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22x03 - Lift Up Your Hearts - Part 1

Posted: 02/16/24 17:13
by bunniefuu
Put your arms out in front of you.

Now show me your chains, your shackles.

Do you see them? No.

Well, rattle them, rattle them.

Can you hear them? Where are they? Your chains are forged by the preconceptions of others and your misconceptions of yourself.

Of what you can do.

Of how high you can fly.

Of who you are.

Your chains are in your minds and in your hearts.

They are your fears and your temptations, but you must not succumb to them because you are the stuff that dreams are made of.

The stuff of dreams! You are the things I did not do.

You are the things I will not do.

You are the things I could not do.

You are the children, the grandchildren of men and women who've made enormous sacrifices, but you will honour those sacrifices by living lives they could only dream of.

You will not let yourselves down, because if you do, you let me down.

And you don't want to let me down.

No, sir.

I have high hopes for you, and I try not to worry, because as my nan would say "All crab find their hole" ".


all bread find his cheese, "and remember, you have guts like calabash.

" it's going to a club in Vauxhall.

The Echo, yeah? Ask for Dominica.

Take your helmet off.

When I ask you to achieve, to gain skills, to read, do maths, to think, I'm not asking for me or just for you.

I am asking for your parents.

Your grandparents.

Your great-grandparents.

I am asking for all that has gone before and all that will come after.

I'm asking for the future you.

I'm asking for the person you can become.

Skiving? That's what I do.

I didn't want it to look like you were late.

I'm not late.

I'm not skiving.

t*rror1st? Nothing definitive.

So what's the cause of the expl*si*n? The expo thinks chemical.

All cleared inside, sir.

Thank you.

I was walking here on the pavement, and there was an expl*si*n here, and like that.

Where were you going? Home.

Did you get his home address? G Where were you coming from? A shop.

I was asking the gentleman.


Is this yours? No.

I've asked him.

it's evidence.

Who do you think it belongs to? Smells like cat urine.

One body.

Badly burnt.

Jack Seat of the blast was here.



Caught fire, but melted the plastic mains pipe.

Water halted the fire's progress.

Plausible theory.

You could have said, "Jack, you're a genius," but instead you went with, "Plausible theory.

" Jack, you're a genius.

Too late.

Thomas? I? Has your body lost a hand or a wrist? Uh, no.

16¢! DI Ashton? Does he have any ID? Keys.

To a scooter? Likely.

I'll be outside if you need me.


Must be nice to have admirers.

Don't start.

So One single blast.

Likely he was already on the floor when the expl*si*n occurred.

Was he already dead? The blood is pooled.

There's a lack of vital reaction around the wound.

It's likely to be Darrenjameson.

We traced him through the MSIN on the phone we found on his body.

Age? 15 years old.

Thomas? Blisters.

It smells like cat urine.

That's what Thomas said.


It's the anhydrous ammonia.

Fertiliser? Used in fertiliser.

And smells like piss.



Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride sinus tablets.

To turn pseudoephedrine into methamphetamine, you soak it in hydrochloric acid in order to lose the OH molecule, and then add an H molecule back by soaking it in NaOH.

Drain cleaner.

Yeah, and that creates a double bond on the molecule.

You break the double bond using hydrogen gas and nickel metal, bring the pH level up by filtering the chemical through coffee filters, and then, to make the crystals, you add ethyl alcohol.

It was a meth lab.

I mean, "lab" makes it sound too grand, but You're basically Walter White in disguise, aren't you? The How was school today, white boy? You got any money I could borrow, fem? He's all right, bruv.

Leave him alone.

You're movin' soft.

See you tomorrow, yeah? Don't forget my money, innit? You're funny, bruv.

Thank you.

How are you, Noah? I'm good.

How are you doing, George? You plant any seeds today? Time will tell.

Time always tells.


Just want to turn you bad.

Make you a bad girl.

Not going to happen.

Come on, girls.

You're k*lling me! You know I think you're peng.

That's very good.

Are you all right, darling? No.


Did you think I didn't look? Minicab? How's it going? Let's talk.

No more fine.

Stupid man blows himself up.

I get new man from home who don't blow himself up.

If I have nothing to sell, they're going to go somewhere else.

I got crack.

I've got spice I need to get rid of.

