14x14 - The Nuclear Agenda

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x14 - The Nuclear Agenda

Post by bunniefuu »

Five, four, three,
two, one.

The most powerful force

ever unleashed
by humankind

ignites a firestorm
of UFO encounters.

We have reports
of these green fireballs

being seen nightly.

Mass sightings are reported

at nuclear installations.

Multiple military personnel
witnessed these craft

interfacing with our
nuclear warheads.

Bombs are taken offline.

If it wasn't the Russians,

well, what or who is left?

These were
extraterrestrial objects.

Aliens have
always been interested

in planet Earth
and its military affair.

Is it possible
that extraterrestrials

are monitoring
our nuclear capabilities?

And if so, what are their
ultimate intentions?

This was the birth

of the modern UFO mystery.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.
The Pentagon.

April 23, 2019.

The United States Navy
announces that it is creating

new formal guidelines
to encourage pilots

and other servicemen
to report UFO sightings.

Officials promise that

all such accounts
will be taken seriously

and fully investigated.

The move marks a significant
change in protocol

by the U.S. military,

which previously
has tried to deny

or cover up these sightings.

The Navy is
saying we're willing to listen,

we're gonna collect this data,

we've seen too many examples
of unidentified aerial phenomena

around strike groups and other
very important installations,

it's time that we start getting
some more eyes on this.

Officials are quick

to dismiss the suggestion
that these craft

have any connection
to extraterrestrials,

but there is a long history
of military personnel

reporting encounters with craft
that defy explanation,

both around military bases
and, particularly,

nuclear weapons.

Something about
these nuclear facilities

seems to be attracting
these UFOs.

Something that we are doing
there is of interest,

and of course,
the logical deduction is

that it's the presence

of the nuclear weapons

Alamogordo, New Mexico.

July 16, 1945.

At a remote site in the Jornada
Del Muerto Desert of New Mexico,

the Army successfully detonates
the world's first atomic b*mb.

The top secret test is given
the code name "Trinity."

It is an ominous preview

of the destructive potential
of nuclear weapons.

The Trinity
test was a turning point in history.

It rates up there
along with harnessing fire.

It's truly, and in every sense,
a milestone in human history.

Just a few weeks after the
test, the United States

dropped atomic bombs
on the Japanese cities

of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The result was 200,000

men, women, and children dead.

Thousands more were poisoned

or d*sfigured by radiation.

In a world w*r that had claimed

an estimated 85 million lives,

and threatened
to claim millions more,

the bombs succeeded in shocking
Japan into surrender.

But back in New Mexico,

the Trinity blast also unleashed
something unexpected,

a series of bizarre
UFO sightings

described by witnesses
as green fireballs.

So right after
the Trinity test site,

we have various reports
of these green fireballs

being seen nightly

flying around
at incredible speeds,

and no one could identify
what these objects were.

The best explanation
is that they are, in fact,

drone reconnaissance vehicles
from a scout, uh, ship.

They send out these drones
and collect the information.

Despite being
investigated by Air Force officers

and world-renowned physicists,

no scientific explanation
for the fireballs

was ever found.

But this was by no means
the beginning.

According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

evidence that people had been
witnessing alien craft

in the sky had been documented
for centuries.

And in the weeks and years
that followed

the detonation
of the atomic b*mb,

the number of UFO sightings

began to escalate dramatically.

After Hiroshima,

there was a quantum leap change
in all of this

and a sudden, rapid acceleration
of the pace of events.

The modern UFO phenomenon
really took hold

in a very short order,

and the pace of all this

just increased exponentially.

Less than two years
after the end of World w*r II

came one of the most famous UFO
sightings in American history,

and it happened just miles

from America's most important
nuclear facility.

On June 24, 1947,

near Mount Rainier
in Washington,

a private pilot
named Kenneth Arnold

witnessed nine shining,
disc-shaped aircraft

move at an impossible speed
across the horizon

before disappearing from view.

