12x04 - The Alien Architects

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x04 - The Alien Architects

Post by bunniefuu »

This wall exists here,

at one of the most
inaccessible places.

These types of walls,
they exist all over the world.

The building style is not
similar, it is identical.

Were alien structures
built on Earth

as part of a master plan?

That these temples
actually act as batteries.

They store energy and they also
allow the energy to expand

at certain times during the day.

Could they reveal
an extraterrestrial connection?

cultures around the world

connected their temples
to each other

almost like
a master circuit board.

And did they serve
a larger purpose,

one that reaches beyond Earth?

They're somehow
looking at the Earth from space

and seeing how these structures
would fit around the globe.

Who could be doing this,
except for extraterrestrials?

♪ ♪

Siem Reap, Northwest Cambodia.

Just outside the magnificent
ruins of Angkor Wat

stands an ancient pyramid temple
known as Baksei Chamkrong.

While it is
a solid rock structure,

and therefore
cannot be carbon dated,

mainstream archaeologists

that it was constructed
in the tenth century AD.

9,000 miles away,
in the Petén Basin of Guatemala,

lay the ruins
of the Mayan city of Tikal.

Amongst the long-abandoned

is a Temple of the Great Jaguar,

which is believed to date
back to the eighth century AD.

When you see pictures
of these two pyramids

on two different continents,
they're virtually identical.

It's as if the same architect
had designed both of these.

Although the Cambodian pyramid

is much smaller
than the pyramid in Guatemala,

the similarities between
the specific design features

are uncanny.

Both have
an unusually steep slope angle

that we don't see
in other pyramids,

they both have
a stepped formation.

There's a stairwell
going up the middle,

there's a domed area on the top,

there's a little door
that goes in

and there's interior structure
that looks the same, as well.

You have the civilization
in Cambodia

and the civilization
in Mesoamerica.

There are so many parallels,
it's incredible.

It's unbelievable that scholars
haven't, until now,

recognized those parallels.

Is it possible that they were
working off the same blueprint?

And if so, where did
that blueprint come from?

Could it be that
these seemingly unrelated sites,

located thousands
of miles apart,

share a common architect?

Cambodian lore attributes
the building of Angkor

to Preah Pisnokar,

a being of half-human,
half-divine origin.

Preah Pisnokar is the son of
the moon goddess and a mortal.

One day, she takes him
up to Heaven,

where he meets
the great high god Indra,

who decides that the boy is
to be given special schooling.

At Indra's Heaven,
he was given instructions.

Instructions about mathematics,
engineering, architecture,

all these different
scientific disciplines.

One very provocative way
of looking at this story

is that Indra's Heaven is not
just a place in the stars,

that it's actually a spacecraft.

And that Preah Pisnokar
was instructed

by extraterrestrial beings
on this craft

in the art of temple making.

According to ancient
astronaut theorists,

an interesting parallel exists

between the Mayan
and Cambodian stories.

In the Maya manuscripts,

the god Kukulkan is responsible
for their temple architecture.

He was also credited
with educating humans

on mathematics,
engineering and science,

the same teachings
attributed to Pisnokar.

is supposed to have descended

from a star.

He's represented
as the feathered serpent,

but also he's represented,

he's a big being
with the helmet,

a helmet has rays on it,

and he's sitting
on a half-open sort of egg.

He was the teacher, according
to Central American mythology.

He definitely
is an extraterrestrial.

Could these
two otherworldly architects

be one and the same?

And if so, does further evidence
of a master builder exist

in other parts
of the world as well?

In Mesoamerica,

we have the gods associated
with the construction

of the pyramids over there.

This reflects
the same kind of entity

that the Mesopotamians reported,

that the Egyptians reported
as being the architect

that designed the cities,
that designed these structures.

So you have the same pattern
and the same claim

happening over and over again

over a span
of at least 7,000 years,

where it's the same type of god,

planning and directing
the construction

of these types
of similar buildings.

We seem to be talking
about the same architect

that seems to be crossing

different continents
at different times.

It's interesting
that when you start

looking at all
of these structures

covering many thousands
of years,

you begin to see
that there's a relationship.

