13x08 - Island of the Giants

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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13x08 - Island of the Giants

Post by bunniefuu »


They have these
very strange, circular eyes.


This pyramid almost looks
like a large

launch ramp
on top of a platform.


Look at
the size of these blocks.

I mean, that one right there
is a minimum of one ton.

But are they extraterrestrial?

There was something very unusual

happening on this island.

Oak Island
treasure hunter Marty Lagina...

The effort to create this
is extraordinary.

ancient astronaut theorist

Giorgio Tsoukalos...

What do you think
that represents?

It could be
some type of a flying craft.

...for a sky high exploration

of one of the most
unusual places on Earth.

It's possible
that Sardinia was the epicenter

for giants in the ancient world.

Will Marty help Giorgio solve

a centuries-old mystery?

Look at this.
It's a perfect circle.

This is spectacular.

And will Marty return home

convinced that aliens
really do exist?

I am literally wowed by this.

Someone or some ones had
extraordinary knowledge.

Sardinia, Italy.

Today, this Mediterranean island

off the west coast
of the Italian mainland

is well known as the playground
of the rich and famous.

But 2,000 years ago,
Sardinia was home to one

of the most mysterious cultures
in all of the ancient world.

There's actually
tens of thousands of sites

on that particular island,
and even a pyramid.

This is quite rare in Europe.

And so, it's got
a vast megalithic culture

going back
several thousand years.

And it really
is an overlooked place

when it comes to archaeology.

Sardinia was once home

to a very mysterious
and arcane culture

"the Nuragic civilization."

The island is replete
with the residue

of megalithic constructions.

All over the island, you find
these megalithic stone towers

called "nuraghe,"

which were constructed
sometime in the distant past.

You also have the megalithic
tombs of the giants.


Is it possible that Sardinia
was once the home

of an ancient race strangely
different from our own?

But if so,
where did they come from?

And, perhaps more importantly,
where did they go?

It was to find answers
to these intriguing questions

that ancient astronaut theorist
and publisher Giorgio Tsoukalos

traveled to Sardinia
in May of 2018.


- Hey.
- How crazy is this place?

- Isn't this something?
- So great to meet you

- here in Sardinia.
- Great to meet you.

He had also
taken advantage of the trip

to meet up with Oak Island
treasure hunter Marty Lagina,

who, over the years, has been
a frequent visitor to the island

and shares Giorgio's
fascination with it.

You know, I've been here; the
last time, about 35 years ago

- with my parents...
- Really?

- ...on summer vacation.
- No kidding.

I am, uh, of Italian ancestry,

and I came here,
I think it was four years ago,

and I was here
on an Italian language course.

So, in the process, I find out
about these nuraghes,

and I find out
about these ancient things,

and I find out that nobody seems
to know anything about them.

And very seriously, I'd like

your opinion
about all this stuff.

- Right. -I don't know whether
this means anything,

but when I was talking
to some of the locals, you know,

they talk that there are
a lot of legends of giants,

- you know, giants.
- Really?

- Does that mean anything?
- Absolutely, because only

a few years ago,
I was exploring on Malta,

and there,
the entire civilization

is based on the idea of giants.

- Really?
- And some have suggested,

according to the ancient
astronaut theory,

that when the gods descended

and mated with
the beautiful women of Earth,

they produced giants.

So every time there are stories
and legends of giants,

I find that very interesting.

Well, there's a lot
of material here,

- so let's-let's have a look.
- All right,

let's do it.

To begin their investigation,

Giorgio and Marty travel

to the National Archaeological
Museum in Cagliari,

where some of Sardinia's
oldest and strangest artifacts

are on display.

It's just all weird.

And that this helmet on,
those weird eyes.

in the museum's collection

are a number
of enormous stone statues known

as the Giants of Mont'e Prama.

They were first discovered
in 1974,

when a local farmer stumbled
upon a large carved stone

protruding from the ground.

Archaeologists quickly
took over the site,

recovering more than
5,000 broken remnants.

Mainstream historians suggest

the statues were carved
by the Nuragic people,

a civilization that is believed

to have inhabited
the island for 2,000 years,

emerging in 1800 BC

and mysteriously disappearing
around 200 AD.

But what also makes
the statues so mysterious

is the strange way
in which the faces are carved...

