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19x09 - River's Edge - Part 1

Posted: 02/16/24 16:49
by bunniefuu
CAR DOORS SHUT Careful, Dan.

Oh, could you pass me that? Right, darling.


Right, you take this one.

That's it.

There we go.

OK, just cast out slowly, Dan.

Just reel it.

Slowly, slowly, slowly How's it going? Oh, no! I hope I haven't burnt the sausages.

Five minutes! OK.

RUSTLING IN THE UNDERGROWTH Dan, in the car! Just leave everything! Drive! Move! Move! Move! Quickly.

Get in the car! g*nsh*t Dan! Run! g*nsh*t g*nshots g*nsh*t CAR ENGINE IDLES

DCI Sally Butcher.

Thomas Chamberlain.

This is Nikki Alexander.


Keep your eyes open.

Right now, we don't know if this was a targeted attack or a case of mad gunman on the loose.

We have preliminary IDs from their wallets.

Chris Chandler and Kate Blair, both pronounced dead by paramedics.

Single entry wound to the temple.

Two entry wounds to the throat and chest.

DCI The driver's phone.


Get tech support to get the lock off.

Jack Hodgson, forensics.

DCI Sally Butcher.

Why do you suppose she's not in the front? They obviously left in a hurry.

Everything's been abandoned.

First responders said the engine was still running.

Enough time to get in the car, not enough to get away.

Something alerted them.

g*nshots? They didn't stand a chance.

And we're back to mad gunman on the loose.

DS Malcolm Guillam, local CID.

DCI Sally Butcher.

Where's your partner, DS Guillam? Re-assigned.

I'm retiring in a month.

Philippa! You know the area, Malcolm? Yeah.

A little bit.


Take DC Rule here and canvass all nearby properties for witnesses.


Butcher! Might have a third victim.

Three plates, three stools and this A kid's phone.

Freshly-trod path.

Could be the sh**t.

Could be a fleeing victim.


Good to know.

We need boots on the ground, so we'll take anyone and everyone.

We may have a gunman on the loose.

Kevin Ivers.


Says he heard sh*ts about 1pm, but he thought nothing of it, because the Army trains in the hills.


Better verify that, hadn't we? ENGINE STARTS They made it to the water.


Molly! Molly! Sorry to bother you.

We're investigating a sh**ting that took place this morning down by the river.

A sh**ting? Mm.

My God.

Is anyone hurt? Hm.

Have you seen or heard anything out of the ordinary, Miss? Claudia.

Claudia Baxter.


I did see a car this morning that I didn't recognise.

And that's a rare occurrence? Well, we're pretty cut off up here.

What time was this? About 12, 12.


I was walking the dog.

What can you tell us about the car? The driver seemed lost.

I thought about asking if he needed directions, but then he sped up.

You think you might recognise him again? I suppose I might, yeah.

He must've seen everything.

He might even be able to ID our k*ller.

If he pulls through.

The k*ller may not know he survived.

I guess there's no chance we can keep that under wraps? Unlikely.

We can try.

No confirmed sightings, but they are doubling the search teams.

Your boss is going to have the mother of all overtime bills and sod all to show for it.

Because it's not a nutcase with a g*n? Yeah.

History tells us he would've shot someone else by now, even if only himself.

Aren't we going for coffee? Nah.

Tea and coffee taste exactly the same there.

So what are we doing here, Sarge? You don't mind a bit of exercise, do you? No, Sarge.

What we doing here, Sarge? It's an old case.

You want to talk about it? I don't think so, DC Rule.

Cos I never got the bastard who did it.

MONITOR BEEPS Nice job, Amy.

Well done.

Thank you.

PHONE RINGS Hello? Amy, it's Simon Forsyth.

Long time no speak.

Simon! Hello Listen, Amy, I'll cut to the chase.

I need a favour.

OK? Friend of mine's in a spot of bother.

Stomach wound, to be exact.

Look, can't you just take him to A & E? I'm afraid not.

Look, I'm sorry.

I can't help you, Simon.

Well, that's a bit disappointing.

I mean, given all the help I've extended to you over the years.

Medical school fees and so on Well, it's not like you got nothing in return.

Listen, Amy if I could avoid troubling you with this, I would.


ButI can't.

I'm in a bit of a bind.

I'll text you the address.

Thank you.

Phone's registered to Chris Chandler.

Had a spin through his recent activity.

Three pictures taken on Thursday night stood out.