These nine objects

flew in formation at speeds

that he estimated at

what at the time
was a staggering

1,200 miles per hour,

but what a lot of people
don't realize about that

is how close
this sighting was

to the Hanford nuclear
processing facility.

The Hanford nuclear
site is where the United States

established its first plutonium
production facility,

and this facility was producing
the fissile material

that would later be used
in atomic bombs.

The atomic b*mb
in the Second World w*r

could not have been developed
without Hanford.

just weeks after Arnold's sighting,

came the famous
Roswell incident.

After a mysterious craft crashed
in the New Mexico desert

outside Roswell,

military officials announced

they had retrieved
a flying saucer.

The next day, they suddenly
changed the story

and claimed it was just
a weather balloon.

Ever since, the Roswell incident

has been the subject of endless
speculation and debate,

but no one debates
that it happened literally

on the doorstep of
Roswell Air Force Base,

home to the 509th b*mb Wing,

the unit that dropped
the atomic bombs

on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The 509th b*mb Wing

was the most knowledgeable
group of humans

on the planet at that time
that knew about nuclear bombs

and nuclear warfare.

In June of 1948,

exactly one year after
the Roswell incident,

a similar UFO event occurred
in the Soviet Union.

At the time, the Soviets
were on the brink of developing

their own atomic w*apon,

and the UFO encounter
occurred at their primary

ballistic m*ssile test site,
Kapustin Yar.

It's a highly classified case,

but allegedly,
a silver, cigar-shaped

object appeared
over the testing grounds.

And the Soviets were able to
actually sh**t this object down.

They found remnants
of bodies in it

and also technology,

which was recovered
and taken to

the local bunker where they
kept it, allegedly, for years.

Kenneth Arnold's sighting.

The Roswell crash.

The Kapustin Yar incident.

Many believe it was

these events that ignited
the modern UFO era.

But is it a coincidence
that they all happened

next to important

nuclear w*apon and
ballistic m*ssile facilities?

While little has been documented
about UFO encounters

in the Soviet Union
during this time,

similar sightings were soon
reported in the vicinity

of virtually every other
nuclear installation

in the United States.

The sites where we're
developing these weapons...

Sandia, Savannah River,

Los Alamos, Oak Ridge...

There were UFO sightings
at these labs as well.

To me, the word that

we all should
be concentrating on

around the world is:
Governments, powerbrokers

confirm for us

everything that has been
being reported

since World w*r II.

We are dealing
with other intelligences.

They are here,
they are around us,

and they are right
under our noses.

The post-World w*r II sightings

shocked the military

but America's monopoly
on nuclear weapons

was about to come
to an expl*sive end.

And as a nuclear
arms race erupted

with the USSR,

the rash of UFO sightings
would expand beyond America

and engulf the planet.

Kazakh Republic,

Soviet Union,

August 29, 1949.

At a secret testing
site four years

after the end of World w*r II,

the Soviets become only
the second country in the world

to successfully detonate
an atomic b*mb.

Code-named "First Lightning,"
the b*mb signals to the West

that the Soviets
are capable of matching

the nuclear might
of the United States.

After the first
Soviet nuclear test,

the United States
begins to react...

and begins reacting

by developing newer
and more powerful weapons,

developing more effective
delivery systems.

In other words,
once the Soviets set off

their first nuclear test,
a nuclear arms race begins.

Desperate to
stay ahead of the Soviets,

the U.S. races to develop
a vastly more powerful device,

a hydrogen b*mb.

This devastating new w*apon
is first tested underwater

near the Marshall Islands
in 1952.

The colossal yield
is terrifying:

Over 700 times the power
of the Hiroshima b*mb.

But the size of the new weapons
hardly deters UFO sightings,

which occur before, during

and after these explosions,

although the public
is never informed.

Time and time again,

when b*mb tests are conducted,
there are UFOs.

