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20x07 - Covenant - Part 1

Posted: 02/16/24 16:58
by bunniefuu
Stop him! Stop him! Stop him! Frankie, no! Don't do this! Frankie Frankie, don't! Oh, no.

No! Welcome to Billingsgate, son.

I thought Liam was your mate? He is.

But that don't mean he don't deserve it.


Help! Help me! Help me, please! Where did you get the handcuffs, anyhow? Never you mind.

This geezer's right up my arse.

Ah, Jesus! - Why'd he do that? - What you doing? Thanks.

- Forensics? - Jack Hodgson.

- DI Tanner.

- Hello.

- You've got red.

- Huh? That's ketchup.


What have we got? Two victims.

We found ID.

Same surnames, address.

- We think they're father and son.

- Right.

Dad went through the windscreen.

- Young man in the car has g*nsh*t wounds.

- OK.

How did you get across town so fast? - One smile and the traffic parts like the Red Sea.

- OK.

Plus I knew traffic would be an issue, so I had someone pick her up.

- Right.

- Any sign he was shot too? - No, I don't think so.

Let's take a look at the other one.

They picked you up? I can see two, possibly three, b*llet wounds.

Abdomen, chest and what may be a b*llet graze, left side of his skull.

b*llet entry points in the passenger-seat upholstery.

Fired off multiple rounds.

Missed as often as he hit.

Positioning of the b*llet wounds suggest that he turned to face the gunman when he was shot.

Which suggests he was conscious.

Looks like he undid his seatbelt as he was trying to get out.

- Gunman must have been on him quickly.

- Not necessarily.

His legs are pinned.

He could struggle all he liked, but he wasn't going anywhere.

Massive impact damage to the front of the car where it hit the container.

Judging by the dents on the driver's side, I'd say another car shunted them, forced the collision.

It appears the gunman's car was black.

The attacker's vehicle braked hard after the other car crashed.

See this tyre mark? It's wide.

250, 260 mil? - You won't find tyres that size on a Fiat 500.

- No, you wouldn't.

We're talking SUV, large SUV.

Explains how he was able to shunt the victim's car.

- Extreme road rage? - It doesn't feel like road rage.

I think it was planned.


Help my boy! No! They're desperate to reopen the road.

Want to know how long till we're done.

- Jack? - Are we sure this body hasn't been moved? The car doesn't belong to either of the deceased.

- It's owned by someone called Liam Stanwell.

- Traced him? Not yet.

Any sign the car was stolen? The key was in the ignition.

It's registered to an address in Walthamstow.

- Same area as our victims.

- Maybe they were friends.

- Could he have been in the car with them? - It's possible.

- Know him? - Yeah, it's my DCI.

Either he's here to offer support from the sidelines or he's going to boot me off the pitch.

- Morning, sir.

I wasn't expecting you.

- I'll be taking lead, Jodie.

I don't understand.

I thought you said I could have this? That was before we had a name -- Bill McAteer.

I locked his brother, Tommy McAteer, up for m*rder a long time ago.

Now Tommy's out, Bill's dead.

I need a full roster of all CCTV cameras with an eye on this road - in the last mile.

- Yeah, we're already on it.

His wife been told yet? Carol, isn't it? Carol McAteer? Yeah.

DCI Underhill.

Know you, don't I? You're that lying copper.

Haven't you caused this family enough grief? Can I come in, please, Mrs McAteer? It's important.

All right, keep me informed.

Family Liaison officer will be here soon.

Can I get you a tea or coffee? Just want to see my boy.

We can arrange that soon.

Why you? Christ, why did it have to be you? It's just the way it fell.

Whatever it is you think I did back then, you're wrong .


and I promise you that no-one, no-one, is going to work harder to find out who k*lled your husband and son.

They were in a friend's car.

Liam Stanwell's car.

- You know Liam? - Course.

Frankie's best mate.

- What, Liam wasn't with them? - We don't know.

Did they all usually travel in together? Liam picks Frankie Picked Frankie up every morning, one o'clock.

Bill drove himself.

Liked to get to the market by midnight.

But Bill didn't drive in yesterday? I don't know.

