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17x07 - Top Ten Alien Artifacts

Posted: 02/16/24 11:53
by bunniefuu
An ancient figurine

of a modern-day airplane.

A primitive statue
of a man in a spacesuit.

Mysterious crystal skulls

whose origins are entirely

For more than a decade on
Ancient Aliens, we've traveled

the globe and investigated
strange objects

found on every continent
on Earth.

I'm counting down
what I consider

to be the top ten
alien artifacts.

Artifacts that, in my opinion,

provide strong evidence
that in the distant past,

extraterrestrials walked
among us.

Ancient artifacts offer us
a fascinating glimpse

of how our ancestors lived.

And for ancient astronaut
theorists like me,

some artifacts provide
critical evidence

to support the notion that

visited Earth
in the remote past.

One compelling example is
a group of precisely-carved

objects that are not only
surrounded in controversy,

but may possess a technology far
more advanced than our own.

Number ten on my countdown

the crystal skulls.

- Lubaantun, Belize.
- Central America.

Here, in the jungles
of the Yucatán Peninsula,

lie the ruins of an ancient
pre-Colombian city that

thrived in
the eighth century AD.

In 1924,

explorer Frederick Albert

and his daughter Anna

discovered a human-sized skull
made of clear quartz crystal.

Mitchell-Hedges was told by
the Mayans that

his skull was over
3,600 years old.

This is fascinating,
because this would pre-date

Mayan civilization.

Mitchell-Hedges and his daughter

kept the skull
under lock and key

for almost four decades

before allowing
it to be studied.

When it comes
to the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull,

it has been analyzed on
a number of occasions.

Frank Dorland in the 1960s
did it as a private individual.

Hewlett-Packard did it as
well, and the British Museum did

a very short analysis
in 1980 as well.

So this skull has
been subjected to

a number of detailed
scientific analyses.

In all of those occasions,
what was found was that it was

almost impossible for a
human being to make this.

The Mitchell-Hedges skull

was milled or worked

in a way that went

to the creation of the crystal.

Crystal grows in
a certain direction.

And if you don't mill
or work the crystal

in that particular
direction, it'll shatter.

So how was it done?

Quartz crystal is
extremely hard.

And almost any object
that's made out of

carved quartz
crystal would probably

have to be created
using power tools.

Although hundreds
of people have claimed to be

in possession of
ancient crystal skulls,

a curious legend can be
found in multiple cultures

that says there are
exactly 13 crystal skulls

located around the planet
that are of otherworldly origin.

These include the Synergy Skull,

discovered in the
Melanesian Islands

of the South Pacific,

the Amar Skull of Tibet,

the Einstein Skull,
found in Mexico,

and the Mitchell-Hedges Skull.

Researchers suggest that
not only were these 13 skulls

constructed using
advanced technology,

but that they may
contain ancient knowledge,

hidden from mankind
for thousands of years.

What we know as a
fact is that crystal is

able to store information.

So what we need to
ask ourselves is whether

crystal skulls were
made out of crystal

because our ancestors wanted
to put information in them.

While we might not have
a means of extracting it,

I think we really
require it for ourselves,

to try and make an effort to see
what kind of information might

be present within
these crystal skulls.

The moment you lay
eyes on a crystal skull,

you know you're looking
at something extraordinary.

But the next artifact
on my countdown

could be described as
a simple wooden toy.

That is, until you take a
closer look, and see that

this bird-shaped object is
more like a modern-day glider.

My number-nine alien
artifact: the Saqqara Bird.

Saqqara, Egypt.

French archeologists digging at
the Step Pyramid of King Djoser

unearth a tomb
over 2,000 years old.

In it they find a
small wooden model

of what appears to be a
bird lying beside a papyrus

bearing the inscription,
"I want to fly."

The artifact was later
sent to the Cairo Museum,

where authorities
placed it alongside

several other bird figurines.

But the Saqqara Bird
was noticeably different.

interesting, because on one hand,

clearly, it should look like
a bird, because it has eyes

and has a typical
nose of a bird.

Uh, on the other hand, the
wings are clearly not bird wings.

