16x10 - The Harmonic Code

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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16x10 - The Harmonic Code

Post by bunniefuu »

In ancient
traditions around the world,

powerful sacred sounds were used

to communicate with the heavens.

The whole
universe resonates with the sound "aum."

But was sound also used

to create megalithic structures?

They had a certain sound,

a certain vibration,

and the blocks
moved by themselves.

And could
seemingly primitive rituals

actually have been connected
to otherworldly technology?

the harmonics and overtones

of a complex sound,

you could impart all
kinds of information.

Ancient astronaut
theorist giorgio tsoukalos

and author david childress

have gathered experts in science,

and mythology to explore
the mysterious power of sound.

Monuments worldwide

have acoustic properties,
and it's all harmonics.

And the possibility

that new discoveries
in acoustics

could lead to the next giant
leap in human evolution.

This is literally

getting the right
vibrations to create

the next experience of reality.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is the
promise of truth.

It demands we
question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is right
before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

I'm really delighted to be
here with you guys because

I think that acoustics
is definitely something

that needs to be
explored even further.

As humans,
music and-and acoustics

are very important to our lives.

from the bible, it says

god created the world how?

- In the beginning was the word.
- By speaking. -He spoke!

It's spoken, right?

The oral tradition is not
just words or intellect.

It's an entire tonal thing.

When the universe was created,

it says that the whole
earth has a grid of tones

that founds everything.

That is the same thing
in ancient india with aum.

They're saying exactly the same thing,

That the universe started with one note,
a single note.

- That's right.
- A vibration.

And then it's the aum sound.

Aum is a sacred sound

in the eastern
religions of hinduism,

buddhism and jainism.

Hindu concept of
cosmic sound is simply aum.

"aum" is made of three letters:

"a," "u" and "m."

those three letters combined
makes the sound "aum."

and the whole universe
resonates with the sound "aum."

Aum is not just found

in hinduism and vedic tradition.

It's very much used in buddhism.

It's utilized in jainism
and also in sikhism as well.

And it is the most common
and most sacred of all mantras

in all of these traditions.

The concept of
aum first appears in the vedas,

the religious texts that form
the foundation of hinduism.

According to the texts,
specific vibrations,

created through ritualistic chanting,
singing and prayer,

can provide a direct
connection between humans

and the gods themselves.

The importance of sound
in hinduism and buddhism

is very, very vital.

Without sound,
you cannot pronounce a mantra.

A mantra is combined
words made into invocation.

As described in the vedic texts,

the gods provided
humankind with a visual aid

to remember these sacred sounds:

Elaborate patterns
called mandalas.

Mandalas are mnemonic devices

used to aid meditation,
often in tandem with chanting.

What's interesting is
that in hindu temples,

we have a visual
representation of mandalas.

what they're doing is they're essentially

translating sound
into visual patterns.

In modern technology,
these are called chladni patterns.

In 1787,
german physicist ernst chladni,

known as the
father of acoustics,

published his seminal work,

discoveries in the
theory of sound.

In it,
chladni describes an experiment that shows

how vibrations can create
exotic geometric shapes.

We've got this thing
called a chladni plate,

after the scientist
who invented it.

It's a thin metal plate,
like a sounding board,

and we've got a transducer
attached to the bottom of it.

And they spread sand
over the top of this plate.

And we start
playing certain tones.

And those sand particles start

to bounce around
and dance around,

and they start to form these
mathematical circular patterns.

And as we move up
through these frequencies,

the sand goes into kind of
a chaos in-between state,

and then it arrives
at this next pattern.

And the higher the
frequency you go,

the more these patterns
become more complex.

In the 1960s,
swiss scientist hans jenny

was experimenting
with chladni patterns,

when he noticed an
extraordinary connection.

Jenny tried it with aum.

And it generated
an image of a circle

with a dot in the middle.

That itself is actually
very interesting

because the most fundamental
elements of any mandala

will usually be a circle

with a dot marking
the cosmic center.

the patterns made by frequencies

are known as cymatics.

In modern technology,
we are able to create

visual representations
of sounds.

What is remarkable is that
we see the same patterns

in hindu temples,
in ancient indian structures.

At the sri ranganathaswamy
temple in southern india

are 40 ornate statues carved
from monolithic columns.

The statues depict
leaping animals

and, above them, vimanas,

vehicles that,
according to ancient hindu texts,

were flown by the gods.

The word "vimana,"
in ancient vedic texts,

means flying machines.

