13x03 - The Alien Protocols

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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13x03 - The Alien Protocols

Post by bunniefuu »

We don't know what
protocols governments might have

for how we interact with our
extraterrestrial visitors.

Two, one, let it go!

We've never found
an official sanctioned document

that says, if we're invaded
by aliens, this is what we do.

Doesn't mean
that there isn't one.

In we go, huh?

I believe that these protocols

are already established,
and, in fact,

we are already in contact
with extraterrestrials.

What we actually
could be looking at here

is a genuine alien life-form.

The question I have is,
what are we gonna do?

October 19, 2017.

The Hawaiian island of Maui.

Here, perched atop
a 10,000-foot summit,

the Haleakala Observatory.

Astronomers using
The Panoramic Survey Telescope

and Rapid Response System,
or Pan-STARRS,

detect a mysterious object

traveling at high speed
through our solar system.

The trajectory of this object
is unlike any

that has ever been seen before.

I was in charge
of coordinating the observing

to characterize the object.

The object was discovered.

And, at that point,
there were images taken

that showed an object
moving rapidly

with respect to the stars.

The stars are individual dots
of light,

and this object was a streak,

so they knew it was moving fast.

At that point,
they started to compute

an orbit to try and understand
what this object was.

This was
a really dramatic difference

from what
had been seen previously.

The object was found

to have a highly unusual
hyperbolic orbit,

suggesting that it was traveling

at such a high rate of speed

that it was not being pulled
into a more circular orbit

by the force of gravity.

Everything in the solar system

is either on a circular
or an elliptical orbit.

This was a particularly
exciting observation,

because we had never seen
anything like this

come through the solar system.

The object, which was classified

as an asteroid
and named 'Oumuamua,

a Hawaiian word
meaning "scout" or "messenger,"

is the first object of its kind

to be officially recognized
as interstellar.

An asteroid was discovered
coming into our solar system.

Let that sink in.

An asteroid was discovered
coming into our solar system.

From where we don't know.

It just came from outside
our solar system,

meaning it's from a different
star system, somewhere else.

That's historic,
that we've actually seen it.

We now know objects can travel
from one star system to another.

engaged in the Search

for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence, or SETI,

were intrigued not only
by 'Oumuamua's origins,

but also by its unusual shape.

It had a very funny shape.

It's shaped like a cigar.

You know, it's maybe five or ten
times as long as it is across.

No asteroid that we know of
looks like a cigar.

there were people saying,

"Well, are you sure it's a rock?

"Maybe there's somebody
inside this thing.

Maybe they've come to visit."

Now, if I were gonna build

a spaceship that was gonna take
hundreds of years,

or maybe thousands
or millions of years to go

from one star to another,
I would start by finding

a big asteroid that I like,
that had all the minerals on it.

And I would use that and just
turn it into the ship I wanted.

Mainstream astronomers
such as Avi Loeb, the chair

of Harvard University's
astronomy department,

noted that the cigar shape
of 'Oumuamua

is the optimal design for a
vessel to travel through space.

This has led
ancient astronaut theorists

and even some astronomers
to question

if the so-called asteroid
is actually

an extraterrestrial vessel.

What I think is interesting is
that 'Oumuamua is cigar-shaped.

Because there are stories

and eyewitness reports
of cigar-shaped UFOs.

So is it possible that there
is some type of a connection?

Reports of strange,
cigar-shaped UFOs

date back hundreds of years.

This famous woodcut from 1561,
for example,

is based on a firsthand account
by someone

who claimed that a number
of round and tubular objects

could be seen battling
in the sky

over the town
of Nuremberg, Germany.

This first documented UFO
photograph captured

what looks like a long,
cylindrical craft

hovering over Mount Washington,
New Hampshire in 1870.

And in modern times, sightings
of cigar-shaped UFOs

are commonly reported,
as are those which are described

as so-called "flying saucers."

It is possible that an asteroid

has been taken, hollowed out,

made into a spaceship,

and then put into
a special orbit or trajectory.

And what might be inside of
'Oumuamua is anyone's guess.