To the middle of the rump,

you'll see this
wing a bit thicker.

In this region, the
lift-up is the highest.

The whole thing becomes
thinner to the end of the wings,

and those wings
are modeled down.

And this is a very modern
aerodynamic design.

Then the other point is
birds have no rudders, because a bird

doesn't need a rudder, because
of its aerodynamic architecture.

And so there is the idea
they are not representing birds,

but flying
machines, or aircraft.


Could the Saqqara
Bird reveal that

the ancient Egyptians
possessed the power of flight?

To find the answer, in 2006,
aviation and aerodynamics

expert Simon Sanderson
built a scale model

of the Saqqara Bird,

five times larger
than the original,

and tested its aerodynamic
properties in a wind tunnel.

We're running at a constant
speed, slowly increasing

the angle of attack
and then measuring

the forces which it's producing.

That way we can learn
about its flight characteristics.

At ten degrees, we're producing
four times weight and lift.

So it actually
would be flying now.

- Yeah.
- That's good.

Tests show the Saqqara Bird is

a highly-developed glider.

And this is a
design we use today.

But if the
Saqqara Bird is capable of flight,

where would ancient Egyptians
have acquired such technology?

I think that
people in ancient times

were visited by beings
coming not from this Earth.

And they gave us culture
and scientific technologies

to improve our life on Earth,

coming from the primitive to
a higher-developed culture.

The next artifacts on my list
might be microscopic in size,

but they're
enormously significant.

They appear to be
advanced nanotechnology,

and they were found so
deep beneath the earth

that geologists estimate them

to be thousands of years old.

We're potentially
looking at actual remnants

of alien technology.

And that's why number
eight on my countdown

is the Russian nanotubes.

Eastern Russia, 1991.

Geologists lead an
expedition into the mineral-rich

Ural Mountains in hopes
of locating gold deposits.

For decades, people hiking
in this area of the Urals

near the Kozhim, Naroda
and Balbany rivers,

have reported witnessing
unidentified craft

and strange
anomalies in the sky.

On this occasion, however,
the geological team encounters

something unexpected not
above the Earth, but below it.

While excavating at
depths of over 30 feet,

they discover a scattering of
tiny metal coils and springs.

discovered very unusual objects

that were tiny springs

that were always somehow
curled towards the left side.

Most of them could not be seen
unless you use the microscope.

Just a few were maybe
a few millimeters in size.

That soil wasn't touched

for hundreds of
thousands or more years.

The area where it
was found was probably

tens of kilometers around.

It's as if something exploded
thousands of years ago,

and the fragments were
lying all over the place.

The metal fragments
were sent to the Russian Academy

of Sciences in St.
Petersburg for analysis.

They found
thousands of these things.

They have to look at
them through microscopes.

Some of them are just one
ten thousandth of an inch in size.

They're all kinds of spirals
and tiny machined bits.

When they look at it,
they seem to be exactly like

the kind of tiny nanoparticles

and machine bits that
we are creating today.

Testing revealed
that the fragments were composed

of rare metals, and appear
to have been manufactured.

But based on the depth
at which they were found,

geologists estimate
they would date back

tens of thousands of years.

So what could explain this
seemingly impossible discovery?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest clues may be found

by examining the materials
that make up the nanospirals,

like tungsten and molybdenum...
Elements commonly used

in NASA spacecraft.

Molybdenum is an additive
that we use to put in steel

to make steel have
various properties.

And it's used in
manufacturing aircraft.

Could it be, as
ancient astronaut theorists speculate,

that the nanospirals
have come from

an extraterrestrial craft?

Ural Mountains are a
very interesting space

in the paranormal
history of Russia.

And I've studied a lot because
there have always been

incredible UFO sightings
in the Ural Mountains.

So, is this a debris
field from a crashed

extraterrestrial craft
in the Ural Mountains?

There could be crash
sites all over the world

that are hundreds of
thousands of years old.

artifacts that support

the ancient astronaut theory

are hiding in plain sight.

For example, there's an
Egyptian temple carving

that some scholars believe
is a representation of a snake

and a lotus flower.

