13x10 - The Sentinels

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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13x10 - The Sentinels

Post by bunniefuu »

Seven stone giants
standing guard

over a Pacific island.

But what are they protecting,
and from whom?

According to
the people of the island,

they face the actual homeland
of their ancestors.

Could the answer be
found some 2,000 miles away?

We are baffled
by what it's all about.

Ancient astronaut theorists,

Giorgio Tsoukalos
and David Childress

embark on an
incredible journey...

This is the famous Hiva.

...to a land
of bizarre figures...

Look at all these heads with
the big goggle-shaped eyes.

...and forbidden places...

If you step on the site,

something bad is going
to happen to you.

...in search of what could be

the ultimate evidence
of mankind's

extraterrestrial origins.

If we can crack the
mysteries of Easter Island,

we're going to be able to open
up once and for all

the true mysteries
of the ancient world.

Easter Sunday,

April 5, 1722.

Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen

is 2,300 miles off the coast
of Chile,

leading a fleet of three ships
on an expedition to establish

a western trade route
to the Spice Islands.

In the early afternoon,
he is alerted by his crew

that they have spotted
a small island,

and that there is smoke rising
from it in several places,

suggesting that it is inhabited.

When they reach the shore,
they are surprised

by the appearance
of some of the natives.

When Roggeveen and his crew

discovered Easter Island
in 1722,

accounts were written down

that not only
did they stumble across

normal Polynesian-looking
people, but as well,

people of giant proportions,

who were light skinned,
had red hair,

and even blonde hair.

As recorded in the ship's log,

they also made another,
even more unexpected discovery.

"We noticed certain

"remarkably tall stone figures.

"These stone figures caused us
to be filled with wonder,

"for we could not understand how
it was possible to erect them.

"Some of these statues were
a good 30 feet in height

and broad in proportion."

Roggeveen named this
remote land "Easter Island,"

after the day on which
it was discovered.

But today,
nearly 300 years later,

Roggeveen's questions concerning
the strange appearance

of the natives, as well as
the origins and purpose

of the gigantic stone statues,
known as moai,

have yet to be answered.

One can imagine that the moai,

being set up all around
the island with their backs

to the outside world
looking inwards,

were a kind
of protective barrier

that the ancestors
would look after them,

and protect their little world.

The thing about these moai

is that they have these very
strange faces, very elongated.

They don't look quite human.

They're humanoid,

but they're somehow different
than ordinary humans.

They look almost alien
in appearance.

And you have to wonder, what do
they ultimately represent?

Carved from volcanic rock,

the nearly 900 moai each weigh
up to 90 tons,

and the tallest of them tower
above the landscape

at heights of more than 30 feet.

There have been many theories
over the years

as to how they were moved.

The first theory is thought

that they must have been
dragged horizontally

on sledges or rollers
or something of that kind.

It was tried again recently
for a TV film,

and again they moved it
a few meters

but it really doesn't, uh,
prove anything.

The idea

that the trees were cut down
at some point,

and they were all used
for rollers, wooden logs,

falls by the wayside,
because wooden rollers

would not be able to support

the weight of some
of these statues.

You're talking about
several hundred statues,

and it would depend on the size
and weight of the statue,

the number of people you had
available to help,

the distance you were going
to go, the kind of terrain.

So, basically,
we don't really know.

For ancient astronaut theorists,

the answers to just how
the moai were transported

and positioned in the island

can be found in the legends told
by the native people,

legends that suggested
a type of energy,

known as "mana,"
was used to literally levitate

the giant sculptures into place.

According with, uh, oral
tradition and the legends...

The king was given
the gift of mana

from the great creator god,

Legend holds
that the king commanded

that these
great stone statues walk.

And one has to wonder,

well, either they all

were off their rockers
describing these things,

or they witnessed something.

And I'm leaning more
in the direction

that they witnessed something

because there had to have been
a spark of inspiration.

And so, in my opinion,

mana was some type of
extraterrestrial technology

that allowed these stones

to be levitated into place.

When the statues had pupils,

they came to life,

imbued with mana to have
supernatural powers.

According to
the Easter Island myth,

this power came out of the eyes
of the statues,

and was this mystical power.

It's like it was creating
some kind

of force field of energy

that surrounded the island
and protected it.

So you have to wonder if there's
something real here,

and was it some kind of
extraterrestrial technology?

Of all the many
mysteries of Easter Island,

perhaps the most puzzling

not only the construction
of the moai,

but their positioning
on the island.

