12x16 - Return to Gobekli Tepe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x16 - Return to Gobekli Tepe

Post by bunniefuu »

Gobekli Tepe is the smoking g*n

of a lost civilization
because it confirms that,

at the time of the last ice age,

there was high culture existing
in the world.

ROBERT SCHOCH: Gobekli Tepe's an
incredibly sophisticated site.

There's a very important message

they were purposefully
sending to us.

We're actually seeing

in the Cygnus star system,

just like what they paid homage
to at Gobekli Tepe.

Only five percent

of Gobekli Tepe
has been unearthed so far.

So, what other surprises
will we find there?

COLLINS: We need to know
about our origins.

We need to know our destiny.

And all of it lies under
the surface of Gobekli Tepe.

NARRATOR: Sanliurfa, Turkey.

October 1994.

While plowing his field,

shepherd Savak Yildiz
spots a strangely shaped stone

protruding from the ground.

After brushing away the dirt,

he realizes that it may be
part of a much larger object.

Shortly after contacting
the local museum with his find,

he is visited by Klaus Schmidt

from the German
Archaeological Institute.

It wasn't until German
archaeologist Klaus Schmidt

visited the site
and began digging,

they realized what was
really at this site.

What he discovered
was mind-blowing.

After discovering
the first T-shaped pillar

buried at the site,

he soon found more
of these massive structures.

During the intensive dig,

Schmidt and his team

begin to unearth dozens of
additional giant stone monoliths

covered in intricate carvings,

some weighing
as much as 20 tons.

The site of Gobekli Tepe

is a series
of circular enclosures.

But then, in the center
of each enclosure,

you have two particularly big
T-shaped pillars of limestone

sort of facing each other.

Now, many of these pillars have
remarkable carvings on them,

wonderful carvings
and bas-reliefs of animals,

birds, insects,
all kinds of things.

So, to fashion those
and carve them and set them up

in these structures
was just absolutely amazing.

Archaeologists estimate

that it would have taken
a team of 50 men

an entire week to move just one

of the monolithic pillars
from the limestone quarry

to the top of the hill
where they stand today

and over 300 hours
to carve the bas-reliefs.

At this rate, each of the five
stone circles unearthed so far

would have required a full year
to be completed.

But why such a monumental site
was built in the first place

remains a mystery.

It's very difficult to know
what the purpose of something

like Gobekli Tepe could be.

And certainly Klaus Schmidt
had not reached any conclusions,

except that it's clearly not
a settlement.

It's not a village. There is
absolutely no domestic refuse.

Schmidt always hoped
that it was funerary

and that there would be burials
underneath the walls

or underneath some of
the pillars or so on.

But so far,
they have not yet found

any human remains at the site.

There are no domestic plants
in the site.

There are only
wild animal bones.

Inevitably, in archeology,
if we don't know

what something is for,
we think a ritual.

But, really,
it's pure speculation.

NARRATOR: Intrigued by evidence
that the structure might go back

to a Neolithic period,

Klaus Schmidt has
the sediment layers of the site


The results indicated

that the stone structures could
be as much as 12,000 years old,

more than 5,000 years older

than mankind's first known
civilization in Mesopotamia.

More than that,

it would place the construction
of Gobekli Tepe

to a time
when mainstream scholars suggest

humans were roaming the Earth
as hunter-gatherers.

Well, the site of Gobekli Tepe

really did send shockwaves
through the whole world

of early prehistory,
because we'd never before known

or imagined even
that simple hunter-gatherers

could produce such spectacular
monumental structures.

Now, in archeology,
really since it began,

we've always assumed that
hunter-gatherers were capable

of producing wonderful
works of art...

Rock art, cave art,
and things like that.

But we never imagined
that they could come together

in sufficient numbers,
uh, to make, uh,

monumental constructions
like Gobekli Tepe.

the currently accepted timeline

for mankind's advancement
is correct,

is it possible that
primitive hunter-gatherers

could have built

such sophisticated
megalithic structures?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say no,

and instead suggest

that Gobekli Tepe was built by
the survivors of a lost society,

one that was
almost entirely wiped out

by a worldwide cataclysm.

And to support their claim,

they point to recent evidence
of a catastrophic event

which many mainstream scientists
believe occurred

at the very end
of the last ice age,

which is believed to have lasted

from roughly 108,000 BC
until nearly 10,000 BC.