In hinduism,
it is clearly established

that the gods come down
from the sky using vimanas.

In the temple of srirangam,
these carvings show

many different types of vimanas.

And what's really unique is that,
under these vimanas,

we are able to see some very
interesting patterns of mandala.

Some researchers
believe these mandalas represent

more than just
an artistic flourish.

According to legend,
each type of vimana

can be activated with a
specific type of mandala.

If we crack this visual code,

if we crack this
cymatic pattern,

we might actually unlock the
secret to power these vimanas.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Think about... all this
is somehow connected

to cymatics and some of
these shapes that we see in, uh,

the ancient hieroglyphics
and some of these structures,

megalithic structures.

And you can reproduce
those with sound waves.

And so I wonder if,
when these patterns occur,

when we create these sounds,
is this kind of like

we're inserting
the pin to open up

an encrypted pdf file to
the read the information?

And what they're trying to tell
us with a mandala is that this

is the cymatic code,
the shape, the vibration,

the sound that's
going to levitate

- or do whatever.
- Or whatever that...

You make this picture with sound,
and you've done it.

There is
knowledge of the ancients,

which was concealed because
mankind was not considered

ready for it.

And this was that technology.

What's interesting about this
whole harmonics and cymatics

is that this is a
universal thing.

It's gonna be
throughout the universe.

It's every single planet.

That's-that's called
the anthropic principle.

It-it's, uh, like mathematics.

We have discovered all these

extreme amplitudes
of acoustic sounds.

And right now,
we're currently working on how we might

be using it for
future technologies.

- I love it. This is great.
- So let me tell you a story

a-about, uh,
an event that happened very recently.

Two scientists have
done an experiment.

They go into the
great detailed math

of the quantum interaction,
with the sound interaction.

And they call that a
phonon-photon interaction.

Phonon is the
particle for sound.

And discovered that sound

can trigger this
negative mass effect.

In March 2019,

scientists at
columbia university

in new york city made
a shocking discovery

that redefined the
known laws of physics.

In an experiment,
physicist angelo esposito

demonstrated that phonons
are affected by gravity

but in a highly unexpected way.

Instead of being forced
down towards the earth,

phonons actually rise upwards.

Scientists discovered that
the phonon itself has mass,

which nobody
thought it had before.

But the closer they looked,
they realized

that it wasn't mass at
all; it was negative mass

and negative gravity.

It turns out that under

certain conditions
with sound waves,

sound waves can actually
start to rise rather than fall.

And this was an anomaly,
but yes, it seems to be consistent

with the laws of physics,
that certain vibrations,

instead of falling down,
can actually fall up.

To me,
that's experimental evidence

that you can,
if you understand sound

the right way,
use it to levitate heavy things.

So, could this imply

that the ancient stories
of levitation of stones,

that some type of
technology like that

- was im... Was implemented?
- That's right.

And that comes
back to this whole idea with,

uh, cymatics,
which is where we're taking, uh,

certain sounds
and putting them in

what we'll call standing waves.

And they produce these
amazing geometric figures.

And you could envision,
if you knew the way

to manipulate this the right way,
you could put...

You can make three-dimensional
figures with it, even. Right?

You could have sound not just
underneath it but all around it.

And, in fact, I've seen one

where there are multiple
transducers in a way

and they can levitate
little styrofoam balls.

- And ping-pong balls.
- Mm-hmm. Right.

Just by having
the sound in the right way.

And even do multiple
ones in-in configurations.

So imagine if you
could amplify the power,

if you could amplify
the-the principle,

wouldn't that or
couldn't that apply?

- Absolutely.
- Because we have ancient stories

in ancient egypt, in England.

Some of the stonehenge blocks,

according to some
of the legends,

- magician merlin... - Right.

...Was able to
levitate those stones

across the plains of England.


Is it possible

that the same principles
utilized to move sand particles

and larger objects
such as ping-pong balls

could also be used
on a larger scale

to lift and move
much heavier objects?

a great number of stories

can be found in
the ancient world

that involve the use of sound
to levitate massive stones.

All the way around the world,

there are myths and legends
relating to the movement

of stone blocks using
sound technology.

These are found amongst
the maya of mexico,

the phoenicians of the near east

and in tibet.

We have stories in ancient egypt,

where they seem to be able
to move the stone effortlessly

from one place to another,
some weighing hundreds of tons.

