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19x10 - River's Edge - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 16:50
by bunniefuu
Chris Chandler and Kate Blair, both pronounced dead by paramedics.

Ten years ago, a girl named Karen Myers was found in the same river as Dan Blair, just a mile upstream.

The body was found the next day.

Does she know what she's doing? She knows what she's doing.

One explanation could be there was a fourth person in the car.

My wife of ten years is dead.

My son's in a coma.

How dare you suggest I had anything to do with this? So what brings you here? Karen Myers.

You were the last person that saw her alive.

Dan Blair - he didn't make it.

You are charged under common law that you m*rder*d Kate Blair and your son, Daniel Blair.

She was the primary target.

We've been looking down the wrong end of the telescope.

WOMAN SCREAMS Oh, my God! They're coming! Help me! SHE SCREAMS They're coming! They're coming! It's OK, it's OK.

Let's get her out of here.

Get her in the car.

Dan, in the car! Get in! Where are we going? She must've been in a hell of a state.

They didn't even stop to pack up their stuff.

g*nshots The k*ller lifts her out of the car, keeps her wrapped up in the blanket You'd only remove a body if you were sure it would incriminate you.

Or if the victim's identity would lead straight to you.

So where exactly was she running from? SHE SCREAMS Someone hit the brakes hard.

And recently - the sap's still tacky.

And there's car paint.

So where did the car come from? Let's see.

From a lane that serves a dozen or so properties, connects up to the main road.

She could've escaped from any one of them.

She could've escaped from a car, too.

We should get back to Guillam.

Where's our ride? I'll call him.

No, I won't.

No signal.

Me neither.

Bellemeade Farm, let's have a look.

DJ: 'OK, guys, to play us out this evening, 'here's one of my favourite tracks from 2005.


' Do you think there'll be anyone there I know? What, you mean, like, famous? Yeah.


They're more likeCity people, maybe the odd politician.

Just remember what I said.

I will Where the hell is he? There's no way we could've missed him.

No, one road in, one road out.

He's got to be around somewhere.

SHE KNOCKS ON DOOR Nikki? Car coming.


Nikki Alexander.

Jack Hodgson.

We're working on the River Malt sh**ting.

ID? Oh.


Claudia Baxter.

Has there been some new development? Well, we're looking for a colleague, DS Guillam.

He was heading up here to speak to you.

I'm sorry, I left the house first thing.

Is there any chance we could use your phone? We've both got zero reception.


Come in.

There you go.

Ah, thanks so much.

Any chance of a glass of water? Yes, of course.

Thank you.


It's Nikki.

Where are you? We're at Bellemeade Farm with Claudia Baxter.

Call on this number when you get the message.

Malcolm? Is that your son? Michael.

What does he do? Studying zoology at Leeds.

Oh, right.

After the sh**t, he said he'd come home, but I didn't want to disrupt his studies.

Malcolm? Did you throw a party recently? I had some friends down.

I wouldn't call it a party, exactly.

How did you know? Trained eye.

You have tyre treads on your lawn outside and a load of empty booze bottles in your bin.

That IS a trained eye.

DOOR OPENS Everything all right? Did you manage to make your call? I did, thank you.

Can't reach him.

Must be a misunderstanding.


I think we should head back to the river and wait for him there.

Really? Would you like a lift back down the hill? No, it's fine, we'll walk.

Are you sure? It's no Positive.


Nice to meet you.

DOOR SHUTS Why are we walking? Guillam uses these picks.

He's been here.

So? Probably got no answer and headed off.

Well, then, where is he? We would've passed him.

You said it - one road up, one road down.

I'm sure I saw someone behind that barn.

It's a farm, it could be anyone.

What do you want to do? Have another look around.


Paint on that tree was black, right? Yeah.

No damage this side.

None here either.

DOG BARKS It's Guillam's car.

Oh, no.

KNOCKING g*nsh*t Go, go, go, go.

Go! DOG BARKS Come on! Oh, my God! SHE CRIES OUT Nikki! Are you OK? Shit! Get up.

Come on, get up.

Come on, let's go.


) Shit! What have we walked into? OK We're getting out of here.

OK? Stay here a sec.

Come on, we've got to go.



g*nsh*t All right.

Get them out.

OK, thanks.

We think that the fourth victim in the car - the blonde female - was the real target and the family were just unlucky.

