14x17 - The Secrets of Stonehenge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x17 - The Secrets of Stonehenge

Post by bunniefuu »

Megalithic stone columns
that have stood

for an estimated 5,000 years.

Stonehenge is
completely different

to anything else
in the Neolithic world.

But could Stonehenge
have been something more

than conventional historians
have assumed?

The fact that we now know
that Stonehenge

was part of
a much larger superstructure

indicates we're facing
a sensational mystery.

And could
modern scientific findings

reveal a startling truth?

We don't really know
who these people were,

don't really know
where they come from.

The people who built Stonehenge

just vanished from the Earth.

Might the mystery of Stonehenge

be the key to unlocking
the secrets of the universe,

and provide tangible evidence

of mankind's
extraterrestrial past?

Is it possible that Stonehenge

was actually built by these
sophisticated extraterrestrials?

It's a fantastic thought,
but it's possible.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

For six years,

the U.K. Ministry of Defence
has been in a slow process

of releasing the entirety
of their UFO files

to the National Archives
of England.

Now the final batch
of declassified reports

are released to the public.

Despite Ministry claims
that no credible evidence

or alien craft was discovered
in over 50 years of study,

one report,
from January 14, 2009,

includes a fascinating photo
of a disk-shaped craft

hovering above the world's
most famous megalithic site:


Stonehenge has been the site
of a number of UFO encounters

over the years.

The county of Wiltshire itself

is something of a UFO hot spot.

Dating back over the lifetime

of the Ministry of Defence's
UFO project,

there have probably been
several hundred,

if not low thousands,
of sightings recorded

in the county of Wiltshire.

But Stonehenge is
not only a major hot spot

for UFO reports,
it is also the center

of the crop circle phenomenon,

with dozens of unexplained
crop formations appearing

in the area every year.

Many of the most
spectacular formations

have appeared
in that geographical area.

This is a location
where there has been

more than, I suppose,

a fair share of weirdness
over the years.

People are
kind of obsessed by it,

because it's the only way
they can get back

to have some contact
with their ancestors.

I believe there's much,
much more going on here.

Why does the area of Stonehenge

more unexplained phenomena

than any other place on Earth?

Could a new examination
of these massive stone blocks

reveal profound truths
that have remained hidden

for more than 5,000 years?

The British Isles.

55 BC.

Julius Caesar begins
a military campaign

to extend the Roman Empire
into Britain.

His forces are met
by ferocious resistance

from the native Celtic tribes,
led by their Druid priests.

The tribes of Britain

were all united
against the warring Romans

by the Druids,

to repel the greatest general
who's ever lived.

It would take the Romans
nearly a century

to conquer Britain.

Once they succeeded,
they turned Stonehenge

into a temple
of their sun god, Apollo.

But the Romans were not
the first to adopt this monument

as their own.

The Celts themselves
had migrated into Britain

some 2,500 years before.

When they arrived,
Stonehenge was already there,

but the country was
eerily deserted.

The people who are responsible
for Stonehenge, for erecting it,

are nowhere to be seen,
and this is a puzzling,

piece of information
that we know now.

Instead of ignoring Stonehenge

and building new temples,
as historians would expect,

the Celts adopted it
as their own.

You have to ask yourself:

Why did the Celts and Druids
adopt Stonehenge

as a place of worship
if they didn't build it?

Did they somehow know
the power of the place?

Archaeologists today believe

that this great
Neolithic stone circle

has stood on the plains
of Wiltshire, England,

for no less than 5,000 years.

An outer ring
of 30 four-ton stones

surrounds five huge arches

whose massive blocks weigh
22 tons each,

and which were
somehow transported

from 120 miles away.

It's an astonishing feat
of ancient engineering,

and the mysteries about
its construction still remain.

Some of the stones at Stonehenge

weigh between 50 and 70 tons.

Some of the stones are
even heavier.

So how could you
have moved these into place?

How could you have moved them
from Wales,

where the bluestones,
the spotted dolerite, came from,

within Stonehenge?

The bluestones,

from which the original
Stonehenge was constructed,

were transported from
120 miles to the west

from a place called
the Preseli Mountains,

which is the only place
in the British Isles

where you can get
that kind of stone.

Now, how they were moved
is a mystery.

The predominant theory

as to how the megalithic blocks
were moved is that the builders

fashioned sledges and rollers
out of tree trunks

to lug the bluestones
from the Preseli Hills,

then transferred them onto rafts

and floated them
first along the Welsh coast

and then up the River Avon
towards Salisbury Plain.