Discoveries like 'Oumuamua

certainly have swayed
the scientific community

towards our ideas,

because for the first time
in my life

have I heard an astronomer say
that this object

that is floating through
our solar system right now,

may be
an extraterrestrial craft.

That doesn't come from me;
it comes from an astronomer.

Maybe 'Oumuamua
was a false alarm,

but maybe it was the real thing.

However, it does inform us
that we need a protocol.

We need steps in place
that will help us

to determine what we
are actually seeing

and what the response should be.

This was a tremendous wake-up
call, because it started

to give us a sense
of how would we respond

if there were such
an intrusion, if you will.

Does humanity have a
plan for what to do in the event

that a spacecraft carrying
extraterrestrial beings

comes to our planet?

And, if so,
what are the protocols?

And who is responsible
for implementing them?

The International
Academy of Astronautics

set up something called
the Post Detection Task Group,

and I chaired that
for some years.

And it was just an informal,
uh, collection of people

who, uh, whose job was
to simply deliberate on

if there should be some
sort of putative signal,

or detection
of alien technology, what next?

What do we do?
Who do we tell?

How do we respond?

What would the impact be
on society?

In 1989,

the International Academy of
Astronautics, working with SETI,

published the "Declaration of
Principles Concerning Activities"

Following the Detection of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence."

It stated that if proof of
an alien presence is confirmed,

the next consideration should be
to decide which government

or scientific entity should
begin communication,

so that the situation
does not quickly turn

into an international

The SETI protocols, however,

are only binding on the
astronomical community.

There are many more players
in the equation.

The SETI protocols
may cover astronomers,

but they don't cover governments

and they're not even
legally binding.

Nobody can tell a radio
astronomer, or anybody else,

that they're not allowed
to transmit.

And even if the United States

and other major nations decided

that there should be some sort

of moratorium on using radio
telescopes for that purpose,

there's nothing
to prevent North Korea,

for example, from doing it.

I think it's totally

which is why we have to think
through rather carefully

what the consequences would be,

in the event that there was
this exciting discovery.

the enormous global impact

of any first communication
or contact between someone

from Earth and an intelligent
being from another planet,

wouldn't world governments
already have their own protocols

in place to handle
such a situation?

Protocols that would govern...
Not just individual countries...

But everyone in the world?

I spent the better part
of about four years researching,

uh, a book that myself
and, uh, and some colleagues

were working on
to create a protocol:

if we were invaded by aliens,
what would we do?

And we searched
everywhere we could,

and we had several databases
available to us,

and we've never found

an official sanctioned
government document

that says if we're invaded
by aliens, this is what we do.

Doesn't mean
that there isn't one.

With my experience of the
British Ministry of Defence,

I'd be surprised if there wasn't
a protocol for this.

So I suspect that somewhere,
deep in the bowels

of the Ministry of Defence
and the Department of Defense,

there is a plan.

But I also suspect
that it's highly classified.

But while many of the
world's top governments continue

to deny the existence
of any plans or protocols

that would be used in the event

of an extraterrestrial

many ancient astronaut
theorists believe

that not only do
such plans exist,

but that they have been
in place for decades.

And that contact
between Earth governments

and extraterrestrial visitors
has been happening...

In secret...
For thousands of years.

December 2017.

The New York Times
publishes a bombshell story.

It reveals the existence

of a $22 million
black budget program

within the Pentagon

created to investigate whether
unidentified flying objects

pose a threat
to national security.

From 2007 until 2012,

the Advanced Aerospace
Threat Identification Program

collected a compilation
of videos

that show inexplicable
aerial phenomena,

some of which have been released
to the public.

One of these videos, at least,

comes from the g*n camera
of an F-18.

And you don't just jump out
in your plane

and fly out and chase something
because you saw it go by.

You were told to do so,

and it took a lot of people
to know this was going on.

Although the complete
findings of the program

otherwise known as AATIP
are still considered

highly classified
and may never be released,

its very existence
provides proof

that the United States military
had protocols in place

for how to investigate
unidentified flying objects.

But do the videos
imply something else?

