14x11 - The Trans-Dimensionals

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x11 - The Trans-Dimensionals

Post by bunniefuu »

Are alien visitors coming
to Earth in spacecraft?

These mysterious lights appear
to be intelligently directed.

Or could some be coming here
by other means?

When we think of encounters
with extraterrestrials,

it's quite possible
that they are using

some interdimensional
way of traveling.

There are those who believe
that not all close encounters

are of the physical kind...

Would we perceive life
in these parallel universes

as like a ghost or a spirit?
An angel?

and that alien contact often
happens without our knowledge...

It exists beyond
the visible spectrum.

So the fact that
we don't see it,

doesn't mean it's not there.

and leaving no trace.

Maybe we're not really dealing
with extraterrestrials

from outer space,
but ultra-terrestrials

coming from parallel space.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

Pisgah National Forest.

Burke County, North Carolina.

As darkness descends
on the Brown Mountains,

strange glowing orbs materialize
on the horizon.

They hover over the range
for a few seconds at a time,

and then mysteriously vanish.

The Brown Mountain Lights have
been observed for centuries.

There are Indian accounts
as early as the 13th century.

Back in the antebellum days,
some plantation owner

was hunting there, disappeared.

Some of the people
from his plantation,

slaves we would presume,
went looking for him,

they disappeared;
never explained.

But that night,
these lights were seen.

For decades, these lights
have been talked about,

studied, and no one is sure

exactly what
causes these lights.

There are many theories
about them,

but nobody really knows
for sure.

There's the very curious story

of a person named Ralph Lael

who claimed that
he was following

the Brown Mountain Light
one night

and that it led him into a
secret cave full of crystals.

And a booming voice then told
him about extraterrestrials...

and that they had
the technology to go

from one dimension to another,

to appear and disappear.


Appearing and disappearing?

Moving between dimensions?

While it may sound
like a fanciful story,

the Brown Mountain Lights have
confounded attempts

at conventional explanation
for centuries.

And this phenomenon,
while baffling,

is not entirely unique.

All over the world, there are
these anomalous lights.

One of the most famous
is the Marfa Lights

in West Texas.

There is an area
of the Mekong River

between Thailand and Laos,
where lights appear

on the river every spring.

And it's a well-known phenomenon
in that area.

We have these lights, too, that
appear in the Bay of Bengal,

and fishermen believe
that they are the lights

of dead fishermen
who are sometimes guiding them

to their deaths,

or, conversely, they're helping
them get back to shore.

These incredible occurrences
of mysterious lights

that appear to be
intelligently directed

as if they're alive;
and people have the sense

that they're coming from
somewhere else,

coming from other planets,
perhaps even other dimensions.

When these lights are seen,
in my opinion,

it's the result of
a technological process.

Some type of technology
is involved.

And that technology would have
to be extraterrestrials.

Could there really be
an alien connection

to these seemingly
intangible orbs,

often referred to
as "ghost" lights?

Might they offer a brief glimpse
into other worlds,

possibly within other dimensions
beyond our reality?

Are they extraterrestrial,
from another planet?

Were they ultra-dimensional,
from a different dimension?

That all depends who you ask.

But the one thing
that all held in common

was there is a greater reality
in which we exist.

In the modern world, there is an
invisible sea of wireless data.

Radio waves, microwaves,

and various other frequencies
exist everywhere that go unseen.

And in fact, what humans
are able to perceive

with the naked eye
is extremely limited.

The human visible spectrum goes
only from 380 to 770 nanometers.

This means that humans
are only capable of perceiving

one octave of light
of this entire spectrum.

The fact that we cannot see
the rest of the spectrum

does not mean it's not there.

Technology has enabled humankind
to become aware

of much that cannot be perceived
with the five senses.

But could there be far more
that exists, even outside

the range of humanity's
most sophisticated technology?

Perhaps even hidden dimensions
and alternate universes

that exist
right next to our own.

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes, and point

to cutting-edge
scientific research

that may have located proof of
these alternate, unseen worlds.

Pasadena, California.

October 2015.