880 of the 887 moai face inland,

but on the west edge
of the island,

seven of the moai
are positioned on a platform

known as Ahu Akivi,

and face outwardly,
towards the sea.

Moais face in, it's believed,

because they're protecting
the village that they oversee.

Ahu Akivi is the one exception.

The moais there look out to sea.

Not only that,
they're identical.

But why would these
seven identical moai face out

to sea, when all of the other
moai on the island face inland?

Could it be that they were meant
to point to a specific location

somewhere farther out?

Perhaps the answer can be found
by drawing a straight line

from the line of sight
of the seven moai.

Following it on
a northwesterly route,

the first landmass in its path
is the Marquesas Islands,

roughly 2,300 miles
from Easter Island.

The Marquesas are an
extremely remote island group,

which is part of
French Polynesia.

It's a three-and-a-half-hour
flight northeast of Tahiti.

And it's a part of what's known
as the Polynesian triangle,

which is bound by Hawaii
in the north,

Easter Island in the east,

and New Zealand in the west.

It was the last place on Earth
that was discovered.

And there's probably more
mystery shrouded in the Pacific

than any other place
in the world.

To follow up on
the incredible theory

that Easter Island's origins
might be found

on one of the remote
Marquesas Islands,

in June, 2018,
ancient astronaut theorists

Giorgio Tsoukalos
and David Childress

set out to explore the islands
for themselves.

This is gonna be a great

to see what connection there is

between Easter Island
and right here.

Should be quite the adventure.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I'm Giorgio.
Pleasure to meet you.

- I'm Aniata.
- Hi, I'm David.

Arriving on one of
the Marquesas Islands,

ancient astronaut theorists
Giorgio Tsoukalos

and David Childress meet

with local guide
Aniata Kimitete.

Let's go explore.

- Great.
- All right.

She has brought them
to an area known as Kamuihei,

a sacred place believed
to be rich

in what the natives call "mana"
or spiritual power.

Here, they hope to find
the answer as to why seven

of the nearly 900 giant statues
on Easter Island

are all facing in the direction
of this remote island chain

in the South Pacific.

So we are arriving

at this spot
where I really wanted

to show you about this site.

Oh, look at this.

What we see here
is what we call petroglyphs.


So you have three turtles.

So one, two, three here.

And also, on the rock,
you can see a canoe.

- Okay.
- So you have the head

of the canoe here that looks
a little bit like a bird.

Their canoes had
a bird head at the front.

Do you see the beak?

- Yeah, that looks like a bird head.
- Yeah.

And what is the
significance of the turtles?

The turtle is actually
the messenger from the gods.

He was a very sacred animal.

People were not allowed
to eat them.

You know, I think

this is really interested
what you said,

that the turtle is regarded here

as a messenger of the gods,

because this is not
something new.

It's not something native
to this area.

There are other parts
of the world

where the turtle is described

by having descended
from the sky.

And the idea that this is here,
too, considered

a messenger of the gods,
that, to me, is a connection

to potential extraterrestrials.

Throughout the world,

numerous ancient cultures
have origin stories

that involve some sort of
a divine or "cosmic" turtle.

Followers of Japanese Shinto
venerate the Kame-ishi,

a stone turtle that portends
the end of the world.

In Guatemala, there are legends
of giant flying turtles,

and even artifacts that feature
the image of a man wearing

what appears to be a helmet
lying inside a turtle shell.

In North America,
the Iroquois Indians tell tales

of a "sky goddess"

who falls to Earth from the sky,

whereupon a giant turtle
rises up

from the ocean to catch her.

I think it's interesting here,

this canoe, which would have
been very large,

has the bird head on it.

And you have the Birdmen

of Easter Island
that are so famous.

One of Easter Island's
ancient traditions involves

Tangata manu,
or the Birdman cult.

According to legend,
the creator god, Makemake,

was looking in a mirror and saw
a bird land on his shoulder.

Seeing his image combined
with the bird,

he decided to make a son
who was half man, half bird.

In turn, the Rapa Nui people
of Easter Island worshipped

the Birdman as the predecessor
of all humans.

One of the central focuses
of the rituals,

the annual rituals
at Easter Island,

was that of Tangata manu,
the Birdman.

And the Birdman is
a universal symbol

that we find in many parts
of the globe

that relates to ancestry
associated with figures,

characters in feather coats
who were seen

to be able to go between
this world and the next.

And here we have the same ideas
on Easter Island.