You know, this idea

that all these ancient blocks
were moved

with, wooden rollers is...

is very interesting.

However, do you know
what happens to wood

when you put 20 tons
on a wooden roller?

It'll just get crushed
to smithereens.

However they did it,

it must have been
very important for them

to move these particular stones
to Stonehenge.

And that's a mystery.

That doesn't happen
anywhere else

at stone circles in the country.

They only come from stone
that's quarried locally.

However Stonehenge
was constructed,

it involved moving much more
than just the stone blocks

that stand today.

According to researchers,

this is just 25%
of the original monument,

the center of
a much larger structure

that was surrounded
by multiple concentric circles

constructed over a period
of more than a thousand years.

MARTINEAU: So Stonehenge
is very interesting

in that it evolves
over a very long period of time.

And the first thing
that goes up at Stonehenge

is not there anymore.

It's the 56 holes

that today are known
as the Aubrey Circle.

It used to be filled with
the bluestones from Preseli.

Around the outside
of the stone circle

is constructed
a ditch and embankment.

This is the so-called
"henge" structure

that stands around Stonehenge,
from where it gets its name.

Many mainstream scholars

suggest that Stonehenge
was simply a place of worship

and a burial ground.

But why would
the ancient people of Britain

have spent
more than a thousand years

to build what amounts
to a church and a cemetery?

And the big problem is
we don't really know

who these people were.

We don't really know
where they come from.

So we find similar structures
around the world

that show incredible levels
of sophistication,

like the Pyramids of Giza
in Egypt,

like Machu Picchu in Peru.

So why not, in ancient Britain,

why not have a very advanced
civilization here?

The fact that we now know
that Stonehenge was part

of a much larger superstructure

indicates to me that we've only
barely scratched the surface.

What did it all mean?

If the monolithic stones

that comprise Stonehenge today

are only merely
a partial skeleton

of the original complex,
is it possible

that it was among the most
sophisticated structures

of the ancient world?

Perhaps the answers
to who built it...

And why... can be found
by examining similar structures

found all over the world.

Each circle corresponds
Dr. William Stukeley,

a pioneer
in the field of archaeology,

begins the first
scientific survey of Stonehenge.

He quickly notices that
its axis aligns with sunrise

on the summer solstice.

Over the centuries, scientists
discover that Stonehenge

also points to sunset
on the winter solstice

and contains dozens of other
astronomical alignments.

NEWMAN: Stonehenge is
unlike any stone circle

anywhere on the planet.

It's perfectly circular.
It has lintels above it.

It's designed with
precision-engineered carving

and astronomical alignments.

TSOUKALOS: In my opinion,
it is Stonehenge itself

that is the message.

And one part of that message
is that Stonehenge

is a replica of
our solar system on Earth.

Each circle corresponds
with one of our planets

inside our solar system,
including Pluto.

So, now we have a structure
that's at least 4,000 years old,

and our ancestors
knew about Pluto?

Without telescopes?

Someone told them about Pluto

and all of our planets
in our solar system,

and that is the message,
because in Neolithic time,

there is no way
that they knew about this.

Is it possible
that the massive blocks

still standing at Stonehenge

were purposely arranged
to reflect the positions

of the planets
in our solar system?

And if so, could this
astronomical knowledge

have been imparted to our
ancestors by extraterrestrials?

While Stonehenge
is the most extraordinary

stone circle in England,

in the 1970s, Scottish
cartographer Alexander Thom

found that all the famed
stone circles across the U.K.

have sophisticated designs
that track the movements

of planets and constellations.

Alexander Thom surveyed

over 300 stone circles
in Britain.

And he came up
with this principle

that they used advanced geometry
in the construction,

which was connected
with very advanced astronomy.

Over time,
archaeologists began to find

that ancient megalithic sites
all over the planet

were built to align
with the sun.

In Macedonia,

the Kokino Observatory
features four stone thrones

at the top of a mountain

positioned to track
the solstices and equinoxes.

In Machu Picchu,
there is a stone temple

with three trapezoidal windows

also positioned
to align with the sun

during the solstices
and equinoxes.

On the northwest coast
of France,

a collection
of over 3,000 massive rocks,

called the "Carnac stones,"

align with both the summer
and winter solstices.

And some of the sites
where these solar alignments

are found include stone circles
similar to Stonehenge.

The entrance
to the Temple of Mnajdra

on the Mediterranean island
of Malta

is aligned to mark both
the solstices and equinoxes.