But in my opinion,
what you're looking at is

the depiction of
modern technology.

Number seven on my
countdown of alien artifacts,

the Dendera light bulb.

Dendera, Egypt.

370 miles south
of the Giza Plateau

stands the Hathor Temple.

The narrow passageways
of this more than

2,000-year-old monument
are lined with curious images,

and one that is of
particular interest

to ancient astronaut theorists.

this structure is the so-called

Lotus Flower of Dendera.

And there are not just
a few inside the crypt,

but they're, in fact, also
on the outside wall on top.

That's something that's
often not discussed.

So what are we looking at here?

Egyptology suggests
that this bulb-like thing,

it essentially is the
aroma of the lotus flower,

and that the snake in the
middle illustrates fertility.

What's often not
discussed is that

the surrounding hieroglyphics...
'cause you have monkey gods

standing around
with sharp knives.

It indicates danger, death.

And there are textual references

that say that this has something
to do with a bringer of light.

Why would there be
descriptions of bringers of light?

Egyptologists maintain
that it actually portrays

the moment of creation.

But it definitely resembles
a lightbulb or a lamp.

Here is a replica of
the bulb that's shown

in the Dendera reliefs in Egypt.

What's interesting about
this bulb is the fact that

on the wall relief, we
see the bulb is actually

plugged into what appears
to be a power source.

So what we have here is
a bulb, which very easily

could have been used
by the Egyptians to light

the deep recesses
of tombs and crypts.

How did the ancient Egyptians

light the insides
of their structures?

Because some structures, not
only are they deep underground,

but there's different
corners, and different shafts

and corridors, sometimes
on multiple levels.

And some of these places
are filled with hieroglyphics.

The extraterrestrials
did not let these people

work in the dark.

Of course they
provided lighting sources.

And then that was
also put in stone.

Because otherwise,
nobody would believe

that truth in the future.

I've read the creation stories
of countless ancient cultures,

and in nearly every one of them,

the gods came down from the sky,

usually in some
type of flying craft,

surrounded by smoke and fire.

Now, to me, these
are nothing else

but extraterrestrial encounters.

And if you want further
proof, just take a look

at how the ancient people
of Japan depicted their gods.

Number six on my
alien artifacts countdown:

the Dogu statues.

On the East
Asian islands of Japan,

remnants of the ancient world
can still be found in the midst

of a modern, hi-tech society.

And the most incredible are not
the opulent palaces and shrines,

but a collection of extremely
ancient clay vessels

and figurines,

some of which date back
more than 12,000 years.

They are credited to a
people called the Jomon.

The earliest culture that we can
identify in Japan is the Jomon,

which is originally a Stone
Age culture running roughly

from 10,000 BCE to 300 BCE.

It is a culture that we don't
know an awful lot about,

because they had
no writing system.

All we have is artifacts.

The little
that we do know about the Jomon

comes from
archaeological evidence.

And one of the most
representative artifacts

that is tied to the Jomon
is the Dogu statue.

15,000 Dogu figurines,

resembling strange
humanoid beings,

have been found at various
Jomon sites in Japan.

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest these figurines

represent the Kami,
a group of beings

the Japanese believe
descended to this world

in the ancient past.

Shintoism is the
primary religion of Japan,

and they worship
what they call the Kami,

which are these celestial
beings that are able to inhabit

basically anything, from a
human being to an animal,

and even inanimate objects.

Then they also describe
them as having come down

from their celestial
palace in the sky.

And these figurines look
like these humanoid beings

that are in some
type of space suits.

There are
thousands of these statuettes

that have been recovered,

and these figures
have goggle-type eyes,

and they have rivets
all over their body,

indicating that they're wearing
some kind of a space suit

or technological armor.

So you have to
ask yourself, were these statues

sky beings who came
and directed the Japanese

to have their
civilization and culture,

and that ultimately these
sky gods are their ancestors?

As far as ancient
astronaut theorists are concerned,

the Dogu figures were not
inspired by the imagination,

but depict very real visitors
that the people of Japan

thousands of years ago,

and provide a compelling
record of extraterrestrial contact.