A team of scientists

at the California Institute
of Technology

utilizes data collected

by the powerful
Planck satellite telescope

to examine physical evidence
of the Big Bang.

To their astonishment,
they also discover evidence

of so-called hot spots,
places where our universe

could actually be coming
into contact with others.

Picture two balloons
being blown up

really close together,
and they happen to touch

or bounce off each other,
or even just come very close

enough to interact.

That will leave an imprint
in our universe

that will show up in this cosmic
microwave background signal.

This raises the question,
would we perceive

other dimensions
and other universes

with other dimensionalities?

This also raises the question
of whether life and intelligence

could exist in these
parallel universes,

and would we perceive this as,
like, a ghost or a spirit?

An angel?

When we think of
the Brown Mountain Lights,

it's quite possible that
they are interdimensional,

or even from another universe.

And it makes you wonder
what other unseen energies

are everywhere that we're
unaware of and can't detect.

Could the Brown Mountain Lights

actually be emanating
from a parallel universe?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and they suggest

that intimate knowledge
of these inhabited worlds

can be found in the world's
most sacred texts.

Seaford, New York.

February 1958.

In a relatively unassuming
suburban ranch home,

an unseen force begins to
terrorize the Hermann family.

Screw tops mysteriously
pop off bottles.

Objects fly across the room.

Furniture topples over.

After this phenomenon
went on for several weeks,

the Hermanns became confused,

perhaps even
a little bit frightened.

They reported the phenomena
to the police department.

A couple of police detectives
came over.

A psychological investigation
would look into

the family dynamics.

Is there something happening
at this particular point

in their journey
that causes distress

they're not aware of so that
the physical vibrations

would affect their surroundings?

Eventually, the parapsychology
lab at Duke University came in

to investigate the case.

The Duke lab talked about
poltergeist phenomena

as possibly the release
of emotional energy,

particularly from adolescents
or young children,

or kids going through puberty.

The idea being that
they were confused,

they didn't know what was
happening to their bodies,

they had emotional energy
and trauma.

They were operating
under the assumption

that the poltergeist phenomena
was due to telekinetic energy

being released by
the young boy in the family.

These things were seen
by a whole group of people.

Even some of the experts saw
the phenomenon.

Can this be something
from another dimension?

It's not clear.
Is this a group hallucination?

Are they somehow channeling
the sighting to each other?

The psychic expert said
it's often an adolescent girl,

so she watched the girl
to see if somehow

it was happening
when she was there.

But it didn't really pan out,

so it didn't follow
classic lines, and yet

there were lots
of witnesses, experts,

and no explanation
was ever found.

Years later, Steven Spielberg
wove the tale

into a fine movie
that was a big hit...


If this poltergeist event
was not simply the result

of telekinetic energy,
as some investigators suspected,

then what can explain it?

Was the Hermann family
really haunted by ghosts?

Or could they have
encountered an entity

from another dimension?

We know science
has been able to measure

all sorts of invisible things:
the electromagnetic field,

the heat signature
of objects and people.

So the fact that we don't see it
doesn't mean it's not there.

Any contact that we have
with an interdimensional being

is actually happening beyond
our normal visual spectrum.

There is no question in my mind

that there is more
than one species

right here on the Earth
that is operating

within different
frequency ranges.

That's why we don't
really see them.

Most of our extraterrestrial
encounters are interdimensional.

These beings
are not coming from far away,

they are actually
within our human plane,

only existing
in another dimension.

And all we're doing is crossing
from one dimension to another

within this earthly reality.

It doesn't mean that all
extraterrestrial encounter

is interdimensional.

In fact, I believe it's both.

Could the Hermann poltergeist
and others like it

have been caused by beings
from another dimension?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that such an audacious concept
is possible,

and believe this could also
help explain the existence

of everything from so-called
ghosts to angels and demons.

For their proof,

they point to a particular
phrase found

in multiple religious texts.

A phrase in the Hebrew Talmud,
as well as the Quran,

which details the existence

of seven levels
of heaven and Earth.

What are the seven levels
of heaven?

