14x08 - The Reptilian Agenda

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x08 - The Reptilian Agenda

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: From deep beneath
the earth they appear.

JOHN RHODES: He encountered
some sort of a creature

lurking back in the dark.

Part human...

part serpent.

There are many stories

of people encountering
lizard men or snake people.

NARRATOR: Could the ancient
legends describing snakelike Gods

really be true?

There's always been talk

about a reptilian race.

Whether it's angelic
or extraterrestrial.

Could they still be among us,

hiding in plain sight?

people are seen coming out

- of these tunnels, right?

And if so,

what is their agenda?

WILLIAM HENRY: Perhaps they're
awaiting a time to arise

to take control of humanity.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

Bethesda, Maryland.


American neurobiologist
Paul MacLean proposes

a revolutionary model
of human brain anatomy

called the triune brain model.

It distinguishes
evolutionary remnants

of what MacLean refers to...

as the reptilian brain.

Paul MacLean was
a noted neurobiologist

who came up with a,
a model called

the triune brain,
three-part brain.

One part of the brain
was reptilian,

one mammalian,
and one primate.

Distinct areas of the brain
with different functions.

The reptilian
was particularly important.

MacLean suggested this was
earlier in evolution,

perhaps the first brain,
and had more primal functions.

Fear, rage.

The idea ignites a firestorm

of public interest,
putting into question

conventional theories
about human evolution.

This was in the 1960s.

And the triune brain
captured the imagination

of the intellectual class.

Even Carl Sagan
commented on it.

NARRATOR: Nearly six
decades later in 2018,

reptile neuroscientist
Gilles Laurent

and his team
at the Max Planck Institute

publish a landmark study in
the journal Science reexamining

the idea of a reptilian
component to the brain.

Gilles Laurent challenged

MacLean's model
and found the brain

is not so tidy,
the locations are not so clear.

But he also found
there was similarity

in the chemical function

of the reptile brain
and the human brain.

That was unexpected.

Evolutionary biologists have

long proposed that many
human traits, including

the amniotic birth sac,

the layering system of our skin,

and even our hearing,

can be traced back
to a common reptilian ancestor.


Many of our features,

like our skin, our teeth,
our hair, our nails,

as things with backbones

in sort of the grand
evolutionary scheme of things,

we're relatively closely related
to modern reptiles.

Is it possible that the most

significant advancements
in human development

didn't evolve from primates,

as was proposed
by Charles Darwin,

but from reptiles?

Humans and reptiles
share a lot... of traits.

For example, uh, we have
these recessive genes in us

that are expressed
on occasion.

When we're in the womb,
we actually have a tail.

And the tail disappears

and it becomes the end
of our vertebrae,

down by the bottom of our back.

Some people are born
and they're actually born

with these tails intact.

But while conventional science

appears confounded
by the possibility

of mankind having
a reptilian ancestry,

as far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

such a profound notion
is not a mystery,

but a confirmation.

And they suggest
that this process is documented

in the various creation stories
found in ancient cultures

throughout the world.

The basic tenet
of the ancient astronaut theory

is manipulation artificially
of genetic material.

We have a fossil record.

There is no doubt in my mind
that there are hominid ancestors

before h*m* sapiens sapiens
made it.

But in my opinion,

the missing link
has not been found

because the missing link is the
extraterrestrial intervention

of our genetic makeup.

This fits perfectly

with ancient creation

That is, that reptilian beings
came to Earth

and manipulated human DNA

and made us in their image.

According to many

ancient astronaut theorists,

extraterrestrials manipulated
the genetic makeup

of existing primates
on Earth to create

what are considered
modern-day humans.

It is this genetic manipulation

that helps to explain
mankind's unique intelligence.

And why humans are different
from other animals

in their use of music,
language, poetry and art

as a means of expressing

One of the key figures
written about

on the ancient
Sumerian tablets is Enki,

who they labeled the God
of smithcraft and alchemy,

and also suggest as a figure who
knew the secrets of human DNA.

For they credit him
with the transformation

or fashioning of the human body.

Very interestingly,
Enki is portrayed

as a half-human,
half-serpent being.

He's referred
to as a serpentine God.

A reptilian being.

Stories of reptilians appear
in many different cultures.

In the Vedic culture, we have
the stories of the nagas.

We have stories of reptilians,
of course,

in the Garden of Eden.