Something of even greater

Could they be evidence not
only that UFOs exist,

but that the government
has been studying them

and not sh**ting them down
for a reason?

We simulate
all sorts of scenarios

in w*r gaming simulations.

I've seen these simulations

where they can teleport
their soldiers

from one place to another

Or they have shields

that keep anything below
extremely high-caliber weapons

from penetrating their armor.

A lot of times this is called
an engagement for 2075.

Now, think about that.

We can prepare and plan

for engagements against forces
in the future.

That's almost like preparing
for a force

that's just that much
more advanced than us.

Is it possible

that by gathering
and then studying evidence

of UFO activity,

the U.S. military
is developing protocols

which will prepare
future soldiers

to face what could be
extraterrestrial forces?

And if not here on Earth,
on other planets?

We've got to have
space capabilities.

We've got to be able
to run out into our vehicle,

turn it on,
and fly up into space.

Right now it takes months
to prepare to go into space.

We need to have bases
on the Moon

and on Mars and Europa,

various other places
in the solar system

so that we don't have to play
on one staging ground: Earth.

We can't fight
wearing a space suit.

We're gonna have to have
some other type

of environment capability,
like powered armor suits,

like in Iron Man,
that improves your abilities

instead of hinders them.

So we need some other technology
for that.

But if
the United States military

has secret protocols
for how to identify

and combat
extraterrestrial threats,

could they also have protocols
for more peaceful encounters?

And if so, could these protocols
also be part

of a global strategy,
one secretly shared

with other nations
around the world?

Vatican City, May 2014.

In a sermon dedicated
to concepts of inclusion,

Pope Francis shocks his
congregation when he declares

that if alien life-forms
ever arrive on Earth,

he would welcome them
into the Catholic Church.

The pontiff's remarks
stun the world,

as it is the first time
that a sitting pope acknowledges

not only that
extraterrestrial life exists,

but that it could be intelligent

and capable
of interplanetary travel.

The Pope's action

is one little example
of the broad shift in attitudes

toward the possibility
of visitation.

Religious authorities

around the world,
leaders of the world religions

are having to deal
with the possibility,

if not the already known

of the existence
of extraterrestrial beings.

Whether a secretly held belief

or a recently evolved position,

faith-based organizations
around the globe

have recently embraced
a more open

and transparent view
that intelligent life

beyond Earth is possible.

The Catholic Church's statements

are allied with the statements
of the Dalai Lama,

who has recently been talking
about openness and oneness

and the sameness of all
the creatures in creation,

that we shouldn't treat

extraterrestrial beings
as strangers,

but rather as similar to us.

When they will encounter us

or we will encounter them,

it does not have to be conflict

if we do not allow it to be so.

As far as
ancient astronaut theorists

are concerned, the willingness
of world religions

to embrace the notion
of visitations

by extraterrestrial beings
is not new

but dates back hundreds,
if not thousands, of years.

They argue that most religions,

if not all,
are based on the idea

that not only do
otherworldly beings exist,

but that their purpose
in coming to Earth

has been to provide everything
from spiritual enlightenment

to scientific knowledge.

In 1999, NASA published a study

called "The Societal
Implications of Astrobiology."

What this study
was designed to do at its core

was evaluate the impact
of disclosure on religion.

NASA views religion
as an adaptive tool

that can help people
to answer questions

that science can't answer

because, in their view,
religion has been dealing

with extraterrestrials
for a long time.

People have been told to have
faith in otherworldly beings.

All of the major religions

have prophecies
of the return of a Christ,

a messiah, a savior figure.

And very often
these returns involve

what appear to be,
in the description,

some method
of cosmic transportation.

The Messiah comes
with an army of angels.

And the angels we know
from biblical definition

are certainly not human
by any standards.

They are by every standard
of definition extraterrestrial.

The shock
of extraterrestrials being here

and having been here
for thousands of years

will really change society.

Eventually, everyone
on planet Earth will realize

that we are not alone.

Is it possible

that the religious concept
of a messiah

who returns to Earth
for the betterment of mankind

was based on a message
given to our ancestors

by otherworldly beings?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that the answer
is a resounding yes

and that not only
was such a visitation promised,

but that it is
already occurring.