Some associate them
with the different planets

of our solar system.

But others refer to them
as being parallel dimensions.

So when we speak
of the other worlds,

which people have interacted
with throughout the centuries,

maybe we're not really dealing
with extraterrestrials

from outer space,

but ultra-terrestrials
coming from parallel space.

Could it be that what are
commonly understood to be ghosts

are not spirits of the deceased,

but entities
from other dimensions

that, while able to manipulate
things in our world,

cannot be fully perceived
by humans?

Jabal al-Nour,

six miles north
of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

602 AD.

While in deep meditation
within the Hira Cave,

the prophet Muhammad is visited
by an otherworldly messenger,

the archangel Gabriel.

Muhammad was meditating
in a cave when suddenly,

as if out of nowhere, the
archangel Gabriel manifested.

In the Quran, they describe
Gabriel as standing on

or between horizons.

This is a tip-off
that we're dealing

with an interdimensional being.

Because in ancient texts, it
means that they had the ability

to phase in between dimensions,
to take on a physical form

and then to revert
back to their light body form.

to the Islamic tradition,

Gabriel provided Muhammad
revelations direct from Allah.

These teachings
would inform the Quran,

and become the basis
for the Muslim faith,

the second largest religion
in the world.

Might it really be
that the messenger Gabriel

was an interdimensional being
from an unseen realm

here to assist humankind?

Here we have

an angel who's basically acting
like an extraterrestrial

who even has
some kind of aircraft

that he's flying Muhammad
around in.

When we think of space travel

and encounters
with extraterrestrials,

it's quite possible
that they are using

some interdimensional way of
traveling, but it doesn't mean

that they are necessarily

or even from another universe,
but they have the technology

to go from one dimension
to another,

to appear and disappear, and it
all has to do with technology.

Could it really be

that religious prophets
like Muhammad have gained access

to parallel dimensions
beyond our known reality?

Dimensions from which they
and other advanced beings

might access our world
via interdimensional highways

that allow them to move without
any space or time restrictions?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest further evidence
can be found by examining

a shamanistic practice
in Australia that dates back

thousands of years: Dreamtime.

The Australian Outback.

Located hundreds of miles
from the bustle

of the major city centers
of Sydney and Melbourne,

this sparsely-populated region
of the continent

is home
to an indigenous population

that can trace their roots
back over 40,000 years.

Through ceremonial trances,

elders claim to be able
to freely access a realm

where they connect
with ancestral beings.

They refer to this alternate
reality as the Dreaming,

or Dreamtime.

The task of the traveler,
the dreamer,

is to connect the two worlds,
is to bring the reality

of the dream...
Which they consider superior

to the reality
of what we call waking life...

To bring that over because it is
full of guidance and treasures.

Dreamtime allows the indigenous
people of Australia

to travel back in time,

or at least visit with ancestors
very far back in time.

They say back
to their original ancestors.

The Aboriginal artwork
depicts these ancestors

with oblong heads
and large eyes,

an appearance
that ancient astronaut theorists

find eerily similar

to modern-day accounts
of Grey aliens.

But Australia's Dreamtime
is not an isolated anomaly.

In fact, shamans and holy men
in numerous other world cultures

speak of alternate realms.

Throughout Asia,
Hindus and Buddhists believe

in the existence
of infinite universes.

The Yoruba of West Africa
believe another realm exists

above the physical realm.

In the Kabbalah, it is taught
that there are 125 levels

between humans and the creator.

And even in North America, many
native tribes perform ceremonies

that connect them
with unseen entities.

But if spiritual leaders

really are able to see
into other dimensions,

is it possible
that there may be a way

for all humans
to obtain such vision?

The Upper Amazon region
of South America.

For hundreds of years,
medicine men here

have utilized a plant-based drug
called ayahuasca

for healing and to access
otherworldly realms.

In these ceremonies

and altered states
that are conjured up

in the Amazon and other places,

there is information
that seems to be of great value.

Ayahuasca makes the curtains
between realities vanish.

Such journeys are central to
shamanistic initiatory rituals.

