that, not speculation.


30? Judge Lansing's looking forward to seeing you.

He'll explain everything.

We need to close ranks, Thomas.

What's that? I got access to the live CCTV feed from the refuge.


Picks up anything that moves in front of it.

What are you looking at? Donna Collyer's hospital records.

Broken nose.

"Tripped on a step.

" Orbital blowout fracture.

"Fell down the stairs.

" Soft-tissue trauma of the breast and back.

"Slipped on a wet floor.

" Broken ribs.

"Tripped on a step.

" Alveolar fracture.

"Fell from a ladder.

" Ruptured eardrum.

"No explanation.

" She's been suffering abuse for years.

Jenny had an abusive father.

And an abusive husband.

Donna and Tina knew and did something about it.

The wrench, the fingerprints, the DNA? Brian Collyer goes to prison for Robbie Shaw's m*rder .


and Donna is free.

Jack? What's she concealing? Clarke? Tina Harcourt's on the move.

Call me.

Should we warn her husband? Where does he work? Keep calling Clarke! Yeah.

Let's get this down to the last dock on the right-hand side, yeah? SIRENS WAIL You think we overreacted? All right, try now.

Clarissa? Where is she? Ayre Street.

Got her on CCTV.


Clarke? Cassandra Hello.

May I help you? I'm .


meant to meet someone.

This is a gentlemen-only club, madam.


Thank you.

Dr Chamberlain.

Good afternoon, sir.

It didn't happen.

What, so the DNA is just a fiction? No, no, no! It didn't happen the way she says it did.

It was utterly consensual.

This is a young woman who drank too much.

She made a bad decision, and now she's intent on getting her pound of flesh.

Frankly, Chambers, I'm the one who's the victim in this.

Chris, I am not going to close ranks.

And I'm not going to help you hurt someone just to save your own skin.

I'm telling you the truth.

The only thing that rings even remotely true in all of this is that she made a bad decision working for you.

I'm afraid, I'm due back in court.

If were you, I wouldn't expect the offer of a safe seat in the next election.

Thank you for your time.

Would you like to take a minute to think about what you've just given up? What did you expec HE YELLS Stay still.

Stay still! I need help! Get an ambulance, quickly! SIRENS WAIL There she is! Jack! This way.

What's happened? Tina! Help me! SIREN APPROACHING Somebody help me! You help me! Please help me! What's wrong? Help me, please! I'm with the police.

Tina! Get back! You're under arrest.

Nice one.

PHONE VIBRATES Hello? Where? Hi.

It's quiet here.

No-one can find you .


if you don't want them to.

I heard my mum scream when he hit her.

Sometimes I saw it.

I heard Gran cry when Gramps would slap and punch her.

I saw it once.

But I saw the bruises lots of times.

What can I do to help? Say it's not going to happen to me.

I want to get out! CLARISSA: How can so many people go missing in the world/fon and never be seen again? POLICE OFFICER: Just the head? We won't be able to say exactly until we're finished.

Did any of your men go missing during the construction? No.

/ CLARISSA: I'm beginning to believe in alien abduction.

/fon Yeah But the wounds are identical.

Almost too perfect to be true.

Can you tell me about your sister-in-law's pregnancy? Was it normal? How did she look? How did she behave? I didn't see her very much.

It would surprise you to know that Sue was never pregnant? What does that look like to you? Ah.

A tiny fossil.

PHONE RINGS What? JACK: You knew it wasn't