Pyramids are found
by the hundreds

in nearly every region
of the world,

including Central America,
Mesopotamia, Egypt,

China and even Antarctica.

And many cultures'
most sacred structures

appear remarkably alike.

It is striking that you can
travel around the planet

and you can find structures
that are similar in nature.

For example, in China, the
Xi'an Altar of Heaven,

or the stone circle
above Saksaywaman in Peru.

All over the planet,

you see tall,
megalithic architecture.

You see cyclopean stone
structures, as well.

A bunch of primitive people
somehow get motivated

all over the world
to haul around

these gigantic blocks of stone
that could be 20 tons, 100 tons.

And everybody around the world

seemed to be doing
the same thing.

There is a kind
of a master blueprint

that we see in the architecture,

and it's not in just one or two
or three civilizations,

it's in all the civilizations.

China, India, South America,
it's there.

Archeologists tell us, "Well,

there was no connection
at those times."

There had to be something,

that's too much of
a coincidence.

So there we get the idea
that it's more of a network

than any single structure.

And they sort of feed of
ch other.

Are the curious
parallels between structures

seen throughout the world
truly random,

or could they be interconnected?

And if so, was it important

not just that the temples
were built,

but exactly
how they were constructed?

Cusco, Peru.

The remnants of the Coricancha,
or Temple of the Sun,

are considered a marvel
of Incan architecture.

Modern engineers say
the precision of the stonework

rivals that being produced today
with advanced machining.

But incredibly, the Inca
weren't the only ancient people

to achieve
such building proficiency.

6,500 miles away in Giza, Egypt,

we see the same signature
building techniques

at the Valley Temple
next to the Sphinx.

Let's say you stand in front
of the Sphinx temple in Egypt

and you look
at the stone masonry there.

And then you had the capability
of closing your eyes

and the next moment you're at
the Coricancha temple in Cusco.

Well, if you wouldn't know
where you are,

you couldn't tell the difference
between the two,

because the engineering styles
of those two temples

are very similar.

What you find is that the blocks

are fitted together
so tightly...

What makes these
structures so impressive

is not only their design,
but also the fact

that they were built
with megalithic stones.

Some of these massive blocks
are so large

that even engineers today

have no idea
how they were put in place.

The limestone blocks
at the Valley Temple

are estimated to weigh
upwards of 200 tons each.

And many of these stones
had to be lifted and placed

up to 40 feet aboveground,

or the height of
a four-story building.

However, this was not merely
accomplished at these two sites.

Across the globe,
ancient cultures chose,

time and time again,

to build with similar
awe-inspiring blocks

fitted together
with minimal clearance

between adjacent stones
and no use of mortar.

Even more confounding

is the fact that many of these
megalithic constructions

were built
in impractical locations,

often thousands of feet
above sea level.

Santorini, Greece.

Researcher and editor
Giorgio Tsoukalos

traveled to the ancient site
of Thera

on the island's highest peak.

The megalithic architecture
found here

dates back to at least
the ninth century BC.

This wall exists here,

at one of the most
inaccessible places.

In order to get here,
you take a car,

you go up these harrowing
switchback roads

and then, you're on foot
for at least 45 minutes.

And so the idea that is given

that this was just
built on a whim,

to me, seems insane.

There had to have been
a reason why this is here.

The blocks are huge.

There is one block right here

that's at least six feet long
and one here,

seven feet long,

and they're about
32 inches thick,

so we're talking

blocks of stone
that are as big as people,

weighing about a ton or more.

And we have 12 levels
of stone blocks.


This was placed
here deliberately.


This is not coincidence.

Somebody at the quarry said,

"We need a stone of this
particular size,

that fits right here."

And walls like this
not only exist in Greece,

but in Italy, in Spain,

in South America,
and also in Egypt.

So, the building style
is not similar,

it is identical.

The use of such enormous blocks

is the main reason many
of these ancient structures,

like the walls at Thera,
have survived until today.

But why was it so important
that they remain standing

thousands of years
into the future?

There was an architect here

who had complete understanding
of stone,

of masonry, and that you can do
extraordinary things with it

that will last a lifetime
and forever.

Not only did they actually
build things

which were guaranteed to last,

often they were working
with unusual angles.

And they're so tightly fitted

that earthquakes find it very
difficult to break them apart.