Is there more to see
on the island?

We have a lot more
to see on the island.

- Okay.
- So let's go. - Okay.

After showing Giorgio and David

the ancient petroglyphs,
Aniata takes them to a site

that has some of the most
striking statuary

in the Marquesas.

Right now,
we are at the Tohua of Temehea.

So, the tohua
is the gathering place.

And so this sculpture here
is a modern sculpture.

But is this based
on something old?

Yes. Because the site
that we're on was rebuilt.

Even though it's modern,

it's really based
on the original statue.

Oh, wow. Okay.

Is this considered a tiki?

Yes, these tikis represent
the population.

So, to the Marquesan people,

wh-what is a tiki?

A tiki, at first, was
the representation of our god

of magic and sorcery.

He was one of the only god
in French Polynesia that has

the face of a man.

He became our protector,

because when you have a tiki

by your side, then you're
protected from your enemy.

In the Marquesas,

the word "tiki"
can be used to refer

both to an ancestral figure
that came to the islands

in ancient times

as well as the statues
that represent him.

They are variously carved
in both wood and stone

and often depict a being
with large, goggle-like eyes.

The lore has it that
Tiki was the primary ancestor

and was created in the image
of the sky god.

The local people made statues
in honor of their creator god,

Tiki, and used them in worship.

And this is
what Tiki looks like,

- as a god?
- Yes, because th-they say

in the legend that,
when Tiki left

the Earth,
they made the sculpture

of how he looked like,

just to have something
to remember from Tiki.

So that's how he looked like,

He looks very strange to me.

This is a representation

of what your ancestors thought

this figure looked like.

It doesn't look like a man.

It looks... weird.

Yeah, I mean,
he-he sort of looks like a man,

but, with these big goggle eyes

and the elongated head
and everything,

he looks
like an extraterrestrial.

From what you know,

do you think
that the people of the Marquesas

went as far as Easter Island?

Are there any legends or stories

- behind that?
- So, there is

one story where...
when they said, um,

that one chief of the island
sent his seven sons

to Easter Island,

because they were fighting a lot
over here.

So he sent them away.

Told them, uh,
if they wanted to come back,

they had to make peace
with one another.

Seven brothers?

Princes who left the Marquesas
Islands for Easter Island

hundreds of years ago?

I think it's really fascinating

that, in the Marquesas, there's
a story of seven brothers

that were exiled by their father

in order to go to Easter Island.

You combine that with the fact
that there is this platform

on Easter Island with
seven moais standing on there,

that would indicate to me
that the Marquesas

and Easter Island
are, in fact, connected.

But if the stone
carvings and ancient legends

prove that the origins
of Easter Island

can be found some 2,000 miles
away in the Marquesas,

could there have been another,

perhaps extraterrestrial,
reason for the exile

of the seven royal brothers
from their homeland?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest the evidence points
to everything

from the strange faces
of the tiki gods

to bloody stories
of human sacrifice.

Ancient astronaut
theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos

and David Childress are
in the remote Marquesas Islands.

They are searching for clues
that may help them solve

some of the most
compelling mysteries

concerning an island located
some 2,000 miles to their east,

Easter Island.

I think
it's really fascinating that,

of all the standing heads
in Easter Island,

seven of them actually point

in the direction
of the Marquesas.

And so now the question is, why?

I think it's quite possible that
the Marquesas and Easter Island

are, in fact, connected.

But perhaps equally compelling,

if not slightly disturbing,

are numerous carvings
found throughout the islands

which depict strange,
big-eyed gods known as tikis.

So, right now, we are
at the Tohua of Hikokua.

The tiki placed on site
like this,

like, really, uh, sacred site...

...they were made
to scare the people away,

because they-they were telling,

"Hey, this is
a very sacred site,

so be careful."

"If you step on the site,

"if you do something wrong,

then something bad
is going to happen to you."

I think if we are talking
about extraterrestrials

in ancient times visiting

and you follow
the ancient stories,

when they came down
with fire, smoke and noise,

that that is the reason
why they were afraid.

There are
multiple other versions

of the exact same motif

with people with elongated
skulls and giant goggle eyes.

Like, uh, what comes to mind
immediately is in-in Peru.

- Yeah, at Tiwanaku a-and Pumapunku...
- Yes.

...you have the same

goggle-headed, eyed, uh,

- you know, people.
- Exactly.

You have that in Mexico, too,

- with the Olmec statues.
- Yes.