Can you see what I see? I see bags of something white.

And a lot of it.

Those curtains could help with location.

What did Chandler do? Accountant, according to DVLA records.

Well, maybe their records were out of date.

If he was dealing coke, that could be motive.

But what are the photos about? Want to help me give his house a once-over? You bet.

SHE KNOCKS ON DOOR Hello, ma'am.


Security camera.


A new lock.

A lot of security for a safe area.

Kate Blair's sister - Anna.

She's in a bad way.



Anna, can I ask you a question? Your sister's boyfriend - Chris.

Did you get on with him? Yeah.

He was great.

Why? What kind of accountancy work did he do? He worked for a software company.

Why are you asking me about Chris? Was Chris involved in dr*gs? What?! Chris was the straightest guy you ever met.

I doubt he smoked a joint in his life.

So why do you think he installed the camera outside? He didn't.

My sister did.


Why did she install it? Her ex.

Kate was going through a very ugly divorce.

What's her husband's name? Miles Blair.

And is Miles Dan's biological father? Yeah.

He's being notified as we speak, ma'am.

Then you need to be at the hospital when he gets there.

What did Miles do to warrant new locks and a camera? He'd been hanging around the house.

Forced his way in a few times.

A couple of months ago, he turned up to take Dan out, but Dan wasn't feeling well.

Miles went berserk.

He was convinced Dan was faking it and my sister had put him up to it.

It got so bad, Dan locked himself in the bathroom and Miles kicked the door down.

And what happened? I think, when he saw Dan hiding in the corner crying his eyes out he came to his senses.

Kate turned 40 yesterday.

LOCK CLICKS OPEN Butcher! I need to see my son.

Let me in the room, woman.

I need to be with him.

I'm his father! I have rights! Dan's been placed in a medically-induced coma Yeah, I'm not deaf! I heard what the doctor said.

He needs to hear my voice.

You don't know what he can and can't hear! Mr Blair, you've had a terrible Spare me the patronizing bullshit! Mr Blair, if you want to help your son, you need to let the medical staff do their jobs.

Who the hell are you? Sally Butcher.

I'm leading the inquiry into your ex-wife's m*rder and that of Mr Chandler.


We weren't divorced yet.


I apologise.

I don't want to talk to you.

Get the doctor back.

I want to see my son! Mr Blair, I am a doctor.

And everything you said is correct.

People have woken from comas and recalled not just the comfort of familiar voices, but entire conversations word for word.

So it is crucial that we get you in there.

And as soon as he's stable, we will.

Mr Blair, we need to talk in private.

Dr Alexander? Yes.

He's suffered a subdural haematoma.

Head and spinal injuries consistent with a trauma.

But he's stable.

What happens next is touch-and-go.

Do what you need to, but be gentle.

Of course.

His clothes.

Thanks so much.

We were getting divorced.

What else do you need to know? We heard there was an altercation involving a bathroom door.

Shame on you.

Excuse me? My wife of ten years is dead.

My son's in a coma.

How dare you suggest I had anything to do with this? Anna told you that, didn't she? Answer the question, please.



I lost my rag, that's all.

And did what? I kicked down the bathroom door.

We recovered this message from a locked drawer in your wife's house.

'Kate, I want to make something crystal clear to you.

'Call it fair warning, call it whatever the hell you want.

'I love my son.

I know you think I don't, but I do.

'And if you keep coming between us, 'what happens next is as much on your head as it is on mine.

'I'll come at you with everything I've got.

' Can you confirm you left that message? OK, ready to turn.



Ready? Yep.

There we are Right.

And you've never made an empty threat when you're angry? Not quite like that, no.

Certainly not in such a volume.

"The words 'evil bitch' don't begin to do you justice.

"You are systematically brainwashing our son, "turning him into a total stranger" OK! Enough! What do you want me to say? Where were you this afternoon between 12 and three? At my flat.

Alone? Yes.

I own a bar.

People who run bars are late to bed and late to rise.

Are we done? Almost.

When did you last see Kate? A fortnight ago, when I dropped Dan off.

Amicable? Very.

We hugged.

Can I go now? Anna did say things had mellowed.

I know his species.

The kind who gives himself up to his rage and only sees the damage when it's well and truly done.

The door's kicked in and someone's crying in the corner.

Doesn't make him a k*ller, though.

No, it doesn't.

And in most family annihilation cases, the father turns the g*n on himself.