Sometimes Liam picked him up if Bill wanted a drink after work.

But surely you'd know if your husband left his car at home? I'm not his bloody keeper! Should we wait for the DCI? - Stuff the DCI.

- What's the story with you two? No.

It's fine.

It's just it's my first s*ab at SIO.

Underhill hears the name McAteer and he cuts me off at the knees.

Why is he so interested in the McAteers? He's got history with Bill's younger brother.

Tommy McAteer tried to rob a dealer in '96 and he ended up taking a 16-year-old kid hostage.

He k*lled him.

He says it was an accident, but the jury didn't see it that way.

It was the guvnor's first big win.

- So he thinks it's one brother k*lling another? - Mmm.

Apparently there was no love lost.

I forgot to ask .


where is Tommy these days? Tommy had nothing to do with this.

- I'm not saying that he did.

- That's what you think, innit? He gets out of prison, and what, kills his own brother? My son? - I'm not prejudging.

- You don't know what you're talking about.

We didn't even know Tommy had been released straight off.

Bill found out.

Heard he was in a mess.

No job.

No money.

Living in filth round at their dad's old flat.

Bill went round, offered him a job at the market.

No-one's saying it was a perfect relationship, but they were trying to make it work.

He cuffed me.

Who? Bloody Frankie! I'm going to k*ll him when I see him.

I know I'm new here but he took it too far.

No, Tommy, please Tommy, I've been here for four hours already! The keys are just on the side.

Tommy, please! (Tommy, you bastard!) No, Tommy, mate.

Come on, be serious.

No, Tommy, no! Does the name Liam mean anything to you? It's Frankie McAteer's phone.

No answer.

Are you sure you don't know where my car is? (Jesus.

) - Tommy.

- Who's this? DCI Underhill.

Who are you? - Liam.

- Liam Stanwell? - Yeah, how do you know my name? - I'll come to that in a minute.

Park your arse over there.

I want to talk to you.

No, he's all right where he is.

It's about your brother and his kid, Frankie.

They're dead.

Extensive bruising around the eyes and forehead, probably caused by impact with the airbag.

There's a wound on the left side of his skull which, given the nature of his other injuries, I wouldn't expect to see.

Possibly an old wound that's been reopened.

Is that significant? I'll wait to say until I see the state of the parietal bone.

Now, we both know why I'm here.

20 years inside, no-one kills Bill.

You come out, Bill gets run off the road, exits the vehicle headfirst.

Where were you between six and eight this morning? - I was working.

- Working.

- And what job did Bill give you? - Deliveries.

- Deliveries.

Hardly a seat at the top table, is it, my son? Must've been hard, accepting your brother's charity, seeing what he'd made of his life.

Fancy house, car, kid The wife.

You shut your mouth! There you are.

That's the Tommy McAteer I know.

The man who stuck a shotgun in the mouth of a 16-year-old kid and pulled the trigger.

Christ! No b*llet wounds evident.

The victim wasn't shot.


All right, I'll see you at Billingsgate, guv.

Liam Stanwell.

The DCI found him and then he lost him.

Call me if you find anything significant.

In addition to extensive bruising on the left side of his torso, there's bruising on his face.

- His right ear is - Does bruising suggest he didn't die straight away? - Correct.

- Might explain why the body wasn't where I'd expect it to be after impact.

Abrasions on the forearms and fingertips and a grey, gritty substance embedded in the wounds.

- Probably tarmac.

- He crawled.

And if he crawled, he was still alive No! So why didn't the gunman k*ll him? How many times? During work hours, you keep your phone turned off.

- I forgot.

- Well, that ain't good enough.

You're walking on thin ice, Becky.

Very thin ice.

Do you understand? He's going to be around here somewhere.

Well, at least we know he doesn't have a car.

That's the little scrote.

Police! If I had any cartilage left in me knees Ah! - Why the hell do you run? - I don't know.

Why was Frankie driving your car, Liam? - He took it.

- Stole it? Well, yeah, I suppose, but it was a joke, you know.

He was trying to make things even worse for me.

