12x15 - The Alien Disks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x15 - The Alien Disks

Post by bunniefuu »

Archaeologists discovered

cave systems in China.

Inside those caves,
they found hundreds

of these round disks

that contained
these bizarre grooves

with strange writing on them.

All over the world,
you find ancient depictions

of disks.

Not only depictions,

but they also occur
as actual artifacts.

says that the sun disk

was transported
through these tunnels

to some unknown destination.

WILLIAM HENRY: The disk could
actually be some method

of communicating
with the god himself.

Sort of a god button

that the ancient civilizations
could push

and be able to connect
with the gods.

NICK REDFERN: Maybe the disks
themselves are extraterrestrial,

or they're imbued
with some sort of

extraterrestrial intelligence.

NARRATOR: The Baian-Kara-Ula
mountain range, China, 1938.

While trekking
through the rugged terrain,

an archaeologist from
Beijing University and his team

discover what appears
to be man-made caves.

Archaeologists discovered

cave systems in China

that contained the skeletons
of very short, spindly creatures

with giant heads.

They also found petroglyphs

and cave paintings
of the solar system.

And inside those caves,

they also found hundreds
of these round disks

that contained
these bizarre grooves

with strange writing on them.

According to an article

published in a German magazine
in July 1962,

"UFOs in Prehistoric Times,"

archaeologists unearthed 716

of these disk-shaped objects
from the caves,

later termed Dropa stones.

Each stone had a small hole
in the center,

measured roughly
a foot in diameter,

and had grooves containing
microscopic inscriptions.

The team from Beijing

dated the Dropa stones
to roughly 10000 BC,

based on the skeletal remains
found at the site.

But their purpose
remained a mystery

for more than two decades,

until a Chinese archaeologist
claimed to have deciphered them.

When the disks
were closely examined,

they discovered that within the
grooves were tiny hieroglyphs

that were so tiny,

they could only be seen
with a magnifying glass.

When they were
finally deciphered,

they told this amazing story.

They tell the story
of the Dropa,

tiny extraterrestrial
or dwarf-like beings.

Those hieroglyphs

told about the crash landing
of some people

that flew through the universe

and came upon the third planet
of our solar system.

And when they crash landed
in this remote mountain area,

they had no possibility

to repair their spacecraft
and had to stay there.

The Chinese Academy
of the Sciences

the Chinese archaeologist,

named Tsum Um Nui, to, uh,

publish what he found out.

But he succeeded
in publishing the story,

and when it came
to our Western states,

it was received as, well,
some kind of science fiction.

No one believed the story.

Shortly after the article

about the Dropa Stones
was published,

the Chinese government
confiscated the disks

and quickly dismissed
their existence as a hoax.

But was it?

TSOUKALOS: An interesting aspect
about the Dropa stones

is that, today,

none of these disks
exist publicly.

So, that means, at some point,

these disks were put away
by museums,

by archaeologists, who knows?

Any and all trace
of these disks is gone.

So one has to wonder:
"What was up with these disks?"

Because if they were
just ordinary artifacts,

then they would be
displayed at museums.

What if we have another example

of where archaeologists
are afraid

to investigate something,

just because the inscription
on there reads

there was an extraterrestrial

NARRATOR: Years after
the Dropa stones disappeared

from the public sphere,

evidence of a mysterious
short-statured population

known as the Dzopa
was discovered in the area.

This would seem
to add further credence

to the Beijing archaeologists'

in which they stated
that they had come across

human-like skeletons

in the caves that contained
the Dropa stones.

Since the Chinese government
took control of these disks,

we're at a loss
for more knowledge

about who the Dropa
actually were.

But the reason why we should
pay attention to the Dropa story

is because in 1995,

it was discovered
that there was a group of people

living very near
the Dropa crash.

The tallest person in this group
was three-foot, ten inches tall,

matching identically the
description of the Dropa beings.

Because this tribe matched
the description of the Dropa,

one wonders, are they actual
descendants of the Dropa beings?

If the published account

of the Dropa disks is true,

is this evidence
of an alien technology on Earth?

to disk-shaped artifacts

with otherworldly beings

can be found
throughout human history.

All over the world... it doesn't
matter on what continent...

You find ancient depictions
of disks.

Not only depictions, but they
also occur as actual artifacts.

Disks are everywhere
in ancient imagery,

connected with extraterrestrials
or celestial beings.

In Christian art,
we'll see disks in the sky

that appear to be
like craft or UFOs.

