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21x06 - A Special Relationship - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 17:08
by bunniefuu
It's something to do with the US Embassy.

Victim's their Political Section Chief -- a guy called Ryan Reed.

But the k*ller dragged him over and sat him up on the bench with his arm in his jacket pocket.

Matt Garcia, Deputy Chief of Mission.

I've got blood on my clothes.

Well, I'll put them in the wash.

Dr Nikki Alexander, Dr Helen Vine.


The MO's similar to Ryan Reed and the way she's been placed in the chair.


So what's the story there, is she living with you now? Just until, um Oh, uh, Julia had the baby.

We've picked up traces of expl*sives on a package addressed to you.

Police! Don't move! Hands on your heads! I k*lled them.

So, Fergus Weir's been charged, has he? We're remanding him to a secure psychiatric unit.

~ - Can I take you out? - Really? Matt? - [Yep, understood.


- [Off you go.


- Here.

- The Assistant Commissioner's on his way, sir.

- Good.

Get a decision log in place.

- OK.

Where the hell was security? It's just the one US diplomatic security officer on the gate -- unarmed.

- He's in hospital.

- Witnesses? Please, God! Dr Alexander didn't actually see anything.

A neighbour's housekeeper caught a glimpse of what she thinks was a Transit or Toyota Hiace, dark green or black.

- Good.

- No index.


Good, Moss.



We're not just looking at Weir as a lone agent now.

There are more people involved in this.


Nikki, listen to me now, we need to move on this, OK? OK.


So Uh Y-You said you sat in the kitchen while Matt cooked then what? We ate in there.

And then Then we spent some time together in here.

And then we went upstairs.

To Matt's bedroom? You told the attending officers that you woke up in the night to use the bathroom.

- Yes.

- Could you, uh show us? I think it was some time before five, I don't remember exactly.

Do you remember hearing anything outside or inside the house? Uh This bathroom? Uh Yes.

Um, has it been dusted here? Not yet.

Right, OK.

So you go inside, uh, and the door jams? - Yes.

- And? - Um I tried to shift it and when it wouldn't I called out to Matt.

And you're sure you didn't lock it? You know, it-it's early, you're-you're half-asleep.


No, I-I never do.

I live alone, so Actually, there was a sound, I think.

What sound? Maybe when he jammed the chair under the door handle.

So, he watched you go into the bathroom, jammed the chair against the door and then went into the bedroom where Matt was still asleep? Yeah, I guess so.

So he moves the victims .


either before or after he sh**t them and then poses their bodies for some reason.

He's already dead, isn't he? Testator silens Costestes e spiritu Silentium Testator silens He was sent a letter b*mb -- he was clearly on their list.

- We should've foregrounded that.

- Yeah, absolutely.

OK, so question number one So far the victims were shot near to where their bodies were found - Nikki.

- .


so why've they taken Matt elsewhere? - Nikki! - What? What are you doing? Being objective.

That's not your role here.

You're a witness.

You CANNO be part of the investigation.


Have you got to hand over the case to another lab? No, no, they want continuity, but for YOU .


you have to step aside.


It'll be all right.

Now, this guy.

It's a It's a Hiace, I mean, we've We've got a call out on it.

Simple as that.

Security was useless.

It's not a public building.

And we had our one guy.

Then who the hell is this then? Run me through the evidence against Fergus Weir again.

- Uh, we've got the fingerprints on - No, no.

What the FBI has on him.

We think he was responsible for a homicide in Miami earlier this year.

The victim was an ex-marine called Niall Schwartz, who was stationed at the embassy in Mali at the same time as Ryan Reed and Helen Vine were in the country.

- So what's the connection? - We don't know.

You do know what psychosis is, DCI Solomon? I do, and his psychiatrist said he's OK to answer questions.

Not that'll stand up in court.

He doesn't know what day of the week it is! Yeah, well, neither do I.

Maybe I'm mad too.

Where's Matt Garcia? Where've they taken him? I don't know I don't know any Matt Garcia.

- You sent him a letter b*mb, for Christ's sake! - Hey.

F-Fergus! We know there are other people involved here, OK? So Why's? Why's he saying that? Oh, please, Fergus Fergus, please.

Just tell me.

Yeah? Tell me where he is.

Could we go back to when you were shut in that bathroom? What could you hear outside in the corridor? Footsteps, um on the wooden floor, heading towards the bedroom.

One person? To begin with.

