12x10 - The Akashic Record

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x10 - The Akashic Record

Post by bunniefuu »

What I think is cool is that

we're watching all this stuff
that's happening

here on the screen,

but we're looking
at Dr. Chopra right now.

He sits there
perfectly still, motionless,

but look at all the activity.

Very, very conscious control

of his brain activity
and all this inner world

that he can activate, or not.

DEEPAK CHOPRA: In many spiritual
traditions in the East,

they say there are three states
of consciousness

that we all go through
every day:

our sleep, dreams and waking.

But then there's
a state of consciousness

that's called
"cosmic consciousness,"

which is beyond
the physical world,

and basically
a record of the entire

history of the universe.

NARRATOR: Although completely
invisible to the naked eye,

a virtual universe
of electromagnetic waves

permeates our entire world.

And this vast network
of impulses carries within it

information and data
that we have come to depend on

in our digital age.

It is the backbone of
what is otherwise referred to

as the cloud,

which remotely stores
billions of gigabytes of data.

When we think about the cloud,

what we're really talking about
is data transfer,

information transfer.

You're sending bits of
information through the air,

wirelessly, up to satellites,
down to servers, back again,

into your computer,
into your phone,

and there's close to
seven billion people

using cloud computing now.

So you can imagine that pretty
much anywhere on the planet

that has Internet access,
you're going to find

these hidden, sort of,
secret patterns and codes

that are floating around us.

According to historians,

the concept of an
intergalactic computer network

was first proposed by scientist
J.C.R Licklider in the 1960s.

However, ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

that the idea may actually
trace all the way back

to our ancient past.

Korva Island. Raichur, India.

Religious pilgrims
seeking enlightened wisdom

travel here to
a temple dedicated

to the celestial sage Narada.

According to
the Hindu scriptures,

Narada had
the supernatural ability

to gain access
to a hidden domain

that most humans
are completely unaware of:

the realm of cosmic knowledge.

Tales about Narada appear
in the Mahabharata,

in the Ramayana, in the Puranas.

Tradition has it that Narada
transcended consciousness

to gather his stories and give
teachings of great wisdom.

is called Narada Rishi.

Rishis are like sages
in Western concept.

So they have gained this ability

to be able to tap into
the knowledge,

access that knowledge
directly from the cosmos.

Narada is interesting,

specifically that
he clearly had access

to an essential knowledge

that is at the fabric
of the divine cosmic order.

NARRATOR: This idea of
an otherworldly repository

of cosmic information is
most commonly referred to today

as the "Akashic record."

The term was coined in 1883
by author Alfred Percy Sinnett,

in his book Esoteric Buddhism.

In it, he describes how,
according to Eastern philosophy,

universal records
physically exist

in the ever-pervasive realm
known as the "Akasha,"

which can be accessed
by enlightened individuals.

SHIMKHADA: "Akasha" is
a Sanskrit word; it means sky.

So Akashic records can be
considered as cosmic knowledge.

So it is belonging
to the cosmos.

Everything written in the sky.

It's not belonging
to human beings.

You simply cannot go and bring
it in its tangible form.

It's something that can be
accessed through your mind,

through your brainpower,

through your
spiritual wavelength.

CHOPRA: The Akashic Field,

it's the immeasurable potential
of all that was, is,

and will ever be.

It's completely non-local.

"Non-local" means there is
no experience of space or time.

This is the level
of entanglement,

where everything in the universe
is inseparably correlated

with everything else
in the universe.

I have always called the
universe "the wireless network,"

where information is just
out there and stored

from all our minds and memories,

from every creature
living in this universe.

This bank of knowledge
has been with us

since the formation
of the universe.

The idea of the Akashic record,

it's where inventions come from,
it's where art comes from,

it's where science comes from.

You can call it
whatever you want.

It's something that's
in the substrate, right?

It's something that you could
access and, sort of,

find information
that's been hidden.

Not even hidden. I mean, it's
available to us all the time.

It's just that certain people
who tune into it can unlock it.

This Akashic record
may be something

that every biological entity in
the universe can gain access to.

I believe it's something that

even extraterrestrials
would tap into.

NARRATOR: Throughout history,

countless prophets
and visionaries

have alluded to accessing
such a realm.

(man chanting) -And spiritual
practitioners the world over

claim that, through deep prayer
and meditation,

an individual may be
granted glimpses

into this divine domain.