These may be depictions
of actual extraterrestrials

who visited the Earth
thousands of years ago.

Eerily similar
to the tiki of the Marquesas,

figures with oversized skulls

and enormous eyes have surfaced
at archaeological sites

throughout the world.

Among these are
the Dogu figures of Japan,

the aboriginal Wandjina
petroglyphs of Australia,

the terra-cotta figurines

recently unearthed
in Northern Ghana,

the trickster god Eshu

of the Yoruba people of Nigeria,

and the stunning petroglyphs
of Karahunj,

otherwise known
as Armenia's Stonehenge.

So it does seem that Tiki,
he's walking,

he's living and breathing.

He's not just a spirit, is he?

No. He's not a spirit.

So, um, they-they say
that Tiki is not really a god,

but he's not really a man also.

Aniata, thank you so much
for showing us everything here.

- It's truly tremendous.
- You're welcome.

- Thank you so much.
- Have a nice travel.

Thank you.

One day
after their informative visit

to the island of Nuku Hiva,

Giorgio and David travel next
to the nearby island of Hiva Oa

to see firsthand
the most unusual

of all the island tikis.


Good to see you.

- Yep.
- Okay.

As their local guide,

they have enlisted
Hiva Oa resident, Heimata Bonno.

This is...

- incredible. So, what are we looking at here?
- Yeah.

What is this?

Oh, it totally looks
like a llama.

No question.

I totally think
this looks like a llama.

I mean, there's no question
in my mind.

And I also don't think
that this was altered.

This is original.

And I don't see any,
uh, changes.

So either this is not authentic

or, if it is authentic,
it's a llama

and it proves connection
to-to South America.

South America?

Is it possible that the llama,

believed to be native
to South America,

was known to people living
on this remote island chain

some 3,500 miles away?

But how?

Some people say
that it's a woman giving birth.

Do the women here

in the Marquesas Islands,
do they do this?

They lie on their stomach
and give birth? No.

This is crazy.


To me,

it looks like something
from the sky.

It's like, uh,
maybe some flying vehicle.

- It's a great question.
- Yeah.

what we're looking at here

is some type of a craft,

because you have the windows
in the front,

which are these giant goggles,

and then you have the mouth
in the front,

which, to me, looks
like some type of an air intake.

you have a lifting body

that goes
underneath the entire body.

And if you combine that

with the story of this object

or this woman giving birth,

if someone has never seen
passengers disembarking

from an actual airplane,

if they have no idea
what is happening,

well, all of a sudden,

a flying vehicle
is giving birth to people.

Is it possible
that this ancient statue

that has been interpreted
in modern times

as a fertility goddess

is actually depicting
an extraterrestrial spacecraft?

I think that tikis
are nothing else

but misunderstood technology

that, over time,
turned into divine objects

of magic and sorcery.

Can we go look at it? Great.

Oh, wow.

Clearly, this tiki,
the head is missing.

But I see
that it has six fingers.

It's very feasible to me
that they actually tried

to imitate whoever visited

or whoever came here
to impart this knowledge.

Why would they carve six fingers

if they did not see six fingers?

So we should not say,
"Oh, this is just fantasy."

I think they saw someone
with six fingers.

Is that possible?


- Yes.
- Yeah.

So these are protectors.

And all the tikis here

and the moai on Easter Island
are protectors as well.

So, on Easter Island,
you-you have

seven moai,
and they are looking

towards Marquesas.

Is-is this some ancestors?

Or a connection?

All of the ancient
tikis in the Marquesas

are positioned to look in
the direction of Easter Island.

But why?

And if both the moai
and the tikis are depictions

of extraterrestrial visitors,

why do they appear so different,
both in height

and appearance?

Is it possible that
the seven brothers of legend

left the Marquesas
for Easter Island

because they were fighting
with each other?

Or could they have been fleeing
for their lives?

For Giorgio and David,

these questions form the pieces
of a confounding puzzle,

one they are both determined
to solve

before they return home.

While visiting
the ancient site known

as I'ipona, located
in the Marquesas Islands,

local guide Heimata Bonno

has just shown
ancient astronaut theorists

Giorgio Tsoukalos
and David Childress

a number of sacred tiki statues

which have six fingers
on each hand.

That is, uh,
very interesting to me.

He has also just
informed them that the tiki gods

were believed by the natives
to possess

an extraordinary amount
of what they called "mana,"

a spiritual power,

which, if consumed,
would make the natives strong

and virtually invincible.