COLLINS: Gobekli Tepe
could be the smoking g*n

of a lost civilization,

because it confirms that,
at the time of the last ice age,

there was high culture
existing in the world.

This is something that had been
speculated for many years,

but there had not been
the absolute evidence.

Now we could have it.

These engineering skills,
this ordering of society

is something
that must have existed

before the end
of the last ice age.

And arguably even earlier.

When you look at the time frame

of Gobekli Tepe, it was built

right after
these huge catastrophes

at the end of the last ice age.

And it would seem
that the builders were people

who had survived and had
the knowledge and technology

to build something like this.

NARRATOR: According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

proof of
a lost civilization exists

some 300 miles away
from Gobekli Tepe,

in the form of
a vast underground city

known as Derinkuyu.

It extends
some 13 stories underground

and had the capacity
to support 20,000 people.

Although the site has yet
to be scientifically dated,

some researchers have suggested

that it may have served
as a prehistoric refuge.

Derinkuyu is a multi-leveled city

that has existed, uh,
since time immemorial.

It was certainly used, uh,
during Christian times.

But there's also evidence that
there's prehistoric activity

going on at these places.

Archaeologists found evidence
of Stone Age tools

going back
to the Paleolithic era.

This is at the time
of the last ice age.

And so it's possible
that our ancestors escaped

the cataclysm and the ice age
deep down inside them.

NARRATOR: But if Derinkuyu
really did serve as refuge

from a catastrophic event,

how might it offer a connection
to Gobekli Tepe?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by exploring
more recently discovered caves

and the stories suggesting that
they were built upon the orders

of otherworldly beings.

Central Anatolia, Turkey.

300 miles from the ancient site
of Gobekli Tepe.

December 28, 2014.

A local crew excavating
for an urban renovation project

stumbles across a strange series
of carved rooms and tunnels

deep underground.

Upon further exploration,

they find the subterranean
network spans several miles

and extends hundreds of feet
below the surface of the Earth,

much like the nearby caves
of Derinkuyu.

COLLINS: What they discovered
was that these caves extended

for a distance of 370 feet
down into the rock.

Archaeologists estimate

that more than five million
square feet of rock,

the volume of over 370
Olympic-size swimming pools,

was removed to carve out
this subterranean city.

Yet there is no evidence of the
extracted material in the area.

This mysterious cave system
is still under excavation

and closed to the public.

But in June 2017,

author and researcher
Andrew Collins

was granted access to the site.

The sheer size of some of these
rooms is absolutely amazing.

I mean, this one that we're in
now is 120 feet in length.

And yet it's just one of
hundreds of similar rooms

that we find inside
this great hill.

These tunnels that you see
seem to go on and on.

And yet what's incredible

is that not only were
they full of people,

but there was also livestock
down here.

And we are told that
as many as 20,000 people,

perhaps even as much as 60,000,

could've lived here
at any one time.

Not only is there evidence

that these caves once housed
thousands of people,

but archaeologists have found
air vents and water wells

that would have made it possible
to live underground

for years at a time.

These were cut deeply
into the rock,

sometimes for hundreds
of yards in depth.

And at the base of them
were wells

that provided water to these
underground populations.

This is what is known
as a self-sealing door.

And they're in fact
huge great stone wheels

made of a volcanic rock
known as basalt.

And their function was
that they would be wheeled

into position
so that they would lock,

so that nobody was able to get
inside the underground cities.

When it was discovered,

historians recovered artifacts

that suggest
the cave system was used

by the early Christians
to escape persecution.

So they dated the site to be
approximately 1,500 years old.

But based on new evidence,
the caves might be much older.

COLLINS: A few years ago,

I interviewed an archaeologist
by the name of Omer Demir.

And he found within it
Paleolithic tools,

tools that went back
at least 10,000 to 12,000 years,

and arguably even earlier still.

If these caves can be dated

to at least 12,000 years ago...

Around the same time
archaeologists believe

the nearby site of Gobekli Tepe
was constructed...

Just who built them?

And what drove the builders

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest clues can be found

not embedded in stone,

but in the pages of
ancient Persian religious texts.

is one of the world's

oldest monotheistic religions,
founded by the prophet Zoroaster

in ancient Iran
approximately 3,500 years ago.