We have stories of reptilians
in the Mesoamerican cultures,

like the Incas and the Mayans.

Divine serpents
are unusually universal.

There are examples
from Mesopotamia,

from India, China, Japan,
and in the Americas,

both South America
and Central America.

SALLA: Different cultures
refer to reptilian beings

as beings that were

helping humanity acquire
technologies at a, at a point

in their evolution when
we were really starting out.

In early China, the founders

were considered
to have been semidivine

and, in some cases,
fully divine beings.

Very often they were
half-snake and half-human.

HENRY: The ancient Egyptian God
Sobek is a crocodile-like deity

who is credited
by the ancient Egyptians

with creating the world.

In portrayals at the temples
dedicated to him,

he's portrayed as a human
with the head of a crocodile,

who emerged from the
original waters of creation

to create humanity.

Is it possible

that the many ancient stories
of human beings

created by serpentlike Gods
are inspired by actual events?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and point
to archaeological evidence

that supports this very idea.

In 1923, British archaeologist
Sir Leonard Woolley

excavated one of the oldest
agricultural communities

in the world,
the Sumerian city of Ur,

where the ancient Sumer people
worshipped the serpent God Enki.

Among the remains he discovered
some unusual clay artifacts,

some dating as far back
as 4000 BC.

One of the most
amazing discoveries

were the figurines
that were uncovered.

They were these humanoid figures

with, for all intents
and purposes, heads of reptiles.

They look like snake people.

And you even have a motif
where this person

is holding and breastfeeding
a humanoid baby.

So, are they trying
to show to us

that these are perhaps
the creator Gods?

And if you look at Enki and
some of the depictions of him,

you can see him with scaly skin.

All theories abound as to what
these statues represent,

but, to me, they represent
possibly Sumerian Gods,

the Anunnaki.

Enki, too, shows
these characteristics.

We have to wonder if this isn't

a God that wasn't visiting
just ancient Sumer,

but other cultures
around the world as well.

NARRATOR: Do the strange statues
unearthed in the city of Ur

represent extraterrestrials
that came to Earth

in the distant past?

And, if so, could this provide
further evidence

that extraterrestrials
used reptile DNA

in their genetic manipulation
of what is now the human race?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that further evidence
can be found,

not only by excavating ancient
sites like the city of Ur,

but by looking
deep beneath the earth

and at a place located
thousands of miles away.


Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park.

Located deep within
the Southeast Asian jungles

is the world's largest
cave system, the Son Doong Cave.

It's three million years old,

650 feet high, 550 feet wide,

and extends in an astounding
three miles into the earth.

It actually has its own
ecosystem, with a jungle

and even a lake inside of it.

RHODES: When the cave
was first discovered,

there was a Vietnamese logger

who was doing illegal logging
in the area.

He discovered the cave

and then encountered
some sort of a creature

that looked like a dragon
humanoid being.

NARRATOR: Since the site was
opened to the public in 2013,

there have been multiple
eyewitness accounts

of a reptilelike humanoid
in and around the area.

According to UFO investigators,
the Son Doong reports

are just the latest
in the increasing number

of reptoid sightings in remote
areas with known cave systems.

There are many stories of people

encountering lizard men
or snake people

who might be in caves
or who might be near a cave

on the surface
just walking around.

And those unfortunate enough
to stumble across

these reptilians are terrified

because the reptilians
can be very aggressive.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the Son Doong Caves

are home to a race of reptile
beings living beneath our feet?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

such a bizarre notion
is entirely possible.

In fact, encounters with these
creatures have become so common

that the UFO community
now has a name for them:

the reptilians.

RHODES: Reptilian humanoids,
or reptoids, are described as being

beings that are about
seven to eight feet tall,

they have a humanoid structure,

their skin is either beaded
like a lizard

or either scaled like a snake.

NARRATOR: In addition to Southeast
Asia, another location

where reptilian sightings
have been reported

is the area of Cuzco, Peru,
high in the Andes Mountains.

According to the stories
of the Inca

and the even more ancient
cultures that preceded them,

a race of reptilian beings
once inhabited this land.

They even built some
of the massive stone structures

that still exist here today.

In April 2019,

ancient astronaut theorist
David Hatcher Childress

and researcher Hugh Newman
traveled to Cuzco

to investigate
a possible connection

between the ancient stories
of reptilians

and sightings of these creatures

that have been reported
in the last few years.