In ancient Malta, going back

potentially to 3,000,

to 4,000 B.C.
or even much older,

they also were observing

different constellations,

including Taurus and others.

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

the most significant
of all the ancient sites

that contain
astronomical alignments

is also the oldest.

German archaeologist
Klaus Schmidt begins

a major excavation
at Gobekli Tepe.

This prehistoric site
was believed

to contain a standard
Roman-era cemetery.

But what Schmidt actually
discovered would revolutionize

our view of the ancient world.

Gobekli Tepe is one
of the most fascinating stories

that we have in archaeology
in recent times.

It is the first documented

and confirmed archaeological
site in the world

that proves its age dating
as far back

as 10,000 BC.

Gobekli Tepe is the oldest known
stone circle complex.

It dates to nearly
12,000 years old,

and it stands out as one of the
most unique sites on the planet.

It really shouldn't be there
at this date.

It wasn't
for many thousands of years

that Stonehenge was built.

in Britain was constructed

around 3000 BC, but

as much as 6,000 years earlier

in southeast Turkey,

Gobekli Tepe was built

by a very early form
of Neolithic people.

And here you have a series

of circular monuments,

each made of T-shaped pillars,

like spokes of a wheel
radiating out

from a central spot

where there are
two huge monoliths

as much
as 18 and a half feet tall.

According to mainstream

one of the reasons
that Gobekli Tepe has survived

in such remarkable condition
for more than 10,000 years

is because
it was deliberately buried.

But why?

Was it to protect it

from some catastrophic event?

Or was it to hide what ancient
astronaut theorists consider

the structure's
otherworldly origins?

Perhaps the answer can be found
by a further examination

of not only
who may have built Gobekli Tepe,

but why.

Weighing up to ten tons,
We look around at templestons

sophisticated carvings,

and even signs
of hieroglyphic writing...

experts say Gobekli Tepe
could only have been built

by an advanced civilization.

But according
to mainstream historians,

the world's first
true civilization...

The Sumerians... did not arise

until thousands of years
after Gobekli Tepe was built.

What we know about Gobekli Tepe

is that the Sumerians

said, "They were built
by the ancients."

Who were the ancients that were
here before the Sumerians?

So, we actually have
geological artifacts

that point us to a civilization

before civilization.

Ancient astronaut theorists

Gobekli Tepe provides evidence

that a highly-advanced
civilization flourished

long before the Sumerians.

And they suggest
that a written record

of this civilization can be
found in the Book of Enoch

and its mysterious tale
of the Watchers.

According to the Book of Enoch,

there was an ancient race
of giants

who descended to the Earth.

They brought technology with
them and shared it with humans.

They were called the Anunnaki,

also known as the Watchers,

extraterrestrial beings
who lived near Gobekli Tepe.

In the Old Testament,

there are quite a few passages
that speak

of when the sons of God
encountered the women of Earth.

They thought of them
quite beautiful.

And so they mated with them,

and the offspring were
the so-called giants.

According to the Book of Enoch,

these hybrid offspring were
giants called the Nephilim.

They built a glittering
high-tech civilization.

But God considered them
an abomination

and sent a great flood
to wipe them out.

Going back 5,000 years,

we have sacred texts
that tell us

there was
an antediluvian civilization.

There was a great flood
and that there were survivors.

The Mesopotamians speak of this
in The Epic of Gilgamesh,

the Egyptians speak of this
in the Edfu creation texts.

We look around at temples
and other constructions

that suddenly blossomed
as if out of thin air.

We're asked to believe

that suddenly
humanity learned the skills

for building
these magnificent monuments

that we can't even duplicate

It doesn't make sense,

unless there was some
pre-flood teacher indeed

that taught us how to do this.

According to some traditions,

some of the Nephilim
survived the flood.

These hybrid children
of the Anunnaki still knew

how to build
megalithic monuments

aligned with the stars,
and that's what they did.

Tradition has it
that after surviving the flood

and building Gobekli Tepe
in Turkey,

the Nephilim began to migrate.

And each place they went,

they left stone circles
in their wake.

After Gobekli Tepe,

there are other stone circles
before we get to Stonehenge.

For instance, at Karahunj

in Armenia,
there is a massive series

of megalithic constructions
and circles

which have been dated
to approximately 5500 BC,

to the astronomical alignments.

Other sites
that are of extreme age include

Cromlech Almendres in Portugal.

This dates back
to around 6,000 years.

If the Nephilim were responsible

for all these stone circles,
is it possible that these giants

ultimately found refuge
in the British Isles

and built Stonehenge?