Then they stopped and the pattern, the rhythm changed.

So, was there a scuffle, or running, or? No, it was like whoever it was stopped close to the bedroom, or maybe just inside.

And then he moved again .


but this time there were two of them.

So maybe he was moving Matt back past where I was Towards the main stairs.

Did Matt say anything? Did he shout out to you? Not that I heard.

- Yeah? - Ah, sir So, they've got alibis for last night, but the Niall Schwartz k*lling -- are you aware they were both in the States when that happened? No.

- Did the FBI know that? - Not that I've been told.


So This trip to the States, where d'you go, Miami? Uh, well, Peter was on business in Tampa, so he paid for us to come over.

- What, you and Fergus? - Yeah.

- And he-he was well enough to go? - Well, he was then, um He'd been discharged from the RAF sick, but he got some treatment and he was OK for a while.

- But he relapsed.

That's what they do.

- Right.


You said Peter was in Tampa, so-so how come you and Fergus flew to Miami? Oh, we got a deal on the flights.


So did you go down to Miami to meet them? - And then we - No, we went up to, um - Sorry.

We went up to Tampa to Peter - Uh, sorry.

You should take this.

It's Clarissa Mullery.

Excuse me.

- Sorry about that.

- No, no Ben Solomon.

There's a book amongst Fergus Weir's possessions that's got a barcode in it.

I've checked it out and it's from Clapton Library in Hackney.

It was borrowed by a guy called Leon Novak.


Thank you.

Do you know Leon Novak? Yeah, he was in Afghanistan with Fergus.

- What, in the RAF? - Yeah.

D-D'you know if he's still enlisted? No, no, he's been out a while.

He should be in your files, he's been in trouble with you lot for thieving and stuff since he's been discharged.

Why you asking? - Let's get a trace on this guy Novak.

Get them down the station.

- Yep.

Right, if you hang on here a second, I'll get a car to take you home.

They just want what we said on tape and then they'll leave us be.

Sorry you're caught up in all of this.

- It's OK, it's fine.

- Are you going to run for the hills? - No! - You sure? Yeah, of course I'm sure.

Dr Alexander? Ready? ['Matt?'.]

Hi, bunny, you on your way? Oh Where are you then, Janine's? Right And her mum's going to feed you, is she? OK.

No, no, no, it's fine, fine.

Just give me a call when you want picking up, yeah? Hey! We didn't expect to see you here today.

Well, I just couldn't sit at home staring at walls.

- Still no news? - No.

You? Nothing, sorry.


Did you sleep? What you going to do? I don't know.

Work? - We've got a meeting.

See you in a bit.

- See you in a minute.

We've had the expl*sive report back on the letter b*mb.

g*nsh*t residue only.

No expl*sive.

These are X-rays of the contents of the letter b*mb that wasn't.

We have the memory stick which we assume to be the expl*sive device.

What is it then, what? What's on it? Uh, probably files, documents, photos, information.

What, so they're trying to contact Matt for some reason? Where does that leave us? Actually, we do have some additional material now on the Niall Schwartz homicide.

The k*lling the FBI have linked to Fergus Weir.

- Can I? - Do it.

Bear with me.

So, ballistics Schwartz was shot in Miami in the back of the head, obviously using a g*n that wasn't used in the UK killings.

What, so apart from being in the vicinity, nothing actually links Fergus to the US k*lling? The FBI are still being cagey as to what they'll give us.

- A couple of crime scene photos, the basics.

- Why? Well, Schwartz was a Marine, it's possible that there were operational matters they don't want to discuss.

To do with Mali? The body was posed again.

Why, though? Why the hell? What is it? Look at the body shape.

It's like he's in control, it's his world, he's the man.

It's Lincoln.

Nikki, you cannot Sorry.

I know I'm not meant to be involved.

Can I borrow this? I was looking at the other scene-of-crime sh*ts and I couldn't figure it out, but Look at this.

See? Lincoln was the first president assassinated, right? Yeah.

How many other presidents were assassinated? Lincoln, Garfield - And then? - McKinley.

And Kennedy, of course.

Garfield was after Lincoln, yeah? Get him up.

Shot twice -- once in the shoulder, once in the back.


Ryan Reed.

Oh, God.

Then McKinley.

Two b*ll*ts -- one in the abdomen, the other ricocheted and landed on his sleeve.

Which explains why the b*llet was placed on Helen Vine's arm.