Joining them as their guide
is Jorge Luis Delgado,

an expert on the native
Andean civilizations.

You know, Peru in general

is just so full of mystery.

To me it's really the land of
the unexplained and adventure.

I never get tired
of coming here,

and-and I... there's always
something new to see,

- some new incredible mystery to find.
- Yeah. No, I agree.

I mean, you-you've not only got
the megalithic temple,

you've got Machu Picchu,

Cuzco and other sites,
you've got Nazca.

You've got all these mysterious
underground tunnels

that stretch across the country.

All these amazing myths
and legends

relating to these serpent Gods.

So there's something really
special about this place.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

NARRATOR: The sprawling
fortress of Sacsayhuamán

covers more
than 11 square miles,

and is filled with some
of the most perplexing

megalithic constructions
in the world.

They're all unique.

Each one is unique

but so perfectly cut
and fitted together.

It's always astonishing
to see it.

These ancient walls

are built with unusually-shaped
stone blocks.

Often weighing
thousands of pounds,

they are cut so precisely,

they fit together
without the need of mortar.

Mainstream historians date
the megalithic fortress

to the 12th century AD,
and credit its construction

to a pre-Incan civilization
called the Killke.

However, a growing body
of evidence suggests

that the structures may actually
predate the Killke

and belong
to an even older civilization.

A civilization that, according
to ancient astronaut theorists,

may have been
not entirely human.

Oh, wow, look at this.

- All right, so...
- That's the one, isn't it?

Yeah. Is this the stone
you were talking about, then?

Where... So, this is a serpent.

This is, what, the head
of the serpent here?

- DELGADO: It goes around.
- NEWMAN: And how far does it go?

As such
behind this wall.

And can you see the tail on it?

you're saying that the builders

are purposely putting a serpent
into the walls here.

But is it the serpent people
who are building this?

Are they showing that
we are the serpent people,

and we are the builders?

The stonework serpent

is just one
of many found embedded

within the constructions
of the walls around Cuzco.

Might these depictions
suggest a connection

at the megalithic site
with snakelike beings?

ancient megalithic walls

that are nearly identical
to those in Peru

have been discovered in nearly
every part of the globe.

The ancient ruins
of Thera in Greece.

The Valley Temple in Egypt.

The Gympie Pyramid in Australia.

Ahu Vinapu on Easter Island.

Is it possible that
these massive stone walls,

and others like them,
all share a common architect?

All over the world,

there are traditions
of the serpent people.

Now, these were master
megalithic stonemasons,

and I believe this is
where this high knowledge,

this megalithic construction,

emerged from and then spread
around the world.

Throughout Peru and the Andes,
there are many, many legends

of tunnels,
underground chambers.

And the Peruvians
themselves believe

that this underground
tunnel system

has something to do
with these serpent deities,

which they call the Amaru there.

- So, this is the entrance.
- Wow, look at that.

- Oh, wow. Look at that.
- DELGADO: Beautiful carvings... there.

look at these high ceilings here.


CHILDRESS: There's another shelf.
Watch your step right here.

Here's another side tunnel
right there.

Oh, yeah.

It must be carved out as well,
isn't it?

Looks like, yeah.

Do you think this is
one of the tunnels,

side tunnels
that might lead deeper

into this underground city
of the Amarus?


Sometimes people are seen coming
out of these tunnels, right?

I-I mean you're saying spirits,
but also

people as well, right?

Do they have a-a serpentlike


Do they look,
they look like serpents?

NARRATOR: Is it possible that a race
of reptilian humanoids still exists

somewhere deep underground?

But if so, why haven't they made
their presence known?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that, according

to sacred texts,
the answer is clear.

It is because
they were once banished

from the face of the earth.

Southern India.

In the province of Kerala
stands the Mannarasala Temple.

Within this compound

are more than 30,000
stone snake idols and images.

The temple is dedicated to Lord
Nagaraja, the king of the naga,

who, according to local legend,

still resides
at the temple today.

In the Hindu tradition,
the naga are semidivine beings,

half human and half cobra.

The nagas are often depicted

as either snakes,
cobras primarily,

or half human
and half reptilian beings.

Usually the lower part of the
body will be that of a snake,

and the upper part
will be that of a human.

They're closely associated
with the subterranean

underground cities

that are, in many ways,
parallel worlds

to the world above ground.

They populate these subterranean
realms in very large numbers.