There seemed to be a common way

to tap into
all of this information

that all these prophets
were following.

The first thing
was to quiet your mind,

and this is the time
where your brain waves

start to tap into
higher-dimensional realities.

When we say "deep meditation,"

we mean going into
that state of awareness.

That's called
"cosmic consciousness."

What you're accessing is

the non-local aspects
of consciousness,

which are connected to past,
present, future, in a sense.

NARRATOR: If a cosmic realm
of information truly exists,

could there really be a way
for humans to access it?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by testing what's happening
in the brain

under deep meditation.


Los Angeles, California.

March, 2017.


- Oh, yes.

NARRATOR: Editor and researcher

meets with neuroscientist
Dr. Dario Nardi,

who has extensively studied
neurological effects

on the human brain
during deep meditation.

Dr. Chopra, I'm GIORGIO.

Great pleasure to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

- And are you ready?
- Always ready.

World-renowned physician,

author and
guided meditation expert.

Dr. Deepak Chopra

has agreed to allow
Dr. Dario Nardi...

NARDI: We're just going to
step outside the room.

NARRATOR: To utilize advanced
brain-mapping software

to observe real-time changes
in his brain

as he enters a state
of deep mediation.

Okay, Dr. Chopra,
we're going to get a baseline.

Okay, so we're taking a look
at the brain now

before his meditation.

So each of the sensors
corresponds roughly

to a particular brain region

and anatomical areas
of the brain.

We see activity more towards
the front of the brain.

What do these different colors mean?
So when we see that red

and orange and even yellow,
that's much more active,

and when we see the dark blue
and the black here,

then the brain
has gotten very quiet.

Okay. -And each one
of these views here

indicates a different wave band.

TSOUKALOS: And you're expecting
to see something different

once he goes into
deep meditation.

NARDI: Yes, absolutely.

Okay, Dr. Chopra,
when you're ready.

NARDI: Okay, so he's going into

his meditative process
right now,

and we can see the brain
activity swiftly dropping

and becoming much darker.


Yeah, there we go.


Okay, so we're seeing here

a region that doesn't
get used very often,

certainly not by itself,
down in the corner here.

So this is in areas of the brain
in the back, the visual cortex,

and where we're seeing
that the brain is really

disengaging from everyday life

and going into this special
state, this altered state,

and to really connect
with something beyond ourselves.

Is that something
that only a person

that's been trained in
meditation for a long time

can activate?

It's not a region of the brain

that people normally activate
upon command.


What I think is cool is that
we're watching all this stuff

that's happening here
on the screen,

but we're looking
at Dr. Chopra right now.

He sits there perfectly still,

but look at all the activity.

Very, very conscious control

of his brain activity
and all this inner world

that he can activate or not.

CHOPRA: In many spiritual
traditions in the East,

they say the three states
of consciousness

that we all go through every day
are sleep, dreams and waking.

But then, there's a state
of consciousness

that's called
cosmic consciousness,

which is beyond the physical
world and basically a record

of the entire history
of the universe.

Is it possible that humans

have the ability
to access information

beyond that which
has been accumulated

through their own experiences?

Theoretical scientists propose
that they have found evidence

that there truly is
a vast field of information

present in the cosmos.

But if so, just what is it
that we are tapping into?

Tuscany, Italy, 2004.

After years of studying
the nature of electromagnetic

and gravitational fields,

celebrated futurist
and Nobel Prize nominee.

Dr. Ervin Laszlo announces
that he has found evidence

of the "A" or Akashic Field.

took work from the discovery

of the quantum
zero-point energy,

which is a radiation field
that exists all around us

that we can't perceive,
but we can detect it indirectly.

It's very solid theoretically.

It was first discovered
by Einstein.

So, we know that
the zero-point energy exists

and it carries
a lot of information

about the universe in it.

Laszlo proposed
that didn’t carry

just a physical information

about the physics
of the universe,

but also it contained
intellectual information.

NARRATOR: According
to theoretical physicists,

zero-point energy
is an all-pervasive sea

of quantum energy waves
that is invisible,

but exists
throughout the universe.

The fabric of space itself

is made of energy
and information.

And the way this information
propagates through the universe

is through waves.

We call that quantum waves.

And so, the Akashic Field
is made of quantum waves

that are common
to all intelligent life.