Whether they are breaking
through to parallel realities

or exploring
the hidden dimensions

of their own inner worlds,

these experiences
are dramatically significant

in the lives of the travelers.

One of the great revelations

of the ayahuasca experience

is that they experience
ancient ancestors

as well
as extraterrestrial beings,

suggesting that, in fact,
the ancestors

and the extraterrestrials
are the same beings.

The ayahuasca brew

is made from two ingredients:

a root from one specific plant,

and a leaf from
an entirely different species.

The active ingredient
in the prepared concoction

is dimethyltryptamine, or DMT.

This powerful
psychedelic chemical

is found in small quantities
within the human body.

The substance is believed
to be released

into the human endocrine system
and floods the pineal gland

upon death and during
near-death experiences.

While mainstream scientists
consider the action

of the ayahuasca
to be purely hallucinogenic,

some modern researchers believe

the substance can open doorways
to new realities.

DMT seems to be able to alter

our brain wiring in a way
that allows us to perceive

in more than four dimensions.

Dimethyltryptamine might be
the mechanism to allow

our perception of these
other alternate realities.

It's like the key to a receiver.

You pop the key into
the receiver and it activates

not just a part of the brain,
it literally reorients

all of the receivers
in the brain

to pick up more information.

The question
of just how ancient healers

stumbled across
this particular combination

in a jungle containing
tens of thousands

of plant and vine species
remains a mystery.

What we're looking at here

are incredible,
remarkable plants

that are using receptors
in our brains to help us

have these
otherworldly experiences,

contact otherworldly beings.

So who has created this
incredible biological catalyst

for humans to use?

You have to wonder if
extraterrestrials themselves

didn't have a hand in this.

Could it really be
that our ancient ancestors

were given the key
to access hidden worlds

by extraterrestrial beings?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest
that modern-day research

may be rediscovering
the potential

of these psychedelic substances.

Boulder, Colorado.


at the Center
for Medicinal Mindfulness

explore the therapeutic benefits
of psychedelic agents

in cases of trauma,

depression and addiction.

Along with psychedelic cannabis,
researchers explore

the effects of DMT
on the human mind.

experiencers often claim

to not only be able to see
alternate realities,

but also to have
two-way communication

with inhabitants
of these hidden worlds.

Some people have experiences
of angelic beings,

some people have
what would be considered

classical alien abduction

where they feel like
they're being pulled into space

and either operated on, uh,
healed in some way.

And that some are experiencing

hyper-technological civilization

that somehow evolved
beyond four-dimensional spaces,

and that they're
helping us wake up

to that capacity in ourselves.

Many who use these dr*gs

believe they connect them
to an even greater reality,

allowing them to channel
communication from unseen realms

that exist all around us.

But is it possible that
some people are able to access

other dimensions without the aid

of psychedelic agents
or spiritual ceremonies?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and, as evidence,
point to modern day seers

who claim to be able to observe
events that are happening

in another place and time.

Menlo Park, California.

The 1970s.

The United States
Central Intelligence Agency

enlists scientists at the
Stanford Research Institute

for a highly classified,
and controversial study.

They want to test

whether psychics
can be effectively used

for intelligence gathering.

Remote viewing is developed

in the early 1970s
at the request of the CIA,

and what they found was that,

yes, they could
turn psychics into spies.

This developed
into a full protocol

and a methodology in order to

send people to remote locations

that they could not send
physical people

and get information,
bring it back.

Five decades later,
many law enforcement agencies

continue to consider
remote viewing a valuable tool,

but just how it works
remains a mystery.

The way that I perceive
remote viewing to work

is outside of space time.

We move through another
dimension, in a sense,

outside of our
3-D physical reality

to gain information.

Is it possible
that remote viewers

are able to witness events
happening in distant locations

because they are
actually traveling,

not physically, but mentally
through other dimensions?

Does the key to accessing
alternate realms

exist within the mind?

In May 2019,

Former British
intelligence officer,

Nick Pope,
visited the ECETI Ranch

in the Pacific Northwest
to witness this theory

being put to the test.