Many believe that supporting
evidence is found

in a 12th century book by Welsh
cleric Geoffrey of Monmouth,

The History of the Kings
of Britain.

It states that Stonehenge was
erected by giants in Ireland,

then transported
to its current site

by the famed magician Merlin.

has it, the king wanted

to honor the dead
from a great battle,

and he wanted
a particular monument

the giants had built in Ireland.

It was Stonehenge.

He sent Merlin
to get this thing.

Merlin used magic
to move it to Somerset.

This is how it got
to where it presently is.

And somehow he did this.

Whether it was magic,
we really don't know.

But we do know
that there are traditions

of giants moving stones.

We have to ask ourselves,

is it possible
that the Nephilim,

as descendants of the Anunnaki,

were the actual builders
of Stonehenge

and other megaliths
in Great Britain?

And, in fact, that
may well have been the case.

To further support the notion

that the Anunnaki
not only built Stonehenge

but also other megalithic
stone circles like Gobekli Tepe,

ancient astronaut theorists
point to a curious legend

concerning a tribe known
as the Tuatha Dé Danann.

The Tuatha Dé Danann

are probably
the most important tribe

or figures or group of people...

If they are people...
that show up in Irish mythology.

The Tuatha Dé Danann
were special.

The Tuatha Dé Danann were tall.

They had red hair
and blue or green eyes.

They had magical powers.

They had very advanced weaponry

and different types of
what sounds like machinery.

But also they taught
the high arts of civilization

and they were said to be
almost like the Shining Ones

of the biblical tradition.

Could it be

that the Tuatha Dé Danann
were the descendants

of the otherworldly beings

in the Sumerian tradition
as the Anunnaki?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes.

And as evidence,

they point
to a curious historic fact.

The Tuatha Dé Danann,
or tribe of Danann,

originally had a different name,

the Tuatha Dé Anu.

The name means
"the tribe of Anu."

And Anu here is the Anunnaki.

It's this mysterious people

who are talked about
in Sumerian texts.

So, here we now have
a connection

with the Tuatha Dé Danann

with the Anunnaki
of ancient Sumeria.

Did these Anunnaki descendants

really migrate
to the British Isles

and ultimately build Stonehenge?

And if so, could this shed light

on the mystery of not only who
built Stonehenge but why?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining
a startling new genetic study

that indicates that,

almost immediately after
Stonehenge was built,

its builders

mysteriously vanished
from the Earth.

In a groundbreaking
So the pgenetic studylt this,

published in the journal Nature,

Harvard researchers announce
a stunning discovery

about ancient human DNA.

It reveals that,

immediately after Stonehenge
was built,

the people who built it,

the ancient inhabitants
of Britain,

suddenly and almost totally
vanished from the British Isles.

They left behind
virtually no DNA

in the modern
British population.

What the 2018 study suggests

is that the genetic signature
of the Neolithic inhabitants

of the British Isles,

it vanishes
shortly after the period

in which they build Stonehenge
and is largely replaced

by an entirely new human culture

in a very short amount of time.

HENRY: The Harvard study is
an absolute bombshell.

An entire civilization
just disappears without a trace,

vanishes into thin air?

It's easily the most surprising
and most shocking conclusion

you can imagine.

The study used

a revolutionary new technique

that samples DNA
from ancient human bones

and then compares it to the DNA

of modern people
in the same place.

Scientists then determine

what percentage
of the modern population

is descended
from the ancient group.

So, the new genetic data
are really providing

an example
of population replacement,

in which the genetic markers
that characterize one population

is almost entirely replaced in a
relatively short amount of time

by the genetic signature that
characterizes another population

from a different part
of the world.

The strange disappearance

of the Stonehenge builders

a profound historical mystery.

But historians had long known
that around 2500 BC,

just after Stonehenge was built,

a new group
entered the British Isles.

The so-called Beaker people
are named

for their distinctive
clay pottery

and are believed to be
the ancestors of the Celts.

You might think that

when the original population
of Britain suddenly left

these stone monuments,

that the newcomers
would maybe just let them

go back to nature and
ultimately just-just fall down

and be destroyed, over time.

But that's not what happened.

And so it would seem
that these newcomers

that these places had power.

There was an energy associated
with them.

Something important.

The Orkney Islands, Scotland.


Ancient astronaut theorist
Andrew Collins

and author Graham Phillips

have come to these islands
to investigate

the mysterious disappearance of
the people who built Stonehenge.