This means that all human
brains, extraterrestrial brains,

any sort of otherworldly beings

also are tapping into
similar quantum waves.

DAVID WILCOCK: This idea of an
intelligent informational field

that we can access
with our consciousness

is not pseudoscience.

It's not superstition.

It is a basic fact
that our scientists

are finding out is really true.

NARRATOR: Nearly two decades
prior to Lazlo's discovery,

Nobel Prize-winning physicist
Richard Feynman

published his groundbreaking
work in quantum physics,

The Strange Theory
of Light and Matter.

In it, he explored the idea
that electrons in our brains

can be activated and informed
by quantum waves,

affecting our thoughts
and subconscious.

So, Richard Feynman talked about

the quantum entanglement theory,

and the idea that you could
have subatomic particles

at any distance whatsoever and
they could affect each other,

where information can be sent,
uh, at great speeds,

uh, instantaneously, actually.

BRANDENBURG: The human brain
is full of electrical activity.

That creates radiation

that a very sensitive
radio receiver could pick up.

And other minds, other places

would also be able
to send such waves.

Feynman found from the idea of
a quantum field of information

an electron moving in our brains

could be receiving radio signals
from the past.

But to compensate, it must also
receive waves from the future.

Now, this means

that every electron
in our brains

is actually a receiver.

Information could traverse

to any part of the universe

This could mean that
intelligent civilizations

could send
complex information to us

by quantum wave propagation
or other means.

They could very much
be nudging society along

through people having
apparent visions,

which could be nothing more
complex than a radio broadcast,

some sort of
thought transference

through the Akashic record.

Could the Akashic Field

be similar to our modern
invention of the cloud,

but hold an infinitely
larger field of information,

one through which the user
can gain not just insight,

but even foresight
into future events?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest further clues
can be found by investigating

the story of a blind,
Bulgarian peasant

and her incredibly
accurate prophecies.

Novo Selo, Bulgaria. 1923.

A 12-year old peasant girl,

is playing with her cousins
in a field

when she gets caught up
in a freak storm.

She was carried off
into the air by tornado.

And-and they found
her motionless body

in a field.

And strangely,
her eyes were completely caked

with sand and dust, and she said
that she couldn't open them

without excruciating pain.

And what then began was
a decline in her ability to see.

NARRATOR: After the accident,

Vangelia developed a striking
ability to predict the future

and began making
accurate revelations

for the local population.

By the 1980s, the blind prophet,

who adopted the name Baba Vanga,

had given thousands
of accurate predictions

and gained a reputation as
the Nostradamus of the Balkans.

Baba Vanga said that
she could see in her mind's eye.

And when she would
look at a person,

she said that she could see
their whole life

in its totality, complete,
from birth, through their life,

until death, as if she were
watching a movie.

HOGUE: She was the study

of many Bulgarian
and Soviet scientists,

who scientifically started
testing her and interviewing her

and the people that she read.

And they have found that
it is an 80% accuracy.

CORY: Her predictions
were actually very accurate,

which tells us that the ability
to retrieve information

beyond this Earth plane

has nothing to do
with our five senses.

In fact, when she became blind,
it is as if her other senses

developed to receive messages

and information
about the future.

Among her numerous claims

were predictions
relating to world events,

many which would
later come true.

New York City.

September 11, 2001.

Two planes h*jacked by members
of a t*rror1st group

called Al-Qaeda crashed
into the World Trade Center,

taking the lives of nearly
3,000 innocent civilians.

Sumatra, Indonesia.

December 26, 2004.

A 9.1 magnitude earthquake
off the coast of the island

creates a devastating tsunami,

completely engulfing
over 3,000 miles of land

and claiming the lives
of over 230,000 people.

Washington, D.C.

January 20, 2009.

I, Barack Hussein Obama,
do solemnly swear...

NARRATOR: Barack Obama,

an African-American senator
from Illinois,

is sworn into office as the 44th
President of the United States.

- Congratulations, Mr. President.
- (crowd cheering)

HOGUE: We must remember,
these amazing things

are coming from someone
who was born a peasant,

who has not read books,

had a slight, maybe functional
literacy with braille.

But she essentially has
no access to televisions,

no access to movies.

This is coming
out of her interiority.

NARRATOR: Baba Vanga proclaimed
her prophetic abilities

not only allowed her to tap into
an unknown realm of information,

but it also put her in contact
with extraterrestrials.