The central figure
of the religion

was a powerful god
named Ahura Mazda,

who is often depicted
seated inside a winged disk.

According to the story,

recorded in a text
known as the Vendidad,

he sent a powerful warning
to a young priest named Yima

about a coming cataclysm.

Ahura Mazda told
the great early king Yima

that there would be
a terrible disaster.

A giant serpent would descend
from the heavens to the Earth.

Well, that sounds like a comet

or a large meteorite
falling to Earth.

Then a winter would come
such as has never been known.

NARRATOR: Prior to the event,

Yima is given
very specific instructions

to build an underground shelter

in order to survive
the coming "giant freeze."

Ahura Mazda instructs Yima
to build a Vara.

This is a huge structure,
two miles long, two miles wide,

an underground hall of sorts

where things can be protected
from the terrible winter.

Yima was to hide
a remnant of the people,

and an extensive seed bank,

also a pair of each
of the animal species.

Once Yima is finished
building the Vara,

he takes 2,000 people in,
a representation of mankind.

They are there for 150 years,

but when the winter is over
and they come out,

it is a barren world.

They will have to rebuild
civilization from scratch.

CHILDRESS: The Vara is
supposed to be a huge enclosure

that not only houses
a large number of people,

but also animals and seeds.

It's a storehouse
just like Noah's Ark.

So you've got this same story,

and it would seem
that this is a very real thing

that ancient people
knew about and wrote about.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that the story of Noah's Ark

and the Vara of Zoroastrianism
are one in the same?

And the reference to an ark

was later misunderstood
to be a large ship?

But if these accounts
are in fact true,

how is it that mankind
had enough advance warning

to build such sophisticated
places of refuge?

The ancient texts are very clear
that the gods,

they always warned people

that this catastrophe would
happen so that they would save

a select group
of that population.

So how was that possible?

Either they had access to
sophisticated technologies

with which to predict
the weather,

or what's the other option?

And if you combine that with the
fact that Ahura Mazda was known

to have descended from the sky
in a vehicle with fixed wings...

It looks like some type
of flying device...

That would suggest

that he was in fact
an extraterrestrial.

NARRATOR: According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

the Vara described
in the ancient Zoroastrian texts

is strikingly similar
to the recently discovered

subterranean town
in Central Anatolia.

The underground caves in Turkey

sound exactly like the Vara

that was made by Yima
in Zoroastrian mythology.

Is it possible
that this cave system

supplies the evidence
that tells us

that the Zoroastrian mythology
is in fact a real, true story?

If these caves provide evidence

that the account recorded

in the ancient Zoroastrian texts
is factual,

did the inhabitants
of the Vara emerge

to find a barren wasteland

where they were
to rebuild civilization?

Might they be responsible

for the construction
of Gobekli Tepe,

located only 300 miles away?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest
that this very connection

could help explain some of the
mysterious figures immortalized

in the stone carvings.

NARRATOR: Gobekli Tepe, 2017.

To date,
69 massive stone pillars

have been unearthed
at the ancient site,

after more than two decades
of excavation.

More than one-third
of the statues

contain elaborate carvings
of animals,

including various mammals,

reptiles, insects and birds.

But also included

are depictions of species
not indigenous to the area,

like geese, armadillos
and wild boar.

There are such an incredible
range of animals and birds

and insects depicted
at Gobekli Tepe,

the like of which
we have never seen

at that period or anywhere else
in the world.

And to have a whole bunch of
them together is interesting.

You can speculate
till the cows come home

as to what it might represent.

We have not the faintest idea.

In the story of Noah's Ark,

we're told that
after the deluge,

Noah's Ark lands at Mount Ararat
in eastern Turkey,

not far from Gobekli Tepe,

and we see some very strange
animals portrayed

on the pillars at Gobekli Tepe,

almost as if it's a record
of Noah's Ark itself.

Perhaps Gobekli Tepe
is the place where Noah

and his descendants disembarked

and recreated civilization
after the flood.

NARRATOR: If there really is a
connection between Gobekli Tepe

and the biblical story
of a Great Flood,

could the carvings
found at the site

be an inventory of the animals
that were rescued?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes, but also suggest

other carvings depict a species
not of this Earth.