The Chinese portrayed their gods
flying in disks.

You will see saints with halos,

and it symbolizes
expanded consciousness

and connection to other realms.

The Egyptians had golden disks
on their heads as well.

When we see these disks,
it always symbolizes

their connection
to otherworldly realms.

Disks have found themselves
as central artifacts

within every ancient culture.

Disks were seen as points of
communication with the divine.

Disks were revered as being
that point of connection

with their creator gods.

When we look at the almost
universal presence

of this disk shape
in so many ancient cultures,

we're seeing something
that defies

the common idea of it
just being a useless artifact.

It is an archetype.

It is a consistent motif that
shows up over and over again,

and we need to investigate
the possibility

that there is some actual
message contained within them.

NARRATOR: Is there a connection

between the Dropa stones

reportedly found
in the mountains of China,

and disk-shaped artifacts
written about

by ancient cultures
all around the world?

And if so, were they left here
by extraterrestrial visitors,

with a purpose mankind
has yet to discover?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining ancient disks

that were believed to hold
the power to communicate

with the gods.

NARRATOR: Phaistos, Crete, 1908.

While exploring the ruins
of an ancient Minoan palace

dating to the 17th century BC,

Italian archaeologist
Luigi Pernier

unearths a clay disk
with strange writing on it.

More than 100 years
after its discovery,

researchers are still unsure who
created this mysterious disk,

what its purpose was, or what
the symbols on it might mean.

The Phaistos Disk is interesting

because of what we don't know,
in a sense.

What we do know is that it
came from the Phaistos Temple,

which is a Minoan temple,
and we really wish we did know

more about what
Minoan civilization was,

what their writing was,
what their culture was.

It in itself
is a very mysterious culture.

And then the disk
adds another layer of mystery.

Here it was in one
of their main temples,

and yet it doesn't
bear resemblance

to anything we've seen
from Minoan civilization.

So did this come
from a very, very early time?

Was it brought in from
an outsider group at some point

that was considered
significant and sacred enough

to put in a temple?

There isn't a scholar
on this planet

that can tell you where the
Phaistos Disk originated from.

The clay the disk has been
made from is not Minoan.

Nobody knows the origins of the
language on the Phaistos Disk.

It doesn't match ancient Minoan.

Now, over the last 100 years,

there's been
40 failed academic attempts

to decode or to discover

the true language
of the Phaistos Disk.

It wasn't until 2008, professors
from the University of Crete

and the University of Oxford
deciphered the first phrase,

which was, "The mother goddess
from beyond."

They can see the patterns within
the structure of the language.

But they all admit
they can understand

100% of nothing.

The Phaistos Disk

is written in these
curious hieroglyphics.

They include pictures of men
with Mohawks, different designs.

Even one of the figures
looks like a flying saucer.

While the Phaistos Disk
was discovered in Crete,

we know that the script on it
is not Minoan.

It's believed to be made
with moveable type,

which wasn't invented
for another 1,500 years.

This opens up the possibility

that the Minoans
must have been in contact

with some advanced beings, maybe
even extraterrestrials who,

in fact, created the disk
as a sort of computer disk,

or some kind of
an information disk,

that would be able to be
deciphered at a later date.

According to the ancient
astronaut theory,

the only reason why
ancient relics became sacred

is because of their connection

with someone descending
from the sky.

According to the Minoan

the knowledge that
they garnered, at first,

was given to them by none other
than the Sons of the Skies.

Could it be that the Minoans
were in touch

with advanced beings
visiting them from outer space?

NARRATOR: Could the mysterious
Phaistos Disk

that was found within
a 4,000-year-old Minoan palace

be of extraterrestrial origin?

And might it also have a
connection to the Dropa stones

unearthed in China?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest further evidence
can be found

by examining another disk

belonging to one of mankind's
earliest known civilizations.

Tell Abu Habbah, Iraq.

In the Iraqi desert,

just 18 miles southwest
of Baghdad,

lie the ruins
of ancient Babylonia.

In 1881, archaeologists
digging at the ancient site

unearthed tens of thousands
of stone tablets

dating back
to the sixth century BC.

Amongst the finds
was a bas-relief carving

depicting the Mesopotamian
sun god Shamash.

This here is the Babylonian
Tablet of Shamash,

which has this
central disk right here,

with God Shamash right here
and human beings right here.