In the tenth century ad,

the arab historian
abul hasan ali al-masudi

wrote that the egyptians
were visited by beings

known as the
guardians of the sky,

who gave them knowledge
that enabled them

to levitate the massive
limestone blocks

with which they built
the great pyramid.

In old egypt,
they had a certain sound,

a certain vibration,
and the blocks moved by themselves.

They show a technology
which we do not have.

If acoustic technology was used

to levitate massive stones,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,

might knowledge
of this technology

have been left for
humankind to rediscover?

This levitation technology

is exotic because we have
no idea how to do this today.

For thousands of years now,
we've turned this

into the realm of
legends and myths.

The fact that we have
stories of these ancient gods,

in my opinion,
is that we are suggesting

that our ancestors

these beings as gods
because their technology

far surpassed their
current frame of reference.

- Right.
- So, these beings

from our ancient past had
probably figured this out

in order to do
whatever it was they did.

And that lends us
down the road of,

how do we figure it out?

And that's something
that I'm really intrigued by.

This technology

will not only
transform our society;

it'll change our world.

To me,
this is fascinating that there seems to be

acoustics and sound that
reach the realm of the gods.

The path of the ten sefirot

in the kabbalah speak
of the energy vortexes

which vibrate in five
different harmonics

called vowels,

which is called
tonal technology.

This knowledge was
considered too dangerous

to be publicly displayed.

And according to the
stories and the legends,

this technology was unleashed,
and it destroyed the world.

- And, I...
- So, well, first they destroyed jericho.

- Right? With their sound...
- Well, jericho, jericho...

Jericho came later,
but actually,

when you're bringing up jericho,

the whole story of
the ark of the covenant

and the marching,
this is only just one

simple biblical example.

The hebrew
bible's book of joshua

tells the story of how
israel conquered canaan

beginning with
the battle of jericho.

According to the story,
god commanded the israelites

to March around the seemingly
impenetrable walls of jericho

once a day for
six straight days,

carrying with them
the ark of the covenant.

But on the seventh day,
they were to circle jericho

seven times,
making tremendous noise.

On the seventh day,
as they circle it,

they blow the trumpets,

and it's the sound that
brings the walls down.

And you can think of that from
an engineering perspective.

Is it the trumpets
and the vibration,

the sound of the trumpets,
that somehow resonates

with a particular frequency
in the brick of the walls

that causes these
walls to collapse?

Is it possible
that the story of jericho

is a historical account
of acoustic technology

being used thousands
of years ago?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes

and point to other stories
that describe the power

of the ark of the covenant.

What I have always
found fascinating

is that we have stories of
these magical incantations.

- Right. - But, you know,

operating something
with voice commands,

if you don't know what that is,
that's a magical incantation.

This is the interesting thing,
because when you look at

the ark of the covenant...

...You look at the high priest.

The high priest, of course,
would speak to god

wearing the
breastplate of judgement

that had the 12 stones on it.

The high priest would
approach the ark of the covenant,

and he would start to recite certain tones,

These were very deep,
tonal, throat-type chants.

The tones were said to then
cause the stones to vibrate,

and they would send out lights,

and then the ark somehow
would react to this.

There's some
active energy there,

which we call the glory,
or kavod, of god.

It's not god,
but it's some actual energy field

that if you would
be in the presence...

- Remember, you couldn't go into the presence.
- Or a machine.

- That's right.
- Something was there

that if you went too close,
you died.

I'll tell you exactly what
that sounds to me like.

This breastplate has optical

and/or acousto-optical
transceivers on it.

And they're hand-shaking,
which is what

the old-school acoustic
phone modems would do

when you would call up...
Or the fax machine calls up...

To connect to the other side.

What we're seeing
here is that they would use sound

to link heaven and earth.

The idea that sound
can facilitate communication

between man and divine beings...

Like the hindu use of
aum... Is a common theme

in religious traditions
throughout the world.

All religions really use music,

and you see that
in worship services.

So the cantor with the
psalms in the jewish tradition...

...Choir in
christian traditions.

Even in the islamic tradition,
where there's no formal music,

there's a-a melody to
the recitation of the koran.

Every culture has the idea

that this music connects
us with the divine.

For many religious practices,

just as important
as musical traditions

are the locations in which
the rituals are performed.

A choir
singing in chartres cathedral

is magical because of
the architectural space.

And so these
architectural spaces

in all these various cultures,

from these kind of secret
monasteries in the far east

and in the middle east,

were famous for having

architectural designed spaces

that call up the sacred.

a growing number of archaeologists believe

some of the world's
oldest structures

were specifically designed to
accentuate acoustic properties.