HOGUE: Baba Vanga talked

about these extraterrestrials
that are invisible,

or more like they are presences

like clear reflections
of water shimmering.

And they shared
with her many secrets,

which she says are locked

inside the scriptures
of many religions.

You have to wonder with her

where she was getting
this information.

Is it possible

she was able to access
some kind of knowledge

that's out there

that normal people
cannot access?

Throughout the centuries,

there have been
oracles and prophets

that have claimed contact
with otherworldly realms

as a source of
their inspiration.

This includes prolific seers
like Michel de Nostredame,

better known as Nostradamus,

who published his seminal book,
The Prophesies,

in 1555 A.D.

Biographers claim
that he predicted

numerous future events,

including the
Great London Fire of 1666,

the rise of Adolf Hitler,

and even the Iranian revolution of 1979.
(Crowd chanting)

Nostradamus has been often shown

as a man looking at
bowls of water.

He did do that,
but that was very minor.

His main use was tapping
into the divine source.

Nostradamus tries,
in his labored narratives,

to explain a divine state
where everything is happening,

not in a linear sense
but all happening at once...

Past, present and future
concepts bind into one thing.

CORY: Most prophets say

that they are tapping
into another reality

beyond this earthly existence.

So, potentially,
they could be tapping

into a layer of reality

that is shared
by otherworldly beings,

extraterrestrial intelligence,
and so on and so forth.

It may be
the information is there,

it's that our brains
are not evolved yet

to see the information.

So there have been mystics
and there have been prophets

and there have been
philosophers who are able,

through either meditation
or observation

or whatever their medium is,

to get to that place
of information,

and have been able to access
something deeper,

something greater,
a bigger picture.

If seers like Baba Vanga,

Nostradamus and others

are able to access
an unseen cloud of information

to obtain their prophesies,

might this realm
have also been tapped

by some of history's
most brilliant minds?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining
the shocking statements

made by one of the greatest
visionaries of the 20th century,

Nikola Tesla.

NARRATOR: New York City. 1922.

Two Columbia University

William Ogburn
and Dorothy Thomas,

publish a paper in the Academy
of Political Science Journal

"Are Inventions Inevitable?"

In it, they cite 148 instances
of simultaneous inventions

where two or more individuals,

each operating without knowledge
of the others' work,

came up with the same
groundbreaking innovation

or theory at the same time.

How is it that people

in different continents,
different cultures

can come up with the same idea
at almost exactly the same time?

And it's seen
throughout history.

Albert Einstein says
that he came up with the idea

for relativity in a few moments.

It suddenly came into his mind.

Einstein's discovery
of relativity

was preceded,
almost simultaneously,

by a theoretical physicist,
a Frenchman named Poincaré.

CHILDRESS: You have the radio

being developed
by both Nikola Tesla

and Guglielmo Marconi
at the same time.

You have the telephone,
also being developed

at the same time.

There's many incidences
in history like this.

NARRATOR: During World w*r II,

British engineer
Sir Frank Whittle

and a German physicist,
Hans Von Ohain,

both invented
the first jet engine.

The designs
were strikingly similar,

and because they were serving
on different sides of the w*r,

neither had any knowledge
of the other's work.

TSOUKALOS: More recently, a
revolutionary discovery was made

by two scientists
independent of each other.

In fact, they were
thousands of miles apart.

And they came up
with the same discovery

that neutrinos have mass.

And one has to wonder if this
can be attributed to coincidence

or if both scientists
tapped into

what is known
as the Akashic record.

SCOTT: There have been
discoveries that have shown up

around the planet
at the exact same time.

People that aren't connected,

people that have no influence
upon each other,

and those are the things
that start to emerge

around the planet.

Here's the interesting thing.

This goes back to the idea
that we find information

in the substrate
of the physical world.

It may just be
that every single discovery

that we ever wanted to discover

is already in the room
right now.

It isn't that the information
is not there,

it's that our brains
are not evolved yet

to see the information.

Now, not everybody
is on the same wavelength.

Not everybody's evolved at
the same rate; That's also true.

So there are people
throughout history

that could access
that information.

WILCOCK: This effect has been
documented all the way back

to the time of the Renaissance
and the Reformation...

Things like the discovery
of the telescope,

the identification of the colors
in the rainbow,

the identification
of basic chemistry,

the theory of evolution.

Scientists try to explain it.