What's so cool in this depiction

is that Shamash is shown

as if he was some type
of a giant,

'cause he is much, much bigger

than the rest
of the people here.

The enclosure has this

type of a connection
to the cosmos

because you have a depiction

of the Moon, the Sun and Venus.

Now, what I think is
really cool is that up here,

you have this celestial being

that is sort of holding on
to this disk.

The fact that
this celestial being

has these two ropes
attached to this disk

leads me to think about
misunderstood technology.

ASHLEY COWIE: The sun disk

in the Tablet of Shamash

is described
in the below text as such:

The disk was sent there
or put there

to be worshipped
in place of Shamash.

It was the access point
for the ancient Babylonians

to communicate with their gods,

in particular,
the sun god Shamash.

This could actually be
some method of communicating

with the god himself.

It is some form of a technology.

Think of it as
sort of a god button

that the ancient Babylonians
or Sumerians could push

and be able to connect
with Shamash.

NARRATOR: If the actual sun disk

depicted on the tablet
is ever found

among the ruins
of ancient Babylonia,

will we discover that it is some
sort of technological device?

Perhaps further clues can be
found by examining the story

of an Incan ruler
who wore a disk

which allowed him to wield
the power of the gods.

NARRATOR: Cusco, Peru.

Today, the Church
of Santo Domingo

sits on the foundation stones

of what was once considered
the most important temple

to the ancient Inca: The
Coricancha, Temple of the Sun.

The original structure,
which is believed

to predate
the Incan civilization,

was rebuilt in the 15th century
by the ruler, Pachacuti,

after he came into possession
of a mirrored disk.

Pachacuti is...

the first Inca who really
created the Inca as an empire,

not just as one of many cultures
in the Andes.

COWIE: A legend has it
that Pachacuti traveled

to a spring to the east
of Cusco.

A disk is said to have fallen
from the sky into the spring.

And when Pachacuti lifted it
out of the water,

he saw an image

of Viracocha, the creator.

The apparition told Pachacuti,

"You will win many wars."

(men shouting)

Within ten years,
Pachacuti expanded the empire

in a way that's never been seen
in history before.

(men shouting)

The myths say that he held
that mirror with him

for the rest of his life

and any answers he wanted
to look into the future

or what to do,
he consulted the mirror

and the mirror told him
what to do.

The disk that Pachacuti found

truly was his key

and his driving force
to become one of the most

powerful emperors in history.

NARRATOR: Pachacuti began the
expansion of the Incan territory

from the valley of Cusco

to encompass 2,500 miles of the
west coast of South America

from Quito, Ecuador
to Talca, Chile.

Worldwide, it doesn't matter
what ancient culture,

there's some type of a worship
of a disk

that came from the sky.

It is possible that this disk

had some type of an
extraterrestrial connection

and that this disk was
a technological device.

CHILDRESS: You have to wonder,

was it some kind of
extraterrestrial object

that Pachacuti was now carrying
around with him that allowed him

to communicate with these
extraterrestrial gods

that were guiding him?

We've already had smartphones

that have come out
in our own history

where it's a lot
more than what it appears.

You're looking
at all of your apps.

You can watch movies on it.
You can send e-mail.

You can have telephone calls.

You can have video calls,
all kinds of things.

So, that disk may have been
something with a great deal

of computer circuitry in it,

something that had
far more capability

than we could ever
normally imagine.

NARRATOR: If the accounts of
Pachacuti's magic disk are true,

could it have contained some
sort of alien technology?

According to ancient
astronaut theorists,

further evidence that
alien disks exist on Earth

can be found in the Hayu Marca
mountain region of Peru.

At the site known by the locals
as the Puerta de Hayu Marca,

or Gate of the Gods,

is an enormous 23-foot high
door-like structure

carved into the solid rock face.

Contained within it
is a smaller T-shaped opening

just under six feet in height,

with a circular
depression inside.

Local legends tells us
that the gods would use this

as a gateway, or a Stargate,

through which they would
come and go.

They opened the doorway through
this disk that was placed

in a little alcove or etching
place inside the doorway.

One of the stories, too,

is that a high priest
named Amaru Meru

utilized a disk
to open this door.

And so this was
his computer or key

that opened this
dimensional doorway.

Once again, the disk is the key.

Here we have an apparent
extraterrestrial technology

in the form of a disk,

and you would then pop the disk
into where the door is

and that would open the portal.

This circular area has been
found where the door is located

and so it does suggest that
there may be some veracity

to these ancient legends.