Not so much resembling humans,

but what some
might describe as robots.

The Giant
statues found at Mont'e Prama

are approximately seven
and a half to eight feet tall.

You have warriors
and boxers and archers.

The statues themselves
are just noted for their size.

And it's thought that they
represent the Nuragic people,

that this is actually what we
might have that looks like them.

If he's a model of that,

why doesn't he have disc eyes?

'Cause he doesn't have disc eyes
and he certainly could.

What I find intriguing is that
the giants of Mont'e Prama...

Although they were discovered
in the 1970s...

Were not put on display until
sometime near the year 2000.

And I believe that these statues
simply do not conform

to the conventional
archaeological narrative

on the island, and instead,

point to the reality that there
was something very unusual

happening on this island.

This is very human,
except it has weird eyes.

- And disproportionate.
- And disproportions.

When you look
at these stone figurines,

they are extremely peculiar,
and they give the impression

of actually being giants.

The strangest things
about the statues

is that they have
these very strange circular eyes

that almost give them
an otherworldly feel.

After their visit to the museum,

Giorgio and Marty meet
at a nearby restaurant

with archaeological tour guide
Maria Paola Loi,

Paola? - ...Who has offered
to share with them

some of Sardinia's
local legends.

Ciao, I'm Paola,
how are you? Ciao.

- Pleased to meet you, welcome to Sardinia.
- Appreciate it.

- Grazie.
- Fantastic.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Did you go to the museum? Oh.
- We did.

Tell me what you think about the
finds that are displayed there.

I mean, up until about
six months ago, I had no idea...

- about these statues here.
- No idea.

So now when I saw

these statues of the Giganti
for the first time,

not only did the eyes remind me
of, uh, C-3PO from Star Wars...

- It's a dead ringer.
- ...but also,

there are these giant-eyed
statues in Tell Asmar,

from the ancient Sumerian
and Babylonian times.

Originally, the archeologists
and also scholars

who mentioned
the Nuragic civilization

said that these people probably
arrived from Mesopotamia.

- So the Anunnakis?
- Right.

The Anunnaki?

The race of winged giants
as described

in ancient Sumerian texts,
and frequently depicted

on the temples and icons
of ancient Babylon?

There are a lot of connections

between the Sardinian language

and the different languages
of Mesopotamia,

suggesting that Sumerians did
actually come to Sardinia.

They would've brought with them
the traditions to do

with the Anunnaki,
the gods of heaven and Earth,

which many people believe
were celestial beings.

What's interesting about
the Anunnaki is that there's

all types of wall reliefs

which depict
the Anunnaki standing amongst

the other Sumerian human beings.

They're always depicted as
larger beings of great stature.

Even in Sardinia,
these various statues of giants

could be actually
depicting the Anunnaki.

- I'm getting goose bumps.
- Yeah, I know.

- I know. This leads me
to the next question.

Are you aware
of any ancient legends

of giants here on Sardinia?

Oh, yes.

The name "giant" recalls

in the name of the giant tombs,

in the name
of the giant statues,

and also, the type
of architecture: "cyclopean."

So, to the observer, only a
Cyclops could've built this wall

- and that's why they call it...
- That's the legend behind it.

Yeah, okay.

The Cyclops are, of course,
the mythological giants

that are mentioned by Homer
in the Odyssey.

- Yes.
- Yes.

In the epic
Greek poem the Odyssey,

written by Homer
in the eighth century B.C.,

the hero, Odysseus, encounters
a Cyclops named Polyphemus,

a one-eyed giant who lives on an
island with others of his kind.

According to legend,
Polyphemus was also part divine,

as he was the son of Poseidon,
the god of the sea.

So, the Cyclops
are a legendary race.

The most famous one, of course,

is Odysseus fights one
in the Odyssey.

They are extraordinarily
large creatures.

They're humanoid, of course, and
famously with the single eye.

A lot of the Greeks
believed that towers

were invented by them, actually.

There are
some fascinating structures

in parts of Greece
that are massive.

Now the Cyclops were
one-eyed giants.

And it was thought that
they were the only ones

strong enough
to lift these massive boulders

and put them into place,
no mortar.

I'm always curious,
what was the true origin,

what was the original spark
of inspiration?

What happened?

- That's what we seek, huh?
- Yes.