KNOCK AT DOOR WellI'm done.

I can confirm that Dan wasn't shot.

And his major injuries come from falling in the river and striking his head.

I found what I think is a bone fragment in his arm that I expect comes from one of the other victims.

But he still got away? When I broke the news to Miles, he said that Dan wasn't supposed to be there.

What do you mean? He was supposed to be at some football camp.

Why didn't you mention this before? Sorry Everything just happened so fast.

If Miles expected Kate and Chris to be alone Do you really think he shot them? Possibly.

Or he paid someone else to.

He runs a bar.

Perfect job to make unsavoury contacts.

Well, if the gunman didn't expect Dan to be there, it might explain his escape.

DOOR KEYPAD BEEPS I'm here to see Mr Forsyth.

Look at you Not a day older.

Come here.

Let's get this over with, eh? Please.

I've never been in the business of letting my friends down and I don't intend to start now.

Reading between the lines, they'll wheel out the B-team if I'm not part of the delegation.

I want to postpone.

But only by a few days.

She's young.

Does she know what she's doing? Listen, I'm more than happy to She knows what she's doing.

Do you have a sterilising kit? I don't know.

Do we? Er, no, sir.

Then I'm going to need some cooled boiled water, a clean cloth, a plastic bag and some paper towels, if you have them.

Thank you.

The damndest thing.

Tripped over the rug and fell on my own bottle.

I don't need to know.

And I don't want to know.

Get on with it, then.

I'm going to need some light.

Are you done or what? What the hell did that creep do, Simon? Did he hurt someone? Amy I saw those scratches on his neck.

You were right first time.

You don't want to know.

Why didn't you tell me that he was the patient? Because then you wouldn't have come.

You're bloody right I wouldn't! He didn't even recognise me.


No, I don't believe he did.

He needs a hospital, by the way.

I cleaned the wound, but there might be some debris deeper inside and I'm not equipped to deal with it.

He may already have an intraperitoneal haemorrhage and it could be fatal.

In that case, I need you to be on standby if he deteriorates.

I'm not covering up for him, Simon.

I've just told you, I'm not equipped to do that.

Then we will source a secure, well-stocked clinic where you are.

You're such an arsehole, Simon.

I'm sorry to drag you into this.

You're not sorry enough to find someone else.

There is no-one else.

Not with your skill and discretion.

Oh, just don't! And not with our history.

Thanks, Amy.


I just want to check that I got all the evidence from the River Malt crime scene.

Seem to be missing a picnic blanket, that's all.


Bit of bone.

Bit of yellow bone.

When you get a chance, will you have a look? And if you can, pull a DNA profile.

Chris Chandler has a single shot to the temple, penetrating the frontal lobe.

Would have been instantaneously fatal.

There are partially healed bruises on his arms.

Look like grip marks.

Similar colouring to his chest and shoulder.

And not sustained during the sh**ting? From the yellowing, I'd say they're a couple of days old.

Two days before he's shot dead, he gets into a fight.

Be good to know who with.

Wow, there's a distinctive burn to his upper back.

Something with uniform holes in it.

I don't know.

Some sort of heater, possibly It's partially healed, like the grip marks.

So likely sustained during the fight.

Maybe he stumbled back and landed on it? The burns are full thickness and there's skin loss.

May have left something on the object.

We should check out Chandler's workplace and everywhere else he's been in recent days.


Victim is a previously healthy identified as Kate Blair.

g*nsh*t wound to the chest, causing bleeding into the lung and a tracheal wound that would've impaired breathing.

She would have drowned in her own blood.

Both b*ll*ts entered her body at roughly 45-degree angles, suggesting she was shot from the side of the car.

What's yet to be determined is .


the cause of this void area in the blood.

Blood sprayed from the trachea wound.

Butthere was an obstruction causing this void.

What kind of obstruction? Well, something positioned between Kate and the right rear window.

Well, what about her son? She shields him from the g*nf*re, he catches the splatter, then escapes? No.

We think he was in the passenger footwell.

I found fibres from his jacket there, plus the passenger door was left open.

One explanation could be there was a fourth person in the car.

We've got no friends or family of the victims missing.

No-one coming into A & E with g*nsh*t wounds.

We'll process all the diffused blood and see if it yields a fourth DNA profile.

There's red acrylic fibre under the fingernails of her right hand, suggesting she gripped this material in her fist.