Sell it to the meth-heads 'til we get more.

You get a new boy? Not yet.

You need a new boy to carry, yeah? You don't want to be doing that.

Does this make sense? Mm-hm.

You'll find one, another zana.


I got good gear coming.

Something special.

You need to work more with the blacks, get a crew.

It's good business.

Let them run for you, sell for you, protect you.

Let them make some money.


Why don't you do that? You r*cist, or something? I'm not r*cist, no.

Give them money.

Make them feel important.


They think they tough.

Alexandre Dumas? The Three Musketeers, Count Of Monte Cristo, The Man In The Iron Mask.

It's like living in a never-ending quiz show.

Yes, and he was also black.

He was French.

What, you can't be both? Actually, he was French Haitian.

His grandfather was a white French nobleman.

His grandmother was a black Haitian sl*ve.

His father was a really successful French general whose enemies, including Napoleon, used to call him the Black Devil.

Pushkin? He wrote Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov and, um, loads of poems.

Just go with "black".

He was black! Good.

Why? Pass.

His great-grandfather was from Cameroon.

You know, Pushkin was the greatest Russian poet.

And, yes, he was also black.

Do you think he knew? See you next week.

Bye! Bye! Lord Byron.

Lord Byron was not black! L But he wishes he was! Cultural appropriation? I'd be guessing.


Cultural celebration, actually! Why do you celebrate drug-dealing, misogynistic rap artists? I don't celebrate them.

Well, maybe I want to celebrate black culture.

Oh, you think drill is black culture? I think it reflects a time and a place.

That is not black culture.

Dumas is black culture.

That's the whole point! Can we eat? Yeah.

You never going to play for England, though.

You don't know shit.

He knows one thing that you don't know.

What's that? I'm being dead serious.

My man's probably on, what, 100K a year? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, you, man.

You! Uh you got anything? You know, just help me take the edge off? You got coin? Yeah.

I'll pay you tomorrow.


Something that can help.

Don't touch me, man.

Get out of here.

What is she talking about? She was so dead, blud.

I don't even know, bruv.

It's OK.

I'll help you.

I got something.

Y Pay you tomorrow? Pay me now.

Moi Burnt.

Acid? Inhalation.

Ulceration of the respiratory tract.

Lungs probably oedematous.

A result of the lungs coming into contact with hydrochloric acid fumes.

A chest wound 7 Penetrating projectile wound.

Yes, debris from the expl*si*n.

Part of a table leg.

But it had nothing to do with the cause of death.

There's a lack of internal bleeding that would confirm that he was dead before he was impaled.

Darren inhaled HCL fumes.

His airways, sinuses and lungs were burnt by the fumes, causing acute respiratory distress syndrome and asphyxiation.

Second victim? Same cause of death? Uh, no.


He did not inhale the fumes we think because he was wearing this.

Some sort of filtered face mask.

Yes, it's likely that he was the cook.

Injuries were multiple blast and burns.

You can see he resembles a b*mb victim.

So he was close to the seat of the blast? Which is consistent with him making methamphetamine.

Do we know who he is? We're going to struggle.

We've got a DNA profile, but no match.

No criminal record? That we've found, no.

The severe burns to his body and face will make identification difficult.

We'll run further tests as necessary, but the CT scan indicates he's a white male, approximately 40 years old.

So Darren Jameson was a drug dealer collecting the crystal meth that the unknown victim was making.


Good morning.

It's Noah Taylor from Cerrington calling about your son's attendance.

He has a number of unexcused absences, and he's not here again today.

Mrs Jameson? Mrs Jameson, are you OK? Yeah, hehe was in an accident.

He Oh, lam terribly sorry to hear that, Mrs Jameson.

If there's anything I can do OK.


Thank you.

Mr Taylor? There are some police officers here to see you.

I was actually just talking with his mother.

How did he die? There was an accident.

We can't really say more than that at the moment.

Of course.

Here we are.

Thank you.


So sad, you know, a young person.

The potential.

We'll let you know when we're done.



You didn't want to tell him his student was a drug dealer? It's what we think, it's not what we know.

I don't want to leap to conclusions.

That's not much of a leap.

I like to keep an open mind, stay open to possibilities.

He's got an admirer.

You see an admirer, I see three months of male indecision, confusion and hurt.