Yeah, that-that's
the ultimate quest.

The next day,
Giorgio and Marty

travel to the remote town
of Siddi...

This is neat.

...to visit a place
known as Sa Domu e S'orcu:

A Tomb of the Giants.

It is one of more than
800 similar structures

on the island.

These stones
are getting close

to the ones you were describing
from our sites.

Yeah, 'cause
we're talking a minimum,

I would say,
between four and six tons.

Maybe four and 12?

Joining them is
their archaeological guide,

Ivana Malu.

What I find interesting here

is that the largest blocks
are situated on top.

It would make more sense to have
the big blocks at the bottom

and then the smaller blocks.

So this right here requires
some type of lever mechanism.


What does the engineer in you
say about this?

It's incredibly impressive.

You're right.
It would require

many motivated people
over a long time.

So what is the name of this?

The name of these...
It's, of course, a giant tomb.

- And the name is Sa Domu e S'orcu.
- And what does that mean?

Sa domu: the house.
S'orcu: the ogre.

So this is considered

- a giant's tomb.
- Yes.

Have any bones
been found inside?

In many others, yes.
Not in this one, unfortunately.

Although no bones
have been discovered

within Sa Domu e S'orcu,

many of the 800 tombs
on Sardinia

were found to contain
ancient human remains.

We found remarkably few

human remains in these tombs.

Perhaps in the 800 tombs

we found maybe
100 skeletons of people.

So, either the bones were
removed from the other ones

or they were just never used.

of the world will contend

that the tombs of the giants
in Sardinia

could not possibly have
been built for giants

because the bodies of giants

simply couldn't fit
into the tombs;

they weren't big enough.

I personally went there,
measured the tombs myself.

Even in the smaller tombs,

you could fit a nine
to 12-foot giant.

But they're missing the point.

Instead, the body of the giant

was buried beneath the tomb

and then the edifice was raised
over the burial of the giant.

So there are quite
a few accounts of giants

throughout Sardinia
in many traditions,

especially because
of the giants' tombs

that exist all over the country.

For example, in 1953,
it was reported

that two over eight-foot-tall
skeletons were discovered

in the area with grave goods
and bronze furnishings

and other such things
actually within the tomb itself,

suggesting that, indeed,
giants did exist in Sardinia.

You know,
it's really fascinating

that this is considered
the giant's structure

because this is
not the only one.

Your neighboring island Malta
has stories of giants.

Greece has stories of the
Cyclops, which were also giants.

You can go to South America.

Tiahuanaco was considered
to have been built by giants.

So worldwide we have
these stories of giants.

So the idea that at some point
giants roamed the land...

one has to wonder, were they at
some point all the same beings?

- Yes.
- Enough talking.

- Let's go have a look
inside this thing. Andiamo.

I had no idea
of the amazing things

that would await me
on the island.

These megalithic structures,
the tombs of the giants,

have become one of
the biggest puzzle pieces

that I've encountered so far.

- Wow.
- Very impressive.

Look at the beautiful

And look at the block.

You see the big block on top?

- Yeah.
- It's supposed to be

the heaviest we do have here,
so about 12 tons and something.

So this block right here

- is estimated to be about 12 tons.
12 tons.

Wow. And also this,

what some may refer to as some
type of an altar or a niche.

That was probably
something for votive offerings

- or maybe ritual.
- Mm-hmm.

I believe that some
of the tombs were designed

for what the Nuragic culture
called the rite of incubation.

Megalithic edifices were raised
over the bodies of the giants

that were buried beneath,

and then during
the rite of incubation,

the young people would crawl
inside of the tombs,

and then they would
spend the night

and the purpose was that these
young people would incubate

in order to absorb
the power, the prowess,

the might of the entities

that were buried
beneath the tombs:

the mighty ones, the heroes,
the giants.

So, actually, they put a lot
of attention in the shape.

This definitely was preplanned.

Here's what we all can agree on:
whoever built this had

- a very strong inspiration
and/or motivation. -Yes.

Did a race of
colossal beings really inhabit

the island of Sardinia
centuries ago?

And, if so,
were their origins Earthly

or extraterrestrial?

throughout western Europe

are more than 10,000 standing
stones known as menhirs.

They are believed to date
back to prehistoric times,

although their purpose
remains a mystery.