Is that usually part of the initiation? How would I know? And what's that got to do with anything? My best mate has been m*rder*d, right, and you're asking questions about my car? Do you think the fact that Frankie was driving your car is significant, Liam? Was somebody trying to hurt Frankie? Is that why you ran? Are you worried somebody might want to hurt you too? Look, I don't know what you're talking about.

Can I go? - He's lying, guv.

- Maybe.

Or maybe he's just a kid who's just lost his best mate.

No need to complicate it any more than it already is.

Yeah, we did.

Wasn't much help.

I'll tell you about it later.

Yeah, he's here.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Got a favour to ask.

- You can ask.

- I need Frankie McAteer's phone analysed.

- We're ahead of you.

Clarissa's already working on it.

Bill McAteer died from a subdural haematoma sustained in the crash.

He survived for several minutes afterwards, but the gunman didn't finish him off.

So Frankie must've been the target? We thought the phone would suggest why.

It's virtually empty.

Bits and bobs, some photos, messages, but they're all from the last few days.

- That's strange.

Is it a new phone? - Well-used.

So why would he have deleted the rest? Is there any way we can access that deleted information? We can't, but we know a man who can.

Thank you, sir, thank you.

- Are we going to see the boss? - Through there.

- Thanks.

Thomas, how the hell are you? I, er, I knew you'd need me one day.

Let's get one thing clear, Max.

You're absolutely not saving the day.

- That's not what's happening here, is it, Jack? - No, absolutely not.

Oh, that is a thing of beauty.

- Hey.

- Hi, Nikki.

It's been ages.

I hear you're doing great things at Linzetto.

You should come see us.

I'll give you a tour.

- I'd love that.

- Max, no-one told me we were expecting you.

That explains the lack of red carpet.

Max is letting us borrow one of his Cellebrite machines.

We need to recover some deleted data.

We don't have the technology to do that? Last time I was here, you were boiling water on open fires.

Digital forensics is a dynamic, fast-moving field.

It's very much for specialists these days.

Right, well, you'll let us know how much we owe you - for the hire of the machine.

- Oh, no, it's fine.

No money needed.

No, really.

We'll pay.

Good to see you, Max.

Red carpet? Boiling water on open fires? - Why bait him like that? - I wasn't baiting him.

- I was just trying to make a feeble joke.

- Oh, it was a feeble joke.

- He did look cross, didn't he? - He did a bit.

- So, Jack, you know how to use a Cellebrite machine? - Negative.

- Read about them.

- Well, data analysis software can be a bit tricksy.

- So, you need me to take you through it? - Nah, he's got me.

OK, but God forbid you have to ring me up because you're struggling.

- Yeah, I think I'll manage.

- OK.

- See you.

Nikki, Jack.

- Cheers.

- Right.

- Right.

- So - Let's get to.

- Good luck.

Show me.

I am putty in your hands.

One b*llet passed straight through Frankie's right ventricle, severing the pulmonary artery.

He would have lost consciousness after a few seconds, bled to death quickly.

b*ll*ts from the car are mush, so please tell me you found it.

Well that one passed straight through, but another entered through the stomach fundus, glanced off the spine.

I extracted it and here it is relatively unscathed.

I'd say 9mm, wouldn't you? - Beretta? Glock? - In London right now, I'd put my money on a Baikal.

Converted gas p*stol, made in Russia, converted in Lithuania, smuggled to the UK by the crate-load.

You can pick one up for just over a grand if you know where to look.

- They call it, "hit man kit".

- So you think this was a professional job? If it was, he was having a bad day.

Trapped target, close proximity.

You saw how may rounds were fired off into that car.

He missed more often than he hit, in reasonable light, from three feet.

- Maybe it was new to him.

- Or maybe the guvnor's right.

Gunman's fresh out of the nick, hasn't fired a g*n in a very long time.

- Come.

- You wanted to see me? Jack, just between you and me, next time you need outside help on a case, run it by me first.

He's Clarissa's husband.

He was helping out.

Yeah, he's also a competitor, so just clear it with me first.


Take a look.

What exactly am I looking at? - Remember the historic head wound? - Yeah.

This is a section of Frankie's parietal bone.