Like all of you,
I'm always keeping up

on the latest archaeological
developments and research,

and I think it's
really fascinating

that monuments worldwide
have acoustic properties.

What they're finding is
that these were chambers

that were designed
where you would have this

acoustic experience
that you heard,

but you also felt it in your bones,
in your tissue.

- Yeah, they call this archaeoacoustics.
- Mm-hmm.

is an interdisciplinary

field of archaeology
dedicated to examining

how sound and acoustics
were utilized in the ancient world.

It's a relatively new field,

and archaeoacoustics
is looking at

the sound quality
of ancient sites,

historical sites,
archaeological sites

where we see music
probably played a role.

Stonehenge is one of those.

Where you stand in the
middle of stonehenge,

you would create the
sound blast of music,

whatever implements were used,

'cause we're not really sure,
and it would bounce

off the stones and create
this sort of echo chamber.

Stonehenge functioned
as a sonic temple.

By this, what I mean is that...

the center of the monument,

would create musical sounds,

particularly of a low frequency,

that would be contained
actually inside the stones

and build up an energy,
if you like,

for a purpose which we
can only guess at right now.

All around the world,
archaeologists have identified

numerous ancient
sites that were designed

according to
acoustic principles,

such as gobekli tepe in turkey,

the hypogeum in malta

and the newgrange
passage tomb in ireland.

Newgrange has very
strong acoustic properties.

What they found is,
is that the way the sound waves

bounce around the chamber,
they create

what's called standing waves.

And they increase in
intensity and sound.

According to some researchers,

curious carvings found inside
newgrange provide key evidence

documenting that
the structure was

purposely designed to have
elaborate acoustic properties.

And it seems that
these standing waves were recorded

actually within
the chamber itself,

where you could
see these zigzags

carved all over the place,

suggesting that they not
only understood acoustics

but they were
recording the experience

within the chambers.

The other thing of-of
real interest is the fact that

when they investigated
the corbeled roof,

which is like multiple
mega-size stones

almost going around a spiral,

they found that these
had been adjusted.

And they found the
reason for that was because

they were tuning the
chamber acoustically.

Is it merely coincidence

that ancient structures
all over the world

appear to have been
designed by different civilizations

that demonstrate such
similar acoustic properties?

Or might they share a
very common purpose?

And if so, why?

I mean,
it's fascinating the whole idea of

these vibrations and acoustics
within these ancient sites

and that they were
purposely created that way.

Yeah, they were set up for,

an extraordinary human experience

that potentially then this
can enable an experience

with an otherworldly being,
even a... Like a godlike being.

They were signifying
it was a place,

that they were opening
up a spiritual portal

by doing ceremony, chanting...

You know,
maybe beating drums or something...

To their ancestor gods
or to their sky gods.

What we're seeing
here is that these were

meeting grounds of
humans and the gods.

The interesting thing about
these resonance chambers...

One thing we have discovered
at these low frequencies...

You actually can be in a...

In sort of a trancelike
state from it.

there is a psychological

or spiritual effect.

This was used with
shamanistic practices.

Ancient religious leaders,
commonly known as shamans,

were seen as links between
humans and a higher realm.

For the shamans,
sound was not used

merely to make a spiritual
connection with the divine

but to actually interact
with otherworldly beings.

The term "shaman"

comes from siberian
religious practices,

and it means
somebody who can see

the underlying fabric of
the world around them.

These are the negotiators

between this world
and the other world.

They could step
into the other world

to negotiate with
otherworldly forces.

Individuals, shamans,

when they chanted,
when they sung,

when they used the instruments,

it was to enter into altered
states of consciousness

so that they could
communicate with spirit entities

and perhaps connect with

what we might describe
as ancient aliens.

The point is that
the shamanistic practices

are all built upon what?

Chants, sounds,
altered states of consciousness

which bring you
into connection with...

Extraterrestrials, aliens,
whatever is out there.

That's a really interesting point,

You know,
we have discovered that sound waves

can actually control our brain.

In the 1960s,
neuroscientists discovered

that rhythm and
acoustics can produce

a physiological change
in the human brain

through a process
known as entrainment.

If I can create a pulsing

in the external environment

that's pulsing at a
brain wave speed,

my brain waves will try to
match that speed to save energy,

and my conscious will...
Will change in the process.

So we can do that
using just a drum

to change consciousness at will.