And they think people have
a certain level of technology

at a certain time, and they have
the tools in front of them

to be able
to make breakthroughs.

That doesn't explain
why it happens so precisely,

that in many cases
it is literally simultaneous.

We have to look
at the possibility

that extraterrestrials
could be introducing ideas

into this information field.

It's sort of as if something has
been uploaded into the cloud.

NARRATOR: Curious statements

made by one of history's
greatest visionaries,

Nikola Tesla, seem to point
to some sort of influence

from an otherworldly realm
of information.

Tesla was most notably

for the practical application
of alternating current,

the foundation of
our modern electrical grid.

SEIFER: In his autobiography,

Tesla, he talked about the day
that he had the revelation

of how to harness
alternating current.

Right before that,
he had a serious flu,

but he said that he felt
that he could detect light

from his forehead and that he
was able to receive information

from other sources,

and that this other source
entered his consciousness

and he was then enabled
to come up with this invention

which changed the world.

Tesla felt
that we were receivers,

that all impulses came
from the outside

and that we worked
under these impulses.

So, he doesn't believe

that they come from dreams
or inner visions.

He really felt that we were, in
a sense, self-propelled robots.

WILCOCK: It appears
that Tesla got more information

than anyone rightfully
should have been able to get

for his time in history,
where he was and when he was.

It could be the result
of outside influence

from the Akashic Field

steering us along a path
to make sure

that we have reached
a certain level

of technological sophistication

within a certain
prescribed time window.

Could the nature of genius

lie in the ability
of visionaries

to tap into an otherworldly
realm of knowledge?

If the information
contained within this field

was uploaded
by extraterrestrials,

as ancient astronaut theorists

does this suggest that humans
are on a predetermined path?

And if so,
what are we being guided to do?

NARRATOR: Sofia, Bulgaria.

After her death in 1996,

the home of the 20th century
prophet Baba Vanga

is turned into a museum

so that followers can continue
to pay their respects.

(crowd singing)

Among the hundreds of thousands
of future readings

given by the blind prophet
during her lifetime,

many relate to events concerning
the whole of the human race,

events, centuries, and even
millennia into the future.

If we look
at Baba Vanga's prophecies,

they're a lot like
contemporary science fiction.

In her accounts,

Baba Vanga claimed the world
will undergo many changes.

It will rise, and it will fall.

But the balance
will be established

when extraterrestrials start
to communicate with humans.

She said, "You don't see it now",

"but there is a huge movement
of crafts in the sky.

"Usually, there are
three of them flying.

"They tell me,
'Be prepared for a big event, '

but they don't tell me
what it is."

HOGUE: Baba Vanga is unique

in being very much a prophet

that looks at the future
of man in space,

humanity in space
and extraterrestrial contact,

which she assures us will happen
in the next 200 years.

By 2130, Baba Vanga prophesied

that human colonies
deep under the ocean

would be created
with the assistance

of extraterrestrial beings,

who would lend us
a tremendous hand

in developing
this new civilization.

By 2183,

humans would already
have a colony on Mars.

The human colony would revolt,

ultimately leading
to a nuclear confrontation.

By 2221,

humanity in search of alien life

would come into contact
or knowledge

of something
absolutely horrific,

but she does not tell us
what this means.

Are we headed toward the future

that Baba Vanga
somehow tapped into,

a future that is written
within the Akashic record?

March, 2017.

The U.S. Congress passes
the NASA Authorization Act

and issues a mandate
for the organization

to get humans to Mars by 2033.

Officials at the space agency

immediately respond
with a detailed plan

outlining their strategy
to accomplish this goal.

Along with NASA mission plans,

the European Space Agency,
China, United Arab Emirates

and India are all slated
to send orbiters to the planet

in the next few years.

And private ventures,

including Mars One,
SpaceX and even Boeing

have all set their sights

on successfully colonizing
the Red Planet

within the next decade.

HENRY: At present,

there's a race among several
nations and private companies

to get to Mars
and to colonize Mars.

So what's going on here?

One of humanity's
great visionaries,

Elon Musk, sees real problems
ahead for humanity.

In his view,
our colonization of Mars

is an effort to save
or back up humanity.

WILCOCK: It's a compelling
possibility that, in fact,

there is some greater
organized effort being made

to steer human knowledge
towards a desired outcome.