Sardinia is home to hundreds
of these menhirs

and ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos believes

they may provide a key

to understanding
the island's history.

To this end, he and Oak Island
treasure hunter Marty Lagina

have arranged to meet with
archeological guide Ivana Malu

at the Menhir Museum in Laconi.

Look at the very strange
circle with the spear.

What do you think, Marty?
What is that?

I'm not sure what that is

and I'm not sure
what this is, either.

Now, you tell me, please,
what should I be seeing?

It's a guy going down...
to go into another dimension.

Do not ask me where
or which other world.

But he's going on a trip,
on a journey

going from point "A"
to point "B."

Whatever it really symbolizes,
it was very important.

This took an enormous amount
of work, just this.

I mean, it's very heavy.

It-it's done in relief, which is
the hard way to do a carving.

- I-I think it's, uh... -What
do you think that represents?

We have people
with two wings on each side.

You know, it's almost like
an early version

of some type of an angel.

I'm arguing that what
we are looking at here

is someone visiting
from the sky.

In the Bible, they were referred
to as "the watchers."

The watchers?

The so-called fallen angels

as referred to
in the Bible's Old Testament?

According to the Book of Daniel,

as well as in the Apocryphal
Books of Enoch,

God sent a group of angels,
referred to as "the watchers,"

down to Earth
to watch over humankind.

But the watchers went
against God's will

and mated with human women,

producing a race of giant
mutants known as Nephilim.

They were called

the mighty ones of old.

They were physical giants.

And they brought havoc and
destruction upon the Earth.

And this is what led to God's
decision to bring the flood.

Even though the Bible teaches us
that Noah and his family

were the only humans
to survive the flood,

ancient legends teach us
that there were others

who did survive
in many other places.

When we talk
about the term "Nephilim,"

it is associated
with genetic hybrid entities.

What this translates to me

is that they were
part extraterrestrial.

Part of that story involves
the great flood.

So it's also possible that they
decided to set up new camps

beyond the ones
that were destroyed.

So we have to wonder

if Sardinia, perhaps,
was a refuge for the Nephilim.

You know what I find
beyond fascinating

is this shape down here,

which mainstream archeology
suggests is some type

of a w*apon,
some type of a dagger.

Which makes perfect sense.

But in conjunction with this
symbol right here, and that,

one could argue that
this is a representation

of some type of
misunderstood technology

that illustrates
some type of a flying craft.

Is it possible

that the figures found
on Sardinia's menhirs

represent not angels
sent from heaven,

but extraterrestrial visitors?

Beings that came in spaceships
from another world

and then fathered
a race of giants?

To see if there might be

some compelling
physical evidence

to support the theory
that Sardinia

was once home to a race of
extraterrestrial giants...

- Hello, sir.
- Ciao.

- Ciao.
- ...Giorgio and Marty

have decided to take a look

at the oldest structure
on the island

the way extraterrestrials
might have viewed it:

from the sky.

Giorgio, here it is.

The stepped pyramid
known as Monte d'Accoddi

was built around 4000 BC,

but what purpose it served
remains a mystery.

Does it remind you of anything
you've seen before?

Have you ever seen
anything like this?

Yeah, clearly, I mean,

this looks like some type of
a stepped pyramid,

almost like a ziggurat, which
you can find in Mesopotamia,

which is very interesting,
because how is it possible

that we have a step pyramid here
and in Mesopotamia?

And also, even closer,

you have something similar
in the Canary Islands,

on the island of Tenerife.

Archaeologists have discovered

that the original structure
of Monte d'Accoddi

was completely covered
with a layered mixture

of earth and stone
around 2800 BC

and that the platform underneath

has evidence of
being exposed to fire.

This has led some ancient
astronaut theorists to speculate

that it may have served
a unique purpose

for extraterrestrial visitors.

It could be that,
in the ancient past,

maybe these sites
were actually used

as some type of loading dock
for spacecraft.

The platform on top
is specifically situated

to hold some type
of large craft.

And the ramp was used

to possibly load
or unload supplies.

So we have to wonder
if this ancient ziggurat

wasn't actually some type
of ancient space platform.

Is it possible

that we have a step pyramid here

built in the likeness of
something that our ancestors saw

and it impressed them very much,

so that they were compelled
to build it in stone?