Something that we are doing,

seemingly, is grabbing
the attention of the UFOs,

or the intelligence
behind the UFOs.

The U.S.
Air Force is so concerned

that in 1952,

Look magazine
runs a story entitled

"Hunt for the Flying Saucer,"

detailing a secret
Air Force investigation

into a rash
of over 800 UFO sightings.

The article points out

that an Air Force map
of the UFO sightings

duplicates "exactly the area
of atomic energy installations."

It also reports that
the government is distributing

200 special cameras
to atomic plant guards,

hoping to photograph
the mysterious intruders.

We have eyewitness testimony
from all sorts

of different branches
of military...

from people who are sworn
under oath,

and there are trained observers
that witnessed

these massive disc-shaped
objects come in,

hover over top
of these nuclear facilities.

And this, of course,
would have been a breach

of national security.
This would have gone

all the way up the food chain
to the very, very top,

about how these craft
are actually interfacing

with our nuclear warheads.

Does the sheer
volume of sightings

suggest that as the threat
of nuclear w*r grew,

extraterrestrials became
increasingly concerned

about the fate of the Earth?

Could they have been looking
for ways to save mankind,

perhaps by disabling
its nuclear weapons?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that such an audacious notion
is possible,

and point to evidence
that as the arms race escalated,

these aliens became
more than just observers.

Vandenberg Air Force Base.

September, 1964.

The Air Force prepares

to conduct a series
of test launches

of intercontinental ballistic
missiles, known as ICBMs,

from this base along
the central coast of California.

These powerful missiles
reduce the time it takes

to strike the Soviet Union

from 12 hours in a B-52 bomber

to a mere 30 minutes.

Suddenly, all it takes is
a go order and the weapons launch.

Within a split second,
a thermonuclear attack

goes downrange
toward the opposition.

In order to film
the Vandenberg m*ssile tests,

Air Force cameraman
Lieutenant Robert Jacobs

set up an ultra light-sensitive
telescopic camera

124 miles northwest of the base,

in the forest above Big Sur.


After filming the launch,

Lieutenant Jacobs
brought the raw footage

back to Vandenberg for analysis.

The next day, Jacobs'
commanding officer,

Major Florenz Mansmann, showed
him the newly developed film.

To Jacobs's shock,
a UFO zoomed into in the frame

and traveled alongside the ICBM
at over 11,000 miles per hour.

The rocket launches perfectly,

first stage falls off,
second stage falls off,

third stage falls off and now
you've got the dummy warhead.

Suddenly, a craft,
very disc-like,

moves in into the screen,

and starts maneuvering
around it.

And then, it seems to fire
a beam at this dummy warhead.

It burned up in the atmosphere.

The test failed.

The rocket was destroyed
or knocked off course.

Now, if true, this would be
direct intervention

on the part of a UFO,

to disrupt, perhaps destroy,

one of our weapons tests.

They invited the CIA
to come in and see it.

The CIA said, "Very interesting,

we're gonna take that film and
you're... this never happened."

Jacobs had records,
he had actual records

of what he did that day,

and Major Mansmann
denied his story at first.

He later on supported it,
so it's a supported story.

To this day,

the government denies that
any such film footage exists.

But if so, why would

two highly-trained
military professionals

make up such a story?

It's notable that after this,
Dr. Jacobs started getting

lots of harassing phone calls

and other harassments,
including his mailbox blown up.

So somebody was not happy.

I believe that film
still exists,

and I think one day
we will see it.

After Vandenburg,
the rash of interference

with nuclear m*ssile facilities
only increased.

Four years later,
at Minot Air Force Base in 1968,

a UFO reportedly removed
the massive cover

from a m*ssile silo.

This object had
literally removed the cover

from the launch facility.

It was a 20-ton
concrete, steel cover

that could only be removed
through expl*sive bolts

or taken off on rails.

What do incidents
like those at Vandenberg, Minot

and other
nuclear facilities mean?