In fact, they are

Ancient astronaut
theorists point out that other

common design elements were
incorporated in structures

throughout the world
to ensure their longevity,

including the widespread use
of metal braces

inserted into keystone cuts

to reinforce
ancient constructions.

This unusual way of fitting
large stones together

is found in ancient Egypt,

it's found in ancient Ethiopia.

It is found in India
and Greece and in Italy.

It is found at Angkor Wat
in Cambodia.

It's found at the Champa sites
in Vietnam,

and we find it in Peru

at Ollantaytambo and at Cusco,

and we see it also at Tiwanaku

and Puma Punku in Bolivia.

The two stones essentially have

a channel dug in between them,

and there's a certain slot into
which is poured molten metal.

Now, this brings up all kinds
of questions because, one,

alloys were not supposed
to have been discovered

until about 2500 BC.

The fact that these stones
go back to at least 13,000 BC

creates a huge problem.

We have here, again,
shared technology

crossing a huge span of time

in order to make sure that the
stones never, ever fall apart.

People working on different
sides of the world

trying to build similar things

are not necessarily going
to think of the same way

to build it in certain respects.

The similarities in the way
some of the stones were cut,

the keystone,

other factors that people
wouldn't necessarily think of,

for them to show up,
and for them to be used

to give greater duration
to these structures

way beyond any
reasonable expectation

that the people living then were
gonna continue to use these,

tells us that there's somebody
maybe with a longer time span

was behind the design
of these things.

Whoever was be the design

wanted these things
to last a really long time.

Who were the teachers
of these engineering styles?

The only conclusion there is,
is that aliens had a hand

in these creations
a long time ago.

They're all human-made,

but with the assistance
or the technology

provided by extraterrestrials.

If ancient structures
found all over the world

were built to outlast the beings
that constructed them,

is it possible
that they were meant to serve

a greater purpose,

one not known to
the builders themselves,

but only to those who
instructed them?

Giza Plateau, Egypt.

The Great Pyramid is arguably
the most enigmatic structure

on the face of the Earth.

It is the only surviving
Wonder of the ancient world,

and has inspired
endless speculation

as to how it was built
and what purpose it served.

Ever since the first studies
of the Great Pyramid in Egypt

have been made,
researchers have been amazed

at the mathematical knowledge
that is encoded

into the Great Pyramid,

the measurements
that are used in it.

Even the placement
of the Great Pyramid

has aroused great interest
among Egyptologists.

The Great Pyramid is aligned

to within 3/60ths
of a degree of north,

a more accurate alignment than
any other structure on Earth.

When you look at the
Great Pyramid's alignment,

it's aligned very, very close
to true north.

Even more interesting
is to think about

tracking back in time,
because the Earth's axis

has been shifting slowly.

It's what we call "precessis."

And so, if there's been
a shift in that alignment,

it could be that it was even
more accurately aligned to north

in the past when they built it.

The Great Pyramid
is not only perfectly aligned

to the cardinal points,

its placement on the Earth is
seemingly intentional as well.

If you pass a great circle

from the Great Pyramid

Since the first accurate survey

of the Great Pyramid in 1925,

mathematicians and researchers
have discovered

even more profound connections

relating to geodetic

or information pertaining
to the measurement

and representation of the Earth,
encoded in its design.

The Great Pyramid
was built with a level

of technological sophistication
far in excess

of anything that we have today.

They don't use the inch

as we normally have it
in the English system;

it's the cubit.

And what's interesting
about the cubit

is that it is exactly
1/25 millionth

of the polar diameter
of the earth,

meaning the distance
from the North Pole

to the South Pole of the Earth.

Chop it up into
25 million pieces,

there's a royal cubit.

It's perfect.

If you actually take
the length of the Great Pyramid

at its mean Socket level,

which is the corners
of the actual building,

it translates into
365.24 pyramid cubits,

which just happens to be
the Earth year,

right down to a quarter day.

The measurements of the length

and width of the perimeter
of the Great Pyramid

correspond to an exact fraction
of the both the latitude

and longitude measurements
at the equator.