You know, that's a very
interesting perspective.

Were Sardinia's
architectural marvels

really built
thousands of years ago

to serve the needs
of a race of extraterrestrials?

Or could they have been built
more recently,

by early humans who witnessed
alien activity

and then interpreted it
in ways they could comprehend?

For Giorgio and other
ancient astronaut theorists,

it is a question
that might be answered

by examining
a mysterious structure

that was built to track
celestial events

with astonishing precision.

Paulilatino, Sardinia.

May 2018.

- Here we go. -Are you excited?
- Yeah.

- Oh, very. Very much so.
- Yes. So follow me, please.

Giorgio Tsoukalos,
Marty Lagina,

and archeological guide
Ivana Malu

travel to the sacred
Well of Santa Cristina,

an ancient structure
believed to have been built

sometime around 1800 BC...

Not for the purpose
of withdrawing water,

but to track a very specific
celestial event

with incredible precision.

Upon their arrival,
they meet with

archeoastronomer and author
Mauro Peppino Zedda.

Now, wait a minute,
wait a minute, uh...

- Yes. Yeah, prego.
- These are modern, right?

- This is reproduction?
No, no, I mean it.

No, I know, I know, I know.

This is reproduction.

It's what people say
when they are here.

They say, oh, Ivana,
that's a fake.

What is that here?

Can you imagine the well here
is 3,000 years old?

No, honestly,
these are the original stones?

Really, believe me.

- Wow.
- 100%.

That is built to last
for the eternity.

Well, this is spectacular.

The Well
of Santa Cristina demonstrates

such incredible masonry skill
that archaeologists struggle

to explain how it was built
by so-called primitive people.

Based on his years of research,

Giorgio believes
that both the stonework

and the well's connection
to celestial events

may provide important clues
for the theory

that a race of
extraterrestrial giants

once inhabited the island.

Do you want to touch
with your hand

- the sophistication of the wall?
- Yes.

- Yes.
- We want to go down there.

- Let's go down...
- Yes, of course. We have to.

You can touch it
with your hands.

- Unbelievable.
- This is crazy.

I mean, look at this.

It is round.

It's a perfect circle.

You can't put
a piece of paper...

There's no mortar used
to put this stuff together.

I mean...

- It's amazing.
- Incredibile ? questo.

Not only is it
constructed beautifully,

the foundation is below
the water table, okay?

That's very hard to do.

I could tell you
from Oak Island...

- Right?
- ...working in the water

- is difficult.
- Yes.

This is spectacular.

And this cupola

is really built

to observe the Moon
in its highest light.

Its maximum...

I get it.

...is every 18.6 years.

The full Moon reflects its light

in the deep water over there.

What Ivana is describing

is a celestial event known as
"The Lunar Standstill,"

the time when the Moon reaches

its highest point
in the night sky

and appears to stay there
for hours

until it finally descends.

But how was
an ancient civilization,

supposedly one
without mathematics

or even a written language,

able to conceive of such
a precise and ingenious method

of tracking such a rare
lunar cycle,

one that likely occurred
no more than once or twice

in an average lifetime?

The question is,
there was no written language.

How was this planned?

You can...
You can build without any plan.

Even if you are not
an architect, he said.

You're gonna build your house
without a blueprint?



Well, clearly, someone
told the local people

how to place these stones
into different areas

because it was a connection
to the celestial realm.

And then, afterwards,
this became a place of worship.

The place of worship only begins

after something
extraordinary happens,

- not before.
- So you're surmising

the technology was given
to these people.

- The engineering knowledge.
- Yeah.

Because this screams

Yes, it does.

I will certainly concur
to this extent:

someone or some ones had
extraordinary knowledge here.

- This is not easy to build.
- No.

Is it possible

that someone gave
the ancient Sardinians

highly advanced
engineering knowledge

and that that knowledge
was passed down,

generation by generation,
for thousands of years?

But if so, where did that
knowledge originate?

My suggestion is

this engineering knowledge

was given to the local culture

at the time
by the extraterrestrials.

I am not saying this lightly.

I am only saying this because

the legends and the statuary

that have been found here
all speak

of someone descending
from the sky.