Dating back to 3200 BC,

Skara Brae was buried in sand
for thousands of years

until a great storm
uncovered it in 1850.

Now known
as the Scottish Pompeii,

it was home to the people

who began Britain's
stone circle building boom,

ultimately built Stonehenge,

and then mysteriously vanished
from the genetic record.

Right. Site's over here.

Well, it's quite amazing

that this place
was completely covered

with sand,

until they refound it
in the 19th century.

The people who built
the first stone circle

a couple of miles from here
lived here.

Yeah. Just look at this place.

I mean, it's just extraordinary.

It's pretty sophisticated.

I mean, these walls here

are really quite advanced
for 5,000 years ago,

when everybody else
in the country was living in,

well, mud huts, basically.

I know. And-and the incredible
thing about this is

the descendants of these people
end up creating

all of the stone circles
around Britain.

How do you think this started?

I-I think something was changing
in the minds of these people.

But, you know,
the bigger question is,

what were they doing here?

Experts believe that
the descendants of Skara Brae

began building
the great stone circles

that ultimately led
to Stonehenge.

To see the first
of these mighty circles,

Andrew and Graham
travel six miles south.

So, we're going now
to the Stones of Stenness,

which is the first stone circle,
that we know of,

built anywhere
in the British Isles.

It originally consisted of

12 stones in a circle

around 100 feet in diameter,

and the stones
are up to 16 feet high.

What's so incredible

is that this first stone circle
in Britain

has a relationship

with Gobekli Tepe
in southeast Turkey, which...

Because the Stones of Stenness

is aligned to the stars.

To the south,

it's the rising
of the stars of Orion.

And to the north,

it is the setting
of the stars of Cygnus.

And the very same constellations

within astronomical alignments
at Gobekli Tepe,

thousands of miles away.

If the Stones of Stenness,

like Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge,

and other megalithic structures,

was constructed in such a way
as to be in alignment

with astronomical events, why?

Was it to merely function
as a type of calendar,

indicating when to plant crops
or perform rituals?

Or were these structures
oriented to the stars

for a far more profound

or perhaps extraterrestrial

It is true
that-that Stonehenge can be used

or was used as a calendar.

There is no doubt about it.

in order to create a calendar,

there was absolutely zero need

to build a megalithic structure
as gigantic as Stonehenge.

'Cause you could have recreated
the entire same thing

by, essentially, placing
ordinary sticks in the ground.

That was not the case.

So what was it?

There is a knowledge
and purpose here,

and it's-it's sophisticated.

Were ceremonies and rituals

conducted there that
actually achieved something?

In other words,
is, in one sense,

Stonehenge a device, a machine?

This geometry is there
right from the beginning

of the stone circle building

and the reason they were
choosing these shapes

was something to do
with astronomy.

And I think it's some kind
of interesting technology,

ancient technology, um,

whose origins are lost
in the mist of time.

Is it possible

that the builders
of ancient stone circles

weren't constructing
giant celestial calendars,

but, instead, were using the sun
and stars as guides

so that the giant stones
they were using

could be precisely placed?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

the answer is a profound yes.

And they believe the precise
astrological placements of these

weren't intended
for ritual purposes,

but for technological ones,
possibly as a means

of conducting and generating

a type of geo-electrical energy.

So the people who built this,

you think, were inspired
by the descendants

of those who built Gobekli Tepe.

I'm certain of it.

But as we know,

this is the beginning

of something brand-new
that starts here

on the Orkney mainland
and continues to Stonehenge.

So what comes next?

Just down the road
from the Stones of Stenness

lies the Ring of Brodgar.

The third largest stone circle
in the British Isles,

it is a hotbed of UFO sightings
and activity.

According to ancient astronaut

it could also hold the key
to solving the mystery

of why the Stonehenge builders

and inexplicably... disappeared.

Were the ancients mimicking

ancient astronaut theorist
Andrew Collins

and author Graham Phillips

are investigating stone circles

that are believed to be
even older than Stonehenge.

They have just arrived
at the Ring of Brodgar,

which is not only
an important historical site

but also a hot spot
for UFO sightings.

We're here
at the Ring of Brodgar.

It is a henge circle,
so all around

the outside of it is
a ditch and embankment.

And one of the things
that's been repeatedly found

in connection with stone circles

is that there's a very special
geology associated

with the landscape around them.

And all of these seem to be able

to manifest mysterious lights.

And they almost appear to act

like windows onto another realm.

Because as you get higher,

you can see that the whole place
is like a perfect circle.

A perfect hole
out of this reality

into another realm all together.