During postmortem, I found the skull was fractured.

And this is significant how? It wasn't anything to do with the car accident.

It's a healing fracture.

So even though this is a relatively weak area of the skull, it would have taken considerable force to cause this.

So we're not talking an average bump on the head, then? Typically, I find this kind of blunt force injury in someone who's been hit with a hard implement, say, a heavy piece of wood or metal.

- OK, so this could be evidence of a prior as*ault? - A - major - as*ault.

What timescale are we looking at? Difficult to be exact, but given his age, I'd estimate the injury was sustained within the last three-ish weeks.

He was a young man.

Young men fight.

They get drunk and fall over.

That's not evidence he was the target.

OK, but if this is about the two brothers, why didn't Tommy put a b*llet in Bill to make sure? And why k*ll Frankie at all? To cover his arse or maybe get a clear run at Mum.

- Guv, what are you talking about? - Look - Tanner.



I'm not saying Frankie wasn't the target.

What I'm saying is, seeing how the family black sheep has just returned to the fold in the shape of a violent, g*n-toting maniac, then maybe, just maybe, Tommy McAteer's worth keeping an eye on.

They've got footage of the vehicle involved.

Can they patch it through here? Yeah, can you patch it through to The Lyell? That's the McAteer car.

Do we know how far this is from the crash scene? - Three or four miles, give or take.

- He was waiting for them, 6am.

- We can't even see the driver.

- On the plus side, we've got the plates.

That SUV was stolen from the Stoke Newington area three nights ago.


Can you rewind that? This was planned.

He was waiting.

He knew their route.

He knew them.

Throw in the firearms and the stolen vehicle, that, Jodie, is the sea Tommy McAteer swims in.


Hand out, hand in.


The driver dropped a cigarette butt out the window.

We need to find that right now.

How do you know that's the one? Rained yesterday.

Didn't rain on this.

- Do you think you can get DNA? - Maybe.

Cross-check Tommy McAteer's DNA on the national database.



They've found the car.

Look, I don't want to hurt you, right? Frankie's dead.

He was m*rder*d this morning and he's asked to meet.

Please! Please, talk to him for me! Please, I am begging you! please! Excellent chat, guys.

Come on, we've got work to do.

He grabbed me and pushed me against a wall.

He said Frankie was dead.

Was it you? Look, I NEED to know.

Was it you? - Anything? - It's been wiped clean.

Might get a few hairs or fibres if we're lucky but chances are this car won't tell us much.

You reckon? You know, you do a job.

You dump the motor.

If you're clever, you leave it a fair distance from your gaff.

But most criminals ain't clever.

They like a nice easy walk back to bed.

It's less than half a mile from here to the Millhouse estate.

Let me guess.

This Tommy McAteer lives at the Millhouse estate? He most certainly does.

Why are you so sure this is Cain and Abel? Cain, Abel with a little Romeo and Juliet thrown in for good measure.

Carol was Tommy's girl before she was Bill's.

I nicked him in '96.

She sat in that courtroom every day of his trial.

But Tommy went down.

Long way down.

So Tommy wants his girl back? Kills two members of his family to get her? It's not just her.

It's the business, the house, the works.

The McAteers are one of the oldest firms in Billingsgate.

Bill made it the most successful.

Tommy wants what his brother had.

All of it.

Mrs McAteer? Would you like to come with me? Would you like me to come? Mrs McAteer.

I need to go home.

I don't feel too good.

Is that OK? We're busy.

If Paul was here, maybe.

I really don't feel too good, Jason.

What's going on with you? Weeks of this, calling in sick, walking out early.

I've had enough.

That's right.

Walk away.

Piss off, Jason.

Walk away and don't come back.

Thomas really surprised me earlier, the way he reacted to Max.

- No, it's understandable.

- Being rude? Being overprotective.

Max is always looking for new staff.

So he's worried about poaching? That's ridiculous.

Is it? Just had the guvnor on the phone.

He wants the DNA fast-tracked, hoping it's McAteer.

I think he might actually spontaneously combust if it isn't.

I extracted the deleted data from Frankie McAteer's phone.