McKinley -- Helen Vine.

What are they trying to say with all this? Excuse me These are political killings, aimed at the US establishment? That they hold the President responsible for something.

What? And the victims are just proxies? Four presidents assassinated.

Three victims.

So far.


Shot twice -- once to the neck, once to the head.

We found the HiAce.

Waiting to see what it says.


We've had sightings of Leon Novak, Sir.

Following up on that now.


We'll need to do it as soon as possible.

One of your patrol cars found it.

They think it's wired.

- Just the van? - No, there's someone inside it.

Is it Matt? 'OK, got the go-ahead.


'I'm on my way.

Walking towards the vehicle.

Stand by.

' I'm 40 metres away - '30.

' - 30, did he say? What's going on? Ten.

I'm at the vehicle.

No movement from the subject.

'Stand by.

' I've got wiring here.

He's maybe wired the device to the rear doors.

Side door's clear.

'It's clear.

' I'm going to open the door.

I'm in.

He's alive.

'But he's chained to the van.

' I haven't got anything on me that'll cut through those chains.

OK, it's a device attached to the wheel hub.

Six cross-head screws keeping the casing in place.

It's a small device.

Two charges, two detonators '.


with a primary power source.

'All wiring leads back to the central unit.

' Suspect possible collapsing circuit.

It's on a clock! Nine, eight - 'Get out of there!' - I wouldn't make it anyway.

- 'You've got to try.

' It's a dummy.

There's no expl*sive.

'We're OK.

'There's no expl*sive.

' We're OK.

Yeah, we're OK.

- Armed police! - Get down! Down on the floor! - Get down! Get down! Leon Novak, I am arresting you under the Prevention Of Terrorism Act.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.

What's that? Uh A book.


It's a load of bollocks.

Conspiracy theories.

- Fergus is into that shit.

- Did you give it to him? What, so, you put it in the library, and whoever borrows it gets sent to Gitmo? - Where were you four nights ago? - I've already told you.

For the recording.

At the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, sitting up all night with my sick father.

All right.


36pm, night before last? How should I know? Why you asking? Oh? What? Go on -- what? There was a football match that night, right? There's football most nights, isn't there? Man U-Leicester.

I was in The Lord Bassett in Mile End.

They had it on in there.

But I wasn't really watching it.

I was talking to Fergus.

- Fergus was with you? - Yeah.

- 9.

36? Well, we were together earlier in the day helping a mate of mine move some granite blocks.

Then he went off.

- Where? - He didn't say.

And you met up with him later in The Lord Bassett? - Yeah.

- Did you leave together? No, he went before me.

Would've been about 9.


It was a 7.

45 kick off, right, so the match hadn't long finished.

Shit! Thomas? Can you take a look at this a second? I think it's pollen.

- Where'd you find it? - It's from the detonator.

Any idea what plant it's from? I'm getting it analysed.

What I don't get is -- why the fake b*mb? - Why go to all that trouble? - Yeah.

Leon's alibi for Fergus Weir checks out.

Pub CCTV's got him leaving at 9.


There's no way he could've been at the hotel ten minutes later -- it's way across town.




We've had some information which we think might help Fergus.

What kind of information? We're thinking maybe he didn't actually pull any trigger -- maybe he's being used in some way.

I don't know.

Thing is, he's He's not really going to talk to me, is he? So He can help you, Fergus.

I don't have permission.

Permission for what, Fergus? - From who? - I can't say any more.

Can I speak to Peter? Alone? Er O-OK She'd hate me if I told her now.

Not for what I've done, but .


for lying to her.

You know how your illness works.

Things seem worse than they are, you lose perspective.

I mean, she's going to love you whatever, man.

So, if it's going to get you out of here, you know, then tell me.

He wants to go home.

And he'll be able to now, won't he? Because he's innocent.

What do you mean? The night that woman was m*rder*d, he didn't go straight home from the pub.

He was with somebody else.

- He paid for sex.

- Why the hell didn't he say before? With a guy.

That's the man's name and address.


Did you want me? Kew Gardens got back with results on the pollen.

It's from a plant called Pitcarnia feliciana which, guess what, grows in West Africa.

It's not like you can get it in any old garden centre.

It's from outside the EU, so, you need a phytosanitary certificate to import it.

So, what, we get a list of businesses registered - that have the certificate, check their addresses? - Yeah.

Can you remember anything about where he took you? No.