So this place here
could actually be

some kind of portal
between this world and another?


But what's so incredible

is that at virtually
every location

that this megalithic culture
moved out

is also somewhere associated
with the appearance

of mysterious lights,
what we'd call UFOs.

We're talking about Stonehenge,


the Isle of Anglesey in Wales,

and the area
around the Rod Stone.

All of these locations

are what we would call portals,

places where
mysterious lights appear

and then disappear.

Is it possible
that ancient stone circles

found throughout the world
were once used as portals

to other parts of the universe?

And could this explain
why the builders of Stonehenge

suddenly disappeared
from the DNA record,

right after the structure is
believed to have been completed?

While such a notion may sound
preposterous to some,

ancient astronaut theorists

that it is far from impossible.

NEWMAN: They realized
that these stone circles

actually do manipulate
earth energies,

these currents that are part
of the magnetic field.

Archaeologists now

are speculating
that the blue stones

that are part
of the Stonehenge complex,

they are a type
of black-blue dolerite

that has very bright nodes
of quartz in them.

Quartz is able to convert

the earth's natural
electrical vibrations

into a form of energy.

The amount of energy increases

when the quartz
is under pressure,

as it would be as part of a
massive monolithic structure

like Stonehenge.

So you have electrical qualities

when the quartz
is kind of crushed

and then you have magnetic
qualities as well

within the same stone.

So this could have been used

to manipulate
earth energy currents.

Many of the stone circles

have something to do with
astronomical alignments,

and you have to wonder if
it's a way of calculating

and having a calibration
that you can use

to create a special portal area.

It's got a special energy,

that's being manipulated

and created
by these megalithic structures.

Did the builders of ancient
megalithic structures

like Stonehenge
and Gobekli Tepe,

use their advanced knowledge

of the interconnectivity
between the Earth...

And the ability of precisely
placed megalithic stones...

To generate energy
to create portals?

And could this be
why they decided

to quarry the rock
for Stonehenge

from 120 miles away,

because they needed
a particular type of rock

with a particular
quartz concentration?

If so,
could their incredible ability

to create energy be
an indication

that their origins might be

If the Nephilim were actually

some sort
of extraterrestrial race

with super high technology,
then maybe

now all the high-tech stuff
is gone

and all that's left
is this skeletal structure

that we call Stonehenge.

If the builders of Stonehenge

really did create a portal

through which they returned
to the home planet

of their extraterrestrial

did that portal close
after they left?

Or was the site stripped
of its power

when the original structure
was deconstructed?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by examining one of the
strangest events to occur

at Stonehenge in modern times.

An event that some believe
may contain a message

from another world.

Wiltshire, England.

July 1996.

One of the most complex

and spectacular crop circle
designs ever seen

appears in a field
opposite Stonehenge.

The so-called Julia Set

appeared right next
to Stonehenge.

Now, the Julia Set
takes its name

from a fractal,
which is a mathematical shape.

This was intricate, complex.

There's an interesting story

that apparently a taxi driver

saw this formation

just appearing suddenly,

as if some unseen hidden force

was making the pattern.

Some people have said
that they were symbols

that are meant
to convey information.

And it's the conveying
of information

that I think
is the important thing here.

That really might be the key

to unlocking the mystery here.

Could it be that
the incredible crop formation

that appeared next to Stonehenge

was a message
from extraterrestrial visitors?

If Stonehenge was built
as a portal to the stars,

can this technology
be reactivated?

And might the mathematical
information contained

within the Julia Set
provide the key

to reopening the portal?

When we look at Stonehenge,

we have to wonder
about the energy there.

So, early on, it becomes a site
where things are happening,

are landing here perhaps.

But it all starts
with some activity early on

in this, in this special place.

People speculated
that the ancients

were able to perceive power,

Earth energies,
mysterious forces

that perhaps modern humans

have lost the ability
to perceive.

Maybe, the theory is, that we've
got smarter in other ways,

but we've lost
a certain something,

the ability to perhaps tap into

these ancient power sites.

Does a megalithic stone circle

standing alone
in the English countryside

represent the remains of the
most sophisticated technology

to ever exist on Earth?

A technology which was part
of a vast global network

of similar structures
that were not only capable

of generating
vast amounts of energy,

but also the means
by which alien visitors

could both arrive and depart?

Perhaps the stones
that still remain

were deliberately left standing

so that humankind
would one day restore

this lost technology...

reactivate it...

and ultimately reunite
with the ancient builders

who still exist...

light-years away.
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