If I hook you up
to an eeg machine

so I can look at
your brain waves...

And normally, when we're awake,

my brain waves are
generating beta function,

which is rapid,
between 13 hertz and 38.

And the drumbeat is at five.

And my brain waves are
gonna start slowing down

and slowing down,
slower, slower,

to take my consciousness
from a waking state

into a dream state
without going to sleep first,

which means that's a
classic definition of a trance.

The earliest examples
of brain entrainment

would be shamanic drumming.

The speed of the drumbeat
tends to be around five hertz.

And that's about like this.

You know,
that's about it. That's about five hertz.

And five hertz is
where your brain goes

when you're dreaming at night.

The whole idea is to
transform consciousness.

They were trying to
achieve a connection

with the divine,
with the otherworldly.

If modern science has proven

that shamanic drumming does,
in fact,

induce a state of trance,

could it also be
true that it enables

extrasensory abilities

and even allows for
communication with other realms?

While it may sound
like a far-fetched notion,

in 1995,
the u.S. Government revealed

that brain entrainment was
part of its top secret spy program

called project stargate.

Operatives in this
clandestine unit

gathered intelligence about persons,
places and events

from great distances by
sensing with their minds,

a practice called
remote viewing.

During the 1970s,

president jimmy
carter's administration

used remote viewers to locate

a downed russian
spy plane in africa.

You talk to any of the
old remote viewers,

the ones from the
stargate program,

they'll tell you how
accurate and how important

and how relevant
their information was.

John vivanco has been working

in the field of remote viewing

as both a teacher
and practitioner

for more than 20 years.

I worked with corporations,

counterterror for the fbi after 9/11.

At the start of
every remote viewing session,

john uses specific sounds
to entrain his brain waves

and create a trancelike state.

What we do with remote viewing

before we do a
session is a cooldown.

Uh, we will meditate,

and one of the aides that
we'll use are binaural beats.

if you think about frequencies in the ear,

we'll listen to these sounds.

if one ear is pulsing a sound

of let's just say... Six hertz

and in another ear it's
pulsing a sound of four hertz,

your brain waves
will synchronize

to around five hertz.

And we like to stay in that zone

in order to get the
best information.

John claims that
by entering this trance state

remote viewers have gathered
more than just information.

They have also encountered
otherworldly beings.

We were working a project

around the arecibo
radio observatory,

and I was the first viewer
on this particular tasking,

and I start to get these beings,
these aliens.

And I just remember
during the session,

uh, I kept saying,
"they're coming,

they're coming, they're coming."

and they started
to take notice of me.

And I'm starting to
freak out because I've got

tons of adrenaline
flowing through me.

I-I'm in fight-or-flight.

It telepathically communicated with me,
and it said,

"we are here to help you,
and we want you to help us."

the other viewers started to
experience the same thing.

And so that's when we started to,

now you know I'm
not hallucinating.

This is absolutely real.

Travis, you could speak to
this probably in more detail,

but we-we live in a spectrum,

- We see a very tiny sliver of reality.
- Oh...

And what if these frequencies...

What if they're like dials... You know,
you can...

Like you're tuning
the radio dial?

I'm not in earth frequency anymore.

"I'm just gonna tune it
a little bit in this space,

and I'm gonna be able to
see what's actually there."

what if... And this is a what-if...

You're in this perfect spot,
what if that shifts you

slightly, uh, in the spectrum that you can,
uh, perceive?

How about this?

If we could actually,
through science,

find the proper resonances,

that'll actually put us in
contact with... With whom?

- The ancestors.
- The only way to find out...

...Is to knock on the door
and go through and say,

"who's there?"

there is an ancient
book called perek shirah

with a chapter of song
where in which it's revealed

that everything in nature
has its own vibration.

- Right. - Which means it has

- its own consciousness.
- Right.

We call that
mechanical resonance.

Everything is alive.

And that comes back to...

The universe itself has
this mishmash of vibrations.

- Right.
- And it's singing a song, so to speak.

And if we learn how to interpret
and/or manipulate the song,

then we can interpret and/or
manipulate the universe.

- And it's all harmonics.
- It's all harmonics.

We've got to go
back to pythagoras

with his "music of
the spheres" concept

because he comes up with
the idea of the musical scale

and, uh, musical ratios.

In the sixth century bc,

the famous greek
mathematician and philosopher,

made an acoustic discovery

that would reverberate
through history.

Pythagoras was,
in a certain sense,

the father of
modern mathematics.