We're coming up on the
halfway mark in my countdown

of the top ten alien artifacts,

and this next object
is truly remarkable.

It's an ancient figurine that
was discovered in Mexico,

but to me, it clearly depicts
a man in a modern flight suit.

The number-five artifact
in my top ten countdown:

the rocket man of La Venta.

the world, ancient illustrations

and statues can be
found that depict figures

dressed in strange attire

that, as far as ancient
astronaut theorists

are concerned, is
eerily reminiscent

of modern-day space suits.

Examples include cave
art in Italy, Australia,

and the American southwest,

as well as sculptures, like
the statue of Pachamama

in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia,

depictions of the Mayan
god Kukulkan in Mexico,

curious figures carved into
the Hoysaleswara Temple

in India, and a
strange sculpture found

in Guatemala City.

But perhaps most intriguing
of all is a small figurine

attributed to the Olmec,

a civilization that
emerged around 1400 BC

in the area of
modern-day Mexico.

The Olmecs are one
of the most mysterious

ancient cultures known
to the history of our planet.

And in La Venta,
we have carvings

that show the Olmecs
in very bizarre scenes.

One of them is this plumed
serpent that appears to be

floating in the sky, and
you actually see a person

sitting inside
this flying snake.

And so you have to wonder if
somehow the Olmecs had access

to aviation technology, and
I personally think they did.

Because at the Museum of
Natural History in New York City,

there is a Olmec
figurine about this tall,

and you can tell that
this guy is wearing

some type of a flight suit.

You've got the legs here like
in a modern-day astronaut suit,

and there's also some
type of a life-support pack

that's on his chest.

There are six wings,

and the head is clearly enclosed

by a skullcap similar to
modern-day astronauts.

In my opinion, it
is the smoking g*n

of our ancestors having
aviation technology

thousands of years ago.

When it comes to ancient
artifacts depicting advanced

technology, one of the
most extraordinary examples

I've ever seen is
a tiny gold figurine

that looks remarkably similar
to a modern-day airplane.

In fact, it's such an
important piece of evidence

for the ancient astronaut theory

that I wear a replica
on my shirt pocket.

Number four on my countdown

of the top ten alien
artifacts: the gold flyer.

The Southern
highlands of Colombia.

In the late 19th
century, tomb robbers

searching along
the Magdalena River

stumbled upon a gravesite
dating back 1,500 years

to a pre-Colombian
civilization known as the Tolima.

Among the funerary
objects found there

were hundreds of small two
to three-inch gold figurines.

So the Tolima
culture placed inside tombs little tiny

objects made of gold, and they
found hundreds of thousands

of those in the form
of different animals:

birds, fish, frogs, insects.

However, out of these
hundreds of thousands,

there were 17 that looked
like modern-day airplanes.

They have a triangular shape,

they have an upright tail fin,


and a fuselage.

And they have
nothing in common with

anything similar in nature.

In 1997,
German aviation experts,

including Algund Eenboom,

set out to test the Gold
Flyer's flight capabilities

by building a
scale-model replica,

fully equipped with landing
gear and a working engine.

It was rather
simple because we don't need

to put much parts to this shape

because this shape is perfect.

Everything was already
done by the native people

2,000 years ago.

Once completed,
the remote-controlled flyer

took off down a makeshift
runway, and flew.

When you
see this thing taking off,

you really feel that
this is the real deal.

It was a very successful test,

and showed us how perfect
ancient people were working out

aerodynamic design.

What shows you that there
must be something happened.

We are not quite sure
how it did, but that it did.

This is applied science.

This isn't just
thinking somewhere.

This is people going out there
and making sure and proving

what I still see...
Anybody can see this...

That this is real,
this is genuine.

This little thing, which
sits in a museum, could fly.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

In 2017, I flew to Romania with
Erich von Daniken to check out

one of the most
remarkable artifacts

we had ever heard of.

An aluminum object said to
be at least 40,000 years old.

And even more extraordinary
is that it was scientifically

tested and found to have been
made from an aluminum alloy

that doesn't match anything
humans have ever manufactured.