March 2018.

Author and researcher
Andrew Collins

travels to Sheffield, England,

to witness
a remarkable demonstration.

- Hi, guys.
- Hello.

- Andrew, how are you?
- Ah, Chris.

- Pleasure.
- I'm Milton.

He is meeting

with microbiologist
Milton Wainwright

and engineer Chris Rose,

two members of the research team
who are convinced

that life on Earth
may have originated in space

through a process
known as panspermia,

a theory that dates as far back
as the fifth century BC.

According to the theory,
microbial life

is capable of traveling
through the universe

and may on occasion survive
entry into Earth's atmosphere.

I understand you've made

some incredible discoveries.

Please tell me all about it.

In the early 2000s, my colleague

Chandra Wickramasinghe,

um, we were launching balloons
from India.

And these were sampling the air
at 41 kilometers.

And they showed that organisms

are continually arriving
all the time.

is extremely simple idea.

Basically, it's the idea
that life came from space.

Instead of being formed on this
planet, it came from space.

My findings
relate to panspermia simply,

and they show
that organisms are coming in

at this very moment from space.

Tell me how you actually collect
these samples.

This is our, our balloon

that's gonna give us
the buoyancy from the...

the hydrogen gas here.

Now, our capture mechanism
is right here.

Let me show you this.

This exposes little metal
stubs to the environment.

And you're looking to see
if you can get microbes

coming from the upper atmosphere

- and not from the Earth itself?
- That's right.

All the critics say
they're coming from Earth

because we're surrounded
by life.

But we have lots of evidence
that this material

is not coming from Earth.

It's incoming from space.

I mean, it sounds incredible.

I mean, have you ever lost
any of these?

No, and we're not
about to start today.

- So fingers crossed, guys.
- Brilliant.

The team moves the balloon

into launch position,
from which it will ascend

more than 37 kilometers,
or 23 miles, into the air.

Okay, guys. Ready?

Andrew, on you. Countdown, please.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Let it go! Oh, there it goes.

Once the balloon
reaches its target altitude

within the Earth's stratosphere,

the capture mechanism
will hopefully collect samples

of non-Earth-based
microbial life.

After the sampling is
complete, the balloon bursts,

and the capture mechanism
descends back to Earth

under the safety of a parachute.

The team uses GPS tracking
to locate

where the mechanism lands.

Once retrieved,
the sample is quickly secured

in a sealed container

so that it does not
become contaminated

with microbes from Earth.

Moments later,

Andrew joins Milton and Chris
at a nearby laboratory.

Here they will extract

the microbes
inside a sterilized clean room

and then analyze them

to make sure no Earth microbes

have contaminated the sample.

A clean room.

- Mm-hmm.
- How can you ensure the sterilization?

What are the protocols

- behind this process?
- Right.

It's really all about
sterilizing the air inside,

to make sure the air inside
contains no microorganisms.

So all the air is filtered.

Milton and Chris
remove the carbon tabs

from the capture mechanism

and place them
into vacuum-sealed containers.

This will further prevent
contamination while they view

the samples with
a scanning electron microscope.

Wow. What on earth is that?

I can tell
that this is biological.

If you analyze this,
I'm pretty certain

this will show
as carbon, oxygen,

and a little bit of nitrogen.

Now, that's the signature
for life.

We're saying that this piece

of biological life could

- potentially be extraterrestrial in origin?
- Right.

There's nothing from Earth
around it. It's pristine.

So it's incoming.

Now, if we do a bit of,
um, modeling studies,

we come to the conclusion
that nothing bigger

than six microns can go out.

And this is 200.

So it's a very large particle,
and it's coming in.

What we actually could be
looking at here

is a genuine alien life-form?

What you're looking at there

is an organism
or a clump of organisms

that is incoming
from space to Earth.

Nothing bigger than six microns

can go from the surface
of the Earth

to these altitudes
that we sample at.

And yet we are finding particles

all the way up to 200.