ECETI is home to the
Enlightened Contact

with Extraterrestrial
Intelligence Organization.

UFO hunters consider it
a major hot spot

for unexplained
aerial phenomena.

Over the past 33 years,
scientists from Boeing,

NASA and Lockheed Skunk Works

have come to ECETI to research
the activity in the sky.

But what sets ECETI apart from
other UFO watch organizations

is that their most powerful
observational tool

is not a telescope,
it's remote viewers.

I was in charge
of the British government's

real-life X-files project.

We looked at UFOs, crop circles,
alien abductions.

Anything mysterious

and unexplained, I did it.

Remote viewing might be tapping
into unknown dimensions.

I know this sounds like science
fiction, but actually it isn't.

Some of the work being done
at places like

the Large Hadron Collider
are now

quite seriously looking
at the concept

of other dimensions.

At ECETI, ex-government
remote viewing expert,

- John Vivanco...
- Hi, there.

and UFO sky watcher,
Peter Slattery,

lead a team of remote viewers.

Today they are working
on an experiment

that will combine human
observation and remote viewing

in an attempt
to better understand

what has become a recent
increase in UFO sightings

over Washington state's
Mount Adams.

So let me know, please,

what are your respective
backgrounds with this?

I am a remote viewer.
I've been, uh,

doing this professionally
for 20 years,

over 20 years now, and I run
a team of remote viewers,

and we work operational type
projects for clients,

and we look at different types
of phenomena

that can't be explained
through conventional means.

I'm known as an experiencer
slash contactee,

but also I hold
sky watch events.

So we're gonna do a sky watch
and just see what happens.

Where are we gonna do that?

We're just gonna go to the
sky watch field here,

- so let's go and check it out.
- Okay, great.

As Nick joins Peter to conduct
field surveillance,

John has stationed two remote
viewers in a windowless room,

armed with nothing more
than a pencil and a drawing pad.

The way it works is that
a remote viewer

is given a random
eight-digit number

connected to what they're
supposed to remote view.

Now they don't get what they're
supposed to remote view,

only the number, that's it.

They're gonna be at the location
of whatever it is,

through the mind describing

exactly what that is.

So what are these
remote viewers actually

gonna be doing in there?

It's not so much viewing;
we get visual snippets

and a lot of body sensations.

Basically, they're gonna be
drawing and writing

a lot on papers.

And afterwards, once we've

got the data, how are we
actually going to analyze it?

So I will collect
that information

from them when they're done,

and then in the morning
we can meet up

and see if we can
come up with, uh,

some explanation
for what went on.

Well, great, that sounds good.

I hope that we're
gonna have some

and meaningful results.

After discussing the details
of the evening's plans,

Peter and Nick
part ways with John

and join the rest of the
sky watch team in the field.

Pete, I see the team
has grown somewhat.

We've got Adam here with us.

He's gonna be helping out
with the satellite

tracker and-and
monitoring the gear.

It's just very important
to be very quick off the mark,

knowing what's what.

Sometimes we can have two things
in the sky at the same time,

and one of them could be
a satellite, the other not.

People can mix it up,

so when we're focused
on the sky, it's great

that somebody's focused
on the satellite tracker.

Great, so we're
essentially making sure

- we don't miss anything?
- Oh, definitely, yeah.

We don't want
to muddle things up.

The team gets to work
setting up the watch station

before the Sun goes down
for the evening.

They will be using various
technology, including

infrared cameras
in order to capture

any anomalies in the sky.

The location for their watch
overlooks Mount Adams,

the largest active volcano in
Washington state and a hot spot

for UFO sightings.

In fact,

Mount Adams is associated
with the first UFO case

to ever make
nationwide headlines.

In June of 1947,

aviator and businessman
Kenneth Arnold

claimed to have witnessed
nine UFOs flying in tandem

from Mount Rainier
at incredible speeds.

He reported that they performed
a number of unusual maneuvers

and then disappeared
into Mount Adams.

As night sets in,

the team has all eyes
glued to the sky

and on the lookout
for any objects

that might cross their path.