At the center of each of the
five megalithic ring structures

that occupy
the archaeological site,

stand two oversized
monolithic pillars.

Weighing up to 20 tons

and reaching heights
of over two stories,

they visually stand apart
from the T-shaped stonework

that surrounds them.

These pillars are

They are human-like
in appearance.

They have low relief arms
that come round to the front

and end in these
long, spindly fingers.

They wear garments.

They have belts
with strange symbols.

There are no faces
on these stones.

The heads are represented
by T-shaped terminations

that look almost like
hammerheads, basically.

BAHN: They could be gods,
they could be ancestors,

or they could be very specific
people who are being venerated.

We really have no idea.

HENRY: The archaeologist
Schmidt himself

referred to them
as the "celestial ones,"

or the "celestial ancestors."

And we have to ask
if these are depictions

of the extraterrestrial gods
at Gobekli Tepe.

NARRATOR: As mysterious
as these statues are,

strikingly similar depictions
can be found

in other parts of the globe.

An interesting feature about
some of these T-shaped pillars

is the fact
that these arms culminate

in the front
around the navel area.

And what I find so cool
is that this type of motif

can be found elsewhere
around the world.

For example, in Easter Island,

with those giant statues,
the Moai.

There, too,
the arms go around the belly,

and they culminate
in front of the navel.

And then, at Tiahuanaco,
Bolivia, for example,

there is a statue that has
the exact same hand position

in front of the navel.

At the city of Tiahuanaco,

in its central complex
called the Kalasasaya,

is a massive monolithic statue.

The statue is said by the Inca
to be a giant.

In the previous creation
before men,

giants roamed the Earth.

And they inhabited
the city of Tiahuanaco.

And this is actually
very similar to the mythology

of Easter Island and the stories
we hear about the Moai.

We get very similar type
of carved pillars

as Gobekli Tepe
in other parts of the world.

There is a very strong
similarity in style

which tells us

that there is almost certainly
some kind of relationship,

that Gobekli Tepe
is not in isolation,

it's part of some kind
of global culture,

the remnants
of a lost civilization

that once existed
in the prehistoric world.

NARRATOR: Could the figures
found at Gobekli Tepe

and in other parts of the globe
be a record

carved in stone
of an ancient alien race

that existed
prior to a catastrophic event?

If so, might the sites

where these extraterrestrials
are immortalized

be the places
where human survivors emerged

after the event known
as the Great Flood?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that more recent
discoveries at the site

provide additional proof
of this otherworldly connection.

NARRATOR: Sanliurfa, Turkey.

June 2017.

Author and researcher
Andrew Collins

travels to the Sanliurfa
Archeology and Mosaic Museum,

just ten miles
from Gobekli Tepe,

to meet with curator
Taha Ozyavuz.

Taha, I presume.
Nice to meet you.

NARRATOR: He is there
to get an up-close look

at one of the most mysterious
stone structures

unearthed at the ancient site.

COLLINS: I think this is
what we've come to see here.


And the fact that we have

three different figures here,
each of different sizes,

what do you think
that represents?

Why do you think that
it was damaged or destroyed

in this way in antiquity?

COLLINS: So somebody came along

and deliberately destroyed it.

NARRATOR: If the stone column
found at Gobekli Tepe

represents a genetic lineage,

just why were two of the figures
deliberately defaced?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that perhaps it was

an attempt to obscure the truth

about humankind's
otherworldly origins.

WILCOCK: What's curious
about this totem pole

is that there is
essentially a larger being,

perhaps an extraterrestrial,

that has its hands
around this other being

that isn't exactly human

but has human-like

It could be a primitive human.

This figure appears
to be giving birth,

and the baby that is emerging
from this mother's womb

is clearly a human baby
with a human face.

This suggests possibly that
a breeding experiment took place

leading to the development
of modern humans

as we now know them.

HENRY: The interesting thing
about this is that totem poles

are like a repository
for information.

It's an encyclopedia;
It's like a time capsule.

And so if we have
a genealogical record

in this pillar at Gobekli Tepe,

and we follow
the ultimate extension of it,

and we realize that what
they're possibly telling us

is that their ancestors
were non-human.