Are they a warning or a threat?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that a vital clue was provided

during one of the most shocking
incidents in UFO history,

when extraterrestrials

didn't simply monitor
nuclear facilities,

but started
taking control of them.

Washington, D.C..

September 27, 2010.

Determined to inform the public
about UFO sightings

at nuclear sites,

former Air Force Commander
Robert Salas

and UFO researcher
Robert Hastings

organize a public hearing
at the National Press Club.

Isn't it time
for the truth to be revealed?

They introduce
the national media

to former Air Force officers

who give chilling accounts
of UFO encounters

at nuclear weapons sites.

Encounters they witnessed

He was as white as sheet.

He said, "Its back."
I said, "What's back?"

He said, "The UFO."

Probably about 1:00, 1:30,

uh, and a...
unidentified flying object

came from the north
and stopped right over us.

A UFO was sited over Echo Flight
about the same time

all missiles in Echo Flight
went down.

I am convinced
that somebody out there

is trying to send us a message.

The stories attempt
to reverse a decades-old pattern

of military cover-ups
and denial.

A number of former
military witnesses

went on the record

that UFOs had been
seen directly over

or in very close proximity
to these nuclear facilities

and that these UFOs,
whatever they were,

were clearly
under intelligent control.

Press conference
co-organizer Robert Salas

had a very personal stake

in challenging
the official cover-up.

That is clearly misleading.
It is false.

In 1967, Salas was stationed

at the Malmstrom nuclear m*ssile
facility in Montana

when UFOs not only
appeared overhead,

they shut down the ten nuclear
missiles under his control.

Malmstrom remains one of
the most infamous and baffling

UFO encounters
in American history.

To lose so many
nuclear missiles...

to have them inoperative...
this was an unprecedented incident.

Yes, there had been
UFO sightings

at nuclear facilities before,
but nothing like this.

Wall, South Dakota.

June 28, 2019.

Ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos

has asked Robert Salas
to join him

at The Minuteman m*ssile
National Historic Site.

So, how does it feel to be back
after so many years?

Uh, this will be kind of
a strange déjà vu.

Giorgio wants to learn firsthand

what happened to Salas
at Malmstrom in 1967.

While many Minuteman m*ssile
sites were deactivated

at the end of the Cold w*r,

this facility has been
carefully preserved

in its original form.

It remains almost identical
to the Malmstrom site,

where Salas witnessed
the UFO incursion.

A similar facility where

your story happened
that fateful night.

It's very similar.

A lot of the sites
looked exactly the same.

Where were you on that night?

Yeah, on that night
I was 60 feet underground

in a reinforced
concrete capsule.

And, now, where are
the actual silos?

The silos are about
a mile or so away

from this central position.

- Can we check that out as well?
- Let's do it.

That would be amazing.

Giorgio and Robert

make their way
to an adjoining silo,

where a deactivated
Minuteman m*ssile is preserved.

They harness up and descend
30 feet to get a better look

at a w*apon that once
held the power

to obliterate millions
in a split-second.

Welcome to the Enterprise.

So this is one of these

- Minutemen missiles.
- Exactly.

Minuteman One.

The first m*ssile went
into the hole in '62,

just at the time of the Cuban
m*ssile Crisis, just before.

These have a range
of about 6,000 miles.

Now, the warhead we had
was 1.2 megatons.

Just to put it in perspective,
the b*mb that hit Hiroshima

was 15 kilotons.

So 15,000 tons versus
1.2 million tons

of TNT equivalent.

We had 150 of these

just at Malmstrom alone.

We should all be so lucky that

these things were never fired.

- Absolutely.
- 'Cause that would have been

- complete devastation.
- Absolutely.

When your incident happened,

do you remember whether
there was any damage

to the m*ssile itself, or...

Let me tell you what happened.
And there was no damage.

What happened was

signals were sent
to each of the ten missiles,

allegedly from the UFO,

penetrating 60 feet
of earth and concrete.

