12x05 - The Pharaohs' Curse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x05 - The Pharaohs' Curse

Post by bunniefuu »

RAMY ROMANY: And here he is...

King Tut himself,

laying right in front of us,
more than 3,000 years later.

This tomb was made
for ultimate protection.

And when they first
opened this tomb,

people died mysteriously.

The ancient pharaohs

would place a curse

on all those who would
enter into their tombs.

What is the deadly secret

behind the curse of King Tut?

WILLIAM HENRY: We're dealing
with an extraterrestrial force

that the ancient Egyptians
were utilizing

to protect these tombs.

NARRATOR: Does alien technology

prevent us from learning
our true past?

Something very significant
that perhaps we still

don't understand
was hidden in that tomb.

And if so, what might happen

when the so-called curse
is finally lifted?

to the idea that I subscribe to,

it will be the return
of the extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Oak Island.

Nova Scotia, Canada.


Rick and Marty Lagina

return to the land they
purchased here ten years ago

in an effort to solve
a centuries-old mystery...

One that began in 1795,

when three Nova Scotia farm boys
set out to explore the island

after witnessing strange lights

coming from its shore
in the middle of the night.

According to a legendary curse,

seven men must die before the
island will reveal a treasure

that lies buried
deep beneath its surface.

So far, six lives have been lost
in pursuit of the treasure.

The island has been studied
and explored

by generation after generation
of earnest seekers.

The current owners
have brought in

much heavier equipment
than has ever been used before,

and they are dedicated
to finding out

the secret of Oak Island.

NARRATOR: But some ancient
astronaut theorists believe

they already know
what will be found.

There was a giant shaft

that had been dug
into the island.

Very, very deep.

And, at certain levels,

flood tunnels had been built
from the ocean

that came to the shaft.

And so you have to wonder

if people have gone through
a lot of effort

to protect something.

And I would suspect
the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant?

The golden chest built to house
the Ten Commandments?

How would this have ended up
buried more than

100 feet beneath the earth
on Oak Island?

And what does it
have to do with a curse?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say the answer lies

more than 5,000 miles away,

with a curse that dates back
to the 14th century BC.

Egypt. Valley of the Kings.

November 4, 1922.

A young boy,

working for a British
excavation team

led by Howard Carter,

is riding his donkey
home one night,

when suddenly the animal's hoof

slips into a hole
below the sand.

Thinking he may have stumbled
upon the entrance to a tomb,

he rushes home
and alerts Carter.

When Howard Carter came in,

they dug feverishly,
all the way through the tomb.

72 steps.

Till they reached
the sealed door of the tomb,

which was right here.

He instantly made a hole into
the wall before destroying it.

And Howard Carter
peeked in and said...

And I quote...

"I see wonderful things."

Which was very true.

Right inside King Tut's tomb,
there were wonderful things.

This tomb was packed
with gold and treasures.

NARRATOR: Incredibly,
Howard Carter and his team

had unearthed
the tomb of King Tutankhamen.

To this day, it is considered
the best-preserved

and most intact tomb ever found
in the Valley of the Kings.

Although the excavation team

achieved instant, worldwide fame
for their discovery,

their triumph was short-lived.

During the opening
of the tomb of King Tut,

all the workers were very wary...

The Egyptian ones.

It is known
that ancient Egyptian tombs

have the curse of the pharaohs.

Whoever enters the tomb first
will die.

While most Westerners involved

did not take the ancient stories
of a curse seriously,

the opening of King Tut's tomb
was almost immediately followed

by numerous tragedies,
some with eerie connections

to the alleged curse.

Soon after the opening
of the tomb,

a messenger went to
the archaeologist's house.

This was Howard Carter.

He found Carter's beloved canary
in the mouth of a cobra,

which was the symbolic
snake of the pharaoh.

Later, we learned
that Lord Carnarvon himself

was bit on the cheek
by a mosquito

in the very same place
that King Tut, it turned out,

was also wounded.

He died within weeks
of a blood-borne disease,

very mysteriously.

Howard Fields,
another archeologist

who came to the tomb, had his
home burned down and flooded.

And people began
to wonder if, in fact,

this was the curse
of Tutankhamen.

No fewer than seven deaths

have been associated
with the opening of the tomb,

the same number of lives
that Oak Island must claim,

according to the legend.

Could there really
have been a curse

protecting King Tut's tomb?

And if so, what was behind it?