According to Hindu mythology,

the naga were driven underground
by the God Vishnu.

Curiously, a similar story
can be found

in ancient Hebrew texts.

Numerous biblical
accounts suggest

that although Adam and Eve are
the first humans created by God,

they were not the first
to dwell upon the Earth.

The Adamic race,
as recorded in the Bible,

was not the first race on Earth.

There were pre-Adamic

The pre-Adamic civilizations

has a history
which we do not know.

NARRATOR: A race that walked
the Earth before Adam and Eve?

Might this be
the reptilian-like beings

mentioned in ancient texts?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that the serpent
in the Garden of Eden

may be the key
to solving the mystery.

There have always been talk

about a reptilian race,

whether it's angelic
or extraterrestrial.

Most people will look towards
the example in Genesis

with the serpent.

Ancient legend tells us that the
serpent in the Garden of Eden

was actually a humanoid form.

It stood erect,
had arms, it had legs,

and clearly it spoke,
as we know from biblical record.

NARRATOR: According to
the Book of Genesis,

this reptilian figure's
interference with mankind

leads to him being punished
by God.

Genesis, chapter one, verse two

that the world was in chaos.

It indicates to us,
very possibly,

a pre-Adamic w*r
amongst civilizations.

We find echoes of this
in literature,

both in our Judaic traditions,

as well as in literature
from around the world.

I don't think we should be
so quick to dismiss these things

in light of archaeological

In the story of the serpent
being punished,

we seem to have
literary evidence

of an extraterrestrial battle
or w*r going on.

An extraterrestrial battle?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that not only
did such a w*r occur,

but physical evidence of this
can be found across the globe.

In Cuzco, Peru,
local Andean expert

and guide Jorge Delgado

is taking David Childress
and Hugh Newman

to one of the most curious sites
in the city.


That is incredible.



this megalithic stone appears
to have been toppled over

180 degrees.

Legend says it was displaced
during a great cataclysm.

It's incredible.

Hugh, have you seen evidence

of cataclysms like this
in some of your journeys?

Well, I mean,
at Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku.

It looks like a tidal wave
has hit the site from the lake.

We have the vitrified forts
in Scotland for instance,

which show extreme heating,
like some kind of solar flare.

And the Hittite cities in, uh,

- Turkey and stuff like that.
- NEWMAN: Yeah.

CHILDRESS: Places where
it looks like some m*ssile

or some giant expl*si*n
has just blown up

these megalithic towers
and walls.


Gigantic explosions?

Might this be physical evidence
of a devastating w*r

fought between groups
of extraterrestrials?

Stories of ancient battles
between supernatural beings

can be found in sacred texts
throughout the world.

In Greek mythology,
there are destructive battles

between Zeus and Typhon,

a monster described as having
coiled serpent legs.

The ancient Egyptians had tales
of unending battles

between the sun God Ra and Apep,

the serpent deity
of the underworld.

in each of these accounts,

the losing party is represented
by a serpent or dragon.

HENRY: In the stories of the
battles between the Gods,

we learn of a battle
between extraterrestrial forces,

some described as reptilians.

What happened to those
reptilian beings?

Well, they're banished
to the interior of the Earth.

You're saying there's
extraterrestrial races,

and this stone is evidence
of this extraterrestrial w*r

and some cataclysms
that were happening.

Okay, it's upside down,

- the w*r, this cataclysm.
- DELGADO: Exactly.

NARRATOR: If an ancient extraterrestrial
w*r took place on Earth,

what was it fought over?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
suggest the participants

may have had conflicting agendas
for humanity,

and that the ultimate outcome

has not yet been determined.

Scottsdale, Arizona.

February 2018.

Thousands descend on this small

desert community to attend
the 27th annual

International UFO Congress.

The event offers UFO researchers
an opportunity

to not only share the latest
developments in the field,

but also to hear from people
who believe

they have come into contact
with extraterrestrials.

Over the course
of the five-day event,

attendees describe encounters
with alien beings

that take a variety
of physical forms.

There seem to be
three categories

of organic alien beings

that have been interacting
with humanity.

You have your reptilian types,

you have what we describe
as the Nordics,

and then you have the Greys.

These types of descriptions
appear over and over again

in various mythic
and historical traditions.

NARRATOR: Do the accounts
of modern-day encounters

with extraterrestrials
support the notion

that the reptilians are just one
of numerous alien races

that have been influencing
events on Earth,

dating back thousands of years?