So what was it? Hang about Yes, I found red fibres in the Volvo.

And scattered amongst the picnic stuff.

Before you disappear, there's a few things I want to share with you.

Anomalies, really.


Among the detritus from inside the Volvo, I found a shard of brown glass.

The kind real ale bottles are fashioned from.

But no beer bottles were found at the crime scene.

Anomaly two, also from the Volvo A pearl-studded slide with long, dyed blonde hair and conifer leaves, from a Lawson Cypress, to be specific, caught in the clasp.

None of the victims had blond hair, long or otherwise.

Anomaly three A loose cover for a picnic blanket recovered from the field.

And that's significant because? We didn't find a blanket.

From the cover, I was able to ID the make and avail myself of an identical one.

Would you mind? The same red fibres as we found under Kate's fingernails.

Explains the scattered picnic.

The k*ller removed the blanket from the scene.

The only reason he'd do that is if he thought it was incriminating.

Blood or DNA transfer, say.

A fourth victim would explain these anomalies.

The void in the blood, the hair slide, the blonde hair.

If we're missing a body, the k*ller must've taken it from the scene.

Wrapped up in the blanket, maybe.

OK, give me everything you've got and we'll trawl missing persons again.

Do you think the missing victim could tie up with the photos on Chris' phone? In what way? Hidden life as a drug dealer, hidden victim I don't know.

I'm riffing.


Well, in the spirit of riffing, I was thinking about those pictures.

If you're dealing dr*gs, you don't document it.

You're more likely to do that If you're trying to blackmail someone who is.

Now, that's a motive for m*rder.

Finding out where that fight took place is a priority.

Miles said he hadn't seen Kate in a fortnight.

He never said anything about Chris.

Oh, God, I hope Dan Blair wakes up and starts talking.

You know what they say? Scars look good on men.

It depends on the scar.

And the man.

You got a mouth on you.

I like it.

Amy! Well, thank you for today.

Now, you must tell me how much you feel I owe you.

I don't want your money.

Just your word you'll never contact me again.

That's a little melodramatic, don't you think? Your word! OK.

You have it.

AMY STARTS CAR I don't want to speak ill of the dead.

If speaking the truth amounts to the same thing, you're legally obliged to.

Chris definitely wasn't himself lately.

In what way? Every way.

Chris was our accountant since '06.

He never gave less than his all.

That changed? He started turning up late.

Being unprepared for meetings.

Generally acting like his mind was elsewhere.

The timing couldn't have been worse.

We were about to acquire a smaller, German-based software Sorry, I'm not here about your merger.

I'm here about your late accountant.


I started keeping a closer eye on Chris.

Look, I was convinced he was fixing to leave or covertly working for a rival.

Is that too much detail? Flashpoint came when I found him poring over a spreadsheet that had nothing to do with my company.

When I asked him point blank if he was moonlighting, he said the figures related to his girlfriend's divorce settlement.

Was he any more specific? Chris thought Kate's ex, Miles Blair, was less than transparent about his assets.

He was obsessed with proving it.

Last week, did you notice Chris sporting some injuries? Mm.

Did he offer an explanation? He said he'd tripped while out jogging.

When, exactly, did this conversation happen? ErFriday morning.

And you're certain he didn't have the injuries on Thursday? Positive.

Why? You said you hadn't seen Kate since you dropped Dan off two weeks ago.

That's right.

Was that also the last time you saw Chris Chandler? I think I glimpsed him in the hall, yeah.

And that was the last time you saw him? Yes.

I need you to take it right off, please.

Would you like to tell me how you got those bruises? I had to throw a drunk out of my bar the other night.

He resisted.

Any witnesses to that? Everyone had gone home.

Story of my life.

What about the drunk? Can we talk to him? I wouldn't know where to find him.

He wasn't a regular.



The bruises Talk to me.

Yeah, they look like grip marks.

Maybe trying to wrestle someone to the ground.

Time-wise, could they match up with Chris' healed bruises? Potentially, but there's no ring mark or anything distinct to prove they came into contact.

Did Kate tell her sister anything about a recent fight? No.

That's weird.

Unless Kate didn't know about it.

Surely Chris would tell her if Miles att*cked him, though? It was her 40th the next day.

Maybe he didn't want to spoil the party.

Then that leaves the window of Thursday night and a strange burn.

Put those together and we can still prove he's a liar.

It's mainly stuff Soco's picked up on the path by the river.