CHILDRESS: So you have to wonder

if the whole idea was
to preserve information

from our extraterrestrial past

so that future generations
would ultimately decode

the information that's there,

information possibly about
our extraterrestrial creators.

NARRATOR: Many ancient cultures

have stories of the gods
interacting with early humans

and even breeding with them.

According to The Book of Enoch,

an ancient text
that was stricken

from the Bible's Old Testament
in the 4th century AD,

there was a large-statured group
of heavenly beings

that descended to Earth
in the remote past.

those called the "watchers."

They were to watch humanity,
not get involved.

But they violated
that principle.

They came down to Earth.

And they introduced
science and technology.

And they mingled with,
breeded with,

married human females
and sired children.

Their children,

they were known
as the "fallen ones,"

the Nephilim.

They clearly
would have been recognized today

as human beings.

The only difference was that
they might have been considered

physically of greater stature.

Some claim that they were
ten, 15 feet high.

And this was considered
a corruption,

according to divine law.

And it is taught that it is
because of this corruption

that God intervened
to remove them from the Earth,

and that's
what brought the flood.


you read that some
of the fallen angels

came down on this planet.

These angels had, simply,
sex with humans,

definitely, because the outcome
of it were giants.

So what kind of angels
are these?

Spiritual beings?

No, it was
the extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Did the builders
of Gobekli Tepe

attempt to preserve
important information

about what happened here
on Earth over 12,000 years ago?

And does this include a record

of the creation of mankind
by extraterrestrial beings?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest an even greater mystery

can be found by examining the
remaining structures at the site

that point us to the stars.

NARRATOR: Gobekli Tepe, 2003.

While using geomagnetic surveys,

archaeologists discover
that the five stone circles

unearthed at the site

only scratch the surface
of what lies buried below.

Not only do the enclosures
appear to have been built

in different layers,
one on top of the other,

but there is evidence
of 16 more identical stone rings

buried at deeper levels
in the mound.

NEWMAN: One of the most
interesting things

about Gobekli Tepe is the fact
that not only did they

construct one of the most
amazing temples on the Earth

at a time when it shouldn't
have been possible to do it,

they then buried each enclosure

after probably just
a few hundred years of use.

COLLINS: 20 different enclosures
were built.

And each one,

seemingly at the end
of its useful life,

was completely covered over
with rubble and soil

before the next enclosure
was built.

They spent as much time
and energy

covering it over in the end

as they did
building it to begin with.

In 2014, author Andrew Collins

published his
groundbreaking book.

Gobekli Tepe:
Genesis of the Gods.

In it, he proposes
that the reason

for the multiple reconstructions
of the enclosures

was to precisely track
a specific celestial location.

COLLINS: The first thing
that we looked at

was Enclosure D,
which is the oldest

and the most impressive
of all the structures,

to see where exactly

these twin pillars
may have been facing

11,500 years ago.

One star came up,
and this was Deneb,

the brightest star
in the constellation of Cygnus.

So we then looked
at the twin pillars

in the other enclosures
at Gobekli Tepe.

We find that,
although they're all aligned

roughly either north-northwest
or south-southeast,

that there are
slight differences.

And what they appear to be doing
is following the same star

as it moves very gradually
along the local horizon.

SCHOCH: The stone circles
are lined according to stars

that they were looking at.

But because of precession...

The slow change in the stars
over time in the sky...

They had to realign them

NARRATOR: Precession occurs
due to the fact

that the Earth's axis rotates
much like a spinning top,

changing the point
of observation over time

for various celestial bodies

from any fixed point
on the planet.

SCHOCH: With the stone circles
at Gobekli Tepe,

they weren't just building them
and covering them over

for ritualistic purposes,

but actually
they were doing this

for what we might call
scientific purposes.

Clearly, there was
something very important

about the constellation
of Cygnus...

Something that made these people
want to track its course

over a period of
perhaps 1,500 years.

NARRATOR: Legends of gods
descending from the stars

in the Cygnus constellation
can be found

in traditions across the globe.

In the Mandaean teachings
of ancient Persia,

the throne room of the great god

was said to be
the Cygnus constellation.

In the Egyptian tradition,
the goddess of the night sky,

Nuit, was said to have come
directly from Cygnus.

And in the Mayan tradition,

it was said that
the sun god, Kinich Ahau,

descended from there.