NARRATOR: Interestingly, the
disk of Puerta de Hayu Marca

and Pachacuti's mirror
are just two

of a number of mysterious disks
that are said to have existed

throughout Central
and South America.

And legend has it that
the very same Coricancha temple

that Pachacuti rebuilt,

housed the empire's
most prized possession:

A golden sun disk.

The artifact
allegedly disappeared

just before the conquistadors,
lead by Francisco Pizarro,

sacked the city
in November of 1533.

(men grunting)

Nearly five centuries later,

in March of 2017,

author and world explorer

visited the site
to see the very spot

where the legendary disk
once hung from the wall.

It's thought that this spot
here in the Coricancha temple

is where the seven-foot wide
sun disk was held.

And a long rope was

fastened through
these many holes,

and it held
the sun disk in place

here in the center of
the Coricancha temple in Cusco.

According to Inca legend,

the sun disk had existed since
the birth of human civilization.

They described the artifact
as being made

from a translucent gold material
that came from the heavens.

The disk was said, by the Inca,

to represent Viracocha,

the creator deity,
the apex deity.

And in point of fact,

just about every culture
in the ancient Andes

also recognized Viracocha,

under various names,
as the creator deity.

COWIE: Legend has it that,
after Viracocha

created the Moon and the Sun,

he created
the first man and woman,

Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo.

The first thing
Viracocha commanded.

Manco Cápac to do on Earth

was create
the Incan golden sun disk.

The sun disk
was an actual manifestation

of the creator on Earth.

They truly believed
it was imbued

with supernatural,
trans-dimensional forces,

and it was the point
of communication

with the creator himself.

It was like a broadband
connection to Viracocha.

TSOUKALOS: Now, Viracocha
came down from the sky.

Now, is it possible

that it was
a misunderstood flying machine

that our ancestors
thought was God?

And the massive golden disk

attributed to this
extraterrestrial being

allegedly had the power

to heal ailments,

to help shamans reach
a higher plane of consciousness.

CHILDRESS: The Incas believed
that the sun disk

had the power to help them
change the weather

or alter catastrophes.

So if there was a big earthquake

or there were terrible floods,

they believed that they could go
to this sun disk

and ask it for help.

So you have to ask yourself,

was the Inca sun disk some kind
of communication device

with extraterrestrials?

NARRATOR: According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

the fact that the Inca
were so concerned

with keeping the golden sun disk

out of the hands of the Spanish

serves as further evidence

that it truly did
possess otherworldly power.

And many believe

the disk still exists

somewhere on Earth today.

NARRATOR: Outside the ruins
of Saksaywaman,

just a mile and a half from
the Coricancha temple in Cusco,

are little known entrances
to underground passageways

dating back to the Inca.

Many of the openings
have been covered up

and sealed for public safety,

but a few
still remain accessible.

In 2017,

David CHILDRESS visited the site

of one of
the remaining open tunnels.

CHILDRESS: There is a labyrinth

of tunnels beneath Cusco,

and they extend for hundreds
of miles in every direction.

And some of these tunnels
even intersect.

Over the years these tunnels
have been blocked off

and sealed,

but you can still access parts
of this tunnel system,

such as this tunnel here,

cut through solid rock.

Local legend says that
the sun disk was transported

out of the city
through these tunnels.

There has been
a lot of speculation

of where the sun disk was taken.

And treasure hunters have been
searching for this location

for centuries.

Legends recount three myths,

as to how the sacred
golden sun disk left Cusco.

Some legends maintain
that it was taken out

through a tunnel system
to Gran Paititi,

a lost Inca village

at the top of a mountain,

which the Spanish
never, ever found.

Some maintain
it was taken to Saksaywaman.

And some maintain it was
returned to Lake Titicaca

from whence it came.

NARRATOR: Located more than
200 miles southeast of Cusco,

at an elevation of over
12,500 feet above sea level,

Titicaca is the highest
navigable lake in the world

and considered sacred
to the local Andean population.

In the Incan creation myth,

their god Viracocha
emerged from Lake Titicaca.

This goes along
with ancient myths and legends

that Tl us that there's
an etheric or ethereal city

that's underneath Lake Titicaca.

In light of this,
it makes sense that

the Incas returned their
prized golden disk to the lake.

COWIE: The temple was said
to be a thing of imagination,

a thing of wonder.

Until the year 2000.