They can't be coming up
from Earth.

Absolutely amazing.

It's blown my head off.

Biological organisms

not from Earth
but from somewhere in space?

Could we be looking
at actual evidence

of a living organism
from a world other than our own?

We've actually found
evidence of what could be

biological entities.

To see those images
was extraordinary,

and it's convinced me
that the Earth

is surrounded by life
that almost certainly came

from outer space.

This is one we took earlier,
as they say.

This is the most amazing image
I've ever seen in my life.

It's got biological material

And this material
we know contains

carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen.

So this is biological.

When we analyzed the ball,
we found it contained titanium

and a small amount of vanadium.

So this is a titanium sphere

with life inside
and life on the outside.

Now, what on earth is it?

One possibility is that
this is directed panspermia.

Some civilization has put
biological material

inside and just on the outside
of this thing

and they've spewed it out.

And this suggests
that some alien

civilization is seeding planets.

This smoking g*n
of, uh, panspermia

or even directed panspermia

could give us
the best evidence yet

that aliens, in some form,

seeded life on this Earth,

which is an incredible thought.

NASA have, uh,

a department known as the Office
of Planetary Protection

- to safeguard, uh, the Earth
- Right.

From extraterrestrial
biological entities...

- whatever you want to call them...
- Yeah.

From actually penetrating
into the Earth's atmosphere.

There are extremely detailed
plans and protocols

for bringing back any probe

that we send to another planet
or moon

or asteroid.

The protocols that are in place

shut out the possibility
of us studying

actual biological entities
that may exist

on the edge
of our own stratosphere

that have arrived here
from deep space themself.

Uh, and I find that very sad,
very tragic.

If extraterrestrial microbes

are landing on our planet,

can NASA's strict protocols
really protect us

from biological contamination?

Or could it be
that the contamination

is not only unstoppable
but it is the very method

by which life on Earth
began to evolve

millions of years ago?

October 4, 1957.

The Soviet Union launches
Sputnik 1,

the first satellite
to orbit the Earth.

Its success stunned the world

and shocked the United States
into action.

The space race was on.

And with it
came the creation of NASA,

the government's first
fully funded agency charged

with not only putting humans
into space

but to have a man land
on the Moon by 1969.

In fact,
so thorough was NASA's focus

on all aspects
of space exploration

that it commissioned a study
on "the implications"

of a discovery
of extraterrestrial life,"

otherwise known
as the Brookings Report.

The Brookings Institute
report didn't just ask,

are there aliens out there?

It took it to the next level
and said,

what happens when we find them?

The implications

of discovering extraterrestrial
life are profound,

and they're implications that go
across all levels of society.

Politics, economics, religion,
technology, science.

Everything will be affected.

The Brookings Report
specifically says

you should release information,

little by little, bit by bit,

so that people
get culturally acclimated

to the idea of aliens
and extraterrestrials.

We've always speculated,

those of us in broadcasting,

why isn't government
coming forward,

telling us what's going on,
telling us the truth?

And a lot of people cite
the old Brookings Report

that basically said
we can't handle the truth.

There'd be mass chaos.

Religions would collapse.

Governments would collapse.

So the government has decided,

we're not saying anything.

Does the existence
of the Brookings Report

provide evidence that not only

does the United States
have protocols and procedures

in place in the event
of extraterrestrial contact

but that such protocols have
deliberately been kept a secret

from the American public
for nearly 60 years?

But if so, why?

I do not believe
that government, essentially,

is negative, evil and harmful,
deceptive or lying.

We should look back to 1938,

when Orson Welles did his famous
radio program on Halloween night

called w*r of the Worlds,

wherein which,
through an enactment,

New York was to be invaded.

People around the country
listening to this radio program

were terrified.

machines are close together now,

and we're ready to attack.

Planes circling,
ready to strike.

Our government's
learned from this.

People will panic.

Some people have thought that

it's important
to-to prepare the public.

You know,
I've always said I think

the American public
can handle the truth.

The government would do well
to be more open

about what it's done
in the past,

what it learned in the past,

what it's doing today, uh,
and what it'll do in the future.