Curses were a tool of Heka,

the magical technology
that the ancient Egyptians used

that they said was a gift
of their extraterrestrial gods.

This suggests that
the curse of the pharaohs

is an extraterrestrial force,

or perhaps even technology
that the ancient Egyptians

were utilizing
to protect these tombs.

Is it possible that some type

of extraterrestrial technology
was activated

with the opening
of King Tut's tomb?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and as further evidence, point
to the so-called magic bricks

found at the tomb.

In the tomb of Tutankhamen...

When we go over
to the Tibetan arena,

we see these prayer wheels.

And this is
a very interesting thing,

because the priest
would actually go by

and they would roll
these cylindrical drums

with their hands.

And they believe that
the simple rolling of the drum

would actually impress the words
upon the space around them.

They believe that space
was alive and intelligent.

So this suggests the possibility

that certain words do,
in a sense,

become imbued with a force.

That force may be something that

certain types of

or extra-dimensional beings
can actually access.

Is it possible
that the Egyptians

were working with

who would, in fact, generate

these types of
seemingly magical phenomena

in the event that people
tried to transgress

into these locations?

If the so-called magic bricks

really were alien technology,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,

might they have triggered
the terrible events

that were set in motion

when Howard Carter breached
the entrance to King Tut's tomb?

And is there a connection
to the curse

that is said to exist
on Oak Island today?

Perhaps further clues
will be revealed

by examining an artifact
in King Tut's tomb

that isn't found in any other:

A fifth magic brick.

NARRATOR: September 22, 1926.

Howard Carter and his team begin
their fifth excavation season

at the tomb of King Tutankhamen.

The focus of their work
is an unwalled room

on the far end of the burial
chamber called the treasury.

When they enter,
the first thing they come upon

is a fifth so-called
magic brick.

HENRY: This fifth brick has
a harrowing inscription

that reads,
"It is I who hindered the sand

"from choking the secret chamber

"and who repel
that one who would repel him

"with the desert flame.

"I have set aflame the desert.

"I have caused the path
to be mistaken.

I am for the protection
of the deceased."

And we have to wonder,
why was this fifth brick

placed in the tomb
of Tutankhamen?

NARRATOR: While other
pharaohs' tombs were found

to contain
four magic curse bricks,

only King Tut's includes
a fifth.

But why?

That fifth brick may be a clue,

a sort of "X" -marks-the-spot
treasure map

that shows us
that something very significant

that perhaps
we still don't understand

was hidden in that tomb.

NARRATOR: On September 28, 2015,

British Egyptologist
Nicholas Reeves

made a remarkable discovery

while examining high-resolution
scans of King Tut's tomb:

The possibility
of hidden cavities

within the burial chamber.

Dr. Reeves looked
at high-resolution images

of this wall,
and, um, he noticed

a crack that looks like
it should have been a door.

And it was right about here.

They brought thermal scanners in
and scanned behind this wall,

and they believed
they found cavities

behind this specific area.

He took a permission to go
inside the north room

and dig through to discover
what's behind this wall.

But just a couple of months
before the mission took place,

it was stopped
for unknown reasons.

Who, or what, may be hidden

in this secret chamber
is hotly debated,

but some researchers believe
it is possible

that it contains
the remains of Egypt's

most controversial pharaoh,

who also happens to be
the father of King Tut.

Ancient Egypt had always been
polytheistic, many gods,

and then there is a new leader,
a new pharaoh with a new idea.

Akhenaten announces
there will be one god,

they will be
a monotheistic people.

Aten, the sun god,

would be the one divinity
they all worshipped.

The image is the sun disc.

It shook the empire
in really terrible ways.

NARRATOR: What could have
inspired Akhenaten to make

such drastic changes during
a time of tremendous prosperity?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest there may have been

an otherworldly influence,
and as evidence,

point to the way he was depicted
by artists of the time.

Akhenaten introduced
the idea that

every time his artisans
would carve something,

it had to be lifelike,
so it had to be represented

exactly the way it was seen.

Which is interesting, because,
if you look at the likenesses

of Akhenaten,
he looks very strange.

Akhenaten had himself depicted
in the most peculiar way.

He had this elongated face,
he had this protruding belly,

he had these almost like
chicken leg-type legs.

Very peculiar, with this
elongated skull at the back.

Now, all other pharaohs

had themselves depicted looking
as, shall we say,

majestic and muscular
as possible.