Number three on my countdown
of the top ten alien artifacts

is the wedge of Aiud.


Workers digging a trench along
the banks of the Mures River

unearth two giant bones,

and with them, a
mysterious metal object

buried 35 feet
beneath the surface.

This strange object, known
today as the wedge of Aiud,

is an aluminum alloy that
appears to have been made

thousands of years before
humans were able to smelt

or fabricate metal.

It was ten meters in depth,
associated with some bones,

which they later identified
as woolly mammoth bones.

They were extinct
40,000 years ago,

so they must be older than that.

The wedge was analyzed
three times, to my knowledge.

The main metal in its
composition is aluminum.

Humans didn't
really start working with aluminum

until well into the 1800s.

So when you look at this
wedge and you analyze it,

it really has most of
the modern properties

we would associate
with aluminum.

For decades,
government officials refused to reveal

where the wedge of
Aiud was being held.

But its location has
recently come to light.

On January 18, 2017,

at the National History Museum

of Transylvania, ancient
astronaut theorists

Giorgio Tsoukalos
and Erich von Daniken

were offered a rare
opportunity to get a firsthand look

at the wedge of Aiud.

Museum curator Ana Gruia

has taken it out
of a storage locker

where it has been
deliberately hidden

from the public
since the early 1970s.

Okay, I'm just gonna
put my gloves on.

This is great.

So, this is it.

Oh, okay.

This is strange.

And here, this is the... where
they took the sample out,

and here, to make the analysis.

And here you see two pieces
that are broken off, sort of.

So maybe it was
attached or something.

But very strange.

So what does the museum
have to say about this?

This is a very strange piece.

It is. It is a strange
piece for us as well.

As historians, we
do not consider it

a historical object
that we're used to.

We don't know what
it was used for, and we

acknowledge these
uncertainties about its dating,

and its composition as well.

So we have a real mystery here.

But you see this patina
over this whole object?

And this creates
another problem.

Yes. Because
you cannot fake a patina.

It's impossible to
artificially create a patina.

The patina is a thin
coating of various metal compounds

that forms on the
surface of the metal

during exposure to
atmospheric elements.

The older the
object, the thicker

the patina layer will be.

It takes hundreds, if
not thousands of years

for a thick layer of patina,
as this apparently is,

for it to develop.

So, we-we
still have a mystery here.

In all of your
adventures, how does this compare

to some of the other
things that are inexplicable?

I am helpless. I have no idea.

That says it all right there.

Very bizarre. Bizarre.

Could the wedge
of Aiud be a physical remnant

of an extraterrestrial

that occurred
thousands of years ago?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes...

and suggest that even
more compelling evidence

of alien contact exists on
the other side of the world,

hidden deep within
an ancient tomb.

When it comes to finding
proof that extraterrestrials

visited Earth, the evidence
is not always obvious.

But sometimes it
can be crystal clear

if you know what to look for.

To me, this next
artifact irrefutably depicts

an astronaut in the
cockpit of a rocket ship.

Number two on my list of
the top ten alien artifacts:

the sarcophagus
lid of King Pakal.

Palanque, Mexico.


Archaeologist Alberto
Ruz Lhuillier discovers

the pyramid tomb of King Pakal,

who ruled over the
ancient Mayan city

from 615 to 683 AD.

This is the famous Temple
of the Inscriptions behind me.

Perhaps the most famous
pyramid in all of the Mayan world.

The French-Mexican
archeologist Alberto Lhuillier

began his
excavations at the top.

It took him four years

to slowly excavate,
step by step,

down the pyramid,
until he finally came

to the tomb of Lord Pakal,

and the giant
sarcophagus and lid

that the pyramid
were built around.

Arguably the most
remarkable Mayan artifact ever found,

the stone sarcophagus lid
of King Pakal has produced

considerable controversy.

Mainstream scholars believe
the depiction is of King Pakal

on a journey to Xibalba,
the land of the dead.

But ancient astronaut theorists
believe the king is portrayed

seated at the controls
of a spacecraft.

You see a man bending forward,

almost like
a racing motorcyclist.

He has his nose on some kind
of oxygen mask.