She's probably one of the girls in the freezer.

Guillam's m*rder supports that.

They died because of whatever's going on on this farm, not because of a messy divorce.

Oh, Christ.

What about Claudia Baxter? Have you picked her up yet? Not yet.

The definition of "Prime Central London" is expanding by the day, which means that the smart money is no longer in Kensington or Notting Hill, but in previously second- and third-tier locations.

Kilburn Square development embodies that paradigm shift.

RATTLING Linked by Linked by mainline rail, road and Tube, Kilburn Square is a mixed used development, combining prime residential office and retail Simon.

Please forgive me.

It'll only take a moment.

MURMURING DOOR SHUTS There's a dead policeman on my property! Which you genuinely know nothing about.

The girls They found the girls, Simon.

And I'm telling you, if it comes to it, I will tell the truth.

The truth? What do you mean? I mean, I had nothing to do with with what happened to them.

Come on, Claudia.

We've all got our hands dirty, one way or another.

We're all implicated.

You won't drag me deeper into this.

I won't let you.

How much of this is news to you, Simon? I want to know.

DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES He said he was sending someone to mop up.

I should've told you.

You bloody should have.

OK I'm sorry.

I handled it badly.

Bit of an understatement, isn't it? OK, but what matters is what we do next.

What YOU do next.

We need to think very carefully about damage limitation.

I'll leave that to you.

I'm getting on a plane.

That, Claudia, is the very last thing that you should do.

For one, think of Michael.

I'll take him with me.

Flight speaks of guilt, which in And we're not guilty? Like you said.

We've all got our hands dirty.


Some of us more than others.

OK, I'm going to forget that you said that, for your sake.

I remember once, we were cleaning up, back in the early days, a hotel suite in Marylebone, I think it was.

Vomit, coke, f*g burns and the rest, and you turned to me and you said, "Claudia, you want to enjoy the high life, you'd better embrace some serious low life.

" What's going on? We're just wrapping up.

Jack, anything? Well, we've got tools and bleach and all sorts of lovely stuff up here.

I think he was here to clean up.

And .


car rental documents.

What's your name? Surely, you can tell me that.

What happened to those girls? Did you k*ll them? Here's how this goes.

You've k*lled a cop.

Which means your life from here on in will either be miserable or intolerable.

Little things - your cellmate, the remand prison we put you in - they can make all the difference.


The Jeep was rented by a Dutch national called Johan Kranz a month ago.

Photo ID is a match to the suspect.

The Dutch police say he has no record, but they were able to tell me he's a freelance close protection expert.

Sounds like cover for a multitude of sins.

Maybe protection from prosecution in this case.

Jack thinks he was down there to clean house.

What about Miles Blair? I've advised the CPS to drop the m*rder charges.

Soon as they confirm, we inform him in person.

Want me to break the news? No, but I appreciate the offer.

It's my mess, so I'll clean it up.

Simon, it's Amy.

I've just seen the news.

'Simon, it's Amy.

I've just seen the news.

'What is going on at the farm? 'Does this have anything to do with you or with Karen? 'Call me.

' Well, despite a spot of turbulence, that went bloody well, I thought.

Feng's a lock, Harbinson's a lock, and when he sees the numbers, I think Bowman'll bite, too.

You told me they had someone in custody.

Yeah, they do.

The woman's ex-husband.

So what were they looking for at the farm? I don't know.

Your man.

He'll keep his mouth shut? Oh, yeah.

Him I can count on.

Then I think we can contain this.

So with Feng, Harbison and Bowman, plus your good self, I'd say we're halfway home.

You? I think when the door of opportunity opens, there's always a feeding frenzy and there's always one greedy prick left out in the cold when it slams shut.

I want it on my gravestone that guy wasn't me.

Well, what are you saying? That London new-build is at a saturation point and I want to review the numbers again.

But I'm counting on you coming in! Well, don't.

Erich! If you walk away, they all walk away.

You told me everything was in hand.

And now a cop's dead and my guy's in prison.

For life.

I ask you to put out a fire, you start a whole new one.

So I gotta ask - what fresh hell is waiting around the corner? What loose ends could still trip us up? And know that the last thing I want to hear is your "everything's fine" bullshit if it's not.

The truth is, I spend most of my time in my flat in London.