Scaled up, this means the Great
Pyramid directly corresponds

to the circumference
of the equator,

as well as the measurement
from the Equator to the Pole,

making it a scale model
of the Northern Hemisphere.

Recently, using
satellite technology,

researchers have realized
yet another

advanced formula encoded
in the design.

If you take the location

of the Great Pyramid
as a coordinate,

this number sequence
of this coordinate

matches exactly the speed of
light traveling through space,

measured in meters per second.

This is amazing stuff.

When you consider the vast
amount of information

about the Earth that's encoded
into the Great Pyramid,

you can't just dismiss all
of this as pure coincidence.

Although the Great
Pyramid at Giza offers

an astounding example
of encoded information,

other sites around the world,

such as the Mesoamerican

and the ziggurats
of Mesopotamia,

have also been found
to be aligned

to exact cardinal points,

and embody mathematical

These buildings were built
under divine guidance.

This is a mark of the gods.

They put certain things in these
buildings to let us know

they are not entirely
of human origin.

They represent something larger
than we are.

The builders wanted to make sure
that a future generation

would know that there's
a discrepancy in knowledge.

And what I'm suggesting is that
all these ancient structures

are calling cards left
by extraterrestrials.

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest that evidence

of extraterrestrial intervention
in the construction

and placement of these
incredible structures

can also be found by examining
their alignments with the stars.

If I wanted to leave behind

a piece of evidence
that suggests

where I'm from,
one way, for example,

is by creating monuments

that are in the shape
of constellations.

In ancient Egypt,
the three pyramids are aligned

with the constellation
of Orion's belt.

The pyramids are not
the only monuments

that have this
particular configuration.

The ancient site
of Teotihuacan, in Mexico,

also contains three pyramids
that are oriented

to match up with the belt stars
of Orion.

And other sites throughout
the world have been found

to have similar
astronomical alignments.

Were ancient structures,

and even entire complexes,

purposely encoded
with advanced principles

so that future generations
would recognize

an otherworldly influence?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

but suggest an even more
profound purpose

might be revealed by examining
these structures

from an extraterrestrial

Quebec, Canada.

May, 2016.

After extensively studying
the manuscripts

of the ancient
Mayan civilization

that reached its peak
in 1000 AD,

15-year-old student
William Gadoury

stumbles across
something astonishing.

The star diagrams contained
in the documents

perfectly correlate with the
layout of existing Mayan cities.

Gadoury discovered
that there were

22 star maps in the texts

that lined up with the cities
very nicely...

117 different cities.

But there was a 23rd map,

in which one of the cities

did not exist on the map.

Now, he was really concerned
about this because

he felt, wait a minute,
this is like a treasure map,

and "X" marks the spot.

Gadoury found it odd
that only one star on the maps

did not match up
with a Mayan city,

and concluded that perhaps
it really did exist,

but had not yet been discovered.

With the assistance
of the Canadian Space Agency

and Dr. Armand Larocque,
a remote-sensing specialist

from the University
of New Brunswick,

Gadoury was able to use
satellite imagery

to pinpoint
the exact coordinates

where the city should be.

What they see is
absolutely mind-blowing.

There it is, a perfect
square object.

It's clearly angular,
it's clearly geometric.

It has symmetrical proportions
on both sides.

This square, according
to Dr. Armand Larocque himself,

could actually be the foundation
of a pyramid.

Although archaeologists have yet

to visit the site,

the lost city was given the name
K'aak Chi, or "Mouth of Fire."

Gadoury's discovery
would seem to confirm

that the Maya precisely
placed their cities

in a way that perfectly mirrored
the stars above...

An astonishing accomplishment
considering that the territory

they occupied spans
over 75,000 square miles.

We have the entirety
of all Mayan civilization,

every one of those cities,
perfectly gridded out,

mathematical precision
with star maps.

How could a primitive culture
have done this?

Ancient astronaut theorists say

the Maya were told
where to build their cities

by extraterrestrial visitors,

and suggest that this occurred
with other civilizations

throughout the world.

But it was not only the stars
that determined the placement

of important sites.

Many were also aligned with the
very energy of the Earth itself.

Herefordshire, England, 1921.

Alfred Watkins,
a landscape photographer,

makes a curious discovery.