It upset this guidance
and control system.

Uh, that's what
shut the missiles down.

I venture to say
that it was not a short circuit.

They could not isolate it

to any short circuit.
And believe me,

they did extensive investigation
on this thing.

Well, this was incredible,
but I also would like to see

your command center,
so can we go check that out?

You bet.

- All right. Let's do it.
- Let's go to the launch control center.

Let's go in here.

Thank you very much.

Then we go down the elevator.

And there's the blast door,


Look at this thing.

This is huge.

It was, of course, designed
to withstand nuclear blasts.

So let's go on in.


This is the capsule.

We were down here for 24 hours.

You know, it even
smells the same.

I remember.

I remember the smells.


Tell me what happened
that night.

I was in charge.
My commander was out.

He was taking a nap.

First thing that happened is
I got a phone call

from the topside guard.

"Uh, sir, the guards and I
are out here,

"we're looking up at the sky
and we see these strange lights

"flying around above us.

"They're flying very fast,
stopping on a dime,

"reversing course.

No engine noise."

I said, "Okay.

Let me know if something
more interesting happens,"

basically, and I went back
to my book.

So about five minutes later,
he calls back,

and this time he's
screaming into the phone.

I mean, he's really frightened.

He said, "I got all the guards
out here, weapons drawn,

"and we see this gigantic
red-orange object, oval shaped,

hovering above the front gate."

Uh, I was sure we were under
some sort of an attack,

and I said, "Use whatever
force necessary,

but make sure nothing comes in
the fenced area."

So the next thing I did is
I come over here,

wake up my commander,

and start telling him
about the phone calls.

And all of a sudden

we get Klaxons, horns.

We both look over
at the control panel here,

and boom, boom, boom,
one right after the other.

All no-go.

An-And each of these missiles
is on an independent system.


They're not like
Christmas tree lights,

where if one goes out,
the rest of them go out.

No, it's not like that.

Meanwhile, my commander
was calling command post.

So when he was finished
with that call,

he turns to me and says
the same thing happened

at another launch facility
a week earlier.

I mean, it has to be
incredibly startling

and disconcerting
that someone else

with higher technology
is able to disable our missiles.

- Right.
- If it wasn't us, the U.S.,

and it wasn't the Russians
or the Chinese or whoever,

well, what or who is left?

Exactly. And that's how I've
come to the conclusion

that these were
extraterrestrial objects.

- Or they were constructed off Earth.
- Mm-hmm.

Because we had nothing that
could do anything like this,

either then or now.

Military officials have
never provided an explanation

for the m*ssile shutdown.

Was it caused by

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that proof lies

in the fact that for 50 years,

the United States military
covered it up.

The Minuteman m*ssile
National Historic Site.

South Dakota.

June 28, 2019.


Giorgio Tsoukalos is with

former Air Force commander
Robert Salas

at a decommissioned
nuclear launch site

that is identical to one
at Malmstrom Air Force Base,

where Salas had
a UFO encounter in 1967.

So after the object flew away,

what happened next?

The missiles come back online?

We had to bring
maintenance crews out

to go through a very
intricate procedure

to bring them back up online.

Within 24 hours,
we had our missiles back up.

And then was there a debriefing

or was there a discussion?

We were ordered to our
squadron commander's office.

Right away, I say, "What the
hell happened out there?"

And he said, "I don't know."

I asked him specifically,

"Could it have been some kind
of an Air Force exercise?"

And he said, "Absolutely not."

And then the guy next to him,

he shoved this paper
in our faces. "Sign here."

I said, "What is this?"

He said, "This is a
nondisclosure statement

"about the incident.

You are never to speak
about it to anybody."

So you were given an order.

We were ordered to sign, yeah.

And that was it.

Uh, I could not speak
about this,

and I didn't speak about this
to anyone for, uh,

about 27 years.