He covered my eyes.

He said that what was on the memory stick explained everything.

I told him that it got incinerated before I'd seen it, but he wouldn't have that.

- He didn't believe me.

- Why'd he send it to you? Because he saw an interview I did here a couple of months ago -- I was banging on about US covert ops.

What about them? Well, I said that more often than not they end up losing us the support of the local populations.

What happens is the Pentagon try and boss a situation on the ground without consulting local communities, and we diplomats have to go in and smooth things over.

There's a place for secrecy, of course there is, but it's all becoming habitual.

So, he put information on a memory stick, hoping to get me on his side.

But when I didn't respond, now I'm the great Satan.



16 11.


16 Central numbers, here.




To us, that's 11th August 2016.

To an American.

that's 8th November.

I'm wondering if all the victims were in Mali on that date.

Well, if you take the date out, use the numbers that are left, - what have you got? - Co-ordinates.



- Genius.

- Thank you.

- Well There's got to be something specific, I mean, he must have asked you Like I said, he thought I'd read what he'd sent me.

He beat the shit out of me because he thought I sat on that stuff, too.

Sat on what stuff? Sat on what stuff, Matt? There was an incident in Mali involving the US military.

The Pentagon did an internal inquiry, but the report has been suppressed.

So, this is the 8th of November.

And this is the 9th of November.

As you can see, the streets have been wiped out.

He wants that report released to the press.

Or somebody else is going to die.


And the dummy b*mb? Something to make a show, to get the world press there.

And to let somebody else know that he was coming for them, too.

OK, OK, I'm going to ask you what I asked Nikki.

Your eyes were covered throughout, yeah? So, what about sounds? Maybe a road, but not close.

What about his voice? Did he have an accent? I mean, I'm not an expert in British accents, but I think if I were to guess, maybe upper Upper class English? You know.

Traces of that.

What makes you think that? Because he didn't say, "yes" or, "yeah", he said, "yah".

Like, very, very English.

I don't know.

I don't know, Maybe it's the opposite.

Maybe it wasn't even English at all.

- You sure? - Yah, of course I'm sure.

If you heard it again, do you think you'd recognise it? - It's not upper-class.

- Huh? I heard his voice at Matt's, too.

His accent, it's barely there, but it's South African.

Is there any other information you can give me? No? Sorry.

You sure? OK.


We OK? She met Peter Cilliers in a bar last Christmas.

Did he know Fergus beforehand? - No.

- Not even with the RAF connection? - Different unit, different times.

- Is there a Mali connection? She's never been, nor has her brother or Cilliers, not to her knowledge.

The records bear that out.

Cilliers was born in the UK but brought up in South Africa.

So, UK passport? Yeah.

Been back here living since 18.

He's been working in the water industry since leaving the RAF.

And Fergus Weir's alibi for Helen Vine? That checked out.

We traced his movements and he was with him on the night that Ryan Reed was k*lled also.

Seriously? You've confirmed that? - That's absolutely confirmed? - Yeah.

So, we've been looking at the wrong guy all this time.

And Fergus's fingerprint on the envelope? They were both staying here.

It wouldn't've been difficult for Cilliers to engineer that.

He'd just have to ask Fergus to handle it for some reason.



So he used him as a decoy.


Excuse me! Excuse me! What's that? That is an anchovy.

They're for grown ups.

You wouldn't like them.

Rosie! Look at your face.

You'd rather sit there and pretend to enjoy that than admit your dad was right, wouldn't you? They're delicious.

- Really? - Mm-hmm.

- Would you like some more? - I'm full.

- Really? Oh.


How are you? Great.



Come on in.

For five minutes.

I've just come for Rosie.

Thanks for having her for so long.

- Mum! - Hey! Oh Oh, my love.

There's a little girl at home who wants to see you.

Rosie, will you just go and get your stuff? All right.

Did you call Rosie before you came round? No.

But you knew as soon as I came home that I'd come for her.

That was the arrangement, wasn't it? Yes.

Yeah, yeah.

- I thought you'd want her out of your hair.

- No! No, God, no.

I just thought you might call, you know.

Give us a bit of warning.

She been OK? Yeah.

Yeah, we've had a great time.


Here you are.

There you are.

Where've you been? I was ringing the service bell and everything.

Your Lordship.


I'm going to tell you something, OK? When you were missing, I made a promise.