And if so, do they each have
their own agenda for humankind?

Clearly what we are
being told here is that,

in the ancient times, there was
a battle for control over Earth

and indeed the destiny
of humanity.

CHILDRESS: Ancient astronaut
theorists often think that there were

several kinds
of extraterrestrials

who were coming to the planet...

and fighting wars
over which extraterrestrial race

would nurture humans
and bring them along

to the point where they are now.

MARTELL: The idea that there's
been warring factions of E.T.s

trying to have control
over the human race

or the world in general
goes way into the past.

We have to wonder
if they weren't all

doing genetic experimentation.

NARRATOR: If human DNA was
manipulated by extraterrestrials,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,

might this have been done
by various alien races?

CHILDRESS: A number of abductees
have claimed that they've been

subjected to genetic experiments

by reptilian aliens who are

looking at them and their DNA
for ongoing research

of creating, s-say,
a future human.

It seems reasonable
to assume that,

if we human beings are now
experimenting with animals,

doing genetic experiments,

that if we have
a higher culture to us,

an older culture,

they may have been drawing us in

as their experimental,
uh, stock.

Could Earth have been actually
populated a long time ago

as an actual zoo?

In other words, could we have
other alien beings always

coming down to Earth because
Earth is their science workshop?

NARRATOR: As far as ancient
astronaut theorists are concerned,

a growing body
of evidence suggests,

not only that multiple races
of extraterrestrials

have a presence on the Earth,

but that there may be government
officials who are aware of them.

In December 1999,

a man was retiring from
the Defense Intelligence Agency

and told me his job

for 23 years was to monitor

and analyze competing

territorial conflicts

on planet Earth.
The D.I.A. guy said,

"Our government has proof that

"three competing
extraterrestrial civilizations

"have been mixing and matching
genes on this planet,

"using this as a laboratory

for at least 270 million years."

The human race is not
a pure human species.

It is part reptilian,

it is part other

I believe it started
with a group of the reptilian

type beings that began
this experiment

with DNA manipulation.

At that time, other groups

of nonhuman
extraterrestrial beings

wanted to also participate
in this experiment.

With time,
those different factions

started to not see eye to eye.

That is the reason why
we hear about stories

where there's wars in the sky.

There are those that believe

that the reptilian beings
were banished

to an interior part
of the Earth,

and that perhaps
they're awaiting

a time such as today
for them to, once again,

arise to take control
of humanity.

NARRATOR: If reptilian
extraterrestrials were responsible

for the creation
of the first humans

and were later forced
to retreat beneath the earth

by other alien races,

will they continue
to remain in hiding?

Or, based on the growing number
of recent sightings,

are they preparing to reemerge?

Perhaps further clues
can be found by examining

a secret underground
Air Force base

where some
have reported encounters...

with reptilians.

Dulce, New Mexico.

This unassuming town
has been home

to the Jicarilla Apache
Indian tribe

for over six centuries.

Jicarilla Apache folklore
is filled with stories

of interactions
with star people,

including lizard and ant men
they describe

as living underground.

To them, those star people
are as active and interactive

with the planet now
as they ever have been.

It was Western civilization
that ran by and buried

the whole issue
of extraterrestrials

and reptiles as mythological.

But it is the Jicarilla Apaches
in Dulce

who will also tell you
that they know

that there are some type
of beings that are underground

in Dulce, and that the keys

are Mount Archuleta

and Archuleta Mesa.

And below those two,

there are deep underground bases

that have been operated
by some form

of reptilian-related being
for centuries.

NARRATOR: According to
government insiders,

located nearly two miles
beneath the surface

is indeed a secret subterranean
military base

known as the
Dulce Air Force Base.

The base is rumored to extend
seven levels underground,

with the lowest levels occupied
by extraterrestrial species.

Whistle-blower Phil Schneider
claimed to have worked

on the construction
of these deep, underground

military bases
for the U.S. government.

Phil Schneider was
a very interesting geologist

used by the U.S. government
to do excavations of large areas

under military contract,
where they were essentially

going to be building
large caverns

and connecting
underground passageways.

NARRATOR: On May 8, 1995,
Schneider gave a presentation

in Post Falls, Idaho
and claimed he was att*cked

by extraterrestrials
deep underground.