TSOUKALOS: One has to wonder
if Akhenaten may have been

some type of
an extraterrestrial hybrid,

and that is why he introduced
this one-god rule.

Perhaps that sun disc Aten
that Akhenaten prayed to

wasn't a sun in the sky at all,
but it could have been

an extraterrestrial
that instructed Akhenaten.

The texts say
it's a winged disc.

The sun is not referred to
as a winged disc.

Following Akhenaten's death,

his enemies went
to extreme lengths

to obliterate his legacy.

Right here,
opposite King Tut's tomb,

is the very mysterious KV55.

Most Egyptologists agree
that the mummy they found inside

was King Akhenaten's mummy.

They found a destroyed coffin,

and every wall painting
was already chiseled off,

intentionally chiseled off.

Which would make sense.

It would make sense that this
tomb has been trying to wipe out.

King Akhenaten's memory.

NARRATOR: Because the tomb
had been so badly vandalized,

it could not be verified
with absolute certainty

who it belonged to.

And some Egyptologists claim
that examination of the mummy

proves definitively
that it was not Akhenaten...

It was someone else.

AHMED OSMAN: When it was
examined, it turned out to be

somebody who, uh,
is in his early 20s...

HENRY: The ancient Egyptians
did not want us

to know anything
about Akhenaten.

You can only wonder
if there's a connection now

to the curse that protects
King Tut's tomb.

Was it, in fact, to protect
an even darker secret?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the mummy of Akhenaten

was not buried in his tomb,
but instead was secretly placed

in a hidden chamber in the tomb
of his son, King Tut?

And might the so-called
curse of the pharaohs

have been put in place
to keep us from finding it

until a time when we are ready
to discover the truth

about Akhenaten's
otherworldly origins?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest an even more
profound secret can be found

by examining
King Tut's sarcophagus

and the name that was
removed from it.

Egypt. Valley of the Queens.

January 26, 1909.

13 years before the discovery
of King Tut's tomb,

artist and playwright
Joseph Lindon Smith

and Egyptologist Arthur Weigall
perform a theater piece

for Howard Carter's team.

The play tells the story
of a curse that was placed

on the pharaoh Akhenaten
by the priests of Amun,

who he had defied.

According to the curse,
Akhenaten would not be able

to travel to the otherworld,
but would be doomed

to walk the Earth as a ghost.

Now, some very interesting
circumstances unfortunately

took place when they went
through with this play.

This storm comes up
out of nowhere,

blinds one of the actresses.

One of the play writers' wives
is befuddled

with this unknown sickness.

Really raises a lot of questions

as to this curse around
Akhenaten actually being real.

In the legends of many curses,

there is often a story
that a certain mantra,

or reading a certain script

will suddenly activate
the curse.

So you have to wonder,
is it possible that there is

some kind of
extraterrestrial device

that's activated by sound?

Just in the same way
that we would talk to Siri

or Alexa, from Amazon,

and activate it with our voices,
and give it commands,

and then it's going to
do something for us.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that there is some form of

alien technology
that was enacted with both

the unsealing of King Tut's tomb

and the recitation
of ancient lines

contained in the play
to lift Akhenaten's curse?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes, and suggest that the curse

was designed not only
to hide the truth about.

extraterrestrial ancestry,

but also another incredible
secret about mankind's past...

One that can be found
by examining

the sarcophagus of King Tut.

Every mummy had coffins that

look like the king.

The face was sculpted
in a way that looks like

the mummy inside it.

Whether the coffins were made
of wood or made of solid gold,

like King Tut's,

it had to resemble
the way King Tut looked.

NARRATOR: Every pharaoh was
buried not within one coffin,

but several concentric coffins,

like a Russian nesting doll.

King Tut has three.

Right in front of me is
the sarcophagus of the king.

Now there's a lot of debate
about the middle coffin.

It has different facial features
than the rest.

And it also seems like

the cartouche where
the name of the king would be

was replaced with
King Tut's name instead.

Now, under further analysis,
they were able to read

the name on the cartouche
underneath King Tut's name.

And that read "Ankhkheperure."

Ankhkheperure was not King Tut.

NARRATOR: Why was a sarcophagus
that was made for Ankhkheperure

used to hold the mummy
of King Tut?

ROMANY: His death at 19

was definitely a problem
for the tomb makers.

It ended up being a rushed job.

He got the smallest tomb
in the valley.