Now, the analyser software allows you to filter the data, so I've managed to isolate the messages between Frankie and Liam Stanwell.

There's loads of it.

Dipped my toe in.

Makes The LAD Bible look like The Great Gatsby.

I may have to pluck out my eyeballs if I read much more.

- Can you filter by date? - Of course.

Three weeks ago, Liam thinks he's being followed and two days later, Frankie's panicking, suggests they go to the police because he thinks he's going to get, "whacked".

Liam talks him down, but they seem genuinely scared for their lives.

If they were so spooked, why not just go to the police? Yeah, now, Frankie mentions that.

- Yeah, here.

Liam responds.

- "Delete the video.

" Why would a video stop them going to the police? Well, it depends what's on the video and, after spending several hours wading through their messages, I very much doubt it was an episode of Antiques Roadshow.

- We kind of need to find that footage.

- Mrs McAteer says she'll speak to us.

Head injury? Frankie didn't have a head injury.

I'm afraid he did and it was really quite serious.

I've rung all the hospitals in the area.

Can't find any evidence of Frankie being admitted.

Why would he? There was no injury.

We've accessed messages on his mobile phone.

In text exchanges with Liam Stanwell, he refers to being att*cked.

- att*cked by who? - He doesn't say.

But both boys seemed scared.

Uh They refer to a video in relation to the as*ault.

Did Frankie make videos? All young people make videos, don't they? He was scared, you say? He didn't say.

Mrs McAteer, can you think of any reason why he wouldn't have told you about something like that? No.

We were close.

I thought he told me everything.

He would almost certainly have been concussed.

May have had a bad headache, suffered nausea, dizziness.

Does that ring any bells? He was laid up in bed a few days last month.

Said he had flu.

Didn't say anything about a head injury.

He would've told me.

Unless he had a good reason not to.

Mrs McAteer, was there anybody else he could have confided in at the time? A girlfriend, perhaps? It's this one.

This is my dad.

Just visiting.

- DI Tanner.

- Nikki Alexander, Home Office pathologist.

- Hey.

Pathologist? Nikki's here because she has expert knowledge - relating to an investigation - What investigation? Mr Teller, we'd like to talk to your daughter in private, if that's OK.

- Is she in trouble? - Absolutely not.

We're just trying to locate someone.

It's fine, Dad.


- What time does Paul get back? - Soon.

- I'll be fine.

- All right.

Call me if he doesn't show.

Becky, could we sit down? - Is Paul your boyfriend? - No.

We live together, but not like that.

Actually, we wanted to talk to you about an old boyfriend.

Frankie McAteer? Paul! You're back.

How was the course? Yeah, I was star student.

Got a certificate and everything.


Get your coat off.

We're short-handed here.

Why? Where's Becky? - How long were you together? - Er, three or four months? - And when was the last time you saw him? - Er, I don't know.

A few weeks ago.

Are you OK? Becky, I'm here because I found evidence that Frankie had sustained damage to his skull around the last time you saw him.

It could've been accidental, like falling heavily, hitting his head on a kerb.

Did something like that happen? Did Frankie mention anything? Um.

The other possibility is that he was att*cked.

And obviously, now that he's dead, well, that's significant.

And we have reason to believe that Frankie felt threatened.

- Did he ever speak to you about that? - Um.


And what about Liam? Did Liam say anything? Well, I presume you knew Liam.

By all accounts they were inseparable.

Yeah, I, I I knew him.


It is just the way things ended with me and Frankie it was bad.

I've spent the last month trying to put him out of my mind, that's all.

Look, I wish I could help, but I just don't know anything.

Becks? Hi.

- This is Paul.

- Thanks for your time.

Here's my number if you think of anything that might help us.

- Who was that? - The police.

Frankie's dead.

Someone k*lled him and his dad this morning.

She's holding something back.

Her reaction to Liam.

What was that about? Maybe I should try and find Mr Stanwell and ask him.

Do you think he might have done it? He swears he didn't, but now Frankie's dead and Liam's terrified.

I-I think he's done what he said he was going to do, Paul.

And now it's all going to come out.


Made some pasta, if you want some? - Hello? - 'It's Liam.