NARRATOR: According to Phil,
at the time of his encounter,

his team had been contracted
to create an addition

to the existing Dulce
underground base.

They were drilling holes deep
into the ground

and using expl*sives
to create caverns...

when they encountered numerous
Grey and reptilian aliens.

NARRATOR: Phil Schneider
later described learning about

genetic experiments conducted by
the same extraterrestrial beings

he encountered
at Dulce Air Force Base.

But sadly, he would never
get the chance

to provide further information.

Just eight months after his
presentation in Post Falls,

Philip Schneider was found dead
in his apartment

with rubber tubing
wrapped around his neck.

(siren wailing) - Those who
knew him best were shocked

when his death was ruled
a su1c1de, and many insisted

this was a cover story...
for an assassination.

Part of what I'm going
to tell you

is going to be very shocking.

SALLA: If people had learned
of what Phil Schneider

was revealing,
they would have understood

that there had been
agreements reached

between the U.S. government

and some of these
extraterrestrial civilizations.

And that there were
many individuals

that were abducted
and being subjected

to all kinds
of human experimentation

at the Dulce base.

Schneider encounter the same

reptilian extraterrestrials

that the Inca credited
with creating underground cities

in the Southern Highlands
of Peru hundreds of years ago?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that not only

are extraterrestrials
working with the government...

they have infiltrated society
at the highest levels.

MARTELL: One of the other
theories in the field of ufology

is that the reptilian presence
is actually active today,

and that they've
concealed themselves

by taking more of a human form,

but have infiltrated
many world governments

or top world positions.

We have to wonder if there isn't
some type of an agenda,

once again, taking place where

they're letting
their presence be known.

NARRATOR: Might the stories of
reptilians hiding amongst us

be true?
And if so, to what end?

Some believe that not only are
they trying to influence

the course of humanity,
they are creating

a superior species
of human-alien hybrids.

Hove, England. 2008.

In the middle of the night,

Charmaine D'Rozario-Saytch

is sleeping in bed
when she awakens

to a frightening sight...

a reptilian humanoid
staring down at her.

I woke up.

A reptilian came into the room.

We went to an underground cave.

There was a group
of reptilians there,

and they stood round me
in a circle.

Each one of them put one hand
on my body.

And I slowly changed.

And it was the most amazing

but also
sort of bizarre situation

to, to look down
at your body

and see it morph
from your human form

into a reptilian form.

To see the skin shift
from being smooth into scales.

And to find that I had a tail.

NARRATOR: Could Charmaine's
incredible story be true?

Was she really transformed
into a reptilian-human hybrid?

Charmaine claims she learned
from her abductors

that all humans today
are byproducts

of alien genetic manipulation...
some more than others.

points in our history,

different E.T. races
have come to this planet,

and they have not manipulated
all of humanity,

but certain groups.

HOWE: The reason an agenda
for alien intelligences

to be on this planet,

manipulating humans and animals,

is because...

there are wars out there

between different types
of intelligences

about territory.

And that those territorial wars

of created and manipulated life.

NARRATOR: I f reptilian
extraterrestrials have inhabited Earth

for thousands of years,

are they content to continue
hiding out underground?

Or is the day fast approaching

where they will step out
of the shadows

and announce their presence
once again?

TSOUKALOS: The Christians are
waiting for the return of Jesus.

The Jews are waiting
for the return of the Messiah.

The Islamic community is waiting

for the return of Muhammad.

The idea of this return
did not originate

with any of those
religious figures,

but it, in fact, originated

with the promise
by extraterrestrials

that they would return
in the future.

Tradition tells us that the army
of the Messiah

is not to come from heaven,

but is to arise
from inner Earth,

and therefore dominate
the surface world.

CHILDRESS: Perhaps we are now
at this special turning point

in, in our history
and the timeline of planet Earth

where the reptilians
and the other extraterrestrials

will announce themselves.

NARRATOR: Could evidence of
secret underground cities,

combined with recent accounts
of encounters

with so-called reptilian
creatures, be preparing us

to accept a profoundly different
genetic truth

than the one
we have been taught?

That mankind didn't only evolve
from a race of primates,

but also from a race
of reptiles...

whose genes were spliced
into our own

by means of extraterrestrial

If true, such a revelation

would revolutionize everything
we have come to believe

about our existence
on this planet.

But it may also lead
to a profound understanding

not only about mankind's past

but about
its future.
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