We'll start processing this morning.

Is there something else? Yeah.

Ten years ago, a girl named Karen Myers was found in the same river as Dan Blair, just a mile upstream.

Now, just like him, she'd been running for her life.

Your case? One that got away.

Go on.

Karen was a medical student at London Uni.

On the last night she was seen alive, she went to a party in Camden with a girlfriend.

The party turned out to be a damp squib, so they decided to get an early night.

Now, Karen's mate said they parted company outside Stockwell Tube.

Karen never made it home? No.

The body was found the next day in a river behind a transport cafe on the A23.

She was strangled? But it was the fall that k*lled her.

She was pumped full of Rohypnol and we found traces of semen.

DNA? Water damage meant there wasn't enough for a profile.

Who's this? A waitress at the cafe recalled a lorry driver coming in that night who she didn't know.

Seemed flustered.

You never ID'd him? No.

Back then, I had a theory that Karen was abducted by a lorry driver on or near the A23 on her way back to her halls in Stockwell.

He drove her out of the city, drugged and r*ped her, then she escaped at the cafe, maybe while he was inside.

Before falling to her death in the dark? Mm.

Did you tell Butcher about this? I mentioned it, yeah.

She didn't press me for details.

Look, er .


I'm retiring in a month.

Maybe I'm looking for a connection that doesn't exist.

We'll take a look.

Well, that's what you want, isn't it? Yeah.

It is.

Thank you.

I'll see you out.

OK Out with it.

I know her.

Who, Karen Myers? No, her friend.

The one she said goodbye to at Stockwell Tube - Amy Coulter.

She did a placement here at the Lyell about five years ago.

So, well after her friend was m*rder*d? Yes.

But she never mentioned it.

How well did you get to know her? We went out a few times.

More than a few times.

She was fun.

Made me feel 24 again.

Not that I was ever in her league in the partying stakes.

Well, I don't believe that for a minute.

What happened, lose touch? Couldn't hack the pace.

Nikki! Amy! Great to see you.

Yeah, you, too.

You've done so well.

I'm not surprised.

Thank you.

And how are you? Yeah, good.

All the same.

So what brings you here? Your friend.

Karen Myers.

How do you know about Karen? Her name's come up in a case that I'm working on.

You were the last person that saw her alive.

Well, last but one.

And what do you want to know? Well, I've read the file but, I guess, for want of a better word, some background might be useful.

PHONE RINGS Sorry Er, listen.

I can't really talk about this right now.


When might be good? I get off shift in a couple of hours.

I can call you.

Yeah, sure.


Great, thanks.

Right, the b*llet recovered from Chris Chandler allowed us to ID the g*n.

A model of Heckler & Koch, semi-a*t*matic.

Discontinued five years ago.

Heavy-duty w*apon.

Big time.

If it was a hit, the k*ller could be ex-Army.

A batch of the exact same H&Ks went missing nine years ago en route from Redhill Barracks to a deactivation unit in Devon.

PHONE RINGS Excuse me.


I've spun through Chris Chandler's internet history and found multiple searches for the Cave Bar in Mile End.

Well, maybe he was scouting for his Kate's 40th? Maybe.

But it's the other side of London and, frankly, looks more like the kind of place you'd have your 21st.

Well, 40's the new 30, kid.


I don't think anyone under 40 got that memo.

So I've scaled up some images for the Cave and it has a small outside bar area, notable only for its proliferation of gas heaters.

What do you think? We're in the right place.

Some singed fibres in the holes.

If we get a match on the fibres in Chris Chandler's clothes Have a look at this.

Window looks familiar.

And the striped curtain.

REPORTERS SHOUT QUESTIONS The, er, bone fragment you pulled out of Dan's arm Very interesting.

Interesting how? In a word acne.

Chris Chandler was on to you.

He thought you were lying about your assets and he was dead right.

You part-own the Cave Bar in Mile End that you paid for in cash in 2012, correct? Yeah.

And why did you not disclose that property in your assets? Kate was getting enough out of me.

That's not the only reason, is it? The back window of your property is identifiable as the window in these pictures, recovered from Chris Chandler's phone.


I cut up a bit of coke once in a while.

Doesn't make me Pablo Escobar.

You weren't quite so relaxed when Chris found you, were you? We also recovered charred fibres from a heater in your bar that match a shirt we found in Chris' house.

As you can see, the size and shape of the heater's grille matches a distinctive burn on his back.