He's never that funny.



Two minutes, please.

Urn, I'd better go.

Oh, OK.

Should we "get a drink sometime? Oh.


See you later.




Shall we? Hello? Now you've got my number.

Oh, boy.

That's the shield over his left pectoral.

It's a synthetic fibre, most likely polyester.


He was wearing a sport shirt.

And the letters there, inside the shield? Do they know whose lock-up it was? Mmm, council.

Tenant sublet it for cash.

Is that a P? Yeah.

A T, that looks like a Z.

Oh, uh, Partizani.

PK Parthani.



He's Albanian? He might not be Albanian.

He might simply support an Albanian team.

Why would you do that? Are you OK? Yes, sir.

Why aren't you in class? Don't tell me.


Why aren't you in class, Lysette? I'm meant to do reading practice with Miss Carthew, but I think she's forgot.

Did she? Well, there's a lot on at the moment.

I could do it with you.

Yes, sir.

What are you reading? Roald Dahl Do you know where you are? Sophie watched with As-ton-ishment.


"What a strange andmoo Moo.

Moo Moody, like the cow.



moody creature this is," she thought.

That's very good.

Keep going.

You read really good, sir.

You read very well, sir.

You speak well, too.

Are you coming? We're going to be late.

What did Jesse say he was doing? He'll meet us there.

What will be, will be.

Doesn't make me want it any less.

I'm so sorry.

This is much better than tina, and it doesn't blow up! Very, very good.

Dance fever.

Use it straight or mix it.

They're going to like this.

Going to sell easy.

Doesn't need much.

Little snap bags.

Goodnight, Debbie.

Goodnight, Mr Taylor.

Mum! Talk to me! Please! Mum.

What's wrong with you? What is it? Please, sir.

Please help her.

Who is it? My mother.

Oh, God.


Mum, what's wrong with you? Mum! Yes, uh, I need an ambulance.

I don't know.

I really don't know what's wrong.

M Sopranos, stop parbfiflflf Spice.

Why do they freeze? Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists - disrupts the motor cortex in the brain, gives a sense of impossible lethargy and heaviness.

Can you hear me? We're going to walk you to the ambulance.

Get off! Whoa! That's mad! Stay back, please.

Come on.

Come here.

Don't hurt her! Please! Come back over here, please.

Come with me.

She'll be much better off.

That's it.

Mum! Hold her down! Come, wait over here.

Stop it.

Hold her off, come on.

Turn her over.

Come on.

Get her on.

Hold her down.

Let her go.

Get off her.

Get her on.

Let her go.

Leave her on the ground.

She's hallucinating.

Are they gone? Yeah.

Are they coming? Ow! You're in my head! You're in my head.

Let go! You're in my head.

Get out! They're eating my brain Get out! Let go so we can help you.

No-one can help me.

All right, next week, we're working on Motherless Child, so please have a look at it.

Now, we don't have many rehearsals left before our performance, so please, please, please try not to miss them.

Thanks, guys.

See you next week.

I'll go help Mum, yeah? What's up? What are you doing? Going to study.

What are you doing? Going to be heartbroken.

Yeah? Yeah.

Good luck with that.

Won't need luck.

Easy with you.

That was good.

Tell my mum.

You don't think I will? Never going to happen.

Ms Taylor? The choir was fu Glen! The choir was very good.

Thank you.

Told you.

Who's that boy? No-one.

Well, Faith seems to like him.

She needs to stay away from him.

She doesn't want to get involved in all that.

Involved in what? Nothing.

Do you know who Pushkin is? Haven't got a clue.

See ya.

Overdose? No obvious sign of injury or as*ault.

Ready? Do we have a name for the deceased? John Smith.

That guy's a comedian.


Darling, you're just going to come with me.

Is that all right? I saw one of my students rather distressed.

She was with two people.

The woman is the mother.

Lysette is her daughter.

Don't worry, Social Services have been called.

All of that craziness on the floor, like Why are you laughing? Mr Taylor What about this is funny? Mr Taylor, let it go.

I'm talking to you.

There is nothing funny here! There's nothing funny.

Relax yourself.

Who are you? Don't do it.

It's not worth it.

Yeah, listen to your boy.

It's cool, man.

She's alive.

Better if she was dead.