He gave us the base-ten formula

for our western
system of numbers,

and he discovered a divine symmetry,
so to speak,

in all things that exist.

One day, pythagoras is

walking by the blacksmith's,

and he's hearing some harmony

coming out from
the smithy area there.

And so, with the kind of a
persistence of a scientist,

he figures out that if a
hammer is twice the weight

of another hammer and they
both strike at the same time,

the notes they make are harmony.

The great discovery he made

is that the waves generated,

by strings or wind instruments

could be converted into
clear notes and scales

by using fractions
and discrete ratios.

So, pythagoras did this amazing
job of taking math and geometry

and tying it to music,
which then led to

the entire western
musical scale.

Pythagoras's study
of harmonics led him to theorize

that everything in the universe,
including planets and stars,

exists in a constant
state of vibration.

Incredibly, he was right.

2,000 years ago,
the greeks asked an elemental question:

What paradigm can explain

the entire complexity
of the universe?

Pythagoras said music
has the complexity

to explain the diversity
of the universe itself.

So, in other words,
our universe resonates

with the notes from music.

Pythagoras said that
everything is based on music,

which, in turn,
is based on certain ratios:

Thirds, fifths, octaves.

why not explain the solar system this way?

If you look at mercury, venus,
earth, mars, jupiter, saturn,

they are aligned
according to certain ratios.

Maybe these ratios
are the ratios of strings.

And so he called it
"music of the spheres."

when planets move
around the solar system,

he thought they
must create music,

music that we cannot hear.

This is heavenly music,
music of the angels,

but nonetheless,
that would explain the regularity

of the solar system itself.

And so he thought
you could explain

the universe through music.

Pythagoras felt he was

unlocking a kind
of code of creation.

He was providing humanity

with the language of the gods,
so to speak.

Pythagoras said it was apollo,
the-the sun god,

who taught him about all
of these advanced concepts

and laying down the
basis for modern music

and everything that
we know about music.

there's an extraterrestrial connection here

that is very important
for us to think about.

All this talk about music and
frequencies and harmonics

all boils down to mathematics,

According to the
ancient kabbalistic texts,

math, complemented with
the appropriate harmonics,

are going to align with
the natural harmonic

or universal pattern
of the universe.

We are talking about the hidden,

sacred knowledge
of the ancients,

which was their
secret technology,

their way of reaching out
to the higher dimensions,

whether they be to angels
or gods or ancient aliens.

This is a really interesting,
uh, conversation

about all these different
acoustic properties.

I've always thought that
there's a... A different pattern.

I call... I've always
called it the god fractal...

That, I think, if you found it,

it would be like the
mathematical instructions

to building the
universe or whatever.

Have you seen diagrams
throughout history or whatever

that, to you,
suggest the pattern?

- The flower of life.
- I was just about to say.

It has to be the flower of life,

the-the symbol
of creation itself.

of overlapping circles,

the flower of life holds
all geometric forms

within its design.

One of the oldest known
examples of this sacred geometry

can be found at the
temple of osiris in egypt,

a structure archaeologists
claim is 6,000 years old.

The flower of life
symbol is considered

the seed symbol of all symbols.

The ancient egyptians understood

this symbol came
from the heavens.

The flower
of life is very special.

It's really a... A mandala.

And it may have something to do

with the geometric
nature of the-the universe.

We don't know
exactly what it did.

Perhaps it was really
symbolizing some device

that's a sound device,
a harmonic device,

something that's
highly technical

and was used by
these ancient cultures.

Is it possible
that extraterrestrials

have used acoustics
to guide humankind

for thousands of years?

And if so,
did they hide clues in ancient traditions,

structures that create altered
states of consciousness,

and sacred shapes in the
form of cymatic patterns?

Perhaps the next
great leap forward

will occur once we tune in

to the extraterrestrial
messages around us.

I think, too,
the opportunity we have here

for cracking this
harmonic code is...

We all talk about a golden age
and a time when we're gonna see

presence on this planet,

and this could be the key to it.

"harmony" is the right,
uh, key word there.

- Exactly. - Yeah, right.

For the whole universe to be in harmony,

So, this is literally
getting the right vibrations

to match with
the right vibrations

to create the next
experience of reality.

I like that. Guys,
look, this has been

absolutely incredible

And I think we've
established that there is

way more to the
world that we know of,

there's way more to our reality

and also what we can
perceive with our senses.

And I can't wait to continue
this at some other time.

To be continued.
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