Our brain could act
as a tuning fork or antenna

for the Akashic record itself,

which may have very explicit
directions leading us

down a certain path.

CHILDRESS: We're going to Mars.

We're going to be a space-faring
nation and civilization,

going to other planets.

And like the phenomenon
of spontaneous invention,

we have people
all over the world

suddenly pushing us
to go to Mars.

Is it possible
that this information

is actually being sent to humans
in order to-to move us forward?

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

that if mankind
fulfills its mission

to colonize Mars,
we may be repeating the past.

According to scientific evidence
proposed by Dr. John Brandenburg

in an article for the
Journal of Cosmology in 2014,

Baba Vanga's prediction
for a nuclear event on Mars

may have happened once before.

There appears to have been

a devastating
nuclear attack on Mars.

Two massive nuclear weapons

detonated over
the surface of Mars,

apparently dropped from space.

I originally proposed
as an explanation

that this was
a natural nuclear reactor

that had gone unstable.

However, as I talked
to more scientists,

they said
the Xenon spectrum is wrong.

That is weapons signature.

There's no natural phenomenon

that can account
for this nuclear data.

HENRY: Evidence has shown us

that there's possibility
that Mars did, in fact,

suffer a nuclear w*r
deep, deep in ancient history.

This would suggest
that human events are repeated

and that throughout time

we go back
and retrace our steps.

SCOTT: It could be that
the past, present and future

has already happened.

And if that's the case, you're
really looking at a system

that repeats itself
over and over and over again.

And that could be looked at
as a script.

It could be looked at
as a computer code.

Then it would make sense
that we are in-in some way

being directed
by that information.

It is guiding our behavior.

These prophecies
may be actually something

where people
were tapping into a future

that already existed
in some other sense.

And it appears to be something

that is part
of a greater cosmic script

that we're all following

that does have
an extraterrestrial influence

in making sure
that we stay on the script.

NARRATOR: Is it possible

that the Akashic record
contains a script...

Like a cosmic computer code...

That humans are being
programmed to follow?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by examining evidence discovered
by theoretical physicists

that there is
programming language

embedded in the very fabric
of the universe.

College Park, Maryland. 2008.

Renowned physicist and
University of Maryland professor.

S. James Gates Jr.
Coauthors a report

announcing that he found
specific computer code

in the equations defining
the fabric of the universe.

He theorizes that since
these error-correcting codes

are indistinguishable

from those that drive
search engines on our computers,

it suggests that the cosmos
is digital in nature.

SCOTT: Professor Gates
finding computer code

in his string theories,

it literally shook me,

because what he's saying
is that there is code...

And not only code,

but code that we use
for our computers...

In the fabric of reality.

So the implication is
that our reality is digital,

that every experience
you've ever had

is based on code.

TSOUKALOS: They have found
computer algorithms

in the existence
of the universe,

a code of one and zeros,
which would imply

that the idea
of an information field

or the cloud is not a new idea,

and it's happened before.

Now, what the forces are
behind the Akashic record,

your guess is as good as mine.

If computer code is embedded

within the very fabric
of the universe,

might it have been put there

by an ancient
extraterrestrial race,

or possibly even
an earlier race of humans?

And has mankind established
a new Akashic record

with the creation of the cloud?

But if so,
are we merely following

a pre-programmed cosmic script

embedded within
an invisible realm

that exists all around us?

Do we have free will,
or are we totally determined?

The answer is:
If you're not aware

of the choices you're making,
you're a biological robot.

But if you become conscious
of the nature of the universe,

then you can start to have
some degree of freedom.

HENRY: As we reclaim
the Akashic records,

and even go beyond it,

this could be the key
that opens the door

that will enable us to enter

into a new level of existence
or a new reality.

We are evolving to a stage

where we're unlocking
secrets and codes and patterns

that have always been there.

It's mind-blowing, but it's
also conscious-altering.

What it does is it starts
to drive humanity towards

discovering what we really are,
who we really are.

What's our purpose here
as a species?

NARRATOR: Is there really
a cosmic repository

of all knowledge
contained within the universe,

past, present and future?

And if so,
does the recent invention

of what is commonly known
as the cloud

help pave the way to a future
of limitless possibilities?

Perhaps when we finally
tap into the Akashic record,

we will find out

that humanity has been following
a program

that has been in place
for millions of years,

a program that will
ultimately lead us

to our final destiny
on other worlds.
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