But who is Ankhkheperure?

Every ruler in ancient Egypt
was given a throne name

that was different
from his birth name.

The throne name of Ankhkheperure

is believed to have belonged
to a very important

and mysterious member
of King Tut's family.

ROMANY: Ankhkheperure could
have been the throne name

of Prince Thutmose,

who was allegedly
Akhenaten's brother

and was supposed to rule
before or after Akhenaten,

but never got to.

There are numerous theories

regarding Akhenaten's
mysterious brother Thutmose.

But the most profound comes
from an unexpected source:

Sigmund Freud,

who, in addition to being
the founder of psychoanalysis,

was also a scholar of
Judaism and ancient Egypt.

Sigmund Freud, the famous
psychoanalyst, in 1939,

first suggested that monotheism
began with Akhenaten,

and he thought that someone
in Akhenaten's court,

perhaps his brother Thutmoses,

could in fact be
the historical Moses.

NARRATOR: Could Sigmund Freud's
audacious conclusion be true?

That Akhenaten's
biological brother

was in fact
the Hebrew leader Moses?

According to Freud,

the events depicted in the
Bible surrounding Moses' birth,

exile, and most importantly
his introduction of monotheism,

perfectly coincide with the
historical record of Thutmose.

The name Thutmoses means
"son of the god Thoth."

If you take away the "Thut"
element in his name,

it simply means "son of."

"Mose" means "the son of."

Now, the name Moses
is very similar to "Mose,"

and it just so happens that
the story of Moses in the Bible

is set at exactly the time

that Thutmose
disappears from history.

And we're told in the Bible

that Moses grows up
as the brother

of the prince apparent
to the throne.

In other words,
the historical Thutmose

could be the biblical Moses.

NARRATOR: In recent years,

a number of Egyptologists,
like Ahmed Osman,

have proposed theories
similar to Freud's.

Freud realized the similarity

between Akhenaten's religion
and the Jewish religion.

He suggested that after
Akhenaten had left his throne...

Curiously, at the same time

as the Exodus of the Israelites,

it is also recorded
that the followers of Akhenaten

were forced to flee Egypt.

Do the stories
of Moses and Akhenaten

an extraterrestrial agenda

to alter the course of humanity?

Ancient astronaut
theorists propose that,

much like Akhenaten,
many of the events

surrounding the life of Moses

point to an otherworldly

NARRATOR: The Egyptian Museum.

Cairo, Egypt.

On prominent display
in the King Tutankhamen exhibit

is a wooden chest
covered in gold leaf.

On top of it sits
the statue of a jackal,

the Egyptian god Anubis.

When Howard Carter and his team
began their fifth season

excavating King Tut's tomb
in 1926, they came upon

this unusual shrine guarding the
entrance to the treasury room.

What ancient astronaut theorists
find most intriguing

about this artifact is
its undeniable similarities

with perhaps
the most important sacred object

in all of Judeo-Christian

The Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant
is the central shrine

to ancient Israel.

It's actually a-a box,
a wooden box

made out of acacia wood,
overlaid in gold.

And on the cover are two
mythological beings, cherubs.

There are also rings
on the side of the box

through which poles are placed.

What we have
in Tutankhamen's tomb

is an Egyptian version
of the Ark of the Covenant.

If Prince Thutmoses
was the historical Moses

it would explain why,
when he led the Israelites

out of Egypt into
the Sinai wilderness,

that he got them to make
this Ark of the Covenant.

It is exactly the same
as the item found

in Tutankhamen's tomb.

NARRATOR: But what could account
for the similarity between

the Anubis Shrine
and the Ark of the Covenant?

According to the biblical text,

Moses was given instructions for
building the Ark of the Covenant

when he spoke with God
at the top of Mount Sinai.

However, some ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

there is evidence that the Ark
already existed in Egypt.

There's numerous depictions
on the temple walls

that reference a device
that resembles

the Ark of the Covenant.

At the Temple of SETI in
Abydos, in the Osiris Chapel,

we see depicted on the walls

the single most powerful relic
in all of human history.

It's called the Osiris Device.

It functioned
as a stairway to heaven.

What most people don't realize
is that the Osiris Device

was actually the biblical
Arc of the Covenant.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the Anubis Shrine

found in King Tut's tomb

was a representation
of the Osiris Device,

the Egyptian name for
what would become known

as the Ark of the Covenant?