So, how-how does this tiki
have mana?

How does it get the mana?

I see.

Eat the mana?

Is Heimata Bonno describing
a form of ritual cannibalism

in which the natives of the
Marquesas would eat the bodies

of those who they believed
possessed spiritual power?

And where is the mana contained?

The mana's coming out
of the eyes, right? Or...

So they would...

eat the eyes and the tongue,

the brain?

Is it possible that the natives

of the Marquesas Islands
believed that the mana,

or spiritual power,

of their tiki gods
could be literally consumed?

If so, was their eagerness

to eat the organs
not only of the tiki,

but of their offspring,
one of the chief reasons

why the so-called seven brothers

fled the Marquesas
for Easter Island

thousands of years ago?

Here there are
very large boulders

of basalt.

It's very heavy.

I know in some places
in Polynesia

and Micronesia they have legends

that the stones are...
are flying through the air.

So they are giants
and very strong,

and they can lift
these big stones?

- Oh.
- Giant bones?

Found in caves
on the Marquesas Islands?

Could this be the evidence

Giorgio and David
have been searching for

that suggest the early
inhabitants of Easter Island

were, in fact,
giant alien hybrid beings?

Beings who forged
a colony of giants

much like themselves,

and who commemorated
their time on the island

by fashioning
giant stone sentinels.

We have these stories
of giants worldwide.

In Malta, we have some
of the biggest megalithic sites

in all of Europe,
that allegedly were built

by the giants.

The giants were offspring

of the gods after they mated
with human women.

Then you have stories
of the giants on Sardinia,

many of whom have been suggested
were originated

by extraterrestrials.

The origin story
of the giants in the Bible

is that angels mated
with human women.

The offspring were the giants.

So we have to wonder,

are the seven sentinels
actually giants?

Part alien and part human.

...Perhaps they were escaping

the Marquesas Islands
because they were

the ruling elite,

and essentially,
they were overthrown

because they had this power,

and they went to Easter Island.

Heimata, it's been
so interesting here.

You have such good information.
I really appreciate it.

Yeah, thank you for sharing.

You're welcome.

Could it be that

the so-called seven princes
of the Marquesas

were giant alien-human hybrids?

Hybrids who may have had access
to extraterrestrial technologies

that caused them
to be thought of by the natives

as kings or gods?

And if so, could it be
that the real reason

these seven brothers left
the Marquesas

was not because
they were fighting,

but because they were fleeing
for their lives,

in fear of being k*lled
and eaten by the natives?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say the answer

is a profound yes,

and believe that
even more answers can be found

not only by examining the
stone statues of Easter Island,

but by also taking a closer look

at what some of them are wearing

on their heads.

Isolated in the vast expanse

of the South Pacific,
Easter Island remains

a land of mystery.

Since its discovery by Europeans
in the 18th century,

very little is still known about
the people who once lived there,

or their origins.

But of all the mysteries
involving the island

otherwise known as Rapa Nui,

the most persistent involve

the nearly 900 megalithic
statues known as moai,

and why they were put here
in the first place.

The moai are considered to be

no more than perhaps
a thousand years old.

However, it has been established

that some of them penetrate
down into the ground

by a great amount of feet

to reveal the rest of the body,

not just the oversized head.

And the amount
of catenation suggests

that they are infinitely older

than a thousand years.

They could go back many,
many, many millennia.

When you visit Easter Island,

and you look at
the sights there, the statues,

the megalithic walls,
you realize they're much older

than what, you know,
history tells us.

Further clouding the issue

is a discovery
that was made in 2017.

With the help of photography
and 3-D modeling programs,

archaeologists discovered
that the 13-ton stone hats,

known as pukao,
on the Easter Island moai

contain a wide diversity
of petroglyphs,

made by what appear to be
different groups of people.

The hats that are on top
of the Easter Island moai

are a little bit of a mystery.

But recently, they've
been analyzed, and carvings

have been found on them,
which has, like, questioned,

you know, the idea
of what they really represent.

Perhaps there is
something else going on here.

It could well be

that a number
of different cultures

lived on Easter Island.

One of the most fascinating
monuments on Easter Island

is the stone platform, or ahu,

known as Vinapu.

And this is a huge
megalithic construction

that is essentially a wall

made of cyclopean
megalithic blocks

that all interlock
with each other.

When you look at this,
you cannot help but think

of Cuzco in Peru.

And there has to be
a relationship

between the two cultures.