And the farm, it has a fair few outbuildings, and some of them I don't enter from January through to December.

And? And someone - local, maybe - has exploited my absence.

A local? Well, I'm just trying to make sense of all of this, that's all.

I understand you had a party on Saturday night.

It was really quite a small affair.

Were they present? No.

So who was? I want names, Claudia.

No problem.

I can furnish you with a list.

Let's talk about him.

I don't know this man.

Then what was he doing at your property? Who sent him to clean up, Claudia? Two girls and a police officer were m*rder*d on your farm.

You WILL answer my questions and you WILL give me a name.

The lady is not for talking.

I need some heavyweight inducements.

We'll do our best.

What about DS Guillam? We'll do his postmortem separately to avoid cross-contamination.

The victim is an unidentified female, probably in her early twenties.

She has long blonde hair and appears to have been previously healthy.

Facial bruising, suggesting an attack that happened very close to death.

There are three g*nsh*t wounds - to the chest, right forearm, and right shoulder.

DNA will confirm that this victim was present when Chris Chandler and Kate Blair were shot.

How so? Her bones are tinged with yellow consistent with a shard of bone recovered from Dan Blair's arm.

Her arms and legs bear peri-mortem scratches.

Similar markings to the soles of her feet.

Looks like she was running barefoot.

We found a shoe.

Fingerprints confirm it belonged to the victim.

The scratches could be the result of branches and thorns.

There is a discernible odour of sodium hypochlorite emanating from the body.

No doubt employed to destroy any forensics.

Jesus Christ.

What did they do to her at that farm? Cause of death is a b*llet wound to the heart.

The b*llet breached the aorta .


and lodged in the spine.

Second victim from the freezer also appears to have been previously healthy.

Her neck has four coin-shaped bruises on each side.

Cause of death could be manual strangulation.

There are also crescent-shaped fingernail abrasions where she probably tried to pull her assailant's hands away.

And petechial haemorrhages in the eyes.

There are further coin-shaped bruises on her arms consistent with being restrained.

Again, striking absence of trace evidence, and the same strong odour of bleach.

There's also some evidence of vaginal trauma suggestive of intercourse.

The smell of bleach is particularly strong here and has stained the flesh white, suggesting it was applied undiluted.

He wanted to destroy any semen and DNA? The strangulation of the dark-haired victim could be illuminating.

In what way? Did DS Guillam tell you about the Karen Myers case in 2005? He mentioned it, yeah.

Karen was strangled, albeit nonfatally, before falling to her death not two miles from Bellemeade Farm.

She had traces of Rohypnol in her bloodstream.

Back then, the thinking was, she was running from a trucker's caff.

But you think she was running from Bellemeade Farm? The brunette's fingerprints are on file - Natalie Day, 22, one conviction for cocaine possession.

And what about the blonde? Ran her prints and DNA - no match.

But there's a strong commonality with Natalie Day's DNA.

So strong, it means one thing - they're sisters.

SOBBING: Natalie, please.

Natalie SOBBING ECHOES The master bedroom's been stripped and wiped.

Looks like a thorough job.

Same story with the bodies.

'They were sisters, Jack.

Bella and Natalie Day.

' Have their parents been told? They're both dead.

It's a mercy, in a way.


' Well, no-one's that good.

I'm going to get to work.

Tox is back.

There was Rohypnol in both sisters' bloodstreams.

Just like Karen Myers.

dr*gs, sexual as*ault and m*rder at the parties on the farm.


Let's work back from the moment Bella arrives at the picnic - what was that, midday? With the Rohypnol in her system, it's possible she didn't surface till late.

And she was still in last night's clothes - the silk, heels and hairslide tell us that.

She either finds her sister's body or no-one will tell her where she is.


She freaks out, gets into a fight - hence the black eye.

And she runs.

She must've got quite a head start, given how far she made it.

And the car paint shows her pursuers didn't go after her on foot.

Claudia fed you the story about the driver just to throw you off the scent.

The fact that she picked Miles out was just his bad luck.

Got to make that bitch talk.

I just took receipt of her phone and laptop - they may be eloquent on her behalf.


Do you have Karen Myers' PM report? Yeah.

Amy, you didn't call me.

We found the flowers that you left for Karen.

What were you sorry about? It doesn't matter now.

If you know anything about how Karen died, it couldn't matter more.