Could it have originally
belonged to Akhenaten,

and might Moses have taken this
with him when he left Egypt?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that this object

extraterrestrial technology.

The Bible records
that when the Ark was,

for lack of a better word,

two sons of the High Priest
Aaron approached it.

And because they were not
properly prepared,

the Bible says a fire came forth
and burned them.

But the legends state
that the nature of this fire

was two beams of light
that actually entered

inside their nostrils
and burned them from within.

Sounds very similar
to what we today understand

as electrocution.

It was said that the Ark
could create lightning,

that the Ark could fly.

We know that
the Ark of the Covenant

is a communication device
between man and God,

because God tells us so
in Exodus.

So was this god
some kind of extraterrestrial?

And was the Ark of the Covenant
some sort of device

that allowed communication

between Moses and Aaron and
some extraterrestrial spaceship

orbiting the Earth?

But if extraterrestrials

directed Moses, and perhaps
Akhenaten before him,

to lead the Israelites towards
a new monotheistic faith,

what motivated them to do so?

What if these alien visitors
didn't want

future generations
of humans to know

that they had intervened
in our development?

If a new monotheistic religion
were to arise,

then people would start
to relegate figures like Amun-Ra

and the all the rest
to the realm of mythology.

The extraterrestrials
could hide our true history

until a time when we were
ready to have it revealed.

NARRATOR: Did alien visitors

attempt to change
the course of history,

first through Akhenaten
and then Moses?

And might this be
why a so-called curse

was put on King Tut's tomb,

to hide the clues
that lead to this connection,

until humanity is ready
to know the truth?

Perhaps further answers
can be found

by examining the fate
of the Ark of the Covenant

after the time of Moses,
and the curse that followed it.

NARRATOR: Jerusalem, 586 BC.

Roughly 750 years
after the death of Akhenaten,

and the Exodus of Moses
and the Israelites from Egypt,

the Ark of the Covenant
is believed to reside here

in Solomon's Temple,
where it is heavily guarded.

But the city has been
under siege by the Babylonians,

who finally manage to break
through Jerusalem's walls.

In 586 BCE, the Babylonians came

and ultimately destroyed
the Temple of Solomon.

The million-dollar question is:

What happened
to the Ark of the Covenant?

NARRATOR: According
to historical accounts,

the Babylonians stole
every treasure they could find

from Solomon's Temple,
but there is no mention

of the Ark of the Covenant.

One story proposes that King
Solomon had a son named Menelik

with the Queen of Sheba,

and that Menelik stole the Ark
and took it to Ethiopia with him

long before
the Babylonians invaded,

hiding it in a small chapel
in the city of Aksum,

where it still resides today.

But many believe

the Ark remained hidden
at the site of Solomon's Temple

long after
the Babylonian invasion,

until it was smuggled
out of Jerusalem

by the ancient order
of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar
were a mysterious order

of warrior monks who were formed
in the 12th century.

King Baldwin II of Jerusalem
gave them a wing of a palace

on what we now know
as the Temple Mount.

A number of historians
have speculated

that it was part of
their mandate to do excavations

at Solomon's Temple
in Jerusalem,

and that during
these excavations,

they discovered, in a hidden
chamber, beneath the temple,

a secret room that had
the Ark of the Covenant in it.

Were the Knights Templar

really in possession
of the Ark of the Covenant?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest there is evidence

that, like King Tut's tomb,
it too was protected by a curse.

Lie de la Cité.

Paris, France.

March 18, 1314.

After enduring seven long years
of t*rture, Jacques de Molay,

the 23rd and final Grand Master
of the Knights Templar,

is ex*cuted
by order of King Philip IV

and Pope Clement V.

It's thought that
King Philip really wanted

to get rid of the Templars

so that he could take
their treasure

and pay off his own debts.

But you have to wonder,

did King Philip
and maybe the pope

realize that the Templars
had the Ark of the Covenant now,

and perhaps this is
what they really wanted,

an extraterrestrial device

that was being kept
by the Knights Templar?

COPPENS: Jacques de Molay
gets the last word.

He curses both
the pope, Clement V,

and the king, Philip IV,

directly from the stake
before he dies.

But he doesn't stop there.

Jacques de Molay does not
just curse the king.

He curses the entire line
of the Capetian kings.

Shortly after,
the pope died of a rare disease.

The church where the service
was to be held for the pope

burned down.