But while the U.S.
government does not acknowledge

having any official protocols
for first contact,

it makes no secret
of its ongoing efforts

to explore the possibilities of
extraterrestrial communication.

Cape Canaveral, Florida.

September 5, 1977.

NASA launches
the Voyager 1 probe.

Its mission is to journey
to Jupiter, Saturn,

Uranus, and Neptune and send
back important information.

But perhaps more interesting
than the information

Voyager 1 was programmed
to collect

was the information
it was carrying with it.

The two Voyager
spacecraft were each launched

in 1977 on a mission
of exploration

of the outer solar system.

And both of them kept on going,

to leave the solar system,
uh, forever.

They weren't coming back.

And as a result of this,
NASA invited Carl

to put a message on both
of the Voyager spacecraft.

As conceived
by a team of experts

led by famed astronomer
Carl Sagan,

Voyager's so-called
Golden Record

was designed to send greetings
from the people of planet Earth

to whatever form of alien life
it might encounter

that had intelligence enough
to decode it.

I'd been collaborating with Carl
for about five years.

We shared a passion
for this topic...

Extraterrestrial intelligence
and how to communicate with it...

And I happened to be at the
right place at the right time

when he was trying to form
a small team

to actually make the message.

I was a design director
on the project,

and my main role was designing,

with Frank Drake,
the series of photographs

and diagrams that show what the
Earth and human beings are like.

The Golden Record kick-started

this thought process,
this approach to philosophy of,

how do we define who we are

if we came across
an intelligent civilization?

How would we represent

The Golden Record
shows Earth on a good day.

Some of our best music,

a lot of pleasant-looking people
saying hello.

No w*r, no poverty,
no injustice.

And this was by design.

First of all, it's not obvious
how you would show these things

to an extraterrestrial.

I mean, a starving baby evokes a
huge emotional reaction from us.

Maybe a baby is supposed to look
that way. They wouldn't know.

It seemed important to me,

in being asked
to design this thing,

that it should tell a story.

And the story is,
of course, our story.

It's a story of our planet,
it's a story of life,

it's a story of humans,
and it's a story of our future.

In terms of the protocols

that we would use
in actually replying back

to a message that we got from
an intelligent civilization,

different experts
have different opinions.

Some people believe
that we should try

and represent the best version
of ourselves.

On the other end
of the spectrum,

you could potentially upload
the entire Internet,

along with all
of our dark sides,

so that you could have a full
and complete picture

of who we are as a species.

Does NASA's
involvement in the design

and implementation
of Carl Sagan's Golden Record

provide evidence
of the government's belief

that intelligent life exists
in the universe?

If so,
is that belief the product

of mere scientific speculation,
or a conviction

based on previous
extraterrestrial encounters?

For the answer, ancient
astronaut theorists point

to the government's long history

of trying to establish
secret alien communications.

Washington, D.C.

March 24, 1961.

The Brookings Report, the first
official government document

to suggest protocols
for what to do

in the event of alien contact,
is submitted

to the House Committee
on Science and Astronautics

and entered
into the Congressional Record.

But ancient astronaut theorists

that those protocols
weren't new,

but, in fact, had been in place

ever since President Harry
Truman ordered an investigation

into the famed Roswell incident
in 1947.

inside of his administration,

reached out to scientists,

reached out to military people,
reached out to businessmen,

formed this group called
Majestic 12... MJ-12...

To do research
and report to him.

And no one outside
is to know anything

about UFOs, E.T.s,
crash retrievals,

bodies, any of it.

There is actually
a document called

The Majestic 12
Special Operations Manual,

which actually describes

what a military officer
or enlisted man should do

should he encounter
a crashed UFO,

should he encounter
an extraterrestrial being,

alive or dead, and how the body
should be disposed of.

And it's a very,
very detailed set of protocols,

basically for how to handle it
if you run into E.T.

Aerospace engineer
Dr. Robert Wood

was one of the first people
to examine the MJ-12 documents.

It is his opinion, based in part

on the descriptions
of spacecraft in the documents,

that the Special Operations
Manual is genuine.