So, from traditions
as different as the Persian,

the Egyptian and the Mayan,

we have major deities

coming from
the Cygnus constellation.

If I were to be a visitor

from another planet
and I wanted to leave behind

a calling card
indicating where I came from,

then I would build structures

with the precise alignment
of a constellation

of my home star system.

So, perhaps the teachers
who were at Gobekli Tepe

came from Cygnus.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the builders of Gobekli Tepe

were pointing to the place

where their extraterrestrial
teachers came from

by aligning the site
to that specific location

in the night sky?

In 2015,

NASA officials announced
a curious phenomenon

picked up
by the Kepler space telescope.

It was reported
that a mysterious

dimming and flickering

was coming from a star
in the Cygnus constellation.

And some scientists claim
this might be caused

by an alien megastructure
passing in front of it.

NASA announced that they were
tracking what they called

an "alien megastructure"
around the star of Cygnus.

And the speculation was that,

as they were viewing Cygnus
from time to time,

the star would dim by 22%.

And what they were
surmising was that

some giant structure
around the star

was occasionally blocking
our view of the star itself.

WILCOCK: This is
the most dramatic evidence

of a potential extraterrestrial

that we have ever seen,
because it's actually an object

orbiting a star that
absolutely should not be there,

according to NASA.

We're actually
seeing architecture

in the Cygnus star system.

It could be what they paid
homage to at Gobekli Tepe,

telling us,
"Look over here, guys.

'X' marks the spot."

According to NASA astronomers,

what they are observing

is nearly
1,400 light years away.

This means that,
given the time it takes

for light from Cygnus
to reach Earth,

whatever object is causing
the mysterious dimming

was orbiting the star
at least 1,400 years ago,

and perhaps much earlier.

Could this be further evidence
that Gobekli Tepe

was indeed built
to point to the home planet

of mankind's
extraterrestrial ancestors?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining recent events
unfolding in the region

and efforts
to protect the secrets

that still lie buried
at the site.

NARRATOR: Kobani, Syria.

June, 2015.

The militant extremist group
known as the Islamic State,

or !sis, violently
takes control of the city.

During their bloody rampage
through the region,

they systematically
destroy historical relics

and detonate bombs
at various archaeological sites.

A mere 60 miles away,
across the border of Turkey,

archaeologists working at
the site of Gobekli Tepe

stand terrified
as they watch the smoke

rise from the b*ttlefield.

In an effort to protect

the 12,000-year-old
stone structures

from the threat of attack,

the Turkish government
stops all excavations

and closes the site
to the public.

They crate the stone monoliths

and relocate
the most valuable artifacts

to a museum nearby.

Over the next 20 years,

the government
will spend $15 million

to secure Gobekli Tepe
by enclosing the area,

covering the site
with a steel-enforced roof,

and installing
an extensive security system.

Considering at least
80% of Gobekli Tepe

remains hidden
beneath the earth,

archaeologists still have
much to learn about the site.

But as it becomes
dangerously close

to suffering the same fate
as other sites in the region,

could its most profound secrets
be lost forever?

Is it possible
that the Gobekli Tepe builders

were actually
sending us a message?

Yes, the stones seem to suggest
that this was the case.

Perhaps they were giving us
some kind of warning,

or it could be
that they are trying

that they knew
about celestial beings,

and perhaps even

from the Cygnus constellation.

Gobekli Tepe goes back to
a earlier cycle of civilization

that existed at the end
of the last ice age.

They experienced
catastrophic changes.

So, I am of the opinion

that there's
a very important message

that maybe they were
purposefully sending to us,

at least they were trying
to preserve for posterity,

for future generations.

And we need to figure out
exactly what that message is.

HENRY: Gobekli Tepe points us
back to our origins,

and points directly to the stars

as the source
of where we came from.

Once we accept this,
we will be able

to answer the questions
of where we came from

and ultimately
where we're going as a species.

NARRATOR: Does proof of
mankind's extraterrestrial past

lie buried beneath
the earth at Gobekli Tepe?

Proof that
an advanced civilization

existed on this planet
more than 10,000 years ago?

Perhaps the answers
will be found

not by examining
ancient stone pillars

covered with strange carvings...

but on a star,

one that shines on us
from many light-years away.
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