Why would otherworldly beings

teach the ancient Sardinians
to accurately track

a lunar phenomenon that only
occurs every 18.6 years?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that the answers can be found

in the Biblical story
of the Nephilim,

the strange race of giants

that were the offspring
of the fallen angels

and human women.

It is known that
the Nephilim studied astronomy.

They studied the Moon cycles,
the solar cycles,

astrology, architecture.

And, obviously, Sardinia could
have been one of the places

where this knowledge ended up.

Is it possible that the Nephilim

of the Bible taught humanity

the knowledge of
the 18.61-year lunar cycle?

And the answer
could actually be yes.

The Bible says
that they were destroyed

in a cataclysm
that involved a deluge.

But did any of them
survive this deluge?

Well, the Bible tells us
that they did.

It's an interesting idea

that survivors of the flood
moved from the Middle East

to Sardinia.

And that Sardinia became a
special refuge for the Nephilim,

for these giants,

and they installed
a Moon-worshipping culture.

Is the Well of Santa Cristina

evidence that
the ancient Nuragic people

came into contact
with giant beings

described in the Bible
as the Nephilim?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that other
structures exist in Sardinia

that point to the exact origins
of both the Nephilim

and their
extraterrestrial ancestors.

Of the many
mysterious stone carvings

and structures found
throughout Sardinia,

perhaps the most confounding

are the thousands
of megalithic towers

that dot the island's landscape.

The structures,
known as nuraghe,

stand as architectural marvels,

each constructed
using colossal stones

and held together
without the use of mortar.

The conventional narrative,

concerning the purpose
of these towers,

is that they were constructed
as fortifications.

How do you build 30,000 towers

employing all of the equipment

and manpower that implies,

and yet still continue to farm,

still continue
to defend yourself

while you're building
these towers?

To investigate
the nuraghe firsthand,

Giorgio Tsoukalos
and Marty Lagina

traveled with archeological
guide Ivana Malu

to the nuraghe of Santu Antine,

one of the largest
on the island.

- Let's go inside. -Yes.
- Let's do that.

Is it possible that
these colossal stone structures

are, in some way,

linked to the numerous
mythological tales of giants,

whom many believe lived here
thousands of years ago?

I'll show you the way.

Wow, Ivana, this is...
this is...

Wow, look at this.

- This is impressive.
- Look at this.

This is only one nuraghe
in 8,000 we found in Sardinia,

- which has three niches...
- Mm-hmm.

...connected by a tunnel.

I mean, this
is absolutely crazy.


Look at the size
of these blocks.

I mean, that one right there
is a minimum of one ton,

- I'm sure.
- Yeah.

The effort to create
this is extraordinary,

absolutely extraordinary.

And I think it was made by

a very advanced society,
in some senses,

which is to say, where's
the knowledge come from, right?

Right, because clearly...

This is not a simple structure.

And this is interesting because

there are other places around
the world with similar masonry,

so you have to wonder
what's going on.

So Giorgio, we've been in here
now for awhile.

What's your best idea,
what is this?

Well, some have suggested

that these places here
are in correspondence

to some constellations,
such as the Pleiades.

According to the work
of Italian author

and archaeologist Augusto Mulas

the constellation
known as the Pleiades

has played an important role
in religious rituals

for thousands of years,
particularly in ancient Babylon.

He also observed that,
when viewed from the air,

the nuraghe at Santu Antine
was one of seven that,

when looked at together,

precisely matched the
configuration of the stars

of the Pleiades.

But why?

Could it be connected
in some way

to the ancient Babylonian
stories of the Anunnaki,

the winged giants who,

as depicted in numerous
ancient carvings,

suggest an eerie connection
to the so-called "watchers"

referenced in the Bible?

According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer is a profound yes,
but they also cite

numerous other connections
between ancient civilizations

and the Pleiades constellation.

The Pleiades are
a very special star group

to numerous ancient cultures,

including the Maya
and the Cherokee and others,

who believed that
it was a place from whence

our creators originated...
That, in fact, beings have been

coming and going
from the Pleiades for millennia.

But you have to wonder, with
this connection in Sardinia,

perhaps the inhabitants
of Sardinia

were actually in contact

with beings from the Pleiades.

I think it's really fascinating

that these nuraghes
are actually representations

of a certain section in the,
in the night sky,

and so, you know, maybe that
was the calling card

by the extraterrestrials

in order to show
where they came from.