The Special Operations Manual is
remarkable in several ways.

It gives detailed descriptions
of four shapes of UFOs.

Another thing is that it talks

about extraterrestrial
biological entities.

The Majestic 12
talks very frankly

about extraterrestrial
biological entities,

and their protocols.

There is under Chapter Five,

And that is tied

to what happened to
Lonnie Zamora down in Socorro.

On April 24, 1964, there
was a New Mexico police officer

in Socorro, New Mexico
named Lonnie Zamora who noticed

what appeared to him to be
some sort of wrecked vehicle

off the side of the road.

So he pulled his police car over

and he started
to walk towards it.

When he got closer
to the vehicle,

he realized that it was
some sort of egg-shaped craft

with these four landing legs

that were stuck into the ground,
and he saw two beings

who were in silver suits.

And the two beings went back
inside the craft,

and the object took off
and sped away.

And when another officer
came back out to the site,

they went to where the craft
had landed, and they discovered

four holes in the ground

where the landing legs had stuck
into the dirt.

Lonnie Zamora's encounter
made headlines in 1964.

Since then, further information

about the incident
has become available online

from leaked government files.

Files, which, if genuine,
corroborate the protocols

that are described
in the MJ-12 documents.

In the Serpo documents,
they talk

about the Ebens, as they were
named, and arrangements

for them to actually land
and have a diplomatic exchange

with U.S. government officials

at White Sands m*ssile Range
in New Mexico.

What's explained
in the documents

is that the Zamora sighting
is actually

the two emissaries who had got
the coordinates wrong

and had actually landed
in the wrong place.

Is it possible

that the United States
government is not only aware of,

but possibly in contact with,
extraterrestrial beings?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes and suggest

that the United Nations may even
have an ambassador

to extraterrestrials.

September 2010.

News organizations
across the globe report

that the United Nations Office
of Outer Space Affairs intends

to draft a series of protocols
on what to do when first contact

with an extraterrestrial
civilization is officially made.

The story causes a sensation,

but then, after a few days,

the story mysteriously

When pressed
for further information,

officials at the United Nations
have refused to comment.

The United Nations announced

that it would create
some protocols

for extraterrestrial contact,

but so far
they have not given those to us.

Just because protocols
have not been announced

doesn't mean
that they don't exist.

I believe that these protocols
are already established,

and, in fact, we are already in
contact with extraterrestrials.

The United Nations have said,

"Do not come to us
with questions like this

until there's
an international consensus."

Well, there is no international
consensus on this.

Imagine if aliens
showed up here tomorrow

and said,
"Take me to your leader,"

like you always see in the
movies or hear in the stories.

Well, who would that be?
A lot of people think,

"Oh, it's the Secretary General
of the U.N."

Uh, well, maybe, maybe not.

What they would look at is

who has the largest industrial
machine on the planet.

And I would say
it would have to be

the president
of the United States,

the president of Russia
and of China.

They'd have
to be there together.

But if intelligent beings

are technologically advanced
enough to travel to Earth,

whose protocols will
matter more... ours or theirs?

As we prepare
for this worldwide reality

of extraterrestrial life being
known here on planet Earth,

we have to see
that the extraterrestrials

are gonna have different
protocols than we would have

that will be
far more sophisticated

than anything we can conceive.

And we will have
to really follow their lead

in how we interact with them
and other extraterrestrials

as we go into space ourselves.

Are these two worlds
that are about to meet...

Are they compatible?

And I say yes
because we come from out there.

Because in Native American
culture, there are legends

of 13 inhabited worlds,
planets out there,

and we are the youngest.

This world is called
"the planet of the children."

And what does a child do?

I think children... they listen,
they soak up the knowledge.

So I think it's time for us to
look more at our ancient past,

look at the traditions,

and see and learn
that we've never been alone.

As NASA eagerly prepares

to send astronauts to Mars,

it must face the fact
that it will be humans

that will become the alien
visitors to another planet.

And what will we do if we come
face-to-face with living proof

that we are not alone?

Will we welcome them,
or will they welcome us?
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