All of these

part of a much bigger
transmission of knowledge,

where the belief,

the common belief was
an origin amongst the stars.

If, as ancient
astronaut theorists suggest,

the seven moai
that face out to sea

really do represent a race
of giant alien hybrid beings

that fled the Marquesas Islands
hundreds, and perhaps thousands,

of years ago,

do the hundreds of other moai

represent their offspring?

And if so,

could they have had contact
with other parts of the world,

making Easter Island
a virtual hub

of extraterrestrial activity?

Easter Island has also got

the strong legend that it is
the center of the world,

or the "navel of the world."

And there are various places
around our planet

that are said to be
the "navel of the world."

They're in Cuzco,

at Delphi in Greece,

at Sardinia,

and in Egypt.

In many cases,
there's a stone ball

that is marking
this center-of-the-world spot.

And we have that
at Easter Island.

These navels of the world

are apparently power places,

places of vortex, energy.

It would seem that
they are all connected

to this worldwide energy grid.

Why did this huge
megalithic culture emerge here?

Perhaps this tells us

that there is
some special quality

with Easter Island,

one that was recognized
by the ancestors

of the Rapa Nui culture.

Were the seven moai
that face the sea

positioned so as to indicate
a warning

to those natives
on the Marquesas that wanted

to hunt them and eat them
for their power?

Or were they meant to serve
as a commemoration

not only of Easter Island's
extraterrestrial origins

but of the history
of alien activity on our planet?

As far as Giorgio Tsoukalos and
David Childress are concerned,

there still needs to be
further investigation

before those questions
can be answered.

On the last day
of their incredible journey

to the Marquesas Islands,

ancient astronaut theorists
Giorgio Tsoukalos

and David Childress

meet at a caf?
on the island of Nuku Hiva.

They are confident
that their investigation

has led to not only evidence
of a direct link

between the Marquesas
and Easter Island

but also a greater understanding

as to the kinds of beings
who lived on these islands

thousands of years ago.

Well, this was an in...
incredible experience.

From all the people we've talked
to, these ancient civilizations

are way older
than what we were taught.

Yeah, you have
these strong connections

from the Marquesas
to Easter Island.

And the idea
of the-the flying turtle

would be what you would think of
as a disc...

- Yes.
- ...flying.

They knew
that turtles don't fly.

So why would they have stories
of flying turtles?

If we had, uh,
airships landing here,

and then the people
are-are wondering,

how do these turtles fly?

- Yes.
- And the extraterrestrials

tell them,
"Well, they fly with this energy

- "called mana."
- Mm-hmm.

And there, they transcribe this
mana energy to-to everything.

And, you know, it...
the-the tikis have the mana,

the stones have the mana.

Uh, mana's everywhere.

And, all of a sudden, something
that was technological in origin

becomes magic.

It becomes sorcery.

It becomes something divine.

that they're talking about

and depicting would seem
to be extraterrestrial.

One of my favorite pieces
that we saw

was that tiki of this woman
laying on the stomach

and she's giving birth.

But that's not the position
in which to deliver a baby.

To me, it looks like some sort
of a flying object,

where passengers
are disembarking, or pilots.

And if this is seen by someone
who has never seen an airplane,

well, then,
for all intents and purposes,

that thing is giving birth.

So, to me,
it's a... it's a wonderful

and interesting

It really shows,
I think, this connection

between the Marquesas,

perhaps also that these places
are-are space ports,

in a sense.

And isn't necessarily, uh,

the way that Western
archaeologists tell the story.

Whether it is tikis here
in the Marquesas

or moai in Easter Island,

we're looking
at misunderstood technology.

Because I think
that when you combine this

with the old stories of legends

of people descending
from the sky

with a lot
of noise, smoke and fire,

those depictions may represent

extraterrestrials themselves

or craft
that the extraterrestrials used.

Were the seven stone
sentinels of Easter Island

placed there to commemorate
what may once have been

a land of giant hybrids,

part human and part alien?

As far as Giorgio Tsoukalos and
David Childress are concerned,

the answer is a profound yes.

They also believe the ancient
moai on Easter Island

now serve a different,

if perhaps unintended, purpose.

of silently standing guard,

as if to protect the island
and its secrets,

the moai might actually be
helping to reveal the truth

about mankind's
extraterrestrial history,

a history that may very soon
repeat itself when we,

in the not-so-distant future,
could come face-to-face

with those same alien visitors

who were once immortalized
in stone.
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