In the year 2000, a team
of Italian divers and scientists

ventured to the base
of Lake Titicaca

after finding
a road of Inca stones.

They followed the road
for just less than half a mile,

into the lake.

And discovered
a 650 by 150-foot temple...

underneath the waters
of Lake Titicaca.

NARRATOR: Since the discovery
of the temple in Lake Titicaca,

underwater archaeologists
have unearthed 2,000 artifacts,

gold and silver objects,

as well as pottery
dating back to the Inca.

Could they be close to finding

the golden sun disk
of Coricancha?

But why are there so many
stories throughout the world

of disks with incredible powers?

Is it possible that
they are all somehow connected

and serve a hidden purpose
for humanity?

Perhaps further clues
can be found by examining

a more recent story
of the discovery

of a mysterious disk.

Grand Teton National Park,

This majestic mountain range

rises over 13,000 feet
above sea level,

and is the site of one
of the most remarkable claims

of non-human interactions
on Earth.

In his book
Original Unveiled Mysteries,

published in 1934,

mining engineer Guy Ballard

claims to have been taken
into a secret entrance

within the mountain.

Ballard claimed that he met

these higher ascended beings,

what today we would perhaps call
extraterrestrials or aliens.

And one of them showed him,

sort of a secret opening
into the mountain.

And he was reportedly
taken down this extensive shaft,

possibly even to a depth
of around 2,000 feet.

As they descended, they reached
this particular room,

which contained this large,
circular, disk-shaped object.

And, when Ballard asked
questions about what it was,

this higher entity said to him

it was essentially
a guiding device,

which could have an effect
on the human mind.

WILCOCK: Why would an engineer

want to make up
something like this?

His stories are so
detailed and complex

that there is reason to believe

that Ballard was in contact

with some sort of
human-looking extraterrestrial

who gave him
an eyewitness viewing

of an extraterrestrial disk
that actually had the ability

to steer and guide the people
on the surface of the Earth.

There may be an ability to take
certain materials, like gold,

and to imbue them with thoughts,

such that perhaps
the high priest or priestess

of that civilization could
actually access the disk,

perhaps with
a telepathic process,

and use that
much like a tuning fork,

or an antennae
that gets them in touch

with some sort of
cosmic intelligence.

Because gold has
very unique properties.

It's highly
electrically conductive

and precious metals,
such as gold,

have a certain chemical
and molecular lattice.

They can cluster together
in geometric ways,

which allows them to act
almost like a tuning fork

for the consciousness field.

Ballard's story affirms the idea

that some of these disks
found around the world

are not objects of art.

These are actually
objects brought here

by extraterrestrials
for the purpose

of influencing human affairs.

If these disks have the ability

to sort of guide the human mind
down certain pathways,

this offers us a potentially
really intriguing scenario.

Maybe in some respects,

the disks themselves
are extraterrestrial,

or they're imbued
with some sort of

extraterrestrial intelligence,

which can essentially
head outwards,

and be soaked in by us,
unknowingly perhaps.

If these objects are imbued

with extraterrestrial

as Guy Ballard proposed,

is it possible that many
of the other enigmatic disks

found across the globe
are influencing humans as well?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by further examining
the Dropa stones

that were unearthed in China,

and the strange
electrical frequencies

they were said to emit.

Interstellar space, June 2017.

Located nearly 13 billion miles
from Earth,

NASA's Voyager 1 probe continues
on its path into the unknown.

Launched on September 5, 1977,

the spacecraft
is the furthest from Earth

that any man-made object
has ever traveled,

having officially exited
the solar system.

If the object is ever found
by an alien race,

they will discover within it
a phonographic disk.

The purpose of the disk itself

was to introduce us
to an extraterrestrial species.

The disk contains
all kinds of audio recordings

that would give clues
as to who we are,

as to our systems of culture,

our systems of science
and mathematics,

giving them,
whoever would discover it,

a very clear guide stone

to understanding
the creators of that disk.

NARRATOR: That same year, NASA
sent a similar time capsule disk

aboard the Voyager 2 launched
at a different trajectory.

In both Voyager missions,

the cases that contained
the golden disks

were etched with symbols
explaining how to play them,

as well as mathematical
and scientific concepts

that might be recognizable to an
advanced extraterrestrial race.

Both disks were mounted
on the exterior of the probes,

and to assure their longevity,

the covers were electroplated
in uranium,

which has a half-life
of over four billion years.