Some believe
that the ability of UFOs

to shut down nuclear missiles

poses a grave threat
to national security,

and that the Malmstrom
incident suggests

the aliens had a hostile intent.

But Robert Salas believes
it shows the opposite.

The intruders were demonstrating
their concern for mankind.

They did not damage
the missiles.

They did not hurt anybody.

If they had some kind
of a w*apon,

They did not use it
against any...

any of the... of the guards.

So all it was, to me,
was a message,

and the message was,
"Get rid of your nukes.

"They will not help you

- in any way advance your civilization."
- Right.

Over the years,
you've thought about this

and, essentially,
it was a warning

that this is not the way to go.

Exactly. Exactly.

Robert Salas and his commander
saw that all ten missiles,

one by one, went offline.

Now, this is something that
the Air Force later deemed

could not be possible,
because all of these missiles

are all independent.

So the likelihood
of someone being able to

manipulate this is almost zero.

And I say almost zero because,
clearly, somebody did it.

I could feel the emotion
by Robert.

And for over 20 years
he has investigated this,

and there are dozens
of similar examples.

Were incidents like
Malmstrom attempts to force mankind

to abolish nuclear weapons?

If so, they did not succeed.

The arms race continued unabated

through the 1970s and '80s.

And so did reports
of UFOs at nuclear sites.

During the famous Rendlesham
Forest incident in 1980,

dozens of military witnesses

a strange triangular UFO

above the nuclear weapons
storage depot

at Woodbridge Air Force base
in the U.K.

An even more
frightening incident

happened in the Soviet Union
in 1982.

There, UFOs didn't turn off
the missiles like at Malmstrom,

they turned them on.

A number of the missiles

actually went into
their prelaunch sequence.

And panicked scientists
and military personnel

were rushing around desperately
trying to shut things down,

fearing that whatever was going
on here was going to lead,

perhaps, to nuclear w*r
and Armageddon.

With the fall of
the Soviet Union in 1991,

the Cold w*r came to an end.

Unfortunately, the world's
deadly nuclear arsenal

did not diminish,
as many had hoped.

nuclear proliferation continued,

and with it, the continued
sightings and reports

of alien interference.

It is my belief
that over the years,

they have catalogued
every nuclear installation

in the whole world to record

what they should expect
in case of an emergency.

But if extraterrestrials
really are monitoring

Earth's nuclear-armed nations,
what is their agenda?

astronaut theorists suggest

that the best way to understand
the events of today

is by examining those
in the distant past,

and an ancient site that appears
to also have been destroyed

by a nuclear blast.

Sindh Province,
Southern Pakistan.

These ruins spanning 250 acres
of the Indus River Valley

represent one of the earliest
civilizations in the world.

Known as Mohenjo-daro,

this 4,000-year-old lost city

was first uncovered
by archaeologists in 1922.

Mohenjo-daro came to a height

around 2000 BCE.

For some reason,
unknown reasons,

it was totally wiped out,
you know.

The whole civilization
vanished, um,

and we do not know
why and how.

When British archeologists
first excavated Mohenjo-daro,

what they found
astonished them.

And that was that people were
just lying dead in the streets,

sometimes holding hands.

It was like some terrible doom
had just totally wiped out

this entire city and everyone
was just instantly dead.

In 1979,

British researcher
David Davenport published

startling findings about
the demise of Mohenjo-daro.

He revealed that there was a
kind of epicenter in the ruins,

approximately 50 yards wide,

where pottery,
stones and other objects

were melted on one side.

Many appeared crystallized
and fused together,

as though subjected
to instantaneous, extreme heat.

Davenport concluded
that this ancient civilization

must have been destroyed

by a nuclear expl*si*n.

By finding fused bricks,

vitrified walls,

pottery vessels
that had completely melted

and also skeletons
that were calcified,

and apparently some of them
even still radioactive.

He decided that Mohenjo-daro
had been nuked.