No-one tried harder to solve Karen's m*rder than DS Guillam, and now he's dead.

I know.

I saw the news.

Then help me finish what he started.

You think it's that easy? The two girls in your freezer were sisters.

But you know that already.

Natalie and Bella Day.

We've talked to their mates.

They seemed to have a charmed life.

Clothes, jewellery, Christmas in the Caribbean - despite both being on the dole.

Can you shed any light on that mystery, Claudia? I've told you before, I don't know these girls.

In a way, Karen was their sister, too.

She was found dead, very close to your farm back in 2005.

There was Rohypnol in her blood and bruises on her throat.

Just like Natalie Day.


Sexually assaulted.


Your parties led to their deaths.

That means you're complicit.

I think you have a guest, Claudia.

A regular, long-standing guest whose tastes are somewhat out of the ordinary.


Rough sex.


This man had a lucky escape back in '05.

Karen fell to her death behind a transport caff so police thought - lorry driver.

Maybe that near-miss was a wake-up call.

Maybe after that, you always had someone like Johan Kranz around to clean up any mess.

I don't know Johan Kranz.

Who is he, Claudia? Who's the man who likes choking girls? I don't know.

Amy, how lovely to see you.

Claudia, this is Karen.




Enjoy yourself.

Feel free to mingle.

Karen, can I introduce you to someone? This is Tony.

Tony, this is Karen.


Would you like a drink? Yes, thanks.

'I didn't say goodbye to Karen at the Tube.

' If I had, she'd still be alive.

It started out with tips for making cocktails, foot massages, some above-board escort work.

I had two lives.

The normal student life and the parties.

Karen was always badgering me to invite her to one so eventually I did, just to shut her up about it.

At Bellemeade Farm? A man took a shine to Karen.

He was Canadian.

And I remember because somebody assumed that he was American and he made this big deal of correcting them.

I don't remember much after that.

I mean, I was pretty out of it myself.

But the next morning, I couldn't find Karen.

Amy! I thought we were meeting in the lobby.

Oh, well, I'm sure it's my mistake, but we should get a move on.

Come on.

Don't want to keep them waiting.

Three-line whip.

Amy, what's going on? Simon Forsyth.

I'm an old friend of Amy's.

Amy, what are you doing? Who is this guy? I'm sorry.

Amy, wait! ENGINE STARTS It's a good thing I came along when I did.

That's all I can say.

You hadn't thought it through, had you? If you conjure up a whole new account of what happened to Karen, who's to say they'll believe you? And if they do, that's you bang to rights for perverting the course of justice.

I know.

Then again, what's that? Six months? Suspended sentence? It might trigger other things, Amy.

Amy! SHE PANTS I've been through Claudia Baxter's phone and laptop.

The woman's seriously cautious.

No texts, no e-mails, just calls.


One number comes up regularly, building in frequency in the run-up to certain weekends, then dropping off for a few weeks.

Last weekend, for instance.

Parties take planning.

Making one Simon Forsyth chief planner.

MOBILE PHONE RINGS Nikki 'We need to run a check on a Simon Forsyth.

' .


He's going to freak when he sees it.

Hey, Amy.


A courier left something for you.



OK? Yeah.

I'm surprised he hasn't said anything, though.

I'm sure he'll have something to say about it.


Clip! Are you all right, Amy? Smaller clip, please.

Amy? Yeah, I'm fine.

The b*llet that k*lled DS Guillam is a match to the Beretta that we recovered from Johan Kranz.

He's going down for Guillam's m*rder, at least.

Kate and Dan Blair, Chris Chandler and Bella Day, not so much.


They were shot with an H&K, we haven't got it and Kranz isn't talking.

You want to pin those four on him, cherchez le g*n.

Searched his hotel room.

But beyond that, we don't know where to start.

At the very least, you need to put him in the area at the time.

CCTV and plate recognition could help there.

Give me a couple of hours.

In other news, the black paint recovered from the tree at the crime scene is car paint.

Boasts a chlorinated anti-rusting agent only marketed in Germany.

Which in the UK market boils down to VW, BMW, Mercedes and Audi.

I should be able to narrow it down further.


Mr Forsythe, thanks for coming in.

I'll cut to the chase.

Do you know Claudia Baxter? Yes, I do.

You can hardly deny that, can you, given the volume of calls between you? I'm not denying it.