- A sort of map.
- Exactly.

Here it is, surviving
after 3,000 years.

Are any of the buildings
we're creating today

- gonna last that long?
- Oh, that's a great question.

I doubt it.

All of these structures

were built in a megalithic style

for a future generation
that would understand

the discrepancy in logic.

If Sardinia really
was home to a race of giants,

who were they?

Could they have been
the Nephilim,

the hybrid children
of the so-called "watchers"?

But if so,
what happened to them?

Were they destroyed
by the great flood?

Or did some of them survive,

living out their last days

on a remote island
in the Mediterranean?

For centuries,

visitors to the Mediterranean
island of Sardinia

have been greeted with strange
and mysterious stories

that a race of giants once lived
there, thousands of years ago.

But other than the presence

of hundreds of bizarre
monolithic stone structures,

there had been little
physical evidence

after 1953 to convince

mainstream archaeologists,

or even ancient
astronaut theorists,

that the myths about giants
ever had a basis in reality.

That is, until 1979,

when more giant bones
were reportedly discovered

during one of the island's
many archaeological excavations.

I interviewed two individuals

who worked on the excavation
of the Nuragic ruins

in the town of Sardara,

underneath the Church
of Sant'Anastasia.

Both of these individuals
dug up,

at different periods of time,

multiple skeletons of giants,
from nine to 12 feet tall.

And then the bones of the giants

would go into the church
and then disappear overnight.

There have been hundreds
of excavations

in which the bones of giants
have been allegedly unearthed

and then secreted away.

Before we left
the island of Sardinia,

Marty and I were supposed
to finally get access

to an actual giant bone.

That was all set,

and then we received

that the guy pulled out,

and he was not going to show us
the giant bone.

Why did he pull out?

One could argue that some type
of censorship

is going on in Sardinia.


Is it possible
that physical evidence

that could help prove
that giants

once inhabited
the island of Sardinia

has been deliberately
hidden away?

But, if so, by whom? And why?

As far as Giorgio and Marty
are concerned,

that is just one
of the many questions

still left unanswered
by their trip.

Hey, I want to ask you this,

did ancient astronauts
visit Sardinia?

I think there is no doubt
that extraterrestrials

visited Sardinia
in ancient times

because there are similar

megalithic structures

of inexplicable origin

- elsewhere on the planet.
- Right, 'cause it's a piece

of what you've seen
elsewhere. Okay.

- Yes, it adds to the bigger picture.
- Yeah, okay.

Our ancestors were all visited
by the same teachers.

You know what?
I respect that immensely

because I think
that's the correct

scientific way
to go about things.

You start with a supposition,

and then put it
to the reality test,

put it to the real world,

put it to the evidence.
I want to become

convinced by the data.

Well, if I have accomplished
anything with you,

I hope that you continue looking
at other places and be like,

"You know, that Giorgio guy,
he has a point."

You want me to be convinced.

- Yes, exactly.
- Yeah. And that's a key point.

You look me in the eye
and you say, "You know what",

"I am convinced
that ancient astronauts

"visited this planet
and sowed the seeds

of what inspired people
to build these things."

I can't prove you wrong, okay?

I can't.

And I don't anybody
who can do that.

So the book is still open.

Yes, and I hope you will read
the next chapter.

You write it,
I'll read it, okay?

I'll read it.

The way you prove

the ancient astronaut theory

is not with one single piece
of evidence.

It is a conglomeration
of different puzzle pieces,

and Sardinia... you have
structures that are incredible,

you have the stories of giants,

and you have these statues
that look like giants.

And you have to wonder,
is it possible

that Sardinia, at some point,

was visited
by extraterrestrials?

Am I sold on it?
Absolutely not.

But would I dismiss it
out of hand?

No, because I think
that would be

probably just as bad an error.

We don't know what happened
everywhere on this planet.

And another thing is
we don't know

whether we're alone
in this universe.

It seems to me unlikely.

Perhaps somewhere,

deep beneath the ancient ruins
of Sardinia,

lie the remains
of a race of ancient beings,

part man, part extraterrestrial.

And if physical evidence
is ever found,

will it tell us about
humankind's incredible past,

or will it reveal our future?

A future where we will return
to the very stars

we may have come from
thousands of years ago?
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