What kind of promise? If I'm going to carry on working like I do, then You see .


something happened to me in Mexico.

It was tough.

It's taken time to get through.

But it's really tough, in a different way, when it's happening to someone that you're close to.

And I want good things in my life.

As many good things as I can find.

And .


I think I do want to share all that with someone.

Someone? Yeah, someone.

No, you.

I want to share it with you.

Yeah? I can't move Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hold on a sec.

- What are you doing? - Just Matt? - What? - Come on! Absolutely not! Matt, I didn't mean You are absolutely bloody crazy.

- Hi.

- Hi.

How is he? Is he up and about? Er, yeah.

Sort of.

Come in.

Can I get you a coffee or? Er, no.

Thank you.

Sir? So Fergus Weir is innocent.

We think he knows more, but we've had to let him go.

Yeah, we've been updated.

And do you know about Dire? It's a town in Mali.

8th of November, 2016, an area to the west of it wiped out in a military action of some kind.

The Malian government blamed Islamists, but .


we're increasingly convinced that Washington's been keeping information to themselves about this, and we don't know why.

Cilliers said something like that, more or less.

Did you talk to the State Department directly? I've tried, the Commissioner's tried, the Home Office has tried, but we're getting stalled.

And we've got an armed man out there threatening another k*lling, and we've no idea who he's after.

All right.

Leave it with me, I'll get Kim to chase Washington.

Thank you.

- After you, Sir.

- Thank you.

Why did you think I'd care about who you had sex with? You don't approve.

No, that's you -- you don't approve.

You're the only one with a problem with it, nobody else.

Just help them, Fergus.

What are you frightened of? What do you think is going to happen? They will extradite me to the US, and they will lock me up and they will throw away the key.

And that's what's will happen.

Who told you that? Who told you that! They terrorised me, and they'll do it again.

No question.

Hello? 'Ella?' I'm here.

'I want to explain.


I'm in a call box by the park gates.

'Can you come and meet me? Please.

' Now? Hey.

You never got back to me.

Did you chase up Washington? I did.

And the information's classified.


But you've read it? No, no, this guy had a g*n to my head, Kim.

Now's not the time to stall on me.

What's going on here? Have Washington misled this investigation? Look, I just came across the files today, OK? Nothing's been hidden, nobody's been misled.

Wait, w-what is it, then? Huh? What? They withhold information? Is that what they did? A man's going to die, no doubt about it.

Now, I don't think you've completely bought into the shit you're supposed to.

There's still some common decency in there.

But you toe the line now, you're going to regret this when it all comes down on your head.

There was a cover-up.

All the victims were involved in it.

Ryan Reed was running the Malian Embassy, Niall Schwartz was heading up security and Helen Vine was running charity programmes which were given preferential treatment for Foreign Assistance funding, as a thank you.

She was paid off? For what, the strike on Dire? Yeah.

The targets were Islamist insurgents, but the intelligence was flawed and it wiped out several families.

Fergus Weir was recruited to Africom in Djibouti.

He was working for us, but not in logistics.

We trained him to fly drones.

Are you telling me he piloted that attack? Is that what you're telling me? He's the next victim, Kim.

- You OK? - Yeah.

- Good.

'We're at the call box.

There's no-one there.

' Fergus? Fergus? OK.

I need back up.

I'm not going to hurt you.

I'm not going to hurt you.

I can't lie to you.

That's what I'm fighting against.

I've never loved you.

There's somebody else.

And everything I do, I do for her.

I got into your life for Fergus.

He's seen the report, he knows who the guilty are.

And one by one he met with them wanting closure.

And all I had to do was follow him and he led me to them.

- Now you know.

- Please.

Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me! Help! Let me out! Let me out! Help me! Help me! Help! Help! - Get up.

- Wait - Get up! - Wait, wait.

Where the hell's he taken him, then? Jack found plant debris from the matting at Ella Weir's.

You need something called a phytosanitary certificate to bring Pitcarnia Feliciana into this country.

Here's a list of everyone who's got one -- and their addresses.

No Peter Cilliers? Not on the list.

- We've identified some other species.

- Yeah.

We've got Cape forget-me-not, protea, corn lily.

- All African plants.

- Yes.

So, obviously he's somewhere, or he's been somewhere, to pick that up.


We got a sighting of him in a stolen car heading west on Tower Hill.

Right, check garden centres and plant nurseries in that direction.


Got something here, too, from Kim Price.

US Defence Department files.