Go after them.

Yeah? Go.

You're angry.

Yes, lam angry.

They trample on your seeds.

All over them.

It's OK to be angry.

Ooh! Uh-ooh! What's good, man? Hello, lonely boy.

Where you coming from? Coming from Why you so lonely? Go to see your girlfriend? See the girlfriend just cos you get turned down.

I'm joking- Somebody! here, man.

What you telling me? You good? I'm good.

Hey, man, who's this? Do you want to make some money? Good money.

How good, Mud We can get you anything.

Sell baggies if you want.


I got started selling baggies at school.


And we can get you this.


Dance fever.

Better than ice.

Makes the customer loyal.

They gotta have it.

Lots of ways to use it - you can sprinkle it on brown or grass.

Only need a little.

Blows your head off.

Makes 'em need more.

A sl*ve to it.

The best customer is a sl*ve, and the best sl*ve is the one who thinks he's free.

Let me see that.

This shit is so strong it's better you use gloves.

Shut up, bruv.

Why you laughing, bruv? The guy we found in the high street today, was it spice? We'll have results in the morning.

Do we have a name for him? There was a name and an employee ID card in his wallet, confirming it now.

Let me know when you have it, yeah? Yeah.

Used to work in a call centre for an insurance company.

Wore a tie to work.

Don't imagine he thought he would end up like this.

So, a friend invited me to dinner last week.

You have friends? Hard to believe, I know.

I say friend, more of an acquaintance.

We met at a forensic conference in Cranleigh.

I think he was trying to set me up with someone.

Did it work? No.

Got that T-shirt.

Lot of smart people talking about global warming, organic food, the NHS And after the creme brulee, out came a little bag of cocaine and a little mirror, and they start passing it around.

I'm sure they'd no idea why I left, nor do they realise that they are the end of the supply chain.

The money.

They have no idea that they're responsible for the gangs and for the knives, because because they don't see the carnage they leave along the way.

The addicts who can't help themselves.

The victims who made bad decisions.

Cutting room.

Your lab.

This place.

They're a monument to bad decisions.

I know it's a crime, but I don't know how to solve it.

It's not one crime, it's more than we can count.

But we can only do what we can - help find the people who sell the crystal meth, help find the people who sell the spice and make money from other people's pain.

Spice boy? Yeah.

Any surprises? Nope.

Haemorrhagic stroke in the parietal lobe.


Have you tested for synthetic cannabinoids? Yeah, we found SF-ADB, pyrethroids, piperonyl butoxide and permethrin.


They often spray the leaves with cockroach k*ller.

So what causes the stroke? All of it.

Why would you put that in your body? It used to be legal.

What were they thinking? Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can trigger atrial fibrillation, increase your risk of stroke by 500%.

Shall we ban alcohol? Well, you're not saying you think that spice should be made legal? Since it was criminalised, it became much more dangerous.

The makers use insecticides to disguise the active ingredients so it can't be traced.

So we can't trace the maker? It's very difficult.

Aren't you in the business of very difficult? Synthetic cannabinoids are dangerous.

People invented them to escape prosecution - one of the unexpected consequences of not legalising marijuana.

Legalise it.

Regulate it.

Tax it.

And John Smith in the cutting room wouldn't be dead.

He'd be dead, it would just be from a different drug.

You don't want to come back here.

You'll be fine, OK? OK.


Hello, Pamela.

Listen, let us help you.

I don't need help.

Then maybe you can help us.

We want to keep you safe.

Who's going to look after you? Keep away from me! I'm watching you, Pamela.

Leave me alone! Hi, Mr Taylor.


Have we heard from Social Services yet? I haven't.

Is Lysette in class? No, sir.

What are you lot looking at? Wait, wait, wait.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

I think you're right, I think You take that.

Now you You are coming with me.

Get off me, bruv! Get off me, bruv! These are my students! I will not allow you to harm them.

I will not allow it! Come on.

Come on.

I'll shank you up, you know.

You want it, Mud This, for them? You want to give this to them? Why would you just squander your own opportunities? Oh, yeah, big man.

You're nothing.

And you're gone.

Get out.

Go on, get out of here.

Yeah, go, get out.

Run! Go on.

Get your bags, take the shit with you.

Get out! Get the hell out of here! You three, come here.