Utilizing real-time
satellite tracking data,

they can anticipate the arrival
of all manmade traffic

passing over their airspace.

- Hey, is that a satellite?
- Yup.

Including the International
Space Station,

or ISS.

Adam, how are we on the timing
with the ISS?

Uh, one more minute.

And which direction? West?

Uh, it's gonna be coming from
the west moving to the east.

Look at how bright
this thing is.

Whoa! Oh, there it is there.


- That's the space station.
Can you see that?
That's the ISS, yep.


While the field team
watches the sky,

the remote viewers are sketching

visual representations
of whatever comes to them.

Incredibly, as the International
Space Station passes overhead,

both women begin to draw
virtually identical

rectangular objects.

Well, it's not a UFO,

but it's still
a pretty spectacular thing.

Yeah, it's pretty epic to see.

After spotting a few other
satellites in the sky,

Nick and Peter notice
a mysterious,

fast-moving object,

one that does not appear
to be a satellite.

There's one right there
right now.

Look how quick it is.
Is that a satellite?

I've got it on camera.

- Where are you at?
- East,


I see nothing on the tracker.

Can you see it up here, guys?

Okay, I definitely saw it up
in that section of the sky

with my naked eye.

It-it just caught my attention
out of the corner of my eye.

I turned around,
saw it for a few seconds,

- and then it faded.
- That's exactly what I saw.

And there was nothing

- on the monitor at all?
- Nope, nothing at all.

That section of the sky
was clear.

And that's satellites.

What about aircraft
and flight paths?

everything was clear.
- Okay.

Well, it was something.

No satellites or aircraft
on the tracking monitor?

Is it possible

that the team just saw
an extraterrestrial spacecraft?

And if so, was it also recorded
by the remote viewers?

ECETI Ranch,
Trout Lake, Washington.

The morning
after successfully capturing

an anomalous object during their
evening sky watch session...

- John, good to see you again.
- Good to see you, Nick.

Nick Pope meets up
with John Vivanco

to see how the remote viewing
portion of the experiment went.

Nick is eager to discover

if the remote viewers picked up
the same objects in the sky

that he witnessed
with his own eyes,

and perhaps even perceived
additional details.

So the remote viewers
were tasked

on two different things
last night,

and I wanted them
to describe the first object

on the sky watch that was
determined to be a satellite.

Right. So they have no idea
that you are asking them

- to look at a satellite...
- No.

And that the satellite
is-is almost the target?

Exactly. So are you ready
to go through the first one?

- Yes.
- Okay.

So this right here is energy.

This is determined to be energy
by this remote viewer,

and talking about
how it's crackling,

hits and bounces of burst.
It's like static.

So this is a mixture,

of almost like
a stream of consciousness,

-what they are describing here
in words.
-Right, exactly, right.

And then a visual
representation of it.

Mm-hmm. Right.

Let me show you the next scan.

This subject is talking about

a dense material, thick gray,
cylindrical object.

Now, this different viewer
is getting the same type of box.

- It's got lights blinking.
- And these are

completely independent
from each other?

-Wow. One, two,
pretty much the same.

- Pretty much the same.
- Wow. Impressive.

So, but let me
show you this here.

There's a burst of communication
is what I find interesting.

And you have these, uh, almost
looks like solar panels on it.

Now, we actually saw

the International Space Station
last night,

and it actually has those
two separate light panels,

like, what makes it different

from most
conventional satellites.

- Could this be
what we're looking at here?

If what you saw first identified
as a satellite,

- then, yeah, absolutely.
- Wow.

Two separate remote viewers,

both depicting objects that
are consistent with the makeup

of the International
Space Station.

It is an impressive coincidence,
but not as impressive

as what John Vivanco
is about to reveal to Nick Pope,

as concerns the mysterious UFO
they spotted in the night sky.

So that's a bona fide UFO.
We can't explain that.

And it blinked out.
It completely disappeared.

What was the first thing
you saw?

Well, the first anomalous thing
we saw

was a flash of light in the sky.