People k*lled in the Mali attack.

- Prints, DNA, the works.

- What a surprise.

23 victims, all Malian.

If we're looking to a connection to Cilliers, it has to be someone who's been to the UK -- Cilliers has never set foot in Mali.

- Can we check travel documents and passports? - Yeah.

I'm on it.


Get out! Get up.

Wait, wait.

Listen! Get on the ground! Do you know who I am now? Huh? Do you know who I am?! OK.

We've got three of them.

Three people have visited the UK.

This guy, Joseph Newham.

And a mother and daughter.

We've got audio files.

'He's going to take us tomorrow.

- 'Call me again, yeah? Before you board? - Oui.

- I can't wait.

' What is this? They can pick up phone conversations on the ground.

'Je serai la.


M'bi fe, mon cher.

' Will Will Fergus have heard this while he was flying the drone? Yes.

Leila is Malian from Dire.

Been in the UK since 2014.

Was back in Mali with her daughter visiting family and .


here it is.

Exporting plants.

The daughter's mixed race.

Is it possible she's Cillliers'? So, that's Cilliers' partner and that's their daughter? There's your motive.


Did she have an import certificate? - Yes.

- Are her business premises listed? Coming through.

White Stable Gardens, Greenford Lane.



We're family.

- Wait.

Listen, listen, listen! - Shut up! The first b*llet entered the back in a downward trajectory.

The second .


hit the centre of the skull, shattering the brain.

Listen Before you do this Before you do this, you should know I've suffered.

I've suffered.

I've suffered.

I thought I was all right before I was.

You still don't get this, do you? Huh? Huh?! My family .


died in Dire.

It's OK.

I understand.

'Tu ne peux pas m'echapper.

' What? What! - A woman.

- 'Regarde-moi.

' - She talks to me sometimes.

- 'Tu ne peux pas.

' She's French or something, I don't know.

- 'Regarde-moi.

' - Is she here now? 'M'bi fe, mon cher.

' - Yes.

- 'M'bi fe, mon cher.

' I see her.

'M'bi fe, mon cher.

' M'bi fe, mon cher.

- 'M'bi fe, mon cher.

' - M'bi fe, mon cher.

- No, no, no Who told you that? Mon cher M'bi fe, mon cher.

- 'Je t'aime.

' - Je t'aime.

Those were her last words to me.

There's no way you could know that.

'On a assez souffert.

' - 'On a assez souffert.

' - On a assez On a assez souffert.

'On a assez souffert.

' Souffert? Souffert.

- Assez souffert.

- 'M'bi fe, mon cher.


' On a assez souffert.

I don't know.

I don't know what it means.

It means .


"we've suffered enough".

- Armed Police! - Down on the ground! - Put the g*n down! - Peter.


- Put the w*apon down, now! - Peter - Down on the ground! - Peter Put it down.


Peter, put it down.

That's right.

Peter No! Whatever you think of me for holding on to that information, I was doing my job.

Good luck with that.

Great news about Matt.

His chance to run for Congress? What he's always wanted.


So, they've appointed somebody to take my place.

What are you going to do? I'm going to apply for a work permit here.

And what about Congress? - Who told you about that? - Doesn't matter.

That would mean moving back to Washington, and .


I'd rather be here with you.

If you'll have me.

And the wider world? The wider world? Isn't that what this is about for you? Making some kind of difference? You can't do that by going on TV and trying to promote a more equitable foreign policy.

Who's going to listen to that? If you want to make changes, then you need to be where people who make decisions are.

And that's Washington.

Are you Are you getting cold feet? You don't want me stay? No.

I want you to be here more than anything.

But not if it's this big sacrifice.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer, right? And you have to go.

I know it .


and so do you.

It's a six-hour flight.

It's 3,668 miles, I think.


I guess it is.

That's OK.

It's fine.

I'll come see you.

Go on.

No, don't go.

Come back.

Oh, Matt? I've got one for you, too.

Kevin! Kevin! Let me go! This is Kevin McDowd.

Don't touch him.

He doesn't like being touched.

It sets him off.

Why did she lose control of her car? Any dr*gs at the house or in her car? Serena? It's time to take your medication.

- I don't want to go in.

- OK.

I hate her.

I hate Mum.

I think Jacqueline McDowd was unlawfully k*lled.

Why isn't the McDowd boy in custody? If you don't leave, I'll get my g*n and sh**t you!