Frankie's mate.

'Look, I realise we don't know each other that well, 'but I need to speak to Becky and she's blocked me.

' 'It's about her dad.

' - Hello.

- We're closing.

My daughter says you fired her.

Sorry, I can't keep carrying her when she feels a bit under the weather.

You're going to call her.

You're going to tell her you made a mistake - and you're going to apologise.

- And what if I don't? Made you some supper.

Want me to leave it outside? Becky? Becky, open the door.


Oh, Jesus.




Wake up.

Wake up.

Becky, please, come on, wake up.

Becky, what have you done? Wake up.

Come on.

To establish paternity, you'd generally test 15 markers You've established paternity from a cigarette butt? No, that hasn't been processed yet.

Bear with me.

In order to be considered the father, all 15 markers have to match.

This is Frankie McAteer's profile.

So Frankie's DNA is a match for Bill's.

What's the revelation? This isn't Bill's profile.

It's Tommy's.


I thought about what you were saying earlier.

About Carol and Tommy.

How she was his girl before he went to prison.

He was here with Carol, when she came to identify the bodies - and he was upset.

- Bollocks.

Tommy and Bill were brothers, surely that makes their DNA profiles Identical twins aside, brothers still have unique profiles.

There's no doubt about it.

Frankie was Tommy's boy.

Did he know? Judging by what I saw today, I'd say it was likely.

I don't think he k*lled his nephew.

I think he lost his son.

God, it's depressing.

I mean, how many clips of drunk young men chanting and baring their arses does one person need? - Here you go.

- Thank you.

This is chicken.

I asked for duck.

That may be chicken but I have it on particularly good authority that this, this particular chicken was raised as a, as a duck.

- It's nice this.

- The food? No.

Working together again.

I need to find a way to filter through, find the relevant footage.

- Well, it doesn't - Hey, Jack.

- Oh sorry.

- And the connection to them.

No, what I'm saying is, it doesn't matter whether the stuff's jumbled.

If we selected photos of each of the boys, then we'd be able to programme the analyser to use facial recognition, and then we could search for material in which only they appear Jack.

Just so you know, Max was dropping off food for Clarissa.

I didn't ask him to stay, so Ah, no, don't worry.

It's fine.

And, erm, yeah, maybe I overreacted a bit, earlier.

About Max, I want you to know, you've absolutely nothing to worry about as far as I'm concerned.


Clarissa says he's been recruiting for other labs.

So I thought maybe that's why you didn't want him around.

It does concern me, yeah.

Which is why I'm saying you don't need to worry about me leaving.

Oh, right, no, no, erm, that's good of you, Jack, and believe me I, I do not want to see you go but, um, actually I was rather more concerned he was trying to poach Clarissa.

You think he's trying to recruit her? Yeah.

Yeah, you're right.

Ignore me.

I'm being paranoid.

- OK.

I should probably - Yeah.

- Yeah.

'What a night.

Oh, man, I'm wasted.

' There's Liam.

'And this is my main man, Frankie.

Oi, Frankie mate, say hello.

' 'What you doing, mate?' 'And this, this is Becky.

' When was this clip shot? Three weeks ago.

'Mate, your girlfriend is so fit!' 'I know, mate.

' Oh, Christ.

- You don't - have - to watch this.

If you do I do.

I'm glad you're here, Max.

Oi! What you doing? Ain't what it looks like.

It's, it's my locker, Tom.

I just don't know where my key is.

I'm not doubting you, son.

I'm just asking what it is you need so bad.


I keep a set of clothes in here, that's all.

You got plenty of clothes at home, no? Yeah, I'm not going home.

Er, my mum drinks, you see.

I, I can't go home.

Not tonight.

And where will you sleep tonight? 'And this is my main man, Frankie.

' 'Hey, oi, Frankie mate, say hello.

' 'What you doing, mate?' 'Oh, and this, this is Becky.

' 'Beautiful Becky.

' - 'Your girlfriend is so fit!' - 'I know, mate.

' Stop it.

We, er, think this has to be the video they're referring to in their messages.

I'm not surprised they were worried.

That was r*pe.