Many of the prehistoric standing
stones, mounds, forts,

and earthworks in the area fall
directly in a straight line

extending for several miles.

He coins the term "ley lines"
to describe these alignments,

which he later finds
throughout England and France.

These so-called
ley lines actually cross over

all of the ancient
stone structures,

like Stonehenge or Avebury.

Something is going on here in
which this idea of these lines

has some relevance.

We see that the Templars
borrowed this same science

of grid lines
during the Crusades,

and then started to build

all of the cathedrals
throughout Europe

on these so-called ley lines.

Ancient cultures had
this understanding

that the world has
lines of power to it.

The ancient cultures understood
that these lines of power

were almost like
sources of energy,

and by building structures
along these sources of energy,

they could almost tap its power.

In 1992,
after 30 years of visiting

the megalithic standing stones
in the Carnac region of France

and hearing stories about
energetic ley lines,

thermodynamics engineer
Pierre Mereaux

sets out to discover if there is
any truth to the theory.

Mereaux actually went
to Carnac in France,

where there's at least
80,000 standing stones.

And, as a skeptic, he actually
measured the energy

of these stones and found that
these stones actually act

as batteries, as coils,
as alternators.

They store energy, and they also
allow the energy to expand

at certain times during the day,

demonstrating that
the stones are built

exactly where they need to be
to harness a specific energy.

If extraterrestrials
instructed our ancestors

on where to build their most
important structures,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,

was it to exploit
the power of the site?

Perhaps further clues
can be found by examining

what many consider
to be the holiest

and most contentious site
on the planet.

Chichen Itza, Mexico.

August, 2015.

A sinkhole is discovered
under the 1,000-year-old

El Castillo temple.

Scientists, worried about
the stability of the pyramid,

begin extensive examinations
of the site.

While investigating, they
discovered two nested structures

contained within the confines
of the pyramid.

The pyramid
at Chichen Itza is actually

not one pyramid, but three.

These are built
like Russian dolls.

They keep repeating
the same design feature,

the same construction method,

the same unit of measure
over time.

So obviously, something worked
thousands of years ago

and they kept repeating it
again, and again, and again

like a cookie cutter process.

It is a pyramid that's inside
of another pyramid.

We also see this
at the Great Pyramid of Cholula,

one of the largest pyramids
in the world,

just outside of Mexico City.

Also, we see this
at Djoser's Pyramid

in Saqqara in Egypt.

So ancient peoples were,
for some reason,

rebuilding over and over again
these ancient structures.

Because they apparently
were in a location

that was so important.

There's something special
about that place.

Throughout the world,
evidence of sacred sites

that have transcended
various cultures

and religious traditions
can be found.

The Temple Mount is considered
holy to all the world religions.

The Temple of Solomon was built.

Later, Christianity built
their own churches upon it.

This is where the prophet
of Islam, Muhammad,

had a vision wherein which
he ascended to heaven.

And it was upon this vision

that proclaimed the Temple Mount
to be sacred to Islam.

But it was considered sacred
before the ancient Israelites

even came into the land
of Israel.

We read in the Bible

about Abraham meeting
a very strange priest

by the name of Melchizedek,

who was to have had
his own temple there.

So there was
a very ancient connection

to this specific place.

In Lebanon,
there is the temple to Baalbek.

Later, under Greek control

they built a different structure
on the same foundation stone,

and called the area Heliopolis.

There are cathedrals
throughout the world

that had pre-Christian

We have it all over the world,

which means that a sacred site
has a power of its own

that is larger or older

or longer lasting
than any particular tradition.

The thing is,
the location is what's sacred.

Could it be that,

much like the locations
of the Mayan cities

that are mapped out
based on a cosmic grid

and the ley lines in England,

these worldwide sacred sites

also connect
to a larger blueprint?

The origins of the idea
of a world grid

can be traced back
to ancient Greece.

Philosophers like Plato
were very adamant

that the ancient sacred places
were specially positioned

along the face of the Earth
in a very deliberate way,

and they conformed
to what was called a world grid.

The temples were not
placed haphazardly.

They actually had a structure
and purpose to them.

In the 1960s,

Ivan T. Sanderson plotted out

his own planetary grid
based on Plato's work.

Other world grid researchers

would later build
upon his model.