Then there's the singular pattern to the calls.

A flurry at sporadic intervals, then almost no contact for weeks.

Is there a question in there somewhere? What's the nature of your relationship? Well, Claudia used to work for me.

Is that really how long it is? Oh, that's shocking.

After which, you offered her a very generous severance package.

It's the least I could do.

Why do you say that? Well, I'm the father of Claudia's son, Michael.

And, yes, my wife knows.

It's no great secret.

Claudia and I have always remained close.

Does that answer your question? It doesn't explain the feast or famine nature of your phone calls.


What exactly am I being accused of here? I don't know about accused.

I'll tell you what I suspect.

You and Claudia Baxter organised parties which have led to the deaths of at least three females as well as the River Malt victims.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

I'm not saying you k*lled them, but you know who did - which particular guest.

Where were you on Saturday night? I was at home with my wife and daughter, and they'll back me up.

With a lawyer present, if need be.


LAUGHTER AND INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION Well, your friend's making quite an impression.

Who is he? HE TUTS You know the drill, Amy.

If a guest wants you to know their name Oh, you're such a stickler, Simon.

Well, rules are rules.

You'll be the death of me.

Karen? We're just going out for some air.

Some country air.

Now, how much do you need? KAREN GIGGLES MOBILE PHONE RINGS Amy, are you OK? Look, I know you want to help me, but you can't.

Listen to me.

Between what we know and what you know, we might have a case.

'We might even be able to get justice for Karen.

'That's what you want, isn't it?' Yeah, of course it is! Well, then, what are we waiting for? If I help you, if I do this, my life is over! No, you're going to get your life back.

Where are you? 'Amy?' His name's Erich Schrader.

I treated him in his home three days ago.

Treated him? Looked like he'd been att*cked with a glass bottle.

Bella Day.

SOBBING Please! HE GRUNTS I dug shards of glass out of his flesh.

Brown glass? HE SIGHS Care to put your shoulder to the wheel? Dinner somewhere decent.

Michelin stars.

You're on, kid.

What we looking for? A carrier bag containing shards of bloody glass.


I need one piece of evidence that links Schrader and Bella Day.

His blood, her fingerprints, being the dream ticket.

That was in London Business and Finance three weeks ago.

My mother used to collect my cuttings, God rest her soul.

Gotta throw that tie out, don't you think? Johan Kranz k*lled a serving police officer in cold blood.

I heard about Johan.

What's it got to do with me? His bank records show you've used his services half a dozen times.

I employ several close protection people.

Why? I've made a few enemies over the years.

I got in early in Russia when the Iron Curtain fell.

Not everyone applauded my prescience.

Let's get back to Johan Kranz.

He worked for a lot of people, not just me, and I certainly didn't order him to k*ll a policeman.

Are we done? I've got a plane to catch.

Have you suffered an injury lately, Mr Schrader? Tripped over in my house.

Landed on a beer bottle for my sins.

KNOCK AT DOOR Dr Alexander is going to examine and document your wounds.

SCHRADER CHUCKLES That's a serious wound.

Were you treated at a hospital? I was treated privately.

You mean at a private hospital? Private hospitals aren't that private.

Just ask your royal family.

You're in the financial papers, but you're not in the tabloids.

I'm a very private person.

The depth and shape of the wound don't square with you falling on a beer bottle.

I'm sorry, Mr Schrader.

This suggests that the bottle was already broken when it connected with the skin.

Looks more like a s*ab wound to me.

A broken bottle used as a w*apon, perhaps.

Can I do up my shirt now? Johan Kranz is facing up to six counts of m*rder.

That's life without parole.

Do you honestly think he's going to keep his mouth shut forever? My guess is, he'll tell us he was clearing up for you at Bellemeade Farm.

HE SIGHS No fingerprints, and if there was DNA from Bella, Schrader's blood washed it off.

This glass is not going to link him to her death.

We had to release him, Amy.

What? Bottom line - we can't tie him to the farmhouse or to any of the victims.

Well, what about Karen? There was male DNA from the r*pe.

They said that at the inquest.

The sample was seriously degraded by the river.

It's like a phone number with missing digits.

It won't stand up in court.

I'm sorry.

I'm facing charges for perverting the course of justice.

They've got pictures of me that will be all over the internet.