A burn he sustained not more than three days before he died.

But you told us you hadn't seen Chris in a fortnight.

The funny thing is, Chris didn't tell anyone.

Not the police, not Kate.

Which makes me think, once the fight was over .


you and he came to an agreement.

He had you over a barrel.

So I'm guessing his demands were pretty unreasonable.

It would really be in your interest to answer my questions.

He wanted me to drop all claim over Dan, give Kate sole custody.

Did you agree to that? Yeah.

And were you happy about it? Well, what do you think? I love my son.

Which is why your theory that I'd hurt him is such bullshit! But you didn't plan to hurt him, Miles.

You didn't even think he was going to be there, did you? You thought he was at football camp.

You do love your son.

No way were you going to let Chris Chandler take your son .


as well as your wife.

He did not take my wife! OK OK.

I know how bad this looks.

I should have come clean.

But I was scared.

I'm sure you were.

But before you were scared, you were angry.


I think, after one too many, you did a stupid thing.

I had nothing to do with those sh**t! You made a call, handed over some cash and set a chain in motion you were powerless to stop, once you'd sobered up.

I would never hurt Kate.

I would never hurt Dan.

What about Chris? Was he the target? Was he the only one who was supposed to die? You're not listening to me! No, I'm listening to the evidence.

Unlike you, it doesn't lie! Perfect timing.

Results are back on the shard of foreign bone recovered from the back of Dan's forearm.

Well, whoever it belongs to once took tetracycline, a polyketide antibiotic used to treat acne.

The side effect is it turns the bone yellow.

None of our three identified victims had that colouring.

No, DNA confirms this.

Also tells us the bone came from a female.

Which fits with the jewelled hair slide and dyed blonde hair and a twist of turquoise silk caught in one of the b*ll*ts found in the car.

So why's no-one reported a fourth victim missing? We can't know that until we find out who she is.

DNA didn't tell you? No match.

The answer could be in those woods.

Leaves trapped in her hair slide suggest our mystery blonde passed by or under a conifer tree at speed.

Speed suggests chased.

But I've been through every shot of the crime scene, pixel by pixel No conifers.

Find the tree find the girl.

Should we notify Butcher? Always better to ask forgiveness than permission.

So says the man who's about to retire! I left her a voicemail.

So far, she hasn't called me back.

This is where we found Karen.

Amy Thank you.

TV: '38-year-old Kate Blair 'and 40-year-old Chris Chandler from Streatham 'were found dead in their car near the River Malt by local fishermen.

'Although police have not confirmed details, 'our understanding is that a 12-year-old boy 'was found unconscious near the car 'and is being treated at Kingston Hospital.

VOLUME UP: 'Police have sealed off a mile-long stretch of the River Malt 'and it's surrounding area for forensic examination.

'Detective Chief Inspector Sally Butcher 'said they were appealing for witnesses.

' Either of you own a dog? I do.

Yorkshire terrier.

And I know every blade of grass in my local park.

We need a local with a dog.


And I know where to find one.

Bellemeade Farm.

See you in a bit.

Claudia Baxter's ID is crucial.

I really only glimpsed him.

Take your time, Claudia.

PHONE RINGS Well? Ma'am Dan Blair, the boy, he didn't make it.

INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION HE SOBS Miles Blair, you are charged under common law that you m*rder*d Kate Blair and Chris Chandler and your son Daniel Blair.



Jack Look The other half.

The hair comb broke off.

Looks like she forced her way between the branches .


and maybe fell here.

And left us a trail in the process.

HE WHISTLES I think this was made by a b*llet.

Glanced the tree, suggesting the sh**t was over there and she was running away towards the picnic.

He shot at her first.

SHE CRIES OUT Meaning the family were just collateral damage - wrong place, wrong time.

We've been looking down the wrong end of the telescope.

Help me! Help me! Help me! Oh, my God! Help me! Argh! Help me! Oh, my God! Help me! You've k*lled a cop.

Which means your life, from hereon in, will either be miserable or intolerable.

g*nsh*t Go! Go! Go! g*nshots We're looking for a colleague - DS Guillam.

He was heading up here to speak to you.

I'm sorry, I left the house first thing.

Facial bruising suggesting an attack that happened very close to death.

What did they do to her at that farm? If you conjure up a whole new account of what happened to Karen, who's to say they'll believe you? You're trespassing on private property.

You need to leave.