The king died,

the house that followed him
lost control of the throne.

All this, shortly after
the Grand Master was ex*cuted.

The curse seems
to have come literally true.

Over the course
of the next 14 years,

all three
of King Philip's sons died

and his only grandson died
as well,

ending the Capetian dynasty

exactly as Jacques de Molay
had cursed.

So you have to wonder

if this curse
on King Philip and the pope

was something that came through

the Ark of the Covenant
in some strange way,

and its curse was all about
protecting that device itself.


NARRATOR: Is it possible

that the curse placed
upon King Tut's tomb

was also the same one

that protected
the Ark of the Covenant?

And could it be
that the curse has its origins

in an extraterrestrial

When the Knights Templar
were persecuted in France

in the 14th century,

Scotland became
their safe haven.

Some researchers believe

they brought the Ark
of the Covenant with them,

before a Templar
named Henry Sinclair

secretly smuggled it
to the New World,

landing in Nova Scotia in 1398.

a tribe called the Mi'kmaq,

that occupied
this region of Canada

during Sinclair's
alleged expedition,

designed their flag in a manner

that is a mirror image
of the Templar battle flag.

Within this greater
Nova Scotia area,

there are many signs
that the Templars were there.

You have
the Newport, Rhode Island Tower

that is thought to have been
built by the Knights Templar.

You have images of knights
with swords and helmets

that are carved on rocks in
New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

And on Oak Island itself
is a giant cross,

a thousand feet long, that's
made out of six huge boulders.

And the central boulder
looks like a human head,

and it has a sword
carved into the side.

Did the Ark of the Covenant

really end up
buried on Oak Island?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining the curse
that continues

to plague the island
to this day.

NARRATOR Oak Island.

Nova Scotia, Canada.


Simeon Lynds forms
the Onslow Company,

the first formal organization

dedicated to excavating
the treasure at Oak Island.

Within a year, while digging
in the infamous borehole

known as the Money Pit,

they discover an unusual stone
slab at a depth of 90 feet.

When it is brought
to the surface,

the excavators
immediately notice

strange hieroglyphs
of an unknown language

covering the stone.

Shortly after this,

a series of calamities
befall everyone who attempts

to search for the treasure.

There is famously
a curse around Oak Island,

and it is said
that seven people must die

before the treasure of
Oak Island will reveal itself.

And there have in fact been
tragic deaths on Oak Island.

NARRATOR: The island claimed
its first victim in 1861,

when the boiler of a cast-iron
pump and steam engine burst,

scalding one man to death
and injuring others.

In 1897,
Maynard Kaiser was k*lled

when a hoisting rope
slipped off a pulley,

dropping him down a shaft.

And in 1965, Robert Restall
also fell into a shaft,

after inhaling mysterious fumes
that rendered him unconscious.

His son Bobby and two other men
who attempted a rescue

died along with him,
bringing the death toll to six.

Could this be evidence

that a curse truly exists
on Oak Island?

And might it be connected

to the stone slab that contained
mysterious hieroglyphic writing?

When you look at
the so-called 90-foot stone,

you have to ask yourself:
Is this the clue

that gets you to understand what
the treasure of Oak Island is?

Or might it be a curse brick

that is actually trying
to protect that secret?

There is
an undeniable similarity

between this brick
that we see at Oak Island

and the curse bricks
that we see in King Tut's tomb.

The Templars chose Oak Island

to bury whatever it is that they
found at the temple in Jerusalem

during the Crusades.

And in my opinion,
what they had discovered

was either the complete
Ark of the Covenant

or components of it.

And the Ark of the Covenant,

according to
the ancient astronaut theory,

an extraterrestrial device.

WILCOCK: This suggests that
there could be one unified group

that is behind Oak Island,
behind King Tut's tomb,

that is protecting
the Ark of the Covenant,

that is protecting
the Egyptian heritage of Moses,

and may in fact
be concealing the truth

of humanity's
extraterrestrial origins.

Could an ancient Egyptian curse

really be guarding
an incredible secret

concerning mankind's
alien origins?

And might proof of that secret

be contained within the
legendary Ark of the Covenant?

There are those who believe
the answer is a profound yes,

and that the evidence
lies buried some 160 feet

below a remote island
in Nova Scotia,

and which, like King Tut's tomb,

remains guarded
by a deadly curse,

one that demands
the sacrifice of seven lives

before the secret
can be revealed.
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