- One of the boys was her boyfriend, right? - Irrelevant.

Did you hear consent given? Clarissa, where did you find this? In, er, Frankie's mobile cache.

He'd deleted it.

It gets worse, I'm afraid.

We, we checked his erased browser history.

There's a link to a website hosting revenge porn.

He uploaded it? Someone did.

A couple of days afterwards.

It's still there on the website now.

- Told me you'd keep an eye on her.

- I'm sorry.

"I'll look after her," you said.

- I tried! - No, you didn't.

We had an agreement.

Someone had to stay with her.

You said you'd call if you ever had to go away.

It was just one night.

It was a training course.

She tell you she got jumped, one of the boys outside her work? sh1tting himself cos one of his mates got k*lled.

Deserved it.

She's my little girl, Paul.

She's all I've got.

It's my job to protect her.




Please, can we talk? Look, whatever she told you, mate, it ain't true.

It can't be.

What was it, then? It was just sex.

You know, we were drunk, we were stoned.

It just happened.

These things happen, right? - You put it on the internet.

- Yeah, that was a mistake.

I was just trying to piss off Frankie.

He was actin' like such a prick after she dumped him.

Making out it was all my fault.

Look, I know what I did was wrong, I do .


but I don't deserve to die for it.

Someone's been following me.

Past few days, I've had this feeling.

Are you sure you're not just being paranoid? Yeah, maybe.

But after what her dad did to Frankie a few weeks back? And now he's gone and m*rder*d him.

Frankie was in my car.

I should be dead too.

And now I can't think straight, I can't breath.

I keep on thinking he's hiding round every corner.

Please! Just, just talk to him for me.

Give me your phone number.

I'm not using my phone no more.

He can track it.

Then how am I going to contact you? I'm staying at a mate's place.

It's close.


Just talk to him.

Three e-mails from Frankie to the porn site administrator.

He was begging for the videos to be taken down.

He never got an answer.

So Liam posts a revenge porn video online.

Frankie tries to get it taken down.

And it was about this time that Frankie was att*cked.

Maybe he had good reason to want it taken down.

The video's been copied dozens of times.

It's hosted on countless other websites all over the world.

I, er, very much doubt she consented to that.

If this video did lead to the m*rder of Bill and Frankie McAteer, we have to assume Liam Stanwell's also in danger.

Yeah, I've been trying to contact him ever since we left Becky Teller's.

He's not answering his phone.

So we keep on trying, and we focus on the people who had an interest in doing him harm.

As far as I can see, that's the girl and her family.

- What do we know about Dad? - Stuart Teller.

He's ex-army.

Lance Corporal, Blues and Royals.

Did two tours of Afghanistan.

'And was discharged in 2011.

For substance abuse and as*ault.

' Paul? DI Tanner.

I called round earlier with my colleague, to speak to Becky.

Is she here? Straight back to work.

Yeah, well, someone's got to pay the bills.

Still good with a knife, I'll give you that.

- Your old man teach you? - What do you want? I've come to say I'm sorry.

- About Frankie.

- Yep.

No, Tom.

I really am sorry.

When did Carol tell you he was yours? Five years back, on his 18th.

Bill ever know? We think Frankie may have been k*lled because of something him and Liam did.

Something to do with a girlfriend of Frankie's.

We need to find Liam.

Excuse me.

We need to speak to Becky Teller.

She was admitted earlier today.

I'm afraid that's impossible.

She's been sedated.

Er, what about her father? Is he here? - No, he left about an hour ago.

- OK.

Well, the nurse says that Stuart Teller left the hospital an hour ago.

Called it in and found they're already looking for him.

He assaulted Becky's boss earlier this evening.

If he's after Liam Stanwell, we need to find him.

Don't worry.

I know where Liam is.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Tommy? Is it you? Liam! Liam, it's Paul.

Are you following me? What do you want? The attacker grabbed the back of his neck.

Pushing the knife in with his left.

Where are you going? If it was me, I'd want to do something about it.

And if I'd known about that, you bet your life I would have done.

You want to be a father to that boy, you find out who did this! You find them and you tear them to pieces, do you hear me? You find them!