I find it intriguing
that if we are sending out disks

containing information

about us as a species,
our place in the universe,

then it's entirely possible,
even logical,

that, perhaps,
highly advanced aliens

would be doing exactly the same.

And certainly,
there's evidence of this.

NARRATOR: Xi'an, China, 1974.

At the Banpo Museum,

Austrian engineer Ernst Wegerer

photographs a display featuring
two strange circular objects.

He is told
that they are Dropa stones,

the mysterious disks
discovered in a cave in 1938,

that the Chinese
quickly dismissed as a hoax.

as word of the find spreads,

the disks are removed
from the museum.

In spring 1994, I have been
in this Banpo Museum,

and I spoke to the present
curator of this museum

and he told me
a very bizarre story

of what happened
a few days after the visit

of engineer Wegerer
at this museum.

Some days later, the former
manageress of the museum,

along with two stone disks
that were on display,

they have disappeared
without any trace.

While further researching

the story of the Dropa stones

for his book
The Chinese Roswell,

Hartwig Hausdorf
uncovered an article

in the Soviet magazine Spoutnik,

detailing tests
performed on the disks.

After the public release
of the story in 1962,

Russian scientist
Dr. Viatcheslav Saizev

requested permission
to study the disks.

In addition to determining

that they were composed
of cobalt, iron and nickel,

the scientist discovered the
stones were emitting a signal.

Accredited scientists noticed

that there was this weird
electromagnetic current

coming off of the Dropa stones
when they were rotated.

And it was discovered
that if you put these stones

onto a regular
phonograph turntable

and rotate them
with the needle on them,

that they actually create
electrical energy.

NARRATOR: The disks
were allegedly returned

to the Chinese government

before further analysis
of the frequency could be made.

Under further examination,

that electrical energy may be
much like a radio frequency

or a signal
that could be deciphered.

And it is curious that we were
doing much the same thing

with the gold disks that we put
on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2

from NASA directly.

Could the Dropa stones,

and other similarly
mysterious disks

throughout human history,

serve the same function as the
disks NASA sent out into space?

Are they meant to introduce us

to another intelligent race
that exists beyond Earth?

Or do the stories
of their supernatural powers

reveal a more profound purpose?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining an encoded disk
discovered not in a cave,

but in the crop fields
of England.

NARRATOR: Winchester, England,
August 15, 2002.

An alien figure holding
a disk-shaped object

mysteriously appears
in a crop formation

in the middle of a wheat field.

The image was found
to contain binary code,

a series of ones and zeros

currently used
to write computer data.

Programmers, recognizing
the digital language,

set out to decipher the message.

When we translated that,
it was basically a warning.

And this is what it said:

"Beware of the bearers of false
gifts and their broken promises.

"Much pain but still time.

"There is good out there.

"We oppose deception.

Conduit closing."

Some people said,
"Well, is this disk

"warning about the Grey
that is holding the disk?

Or is the disk itself
the intelligence warning?"

This crop circle disk,

which appears to be encoded
with information,

in theory, must be some kind
of effort by extraterrestrials

to communicate with us,

and give us information
that they think we need.

And it could be possibly
a warning for us.

Do the many mysterious disks

found throughout the world,

much like the disk depicted in
the Winchester crop formation,

contain warnings for mankind?

Could they hold information

essential to humanity's
future survival?

GEORGE NOORY: These disks
that were left behind,

with messages from
extraterrestrial races,

they're trying
to tell us things,

and we are obligated
to find out what they are.

And it's appalling
that in many cases,

governments have
confiscated these materials

and these artifacts,

and they won't let anybody know.

We have to look at these disks

as possibly being left for us

and they're here
to influence us and guide us.

They're some kind
of technology here,

and it's up to us to figure out

why these extraterrestrials
have left these disks here

and what their purpose
ultimately is.

These disks could well be
the centerpiece of our study

of ancient alien artifacts.

In fact, they could well be the
extraterrestrials themselves.

By making that connection,

we deepen our understanding
of who they are,

and what they mean to us.

WILCOCK: There is a very strong

that these disks are bringing us
closer together,

and creating a bridge between
our world and the worlds beyond.

If the many mysterious disks

found scattered across the globe
are interconnected,

might they really serve
some technological purpose

just beyond our current scope
of understanding?

Perhaps the sooner
we are able to fully comprehend

the message
behind these alien disks,

the sooner mankind
will be able to fully reconnect

with our extraterrestrial
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