I saw it myself.

We had a satellite tracker
up and running.

We eliminated that possibility.
There was no satellite.

- So this was anomalous.
- That's interesting.

So we get to this page here.

Now they're getting
an energy and a structure.

It's this reflective, metallic,

the feeling thing,
almost like a mirage.

Glowing blue color,
very faint pinging sound.

That's interesting.

This is a visual representation?

This is visual representation,

- And it says energy, so...
- Energy, right.

Energy seems to be moving
outward in many directions.

So I think what they're trying
to do here is display

- the energy, the ball.
- Right.

All right.

You prepare
to be weirded out here.


This subject is described

as a crystal blue color.

It's angelic and floaty.


So is this a person?
What is this?

I'm not sure what this is.

This subject here, I mean, uh,

this-this is clearly some sort
of person, or-or is it?

I mean, if we're talking about
something anomalous,

is the possibility here that,
if this was a UFO,

that this is some sort
of occupant?

There is that possibility.

An occupant?

Did this remote viewer actually
see inside the object

that the field team witnessed
from the ground?

And if so, could this confirm
that what they saw

was an extraterrestrial

This remote viewer is also
getting a subject here,

and they are calling this flash
of light a subject,

which is curious.

And when you see this,
uppercase P and a lowercase P,

they mean that subject is
a paraphysical,

which means, in remote viewing,
it is something

outside of our 3-D reality.

So this subject, according to
this remote viewer,

is a flash of light
on the mountain,

and this subject exists outside
of our 3-D reality.

- That is spooky. I mean...
- Yeah.

We saw a flash of light
on the mountain.

Are we saying here that this
flashing light on the mountain,

and that these sessions suggest
that this is, like,

-something to do with
-You know,

all I can say is what
the remote viewers got.

And from my perspective,

-I think you've got
a true anomaly there.

If what both the field team
and the remote viewers

observed was, in fact,
an extraterrestrial craft,

did it suddenly appear
and then disappear

because it was entering our
world from another dimension?

And do the sketches made
by the remote viewers suggest

that they may have perceived
not only this craft,

but even its occupants?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes...

and suggest we may be close
to becoming

interdimensional beings

The Salyut 7 Space Station.

July 12, 1984.

Soviet cosmonauts Oleg Atkov,
Leonid Kizim,

and Vladimir Solovyov send an
odd and alarming transmission

back to Earth.

They claim that seven enormous
winged humanoid beings,

around 90 feet in height,
and emanating ethereal light,

suddenly appeared
outside the space station.

They remained there
for ten minutes,

and then appeared to fade away.

I think that somewhere
out there, there's a highway.

A highway containing the souls
of millions of aliens

that are traveling
across the galaxy

at the speed of light,

looking at the wonders
of the universe

at the maximum velocity
allowed by Albert Einstein.

And, if it's right next to us,

could we humans detect
this superhighway?


But if alien entities are able
to cross over

from their universe into ours,

how long will it be
before we discover

how to cross over into theirs?

Right now, contact between
dimensions is limited.

Right now, we are
in exile from one another.

But the future is
to bring the worlds together

so that human consciousness
will exist

in dual dimensions naturally.

The only way we're going
to get there

is if we understand the laws
of physics differently.

Or if we include
new laws of physics

that combine the visible
and the non-visible,

the physical
and the non-physical,

and approach reality
from a multidimensional,

interdimensional perspective.

Not from a linear perspective.

Everyone will know the truth.

There will be enlightenment
for all.

The unseen will be seen.

As scientists continue
to unravel

the secrets of the universe,

will they discover
irrefutable evidence

of a multiverse?

And if so, might this explain

the numerous
paranormal encounters

that humans have reported having
with ghosts,

demons and other
ethereal beings?

Perhaps the notion of aliens
landing on Earth in spaceships

is an old-fashioned one.

And the ability of aliens

to travel from one universe
to another

and communicate with humans
is as limitless

as the capabilities
of our brains.

If true, we will find that our
extraterrestrial neighbors

could be much closer
than we think.
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