In Mohenjo-daro,

you find some of the ruins
which are simply melted stones.

Which means extreme heat

must been developed
to melt the stones.

At that time,
some thousands of years ago,

we humans had no extreme heat,

so it must have
come from a w*apon.

How could a 4,000-year-old
city have been wiped out

by a w*apon
that wasn't even developed

until the 20th century?

Some believe the answer may lie
in the ancient Hindu holy book

the Ramayana of Valmiki,

which tells of epic battles
with a monstrous w*apon

called the Brahmastra.

Brahmastra is a w*apon

named after Brahma himself,
God Brahma.

It has a heat-seeking device
put into it,

and also motion detecting.

The fallout from these weapons

are reported in the Ramayana

as lasting for months and years
after the blast.

People's fingernails
were coming off,

people's hair were falling off,

so it's got all the signatures
of an atomic expl*si*n.

The descriptions
of the aftermath

of the use of the Brahmastras

sound just like descriptions
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But could such powerful
weapons of mass destruction

have existed on Earth
thousands of years ago?

And is it possible
that the city of Lanka,

where the ancient texts say the
Brahmastra w*apon was unleashed,

was not a fictional location,

but the site known today
as Mohenjo-daro?

Those texts are
chock-full with extraterrestrials

or the so-called Gods having
waged a w*r up in the sky

that our ancestors
actually witnessed.

When you combine the physical
evidence and you combine that

with ancient written documents,

perhaps what we have here
are descriptions

of weapons of mass destruction.

In 2016,

researchers in India announced
that carbon dating

of pottery and animal remains
revealed Mohenjo-daro

could be as many
as 8,000 years old,

2,500 years older
than previously thought.

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe it could be even older,

perhaps dating to a time before
the so-called "great flood"

as described in numerous
religious texts.

But even if such
a startling notion is true,

how was Mohenjo-daro

Was it a natural event?

Or was it the result of some
kind of nuclear accident...

or act of w*r?

I think atomic weapons
have been used on Earth

many times
over thousands of years.

The aliens were concerned
every time that happens.

If an ancient
civilization was destroyed

by some kind
of nuclear incident,

did it happen
as the result of human warfare

or an extraterrestrial attack?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

the answer to this question
must be found

before it's too late.

Washington, D.C..

May 2013.

Thank you for giving me
this opportunity to speak.

Former Canadian
Defense Minister Paul Hellyer

addresses the Citizen Hearing
on Disclosure,

a weeklong conference
centered on UFO sightings

and government transparency.

We live in a cosmos
teeming with life.

The fact that some other
civilizations are more advanced

than we are may be humbling.

Based on the information

that he has been presented with
over the years,

Hellyer believes that

are concerned about Earth

because of previous

I think several species
throughout history,

both on this planet
and other planets,

have used nuclear weapons

and have really destroyed

their planets
as a habitable place.

And some of the people
who have been visiting here

have gone through that
and understand it,

don't want it to happen again
on Earth...

because the cosmos is a unity.

It's all one creation.

And anything that happens
anywhere affects other planets,

other species
all throughout the cosmos.

I think we're being observed

to see if we can get through
this period,

of dealing with these weapons
and actually eliminating it.

And that's a big test for us.

They want to see humans advance.

They want us to get past w*r.

That's what they say.

"You have to stop even
considering nuclear warfare

"because you do not
understand, humans,

"that when you split an atom,

"you are tearing
into other dimensions

"where there are
other intelligences,

and we cannot allow that."

Are extraterrestrials
monitoring our nuclear weapons

not just out of concern
for humanity,

but because they fear
we may one day pose a threat

to life on other planets?

And if so, might they be
withholding the key

to interstellar travel
until we demonstrate

that we can live in peace
with all our neighbors,

both here
on Earth and in space?

Perhaps it will only be
when humankind abandons

its most fearsome weapons

that our evolution on Earth
will be complete,

and we will join our alien
ancestors in the stars.
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