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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/16/24 12:40
by bunniefuu
twister with a bad attitude

experimental and how many rubber ducks

will it take to rescue Gerald




welcome to experimental The Knockout

competition in search of the country's

sharpest science sharks we have two

teams bring out today in the red we have

from Newington School in Anand D Fria

please welcome Phillip Christopher Dean

and the green team are from deanway

school in deanway Conway they are shinos

Becka Fred those are the

teams now you don't have to be a rocket

scientist to understand the rules will

show both teams the beginning of an

experiment then using smarts sense and

science they have to work out how that

experiment is going to end they'll be

given all the relevant experimental

Equipment Plus advice from our science

analysis Matrix otherwise known as Sam

hey Sam any advice for today science is

an imaginative adventure of the Mind

seeking truth in a world of mystery

quite profound that isn't it let's get

on with our first experiment now outside

the research lab is our testing ground

and there you'll find our chief

experimental Holly

Willoughby welcome to the experimental

testing ground our first experiment

involves a race between our resident

technician Herby and three highly

dangerous fuses one is a rope soaked

with propellant one is made from black

powder and the third is a top secret

military Brown fuse which is made from

well I actually can't tell you that cuz

it's a secret so the challenge facing

our teams is to work out which fuse will

get to that barrel of gunpowder first or

will heroic Herby get there and disarm

it confident herbs yeah okay that's your

challenge guys and your time to

experiment Starts


Now not even so Sam expl*sives highly

dangerous the teams should consider

whether the dampness of the testi grass

will affect the burning fuses gunpowder

was inv Ed 2,000 years ago by Chinese

scientists thank you very much Sam now

our teams have their fuse boards in

place by observing how long it will take

three short lengths of fuse to burn the

team should be able to calculate how

long Holly's 28 M of fuse will


not oh step back wow one

second R your time is down well done

there remember

remember to sorry remember to convert

all your time


into1 okay guys your time is up I'm

going to need your predictions right

now we've got g*n powder 31.6 eight


we got g*n powder

28. 56 seconds let's see how their

answers tie into reality Holly right

Otis the whole area has been secured and

for safety reasons the fuses will be lit

electrically are you sure I'm going to

be able to outr run these three fusers

quietly confident Herby quietly

confident right let's start the

countdown on your marks get set go HBY

go run Herby run



H come on HBY get up keep going




right Otis the outright winner was the

black powder followed very closely by

hery I'm all

right the gunpowder took 29 seconds to

burn at a speed of 0.8 m/ second the

Reds were 91% accurate and the greens


98 just over here in our control test

zone are two members of our

observational team who along with all

these objects will face the might of

these four electronic wind generators

all our teams have to do is decide which

of these objects will be blown away

first that's your test your time starts


now is that heavy I don't

like Sam this has to be the easiest one

yet right hurricanes her when warm air

meets cold hurricane winds can reach 200

mph and do a lot of damage whereas the

laboratory fans can only blow off a few



would you say that being full of hot

hair is the same as being a bag of wind

wind is a smelly human concept unlike my

bubbles which are




that okay guys time's up hand me your

papers and I will read out your lists


you okay red team

first tissues poly cups newspaper clear

cups hat plastic cup

plate Green Team tissue poly cup hat

small cup paper big cup and plate let's

see how Theory ties in with fact now our

teams didn't have an umbrella so we've

removed that start the fans

please and stop the fans

please only four objects were blown off

the table in this order poly cups

tissues newspaper and clear




the greens were 14% accurate given them

a total of 112 the Reds were 28%

accurate and their total is

119 so with the Reds currently in the

lead let's go back outside to our

testing ground for our next stunt Holly

Gerald our resident crashed his dummy

fancied himself as a bit of a James Bond

so kindly we've agreed to let him have a

starring role in his very own

experiment so for this program only the

challenge facing our teams is to work

out how many rubber ducks Herby will

have to attach to Gerald to lift him to

the surface quack quack so how many

ducks will it take to raise Gerald to

the surface like the merry Rose your

time Starts

Now by measuring how much weight one

rubber duck can support in the water

they should be able to estimate how many

it will take to lift Gerald Sam Duck's

raising a man from the bottom of a water

t*nk it's not very James Bond is it

another human error Gerald is not a man

Gerald is a crash test dummy and a

scientific Lifesaver some Crash Test

Dummies cost thousands of pound Gerald



86 we got

more so what is it you guys are looking



420 I will not


bring they won't have anything that




okay teams time's up I need your

predictions Now 50 Ducks 42 Ducks let's

see how many ducks it takes

Holly right Herby is now in position

ready to attach the rubber ducks now the

rubber ducks are grouped in bunches of

five which just makes it easier for

Herby to attach them to Gerald so Herby

you've had your starters orders get



how many bunches have be on there eight

eight you got eight on

there there you go there's Gerald's head

right there in the middle of all those d

okay oans from our experiment you could

see that it took nine Bunches of rubber

ducks to lift Gerald to the surface so

that's 45 rubber ducks in total to Sav

Gerald's life we're such a caring team

here with 93% accuracy the Green Team

take their total up to 205 points the

Reds were 89% accurate and their score

goes up to


208 that makes the Reds from Mo schol in

an and D frer this week's winners but

both teams go up onto our


leaderboard at the end of the series the

top two teams on our leaderboard will

battle it out in the grand finale but

right now it's the red team's turn to

predict the outcome of our fourth and

final stunt it's The Fabulous Furniture


po our final game gives the winning team

a chance to bump up their points of it

by simply guessing how far this nitrogen

Cannon can fling Furniture there's a lot

of options but as always the choices up

to you are observational team right

observational team what gets flung first





table right whilst Herby loaves the

dining room table and chairs onto the

furniture flinger I want to remind you

of the Third member our team our

resident crash test dummy Gerald now

Gerald was only saying to me this

morning that he wanted to go up in the

world so I say to you Gerald now's a

chance so that's it guys how far will a

ram throw the dining table you have 10

seconds starting now and here's a brief

clue on the last show we fired a

wardrobe which was slightly lighter than

the dining table and that went


M okay guys your time's up give me your

answer 21.5 M okay let's see how Red's

guess ties in with fact

Holly the table and chairs are loaded

Gerald is in position the whole area has

been cleared for safety reasons so Herby

let her



rip okay o to the official measurement

of how far that table flew is 20 M and


cm the Reds were 93% accurate bringing

their grand total to 301 that places

them third on our

leaderboard but will their grip be

strong enough for them to stay there

until next time make sure you join us

when another two teams will be taking a

sideways look at science with a

primitive rocket powered by a

firelighter a team of carjacking kids

and a stunt man worth his weight in sand

see you next