What they identified was that
there was a geometric pattern

that could be superimposed
on the Earth,

and that grid point
usually started

at the Great Pyramid itself.

And they would go out from there
in a geometric form.

Russian researchers
did a full survey

of all of the large
stone structures

that have ever been found
all over the Earth,

a total of 3,300
different stone structures.

And they found
that every single one of them

was built right
on one of the lines

of this geometric pattern.

On this grid, sites like
Stonehenge in England,

megaliths in West Africa,
the Bermuda Triangle,

pyramids in Mexico and in Peru,

islands like Easter Island.

The bizarre city of Nan Madol,

were also matching this grid.

The specific power spots
where we find pyramids

and obelisks
and other structures,

may have not been chosen
just by chance.

It could well be that they are
part of an integrated whole

and their location
is highly, highly important.

Some researchers speculate
that ancient cultures

around the world

connected all of their temples
to each other,

almost like
a master circuit board,

where one temple connected
to another temple,

connected to another, added
to the power of the structure,

added to the power
of the line itself.

When we think of the power grid,

we think of the energy being
transmitted along this grid.

What if there's
something else going on here?

What if there's something bigger
that we're not seeing?

What if this world power grid

is actually receiving energy
from the solar system

or from the universe itself?

You have to ask yourself,

who is it who's overseeing
this larger picture

of all of these structures
on the Earth?

They're somehow looking
at the Earth from space

and seeing
how these structures would fit

on a large scale
around the globe.

Who could be doing this,
except for extraterrestrials?

If the placement
of structures on Earth

were specifically plotted
to serve

an extraterrestrial function,

might parts of this system
still be online today?

And if so, does it serve
a purpose beyond Earth?

Auckland, New Zealand, 1997.

Retired military and commercial
airline pilot Bruce Cathie

publishes his book
The Energy Grid.

In it, he details his experience
observing UFOs

during his time working
for the New Zealand military.

He noted that these crafts were
always following straight lines.

After mapping them,

he discovered that they followed
a distinctive grid pattern.

Additionally, while flying over
some of these zones,

he also noticed
that various structures

were actively being built
along the paths.

Bruce Cathie maintained

that the American military,
starting in World w*r II,

had also figured out

this special grid that surrounds
the entire planet,

and that the military was using
certain spots on the Earth

to build military bases
and other structures.

Cathie suggested
that the extraterrestrial craft

may have been drawing power
off the grid,

and that after World w*r II
and the Roswell incident,

military personnel
around the world

had become aware
of this UFO connection.

So here we have
an ancient grid structure,

probably built
by extraterrestrials,

possibly to power their craft,

that's now being
reconstructed today

by the military.

Could it be
that ancient structures

throughout the world were
designed to function together

as part of
a massive energy grid?

And did the architects

intentionally leave behind
information for us to find,

once we had
the technological knowledge

to recognize this system?

But why?

What were the alien architects
trying to tell us?

Extraterrestrials knew that
at some point in our evolution,

a technologically
advanced society

would stumble across
all of these ancient sites

and see their correlation,

thus forcing us to take
into consideration

that some type
of extraterrestrials

showed our ancestors where
to build these things,

not for them, but for us.

The grid itself may, in fact,

be a source
of unconventional energy

that we are not
necessarily utilizing

with our technology now.

An advanced, intelligent race
wanted to leave something behind

for us to discover
that would give us the clues

to a greater level of science
than we now understand.

It could be
that this master architect

sought not only to influence
the Earth,

but also to connect the Earth
to something greater

or beyond our imagination.

Perhaps this grid even extends
out into the stars,

and the world grid of the Earth
connects with the grid

of other planets as well,
and then integrates the Earth

into a huge colony, if you will,

or integrated circuit
throughout the cosmos.

This will be
profound for planet Earth,

when this grid network
is repowered,

and we don't know what effect

it will ultimately have
on our future.

Maybe this will be the time when
the extraterrestrials return.

There are those who believe

that the discovery
of an ancient energy grid

will offer a quantum leap
in human achievement.

Because by harnessing the energy
of the Earth,

we will not only advance
beyond our planet,

but far beyond the stars,

and anything
we could ever imagine.
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