"Sorry" isn't going to cut it, Nikki.

Why did I listen to you? That bastard.

Nikki I'll be back in a minute.

Johan Kranz could not have been responsible for the River Malt murders, cos he was in central London at the time.

And so say at least a dozen cameras.

You've got to be kidding.

Looks like he was strictly there for the clean-up.

Different g*n, different k*ller.


Could Schrader have gone after Bella himself? He's a suit.

You said the gunman was a crack shot.

Maybe he was a weekend hunter back home.

We can look into that.

Where is she? Er, who? Amy.

She didn't say goodbye.

Oh, my God.

She saw them.

Schrader Does she know where he lives? HE PLAYS PIANO Mr Schrader MUSIC STOPS I'll be off now, Mr Schrader.


Thanks, Maria.

Can I help you? It's Amy.

Remember? I I treated you.

Oh, yeah.


I just thought I'd check on your stitches.

Doctor's orders? 'Fraid so! Please sit down.

I need to ask you some questions first.

"Where does it hurt?" Do you remember a girl called Karen? Should I? Yeah.

She was my friend.

What is this? A shakedown? Do you remember her? I can't say that I do.

Does that help? Yours was the last face that she ever saw.

Do you remember her now? I think you've mistaken me for someone else.

And I think you should leave.

Just tell me you remember her.

That's all.

VOICE BREAKING: She deserves that much, at least.

Just some kind of acknowledgement! ELECTRONIC BEEPING No! No! No! HE PANTS Get out.

Did you think you could blackmail me? Dumb bitch.

What were you thinking? HE YELPS No! THEY GRUNT, AMY CHOKES SHE WHIMPERS Checked Schrader out.

No military or firearms training in his very public CV.

Strictly Harvard Business School.

Can't say I'm surprised.

So I switched focus to Simon Forsyth.

Decorated officer in the Marines who served his last two years at Redhill Barracks.

The same barracks where the Heckler & Kochs went missing? Well, surely that was years after he left? Seems he kept his hand in - never missed a regimental dinner.

But he's a City boy now.

Why would he want a g*n? For his extracurricular activities.

Parties? Karen Myers' death was a wake-up call.

He wasn't going to let one get away again.

Bringing up Forsyth's DVLA records now.

Four cars registered to him.

One black BMW.

The car paint found on the tree.

FOOTSTEPS APPROACH DOOR SWINGS OPEN No! No! No! What the hell did he do to you? No, get away from me! It's OK, it's OK, it's OK, he's gone.

I'm so sorry, Amy.

I never meant for this, you know that.

Look at me.

Look at me! SHE WHIMPERS OK, we're going to go to my car before he gets back and we're going to go to the police.

Liar! I'm not lying.

This has gone too far.

What about those photos you sent me? He forced me to send those! I trusted you, Simon.

Let's get you cleaned up and out of this damned house.

MOBILE PHONE RINGS Jack Nikki, we think Forsyth was the River Malt sh**t.

'He's being picked up now.

'I'll call you back when we have more, OK?' OK.


' Amy? Amy! BUZZER BEEPS Amy! BUZZER BEEPS Amy! You? It's Simon, right? Where's Schrader? Is everything OK? Yeah, she had a bit of a tumble, but she's all right.

Amy? There's nothing broken.

I'm fine, Nikki.

Are you sure? She said she's fine.

I'd still like to check her over.

What are you doing here? It wasn't him.

It's OK.

OK, this is a personal matter that we need to resolve in private.

We should still get you checked out.

I can run you to the hospital now.

OK, you're trespassing on private property - you need to leave.


Amy Thanks.

Claudia Baxter, we are charging you with five counts of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice contrary to common law and that you did assist an offender in a m*rder investigation, contrary to the Criminal Law Act MOBILE PHONE RINGS Hi, Thomas.

So? Well, Forsyth will go down, but there's no sign of Schrader.

No forensics? Nothing really probative.

'I'll be back soon.

' You all right, Nikki? I'm fine.

'You sure?' Really.

I physically want to hurt you.

I'm not reneging, I'm not reneging, I'm merely What's he reneging on? Dinner.

Jack! I'm not reneging! One minute we're talking Michelin stars, now it's chicken drummers chez Jack.



Hey, I can run to more than chicken drummers.

Oh, really? Yeah.

Really? Whoa.

Stand down.