He's coming.


May I? People take this to forget who they are.

I don't want you to forget who you are.

I don't want you to.

I want you to remember everything.

This is a tool of oppression designed to keep you down "and make others rich.

Yeah, she's with me at the moment.

We don't know where the mother is.

Stay with her for now.


Yeah, that's not a problem.

And can you inform the school? Yeah, I can let them know.

That's fine.

Amanda? Can I go to school? I'll see you tomorrow.

All right.



You want to go somewhere dark? Jog on.

I can't get you out of my head.

I have to go.

I've got practice.

You coming to the Gauntlet tonight? Ah! You miss me already.

You coming tonight? Don't do that! Somebody might see.


ls Jack here? No.

I'm not sure where he is.

What are you after? Hm? Oh, I just I wanted to ask him a question.

Can I help? No, it's OK, I don't think so.

I am capable of answering questions.


Faith! What? Post! Feels thin.

Open it! And? I got in.

Yes! St.

Hugh's? A St Hugh's woman? I am so proud! So proud of you! College of the Prime Minister, leaders of nations.

You know, the principal there was the first woman to be Lord Advocate of Scotland.

Noah, please, just celebrate your daughter, not the whole of womankind.

That's what I'm doing, of course.

Yeah, right.

DA Hey there.


Your friend was here.

Care to narrow that down at all? Police officer - Katie.

Ashton? Yeah, that's her name.

Whafd she want? Had a question.

Wouldn't ask it.

Maybe she wanted to ask you something private.

Who knows? What are we doing? We are collecting DNA from the helmet to confirm it was worn by Darren, and you are testing the inside of a scooter box.

For what? A takeaway? Don't be out late.

We won't be.

Where are you going? Meeting some friends at the Gauntlet.

Well, if it gets too late, take a taxi home.

Yeah, and be careful.

Faith, I'm going to go, OK? It's OK.

I'll be at home in a bit.


You got anything for me? Smoke? You going to get with him? Maybe.

You need a cigarette? Thank you.

That's really kind.

A pleasure.

Girls' night out? Mm-hm.


Talk to me.

As thanks for the cigarette.

You come here often? No, this is the first time I've been here.

Have you? We always go out together.

Where's the boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Where's Faith? Someone special like you Faith? What are you doing? You're here! Where's your bodyguard? Your brother? Oh, he's gone home.

Want to go somewhere dark? Oh, shit.

What's going on? Come, come, come.

What's wrong with her? Come on, babe, wake up.

Faith? Faith? Wake up.

Faith, it's me We got to go, fam.

No, you're not listening, we got to go! Faith, wake up! We've got to go now.

We gotta go, bruv! Let's go, brother, go, go! You guys look after her.

Call an ambulance! Call me, innit? Faith Come on.

Faith! Wake up, please, it's me.

Hello? Hello, Mrs Taylor, this is the hospital A&E department They've taken her to hospital.

She'll be OK.

Is she OK? Mommy's here Hey, babba.

Mommy's here.

Daddy's here.

Mr and Mrs Taylor? I'm sorry to have to tell you that we're not seeing any signs of brain activity.

When you're ready, I can explain what that means and what the options are.

Thank you.

Please, Father, please, Father, please, I beg you to do this.

Shh, shh, shh Mommy's here.

Crash team! Faith? Can you step out, please? Faith! What is it? Faith! Tell me what's She's arrested.

Come with me.

No Faith! I don't want to go! What's happening 7 I don't want to go! Do something! I love you, my little girl, I love you! Adrenaline.

Going with compressions.

Anything? No.

Did you know your daughter used dr*gs? Her respiratory system slowed down till it stopped.

Where did she get the dr*gs? I don't know.

You wouldn't lie to me? No.


You got one for you? Yeah.

Who do you think you are? You think you're better than me, innit? That's what you think.

No-one's going to come in.

It's mental what happened, yeah? Anyone asking questions, you don't say nothing.

Glen Cole is our main suspect.

I believe your daughter knew him? I need your help, Jesse.

I'm sorry about your sister, innit? Do you think she knew what she was smoking? No.

But how can we be certain? I didn't k*ll nobody.

I know who gave her the dr*gs.

I'll go to prison because that's what happens to people like me.

I've found something! Someone call a paramedic!